will w8 do better than android?? - Windows 8 General

i read somewhere that w8 has the potential of outselling android in the future.. what do you all think?

I think it is very probable that it will do better then android as google has not done very well at least compared to apple in the tablet area. wp8 is touch focused and is a very good OS and google and apple should be very worried.

leftspeaker2000 said:
wp8 is touch focused and is a very good OS and google and apple should be very worried.
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i think your on to something ere

All 3 companies are very good at stealing each others ideas so I doubt any of them will suffer much from Windows 8. Fundamentaly all 3 do the same job, so it comes down too personal preference, with that I should say Mac fans wont buy Windows 8 and nor will Android Fans or visa versa. Windows 8 simply allows Microsoft to play with the other boys in the Tablet field. I don't believe its the killer blow that will knock the others out of the ring.

I don't think it's going to do better than android, but it's going to gobble up a large portion of the market. WindowsPhone 8 is going to have support for MicroSD cards, native code and multi core processors, which all point to it being better than both iOS and Android. I'm honestly considering skipping the SGS3 and waiting for a Windows Phone "Apollo" phone instead.
WP7 is already the fastest OS of the three, and with support for even faster and better hardware, it's going to be just lightning quick.
Exciting times ahead!

m0nkf1sh said:
All 3 companies are very good at stealing each others ideas so I doubt any of them will suffer much from Windows 8. Fundamentaly all 3 do the same job, so it comes down too personal preference, with that I should say Mac fans wont buy Windows 8 and nor will Android Fans or visa versa. Windows 8 simply allows Microsoft to play with the other boys in the Tablet field. I don't believe its the killer blow that will knock the others out of the ring.
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I don't agree so much with this. I'm a Mac and I own an Android phone.
I guess it is down to appreciating the software engineering side of things.
I love how my Mac "just works", however do not appreciate the way iOS devices seem to only be designed for children who need the restrictions and wouldn't do much else than play games, read, learn, etc.
I also appreciate Android devices for the freedom and endless opportunities.
Windows 8... It is pretty cool, however, I'd rather not a tablet that is prone to PC viruses AND locked to only the one OS. Apple are also guilty with the whole "locked to one OS" philosophy.
Then again, the Linux kernel is my preference over the bloated one from Microsoft.

Leigh Kennedy said:
I don't agree so much with this. I'm a Mac and I own an Android phone.
I guess it is down to appreciating the software engineering side of things.
I love how my Mac "just works", however do not appreciate the way iOS devices seem to only be designed for children who need the restrictions and wouldn't do much else than play games, read, learn, etc.
I also appreciate Android devices for the freedom and endless opportunities.
Windows 8... It is pretty cool, however, I'd rather not a tablet that is prone to PC viruses AND locked to only the one OS. Apple are also guilty with the whole "locked to one OS" philosophy.
Then again, the Linux kernel is my preference over the bloated one from Microsoft.
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It would be nice to stop insulting people who prefer efficiency more than complexity. It's getting old.

I think the Microsoft strategy is starting to show itself and I with with in 18 months there will be more METRO devices than Android and even IOS...
I expect Microsoft to virtually give Windows 8 away for Free or at least very cheaply. This is because of the huge potential to make money from the APP STORE so they don`t need to charge much for the OS itself.
Now Windows 7 sold 400 Million Licences as of July 2011 so by Windows 8 release in say Oct 2012 there could be 600 Million Windows 7 PC`s in use...
If only 50% upgrade to a Windows 8 within six months you could be talking about 300 Million customers for METRO APPS a year from now. That is even before any new PC`s or Tablets are sold.
This could even impact the smartphone sales numbers going forward as Windows Phone 8 is likely to be very similar to Windows 8 thus increasing it`s awareness and familiarity to the average person.
With a potential market of 300 Million + customers ...I expect METRO APPS to look better and be more feature rich than Android and IOS APPS, I think this will help drive the sales of Windows 8 tablet hardware.
A year from now Android will be finished in the tablet game and Apple will have big big competition!!

jerome snail said:
It would be nice to stop insulting people who prefer efficiency more than complexity. It's getting old.
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Uh... Okay then.
Definitely nowhere near what I was intending to do.
Unless you were trying to troll.
I was only expressing my opinion. If you don't like it then ignore. The whole fanboy thing is getting old.

Future is full of uncertainty, no body had ever thought that Nokia vl have to compete with other companies for selling dr product, there was time when N series was consider as kind of huge status but now we have only two major OS iOS n Android outrunning symbian. So just wait n watch how win8 gets ported to phones n tablets.

Will Windows have something like Rosetta to support millions of existing programs on ARM? no.
I said programs, not apps because most people want Windows as they have a need to run Windows programs. That is why Linux and even Macs are limited in growth. And these programs are huge and hard to port due by developers due to libraries dependencies. Moreover, some of these program are specific for an industry/product and weren't updated for years, but people still need to use them. That is why Vista failed and people still use vulnerable XP, even when Windows 7 is out.
But do people need to have Windows to run apps? No. There is thousands of apps for Android and iPad. And I don't think that number of Metro apps will be greater than for Android at launch. So why anyone would want Windows on arm instead of iPad/Android?

Well android is still an os for mobilephones... It's not made for tablets. W8 will be good on a tablet so i think you are right..

borjeboy said:
Well android is still an os for mobilephones... It's not made for tablets. W8 will be good on a tablet so i think you are right..
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Android on a tablet works quite well though.
Yes, I do look forward to seeing how Windows 8 would work, however, the UEFI is what I don't agree with.
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The whole "locking the device to only one OS" is why I won't buy an iPad...
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using XDA Premium

Leigh Kennedy said:
Then again, the Linux kernel is my preference over the bloated one from Microsoft.
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NT kernel is bloated

I think whoever gets the first mid-range tablet out at the right price point will win. This is total opinion, but my gut tells me the magic number for price is the $200-$300 dollar range for a mass market tablet. Saw glimpses of this during the HP Touchpad fire sale and the Kindle Fire before the user complaints of the device started coming in.
This needs to be a full featured tablet and not the ones that feel watered down that are currently offered at this price range. I think Android has the advantage but w8 could do well if they can offer something that is less clunky and can really nail the backward compatibility of x86 programs.


No More Android or Apple OS !!!!

