xda2unlock - XDA-developer encyclopedia

XDA-developer tool to remove SIMlock from Himalaya phones. For now it is still necessary to cold-boot the phone as part of the SIMlock removal process, which means you will lose all data. This may change in future versions
More info and download



I know this subject is old but I could not what I need & how can I fix it
I have bought a pocket pc with phone edition from USA, and when I tried to insert my SIM card it asked me to but my PIN code, then ask me to but the unlock code (SIM code).
Now I am in Saudi Arabia.
ROM Versino: 4.01.16 ENG
ROM Date: 02/04/04
Radio Version: 6.25.02
Protocol Version: 324e4
NOTE: I do not have a serial cable.
Check this: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/wiki/UnlockWiz
Hope it help you
You have a WM 2003, this link work only for PPC2002
SIM Lock
Thank you for your help, I have tried this site, but It did not work because my device using WM2003 and also has no Wireless Modem feature.
Thank you.
Unlocking Quest
Here's my quest to unlock my T-Mobile PPCPE. I think some of this information might be useful to anyone confused about getting this
First I called TMobile to request the unlock code. Since my account was up to date I figured no big deal right? WRong. My IMEI (or TMFT) number was not in their database so they could not give me an unlock code so they said. They told me to call the manufacturer of the device which they said was Microsoft. Knowing full well this was crap I called anyway.
The support guy got a good laugh; MS does not make devices
like this, they only provide the OS. He recommended I call Siemens.
So I did. Real nice guy named Jack had a good laugh as well. Not only could Siemens not tell me who really made my device (a third party made them for T-Mobile) but even if they had unlock codes they could not provide them because of contracts with TMobile. So I go back to TMobile.
The support people felt really bad about the run around and escalated really high up the chain (or so they said). AFter 48 hours I decided to take my own course. Having had good luck unlocking a Treo 600 through 'alternative means' I figured time to tackle the Pocket PC Phone Edition.
This was MUCH different and much harder to figure out.
After a good 12 hours and a whole slew of reading I finally figured out some stuff. Most of this may seem a no-brainer to some of the more educated XDA people out there but for us newbies maybe it will help.
The PDA side of the ppcpe and the radio/phone/gsm side are two totally different animals (not a surprise to some). When you refer to the 'operating system' you're talking about the ROM
like the XDA Developers special edition or any of the ROMs from the ROM kitchen at http://lumpistefans.dyndns.org/. The Radio or RSU (for Radio Stack UPgrade) is totally separate from this. The other variable is the bootloader version (Wallaby in my case).
Now my goal was just to use the XDAUnlock program. When I ran the program right from the defaults I got 'error getting unlock code.' All the posts I read said put on the special edition rom and you'll be fine but that did not do the trick. Still got the same error message.
Here's what I started out with:
ROM: 4.01.16 ENG
Radio: 6.25.02
Wallaby booatloader: 5.22
What finally worked:
Radio: 6.24.00
ROM: 3.17.03 ENG (xda special edition)
then upgraded bacdk to 4.01.16 ENG
Wallaby boot loader 5.15
How I did it
I meandered my way through this to eventual success and since the dratted device now works fine I'm leery about putting it all back to the old way and doing it all over again. Therefore use this process as a guide only, not a definitive instruction set. Also I walked through this as a troubleshooting exercise so some steps may not have been necessary. I eventually succeeded but maybe went the long way around to do it.
- Bootloader utilities: Get to this by holding down the power button and pressing soft reset. You may have to hit the contacts button to get into the menu if you don't see it right away (like if you see a simple GSM OK message at the bottom of the bootloader display.
- Cold boot: the reset swtich on the right side bottom of the device with a picture of a red battery with an \ through it. This disconnects the batter from the mainboard and trashes all the data on the device except the Operating System in ROM.
