Your one stop WM2003 (4.00.10) download shop! :) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Oke on my FTP there are now three files:
4.00.10 - original-tmo2003.rar
(TMobile original executable WITH radio update)
4.00.10 -
(TMobile original nk.nbf only for SD card flashing)
4.00.10 -
(TMobile original executable WITHOUT radio update)
So everything is there accept the Kitchen
So go ahead and download!
usr: xda
pwd: xda

Hi aurora,
It is not on yet, is it?
I just tried it.

Just checked: It is there for sure...

Hi Aurora13
Just wondering using the T-mobile Rom upgraded .
Is it safe/compliant to install 4.00.10 -
(TMobile original executable WITHOUT radio update) :?: :?: ON my O2 XDA and also what the difference with 4.00..05 02 XDA WM 2003 ROM :?: :?:

hi Aurora13
I am very interested in the Tmobile 4.00.10 upgrade WITHOUT the radio see, I am using an 02 XDA (Asia) and intend to use 4.00.10 with radio ver 4.21
the problem now is i cant seem to get the file 4.00.10 - I am logged to your ftp server but i just cant get the file
can you show me a step by step method on how to download this file???
thanks a million

Aurora13 said:
Oke on my FTP there are now three files:
4.00.10 - original-tmo2003.rar
(TMobile original executable WITH radio update)
4.00.10 -
(nk.nbf only for SD card flashing)
4.00.10 -
(TMobile original executable WITHOUT radio update)
So everything is there accept the Kitchen
So go ahead and download!
usr: xda
pwd: xda
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i am amazed by how quickly things turn around in here, not many weeks ago we were looking forward to XDA-Developers 1.2, now look where we are.
Because i'm such a cheap-skate i don't have internet access at home, but i do at work however for some paltry security reason 'ftp' is blocked. is there any way i could get 4.00.10 without radio.exe via http
many thanks

I've installed it on my O2 XDA, I think it is a little more stable with a few less bugs. But if you install it there is TMobile software on it. You can remove it easilly, but you have to know what you do, which means removing the apps from the Startup folder and from the Today settings.
@david beckham
Well with which FTP program are you downloading? You can do it even with a web browser, it is pretty simple. Since there are now already 5 users downloading (which is the maximum) it is pretty clear you should download it without problems. Does it give an error?

I'm uploading the 3 files to my homepage now which is much quicker than my FTP. When it is there (about 45 min.) I will post it here.
Sorry the uploading to my homepage isn't quicker, but blame it on the guys who are downloading from my FTP which steal 45 KBps! :lol:

Is your XDA Asian version ? Did you find any particular problem upgrading it to WM2003 T-Mobile version ?
Did you upgrade also the radio version ? My XDA comes from Asia and I'd like to wait for the radio upgrad that will be available this August...
Can you be more specific on how to remove T-Mobile software ? What do we have to do ?
Thank you !

As you can see I'm from The Netherlands so your first question should already be answered. But you can update your Asian XDA but without the radio update!
Your second question:
What to remove:
- Disable the TMobile Today plugin in Settings - Today
- Remove the TMobile shortcut from the Windows\Startup folder
- Remove Program Files\AIM if you don't use it and wants to save RAM space
- Remove Program Files\TMobile if you don't use it and wants to save RAM space
Reset the device and the TMobile stuff is all gone!

Sorry I can't host the files on my homepage. I've got to less space and my monthly bandwith can't allow it. So you guys are stuck with my FTP until someone else host it.

maybe I am new to this ftp thing, i just type this when i am in the ftp prompt
ftp>get 4.00.10 -
i still cant get the file, can you show me how should i get it?? I am using the ftp from the MS DOS prompt...

get "4.00.10 -"
should do the trick since DOS cannot use spaces without the "" around it
Good luck!

When I click on your FTP Server I get the message:
403 Forbidden - The server denies the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Contact the server administrator. (12202)
Internet Security and Acceleration Server
Any Idea?