hey guys after watching this interview from Microsoft about Windows 8 , for tablets and PCs and laptops ,, i can truthfully say , am not going buy gtab10 or any tablets that support android . am going to wait for the release of any good company for tablet with OS windows 8 and surely i'll buy it ..
do you think android will get busted by windows 8 ?
i want this on my galaxy tab.....
exactly the same thing came to my mind after watching this
would that be possible? they tried arm that has dual core but how about our single core?
i think it will be so hard to fit windows 8 on galaxy tab .... its depend about the dev , anyways they didn't release it yet . now am thinking of buying tab10.1 or waiting for windows 8 with a good company like samsung and only samsung cuz its easy to play with it
Lol, you think its going to be that fast over 3g/hspda, and no, i doubt this will ever come to android tablets, im pretty sure that these will be built around intels new dual core atoms, or maybe the new snapdragons.
edit: The multi-tasking does look neat tho.
They announced support for ARM..
natious said:
Lol, you think its going to be that fast over 3g/hspda, and no, i doubt this will ever come to android tablets, im pretty sure that these will be built around intels new dual core atoms, or maybe the new snapdragons.
edit: The multi-tasking does look neat tho, and im glad you wont buy another android device, you should sell your tab now.
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don't be happy that much i can't sell my tab have u ever heard someone fall in love with a tab ? ? if u didn't u probably hear it now
that someone is me lolz .. and i didn't ask this to be on my tab !!!! am satisfied with overcome , am saying , windows 8 probably will eat android and mac OS .. maybe who knows
The problems of windows phone is not OS; its a market place, it seems empty. There is nothing on it.
I have used hd2 for couple of month and love user interface of windows but when i open market , it made me mad.
iOS is not a great os , but its apps make it great. Android is growing but windows is all empty place. I will not switch to windows tab unless it has some nice market place.
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Pfff, it's Windows !!! it will freeze and crash 1387445 times per day.
And the OS will not be open source, you will not have root.
And the applications will cost more, much more.
I'm willing to give it a try, but I can't say if it'll be better than Android or iOS or QNIX. It's still too early to speculate.
- My Ubuntu crashes a lot more than Windows. My Windows 7 hasn't had a BSOD for a year already.
- Not have root is no problem as long as it will work, imo. What they have to do is to make it idiot-proof.
- We can't really say. There are a lot of free apps for the desktop copy of Windows. If they manage to port a lot of great apps, then money is no problem as long as their quality is nice.
Besides, I expected Apple to have apps which costs like $100. I was wrong, considering that Apple seem to have a more, "prestige" perspective than Windows. I mean, their laptops alone costs twice than Windows laptops.
liniutze said:
Pfff, it's Windows !!! it will freeze and crash 1387445 times per day.
And the OS will not be open source, you will not have root.
And the applications will cost more, much more.
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Exactly. I can't believe this is even a conversation. Android is the fastest growing mobile OS out there. There are over 300,000 Android handsets activated each day. That's a pretty amazing stat. I for one won't give up Android, especially for Windows.
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Windows 8 seems great, so this will make people from google to make Android OS even better and that's good for us. Even Windows 7 is actually incredible.
As for iOS, Americans and British will always buy this crap...
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What a joke they said windows mobile 7 was going tobe the one not mobiles windows is old history move on.
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ive tried wp7 on a friends phone and its snappy and integrates well with social sites. however, i dont even have an active facebook account and i dont even remember by password in twitter. the only online socialiazing i do is post to forums.
i might have bought one myself but the deal breaker is the missing wifi hotspot functionality. don't count windows mobile out yet. who knows wp8 might be great.
as for windows 8, i think they should retain the current desktop ui as windows 7 is great. the touch interface should only be an option that can be turned on/off. admit it, the keyboard and mouse combo still is supreme if you really needs to get some serious work done. the touch interface for desktop is only good for kiosks or presentations.
the reason for the popularity of other OS alternatives is microsofts fault also. they started going into consoles and put less priority on games for windows. they are diminishing their biggest advantage over the other OSes on home use.. and now if they make windows 8 "touch only", they effectively killed gaming in PCs and i might as well move on to mac.
Where is innovation?
1. They advertise HTML5, Javascript etc as innovation feature, however, the same is possible on both Android and iOS. From my perspective Java is much more capable than any of these. It is object oriented and better suited for large projects.
2. Live applications = widgets on Android
3. There is nothing said about the framework and multitasking.
4. Windows will be a closed platform undoubtedly.
So far it looks like simply a promise and marketing show.
So Yea
I saw the videos and Wow, but then if everything was like in Microsoft Marketing Cuckooland we all be using fling cars and booking our holidays to Saturn directly from our courier file manager (does anyone remember courier?)
In the real world
Android is far more customizable than WM7, and yes probably tiles are nice and better than static icons, but widgets are even more powerful than tiles, hell, you can customize your own widgets in some cases (Check Maker Your Clock Application for example) or even use live wall papers to display info.
If you put your mind to it You can make your android phone to do whatever WM7 do and then some, same goes for ios, lots of things are doable in Android, the only thing needed is people interested and willing to code the right applications.
In WM7 and iOS, sorry, close source, not allowed.
When Win8 comes out and then I see it running in tablets and can compare with whatever version of Android or Chromium and whatever is out call me,
P.S. rest assured that neither Goggle nor Apple wont be seated doing nothing and waiting for MS to take their market share
this would make a better tablet with a dock than the transformer! you use you tablet with the same os as you laptops and desktops.
and a marketplace isn't needed. there are tons of sources for windows apps. it may be helpful for a noob, but I know where to get all my software... legally.
if this works well I can see windows taking over both iOS and android. especially if it's as "open" as windows on desktops are. no freaking having to work for root.
No wonder after watching M$ you are euphoric. Its simple social engeneering. Playing on emotions and expectations. The truth is more prosaic. Windows core idea was build on using mouse. MS tried tablets niche many times in the past but never suceeded. Do you imagine mouse with tablet?
This time it will be the same. Much hype will poooof quickly.
I dont consider using windows powered tab since I met android. In fact I have two various fujitsu tabs laying around collecting dust. I need windows to work but for everything else I use android because of easy of use.
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I do like the Look of the Touch UI, but it's just a UI.. Surely that can be duplicated to some extent under Android. If not now defiantly in future releases?

Kindle Fire or Win8 Tablet?