What I grabbed
- XDATools
- XDARit
- ActiveSync (I used 3.7.1) and connection by USB cable
- Wallaby bootlolader version 5.15 files
- XDA Developers Special Edition ROM
- RSU 6.24.00 files
- XDAUnlock.exe
- SD Card (mine is 128 MB but I think as long as it's bigger than 64MB or your current memory in the device you're OK)
- pnewbootflash_40116.exe
All of these files are available here on xda-developers.com, just
search for them.
First back up everything. Not just using the sda backup tool, from the boot loader. You can do the SDA backup if you want, consider it backing up your data. You can also do the ActiveSync backup if you want to save your data. In my case all my data is stored in Domino so I don't
give a hoot about the data on the device. Your mileage may vary!
Second I'm doing ALL of this with no SIM chip in the device. THis may or may not be necessary.
Stick your SD card into the PDA. If it complains about wanting to format it go ahead and let it format the card unless you have stuff on it you want. I'd recommend dropping anything you want from the card onto safe media and just working with it as a blank the rest of the way through because it's easier to just wipe the card in between some steps.
Go to the bootloader utilities. Hit Contacts button and you'll get the boot loader option stuff. If the bootloader utilities you get to right away takes you to a menu with things like Boot+CE-->SD then you don't have to worry about hitting the contacts button. You only need Contacts button
if when you get to the bootloader screen you see nothing more than
some nice colors, the bootloader version and "GSM OK" message.
Take the Boot+CE-->SD option to back everything up. This will take a few minutes.
Once it's done pull the SD out ofthe ppcpe and stick it into your SD card reader.
Bring up xdarit and chose your removeable device.
If you have more than one MMC slot select the different ones until you get one that says 'wallaby' in the hex codes at the bottom of the XDARit screen. You'll be writing out two files, the first is the NB0 file (which is the bootloader) and the second is the NB1 file (which is the OS or ROM). Name these something like original.nb0 and 1.
Wipe the SD card (format FAT).
Stick the SD card back into the pda and soft reset, then cradle it.
Go to a DOS prompt and CD to where you put 'pnewbootflash_40116.exe.'
Type 'pnewbootflash_40116 nbl515.nb0' to write the wallaby 5.15 boot loader to the device. If when you downloaded the 5.15 bootloader you called it something else (like 'wallaby_boot_loader_V5.15.nb0'
you should of course use that name instead!
The output looks like this:
D:\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader_40116 bl515.nb0
Copying D:\XDAtools\binaries\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
in FindFlashInfoOffset
protection found at 8c0d60f8
result: 00000000 00000000
Now..why did I downgrade the bootloader? At this stage I'm troubleshooting why I get the 'error getting unlock code' message running XDAUnlock. I've got three variables I know of, bootloader, ROM and Radio Stack. I chose to start with the bootloader because
some posts out there say boot loaders 5.17 and higher have some checksum that keeps certain ROMS from working properly. Perhaps if I'd started with the radio stack I'd have been done right away and saved a few hours but all the posts about possible device destruction made me start with the bootloader! Again, your results may vary!
Next I changed the ROM to the XDA Developers special edtion.
Make sure the SD card is in the PDA and cradle it.
Run OSIMagetool and load the ROM file in the first box, chose SD Card in the second box.
If you downloaded the special edition ROM you might
have some luck using the Installer that comes with it but apparently that
does not work with ActiveSync 3.7.1. I got messages that said it could not access the device or no connection etc. Instead I used OSImageTool to load the NK.NBF file included in the distribution. Note that to get to this file you DO have to unzip the EXE file you download!
Once complete pull the pda out of the cradle.
Hold power+soft reset to get the boot loader menu. This should show up as 5.15 now. It will automatically detect that the SD card contains a ROM that can be flashed to the device. If for some reason it does not automatically detect this maybe you have to hit Contacts. I did not have
to do that, it just told me to hit Action to download the ROM.
Hit Action button (aka the jog button) to write it to the device. This will take a few minutes, go grab a beer or two or three. I took the safe route and connected power to the device while writing the flash.
Once it's finished cold boot the device. I waited 2-3 minutes before re-engaging the battery.
