[HOW TO] Enable Native Call Recorder - LineageOS News & Discussion

First of all credit to pomeroythomas for his post which I am basically just relaying here.
This is for anyone who wishes to use the native call recorder but it is currently disabled for them. For example in the USA federal laws state that call recording is legal and it is legal in most states but because some states require two party consent Lineage OS has decided to disabled it by default so this "HOW TO" is needed to enable it. You are ultimately the one responsible to follow any laws where you live.
This requires you to have root access. You may be able to accomplish the same with adb without root though.
You will need APK Easy Tool. For more information on APK Easy Tool visit the original thread here. I personally just used the portable version.
You will also need to know your carriers MCC code which you can find here.
1. There are many different ways to get the Dialer.apk from your device. Personally I use Root Explorer. Copy your Dialer.apk located on your device at "/system/priv-app/Dialer" to your sdcard and then connect your device to your PC and copy the Dialer.apk to it.
2. Now open "apkeasytool.exe and click "Sel.APK/JAR" and open your Dialer.apk and select "Decompile".
3. Once it has finished decompiling open the folder "1-Decompiled APKs" located in the APK Easy Tool folder.
4. The file we are looking for is in "Dialer/res/" this is where you need your MCC code. Personally I am on T-Mobile so the folder I need is "values-mcc310" most US carriers also use this same MCC code ie. Sprint, Verizon, AT&T
5. Once inside your carriers MCC folder you want to open "Bools.xml" in notepad and change
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">false</bool>
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">true</bool>
and then save it.
6. Now go back to APK Easy Tool and click "Compile"
7. Once it has finished your new Dialer.apk will be located in "2-Recomiled APKs". Copy that back over to your device
8. Navigate to "/system/priv-app/Dialer" and rename your current Dialer.apk to "Dialer.apk.bak" and replace it with your modified one and change the permissions to "rw-r-r" or "0644". and then reboot.
Thats it. Now to test make a phone call and you should now have the record button available, the first time you press it you will be greeted with a message telling you that you are responsible for compliance with any laws, then you can hit "RECORD CALL" and then give Dialer the permissions it needs. Your recording will be saved to a folder named "CallRecordings".
This will not survive an update but you can keep the modified Dialer.apk on your SDcard and just repeat step 8 after an update.

Joe333x said:
4. The file we are looking for is in "Dialer/res/" this is where you need your MCC code. Personally I am on T-Mobile so the folder I need is "values-mcc310" most US carriers also use this same MCC code ie. Sprint, Verizon, AT&T
5. Once inside your carriers MCC folder you want to open "Bools.xml" in notepad and change
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">false</bool>
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">true</bool>
and then save it.
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I'm in kccat6, official LineageOS - Samsung Galaxy S5 Plus (G901F).
This procedure seems simple, but I have my carrier in Spain, where recording is allowed, and there is no MCC folder with its number.
I've found related settings (and I changed them) in
Dialer/res/values/bools.xml (changed false to true)
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">true</bool>
Dialer/res/values/integers.xml (changed 1 to 4)
integer name="call_recording_audio_source">4</integer>
Compiled (signed), copied, checked permissions, wiped cache & dalvik, rebooted and there isn't a record button when calling.
Also there's a "Dialer/res/values-es" folder, but there isn't a "Dialer/res/values-mcc214-mnc4" folder. I created that folder and copied the files bools.xml and integers.xml, with only the above contents inside them. Compiled, copied, etc... and there isn't a record button.
Am I missing something?

Ochoceros, its worked for me. I am using Lowi, MCC 214. The only stick, that its needed to press "record" button with every call, its doesnt records automaticali. I have created the folder with MMC code in his name and only the bools.xml file, without integers.

LOS made changes to native call recording, the phone checks what country your in instead of the MCC code. Has anyone figured out how to enable call recording again?

I found the new file, where you can edit the call recording states.
Follow the instruction from the first post, except don't follow step 4 and 5.
Go to "Dialer/res/xml/call_record_states.xml" and set everything to true (easiest way).
Now continue on step 6.

Now how about auto recording
Nice work Vanta-Chan!

eric93se said:
Now how about auto recording
Nice work Vanta-Chan!
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I wish I could program, but we either have to wait for the official developers of LOS, or hope for a kind soul who does that with a tutorial :angel:

Interestingly the version of dialer.apk from the first post (around early november 2019) had auto dialing. I'm pretty sure that dialer version doesn't work with the latest LOS roms (I could be wrong).
I have a screenshot of it since I was trying to sell my LG G3.

eric93se said:
Interestingly the version of dialer.apk from the first post (around early november 2019) had auto dialing. I'm pretty sure that dialer version doesn't work with the latest LOS roms (I could be wrong).
I have a screenshot of it since I was trying to sell my LG G3.
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If you somehow could retrieve that Dialer.apk, which has the auto-record function, I could try to reimplement it to the newer versions.

can anyone upload the apk, i try recompiling but always get an exit code = 1 error.

