My XDA II Crashed Permenantly! - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Diary of Events:
Sunday: Got the XDA II in the evening, charged it up overnight while setting the timer to turn off charger exactly 8 hours for a full charge(as described in the manual)
Monday: Full charge. Played with everything possible with it. GPRS, e-mail, Icq, Msn, camera, video, phone, sms, mp3. Installed Omega Battery pack 2003 latest version, went to Microsoft Mobile webby, downloaded and installed some powertoys from there.
Tuesday: Battery life is great. Still hovering at 70% +. Backlight set to minimum. Still used it for phone/pda, some photos, icq. Msn on all the way unless i'm home.
Wednesday: Charged it in the morning, battery is at 50% +. Curious my girlfriend did not sms me. used my home phone to call her, she said she did. I tried sms'ing myself. Did not receive. Tried calling my own handphone number from my home phone. Cannot get through. Not even the voice that says "user cannot be reached'. It hangs up.
12pm Noon: Decided to do my 1st reset. O2 startup screen. 10 MINUTES later, still O2 startup screen Left it there while i ate my lunch.
1.30pm noon: Decided to do a hard reset. Read manual, press and hold power button, press reset button with stylus. Did exactly as told, Unit reset, remains there for another half and hour!!!! Pissed!!! Sent it in for servicing after less then 2 days of usage!!!
Anyone else having such problems?
Furthermore, someone quote "The short-life-span of the battery in the XDA2, this is due to the power managment chip that is non-functional in the XDA2, It was said that the chip was there, but it just did not work. The work around is the chip replacement and is not done by any ROM update. Presume they only half-solve the problem as they still face the life-span issue."
Anyone care to comment how true is that?

Hi there,
I made the same experience with the T-Mobile MDAII, only it took about 10 days ;-) When it chrashed I tried to re-flash the ROM which would not work either. Then I tried to flash the radio stack which did work. With a cold reboot I could reanimate the MDA.
Today it was "hanging up" again. I had my desk phone diverted to the mobile phone and what a quiet day it was, until I found out that I wasn't reachable at all. This time a warm restart worked. Next time it happens I will return the MDA.


Help before I put it through a window XDA2i

6 month old O2 XDA2i only program loaded is TT5
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/02
Radio version 1.00.00
Protocol version 1337.39
ExtROM version 1.10.124 WWE
Being used in corporate mode 0506 code
Here's the story... needed to use phone to call an ambulance for my fiance (she smashed her collar bone and now has a titanium plate and pins) 10weeks ago.. batt at 12% turned it on and caught the camera button whilst pressing the phone button. screen went all funny - vertical lines. Soft and Hard reset failed!!! had to fully charge before I could initiate a hard reset.
Some time after that the camera disapeared and media player started when camera button pressed. Camera missing from programs. Battery discharged at an alarming rate, you could watch it go flat!!!
Soft reset same problem
Hard reset and started running in corporate mode. All fine.
TT5 installed and it works fine although the it takes ages to find the GPS and sats compared with TT3. Same cables, gps and XDA, It also 'looses' signal where it didn't with TT3 and that is with two setups different cars. Almost as if the set up has gone deaf.
Camera disapeared again and battery going flat.
Hard reset
Camera goes again, this time I track it down to the windows folder and copy/paste the shortcut to programs.
Works for a bit then goes (battery ok now)
repaste it, it goes again
Hard reset all working fine.
worked well for a few weeks then I got a Jabra BT205.
Paired great, worked with TT5 great, calls great.
Then it stopped working with the phone, no TX/RX audio via BT205 just clicking. Tried soft boot, dropped all the pairings, re paired still no good.
Hard reset and its al back fine, headset ok TT5 ok (still deaf)
THEN I find I can recieve text messages, can reply BUT when I go New Text or click on messages it wont open, screen flashes and does nothing. nothing is shown as running in the memory bit. So I cant initiate a text message.
Hard reset and the same problem with texts, but now it will only get 75% of my address book from the back up. try to active sync to get the rest and it says it has done it but hasn't.
Hard reset again, still same problem with texts but gets all the address book from the backup. NOW it will only active sync as a guest.
I cant get it to do a full named sync.
Should I just take it back under warranty??
If you are going to suggest I do updates then great Ill do em BUT please talk me through them, post working links where I can get them. I just want it to work properly. I haven't got the time to continue to mess around with the thing. I need it to work, be reliable in doing what I want of it. Be a phone, be a camera, run TT5, run word and excel. Then it would be nice if I could be like others on here who have got em working. Have a film or some comedy on the SD card for the times when I have a moment to spare, even install some other software and games.
I want to do that but not continue to waste my time with unreliability, resets and the frustration of not being able to use it when a life is at risk!!
Thanks in advance
Thanks for reading...... please help!!!!!
I have it running, address book ok, TT5 OK, programs run OK, BUT can't active sync as it will only come up as guest on my PC and I still can't initiate the messaging part ie MMS or Text.
I would try running it without any additional software. If it still displays this strange behaviour I would definitely return it for a replacement.
sounds like you have a faulty one to me try upgradeing the rom to the current image and for the gprs setting etc for o2 the a cab file somewhere on here that will install the settings for you do the upgrade and see how that goes if it still plays up then send it back
I would download the latest ROM from the O2 site and flash that and see if there is any improvement.
Thanks for that. I hope it's going to sort me out. How long have they been on the site?? Im sure I only checked the other day (but the way time's flying for my that could have been 2 months ago!!!)
well I have only soft reset once since the upgrade!!!! but that was when I was trying to switch between text message and readingthe setting to text the otherhalf

