Cant reconnect GPRS - Networking

Has anyone experienced not being able to reestablish GPRS connection after making a telephone call? I have to turn off the the wireless and back on and then be able to reconnect with GPRS.


Problem with reconnecting with GPRS

I find that if I leave a GPRS connection on when I'm finished accessing the internet and it gets disconnected because of network problems, that I have to soft-reset the machine to reconnect. Manually disconnecting after each session solves the problem but makes GPRS less always-on. Though I've found GPRS rarely keeps the connection for long periods. Anybody else come across this problem?
BTW I'm using PPC 2002
Re-connecting GPRS
I find the same issue. When connected to a GPRS session and I either make or receive a call I lose the GPRS connection but need to do a soft boot before re-establishing a GPRS session. I have reied everything but no joy. I think a ROM upgtade is due in Jan but not sure if this will address this problem. Let me know if you have solve it.

GPRS reconnect?

Is there a way to make GPRS automaticaly reconnect after placing or recieving call? Mine stays disconnected unless Explorer or Mail is trying to connect.
Not on my Jam. If GPRS was connected before the call, it will still be connected after a call (same as in any other mobile phone).

Help!!!cannot connect to GPRS after loosing signal

desription of the problem: I connect to GPRS, then I move to the place where there is no signal at all, naturally GPRS connection dissapears, then I move to the place with signal and try to connect to GPRS, AND I cannot!!!
The only solution is to turn wireless mode on and then turn it off. And only after these actions I can connect to GPRS. Can I do anything with that?
radio rom 1.17
rom 2.06.00WE

Disconnect gprs automatically after work

does anyone know how to automaticlly disconnect the gprs on a spesific time, eks 16.00?

[Q] Prevent data connection disconnect on standby

is there any way to prevent data connection disconnect, when I press the off button?
This is very annoying, when connection has to be reestablished every time, when I use it.
Modaco nodata. It prevents the connection through GPRS and you can choose when to enable or disable it.
I don't want to disable gprs connection. I want it to _stay connected_ when I put my device on standby. Unfortunately everytime I do it, gprs connection is dropped.
Maybe it's just ROM/Radio issue (I've branded device - Plus Poland) or all HTC Touch2 have this problem? Can sameone confirm that?

