[Discussion] Dealing with notch and rounded screen edges - Treble-Enabled Device Guides, News, & Discussion

Hi everyone,
I am quite new to the GSI world (never had to worry about it since most of my devices had dedicated custom roms).
But I am testing out GSI with the Lenovo Z5s which have similar design to Mi9 or Mi9 SE, waterdrop notch and rounded edges.
I noticed that the battery logo and clock looks a bit odd and should be shifted a bit. It looks like those cheaper phone from Oukitel, Dogee etc where you can see the battery logo is eaten by the rounded edge and notification icons might go "under" the notch.
Is there any apk app that would work on LOS based custom rom (meaning excluding MIUI, Flyme and other heavily customised rom) that would allow us to adjust position of clock and battery icon just by a little ?
I remember in CM7 we could modify battery settings to be left or right etc so it should not be so hard to modify with relative distance (like CSS % margins on web).
We could then have some kind of db file that would contain all default position values and dead zones for most devices and it would apply settings during install based on model ID from TWRP or fastboot.
New options could also be added to treble settings so each user could adjust it once rom is flashed.
Is there existing solution for this ?
Are there some roms that let us adjust these things ?
If no, do you guys have any suggestions/ideas on how we could address this issue ?

xposed and flat style bar indicators, move whatever wherever.

Phh treble settings
Set rounded corners diameter


How to Change Colour Scheme

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a module that allows you to be able to change the aqua/cyan/blueish/green colour when you go into phone, appears in calls, the top boarder of the text messages and the settings background colour. If anyone could tell me a download that allows you to change it I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance.
There probably isn't such a thing. The closest approximation is probably Xposed framework or the Wanam module that change a few dozen specific elements e.g. status bar colour or clock colour. But I don't recall them tackling any of the phone screens.
The other places to search are the Play Store and XDA. You're unlikely to find anything more comprehensive than the Xposed collection of tweaks though since there is no API that would make it easy to change system theme colours. Instead Themers make changes here and there and some of that gets adopted or developed in parallel in Xposed.
You could browse or search XDA for themed phone packages. Perhaps there is one that appeals to you. But an app that lets you dial in custom colours is unlikely. Xposed is the notable exception if it has any phone related settings.

Flyme 5 Features

1. Fresh color
Flyme 5 adopts colors that are much more brighter and lighter than it used to. These colors, according to Flyme designers, are more appealing to young users.
2. Quicker notifications
On locked screen of Flyme 5, users can view directly the new messages or notifications, while in Flyme 5, users only see icons on the notification bar and have to unlock the screen to view the messages.
3. Smaller icons
As the screens of smart phones become bigger, the old layout of Flyme home screen seemed to be a waste of screen space. Therefore the designers adjusted the DPI of the app icons and now the screen can show more contents.
4. Easier icon moving
Do you feel annoyed when you have several icons to be rearranged but you can only drag them one by one? On Flyme 5, we introduced the new multi-selecting option that users can now move icons to another screen page in batch.
5. Better notification panel
We've made several adjustment on the notification panel to make users' operation more easily.
For example, we changed the position of the 'Clear all' toggle. Before it was on the top right corner of the screen and it is inconvenient when operate the phone single-handed. In Flyme 5, we moved it to the bottom of the panel so it can be reached easily.
6. Multi-tasking in card style
In Flyme 5, we adopted card style multi-tasking management. Now users can view the running apps in an elegant and clear way.
7. Simple Settings layout
Some users loved the design of Flyme 4 Settings layout because it took fully advantage of the big screen, however, the defect was quite obvious, too. Because the screen is divided into 2 sections, sometimes there is no sufficient space for longer options or descr iptions. In Flyme 5, we changed the layout to a simpler one.

Theming the status bar icons

So I've been searching far and wide for an answer, but I'm unable to find one. I'm running the Resurrection Remix 7.1.1 Nougat ROM and I'm slightly disappointed with the color customization options in comparison to my old LG Optimus G Pro running BlissPop 5.1.1.
Does anyone have an effective way of changing the status bar icon colors without using a buggy third party app? I understand the colors can be changed in one of the theme XML files, but I can't seem to find them (they aren't located under the directories most forums are stating they are). Anyone know where these XML files are and which values to change?
I appreciate it!

so far i love this os these are my thoughts

i worked on an os design back in 2014 so i wanted android on a pc for several years now, phoenix has impressed me quite a lot, here are some minor gripes and issues i ran into
1.i can\t change language input to my keyboard region
2.using a higher dpi makes everything appear jagged and pixelated, not enough to make it terrible but enough to notice setting wallpapers also make most extremely blurry
3.a lot of live wallpapers doesn\t work when i apply them they work then i exit out of the app and it goes back to the default wallpaper i did get one live wallpaper to work though edit i fixed this by letting the apps run in the background i would add some kind of help text on this as i don\t think everyone would figure this oue
4.all the baidu things and chinese apps preloaded i\d personally like if they werent but not a big deal
5.text marking doesn\t work properly like you\d expect all it does is drag the pointer to select text you have to hold on it and then drag the two pointer like on a phone
6.i want an option to disable the keyboard and search and storage devices button and just keep the clock I've disabled everything else i love the addition of a thin home button like on windows
7.i\d like to customize the taskbar and recent apps menu various colors and transparency etc
8.the weird light effect on selected icons could be a line to make it more flat but thats a personal thing
9.i would like to be able to change the start button to any icon from an icon pack
10.i would like to add or remove tiles as well as hiding the brightness and volume slider so an optiont to disable these would be nice
11.i would like various sizes for the startmenu i think it\s too wide i also would like to be able to disable the startmenu sidebar as i don\t need it
12.widget support would be nice
13.colors are very washed out making it appear as if i connected a very old tablet to my monitor they don\t appear crisp as they do on windows
14.resizing windows is extremely laggy
15.the trash icon for clearing notifications would be better as 3 lines stacked ontop of each other minor detail

Changing Navigation Bar Height

My device is having dead touch in the bottom 250 pixels so I want to make sure all usable part of the app is above that... I am using the latest version of AEX 9.0 and the maximum navigation bar height is 135 pixels... I want to know if the is any way to increase the height further so that the navigation bar covers the complete dead touch part...
1. Where are the data of the Custom ROM customisation values stored and will changing it (from 135% to 250%) anyhow help???
2. I tried adb command to move the usable area but it seems to mess up a few apps and I don't want to risk decompiling framework-res.apk to change it as I don't have much knowledge it...