n950 said:
can anyone upload the apk, i try recompiling but always get an exit code = 1 error.
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Can't upload it directly to XDA, file is too big (~33Mb), but here's a link:
Mirror: https://anonfile.com/zd6eO0b4oa/Dialer_apk

Vanta-Chan said:
Can't upload it directly to XDA, file is too big (~33Mb), but here's a link:
Mirror: https://anonfile.com/zd6eO0b4oa/Dialer_apk
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Thank u )

I can recommend the EdXposed Module XCallRecordingSettings.
Version 1.0.14 supports LOS 16
Works great for me and easy to setup!
I know, it's not the native way to setup, but I guess this Module justs enables the call recording the natural way in LOS

textmarker007 said:
I can recommend the EdXposed Module XCallRecordingSettings.
Version 1.0.14 supports LOS 16
Works great for me and easy to setup!
I know, it's not the native way to setup, but I guess this Module justs enables the call recording the natural way in LOS
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This would mean not only have to install your mentioned app, but also edxposed etc.
Which, IMHO slows down the s5

andreoide said:
This would mean not only have to install your mentioned app, but also edxposed etc.
Which, IMHO slows down the s5
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On my g900f sound is great, on g910f sound is very weak, uninstalled all exposed from g901f because like I said, sound is bad and edxposed slows down performance very much.
Add: (march 1)
Anyone know why sound is no good on g901f?
What might cause it, and how to fix (if any exists)?

I have tried all of these steps and it didn't work i still can't get record button i have also tried the solutions in the replies and nothing worked how can i enable the recording in lineage os 16
The phone is GT-I9505
the country i live in is Egypt so can anyone help me please

I'm using lineage 17.1 which uses Google dialer, this method doesn't work.
Can you please describe how to make it work on Google dialer.
Sent from my MI 9 using Tapatalk

Vanta-Chan said:
If you somehow could retrieve that Dialer.apk, which has the auto-record function, I could try to reimplement it to the newer versions.
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Shouldn't it be on GitHub history?

You bet!
Thanks for the credit, man. Hope this helps y'all.
Joe333x said:
First of all credit to pomeroythomas for his post which I am basically just relaying here.
This is for anyone who wishes to use the native call recorder but it is currently disabled for them. For example in the USA federal laws state that call recording is legal and it is legal in most states but because some states require two party consent Lineage OS has decided to disabled it by default so this "HOW TO" is needed to enable it. You are ultimately the one responsible to follow any laws where you live.
This requires you to have root access. You may be able to accomplish the same with adb without root though.
You will need APK Easy Tool. For more information on APK Easy Tool visit the original thread here. I personally just used the portable version.
You will also need to know your carriers MCC code which you can find here.
1. There are many different ways to get the Dialer.apk from your device. Personally I use Root Explorer. Copy your Dialer.apk located on your device at "/system/priv-app/Dialer" to your sdcard and then connect your device to your PC and copy the Dialer.apk to it.
2. Now open "apkeasytool.exe and click "Sel.APK/JAR" and open your Dialer.apk and select "Decompile".
3. Once it has finished decompiling open the folder "1-Decompiled APKs" located in the APK Easy Tool folder.
4. The file we are looking for is in "Dialer/res/" this is where you need your MCC code. Personally I am on T-Mobile so the folder I need is "values-mcc310" most US carriers also use this same MCC code ie. Sprint, Verizon, AT&T
5. Once inside your carriers MCC folder you want to open "Bools.xml" in notepad and change
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">false</bool>
<bool name="call_recording_enabled">true</bool>
and then save it.
6. Now go back to APK Easy Tool and click "Compile"
7. Once it has finished your new Dialer.apk will be located in "2-Recomiled APKs". Copy that back over to your device
8. Navigate to "/system/priv-app/Dialer" and rename your current Dialer.apk to "Dialer.apk.bak" and replace it with your modified one and change the permissions to "rw-r-r" or "0644". and then reboot.
Thats it. Now to test make a phone call and you should now have the record button available, the first time you press it you will be greeted with a message telling you that you are responsible for compliance with any laws, then you can hit "RECORD CALL" and then give Dialer the permissions it needs. Your recording will be saved to a folder named "CallRecordings".
This will not survive an update but you can keep the modified Dialer.apk on your SDcard and just repeat step 8 after an update.
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pomeroythomas said:
Thanks for the credit, man. Hope this helps y'all.
5. Once inside your carriers MCC folder you want to open "Bools.xml" in notepad and change to
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The last code is given twice, but my guess is change that only once?
(Just to be sure...)
Thanks, I'll go try one of these days, and report back here later....
( phone: Samsung galaxy S5 plus, SM- G901F )
The dialer.apk, I don't think I have the original from lineage, I installed the dialer from google play a while ago. How to obtain the original? Or does it work withe google dialer also?