Here's a gotcha. On the right side of the SIM there is a little switch. If the rubber door for the sim is not totally closed you can't get the device to boot. This switch is real small so it's very possible to miss it. You can see it fine if you take the back off the device (which I determined from a post here that told you how to get the battery out).
When it boots you should have the 5.15 wallaby booting the xda special edition. Follow the instructions to calibrate the screen and you're ready to move on.
Now if the radio is 6.25.02 xdaunlock won't work, it just generates the 'error getting unlock code' message. You have to downgrade the radio to have this work.
There's lots of posts around here that say don't screw with the radio because if it errors you've got a fried device. I imagine this is true so balance how bad you want to unlock the device against the possibility of totally frying the device. I've done two radio upgrades in my life on the PPCPE, both were OK but again, caution is advised.
Grab the 6.24 radio zip and unzip into a folder on your computer. Use activesync to copy the files to \windows on the device.
Execute the rsupdate.exe program to reprogram the radio to 6.24. WHen completed soft reset the device and go into start-settings-system-device info to make sure you're at 6.24 radio vesion.
Copy the xdaunlock.exe to the device and execute. It should say 'you're device appears to be SIM Locked, would you like to remedy this?" click Yes to unlock the device.
Now the device is unlocked. You can change the ROM to WM2003 now if you want (which I did). I imagine you can re-upgrade your bootloader
and radio stack if you want but I'm leaving well enough alone for now!
I did unlock my phone thank you all.
Spicial thanks to "rhodwyn".
Best regards.
Thanks !!! Its working!!!
help in getting all the files needed....
I would like to try this.... but where can I get the file pnewbootflash_40116.exe? Or is this a file that I'll create?
I would appreciate some help in getting most of the files.
Thanks in advance.
It worked for me too, thanks for the great solution, rhodwyn!
Thank you rhodwyn and everybody... my 2 cents
I love this site and I think that everybody does a great job. I found rhodwyn’s post to be very comprehensive and it is the one that ultimately helped me out this time. I don’t know if anybody is even interested anymore, but since I’ve been helped, I figured that I’ll try and help someone else. I assume that you’ve already read rhodwyn’s post.
I had the same starting configuration. I did everything that he suggested except for changing the bootloader and it worked perfectly. So, as he suspected it was enough to downgrade the radio stack and to load the special edition ROM. I subsequently upgraded my ROM and all is good (although I haven’t upgraded the radio stack and I’m not sure if I will).
I’ve read other posts about problems downgrading and upgrading the RSU and the 1% problem… I had a problem the first time I tried and I became very nervous, but I looked at rhodwyn’s post more closely and placed rsupdate.exe into PPC’s \windows folder and tried it again and was successful.
10 minutes and done

Software to unlock Wallaby Siemens SX56

Hi I know the site had lost lots of posts and lots of links arent working. Can someone provide me with a link to download the software and instructions to unlock my phone. I have a Seimens SX 56 from AT&T
Both USB and serial cables
256 MB SD card
Thank you
Thanks for the info. But i thought there was a simpler way. I have a serial cable and SD card. Is there a simpler way without going through all this ?
You can try dragging xdaunlock to your pda, execute it there and see if it works, if not you could try xda manipulator. If both fail you will need to burn a rom based on 2002 and you need to include the xdaunlock.
Im sorry but do you have links to the mentioned software with detailed instructions. I tried doing forums searches and it seems every link with those software and instructions are dead. I would appreciate it.
LumpiStefan you have been of great help. Just more thing if you dont mind. In the first link it said I needed XDA ROM Image tool v1.2 and bootloader_v5_15.nb0 again I have tried to search and no avail. If you can link me to those I would be most happy. Thanks again [/quote]
Should be all in there:
I've unlocked the phone now, can I re-install the old operating system, or will that kill the unlock?
I love the GSM band selector, but the other programs I prefer on my old operating system. Is there anyway to reinstall my other operating system, keep the phone unlocked, and keep the GSM selector program?
