B324 - Media playback, low volume FIX - Ascend Mate 7 General

Hi all!
As you know the Huawei Ascend Mate 7 output volume is not the highest among smartphones. This will be a problem is you choose a headphone, that requires more power for adecuate volume levels. Had the same problem on my Ascend Mate 1, the solution was in etc\audio\codec folder.
Was able to locate the two files for my region (Hungary), by removing these two files or moving it back to the codec folders (restart is required after that) rises or lowers the output volume significantly:
After looking up Android Hilfe P7 forum I found the best solution. Big thanks to the user "XQC" he found the rows I was looking for.
So with Root access I edited the two files and made the following modifications:
Line 231 <reg name="HI6401_S4_OL_GAIN_INT">0dB</reg>
Line 232 <reg name="HI6401_S4_OR_GAIN_INT">0dB</reg>
Line 279 <reg name="HEADSETL PGA VOLUME">0dB</reg>
Line 281 <reg name="HEADSETR PGA VOLUME">0dB</reg>
The original values are negative values. After you save the changes to the files need to restart to hear the difference. This will only increase the media playback volume in theory, I had problems with high incoming ringtone volume with removing the files, but now it is good.
B560 - Media playback, low volume FIX, without root (unlocked bootloader)
By the time I am writing this update it is not impossible, but it is problematic to gain root access on ROM version B560. To do the same "low volume FIX" I found a solution that works the same:
You need:
- unlocked bootloader
- TWRP 3.0.2-0 for Mate7 / Android 6.0
- 7-Zip on a PC
The process:
Flash the before mentioned custom recovery. In TWRP do a backup on the system partition without compression and md5 check. Copy the backup file of your system partition (.img file) to your PC. Rename the files extension to "tar" and open it with 7-Zip. When opened navigate to the codec folder. When you find the 2 files responsible (see original post) right click and edit them (see original post), when you finish save the files and update the archive. Rename the files extension back to "img" and copy it back to your phone. Restore the system partition in TWRP. Done, you should have the same effect, no volume limitation on the audio jack (needed for high impedance ear phones).
IMPORTANT! Before you edit your system partition file in 7-Zip, make a copy of it just in case!

this mode work great with orginal box headphones from huawei mt7. I try and its louder and good for me. Thanks
Here you have modded file

Just been looking at this with my Mate 7. How do you know which file to alter? As in, region?
I've set my location from US to AU in buildprop.
Pretty sure mine will just be an international setting for Australia so I did it to the default file instead. Does seem louder. I had raised AGC and bumped gain up with ViPER4Android but now set back to 0 in that. Still loud
It can actually make me feel a little uncomfortable after a couple of songs. Have to check in car sound level but on headphone it's not distorted, just loud.

Dude i love you

Workaround for ROM version B560, without root but with unlocked bootloader.

Thanks a lot for the tip, it works very well on B571. Very happy

Glad to hear! I updated to B571 after I made the modification on B560 without root (needed to flash back stock recovery).


