[Q] My App doesn't Show on Google Play Search Results - General Marketing & SEO

I've just published my new APP 1 day ago ( about 27 hours ago ), when I search for it by it's name it doesn't appear in search results at all,
BUT, when I search for it by the developper name, it shows up!
I think this has nothing to do with the android developper console, as I wrote a 1200 word description with the app name reapeated 5 times, I Added high quality images, I chose to target all countries, my app is targeting more than 6000 devices, the status of APP is PUBLISHED, as I can reach it by typing the developper name
So where's the issue come from? and what can I do to resolve this? I just want it to appear when I search for it by its exact name
PS : another app wich have the same name has 100,000 downloads, but at least I should appear on other spotsof search results, I don't know if this affect the visibility or not, but however, please help my guys

Common problem, it happens often. Dont know about the solution except get a better ASO next time.

Should I remove this app, and reupload it again with diffrent name? or should I just change it's current name? ( but this may affect admob or anything else)
or it's better to sit and wait for it to be ranked?

same problem
same problem here, please help us if you know how to solve this.

LoneDeveloper said:
same problem here, please help us if you know how to solve this.
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I met the same issue when I first launched my app. What I have done is as follows
1. Use full package name to search. i.e. xxx.company.appname. If you find it, just give some time to wait
2. Fine-tuned some wordings in title and descriptions.

Even when i type my game title which is unique, no game have that title, but my game is shown up at the bottom of search page:crying:

It takes time for your app to rank up. Also another really important factor is the reviews. If you have many 5 stars you will rank well. My app took some weeks to rank #7, but the name of my app was sooooo common. There are like 200 apps with that name.

Yes you need some good reviews and ofcourse there is the time factor

I think you should promote your app... Mean you should do social networking, write blogs and press release and submit it onto the press release site
And then join the group in your social media sites and share your app there and see the revenue you get
But you should have good graphics screenshots and description

Just type link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=[YOUR PACKAGE NAME HERE] and it will open your app if it is on google market!

Just relax & wait. App doesn't show up in search result suddenly. You will have to wait for atleast a week or so for your app to appear in search results.
It works the same way in which Google website ranking works.
All you can do is -
1. Get more downloads on your apps
2. Get better ratings
3. Wait
Good Luck with your app!
Sent from my XT1022

Peatrex said:
I've just published my new APP 1 day ago ( about 27 hours ago ), when I search for it by it's name it doesn't appear in search results at all,
BUT, when I search for it by the developper name, it shows up!
I think this has nothing to do with the android developper console, as I wrote a 1200 word description with the app name reapeated 5 times, I Added high quality images, I chose to target all countries, my app is targeting more than 6000 devices, the status of APP is PUBLISHED, as I can reach it by typing the developper name
So where's the issue come from? and what can I do to resolve this? I just want it to appear when I search for it by its exact name
PS : another app wich have the same name has 100,000 downloads, but at least I should appear on other spotsof search results, I don't know if this affect the visibility or not, but however, please help my guys
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I'm facing the same problem. It's been about 4-5 days since I published. How did you solve the problem? Is your app showing up now?

I just want to add link to my game review, so i do this useless post

I had a similar problem and 2-3 days after posted the game, and since then, if i search with the exact name of the app it appears first. If your problem persists and the name of the app is unique, use "Contact Google Play developer support"


[Q] In app Purchases - The best way to implement?

I'm currently making an app that installs some stuff to make emoticons work on anything on the Android system, with a free part of the app that installs the font from the guys at No More Boxes, which allows you to see almost all of them, and then a second part, activated by either one in app purchase of either "emoji_keyboard" which installs a custom emoji keyboard, or "more_emoji" which installs a second font as well as the one that displays almost all of them, to see all but a few ones that you can see on iOS and some that iOS users can't see
Right, that's the background done
The idea is to use In app Purchases. However, using multiple guides, I have not been able to get them to work. I tried the Blundell guide, but I was left with it working but no way to respond do a successful purchase and don't know how to get it to query purchases manually
I also tried the official way, from both the Android developers site and the blog branched off there, but was left with force closes when the activity started as it couldn't set up the service correctly - the instructions aren't the most clear either
Finally, I found the AndroidBillingLibrary, but that's for API version 2, which is now depreciated.
So I ask, what methods have people on here used?
Paypal recently released their new SDK: https://www.paypal-forward.com/innovation/paypal-launches-android-sdk-for-developers/
(Two days ago.)
nikwen said:
Paypal recently released their new SDK: https://www.paypal-forward.com/innovation/paypal-launches-android-sdk-for-developers/
(Two days ago.)
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Thanks, might include that as a secondary option where the Play Store isn't available
Hey Quinny, you know where to find me if you need help. I've just modified the v3 example and it is pretty straight forward compared to v2.
Taptalked u see .. əəs n pəʞlɐʇdɐʇ

