some troubles receiving data calls - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I've got a problem receiving incoming data calls on I-mate by my application. The cause is standart wm2003 application trying to answer any type of call. By what means could I make my application default one when answering data calls? And generaly, is it possible in wm2003 to segregate calls by type (voice/data) and use as default two different applications for each call type?
I used evc++ and TAPI developing my application till now.
Thank You in advance for any answers.


lineMakeCall problem

Hello guys,
I am trying to make a phone call on my XDA2 using TAPI. I am handling TAPI messages at the seperate thread using lineGetMessage. A lineMakeCall is executed from a non blocking function from application main thread. The following anomaly occures - the function which executes lineMakeCall finishes, but the application stays frozen until the other party answers or drops the call. As a result the user can't cancel the call nor use an application in any other way.
PS: I am using XDA2 device with PPC2003SE ROM preloaded (from this site), the problem appears at the original PPC2003 ROM also.
Any ideas will be appreciated.

replace the caller ID notification screen

I need to develope an application that basically replaces the caller ID screen that pops up when you have an incoming call and show some more information on the caller, then let the user answer or decline the call.
any help on where to look first (or maybe code snipets if i'm lucky) highly appreciated.
I think you may have a hard time if it is truly a seperate application you wish to write. I have written a program to try to be used at the same time as cprog.exe and when that incoming call window comes up nothing I have tryed will let the user interact with any windows I create. You could stop that process but most users will not want to do this. I ended up having my program automatically determine if it wants to accept the incoming call and answer it itself. This was particularly anoying because my incoming call interest was set to data only and cprog dose not normally even register an incoming call that is purly data. But after I had initialized tapi with my settings cproc unexpectedly shared the same interest for incoming data calls.
Just as speculation - if your program was constantly running, when an incoming call is offering, you could enumerate the desktop windows using EnumWindows and its associated callback function to get the hwnd of the ballon that comes up. Then perhaps you could close the incoming call window or send it to the bottom of the z order and use your own to replace it. I do not know what effect this would have on cprog.
code related to tapi tends to be long so your not that lucky

Take full control of an incoming call

Hi guys!
I'm trying to develop an application to control the incoming call flow. That is an easy task in it self, and i solved that by using C++ and TAPI. The problem is that cdialer.exe always disturb me with that annoying ringtone and popup. So basically my question is how i can take full control of a HCALL coming from a TAPI callback, process the call and then simulate a new TAPI callback so the default phone app can get a hold of the call. If you have tried Magicall or any other similar call filter app, you know what i mean. I just can't understand how they do it.
Any suggestions?
I was under the impression that TAPI couldn't handle incoming calls.
TAPI handles both incoming and outgoing phone calls on WM.
You need to use RIL. But it's quite hard (at least for me) to implement as the documentation is rare. Good Luck.
Thanks A_C, i'll give that a try
My bad. TAPI 2.0 introduced Inbound calls support.

On incoming call send SMS to other number

I want to develop the following app:
I have two mobiles with Windows. One for business and one private. When somebody calls on my business phone (which I leave at home) I want to divert them to the voicemail (maybe after one ring) so they can leave a message. At the same time I want this mobile to send a SMS to my private phone with the number of the caller (caller-id?). So I can phone them back after listening to the voicemail.
Can anybody direct me in the right direction to develop this? Is it possible to develop this?
If you have VStudio with WM5 SDK, I think it won't be difficult (I think. I dont have WM5 SDK, as I'm cheapo and using evc). There is this thing call.. State and Notification Broker thing that WM5 has which check on the state of the phone and do something about it. Probably a good place to start.
a software MagiCall ..has such feature..not sure if its sms includes the callers number..but custom sms can be set when incoming call comes..
google for MagiCall

WM 6.5 - Hide / Kill CProg.exe

Hi, i know this question might pops up every now and then. Tried hard to find a solution but still can't find anything workable. Here's my issue:
I'm developing an app for Windows Mobile 6.5 (With TAPI 2.0), using Motorola MC65 as target device, that would allow user to make calls and answer calls. For outgoing calls i have no problem whatsoever. For incoming calls, the OS default call answering screen (CProg.exe) will pop up when there's a call coming in.
After googling for solutions and trial and error a whole lot, here's what i did so far:
1. Use lineSetAppPriority to set my app to the top priority for handling incoming call. The call returns 0 (means success) but still the CProg will try to handle the incoming calls. Checked that the application name is correct as well.
2. Tried using FindWindow and SetForegroundWindow to hide the CProg. It works, when there's incoming call, the CProg will be hidden and my app is shown. However the button on my app couldn't be accessed as i think the focus or countrol is still with CProg. Tried using Focus() on my app and still not working.
3. Tried replace the CProg with an empty executable. After restart, my phone can't even access the radio network. Usually when booted up the device will prompt me for the SIM card's pin number, but this is not the case here. Tried calling in and operator's telling me can't reach the line.
Just wondering is there anyone, at all, that has encountered this issue before and get over it?
Thank you.