Startup sound and shutdown sound/video

I posted this all int eh captive section >.< but thought I would put it here in case the other vibrant users would like to know this...
I found the hard way of change the startup sound and shutdown sound, which can be confusing, but i'll try to explain (this is after you have root)
1) went into Astro and copied the file from etc called PowerOn.wav to my SDcard as backup
2) found a wav file I wanted to change for power on and named it PowerOn.wav and stored it on the root of my SDcard
3) downloaded terminal emulator from market
4) when I launched, superuser permissions granted it SU access
5) type the command 'su root' (without the ' of course)
6) then type the command 'cp /sdcard/PowerOn.wav /etc/PowerOn.wav' and hit the enter key
This changed mine to a cooler "system activating" wav file I found...this was my way and it worked, but would much rather know the simpler version of How to grant Astro superuser permissions.
PS I used Audacity to convert my mp3 to wav and ogg files...in case anyone wants to know a free software
Shutdown Video:
I think you can change the shutdown video by adding custom PNG files in the /system/media/video/shutdown folder, but I haven't tested yet...i'm trying to figure out what I was going to do for the video (has to be 14 PNG files...or 14 of them all named the same thing).
I'll be testing soon and letting you know if this works.
I was able to create 14 PNG images and copy them from my SDcard to the /system/media/video/shutdown folder and now I have a new shutdown video...anyone have a sight I could upload the new shutdown PNG files too? I have a couple different ones I created...really basic, but a little nicer than the T-mobile default one.
EDIT...AGAIN: And the new shutdown video
Anchor reply for future information on this...possibly some shutdown videos
couldn't you just use root explorer and put the new wav file in the place of the old one with the same name? This is how I changed my boot animation. I'll try your way if mine doesn't work.
Thanks for this.
hey can you zip your shutdown file and give it to me without the sound? it looks badass, and the axura is pretty homo right now.
also are you sure this will work for vibrants?
my startup i changed from sdcard/system/media/...
Vibrant using simply honey 2.8
Im tryn to add a boot sound an cant figure it out please help there was no boot sound to begin with.. i made PowerOn.wav an tryed in system/etc and then tried media then ui nothings working am i naming this wrong or what Please help me out some on! pm me

[Xperia Z2] Disable Charging Sound and Other Sounds (ROOT NEEDED)

Many people have a problem with this and don't know what to do.
I think the charging sound of the Sony Xperia Z2 is really annoying and useless. It makes the device feel cheap (at least for me).
So I explored some folders and files in my phone, and I finally found the fastest way to disable the sound.
Turns out there were some other sounds in there too!
Basically you need a rooted phone and a root explorer. I use Cheetah Mobile's File Manager but you can use anything you want.
Enable Root Exploring and then navigate to /system/media
You can see here that there is also the boot animation file.
Move on to /system/media/audio/ui
Find the ChargerPluggedIn.ogg file
Rename to ChargerPluggedIn.bak (basically you change the extension)
Reboot device, and there you go! You can also disable any other annoying sounds from there if you want.
Note: To restore any sound you disabled, rename it back to FILENAME.ogg or whatever the extension was, then reboot.

MOD Boost Volume Headphones Z1 Compact D5503 14.6.A.1.236 (Required Root)

MOD Boost Volume Headphones Z1 Compact D5503 14.6.A.1.236 (Required Root)
1 - Check Root Device!
2 - Download ES File Explorer (Google Play)
3 - Open ES File Explorer and accept permissions Root.
4 - Open Tools and mark Root Explorer.
5 - Come Back Local, and / Device next Open System after etc
6 - Paste file mixer_paths.xml (include link end post) and Replace existing File. (if you do not understand look at the attached images in the post.)
7 - Restart your Device
8 - Finish!
if by chance, your phone is muted after restart, follow These steps.
Open ES File Explorer, browse by location> / Device> System> etc and select mixer_paths.xml on file, go to properties, rw-rw-rw Then permissions and click change and tick all the boxes in Read and Write click ok and restart your device.
to better understand, look at the steps in the last images attached in the post.
DOWNLOAD MOD > https://mega.nz/#!5hkCVLBb!bJZqhuukE8SAX1uWGggHY0vBkPA2yw7zWPXGKaBzjpo
Thanks hicked for your work on this mod.
I followed the instructions but used Root Browser instead of ES Browser. (I don't know if this made a difference)
After the restart audio failed to work on the internal speaker or on earphones. It gave me an "audio stopped" mesaage
I accessed mixer_paths.XML through Root Browser and changed the permissions to the same as in my attached image. After another reboot audio worked again, and was noticibly louder through the earphones. Also tested on my Bluetooth speaker and on my Bluetooth headphones and they seem to be louder now too.
Great work!
Sent from my KFFOWI using XDA Free mobile app
reboot after no sound :/ please help
-TsT- said:
reboot after no sound :/ please help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
did you change permissions ?
-TsT- said:
reboot after no sound :/ please help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if by chance, your phone is muted after restart, follow These steps.
Open ES File Explorer, browse by location> / Device> System> etc and select mixer_paths.xml on file, go to properties, rw-rw-rw Then permissions and click change and tick all the boxes in Read and Write click ok and restart your device.
to better understand, look at the steps in the last images attached in the post.
I think it's too loud. Sound is distorted in max volume.
Thanks for this.
But I can't install it.
I am having android 4.4.4. My phone is rooted but I dont remember if I installed custom rom o not lol.
I love my z1 compact and it still working perfectly, I bought it in 2014 in Germany, I rooted it my self and never updated it for fear of bugs and problems with the battery.
My only problem whit the phone was that the sound is quite low, so I would like to try this. But I cant paste the file into the system/etc.
I think its because I dont have the privilege to rewrite the files in the system folder. I can activate the root explorer in the Es file explorer but wont let me change the r/w mount. When I check the read and write option nothing happens. Press accept, open it again and its still on read option... I tried with other explorers too without success.
Could it be because the super su isnt updated? When I open super su a message appears saying that the binaries arent updated. When I try to update it fails...
Thanks for your time and advice.
Finally I can use HyperX Cloud 2 with my Z1 Compact! With original file my phone don't have enough power to power them.Thank you so much man!