CrazyPale said:
I've unlocked the phone now, can I re-install the old operating system, or will that kill the unlock?
I love the GSM band selector, but the other programs I prefer on my old operating system. Is there anyway to reinstall my other operating system, keep the phone unlocked, and keep the GSM selector program?
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The phone will stay unlocked.
You can get he bandselector from here:
Do I just use the OS Image tool and point it to my saved NB1 file loading it
back into the Device Memory? Is there a better way to do it?

Make Part to ROM - Urgent

Please please reply it.
I want to make my application part of ROM my three PDAs. ( I have XDA2i, PDA2K and K-Jam), so machine will have application after hard reset. (i don’t want to write FLASH Memory \Storage\1257 etc i think any one can delete that)
Q1) is there any installer available which deploy to ROM and make desired application part of ROM.
Q2) to upgrade any ROM , is it must to have base ROM ?
I really thankful for your feedbacks
Hi Khurram!
There are no installers that can put apps in to device ROM. If you want to add to the ROM you need to do the following:
1)Extract ROM image (or get one for your device from somewhere).
2)Decrypt the image (nbf file) and extract all files.
3)Add your app
4)Repackage and encrypt the image.
5)Reflash your device with the new image.
The tools to do it are on this site (check out ROM kitchen), but this is a complicated process, and there is a good chance you will wind up with a useless device which won't boot.
So you should read up on ROM cooking and be very careful when altering ROM images.
Good luck!
Hello levenum,
Great reply , thanks a lot . you are the only person who replied me now and in past as well.
in past, you suggested the "file store".
Problem: it is not a secure way , any person can remove it from the device.
does any one have idea about Extended ROM or any other secure and risk free way ?
Hi Khurram!
When you first posted you didn't specify your program was sensitive, and you didn't want people deleting it.
If it's really important Extended ROM is not good ether since it can be unlocked and manipulated just like the File store. There are unlocking tools in this forum.
If your program is some kind of anti-theft app. (in case your phone gets stolen) the only way to ensure no one messes with it is to put it in ROM.
Of course even then someone could re-flash the device with an original ROM,
so nothing is 100% secure.
Great , really impressed in way you picked my point.
i am working on such a application , actually 3 months ago I lost my newly purchased XDA2i , luckily i got that back with the help of mobile operator but I want to developed such a application which will lock the machine totally and will not allow re-flashing as well.
Q: stop to re-flash is possible?
Q: any existing tools for anti-theft ( i saw something at ROM Kitchen but it is for specific versions only)
any further help will be appreciated.
Thanks Again.
Yes, there are projects like this here:
Although, I don't remember anyone trying to put the app in ROM.
As for preventing device from re-flashing:
It is possible theoretically, but would require serious programming skills, and good knowledge of hardware.
There is a special program, called bootloader, which is responsible for loading the OS or writing a ROM update to the device. The only way to prevent re-flashing would be to write one of your own, and even then getting it on the device would be tricky.
Any way, that kind of knowledge is way beyond me.
But I do have one question you should consider:
Does your program need to save data, like SIM details for authorized SIMs or changing password?
Since this data cannot be written to ROM dynamiccaly, you would have to compile your program for each user\device specifically, and the password would have to be hard coded.
yes my application will be extention of existing security tools with more control of device something confidentional :twisted: .
the only problem is prevent from deletion so thats why i am worried about it
I didn't mean for you to tell me what your program saves.
I just wanted to point out that while preventing a program from being deleted is possible (I don't think many thieves would bother re-flashing a device, specially if your program would make it look as if the device is malfunctioning and not locked, only the user will know what to do)
its impossible to save settings so they will not be deleted.
If you are making this program only for your self, than fixed password, or SIM info is not a problem, but if you intend this for other people you will have to come up with some solution to store the settings securely.
At leas for this you may have to use the File store.

Imei-Check unlocker reverse

I am going to unlock a MDA compact 3 with the imei-check unlocker and I was wondering if I could help to make a free unlock tool....