Who is going to wait for the rumored Windows 8 OS on a Tablet?
Wish I could wait, but I must have the Fire. Maybe someone will get W8 running on the Fire, but with only 8GB to play with, it would be pretty crippled.
I am inclined to wait for Win8 but this Metro theme has me a little worried.
Windows 8 isn't open source so it wont be on the Kindle.
I think it will be a while before win 8 is finalized and ready to be shipped, (at least 6 months imo) I want win 8, but there's no way I can wait that long. Plus there is no way anything will compete with the Kindles price tag
Having a rooted NC eliminates any desire or need for the AF. Am curiously watching the development of Win8 though.
Agree with the above that it's extremely unlikely the AF can or will run Win8.
I highly doubt we'll see a Windows 8 tablet at $199.
Very true, unless the Win8 tablet were wi-fi only. Also, waiting on Win8 tablets will allow time for development on the Kindle Fire to ramp up.
Anyone see the lenovo? 250 for16gb gingerbread, and Google access.
I apologize for posting in the wrong thread. Scrolled down and found one dedicated to the a1.
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Looked up the lenovo A1 and from the specs I'd go with the Kindle Fire.
Let's all keep in mind that as of right now, the AF cannot really be considered an "android tablet" but more a "dedicated e-reader running android". That is if/until it is rooted by some of the marvelous devs on XDA.
Semantics I know but it's the way I see it.
askpcguy said:
Who is going to wait for the rumored Windows 8 OS on a Tablet?
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Seems they are polar opposite for premise, so not an apple to apple comparison.
Windows 8 will be a multi-faceted and scalable platform for tablets on up to desktops, where as Kindle is an iTunes clone with heavy emphasis on their cloud storage.
Perhaps the Kindle 2 or even 2.5 would be the better point for discussion, since about a year away from Windows 8 tablets.
Lol technically Windows 8 won't have to be opensource to run on tablets, with this rendition Microsoft is allowing it to run on ARM processors. Although, since the Fire supposedly has a TI OMAP chip, it may be unlikely.
It will make an interesting holiday season 2011. Apps on android are nice but full applications as used on Laptops or Desktops on a Windows 8 tablet would be refreshing. Now, if it'll only have a GSM radio for wireless web.
skeeterpro said:
Let's all keep in mind that as of right now, the AF cannot really be considered an "android tablet" but more a "dedicated e-reader running android". That is if/until it is rooted by some of the marvelous devs on XDA.
Semantics I know but it's the way I see it.
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Well if the AF gets rooted.... It's a simple matter of adding Android APP store and the necessary SYNC-ing... I don't know how hard it will be as they have already said that they aren't actively stopping anyone. As far as space you could do like I did on my droid1 and delete the official ROM than install the new one from CR... Though I know a lot of people dislike this, its the way we used to do it. And if you have both the amazon cloud and the google cloud. And your android phone (if you have one). 200 ain't too bad a deal. Either way for the purpose of Ereading on the subway? And looking at the newspaper? I think this is suitable even at stock. For the rest I have a netbook a desktop a laptop a phone and and IPOD touch.
I think question isn't correct, cause win8 wasn't release. There will be the new Kindle when win8 will be ready.
Sorry for my bad english...
I was asking if anyone thinks waiting for Windows 8 devices is a good idea or not wait and get the Kindle fire now.
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Or just install Windows 8 on a 7 tablet
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Highly developed Android is good enough for Kindle fire and i don't except too much, maybe after i'm tired of Android, i will think about Windows
Oh god, does this thread actually exist? Are you new to planet Earth?
Microsoft is known for many things... Simplicity and stability are not two of them. "Ease of use" goes only as deep as the UI layer, which is thin.
Microsoft is also notorious for getting first releases wrong, then the next version would be tolerable, but still not great, and never perfect- win 95/win 98, Vista/win 7 would be just two examples. And this is by far microsoft's most ambitious leap.
Not to mention, the concept of "windows on a tablet" has failed for over 10 years... And those years having the advantage of the perception by most that Windows was the only OS on the planet, for most people.
For consumers who want a tablet for casual use, they want it to just work... They don't want to need an MCSE or a friend to burden with support...
Note Apple wasn't silly enough to put a halloween costume on Mac OS and use that on their tablets...
IPads are successful because they are an escape from the groans and headaches of Windows, not just because they are tablets. The only thing different between them and ten prior years of "windows on a tablet" failures is that there's no Windows headaches on board.
People have already voted with their wallets, they want a simple OS that is stable, and runs cheap/free apps. It is microsoft themselves who paved the path for ipad success by making Windows too ambitious, therefore too complicated.
Putting ANOTHER layer on top of already-complex, already-heavy Windows is like a halloween costume... It tries to hide what's underneath, makes for a few oohs and aahs if done well, but that's fantasy... What's reality is what is under the costume.
Plus, MS is wasting the opportunity they could have had with WP7...
the world has not only embraced simple mobile touch OS's, but the paradigm has shifted so people expect them.
...yet MS won't commit development to WP7 as their "we need to compete seriously with Android and iOS" operating system.
Instead, they are going to try to spread already "use-it-if-i-must" OS of the desktops of yesteryear in an impossibly ambitious direction.
...and, not only won't it be out for another year, but history shows us the first release won't be good... It'll be at least two years for a stable one that at least partially addresses criticisms, all the while the new mobile OS paradigm is shaping public expectation in a way that isn't Windows... No matter what halloween costume you put on the presentation layer.
Plus, haven't you seen the preview vids? It's a schizophrenic OS... MS apparently doesn't even have full confidence in the new UI: You must switch into legacy-windows-UI mode for certain things. Ugh.
I can't see anyone in 2014 doing anything but largely rejecting this, continuing Microsoft's legacy of "windows on a tablet" failures.
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I think it all depends on your money and if you can wait. ASUS said that in mid to late 2012 they will launch Win. 8 tablets. I don't see any decent ones coming before that. Win. 8 will be good, I'm excited (I don't care what you unbelievers say) but it'll be a while for a tablet to come out. The Fire is only $200. That means that after a year you will get your money's worth out of it and you would be able to get a beefier tablet once Win. 8 becomes available, since it's only available to developers and not the general public as of now. I'm getting the Fire and hold off for a better Win. 8 tablet in about 1 year and I would suggest that to others.
If you don't have the money to get both and you can wait, then wait for a Win. 8 tablet because they will be awesome. NVIDIA is launching the Tegra 3 later this year which is amazing. They will most likely launch another CPU for the Win. 8 tablets.
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geolemon said:
Not to mention, the concept of "windows on a tablet" has failed for over 10 years... And those years having the advantage of the perception by most that Windows was the only OS on the planet, for most people.
Plus, MS is wasting the opportunity they could have had with WP7...
the world has not only embraced simple mobile touch OS's, but the paradigm has shifted so people expect them.
...yet MS won't commit development to WP7 as their "we need to compete seriously with Android and iOS" operating system.
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In my opinion you are wrong! Win. 8 interface is based off of WP. 7 as far as I can tell. And you claim that they aren't developing for WP 7? What do you mean? Have you heard of the Mango update? It's a beast of an update! They are using WP. 7 as a base and optimizing it for a tablet. They aren't doing the normal windows things with the desktop and start menu. They see that WP. 7's metro is working and using that on Win. 8. And all of the videos say that they are excited for the release and if they weren't dedicated to make it awesome, why would they make it? Yes, they've screwed up in the past, but that they have learned from their mistakes and no OS is going to be bug proof, especially if you consider the amount of users that use Windows! The only reason that WP 7 hasn't taken off like Android and iPhone has is because there aren't a lot of phones available for it. Android took a couple of years to explode and it didn't hit big until the Droid phase, which isn't the first Android phone. Win. 8 will be good, just give it time.

A serious Question for us Android tablet users!

Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
As being a previous loyal android user, i found myself quite moved and worried about the rumours regarding Windows 8 tablet taking over the market leaving android tablets to die, upon hearing this i asked myself if is this really possible?? Because if it is then what will become of my transformer after a year? For which to buy i had sold my old laptop.
Please leave your ideas and opinions so that this discussion can be carried on.
alizafar said:
Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
As being a previous loyal android user, i found myself quite moved and worried about the rumours regarding Windows 8 tablet taking over the market leaving android tablets to die, upon hearing this i asked myself if is this really possible?? Because if it is then what will become of my transformer after a year? For which to buy i had sold my old laptop
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In a year your tablet will be three maybe four generations old and lacking. That said it will be exactly what it is today. Awesome.
Windows 8 sucks. It won't take anything over.. garbage.
I haven't tried Windows 8 on a tablet, but I did try the free preview on a desktop. I am terribly ashamed to admit it.
I installed it on a computer that I don't use as a daily driver and I disconnected the ethernet to keep things relatively safe. Truly, this is more cautious than when I knowingly put viruses on my computer to test out my virus scanner. No joke. After I burned the installation DVD, I wrote "Caution! Windows 8" on it so that I wouldn't install it, thinking it was a linux distro that I wanted to play around with.
At any rate, Windows 8 is a joke. The UI is terrible and it's just a ploy to take your information. It reminds me of Vista and how that was a flop that they turned into Windows 7. Did anyone see the project Mohave videos?. Navigation is not intuitive and the tiles and charms bar are a mess. It's really the stuff that was leftover and fell on the floor. Take all the stuff that iOS and Android never used because it sucked and bam! Windows 8!
In the interest of disclosure, I dislike Windows and Microsoft products in general.
Good Question
This is a good question, and one I thought about myself. Honestly I don't think it would be hard for Windows to overtake Android tablets, Amazon did it with the kindel. I love my transformer and the OP it has basically replaced my laptop in a lot of ways. But honestly, up to this point I haven't seen anything that would suggest Google can compete well against Windows Amazon or Apple. The update process on Android is ridiculous, and developer support although improving is lacking. Google won't put some sort of QC process and organization on the market so tablet specific apps are hard to find. All of these things are off putting to casual consumers and usually why they choose other OS's. That said, all this can be improved and I think Android tablets will sell more but until then I'm keeping my eye on Windows 8. If they can offer me the same functionality with usb ports, user upgraded memory at a resonable price I might consider a Windows tablet.
I also have the Win8 Consumer Preview installed.
It is an interesting blend of a traditional OS and a tablet OS, but it is still not going to take over Android IMO.
There is still a lot of unknowns. Even if Windows tablets take off, the low powered Tegra variety will probably have issues running full software (like Office) since it is designed for x86 and x64 processors. I know the Atom processors struggled with this for a while.
In general, I will be sticking with Windows 7 because the metro UI is not what I want in a desktop OS. Even for a tablet OS, I still prefer Android.
alizafar said:
Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
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Probably should have asked this question the day before yesterday.
I wouldn't rule out Microsoft, I have Windows 8 running on an Acer W500 tablet and although it is not quite ready for prime time, the fact that I can run Office 10, surf any site I want, etc. makes it pretty darn useful compared to Android or iOs. It's almost like iOS has the perfect consumption device for people who are just going to surf a bit and do some light stuff, while Windows 8 could handle that plus serious business stuff. I worry about Android's survival because of the lack of control by Google. Between vendors fighting to see who can put out the cheapest tablet, phone carriers and vendors modifying the heck out of it to "differentiate" themselves, and the inability to predict when or if a particular unit will get an update I can't see too many regular people picking an Android tablet compared to iOS or WIndows 8. By the way, that doesn't apply to the people on this forum who are by definition people who enjoy tinkering with their tablets, but if you start talking to the vast majority of the population about rooting, adb, etc. their eyes will glass over. A small vocal minority makes for a neat foruum experience, but it doesn't keep an operating system alive.
I honestly don't see how windows 8 will capture the hearts of the public with the tiles instead of icons. Icons have become so popular because they take advantage of people's natural ability to recognize shapes and patterns at a glance. With tiles, everything looks the same at a glance. I tried out windows 8 and I very quickly found myself having to concentrate more just to see which tile belong to what app. It was annoying as hell.
I tried wp7 and i must say it feels the same as it looks, blocky as hell and windows 8 looks the same. I love android because i can customize it, install whatever i want, root it, flash it, is fast, lots of updates, innovations etc.
I <3 windows on my pc, but <3 Android on my mobile devices and i think it will remain like that for a long time.
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
gee one said:
Take all the stuff that iOS and Android never used because it sucked and bam! Windows 8!
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Bwahahahahahaha!!!! Good one!
If windows 8 tablets run on an x86 platform then you'll be able to run all windows apps including games on it so I could see them taking a chunk out of the existing laptop/tablet market.
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I love my Android tablet but it can't totally replace a PC yet. I've been thinking about the ASUS Eee Slate for a while. Price and the fact that Windows 7 is not really tablet optimized has held me back (plus my dismal experience with ASUS RMA's didn't help much). A well made tablet with a tablet optimized OS and a Wacom stylus interests me. I draw and need an office program to do schoolwork.
bbedward said:
If windows 8 tablets run on an x86 platform then you'll be able to run all windows apps including games on it...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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This is perhaps the most commonly held misconception out there.
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letsgophillyingeneral said:
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
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Believe it or not, I'm very excited about windows 8. I really am. My gripe with it is for some unfathomable reason they decided to use tiles instead of icons. This one thing will turn most people away.
I think Tweaked hit it on the head.
With nVidia's announced product schedule, one year will bring about huge changes in the tablet market. I don't think you have to worry about Windows 8, but if the huge juggernaut that is the iPad is not killing us right now, then Windows 8 can do absolutely no harm.
Google isn't going to let Android die. It's Google. What Windows 8 will do is bring more competition into the market, which is always a good thing for us consumers.
What will eventually become obsolete are phones and tablets with hardware that can't support Windows 8 or Google's new Android.
Android, and even iOS, are specifically written for a mobile platform.
They are designed to be energy efficient, work with reasonably priced hardware (OK, maybe not in the iOS case) and were built from the ground up for this purpose.
Microsoft is trying to make their desktop environment fit on a tablet.
It was not designed for the mobile platform, not even talking about the interface, I'm talking about efficiency and lack of bloat.
In order to maintain their compatibility they have to add a lot of (in most cases) unnecessary bloat for the few people that may require it.
I'm not bashing Microsoft, I'm just saying the can't shoe-horn their desktop OS on a mobile device and expect it to compete with devices that were specifically designed for the mobile space.
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to, but from what I've seen and heard it has a horrible interface that makes desktop use a horrible experience. The interface looks like it will be useful on a tablet but Microsoft has come too late into the tablet game and will have to bust their asses to catch up. All their apps for their ARM version has to be rewritten from the ground up so they essentially don't have any apps available compared to Android and iOS which have hundreds of thousands of apps available, the x86 version may have more success since they don't have to completely change everything. Although they do have a lot of work ahead of them because apparently they're ditching .NET and using a new language which developers have to learn, here's the kicker the development tools aren't even finished yet!
I don't think we have a lot to worry about considering that the iPad hasn't killed the Android tablet yet. I think a lot of people are going to get Windows 8 and see how much of a clusterfuck it is and wish they had never spent the money on it. Windows has always been a dirty OS that requires Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software to keep it usable, do you really want to have to use that stuff on your tablet also? I guess we'll have to see how it pans out. I think its going to be a miserable failure just like their phones are. It's their last ditch effort to stay relevant in the changing PC market.
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk
brando56894 said:
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to, but from what I've seen and heard it has a horrible interface that makes desktop use a horrible experience. The interface looks like it will be useful on a tablet but Microsoft has come too late into the tablet game and will have to bust their asses to catch up.
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umm what? Windows 8 does have the standard Windows interface. Metro is basically an overlay GUI. You can turn it on and off.
brando56894 said:
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to,
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Stopped right there. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you start an argument off like that?
If you had played with one of the early Windows 8 builds, whether it be the Dev Editition or the Consumer Preview, you would've quickly realized that Windows 8 provides the same exact desktop experience as Windows 7 / Vista.
Like I said earlier in the thread:
letsgophillyingeneral said:
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
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Free Windows upgrades?