Your solution:
Don't click on it!
Open it with a FTP program, or replace with
it is FTP and not a web site

can i restore my bata with 4.00.05 backup with 4.00.5 rom?

Is This Safe?
Hey, Im Currently Running The Kitchen Rom 4.00.05 with Radio Version A.20.10 :S Is it safe to install the new tmobile rom 4.00.10 exe with radio update or ?? Any help would be great
Thanks, Allen
My Device:
Tmobile Pocket PC Phone Edition USA
Microsoft Pocket PC Version 4.20.1081 (Build 13100)
Rom: Kitchen Rom 4.00.05 ENG (PPC2003)
ROM Date: 06/05/03
Radio Version: A.20.10

I updated my XDA from ROMkitchen 4.00.05 to T-Mobile 4.00.10 .exe.
Somehow, I could not roll back to my previous ROMkitchen 4.00.05. When I execute ROMkitchen 4.00.05, in the adaptrom window I got an error message below:
“error: GetConnectionType – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting connection”
My activesync is still on. I am using Radio Stack 4.21.00.
XDA Developer please help ………….. or can anyone help me please……..

Heres the deal....
All i did was do the regular upgrade to 4.00.10 and got to 13% on Radio Stack Upgrade when it errored so i took it out did a few Soft Reset's no luck so i flashed the 4.00.10 Rom through the wallaby bootloader got it up waited patiently for CE to load... loaded after about 15 minutes at that time it was running terribly slow and when i got it up i had no service because i had no Radio Stack so i then loaded up this old radio stack well not so old but it was version 4.21 i then soft reset the device started the 4.00.10 install it went through the Radio Stack then the Rom update with absolutley NO errors or conflicts so everything is working great..
Ill keep you posted on any error's i find or conflicts with stuff so far nothing wrong !
Heres something to keep in mind DONT Upgrade To Tmobile Rom 4.00.10 With the radio stack version A.20.10 Or you will be doing what i had to do!
i want to say thanks to all the great people out there posting
Thanks, Allen

Thanks to Aurora it was easy as pie to flash the w/o radio stack tmo pre-release 2003 -- and I did it over 4.00.05!!
I like this rom much better too -- interface, response, stabilty all are much better than 4.00.05. However, I've only been working with it a few hours now, and that could change ... but I don't expect it to.


Official TMO2003 changed to Cooked Rom 4.00.10

Hi everyone.
I had big troubles when I put the official TM rom on my Qtek 1010 as I could not change my rom again and I did not like the TM rom as it had so much crap that seemed stupid if you were not with TMobile, as I am with Vodafone Australia.
I tried everything to finally after every test got some luck, I will try to explain.
Grab the official TM2003 download which has the radio update as well and extract the file, Run the TMO2003.exe and it will install the program to your computer. Do Not install anything to your phone yet. Then go to C:\program files\RUU and grab the file "ENGLISH" and cut and paste to your "desk top". Now I had a cooked rom 4.00.10 from the kitchen that would not load. But if I extracted file and cut and pasted the "english" file from the cooked rom into the C:\program files\RUU where I removed the original file and put on desk top. Then run the Upgrade.exe file in C:\program files\RUU and it will install the cooked well as the TM radio. I then just installed the radio 4.21 to give me the radio I needed for Australian Vodafone.
Now the tricky part........... :idea: :shock:
To get the Upgrade.exe to run and find the device I had to put the phone in the cradle, wait till it synced with the pc, then turn off the phone and then turn it back on again as soon as you hear the sync noise then run the Upgrade.exe and then it seems to find the device.
This all seems very strange but it worked for me. As I only have an SD
card of 15MB so I can not do the SD card method.
I am downloading a cooked rom 4.00.05 and I will try to load that and will let you know if it works.....
Hope this is of some help to someone.....
I totally mislead you all...... :shock: :roll: :roll:
do not replace the file "english" replace the "NK.nbf" file.....
Just tryed the same procedure with a cooked rom 4.00.05 and it fully worked.....Love it.
Note I got a warning that I was upgrading to the wrong version so I left the original TM2003 in tact untill it got to the verify your rom upgrade page then I swaped the "NK.nbf" file.....
Hi Ya Seal, fellow Aussie here.
Thanks for the tips.
Can you tell me what the original model of your qtek was before all your upgrades. IE. on the back of the unit should be a number like PW10a1 or PW10b1
I have a T-mobile PW10b1 (US model) and im not sure if i need to upgrade the radio stack for Australia.
I have read here in these forums that upgrading to the incorrect radio ver can permanently stuff the radio section.
T-Mobile PW10b1
rom 3.08.10 eng
radio 6.02
Hi LeapingLee
My Qtek 1010 is PW10A1
I have radio 4.21
I went back to PPC 2002 as I use the vodafone sim banking software and 2003 does not work with it, pitty as I love PPC 2003.
Hi Guys,
I'm in Melbourne, running a o2 XDA that i bought back from the UK. Running Radio 4.21 with PPC v4.20.1081 (build 13100).
Using it on both Vodafone and Telstra networks without problem. Mind you haven't been using GPRS since i got back.