o2 trion hangs after being idle for a long time

First, I'd like to say hello, have been lurking for some time here, now I've got my o2 trion and can now actively read/participate . I'm having some troubles with the trion though.
I've meant to use it as an alarm clock (using Mort) and for that, I've setup the device not to suspend while on AC, only to shut off the display. Two days in a row after I've woken up (using another alarm clock, precaution is everything ), I've found trion has hung by that time; I couldn't activate it except by soft reset. Today I've experimented a bit and left it for about two or three hours on AC. After that, I've activated it (tap) and started a programm (Skype in this case, but I guess it doesn't matter). Trion hung while starting it, only soft reset helped again. I figured out Mort started in the morning and hung the system.
I've got Pocket Informant 2007 running, a couple of Today plugins (Birthday, Mort's Today), WM5 build 14955.2.3.0, ROM version should be though I'm not sure about that. It's the current o2 Germany ROM.
Has anyone experienced this behaviour?
If not, do you have any idea, what could be causing hangs (my symptoms are rather vague)?
I've kicked all of branding from the thing a couple of days ago with a hard reset, the only cab from ExtROM I installed was PP_Suspend_Resume_Null.CAB, as I assumed this could be a fix for some bug. Could THIS have something to do with the problem above?
What happens to my SMS' and missed calls if I don't read them before soft resetting?
Thank you.
I find my unit hangs as well if left alone. It was on charge last night, didn't sound the alarms at 6am and eventually when I got up (a bit later ) I had to soft reset it in order to get it working
Not sure how to fix it. In the past any telephone calls or SMS messages I have received during the "hung" phase I lose. Not much I can do about that I'm afraid
These freezes are often caused by active sync running all by itself. Providing you do not use push mail see the following thread:
see my post here - you need to follow each step carefully and consider the auto soft reset at a time before alarms are due.

Help with Blackberry on Universal

Hi all,
In need of some help here... :-( Got my replacement Uni all setup back how I like it and my boss finally signs off the paperwork to get Blackberry enabled on my phone. O2 eventually got it all setup and I start to receive email, however am having some problems.
1. If I turn the PDA off (or it turns itself off as battery saving) then Blackberry seems to quit and won't restart without a soft reset. Obviously not very useful
2. When Blackberry is running it doesn't display any notifications for other events (such as the alarm clock, new text messages, calendar notifications etc) which means I can't cancel them so when I soft reset my phone I get 5 minutes odd of the phone ringing, and MemMaid doesn't seem to be able to get rid of them
3. Not a Blackberry issue but my phone just completely stops working at 72% battery life, bearing in mind this is a replacement provided by O2 and is supposedly brand new do I need to do anything likefully discharge the battery in boot mode or something like that.
I remember reading something but browsing the forum over GPRS is a bit painful so please if someone knows the right thread if you could reply to this would really appreciate it, won't be back near a proper net connection for about 6 days so stuck with GPRS for the moment (not got a 3G enabled SIM yet, meant to have but O2 sent one which wasn't and are now taking an age to sort it out).

