Help Support Whatsapp Group - YU Yureka Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello members, I would like to make help support group in whatspp to help others and learn new things. The help may provide for any phone smart phone like Micromax, Yureka .
Membership is appreciated and make group better. Please give your numbers to add in whatsapp or hike.
msg me your number in my whtapps +919966565427 .


How to use other apps than whatsapp on whatsapp bundle

There is a whatsapp bundle service that give us 100 mb is there anyway to run other application on it like viber and tango and browser.
Please help me even if I am a Junior member.
Thank you in advance .
Will it work if I changed proxy
I am not asking for Donations to help you find solutions I am just asking for a little click on the Thanks Button

Sony z2 whatsapp group

Hello everybody.. I made a group for sony z2 on whatsapp just for fun and to share our opinions and problems with this device.. So who wants to join the group send me a message to this number +962779004321
Guys please just send me a msg not bad pictures.. I will add everyone but just dont send bad pictures

One Plus Telegram Group International

Hi All,
I thinks its Good Idea if we have " Telegram Group "
because its have 200 member capacity
its can access in mobile and PC
its can send any file very well ( zip or apk for example )
more features you can read on telegram website
if you want to join there's a step :
1.Just download Telegram apps on PS
2.THERE's No Need Your Phone number ( its More Private )
,Just create username , its can make me easy to add you into group
3.start chat with clik .......
4.enjoy the group
personal chat ? , just click .....
Please reference this notice:
Telegram Chat Channels - Going Forward
A telegram group would be pretty nice to have, although I don't really see people really having any use for it. Telegram is still pretty obscure I'm most places even though its suite of features is impressive. I use it as my primary way of communication with whoever I can.
I guess I'll give it a shot for a few days and see if I can find any uses for an opo group. Hopefully I'll see some of you there.
Sent from my Nexus 7

WhatsApp Group For OP3, Want To Join..??

Hey frnds, i have just created a whatsapp group for upcoming Oneplus 3.
If u want to join us, plz send me a msg
Mo -
-=-=- mod edit
Whatsapp / Telegram Chat Channels - Way Forward
thread closed
Please add me as well : +972-522-33-22-47 , please note you can also publish your whatsapp group on grupya <dot> com for people to easily find it in the future. b.t.w - how many in this group already or its a real new one ?

Nubia Whatsapp Group

For the users who have questions, we have a whatsapp group where you could ask your question and help eachother out, if you want in the group message me and tell me you want in it,
my phone number is +31 0637418607
Thanks for sharing!