UK 02 4.0.0.x PPC2003

Hi ya fellas.
I upgraded my XDA 02 UK pda to 4.00.05 and am fairly happy with its stability. A few probs with the backlight going off, but nothing much really. Windows Media 2003 is class.... encoding films with windows media codec 9 is a joy and they work every codec conflictions, cache settings etc, and the quality is cool.
However, i wish to get a plain (i.e. No added cooked programs) ROM.
I could use Yorchs kitchen to cook up a plain 4.00.05 ROM again, but would rather give ago. It's labled as a T-Mobile USA rom... I however have a UK o2 model xda. If i download the GSM 800/1800 changer utility with it, should it work ok?
Also, will this ROM update my radio stack. I'm currently running 4.21 (the official latest update for o2 uk xda's)... i dont mind if it does update it, but compatability wise, what odds am i running of it working ok?
Ive got an SD reader/writer and have a backup of my old rom just in case i need to go back via bootloader mode.
Thanks for listening
You XDA-Developers are good people (if a little to smart for my likeing
Tony Kett.
probably none since you're only updating ROM and not radio stack.
the cleanest method is obviously using the SD.
btw ... can we have your ROM to look at ?
my Rom (4.00.05) is just the one thats on the yorch site (with extra apps etc).
>probably none since you're only updating ROM and not radio stack.
- So if i update to 4.00.16 from yorch's site, theres no Radio stack upgrade? and the t-mobile USA version of this 4.00.16 (thats presented on the site) will only update my OS? - if you didnt know btw.
And a bloody good site it is.
So any other O2 UK XDA users upgraded to 4.00.16 or above? (4.00.21)?
I know your out there :!:
updating to v4.00.16 in the uk on a uk device will make you loose the ability to use orange/one2one in the xda as 1800mhz will be replaced with a none working 1900mhz
meaing your phone will have a 1800/900mhz radio but 1900/900mhz software which cant control the radio properly.
use v4.00.05 or v4.00.11(best option) so that you can use all uk networks.
4.00.11 ?
where can we get 4.00.11 ?
the rom kitchens :|
th rom is not available on Yorch Kitchen.
It was on Jeff's Kitchen but the site is down.
Could some one upload the rom on a server to share??
gazzaman2k... exactly the answer i was looking for. Cheers Mate.
Now to find a 4.00.11 Rom
Your right, yorch doesnt have that one. Anyone fancy hosting it.... or if possible, email me it at [email protected]
Cheers People,
So I take it that its not possible to change the 1900/900 to 1800/900 on those newer t-mobile roms (4.0016 & above)? No changer utility? Cant do it in the bootloader :?:
Just out of curiosity, what is the latest unofficial radio stack that people in the UK are using.
The 4.21 official one has been out for quite a while now, but ive seen no unofficial updates to this :?:
Ajektt, ther is an official update to the 4.21 Radio Stack it's the 4.21.X1
I have it installed, I don't see mutch difference, maybe a better signal mesure.