Hello everyone.
I've always wondered why tablets/phones get free software upgrades (Android 3 to 4), while Computer OS's do not. (Windows Vista to 7).
Considering Windows 8 will be both a tablet and a desktop OS, will updates to windows 9 (or whatever they decide to call it) be free, for tablets at least?
It does not sound possible, but if Microsoft phones got free upgrades, why not their tablets?
Please share your thoughts on this.
I dont think so.
do you know how much money Bill Gates has? Yes, not enough!
It would be nice if we got a "Mac" type deal $29 upgrade , etc.
I thought Bill Gates retired.. Oh well..
And I wouldn't set Apple as a model for pricing.
DarkSeL said:
I thought Bill Gates retired.. Oh well..
And I wouldn't set Apple as a model for pricing.
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I second that brother... And I think some people have not even the slightest idea about the philanthropy Bill Gates is involved in... Plus, if PC OSes are upgraded freely then we would be at mercy of hardware providers to determine whether our hardware deserves an OS upgrade or not (as it is in the case of all smartphones today)...
gururoop said:
I second that brother... And I think some people have not even the slightest idea about the philanthropy Bill Gates is involved in... Plus, if PC OSes are upgraded freely then we would be at mercy of hardware providers to determine whether our hardware deserves an OS upgrade or not (as it is in the case of all smartphones today)...
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The question remains.. Will W8 tablets be treated like computers or phones.
android is a bad example given that the money is made through advertising and selling your info.
a more reliable comparison is Apple and iOS. WP7 and the iPhone are limited use devices,
OSx and Windows on there respective hardware are computers with a significant use attached to them, the same can be said for Windows Tablets, however they are different from Apples ipad offerings which is just a bumped up iphone OS, the tablet is (at least we believe. x86 - yes, ARM - ?) its a fully functional computer
So to your question, a Windows Tablet, is a computer (probably), and thus will likely follow computer upgrade cycles. and ipad is an extension of its iphone and would follow the phone update model.
As to how much it should cost, well that's up to MS, but before folk start raving about Apples "cheap" updates, its worth pointing out that developing an OS with a fixed hardware design will be much easier (cheaper) to do than for an almost infinite number of hardware designs
Lets be clear on something, NOTHING is done without there being money to be made in one form or another, Googles model is not as transparent as Microsofts but it still makes a mint, and whilst it doesn't do that by charging you directly it does use you as its *****
Its a nice though but not going to happen.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
chrisrotolo said:
I dont think so.
do you know how much money Bill Gates has? Yes, not enough!
It would be nice if we got a "Mac" type deal $29 upgrade , etc.
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The difference between Microsoft and Apple is that Apple already ripped you off with their expensive hardware so they can afford it to upgrade the OS for 29$.
Microsoft needs to get their profits from software only, that's why it's a bit more expensive than OSX upgrades.
DarkSeL said:
Hello everyone.
I've always wondered why tablets/phones get free software upgrades (Android 3 to 4), while Computer OS's do not. (Windows Vista to 7).
Considering Windows 8 will be both a tablet and a desktop OS, will updates to windows 9 (or whatever they decide to call it) be free, for tablets at least?
It does not sound possible, but if Microsoft phones got free upgrades, why not their tablets?
Please share your thoughts on this.
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no they wont be, in the same way that OSx updates are chargable
you need to remember that everyone needs to make money, even the beloved Android "free" OS, android makers and OEMs make their money by selling your soul to anyone who has the money to pay for it, MS makes money by charging you directly, both are valid business models but one is more "open" than the other, the irony is that the "open" OS is actually the least open when it comes to the business modelm both have good points both have bad points.
The Windows phone portion will remain "free" to a point, but tablets and desktop versions are very much computer OSs, not a phone OS unlike its android and iOS cousins
edit, Boom! 1700 posts
Donny1987 said:
The difference between Microsoft and Apple is that Apple already ripped you off with their expensive hardware so they can afford it to upgrade the OS for 29$.
Microsoft needs to get their profits from software only, that's why it's a bit more expensive than OSX upgrades.
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Everyone looks at Mirosoft thinks that they are cheating big arse sum of marney from you guys.
Microsoft just ended their support for XP like few months ago, which was release about 10years ago.
For just $29, Apple only provide 11 updates on that whatever cat OS and then just kiss your old cat goodbye on support on your whatever latest iPhones or Pads.
So Apple OS = cheap????
Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk 2
DarkSeL said:
Hello everyone.
I've always wondered why tablets/phones get free software upgrades (Android 3 to 4), while Computer OS's do not. (Windows Vista to 7).
Considering Windows 8 will be both a tablet and a desktop OS, will updates to windows 9 (or whatever they decide to call it) be free, for tablets at least?
It does not sound possible, but if Microsoft phones got free upgrades, why not their tablets?
Please share your thoughts on this.
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It's a good point, and potentially a future issue for Microsoft. Apple can afford to give software updates away for free because they make so much money off hardware sales, iTunes and the App Store. The updates for the iPod Touch weren't always free though, I remember paying for a few. Google can afford to give the OS away for free because the OS is just a vehicle for ad revenue etc.
To my mind though, the parallel between PCs and smartphones/tablets isn't an issue yet (maybe one for the Windows 9 launch?). iOS and Android are updated to new versions annually, Windows is more like every 3 years. Windows support continues long after the next version is released. The oldest device to get iOS5 was the iPhone 33GS (now 3 years old) and the oldest device to get the ICS update was likely (I don't actually know the answer) much younger. While iOS and Android contain a limited amount of legacy hardware support, Windows will run on very old computers indeed. Windows 8 will run on hardware less powerful than my smartphone (actually, that could be an interesting experiment at the end of the year; which OS will run well on lower hardware; the latest Android build, or Win8 RT?).
I can see consumer perceptions towards paying for software shifting though, and that could well cause Microsoft issues in the future, especially when Apple inevitably stop charging for OS X upgrades.
chrisrotolo said:
I dont think so.
do you know how much money Bill Gates has? Yes, not enough!
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Bill Gates has been giving his money away as charity for the past 10 years.
satchef1 said:
It's a good point, and potentially a future issue for Microsoft. Apple can afford to give software updates away for free because they make so much money off hardware sales, iTunes and the App Store. The updates for the iPod Touch weren't always free though, I remember paying for a few. Google can afford to give the OS away for free because the OS is just a vehicle for ad revenue etc.
To my mind though, the parallel between PCs and smartphones/tablets isn't an issue yet (maybe one for the Windows 9 launch?). iOS and Android are updated to new versions annually, Windows is more like every 3 years. Windows support continues long after the next version is released. The oldest device to get iOS5 was the iPhone 33GS (now 3 years old) and the oldest device to get the ICS update was likely (I don't actually know the answer) much younger. While iOS and Android contain a limited amount of legacy hardware support, Windows will run on very old computers indeed. Windows 8 will run on hardware less powerful than my smartphone (actually, that could be an interesting experiment at the end of the year; which OS will run well on lower hardware; the latest Android build, or Win8 RT?).
I can see consumer perceptions towards paying for software shifting though, and that could well cause Microsoft issues in the future, especially when Apple inevitably stop charging for OS X upgrades.
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I don't think desktop OS upgrades will change in the near future, theres too much work within a desktop OS, yes the kernel may be the same or similar but there is an awful lot more to a desktop. which is why paying for upgrades in justified so long as upgrades bring new functionality.
a Phone OS is very different its a limited use function and the revenue stream is from sale of apps and market penetration and adverts. Personally I think if windows RT is similar to the desktop in functionality then it will follow the desktop model, if it is a limited use device then it will more likely follow the phone OS model.
That's because you're paying the lisencing for the product. Microsoft is a software company, they make very little hardware (And most of their hardware is just comprised of peripherals and concept products). They have to make money somehow, so they do this by selling the lisencing to their OS. Mac is exactly the same, $30 and upgrade. Windows just charges more though because their OS upgrades take longer to come around and usually take a bigger step forware (I'm not dissing Mac by saying it's slow to evolve or anything, I'm just saying Mac takes slow and steady steps, while Windows takes a large leep, but only every few years).
iOS used to cost money to upgrade on iPod Touches, but this generated very little revenue, and mostly irritated iPod Touch users, so Apple stopped. As only Apple makes devices that use Apple OS's, there's no licesing fee.
Andriod is 100% open scource and free, meaning anyone, including you, can just go and download it free. They don't charge licesing fees, instead, making money off increased ad traffic.
Windows Phone does charge a liscensing fee, meaning every WinPhone device sold, the manufactor has to pay a small fee to Microsoft. Of course, to stay competitive, they don't charge upgrade fees.
Going back to conventional x86 desktops, when you buy one at a store, the license for that computer has already been paid for by the maker, so if you build your own, you have to pay Microsoft for a license. If you wish to upgrade, you must pay for the right to use that new OS, through the means of paying for a new license or upgrade fee.
I imagine Windows RT/WoA wil follow this same principle, because it's a more full fledged OS (But it can't run legacy programs). Of course, I would imagine the upgrade fee would be much smaller, but we can't know, becuase this will be the first time Windows has ever supported an ARM device.