[DEV][20.11.2011] Android Gingerbread SIP over 3g for (probably) every GB based rom

Here is a bit of why I wrote this manual:
Back at December 2010 Paul from modaco found how to enable sip over 3g for the gingerbread native client, his original thread is here:
For chefs it is probably straight forward how to use this tip, but for me I always begged for cookers to include this in their roms usually they didn't even replay to my request, so I investigated this, and here is very easy way to enable this feature.
This guide assumes you are a little familiar with changing files on your ROM.
*I take no responsibility for this guide, use it at your own risk
So, what we are doing is modifying the framework-res.apk from from our framework directory.
We need:
apktools from here: http://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/
Two files are needed, this: http://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/downloads/detail?name=apktool1.4.1.tar.bz2&can=2&q=
And this: http://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/downloads/detail?name=apktool-install-windows-r04-brut1.tar.bz2&can=2&q=
(You can also do this for Linux and Mac, this guide will use windows)
Take the framework-res.apk from your ROMS zip file inside /system/framework directory.
How its done:
Extract both files that you downloaded to c:\apktools (can be any dir...)
You should have 3 files.
Copy the framework-res.apk to the same directory: c:\apktools
start --> run --> cmd
cd \apktools
apktools d framework-res.apk temp
Now a folder named temp will appear named temp
inside temp, edit the file: C:\apktools\temp\res\values\bools.xml
I use notepad++, search for a line:
<bool name="config_sip_wifi_only">true</bool>th
change in the line the "true" into "false"
save the file.
go back to cmd
cd \apktools
apktools b temp temp.apk
Now rename your original framework-res.apk to framework-res.apk.zip
open it with winrar/winzip/7zip it will open like regular archive.
take the file that was created by the build process:
Use this file to replace the file inside the archive of framerwork-res.apk.zip (overwriting the original, inside the zip)
rename the file back to framework-res.apk
And now you have a sip over 3g enabled framework-res.apk.
There are few options to push this file, easiest is just replace it in your ROM zip and flush the ROM, you need to wipe cache and dalvik cache.
There are other ways to push this to your rom but I won't discuss them here.
I used this on stock roms, AOSP roms, MIUI roms and Sense roms, worked for me on all, if you find a roms it doesn't work on please report.
Thats it, its actually quite easy.
You are Awesome! Thank you for posting this. I just setup my phone with this and it works great.
Great Process, a few little remarks
This is a great process tutorial and within 15 minutes I flashed my HTC Sensation to support Internet calls on 3G/4G, while before it was WiFi ONLY.
So now, no need to have any cellular minutes purchased, have DATA have LIFE.
1. Have only 2 files. You mentioned 1 download and then 2 more. The 1st is duplicated withing the 2.
2. The BAT file is apktool.bat and not apktools.bat.
Other then that, SWEEET.
Toda Raba.
---------- Post added at 04:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------
HTC Sensation T-Mobile.
Forgot to mention earlier.
tryed not working stoped at temp file cretion is showing an eror cant go further plz help
Does this change your phone to use 3g to make calls? If so that is excellent.
Sent from my Sabotaged Droid Incredible 2.
Thanks, but why don't we use SIP third-party such as Sipdroid, 3CXPhone...? I think they are easy to use.
Nice work , What about Xperia Lines, will there appear 3G video calling button ?
I tried on Wet Dreams 1.3.0 for Atrig 4G and didn't works (Didn't show SIP Calling option)... maybe my mistake or isn't working with Moto's 2.3.6 build. But I asked to be added by the chef! Thanks for this tip!
If SIP options are not present in your Settings.APK it may have been disabled by the carrier.
The solution is to place the proper permissions file into /system/etc/permissions/ which will enable SIP overall on your device, then of course to this fix as well.
Solution found in various other places, just thought I'd add it to this thread since the thread is linked from the homepage.
Nice, surprisingly easy, almost to much so lol
lotherius said:
If SIP options are not present in your Settings.APK it may have been disabled by the carrier.
The solution is to place the proper permissions file into /system/etc/permissions/ which will enable SIP overall on your device, then of course to this fix as well.
Solution found in various other places, just thought I'd add it to this thread since the thread is linked from the homepage.
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But it didnt work for me, and still not seeing sip settings.
I plased the attached file in system/etc/permissions, rebooted.
Also tried to fix permissions, and still didnt work.
Please Help
Verizon Motorola Droid 3
Stock deodexed Rom, Android 2.3.4
BTLINU said:
But it didnt work for me, and still not seeing sip settings.
I plased the attached file in system/etc/permissions, rebooted.
Also tried to fix permissions, and still didnt work.
Please Help
Verizon Motorola Droid 3
Stock deodexed Rom, Android 2.3.4
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Then the options probably just aren't there in your carrier's Rom. They were present in my LG Rom, after I pushed the permissions file. However, when I tried to use SIP, it would force close as soon as the call connected... something else missing.
In my case and yours, the answer is to use SipDroid from the market.
Pls any guide on how to do this in ICC ROMs