Doese some one have the 4.00.11 Rom?? I could host it if some one sends it.
actually with 4.00.21 comes 6.24.00 RSU.
Who wants it ... pm me ... or you can find it at yorch's site.
I need the 4.00.11 too.
decebal, we are talking about o2 uk xda compatible radio stacks and os.
4.00.21 and 6.24 RSU Uses 1900/900 GSM ranges, not 1800/900 from what i've been told above in the forum.
will people pack it in emailing me for v4.00.11 yeah i have it but its cooked especially for my xda meaning the ecurity rom was cooked also :evil: if i had a plain version id be happy to share but as i dont i wont share the version i got as the rom contains my name+details and phone numbers ect.... hence why i havent uploaded it to my webspace and shared :shock:
Thank you gazzaman2k!! We understand you can't share your cooked version.
Maybe Jeff still hase in his archive an uncooked 4.00.11 version of the rom?
Could Yorch include it in his kitchen??
Dose some one has a uncooked version or a cooked version of the 4.00.11 rom with out the security option?
fair enough gazza 8)
We need to harass Yorch to get it up on his superb kitchen. I think we have our work cut out though, because he's getting requests left, right and centre for things on there, which is pretty harsh on him (and his team)
If anyone does manage to get the nbf file, so i can dump it in an .exe install that would be great
for all those concerned about the ROMs on
Well, for those who know me know that I am about to get married in 2 months, and I just moved with my fiancee to a new apartment. Before moving, I sold EVERYTHING, that includes my 3 desktops pc (including my main PC), and my desk. Since my the new apt, is not that big, I chose not to buy me a desktop, but a laptop, by the way, the laptop that I just bought is the HP pavillion zd7000 series custom made for me :wink: , 3.06ghz of sheer power....arhhh, arhhhh, arhhh <----[trying to imitate Tim Allen]
Anyway, you problably know what that means, right, I've been without a home PC for the last 2 weeks, and I'm scheduled to recieve my new laptop by next week (hopefully), so no changes to the websites, and no changes, really, if you can get smart people to figure out the changes for me, I'm sure I could do them online or from my work computer, but in the meanwhile, I can't do stop harrasing me with the 4.00.11 rom already! 8) .
Consider the harrisment stopped.
Enjoy your move... i moved 2 weeks ago and im still aching
ajkett said:
Now to find a 4.00.11 Rom
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If anyone can host the 4.00.11 Rom, i can send it via Email.
Got it in nb1 format, so it should work.
Played few weeks ago little bit with the kitchen, but didn´t get it really working. Maybe because my computer is too slow.
can we get the 4.00.11 plain rom out of the nb1 file (nbf?)?
If so we should then be able to cook another rom on yorch's site (i.e. a 4.00.05 one), build it as an .exe. Then once we have the exe, we should be able to drop the 4.00.11 file in to replace the 4.00.05 one that we
But can u extract stuff from nb1's?