[Q] Put windows 8 on ipad for free

Hello guys! I have an iPad 2 (I dont know if apple talk is even allowed here) but what I want to do is to install Windows 8 on non-jailbroken iPad 2 with iOS 5.0.1 for free. Spashtops paid offer is unfair since Windows slate users can get it for free. So where do I get win8 for free?
install win8 on ipad2? you're kidding, right?
OptimusLove said:
Hello guys! I have an iPad 2 (I dont know if apple talk is even allowed here) but what I want to do is to install Windows 8 on non-jailbroken iPad 2 with iOS 5.0.1 for free. Spashtops paid offer is unfair since Windows slate users can get it for free. So where do I get win8 for free?
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Just a quick question, what is it you are wanting to do?
im not sure if you quite understand what is going on with Splashtop , your not installing Windows 8, your using a remote VM that's streamed to your ipad.
besides that, Win 8 ARM isn't available to us, its not a retail product, we have no idea how hard it is going to be to rip out the OS and install it on other devices, or indeed if its possible at all
What you could try, and I don't have an ipad so I cant be sure it would work, is use a web service such as logmein,
setup a win 8 desktop somewhere, then install logmein, if your ipad will allow it log on to the logmein service and connect to your Win 8 desktop, technically you now have a crude version of Splashtops product
OptimusLove said:
Hello guys! I have an iPad 2 (I dont know if apple talk is even allowed here) but what I want to do is to install Windows 8 on non-jailbroken iPad 2 with iOS 5.0.1 for free. Spashtops paid offer is unfair since Windows slate users can get it for free. So where do I get win8 for free?
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First of all, Apple doesn't even let you transfer any sort of files except media on their devices. Secondly, if you could manage to get something on there using SSH or something, you can't execute it at bootup. This proves yet a impossible thing to install Windows 8 on iPad but who knows? Someone can prove me wrong and put Win 8 on iPad. That would be awesome as I also own a iPad (1st-Gen).
??? how will that work ???
How will that work? I mean Apple and Windows on a machine?
This will never be possible =[
Taimur Akmal said:
First of all, Apple doesn't even let you transfer any sort of files except media on their devices. Secondly, if you could manage to get something on there using SSH or something, you can't execute it at bootup. This proves yet a impossible thing to install Windows 8 on iPad but who knows? Someone can prove me wrong and put Win 8 on iPad. That would be awesome as I also own a iPad (1st-Gen).
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Not to mention that iBoot is very particular about what it downloads during recovery.
Cogixo: it's possible with both Mac and Windows PCs, Bootcamp and Hackintoshing (respectively). But on Apple's ARM based tablet? Probably not (in fact, definitely not going to be too possible)
Sent from my LS-LS670 using XDA
Kabayan, it is possible but the hardware is not compatible, you have been seeing windows 8 running on iPad but it was a remote session, using ipad to control another PC running windows 8. AFAIK, there was no single project being produced installing windows 8 in iPad. Splashtop's tool is being used to connect an iPad to a Windows 8 PC, making an illusion of running windows 8 on ipad.
there are windows 8-based tablets in the market now(samsung, ehem) amd windows 7-based tablets can also accommodate windows 8.
if you have enough funds, you can commission few programmers to make a hacked wiindows 8 pc(arm version is better) to make the sources of it compatible to iPad.
junpeikawada said:
Kabayan, it is possible but the hardware is not compatible, you have been seeing windows 8 running on iPad but it was a remote session, using ipad to control another PC running windows 8. AFAIK, there was no single project being produced installing windows 8 in iPad. Splashtop's tool is being used to connect an iPad to a Windows 8 PC, making an illusion of running windows 8 on ipad.
there are windows 8-based tablets in the market now(samsung, ehem) amd windows 7-based tablets can also accommodate windows 8.
if you have enough funds, you can commission few programmers to make a hacked wiindows 8 pc(arm version is better) to make the sources of it compatible to iPad.
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I had to explain the same thing to my friend who switched from iOS to Android and asked me why he couldn't use Java when "cloud browse for iOS could". Had to explain to him that all he was seeing was a Linux system shunting the images from the java site to his iPod.
Sent from my LS-LS670 using XDA
:laugh: this is kind of joke.... :laugh:
hA....... Jobs is rolling over in his grave. Do some people think first? I'm gonna have to use this one at work.....
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
bzmotoninja83 said:
hA....... Jobs is rolling over in his grave. Do some people think first? I'm gonna have to use this one at work.....
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
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I like the idea of Steve jobs perpetually rolling around and around and around in his grave
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
androidcues said:
I like the idea of Steve jobs perpetually rolling around and around and around in his grave
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
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If this is possable, I will go to the store and buy a iPad just for this use....
As I am not interested in it for iOS (sorry fanboys)
Put DOS on your macbook. U can really do it for free)
cogixo said:
How will that work? I mean Apple and Windows on a machine?
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The thing is,questions like this show why the Surface is going to be a trainwreck. Windows on Apple hardware was done. First by some guy with quite a bit of talent and skill,then by apple themselves. The thing is,most endusers are so clueless they dont realize why this was possible OR why it was difficult.
It was possible of course becuase the newer apple hardware really IS PC hardware with a slightly different EFI firmware. Therefore running windows on it is possible.
The thing is,there are TWO versions of the Surface,and TWO version of windows 8,which are both completely different. One version of the surface is an ARM based tablet,and it runs a special ARM windows. It needs to run special ARM windows software and cant run normal apps. They call it Windows 8 RT. (presumably for RISC Tablet or RISC Technology)
Then there is the Pro version. It runs "real" windows 8,and can run normal windows programs. Its like a PC in a tablet form factor and will use an Intel Atom CPU. It also costs almost twice as much.
This will confuse people. They will go buy the RT tablet,thinking they can run all the WIndows software and be very angry and dissapointed when they find out the expensive tablet they bought is "useless". Microsofts promises of vast amounts of Metro enabled vaporware wont cut it.
Many of those people will probably STILL not understand. They will think that "Windows 8 wont run your old WIndows programs" and not only wont buy Windows 8 for their PC,they wont even buy a new PC becuase they will think that Windows 8 does not run their software. They saw it with their own eyes,and the guy at windows tech support told them that,or at least thats what they THINK they were told,the guy was hard to understand. Those people will be very angry at Microsoft. Macs will get a nice shot in the arm from this,after all,if you have to buy all new software,then Microsofts lost its barrier to people switching. Perception IS reality in this case.
In the end,this wont kill MS or anything,but they will have to spend a fortune to undo the damage. They will have to run commericals to explain the difference. The RT tablets will dissapear not long after they are released. MS will try to salvage the Windows 8 Pro tablet line. That will anger the people that shelled out 600 dollars for a new tablet and te OEMs that are dumb enough to jump on the bandwagon. (Apperantly HP is one such company thats dumb enough)
Thats not getting into the UI. Windows 8 probably works as well as anything else on a tablet,but it sucks on a desktop.
I expect to see the Metro UI dialed back or eliminated in the Windows 9,which should basically be a rebadged version of 8 with Metro turned off and a normal windows desktop. It will probably drop around early to mid 2014. Service pack one will probably make Metro default to off as well,at least for newly installed machines.
The worst thing will be the confusion. There are too many things they are coming out with called "windows 8". My mother cant even figure out how to create a new document and has to call me every time she does it. How is she going to keep "Windows 8 RT on a Surface","Windows 8 on a Surface pro","Windows 8 Home","windows 8 professional","Windows 8 Ultimate" and "Windows 8 Phone" strait. Which one runs what software again? thats the thing,it used to be,if it ran windows,it ran windows software. People understood that. They also came to understand that really old versions of software that ran on older versions of windows might not run on newer computers with their newer versions of windows. (Although they didnt understand why). This is going to be too much for end users to keep track of.
Now for the real question. Is it theoretically possible to put Windows 8 RT,the ARM version on a I-Pad. The answer is,yes,but it wont happen. Apple does not use standard chips like ,say the HP Touchpad. The chipset is different. The drivers wont exist for a i-Pad and its not a trivial thing to write them. Now,tablets like the Touchpad might someday have a custom Windows 8 RT rom for them. Thats becuase they use a qualcom chipset used in dozens of other devices. As such,its quite likely that drivers for the hardware will exist for Windows 8 RT for those tablets. This is how they were able to port Android to the Touchpad. Even that is a huge undertaking. Its almost a year later and its working quite well but its still not finished and many things (like the camera) do not work right.