So which tools do I need...
Start here, and read the whole thread accurately:
So is this nice little Programm you developed in so many hard steps also capable of unlocking the new HTC Artemis (MDA Compact III)?? I would need to know that before bying such a nice device.
On the Homepage of the IMEI-Check the Artemis is cracked with the exact same programm you can download there, but i don't feel like paying for the Unlock key ^^ I read the whole Thread in the Hermes Forum but the Artemis isn't mentioned there, so i wonder if this C3v1Unlocker will work with this Key Unlock key you posted because this Key is surely computed for a Hermes based device... Answers appreciated And thanks for your Great work!
Samson711 said:
So is this nice little Programm you developed in so many hard steps also capable of unlocking the new HTC Artemis (MDA Compact III)??
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no, it patches the Hermes radio will not be valid for Artemis... although should be a very similar patch, because both devices are quite the same.
Samson711 said:
i wonder if this C3v1Unlocker will work with this Key Unlock key you posted because this Key is surely computed for a Hermes based device...
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The "unlock key" is only valid after patching the radio.
Ah, okay, i see. Is anybody already working on a Radio Patch for the Artemis? I imagine, if the Radio is patched, it should be possible to create a similar Program for the Artemis, once someone gets a key for his Artemis IMEI, or am i wrong with that?
I've been investigating about this, it is not correct what I said previously: the patched radio method used in Hermes or Universal will not work on Artemis.
On Artemis (and other OMAP based devices) the SIM & CID lock area is stored encrypted on Disk-on-Chip (DOC), on the first block of binary partition 1 which can be accessed with pdocread.
I guess imei-check reads this area and patches it (probably they have to load a "fake" bootloader in RAM first to get SecLevel=0, as they did with the activesync part of the Hermes unlocker).
I don't have Artemis and can't do much more, but if someone is interested in researching I will be watching this thread and try to help, so feel free to post tech questions here if you are serious about writing a free unlocker for the Artemis.
thagangsta said:
I am going to unlock a MDA compact 3 with the imei-check unlocker and I was wondering if I could help to make a free unlock tool....
So which tools do I need...
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have you read this tread ? -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=274860
I have "reconstruct" what actually that utility do. Actually utility uses ITSME utilities to access phone, but on exactly adresses. First it reads some area form RADIO of the phone to the file. That area is 16K large and contains IMEI.
pdocread.exe -n 1 0x040000 0x4000 -b 0x4000 "pdocread.dat"
After that in temp file pdocread.dat at addresss 0x300C - 0x3013 is stored IMEI. One digit is for some CRC check, I think CRC8 but didn't check at all. So that "IMEI Wizard" changes IMEI in file pdocread.dat, calculates and changes CRC digit, and writes file back to the RADIO of the phone with command:
pdocwrite.exe -n 1 "pdocread.dat" 0x040000 0x4000 -b 0x4000
So simple and working.
When it doesn't work ? It doesn't work on new G4 phones, even WIZARD and PROPHET. It works on the same phones, but with old G3 chipset. And phone MUST be CID unlocked and RAPI enabled. The reason ultility fail to work on new G4 phones is that pdocwrite is not ready yet to work with that phones. I am looking for utility to change IMEI on P3300 (Artemis i think) or S200 (PROPHET) too.
IMEI Change?!
The "older" HTC Devices can all be unlocked without changing the IMEI i think, there has to be a way to unlock this phone without changing the IMEI of the unit. Apart from the unlocking process being illegal already, changing the IMEI of a Celluar Phone is even worse Maybe i got your post wrong and you do not intend to really change the IMEI, i dunno...
Samson711 said:
The "older" HTC Devices can all be unlocked without changing the IMEI i think, there has to be a way to unlock this phone without changing the IMEI of the unit. Apart from the unlocking process being illegal already, changing the IMEI of a Celluar Phone is even worse Maybe i got your post wrong and you do not intend to really change the IMEI, i dunno...
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I DO intend to change IMEI. Who do you think are ? My mother ? What's next ? To pull my ears ?