Upgrade my XDA (1) to New 2003 Software

Somebody plz help. Got a XDA 1 (A Version), and have Rom Version 3.17.03 ENG, and Radio Version 4.21.00. I am on the Vodafone (UK) Network and want to upgrade phone to new 2003 software. Is it capable of being done yet, and if so, what files do i need (or a link plz). Many Many thanx to all those who reply. Regards, Ronnie[/b] and please scan around the forum before attemting anything that may kill your pda.
thanx for the reply, i have been to that site but not sure which files to use/download. Any info appreiated, thanx, Ronnie
1. Go to the kitchen option on the left side menu. Select the base for your new cooked ROM ... ex: 4.00.05, or 4.00.16 ... etc
2. You should see the top screen gauge in red. That means you have to check and uncheck some of the s/w contents untill it's green.
3. Select the EXE method and wait till it's "cooked" then down load the ROM file. Connect your XDA to your PC using the cradle and run the EXE and follow the instructions.
4. IMPORTANT: better to have a backup on SD card befor starting just in case.
Good luck ...
Thanx, will that work ok with the A model?? :lol:
It worked for me. The difference between A and B is significant only for RSU upgrades not the ROM. However, official ROM upgrades do this check as well, but the kitchen doesn't .... clever developrs!!!
Is there any chance you could send me the 4.01.00 file, can't find it anywhere. I notice you have that update on yours, and radio vers 6.24.01, do you have that available too?? Will it be ok in the uk, or am i best just using the 4.00.05 one from the kitchen, and leaving my RSU with 4.21.00 vers.
Many thanx for all your help, Ronnie :?
I notice you have that update on yours, and radio vers 6.24.01, do you have that available too?? Will it be ok in the uk
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One very important lesson, if you have a functioning RSU, do NOT mess up with it :lol:
Got it updated thanx, works very well, but cant get active sync to work now, downlaoded v 3.7.1 and still nothing. Any ideas?? Ronnie :x
what is your device info right now ?
what type of error you get with active sync and is it on the XDA or the PC ?
Hint: try another PC to see whether it's your XDA or the PC
Device Info is:-
Rom: 4.00.05 ENG
RUU: 4.21.00
Worked fine before updating Rom, not done anything different to pc, and now it just can't find the XDA...??
Not sure why.
Ronnie :?
Do these tests in order and check the result after each:
1. soft reset
2. reinstall active sync
3. another PC
4. hard reset
many thanx for teh advice, got it sorted now, had to re-install active-sync, now works a dream, and a lot faster too. Many many thanks to Biso007 for your help, this forum is COOL
i have checked yorch and there doesnt seem to be a base rom matching mine. is there a way to upgrade to 2003. if not what are my options
is there a way to upgrade to 2003. if not what are my options
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It doesn't matter which ROM you have now. Just cook any 2003 ROM there and it will put you on WM2003 (unless your device is from T-Mobile, 4.00.05 is a best choice).
Good luck