[MOD] Add top number row to Swype

Hello guys,
Since I use a Samsung device, I'm used to the extra number row on top of the keyboard so I modded Swype to have that extra row. However since Swype is to be purchased and not distributed, I'll only tell here how to do it for your legally purchased copy. And this is a bit complicated and for advanced users and you need to be rooted. You also need Root Explorer. Here we go:
1- First buy/download Swype from Google Play.
2- Go to /mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1 folder, copy pkg.apk to your sdcard, rename it to com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk.(keep a backup of this file at all times)
3- Go to /mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/lib folder copy the files (libnmsp_speex.so and libswypecore.so) to your sdcard.
4- Using apktool (I used version 1.52) decompile com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk.,
5- Go to decompiled folder\res\xml folder. kbd file pertaining to your language is to be edited, I edit kbd_qwerty.xml for English using Notepad++.
6- Check the attached kbd_qwerty.xml in portrait folder and notice the extra row section I added to the top. You can in fact add secondary characters to numbers or customize the keyboard completely, rearrange letters, add symbols etc.
7- Once done, save the file and go to decompiled folder\res\xml-land folder and edit the landscape for the layout, kbd_qwerty.xml file, notice the attached file in landscape folder.
8- Once done, save the file and go to decompiled folder\res\values folder and edit the dimens.xml file. Here I raise the height of the keyboard and height of the key to 270dip and 54dip respectively, check the top rows of the attached dimens.xml. Also increase the keyboard height for landscape (if you want) by changing the dimens.xml under res\values-land folder.
9- Once done, recompile the folder with apktool, go to decompiled folder\dist folder and copy the apk here to a different folder and rename it to temp.apk.zip
10- Open temp.apk.zip with 7z/winrar and copy the resources.arsc and kbd_qwerty.xml files from res\xml and res\xml-land folders to your PC(obviously keep the 2 files in seperate folders not to overwrite)
11- Then, rename the original apk from step 2 to com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk.zip , open with winrar and first delete resources.arsc file, then drag the resources.arsc file from step 10 to the archive, it will be added. Staying in winrar, go to res\xml folder and replace the file with kbd_qwerty.xml from step 10 (the portrait version). Do the same with res\xml-land folder and the landcape file.
12- Once finished rename the file back to com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk, don't sign it, don't delete META-INF folder, leave it as it is.
13- Now, on your phone, uninstall Swype. Reinstall it from the apk file on Step 2. Go to /data/app-lib/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1 folder and move the 2 files (libnmsp_speex.so and libswypecore.so) to system/lib folder. You have to mount the System R/W from Root Explorer on this step. Fix the permissions so these 2 files have the same permissions with other files there. If you can't find these files just use the ones from Step 3.
14- Once done, copy com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk from Step 12 to /system/app and fix the permissions so that it has the same permissions as other files there.
15- Then delete the com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk from /data/app/ folder. Restart your phone.
This should be it if you followed it exactly, tracing and Dragon voice dictation also works. While you're doing all this work (takes 10 minutes by the way), you might also consider changing how Swype looks (theming) and changing many other things like swype thickness, colors etc. Please note that this is for advanced and rooted users and please don't ask me to give you the modded apk, you have to do it on your legally bought version. You might consider doing backups just in case anything goes wrong. Have fun.
And a quick tip: if you swype from swype icon to symbol key(123), arrow keyboard opens up.
You can also add arrow keys by copying arrow keys from kbd_edit.xml, check the 2nd screenshot.
Please hit the thanks button if you think this is useful.
Nice how to. But may u should tell that the latest Android versions store purchased apps in data/app-asec as asec version, this need special procedure to get a apk from the asec format.
Can you please update this tutorial to 4.3 ? I couldn't find the files in the mentioned paths. . I'm on stock rooted 4.3 on gt9500
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
lesalloum said:
Can you please update this tutorial to 4.3 ? I couldn't find the files in the mentioned paths. . I'm on stock rooted 4.3 on gt9500
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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It works same for me on 4.3 stock rooted i9500, maybe you could do a file search to find the necessary folder. Here is another screenshot with the updated Swype(, where I made number buttons smaller like original Samsung Keyboard and hide the suggestions bar to save space.
ozkaya said:
Hello guys...
9- Once done, recompile the folder with apktool, go to decompiled folder\dist folder and copy the apk here to a different folder and rename it to temp.apk.zip
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using the current play store version (, i decompiled com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk (/mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/pkg.apk) using APKTool 1.52. i made no changes and attempted to recompile without success.
the first error displayed by apktool is:
"C:\Users\Phil\apktool\com.nuance.swype.dtc-1\res\values\arrays.xml:545: error: Found tag dimen-array where item is expected"
i do use APKTool successfully to mod other apps so i am familiar with the process.
QUESTION: what frameworks file are you using when making your mods? are you using a TW ROM frameworks? that's the only other variable i can think of...
EDIT: well, i just tried using TW framework too without success
PhilDX said:
using the current play store version (, i decompiled com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk (/mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/pkg.apk) using APKTool 1.52. i made no changes and attempted to recompile without success.
the first error displayed by apktool is:
"C:\Users\Phil\apktool\com.nuance.swype.dtc-1\res\values\arrays.xml:545: error: Found tag dimen-array where item is expected"
i do use APKTool successfully to mod other apps so i am familiar with the process.
QUESTION: what frameworks file are you using when making your mods? are you using a TW ROM frameworks? that's the only other variable i can think of...
EXIT: well, i just tried using TW framework too without success
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Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Skype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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i'll give this a shot tomorrow, thanks a lot!
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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it works!!!
thanks man, appreciate the help and info!
I've been going nuts trying to edit swype for a week now and still can't seem to get it to work. All I want to do is change the suggested word color and maybe a few other minor color related things. I assumed just changing the color codes in /res/values/styles.xml that seemed to pertain to the holo theme would work but I can't ever get the app to install. Not even sure where to begin to ask for help on this one but if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
Ok I've tried this a hundred times following all the steps completely and it just wont work.
Once I go to install the final apk it always tries to install then sais App Not Installed.
TeknoGodz said:
Ok I've tried this a hundred times following all the steps completely and it just wont work.
Once I go to install the final apk it always tries to install then sais App Not Installed.
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You don't install the final apk, in fact you can't since the certificate is no longer valid. You copy the final apk in place as in Step 14.
I would love this! I have used Swype for years but I would love a number row. To be honest I have no idea how to follow those instructions! I have a rooted phone - what can I do?
Am I right in concluding that you can't use TB to backup and restore the finished product and this will have to be done manually? I did this on my rooted Note 3 and I keep going back to my stock image because I don't want to have to keep doing the steps when I flash a new ROM or ROM update.
Would I maybe just have to do steps 12 onward every time?
mr.BeBoT said:
Am I right in concluding that you can't use TB to backup and restore the finished product and this will have to be done manually? I did this on my rooted Note 3 and I keep going back to my stock image because I don't want to have to keep doing the steps when I flash a new ROM or ROM update.
Would I maybe just have to do steps 12 onward every time?
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When you install a new ROM, you install original Swype from apk file then you move the lib files to /system/lib, copy the modded apk to /system/app and delete original apk from /data/app folder. So it is 4 steps once you have the modded apk ready, should take no more than 5 minutes.
thumm138 said:
I've been going nuts trying to edit swype for a week now and still can't seem to get it to work. All I want to do is change the suggested word color and maybe a few other minor color related things. I assumed just changing the color codes in /res/values/styles.xml that seemed to pertain to the holo theme would work but I can't ever get the app to install. Not even sure where to begin to ask for help on this one but if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
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This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
ozkaya said:
This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
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Yeah I realized that after I posted and still nothing. I'm no programmer but I've never NOT been able to change a few things and recompile. Not sure how just changing a few color codes is causing such a problem. Shame such a nice keyboard has such little customization and few themes. Don't get me wrong I like orange but it really doesn't mesh at all with the rest of the UI. Thanks for the reply though.
ozkaya said:
This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
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I did all that and it changed the height of the keyboard, but didn't add any additional number row.
kdb_qwerty or whatever it's called is the default that comes up when you install it, right? Becuase I tried again and specifically made sure to use this one and it just wont give me the extra row, just the height.
TeknoGodz said:
I did all that and it changed the height of the keyboard, but didn't add any additional number row.
kdb_qwerty or whatever it's called is the default that comes up when you install it, right? Becuase I tried again and specifically made sure to use this one and it just wont give me the extra row, just the height.
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It depends on your system language. Try kbd_qwerty_panlatin.xml.
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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Thank you for this change, this is exactly what I was looking for to compile.
Once again my Swype is blue!!! :victory:
here's my creation, what do you guys think?
the theme is "Lucid" from the pay store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...lucid&pcampaignid=APPU_8szYUoedK9PNsAThnoDQDQ