---------- Post added at 04:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------
DavidinCT said:
If this is possable, I will go to the store and buy a iPad just for this use....
As I am not interested in it for iOS (sorry fanboys)
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Im not a fanboi but I question why you would want Windows 8 RT. Its going to be a disaster. You might as well run webOS. There are two tablets operating systems right now that are successful and then there are the also-rans. The ones no one in their right mind will pay 500 dollars for.
Theres Android,and theres iOS. Thats it. In fact,many android users would rather have a iPad but its too expensive. Thats both good and bad for android. If you look at it one way,maybe 1/3 of Android users are people who would rather have the competitions product but could not afford it. On the other hand,perhaps 1/3 of Android users were potential Apple customers who were swayed by the lower price and better value of Android tablets. Windows RT however is just like WebOS. Its something thats not an iPad,costs as MUCH as an iPad and is not as GOOD as an iPad.
You can beat apple by being as good as an iPad and being far cheaper. You can beat apple by costing as much as an iPad and being far better. However,you cant beat apple by being as good as an iPad and costing as much as one,becuase at the end of the day,Apple has one thing going for it,its product IS an iPad. Thats the one most people want. Microsoft is trying to beat Apple by selling a product that costs as much or more than an iPad,and is not as good as one. (HP tried it too) Now before the fanbois start flaming me,let me say,I dont think Windows 8 RT or WebOS worked nearly as well as Android or iOS,but lets just say they are actually a little better. Thats the thing,they are a little better,but not a lot better,on their own. But then there are apps. The tablet is worthless without apps. WebOS has hardly any. Windows 8 hardly has any. Therefore the iPad and Android are better.
A little better with the promise of some vaporware in the future wont do it. You need apps,and you need them NOW,or you at least have to convince people that you have a winner. You can do it if your just WAY better. But if your just a little better,or the same,or even worse,then no one will make apps,so no one will buy it,so no one will make apps (becuase theres no one to buy them)
Android can compete with iOS becuase for some people,Android is better. Its more open. For others,the closed nature of the iPad is "better". Windows 8RT however has all the disadvantages of iOS with none of the benefits.
pflatlyne said:
The thing is,questions like this show why the Surface is going to be a trainwreck. Windows on Apple hardware was done. First by some guy with quite a bit of talent and skill,then by apple themselves. The thing is,most endusers are so clueless they dont realize why this was possible OR why it was difficult.
It was possible of course becuase the newer apple hardware really IS PC hardware with a slightly different EFI firmware. Therefore running windows on it is possible.
The thing is,there are TWO versions of the Surface,and TWO version of windows 8,which are both completely different. One version of the surface is an ARM based tablet,and it runs a special ARM windows. It needs to run special ARM windows software and cant run normal apps. They call it Windows 8 RT. (presumably for RISC Tablet or RISC Technology)
Then there is the Pro version. It runs "real" windows 8,and can run normal windows programs. Its like a PC in a tablet form factor and will use an Intel Atom CPU. It also costs almost twice as much.
This will confuse people. They will go buy the RT tablet,thinking they can run all the WIndows software and be very angry and dissapointed when they find out the expensive tablet they bought is "useless". Microsofts promises of vast amounts of Metro enabled vaporware wont cut it.
Many of those people will probably STILL not understand. They will think that "Windows 8 wont run your old WIndows programs" and not only wont buy Windows 8 for their PC,they wont even buy a new PC becuase they will think that Windows 8 does not run their software. They saw it with their own eyes,and the guy at windows tech support told them that,or at least thats what they THINK they were told,the guy was hard to understand. Those people will be very angry at Microsoft. Macs will get a nice shot in the arm from this,after all,if you have to buy all new software,then Microsofts lost its barrier to people switching. Perception IS reality in this case.
In the end,this wont kill MS or anything,but they will have to spend a fortune to undo the damage. They will have to run commericals to explain the difference. The RT tablets will dissapear not long after they are released. MS will try to salvage the Windows 8 Pro tablet line. That will anger the people that shelled out 600 dollars for a new tablet and te OEMs that are dumb enough to jump on the bandwagon. (Apperantly HP is one such company thats dumb enough)
Thats not getting into the UI. Windows 8 probably works as well as anything else on a tablet,but it sucks on a desktop.
I expect to see the Metro UI dialed back or eliminated in the Windows 9,which should basically be a rebadged version of 8 with Metro turned off and a normal windows desktop. It will probably drop around early to mid 2014. Service pack one will probably make Metro default to off as well,at least for newly installed machines.
The worst thing will be the confusion. There are too many things they are coming out with called "windows 8". My mother cant even figure out how to create a new document and has to call me every time she does it. How is she going to keep "Windows 8 RT on a Surface","Windows 8 on a Surface pro","Windows 8 Home","windows 8 professional","Windows 8 Ultimate" and "Windows 8 Phone" strait. Which one runs what software again? thats the thing,it used to be,if it ran windows,it ran windows software. People understood that. They also came to understand that really old versions of software that ran on older versions of windows might not run on newer computers with their newer versions of windows. (Although they didnt understand why). This is going to be too much for end users to keep track of.
Now for the real question. Is it theoretically possible to put Windows 8 RT,the ARM version on a I-Pad. The answer is,yes,but it wont happen. Apple does not use standard chips like ,say the HP Touchpad. The chipset is different. The drivers wont exist for a i-Pad and its not a trivial thing to write them. Now,tablets like the Touchpad might someday have a custom Windows 8 RT rom for them. Thats becuase they use a qualcom chipset used in dozens of other devices. As such,its quite likely that drivers for the hardware will exist for Windows 8 RT for those tablets. This is how they were able to port Android to the Touchpad. Even that is a huge undertaking. Its almost a year later and its working quite well but its still not finished and many things (like the camera) do not work right.
---------- Post added at 04:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------
Im not a fanboi but I question why you would want Windows 8 RT. Its going to be a disaster. You might as well run webOS. There are two tablets operating systems right now that are successful and then there are the also-rans. The ones no one in their right mind will pay 500 dollars for.
Theres Android,and theres iOS. Thats it. In fact,many android users would rather have a iPad but its too expensive. Thats both good and bad for android. If you look at it one way,maybe 1/3 of Android users are people who would rather have the competitions product but could not afford it. On the other hand,perhaps 1/3 of Android users were potential Apple customers who were swayed by the lower price and better value of Android tablets. Windows RT however is just like WebOS. Its something thats not an iPad,costs as MUCH as an iPad and is not as GOOD as an iPad.
You can beat apple by being as good as an iPad and being far cheaper. You can beat apple by costing as much as an iPad and being far better. However,you cant beat apple by being as good as an iPad and costing as much as one,becuase at the end of the day,Apple has one thing going for it,its product IS an iPad. Thats the one most people want. Microsoft is trying to beat Apple by selling a product that costs as much or more than an iPad,and is not as good as one. (HP tried it too) Now before the fanbois start flaming me,let me say,I dont think Windows 8 RT or WebOS worked nearly as well as Android or iOS,but lets just say they are actually a little better. Thats the thing,they are a little better,but not a lot better,on their own. But then there are apps. The tablet is worthless without apps. WebOS has hardly any. Windows 8 hardly has any. Therefore the iPad and Android are better.
A little better with the promise of some vaporware in the future wont do it. You need apps,and you need them NOW,or you at least have to convince people that you have a winner. You can do it if your just WAY better. But if your just a little better,or the same,or even worse,then no one will make apps,so no one will buy it,so no one will make apps (becuase theres no one to buy them)
Android can compete with iOS becuase for some people,Android is better. Its more open. For others,the closed nature of the iPad is "better". Windows 8RT however has all the disadvantages of iOS with none of the benefits.
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While there is quite a lot of misinformation in your post, as I don't have a laptop at the minute, I'll only point out a few.
One, your using "vaporware" to describe metro apps on a system currently in active development. This is like you releasing a program currently in development and people calling it vaporware during it's beta release because there's no plugins "yet". Metro applications do exist and are growing in number.
Two, Microsoft has stated many times that RT would not run standard windows applications and I'm sure that will be in the advertising for the surface RT as well. Metro has enough apps for your causal tablet user. If casual joe wants standard windows applications, he'll buy a Surface Pro.