My First Android App - Released to the market - Named "PicAround" :)

Hi Guys,
I have just released a new app for the Android users.
I am an excited entrepreneur/developer, worked and developed the App all by myself
The app is free and I would like the world to enjoy it
I am posting here for 2 reason.
The Obvious one: to reach out! :fingers-crossed:
But the more important one:
I would love your feedback and notes and maybe some tips for how to get it out there with no budget
All of my friends are already running "alpha" for me on their personal devices.... but it`s only the tip of the iceberg from a technical point of view.
So this is where you guys come to the rescue :highfive:
So.... some details:
My App is Named: “PicAround”.
Basically PicAround is a "Mobile Camera App That Instantly Shares Everyone’s Event Pictures"
The App tries to reduce the hassle of getting your pictures from other people that were present at the event as you did. no need for emails Facebook, Dropbox, etc,
and it is easy to use:
Step 1. Select the event your are at from a list of local events (GPS Based)
Step 2. Capture the moment with the PicAround camera!
Everybody’s pictures taken at the event will be saved to a shared album instantly!
I believe it will match perfectly for large scale events, such as weddings, concerts, football games and so on..
You can find it on the app store:
Just search "PicAround"
I will also post a blog post soon enough about the process of developing the app - the server side.... tools and so on....
Hope you give it a try and like it
Hi there,
Nice idea! Congrats for the work.
My remarks:
1) Why do you force your users to use Facebook?
1.1) App opened and the first thing that poped up was Facebook login screen. I closed it and then.... that's it. I couldn't do anything else with the app. Just saw the logo. Had to leave the app and come back again to,, again, see the Facebook screen.
1.2) I was shown the Facebook login screen, asking to entenr my e-mail and password. I do have Facebook installed in my phone, so I would expect just to press OK and seamlessly log into Facebook, without having to enter my credentials... are you using API 3.0?
Give me a shout if you need some help with point 1.2, I have implemented it.
I left you rating/review to support ya
Cheers and good luck!
Ps: Dont forget to update this post with links do Google Play and Screenshots when you have 10+ messages in this Forum
Hi , thanks for the remarks
PhilCals said:
Hi there,
Nice idea! Congrats for the work.
My remarks:
1) Why do you force your users to use Facebook?
1.1) App opened and the first thing that poped up was Facebook login screen. I closed it and then.... that's it. I couldn't do anything else with the app. Just saw the logo. Had to leave the app and come back again to,, again, see the Facebook screen.
1.2) I was shown the Facebook login screen, asking to entenr my e-mail and password. I do have Facebook installed in my phone, so I would expect just to press OK and seamlessly log into Facebook, without having to enter my credentials... are you using API 3.0?
Give me a shout if you need some help with point 1.2, I have implemented it.
I left you rating/review to support ya
Cheers and good luck!
Ps: Dont forget to update this post with links do Google Play and Screenshots when you have 10+ messages in this Forum
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Hi, thanks for the relay and remarks:
I would like to respond to some of your remarks and maybe you will have some tip for me.
The events are public, meaning: all people at the area of the event can take pictures (currently there are no restriction).
So the least I am doing is to display a layout over the image with the name of the person who took it.
If I would create my own unique login mechanism (leaving the technical Burden aside) - users will be able to pick an unreal name - which I think is unfair to the users with real names
I could add login with google or some other login sdks available - do you think it will make it better? would you like to login with a different network instead?
In addition - In the future - I could use the social goodies Facbook offers (with the user approval of course) Which I would not be able to do without.
Currently (and in the future) I am not doing anything "bad" with the user info - only using it to display his name over his pictures at the event album.
As for SDK 3.0 - I was trying to use it - but is seems to fail - probably because the new SDK does not support android 2.1(update) versions (SDK < 8 not support) - it is not official (or at least I could not find a reference for it) - so I submitted a defect to Facebook about that.
(cannot post the url for the defect yet - 8 more to go - but I can email it if needed.)
I do not want to leave 2.1 behind as long as I have the option (my phone is 2.1 nexus one!! )
Would love any tips about this issue. (I have tried hard to use the native sdk).
about the timing of when to popup the facebook login screen...
If I would not do that immediately - then there is a chance that exactly at the moment the user is trying to take a picture - I would have to popup the login screen - sound bad to me.
(On the other hand - I am pretty sure - nobody will have his first try of the app - during an event - he would probably try it at home first).
What do you think about this? should I postpone the login screen to a later time? or maybe I could show an explanation to the user before the login, for the reasons I want her/him to login with facebook?
Again thanks for the replay and the Google Play review
This is feedback to tell you that this App is really great! It simplifies life and creates a whole new Idea for picture Sharing. Well Done On the app but I would Like to Advice you to keep on adding features overtime and if you dont already have sharing over social networks, it may help! Well Done Again!,
tripplemin said:
This is feedback to tell you that this App is really great! It simplifies life and creates a whole new Idea for picture Sharing. Well Done On the app but I would Like to Advice you to keep on adding features overtime and if you dont already have sharing over social networks, it may help! Well Done Again!,
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Thanks for the feedback
I do have sharing... you can share to all networks using the native android sharing menu.
Thanks for the feedback