[Guide] How to enable multi-user?

hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
faruqmunshif said:
The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
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ah I did not know .. you tell me how to do? maybe put to me now if there is. Anyway .. this is useful for anyone who is not practical to make changes to the framework
Here is the alternative, modifying framework-res.apk.
What I've done on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210) :
- Modifying framework-res\res\values\integers.xml (locate the entry, and put X, where X <= 8 instead of 1, X = the number of allowed max users) :
<integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">8</integer>
- Modifying framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_host_view.xml (to show user selector on lockscreen) :
>> Adding this after the second </FrameLayout>
<FrameLayout androidprv:paddingTop="@dimen/status_bar_height" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="wrap_content">
<include androidprv:layout_gravity="top|center" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="fill_parent" layout="@layout/keyguard_multi_user_selector" />
- Adding framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardMultiUserSelectorView android:layout_gravity="bottom" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_user_selector" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:contentDescription="@string/keyguard_accessibility_user_selector" android:layout_childType="userSwitcher"
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardLinearLayout android:layout_gravity="bottom|center" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_users_grid" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="@dimen/keyguard_avatar_size" android:layout_marginBottom="400.0dip" />
- After that, copied from the original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one (using a zip file utility) so I can bypass the sign process (like you should do with auto sign tool - signapk.jar)
And voilĂ , after putting back my modified framework-res.apk to the device and rebooting, i'm able to add new users in settings
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
Spatz said:
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
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Before recompile your framework-res.apk, you should find the png files with uppercase (.PNG) from your decompiled framework-res.apk/res/ and rename them to lowercase (.png).
when finished, flash it using CWM or other recovery.
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
slobodan.bogdanovic said:
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
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Just follow the guide in this thread to make your framework-res.apk working with multiuser. or if you have no time, just give me your framework-res.apk and i will try to decompile it for you,
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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You can also copy from your original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one so you can bypass the sign process
I have an issue when having multiple users enabled.
When I am logged in as the owner (first user) I am able to connect device via usb and transfer files.
When I am logged in as the second user, and when I try to connect device vis usb, it is not recognized. MTP Driver installation fails in this case.
Anyone has the same issue?
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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Working on Tab3 7" ?
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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I do not know, I have not tried it, so you head to the end you just have to move an app
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?[/QUOT
Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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faruqmunshif said:
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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Don' work =/
I do not believe he will get more 4.2.2.
I think like other devices, it will jump to 4.4
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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Spatz-is there any chance you could post detailed instructions? Or can you post your framework res.apk file?
Sent from my SM-T310 using xda app-developers app
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
i am curious about this, but i'd like to know how multi user works. How do I "log" in to the tab and use my gmail, etc? And then how would my wife log in and user her email and etc? Are there profiles or something similar?
never mind
Hi. I see this method does not work very well. I recommend the app SwitchMe. It's much easier and just requires root permission which everyone should have. I can't post links because I'm a newbie, so just search for it on the Play Store. :good:
alfreddallaire said:
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
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As I mentionned some posts before, I did not use the signapk.jar but instead copied signed informations from my original framework-res.apk to the new one.
See my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48429541&postcount=10 there.
I updated my tuto post to include this in the process (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48315919&postcount=4)

