Record Streaming Audio - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Anyone know how to record streaming audio.... like...I'm streaming radio off the net...and I want to record it thx

Well not that this is a lot of help, but you can record using the Note recorder or (my suggestion) using Sound Explorer which is a great MP3 recording device. This is in the case that you at least want to make notes of what you are hearing. If your in a quiet room the sound will record pretty well just by picking up what your radio is transmitting...
another likely theory to work (still have to do this myself) is to actually make a wire that plugs into the headphone jack and redirects the audio to come straight from the headphones into the mic. As for a software solution, there are none for the PPC that I know of. There are some for the PC, but thats not what your looking for.


Is there a program to use BT headset as remote microphone spy?

Hi all....
I was thinking if is there a program for our Windows Mobile device wich can use the microphone of a bluetooth headset and simply listen to it, making it a ambient microphone spy ...
I don't have my bluetooth headset by me to test it out, but maybe you could use it as a microphone and record it to audio notes (or similar software). Or you could hide a 2nd phone that is connected to the bluetooth headset, call it, and listen in (greater range).
<insertwittyusernamehere> said:
I don't have my bluetooth headset by me to test it out, but maybe you could use it as a microphone and record it to audio notes (or similar software). Or you could hide a 2nd phone that is connected to the bluetooth headset, call it, and listen in (greater range).
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With audio notes I haven't tried... but calling another phone makes it expensive... so I wouldn't use it ...
No one knows?
I'm goung to try with audio notes...
But I was thinking if is there a way to listen in real time... That would be better !
That's hilarious that you want to be all 007. Are you a private investigator? This is an interesting puzzle to solve and I like puzzles.
I would recommend getting a cheap-o BT headset because they suck at cutting out noise anyway. Of course, you'll probably have to be within arms reach of the people you are trying to listen to. Then, use audio notes to capture the audio. Lastly, I would look for some software that will allow you to play around with the different ambient noise levels. I would try Audacity first because it's free and very robust with options.

Record with something other than the microphone?

Hi everyone I've searched high and low for an answer to this but the only topics I've found have related to recording phone calls...
Anyway what I want to know is is it possible to record onto the touch hd utilising either the usb socket or the 3.5m jack? I'd like to record things onto it using an external microphone because the inbuilt one distorts very quickly (I'm a percussionist, so any of the assorted things I try and record often make it start resonating and then you can't hear anything at all!)
Obviously the alternative is buy a cheap minidisc player or similar, but I just wanted to see if it was possible with the touch, as it saves me carrying an extra piece of gear around...
Hi you could try a bluetooth hands free speaker/microphone, there ment for cars etc so maybe they do a better job than the built in mic.
this is the sort of thing I mean no idea if its any good or if there are better ones.
Ah yea that's a possibility, but I was also looking for a way to directly plug it into things, cd player etc, and I also already have quite a high quality 3.5m microphone, so it'd be a shame not to use it!
cannibalise a htc headset with mic
and connect something you can use to connect an mono input to the wire
Ahh good idea! So would this method just give me a mono input into the phone? And then what program would I use to record, the inbuilt one?

Regular headphones on HD2?

Will a regular earphone work on the HD2. I hate the ones that comes with the unit and would love to use my noise canceling earphones.
I don't care about making calls with the earphones. I just want to listen to the FM radio / music with it.
Since it's got connectors to control the calls, I didn't want to short out my HD2. I searched and found a thread about someone's HD2 reseting everytime the plug in an adapter to the headphone jack. He said it works for other MP3 players, but as soon as he plugs it into the HD2, it resets the Unit and will not function.
i use my ipod earphone to listen to my device
like youtube vids and FM radio
yea, i use sony headphones fine
regular wired headphones will do fine, however i dont know about anyone else, but i can't use the phone mic in calls, i have to unplug the earphones to answer calls.
Okay, thanks. I'm going to give it a shot.

External microphone while recording video

as you all know, the microphone of the Desire HD is terrible when having louder sounds.
i'm going on a motorcycle vacation next week and i would like to make movies in the mountains. Because of the wind, it records crappy sound.
So i want to plug in a microphone (or headset) to record the sound while having the microphone inside my jacket.
does anyone know a solution ? just plugging the handsfree in, does'nt work.
No it wont work. You would need an App to record from the input. Dont think there is any like that around from what I know
Is also not possible to make an app to force the usage of the headset mic.
since it works with calling. I don't care if i had to switch manually between headset mic and the normal setting.
or a app to control the input volume sinds it records to loud. (try recording in a pub)
Good news!
i found a app called LGcamera
it works great on the DHD with external mice

Help with wireless external microphone

Hi guys,
I'm trying to make some podcast videos and i need your help concerning the audio recording. In my video podcast i have 2 guys walking around the room at a fair distance from the camera so i need to use some sort of external wireless microphone solution connected to my android to pick up their voices at the same time i'm recording the video, because the built-in mic isn't good enough. My problem is that i'm on a low budget and on amazon and ebay, and a decent wireless external microphone solution with 1 or 2 lapel mic's start at 100$ and can get very expensive. Do you know any system like that, that is more affordable? Another way to possibily solve the problem is to try other alternatives, like having each host carry a smartphone with a wired lapel mic and then sync both audios with the video, but i would like to avoid post-production work as much as i can, because i want a fast video creation workflow. Another idea is to use a bluetooth device as an external microphone to pick up audio when you're recording video, but i don't know if that's possible with just 1 or 2 devices at the same time. Do you have any more suggestions?
Thanks in advance