ROM upgrade in Australia

I just want WM2003 on my XDA. I tried installing 4.00.05 but got the white screen of death. Does anyone know if the Seimens SX56 ROM will work on my phone? I plan not to **** with the radio stack.
Just want a O/S that's newer and not as buggy as the original 3.21 that I had.
I miss my working XDA, it's been 2 long weeks and I finally get my MMC card back so I can flash.
Anyone in Australia got 4.00.05 working or WM2003? Which version you running if so?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
you didn't tell what's your device type and how the 4.00.05 failed.
I'm not sure the MMC can be used instead of SD card, but if yes, then i may advice you to cook a new 4.00.05 ROM at and select the .nbf file method. move the file to your MMC card using the XDAtools and flash your xda through the boot loader.
good luck.
My device type was a:
3.20.06 ENG (ROM)
3.21 (Radio)
But after trying to install with an EXE self installer became:
4.00.05 (ROM)
R4.21.00 (Radio)
One thing I have worked out about the EXE self installers is that they will extract a NBF file to a directory, in C:\Program Files\Programme A\English
so therefore, whichever version you download in a self extracting file contains the NBF file that's required.
goatieman said:
My device type was a:
3.20.06 ENG (ROM)
3.21 (Radio)
But after trying to install with an EXE self installer became:
4.00.05 (ROM)
R4.21.00 (Radio)
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The Radio part shouldn't be affected by this upgrade!.
4.00.05 works just fine. The 4.01.00 and AT&T release ROM are even better (except for the stupid noise attenuation everyone's working to try and defeat).
Never(!) use the .exe method for upgrade, you have a much greater chance of it screwing your XDA. Also, according to your post you weren't messing with the radio, but by using the .exe upgrade you have inadvertantly upgraded the radio. 4.21 is the same version as O2 released for Australia, but I'm not quite sure if you're running the T-Mobile version now? As far as I know you can screw up upgrading your ROM as much as you like using the SD method because you can always whack the SD back in and start again, the bootloader is intact and the radio is intact.
I guess if you use the .exe update method from your manufacturer's release, at least you'll have some recourse in that you were only following what they said to do for the upgrade and they will probably fix it.
Use the SD upgrade method to fix your current problem, and you may need to use the Wallaby patch to do that. Good luck.
Best ROM for a QTek 1010 connected to Vodafone Australia
I have a QTek 1010 which I'm using in Australia on the Vodafone network. Which is the best ROM to upgrade my device to Pocket PC 2003?
Device: PW10A1
ROM version: 3.18.04 ENG
ROM date: 05/22/03
Radio version: 3.25.01
Protocl version: 32S54
Which is the best ROM to upgrade my device to Pocket PC 2003?
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Use A.30.09, it's the only release version out there. All other versions are beta and have their problems. The only headache with A.30.09 is volume attenuation, but either soon we'll have a fix, or soon another manfucturer will make a release public so we can switch over (hopefully) without that annoyance.
Where can I get ROM A.30.09 from?
Where can I get ROM A.30.09 from?
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Thanks heaps for that! The upgrade worked perfect.
You were right about the volume issue becoming annoying! :twisted:
Which Radio Stack is the best to use in Australia?
Another quick question. Which Radio Stack is the better one to use? The QTek 1010 Radio Stack v3.25.01 (32S54) or the O2 XDA Radio Stack v4.21 (32S54)?

Want to uninstall WM2003 and go back to O2 original ROM

Installed T-Mobile WM2003 from the ROM kitchen.......... Network very weak and the phone has become very slow. Now I want to move back to O2 original ROM (WM2002).
When I try to install the ROM I get an error message :
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting connectiontype"
and the 02 ROM installer cannot communicate with my XDA.
Can someone please help me get back the original 02 ROM, with sim unlocked???
Really need some help here. :?:
I loved my phone as it was and I was stupid to experiment with it !!
regards ,
If you used the kitchen to cook your ROM then it shouldn't have any impact on the RSU part. Plz give more details on your RSU version, your network MHz and what types of problems you have ?
BTW, did you upgrade to 4.01.00 or 4.01.16 ?
To get back to PPC2002, you can use the SD method
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
I upgraded it to 4.01.16
Radio version installed is 4.21.00
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
Going back to 2002
I received from a friend a pre-release version of t-mobile ppc2003 a few months ago. He put it on my phone via a sd flash. T-mobile has just released (for free) on their website a final release of ppc 2003 and the one I am using is somewhat unstable at times. Does anyone happen to have t-mobile ppc2002 so that I can upgrade. Thanks.
Diki said:
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
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a. there is a bug in WM2003 and there is a tiny program that should be placed in the \windows\startup directory to solve it. The program is called Clear_Notify.exe ... simple search and you will find it.
If not, then it's a Radio problem that impacts the ROM part. Few hard resets may solve it.
b. if you mean the indicator on the window tray, forget about it ... the point is the ability of making/receiving calls. If you face real problems, I think it's the 4.21 RSU, but be extreamly careful ... upgrading the RSU is very risky especially with this RSU 4.21 on your device!!!!!!.
Good luck
tellan said:
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
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1. Can you please send me the steps for installing the O2 OS on a SD card?
2. and once it is installed and working, can I just go ahead and delete all the folder (windows program files etc) from the phone memory?
What are the risks involved in writing ROM to SD Card?
I have no idea of this. Can you please help me?
Hi Diki,
Did you get a soution to your problem yet? I elaborate on the same problem.
Thanks for your answer
I have the same problem and I still don't know what to do. Please elaborate if you can.
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].