[Quick Guide] - Enabling Hidden Features

Just wanted to share a few CSC features that are tested to work on the S6/S6 edge.
This is not my work, just sharing.
To enable these you will need root, a root explorer and text editor.
Simply navigate to system/csc/Features.xml and add the corresponding line to the end of the file but before the very last few lines that say </feature> and </Samsung>
(if this file does not exist, create the csc folder in system and a txt file within it then change the name to features.xml and add the correct lines and save) if this does not work you can try the same method with Others.XML in the same folder
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
Enable WiFi calling in phone settings:
Enable native voice call recording(maybe illegal is some countries):
Enable shutter sound switch in camera settings(maybe illegal is some countries):
Enable camera during call:
Enable manual rotation option in gallery:
Continuous music while using camera:
Enable scheduled messaging option in messaging app:
Enable exit buttons in default browser:
Enable 2nd symbol keys on stock keyboard:
Enable VoLTE Support: Thanks to IakobosJ
Remove NFC enabled icon in the status bar: Thanks to evonc
[COLOR="Red"]Delete line[/COLOR] : <CscFeature_NFC_StatusBarIconType>DEFAULT</CscFeature_NFC_StatusBarIconType>
ADDED 21/04/15
Sort app draw alphabetically:
I Hope this helps someone out,
Big Thanks to this post for the info, there are many more in the original post but these are the only ones I've tried and have worked so far,
and IakobosJ for his help in the wifi calling thread
if anything needs adding let us know and it can be added to this post,
This is dedicated to the hard working XDA community
Thank You All
Theres also some nice tools in the play store -:- Be careful when using these!
Samsung CSC Master
CSC Feature Expert
(I own google so get a big cut of the profit made on these )
I've tried CSC Feature Expert now -and it seems to work well,
Quick tut:
I would backup original CSC folder first
Just search for the option you want to enable,
Select the value ( see pic 1)
in the popup - Input the correct value (see pic 2 - label 1)
(a few examples of values)
' RecordingAllowed ' to enable call recording,
' true ' for shutter sound menu,
' true ' for launcher by alphabet,
' true ' for rotation icon in gallery,
' true ' for support wifi call,
then click save (see pic 2 - label 2)
restart you device
Hope this helps
If only we could root, without tripping Knox.
I don't want to root my phone in fear that Samsung Pay won't work with a tripped Knox.
Nice to see you've put all of this information together
For those on EE you may also want to enable VoLTE. I know it's unlikely to be in anyones area yet, but they are rolling it out across the UK (Very slowly)
Enable VoLTE Support
Enable VoLTE
Just a quick note that the commands have to be added before the
</SamsungMobileFeauture> tags at the end of the file.
Tested the Call recording and Shutter sound edits. Worked great.
Lastly if you want to remove that ugly NFC enabled icon in the status bar, delete line
from the file and it will hide the icon.
evonc said:
Just a quick note that the commands have to be added before the
</SamsungMobileFeauture> tags at the end of the file.
Tested the Call recording and Shutter sound edits. Worked great.
Lastly if you want to remove that ugly NFC enabled icon in the status bar, delete line
from the file and it will hide the icon.
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Thats strange as I've added mine after the samsung tags and all is working fine fine on my device.
Have you had problems in the past with doing that?
No. I saw the file header and noticed they're inserting commands between those tags. The original guide also has that listed but I guess it may or may not work.
Also I believe the file may get reset when you enter stock recovery so I'm assuming this should work as a fix.
1. Open the sales_code.dat to find your csc code.
2. Open the folder above with the same code.
3. Navigate to <code>/system/csc and you'll see another others.xml
4. This is most likely the file that gets applied after a factory reset/activation.
5. Make changes to this file as well.
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
evonc said:
No. I saw the file header and noticed they're inserting commands between those tags. The original guide also has that listed but I guess it may or may not work.
Also I believe the file may get reset when you enter stock recovery so I'm assuming this should work as a fix.
1. Open the sales_code.dat to find your csc code.
2. Open the folder above with the same code.
3. Navigate to <code>/system/csc and you'll see another others.xml
4. This is most likely the file that gets applied after a factory reset/activation.
5. Make changes to this file as well.
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
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I would have thought it would have had to be within those tags too. Only found it didn't when i wasn't paying attention while modding it. LoL
Nice tip. Thanks. hoping there's more cool things that can enabled with this, maybe some S6 exclusives finds .
I'm on the Sprint Edge and don't have that folder. I guess I'll create and see what happens
SantinoInc said:
I'm on the Sprint Edge and don't have that folder. I guess I'll create and see what happens
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I didnt have it either . Just create the csc folder and make a txt file and change the name to others.xml. as the op states. infact ill post a copy with basic changes i the first post.