Atom Life: Sometimes the screen goes black after suspend

This may be related to some of the software I have on the device, but once or twice a week I turn on the unit, and the screen's totally black. The funny thing is that it isn't by any means locked up. If I use Pocket Controller to dial in, I can use it in a normal way. So it seems it's something that works on the monitor driver. Has anybody else seen this? I have the latest WM6 image.
I think it may be a hardware problem, not a driver problem. You should send it to O2 support.
Thanks for the suggestion. But since they are in Hongkong, and I am in Norway I'm at least going to do a hard reset and run it a few days without the five billion programs I have on it (SPB stuff and lots of other things). Especially since it didn't happen the first weeks I had it, and I have steadliy installed new software. But if that doesn't help, I'm gonna contact Expansys and see what we can arrange.
Just to keep this updated, I have now been running it on the last WM5 ROM for four days, and not once seen the above mentioned problem. I'm gonna do a week, then I will reflash the WM6 image and run that on only the bare essentials (like now: NetRemote, Pocket Hosts, Derago dNote and the O2 plus program suite). The first day I even had an automated script send me E-mail on the account where I have E-mail warnings through SMS every minute for around three hours. Not once did it do anything but wake politely up from suspend and work as it should. Which should be a good sign that something in the WM6 ROM or one of the gazillion programs I installed is the guilty party.