Three, Microsoft stated that Windows 8 was not going to have so many editions in this release. Not to mention that Windows 8 on a Surface Pro and RT (and probably WP8) will run the same Metro applications. Windows 8 on a surface pro will run the same applications as the normal computer.
Four, Microsoft is probably not going to scrap Metro. They've got enough of a user base on Windows 8 (since Developers Preview) to have enough information about metro. IMHO, if there was to be any inclination to scrap metro, we would've seen it in Release Preview with an on/off switch. Besides, they've put so much work into the interface and making that interface unified across their services and software.
As I said, I would write more if it weren't for the fact that I'm currently in the process of a move and my laptop's charger died on me.
No offense is meant by my post here, just thought I'd clear up some confusion that you seem to have.
Sent from my LG-LS670 using XDA
pflatlyne said:
The thing is,questions like this show why the Surface is going to be a trainwreck. Windows on Apple hardware was done. First by some guy with quite a bit of talent and skill,then by apple themselves. The thing is,most endusers are so clueless they dont realize why this was possible OR why it was difficult.
It was possible of course becuase the newer apple hardware really IS PC hardware with a slightly different EFI firmware. Therefore running windows on it is possible.
The thing is,there are TWO versions of the Surface,and TWO version of windows 8,which are both completely different. One version of the surface is an ARM based tablet,and it runs a special ARM windows. It needs to run special ARM windows software and cant run normal apps. They call it Windows 8 RT. (presumably for RISC Tablet or RISC Technology)
Then there is the Pro version. It runs "real" windows 8,and can run normal windows programs. Its like a PC in a tablet form factor and will use an Intel Atom CPU. It also costs almost twice as much.
This will confuse people. They will go buy the RT tablet,thinking they can run all the WIndows software and be very angry and dissapointed when they find out the expensive tablet they bought is "useless". Microsofts promises of vast amounts of Metro enabled vaporware wont cut it.
Many of those people will probably STILL not understand. They will think that "Windows 8 wont run your old WIndows programs" and not only wont buy Windows 8 for their PC,they wont even buy a new PC becuase they will think that Windows 8 does not run their software. They saw it with their own eyes,and the guy at windows tech support told them that,or at least thats what they THINK they were told,the guy was hard to understand. Those people will be very angry at Microsoft. Macs will get a nice shot in the arm from this,after all,if you have to buy all new software,then Microsofts lost its barrier to people switching. Perception IS reality in this case.
In the end,this wont kill MS or anything,but they will have to spend a fortune to undo the damage. They will have to run commericals to explain the difference. The RT tablets will dissapear not long after they are released. MS will try to salvage the Windows 8 Pro tablet line. That will anger the people that shelled out 600 dollars for a new tablet and te OEMs that are dumb enough to jump on the bandwagon. (Apperantly HP is one such company thats dumb enough)
Thats not getting into the UI. Windows 8 probably works as well as anything else on a tablet,but it sucks on a desktop.
I expect to see the Metro UI dialed back or eliminated in the Windows 9,which should basically be a rebadged version of 8 with Metro turned off and a normal windows desktop. It will probably drop around early to mid 2014. Service pack one will probably make Metro default to off as well,at least for newly installed machines.
The worst thing will be the confusion. There are too many things they are coming out with called "windows 8". My mother cant even figure out how to create a new document and has to call me every time she does it. How is she going to keep "Windows 8 RT on a Surface","Windows 8 on a Surface pro","Windows 8 Home","windows 8 professional","Windows 8 Ultimate" and "Windows 8 Phone" strait. Which one runs what software again? thats the thing,it used to be,if it ran windows,it ran windows software. People understood that. They also came to understand that really old versions of software that ran on older versions of windows might not run on newer computers with their newer versions of windows. (Although they didnt understand why). This is going to be too much for end users to keep track of.
Now for the real question. Is it theoretically possible to put Windows 8 RT,the ARM version on a I-Pad. The answer is,yes,but it wont happen. Apple does not use standard chips like ,say the HP Touchpad. The chipset is different. The drivers wont exist for a i-Pad and its not a trivial thing to write them. Now,tablets like the Touchpad might someday have a custom Windows 8 RT rom for them. Thats becuase they use a qualcom chipset used in dozens of other devices. As such,its quite likely that drivers for the hardware will exist for Windows 8 RT for those tablets. This is how they were able to port Android to the Touchpad. Even that is a huge undertaking. Its almost a year later and its working quite well but its still not finished and many things (like the camera) do not work right.
---------- Post added at 04:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------
Im not a fanboi but I question why you would want Windows 8 RT. Its going to be a disaster. You might as well run webOS. There are two tablets operating systems right now that are successful and then there are the also-rans. The ones no one in their right mind will pay 500 dollars for.
Theres Android,and theres iOS. Thats it. In fact,many android users would rather have a iPad but its too expensive. Thats both good and bad for android. If you look at it one way,maybe 1/3 of Android users are people who would rather have the competitions product but could not afford it. On the other hand,perhaps 1/3 of Android users were potential Apple customers who were swayed by the lower price and better value of Android tablets. Windows RT however is just like WebOS. Its something thats not an iPad,costs as MUCH as an iPad and is not as GOOD as an iPad.
You can beat apple by being as good as an iPad and being far cheaper. You can beat apple by costing as much as an iPad and being far better. However,you cant beat apple by being as good as an iPad and costing as much as one,becuase at the end of the day,Apple has one thing going for it,its product IS an iPad. Thats the one most people want. Microsoft is trying to beat Apple by selling a product that costs as much or more than an iPad,and is not as good as one. (HP tried it too) Now before the fanbois start flaming me,let me say,I dont think Windows 8 RT or WebOS worked nearly as well as Android or iOS,but lets just say they are actually a little better. Thats the thing,they are a little better,but not a lot better,on their own. But then there are apps. The tablet is worthless without apps. WebOS has hardly any. Windows 8 hardly has any. Therefore the iPad and Android are better.
A little better with the promise of some vaporware in the future wont do it. You need apps,and you need them NOW,or you at least have to convince people that you have a winner. You can do it if your just WAY better. But if your just a little better,or the same,or even worse,then no one will make apps,so no one will buy it,so no one will make apps (becuase theres no one to buy them)
Android can compete with iOS becuase for some people,Android is better. Its more open. For others,the closed nature of the iPad is "better". Windows 8RT however has all the disadvantages of iOS with none of the benefits.
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i disagree with you completely, just cause something has changed doesnt mean it is bad, metro is an amazing UI for both touch and keyboard and mouse, sure it takes some getting use to but it will always be like that and i dont think you have even tried windows 8, the windows store already has a bunch of metro apps and the os isnt even released as a final product yet. as for windows rt, i feel that will succeed because it is enough for average joe blow to browse the web and play some small games, and even if you need to run pc programs, im 100% sure there will be emulation for x86/x64 programs whether its native or its from a third party company like vmware.
tbh you are being a fanboy so please dont lie to yourself by saying you're not, you're comparing an unreleased os to a failed os because webos doesnt have any apps and windows 8 doesnt have many in its current state and on top of that, you're defending current tablet os's at every chance you get just because they have more apps
heck the reason you NEED an app to do something on ios and android is because you cant do much with the built in apps, have you tried using facebook's desktop site on your android tablet, the experience is terrible, nothing clicks right, you cant hover over drop menus, ect. while on IE10 everything works the way it should, it doesnt freezee or try to click something behind a drop menu, everything just works
and yes i am being a fanboy, windows 8 is the future for mobile computing, especially when there are going to be so many hybrid laptop tablets coming out in the near future, windows 8 would have done what the ipad and android tabs have failed to do, kill the laptop
I agree with you completely pflatlyne, though as previously stated there are many inaccuracies in your post.
One thing I want to point out that hasn't been already corrected: the SurfacePro will run an x64 inter i-Core series CPU, not an Atom
mtmerrick said:
I agree with you completely pflatlyne, though as previously stated there are many inaccuracies in your post.
One thing I want to point out that hasn't been already corrected: the SurfacePro will run an x64 inter i-Core series CPU, not an Atom
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but it could do, future Atoms will be developed and improved uppon, there is no technically reason Win8 Pro wont run on an Atom or an i7!
infact id put money it there being mid level devices released some time after the initial release to fill the void between ARM and i5 although in saying that there is apparently only 10w difference between the two so perhaps new i3s will become the new Atom ultra low watt SKUs