Yes, we ALL know consequences from changing IMEI. And we ALL read well-written topic about it >> IMEI changing is going to get you sore!. << Did you ?
And did you know that is some countries you just MUST to change IMEI to use your phone ? I will save your time for searching and point one of hundreds topics about this >> To all TURKISH fellows and others a must read story !!! <<. And because of this I can't upgrade to better phone ... for now.
So .. if you don't offer anything constructive but just criticism - please, go to flame on some other topic. Or better - just shut up.
serious business!
Kircho cool down and tell me something
I may be coming to Turkey early next year (January, maybe). Please confirm that roaming with my current provider for a week is no problem? Or do I have to carry my receipt?
Probably you've been confused because the company that sells SIM-Unlocker for the Artemis is called "imei-check", but we were discussing about SIM-Unlock here, not imei-changing.
Lol, Kircho... how old are you??
I don't care what you do with you IMEI, believe me, i really don't! All i said is that i would love to have a method to disable SIM Lock without messing around with my units IMEI, thats all.
It was NO CRITICISM of your work, my knowledge with PDAs and Windows Mobile does not suffice to render any code to unlock a device and i am not flaming here. If this thing you figured out works for your device, thats cool and i am glad for you, i just wouldn't do it with my device, thats it...
victoradjei said:
Kircho cool down and tell me something
I may be coming to Turkey early next year (January, maybe). Please confirm that roaming with my current provider for a week is no problem? Or do I have to carry my receipt?
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There is no problem with roaming. If your SIM card is issued by some forign operator like UK Vodafone or Dutch KPN - you can use any phone in Turkey with such card.
Do you know of a way to unlock extended rom on Artemis? I tried the wizard unlock. It appeared to work for a while but ultimately it has done strange things. The extended rom seems to be visible but not the files within...after a while even the visibility of extended rom is lost.
Thanks, a.
I again have a Artemis (dutch mda compact 3) and I can test with for 2 days...
Im gonna unlock it with the paid imei check software....
I have tried to enter bootloader but it won't enter...
How can I be helpfull to do make an unlock tool...
@apap: sorry I don't have an Artemis, and I don't know.
Have a look at this thread in order to understand how this was done in the Hermes:
Reverse engineering the HERMES imei-check unlocker
The bootloader commands for the Hermes are explained in these wiki pages, someone should start researching Artemis bootloader and put the commands on the wiki, it is very similar to Hermes.
Hermes Bootloader Information
Hermes Radio Bootloader and AT command interpreter
Some hints that may help you:
1. You can run the unlocker as many times as you want, it doesn't matter if you've already unlocked your device, the imei-check unlocker will behave the same.
2. In order for the USB monitor capture to be useful, you need to click on the "COMPLETE" tab and when you have captured it, export it as ANSI TEXT.
3. If the app fails (communication error) you need to create 2 admin users, 1 for running usb monitor and the other for running the unlocker. Use right click, "run as..." and then select the other admin user. You need to repeat this process several times until you can successfully get the log.
4. be careful on what you post here, as imei-check has intelectual property rights on their work. Do not "copy" their solution, but reimplement it in another way.
EHh Pof
Just read the thread for the hermes unlocking. I'm not a complete noob but i'm still stunned by the technical data.
Removed a unformiliar program a week ago called "- -" after canceling a imeicheck upgrade (had no valid .unl file)
Reading "First the imei-check unlocker transfers a CAB file to the device via ActiveSync which installs an application named "- -", which contains at least MIGsoft LTD security certificate (used to sign the NBH file with the bootloader upgrade) and runs some other stuff like this (not completed):"
This must mean the unlockers of the hermes and the artemis work in the same way.
Main Questions are:
Is an unlock for the Artemis using imei-check able to use SuperCID?
Which bootloader can we use that is able to flash all roms?
Which code can we use for unlocking.
I've found an crack for themida secured files. POF You've stated that the .unl files are themida protected could some people post their unl files.