It works fine for me. hopfully you wont have any issues
I actually did have the folder. I was looking at the folder ". System" However, after adding those lines and saving it had no effect. Can you take a look at this to see if it's right?
Edit: can't upload the xml file.
SantinoInc said:
I actually did have the folder. I was looking at the folder ". System" However, after adding those lines and saving it had no effect. Can you take a look at this to see if it's right?
Edit: can't upload the xml file.
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You'll have to zip it before you can upload it... or rename others.xml to others.txt
I've attached a basic others.xml with all functions listed in the OP
and an original copy of the EE csc folder that IakobosJ uploaded in the WIFI calling thread
(it would be good if everybody could upload their original csc folders for reference and backups in case someone messes up theirs by accident.)
You can just copy and paste my others.xml into the bottom of your own others.xml(backup yours first)
I've had to do this as XDA's forum system seems to have changed at least one of the lines I've posted, and I've even tried going back and editing and it keeps putting a space in the middle of one of them, so use the upload if your having trouble,
I've deleted all but this file in my csc folder and tested it to make sure there nothing else it depends on - everything is working fine on my device.
But feel free to upload your for us to have a look at
im confused?
i can already do wifi calling and most of these things already without root
im on tmobile
tiboric said:
You'll have to zip it before you can upload it... or rename others.xml to others.txt
I've attached a basic others.xml with all functions listed in the OP
and an original copy of the EE csc folder that IakobosJ uploaded in the WIFI calling thread
(it would be good if everybody could upload their original csc folders for reference and backups in case someone messes up theirs by accident.)
You can just copy and paste my others.xml into the bottom of your own others.xml(backup yours first)
I've had to do this as XDA's forum system seems to have changed at least one of the lines I've posted, and I've even tried going back and editing and it keeps putting a space in the middle of one of them, so use the upload if your having trouble,
I've deleted all but this file in my csc folder and tested it to make sure there nothing else it depends on - everything is working fine on my device.
But feel free to upload your for us to have a look at
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Ok, I'm finally on a PC so I had a chance to zip that file and have uploaded it. IDK where I screwed up. I'm rooted, I found the System/CSC/Others file and made the proper edits and then saved it. The original file was automatically backed up. The permissions were the same as the original file. IDK what I did wrong.
SantinoInc said:
Ok, I'm finally on a PC so I had a chance to zip that file and have uploaded it. IDK where I screwed up. I'm rooted, I found the System/CSC/Others file and made the proper edits and then saved it. The original file was automatically backed up. The permissions were the same as the original file. IDK what I did wrong.
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is it just call recording and shutter sound toggle you want to add?
I want to add the NO NFC notification, CALL RECORDING, WI-FI CALLING and NO SOUND for snapping pics.
SantinoInc said:
I want to add the NO NFC notification, CALL RECORDING, WI-FI CALLING and NO SOUND for snapping pics.
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I've uploaded two versions, one with the feature you've asked for and a full featured one, both based on your original other.xml and tested on my device to be working
just copy one to your csc folder
let me know if you have any problems
tiboric said:
I've uploaded two versions, one with the feature you've asked for and a full featured one, both based on your original other.xml and tested on my device to be working
just copy one to your csc folder
let me know if you have any problems
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I really appreciate the effort but that didn't work either. I used the file you uploaded for me and made sure the permissions were the same and rebooted. None of the mods worked. It's really weird. I'm going to inquire in the Sprint thread to see if anyone can get these to work.
Unrelated do you know which folder I can find the boot sounds and camera sounds? I'm just going to delete them and that will solve part of my problem.
SantinoInc said:
I really appreciate the effort but that didn't work either. I used the file you uploaded for me and made sure the permissions were the same and rebooted. None of the mods worked. It's really weird. I'm going to inquire in the Sprint thread to see if anyone can get these to work.
Unrelated do you know which folder I can find the boot sounds and camera sounds? I'm just going to delete them and that will solve part of my problem.
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Thats a shame maybe sprint have changed something.
Sure its
Hope this helps
Killed boot sound but I must have not found the right OGG file for the camera. Do you know the name of the file?
SantinoInc said:
Killed boot sound but I must have not found the right OGG file for the camera. Do you know the name of the file?
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I believe its
P.s did you try any of the apps posted in the second post. I dont know how well the work but ghey seem to have good reviews