How to REALLY increase your Honor 7 maximum volume

I've seen a lot of methods posted here, none of them is really working. The easiest and most effective way is this one. (Headphones only)
You need a rooted device and a file manager with root access.
Go to root\cust\hw\eu\prop and open local.prop with an editor. Search for the "ro.config.ce_authenticate=1" line and add a # before it. Save the file.
Now go to root\etc\audio\hi6402 and look for the "mixer_volumes_PLK_L01_ce.xml" file, and for the "normal" version of it. Delete them both. You may want to make a backup of them, in case you want to return to the previous situation. Now look for the two "PLK_TL" mixer files and rename them both. Change "TL" with "L01".
Basically you're tricking your honor 7 into taking the asian variant values for the audio, so you'll get the full audio output of that model.
Reboot and you're done.
Volume is MASSINGLY increased. Viper4Android will optimize the quality and make it sound even louder. Please don't listen to your music at maximum volumes for a long time.
If this is useful to you please say thanks
Flashable .zip
I just quickly made a flashable .zip that replaces a few values in the two files,
so that you don't need to do any tinkering whatsoever , just flash it
Since i cant seem to attach the file i had to upload it to somewhere else (Mega):
Ned decryption key for download
Just get Dolby Atmos?
Sent from my PLK using XDA-Developers mobile app
Whoops sorry, didnt know you needed that (First time i actually shared something with mega...)
well, heres the link with the key:
Hello it possible do the same for the phone speaker? When I receive a call most times I don't ear the phone playing even volume is in maximum.
Thanks for the guide

Question: Involving Changing Sound Files

I just recently rooted my Samsung Galaxy S5 I tried using ES File Explorer to change the System/Media/Audio/Ui sound files. Some sound files worked and some didn’t (format can’t be read ). I was wondering if each separate sound file is limited to how long it can be or if it can’t play files passed 93DB or say use the same sound for all the Camera functions (start/stop/click). I changed the db to 93 for all my mp3 files converted them to ogg and renamed them to the appropriate name to overwrite the existing file. I ended up replacing the original sound files back onto the phone since I am not 100% sure if I changed the right sound files and some just didn't work.
The only sounds I want to change are the low battery, lock, unlock, power on, volume control, and the back/task manager/touch buttons which all have the same sound. I believe the files are: Lock.ogg, LowBattery.ogg, Poweron.ogg, TW_Volume_control.ogg, Unlock.ogg. I think the back/task manager/touch buttons are S_HW_Touch.ogg and TW_Touch.ogg, but not 100% sure. For example does Lock.ogg have to be less then 1 second if not format can't be read? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