Could be an easy solution......
Perjan said:
Removed a unformiliar program a week ago called "- -" after canceling a imeicheck upgrade (had no valid .unl file)
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You can usb-sniff what is transfered over activesync without the need to pay for it, it is done before it requests .unl file. For sniff the rest of the process (which is done in bootloader mode without activesync) you need to pay for the unlocker.
Perjan said:
This must mean the unlockers of the hermes and the artemis work in the same way.
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Yes, they must be very similar.
Perjan said:
Is an unlock for the Artemis using imei-check able to use SuperCID?
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Yes, but it's not sticky (will loose it after 1st rom flash after applying unlocker). I have solution for this to make supercid sticky if you reverse the process.
Perjan said:
Which bootloader can we use that is able to flash all roms?
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Most probably the earliest shipped bootloader version. See to which version of bootloader imei-check unlocker downgrades your device when run with the proper key.
Perjan said:
Which code can we use for unlocking.
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You will see it when usb-sniffing the unlocker.
Perjan said:
I've found an crack for themida secured files. POF You've stated that the .unl files are themida protected could some people post their unl files.
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Available cracks for themida are for older versions... this is not the way to go for sure, I also investigated and got nowhere.
About .unl files I don't know... I said exe unlocker file is packed with themida, never looked at .unl myself, I think its pointless because usb-sniffing is easier.
Good luck!
Just used the monitor with the unlocker but i'm not able to understand what it does and don't have a .unl file.
Here is the logfile ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]/Artemis/Mdacompac3_unlock_no_unl_file.ms2
Pof Could you help me further.
ms2 is not useful... export capture in ANSI text format please.
Edit -> Export and Save as type "ANSI Text files".

Unsigned Applications, Unlock, Registry Editor, BirdieSync

Hi everyone,
my XDA Orbit will arrive here in the next days, so I am looking around for some software and so on. As the main reason for me to buy a smartphone is to have an appropiate calendar and task management with me, I want to synchronize it with my desktop using BirdieSync (as I am a Mozilla-User).
As mentioned here in the requirements BirdieSync is an unsigned application and so needs an unlocked phone. In this thread at BirdieSync forum several possibilities are mentioned.
Now my question is: Do I have to pay for that unlocking service (mentioned here at the xda-dev-forums) or is there an other possibility like a registry editor as said in the thread from the BirdieSync forums?
You dont need to unlock your phone to run unsigned apps. All you will get is a warning message when you install the app
You only need to application unlock your phone... just to clarify things:
SIM Unlock = Use any carrier's SIM in the device.
CID Unlock = Load any carrier ROM (in any language) on the device.
Application Unlock = Most WM5 phones only allow you to load applications that have an acceptable digital signature. If you try to edit the registry or load an application it will give you an error. Application Unlocking removes this barrier and allows you to install any application or edit the registry to your liking.
Could you please tell me how to remove that application lock? E.g. is there some free and signed registry editor as mentioned in the FAQ from BirdieSync?!
pof said:
SIM Unlock = Use any carrier's SIM in the device.
CID Unlock = Load any carrier ROM (in any language) on the device.
Application Unlock = Most WM5 phones only allow you to load applications that have an acceptable digital signature. If you try to edit the registry or load an application it will give you an error. Application Unlocking removes this barrier and allows you to install any application or edit the registry to your liking.
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pof, thanks for these definitions! I found them useful so I put them on the Wiki FAQ page. Hope you approve!
pof said:
You only need to application unlock your phone... just to clarify things:
SIM Unlock = Use any carrier's SIM in the device.
CID Unlock = Load any carrier ROM (in any language) on the device.
Application Unlock = Most WM5 phones only allow you to load applications that have an acceptable digital signature. If you try to edit the registry or load an application it will give you an error. Application Unlocking removes this barrier and allows you to install any application or edit the registry to your liking.
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Now there's some very useful information. Have been looking all over the forums for that Thanks! Also nice to see it's finally added to the Xda Wiki.