Experience flow 2 live wallpaper

I'm wondering if anyone has made a swipe sensitive wallpaper like the one on Xperia z5 for redmi 2? I've been searching the whole Internet and all I can find is the Xperia z2 wallpaper. I'm surprised no one has even made anything close to the Xperia live wallpapers, cos I really like the experience flow or cosmic flow wallpapers. The only ones I can find are wallpapers that sparkle on touch but they don't move when swiped(by "move when swiped" I don't mean scrolling wallpapers). I hope someone will bring the z5 wallpaper to other phones soon
@Newbdroidd So, first things first - Wallpapers dont need to be custom made for all devices. If you can fool the original apk into believing it's installed exactly 'where it should be', then it should be no problem getting it to work normally.
Now, the drill
Q1. Are you rooted, buddy?
If yes, Q2. Are you on Stock MIUI ROM, CM or which one?
If AOSP-based (CM/Bliss/AICP etc.), proceed further and follow these steps --
(You can try them on MIUI as well, I'm not sure if they'll work or corrupt your MIUI installation (So make sure to make a Recovery backup if doing this on stock ROM.) )
now the steps --
00. Download the file: http://d-h.st/zUJR
0. Inside you'll find the apk.
1. Try installing normally, then reboot. If it works, great,, and if doesn't proceed as below -
2. Install 'Root Explorer' from play store. Open it, grant root permission when asked, and then go to the folder '/system/priv-app/' .... create a folder named 'Experience Flow 2 Live Wallpaper' ... long press the folder, and set permissions as 'rwxr-xr-x' (0755).
3. Inside, copy paste that apk file from the link, rename it to 'Experience Flow 2 Live Wallpaper.apk' (as inside quotes, no changes) ... set permission to 'rw-r--r--' (0644) and reboot.
4. Try setting it as Live Wallpaper now. It should work.
5. DO make sure to revert here if it worked or not!
All the best!
Link for wallpaper apk taken from : http://forum.xda-developers.com/cro...apps/apk-sony-xperia-z5-premium-root-t3244233
Credit - @Beton Style
shanx_verma said:
@Newbdroidd So, first things first - Wallpapers dont need to be custom made for all devices. If you can fool the original apk into believing it's installed exactly 'where it should be', then it should be no problem getting it to work normally.
Now, the drill
Q1. Are you rooted, buddy?
If yes, Q2. Are you on Stock MIUI ROM, CM or which one?
If AOSP-based (CM/Bliss/AICP etc.), proceed further and follow these steps --
(You can try them on MIUI as well, I'm not sure if they'll work or corrupt your MIUI installation (So make sure to make a Recovery backup if doing this on stock ROM.) )
now the steps --
00. Download the file: http://d-h.st/zUJR
0. Inside you'll find the apk.
1. Try installing normally, then reboot. If it works, great,, and if doesn't proceed as below -
2. Install 'Root Explorer' from play store. Open it, grant root permission when asked, and then go to the folder '/system/priv-app/' .... create a folder named 'Experience Flow 2 Live Wallpaper' ... long press the folder, and set permissions as 'rwxr-xr-x' (0755).
3. Inside, copy paste that apk file from the link, rename it to 'Experience Flow 2 Live Wallpaper.apk' (as inside quotes, no changes) ... set permission to 'rw-r--r--' (0644) and reboot.
4. Try setting it as Live Wallpaper now. It should work.
5. DO make sure to revert here if it worked or not!
All the best!
Link for wallpaper apk taken from : http://forum.xda-developers.com/cro...apps/apk-sony-xperia-z5-premium-root-t3244233
Credit - @Beton Style
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Hi thanks for replying... I'm rooted and i'm using Temasek CM13 on my redmi 2. First i tried installing the apk normally but it says problem parsing the package. Then I followed all the steps you listed except that i used root browser instead of root explorer cos root explorer isn't free. Rebooted but it doesn't show up on the list of live wallpapers
OH waiit i forgot to rename the apk.. Trying again now hopefully it works
Renamed it but it still doesn't work D:
Newbdroidd said:
Renamed it but it still doesn't work D:
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Well... I've used both Kumajaya CM13 and am currently on Blisspop ROM CM13. I've used this method successfully on both these ROMs. I'm currently having it set as my wallpaper as well.
P.S: But I suppose the source of the file I've used in my case is different from this.
Okay, just wait till morning, I might be able to upload that file here if the internet speed favors me.
Then you just have to repeat the procedure with the new apk.
Please make sure to restore from the backup you created, or fully remove and uninstall the apk used earlier for this method to work.
Here's a vid of my phones folders just in case i did something wrong. How do u like the blisspop rom? I like res remix the best but it had a few bugs so i switch to my current one