Phone won't stay asleep

Hello All:
This is my first post here but just reading around has solved many problems for me already. However, my phone (sprint mogul 8600) has been misbehaving and even a hard reset did not solve this problem.
My problem is that the stupid thing won't stay asleep, ruining my battery life and sanity. Is there a way to set it so that it will only wake on active decisions (incoming text, incoming call) and me pushing the power button? I've cruised option after option but I haven't been able to find anything useful.
It still functions properly when it should wake up, it just seems to wake up every few minutes on my desk and i think i have an incoming something to deal with. In the end I have just stopped paying attention and have missed lots of calls because of it.
My apologies if there is a faq that goes over this already, I looked but could not find.
Thanks in advance
Battery life goes down approximately 50% per 10 hrs because the phone turns on as if someone hit the power button at irregular intervals. Is the phone SUPPOSED to be able to turn on for reasons other than incoming messages or using the power button? Its driving me crazy, I can't even go out for a day because it will run out of battery.
Are you running a custom rom or stock rom? If stock, is the most up to date from your carrier? After you did the hard reset, did you test it before installing any cab files? It's possible one of the apps you are installing may cause this.
If it's the stock rom and you are installing nothing, I would say it's a defective phone.
I know on an old PDA I had years back at midnight every night it would turn on, it would do maintenance on my scheduler and then turn back off, but haven't seen my phone ever do this during normal hours.
It has to be software on that rom or additional installed by you. If you haven't installed any software you might want to try flashing a custom rom and see if that takes care of it.
i have had the same problems with my ppc6800 and blackjack 2, i think it has to do with the changing networks... on my drive home from mass to maine it will do it in about 5 spots anyways consistantly. in my hotel in mass i get crappy reception and itll do it every now and then. this has been an issue with both phones. bugs the hell outta me on my trip home cus itll light up, then i grab it to figure out why and theres nothing... learned to live with it
I performed a hard reset after continued trouble with this. It will come on at least 1 time per hour, and as often as every 5 minutes, with absolutely nothing done to it short of initial calibration/data entry. It will also do this sitting on my desk, not moving or anything.
I suppose I could try a custom rom, but I fear I am opening pandora's box, as I am told these phones are on backorder if i happen to brick mine. Any recommendations for a new ROM to try?
This is normal.
Is this sufficient problem to get it replaced? A hard reset and nothing else and problem persists.
It's a win mobile "feature" since the early WinCE days. Every Palm-size/WinCE/WinMO device I've owned turned itself on from time to time. Now, it's blamed on network changes, mostly going in and out of EVDO coverage. When these were simple PDA's, it was blamed on internal housekeeping. If you corner a MS rep on the issue, they will blame the hardware and outside software vendors. I never believed them. Either get used to it or buy a device other than a WinMo based, it will never ever be fixed!
BTW, I'm in my basement where I get less than an ideal signal and my Mogul has turned on and off 3 times while I was typing this.
I have my phone sitting next to me in the cradle all night long, 2-3 hours before I go to bed I turn out the lights to either view my laptop easier or watch TV, if my phone was turning on I would know it because I would have bright light in my eyes.
So I would say it's not as common as you described in the 2-3 times while composing the email. Mine might turn on at midnight, tho I am usually asleep by then, so I can't say for sure, but the only time it turns on (that I know of) is when I receive a text message or a phone call. Emails don't wake up my phone. And I get 20-30 emails a day.
I am on a 1X only network, no EVDO here yet, so it could be an issue with EVDO, in my phone settings I have an option for Service Tone, that makes a beeping sound when I lose or regain service, might try turning that on and see if it's beeping when the phone is turning on. If so, it's a signal issue.
I have this problem too and hate it. Every time I come out of the subway the phone turns on in my pocket. I cant drive at night with the phone facing up on the dash because it turns on every couple of mins. It's completely annoying, kills the battery and launches tons of programs, every once in a while it makes calls too. I would be very happy to get this "feature" taken off my phone!
WinMo devices turning on all by themselves is the reason there are so many screen lock programs available. If you've got a WM device and plan to carry it in a confined pocket (like your pants) check out S2U2 or throttlelock. Your phone turns on when leaving the subway because it's aquiring a signal, it probably turned on while in the train while searching for signal too. While driving, you're probably passing in and out of 3G coverage which will also turn the device on. If you stay in a solid signal area, the phone will stay off for the most part, but that does negate the whole mobile thing a bit. The center of my basement where my home theater is gets a inconsistant 3G signal. My Mogul will turn on and off and kill the battery in a few hours. My wifes Palm, my friends BB's and iphones won't turn on once. Once again, the issue of WM/PocketPC/WinCE turning on for no apparent reason has been a c ommon complaint for years, at least to the Casio E105 days when I started on my WM journey. Since MS has never addressed the issue, I doubt they ever will.
I have never had the phone random come on from sleep. Leaving and entering coverage doesn't change that. I say you have something in the rom causing the problem or a program running in the background
drewcam888 said:
I have never had the phone random come on from sleep. Leaving and entering coverage doesn't change that. I say you have something in the rom causing the problem or a program running in the background
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You've never taken the phone out of a pocket or holster to find it already on? My 6700 on VZW did and I think I ran every ROM developed for it at one time or another, each of my 3 Moguls running various OEM and custom ROM's did/does. I've heard similar complaints from coworkers running various
WM devices. A friend I take the train with daily complained about this with his AT&T Tilt too. Both my non phone Axims (x5 & x51) occasionally turned on as did my Toshiba E805, Casio e100, e105 and e115. Every WinCE based device forum I have participated in over the years has featured complaints about WM turning on with no user interaction. Obviously, it's not a deal breaker for me, but it does happen...a lot. The issue in my basement is the extreme of the problem, move the phone towards the exterior walls and the phone reverts to only turning on and quickly off occasionally. Another example. When traveling by LIRR to Penn Station the phone will stay off even when entering the river tunnel ad traveling under Manhattan. At some point when I exit the station, the phone turns itself on. Since I'm walking in rush hour crowds, I've never tried to find at which exact point my Mogul turns on, but it's always on when I get my coffee in Borders Cafe.
I have never taken it out of my pocket and have it been turned on. It is always in sleep mode.
This also happens to me, i own a mogul, and this is really and extremely annoying.
i have test it for few months and this is my conclusion.
As you guys said already just wait for few min and it will turn on the screen, but also when i shake it and when you hit it.
it really is a battery killer.
lepapirriky said:
This also happens to me, i own a mogul, and this is really and extremely annoying.
i have test it for few months and this is my conclusion.
As you guys said already just wait for few min and it will turn on the screen, but also when i shake it and when you hit it.
it really is a battery killer.
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If it's turning on when you shake it, you probably have a hardware issue.