a tool for tracking your +1 history

I created a small web app (http://sohist.com) few days ago to help me track the +1 history for my apps - decided to give this a look after recent I/O information that its being looked into by the Google logic behind the Market. As long as it remains online (should be there for a year as this is the hosting period I purchased) and not killed by some hacker - feel free to use it.
How it works - give it your package name and it will periodically (6 times a day currently) query Google, Facebook and Tweeter about a Market URL (or any other URL if that pleases you) for +1, Likes and Tweets count - then show it all on a simple chart.
pl.ayground said:
I created a small web app (http://sohist.com) few days ago to help me track the +1 history for my apps - decided to give this a look after recent I/O information that its being looked into by the Google logic behind the Market. As long as it remains online (should be there for a year as this is the hosting period I purchased) and not killed by some hacker - feel free to use it.
How it works - give it your package name and it will periodically (6 times a day currently) query Google, Facebook and Tweeter about a Market URL (or any other URL if that pleases you) for +1, Likes and Tweets count - then show it all on a simple chart.
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Same, I submitted my app, but I can't really tell who's giving me the +1s. It would be useful to understand this information.
nice idea
nice idea but it' difficult to make it

I need a new name for my app

I just realized that the name for my app "Looking for Players" is a terrible choice. I can't even search for that phrase and find my own app. I'm trying to write a list of new names but given the following short description of what it does can you guys help me out?
It is a simple public bulletin system that allows players to POST information about games they are playing. Afterwards they can monitor RESPONSE to gauge interest. Or the can SEARCH for other players.

GoClever Chronos Eco

Hi there!
I note at the outset that the device with which you want to mention is not provided with the software from under the sign of green android. But because it works very well with Android, it is worth to write about it.
That's exactly what it is: Goclever Chronos Eco.
Technical specification can be found here:
I bought this watch on Friday at a price: 40EUR
Currently testing the length of battery life.
Yesterday I had a software update to version 3.17.
I have read the whole topic of "WeloopTommy" and a total of everything repeats itself, they are the same device.
So far I am very happy with my purchase.
The watch is pretty decent run.
Declared by the manufacturer options work well.
Have also tested the water-tightness. All right after the tests.
Android app is also quite well done, although it could do with a few things to improve.
Link below some pictures of my watch immediately after purchase:
Since the hardware is the same but the name is different, it adds about the linked subject that is already developed or "Weloop":
Topic I add that people looking for the same name also could have a chance to read about the benefits of this equipment.
PS. If moderation deems it appropriate, please add it in the name of the theme Chronos Eco GoClever and merge threads.
I got mine tooday, they are very nice and solid BUT my phone keeps disconnecting so i cant even load watchfaces.
Still no link on that site to buy it. No mather what country i select.
Cause 40euro is okay.
No registration
I try to register to the android app but nothing happen.....?? The app work for some seconds and after return to the registration. I have a Moto X 2013
Watch face error
I have a GoClever eco. I installed the app, but when I try to change the watch face I cand look this pop-up : "Sync failed". What can I do ?

