Looking for default X1 ringtones. - XPERIA X1 General

I used to have an X1 about 2 years ago. I LOVED that phone. It ended up getting lost and I've just got a run of the mill iphone now. Eh.
However I've been searching for the default ringing and SMS tones forever!
Does anyone have these, and would be willing to email them to me? I have spent hours and hours searching. I know it's petty, but I really would like the text and ringtones from the phone. Reminds me of a better time in my life.
If anyone could upload them...
Ps- I did find the files on here, but the links are dead as they are 2 years old


Theming and Dialer Skins Questions

I'm a bit of a newb at tweaking this phone, okay so I've had it a year and done a lot of the basic hacks, and have lurked here since I got it. However, for quite a long time I've been wanting a new theme and could never figure out how to do it. That was until yesterday when I found ThemeGenCE. I have to say it's a simple program to use and I made my first skin, almost exactly how I want it, in a matter of a half hour or so.
Well, I tore off to work and showed some friends and they wanted it to until I discovered the dialer buttons are still the default blue ones. Of course you could imagine my hurt when I discovered it. So now I'm pouring over all I can to find out how to make my own pad or at least find an easy tool to change the colors up a bit and maybe the text. I've read a lot of what is here and, sheepishly, am very confused.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Or even just a good finger pointing would be phenomenal. As well, I'll include the skin if any should want it. Hope you're Boondocks fans.
Oneybm - The Semi-Newb
UPDATE - Okay after reading the themegen help file a bit I don't see how to compress and distribute my theme without the software so I'll just include all the files it says it used. *sigh* The newbism strikes again. Also here are some screen caps.
Screen Cap 1
Screen Cap 2

My dinosaur Treo 700w

I know many are rolling their eyes at the mention of this phone. Sorry but I need to ask the forum a simple lil question. In your day of messing with this outdated phone, did you by chance come across an issue about not recieving voicemail notifications once you changed the dailer back to the default wm5 dialer? If so did anyone get past the point of "It's not worth messing with"

Hi, new guy to the forums with a question or two.

Hello everyone. Awesome website, was referred here by one of the lieutenants at work. T-mobile Wing owner. I've owned this thing for going on a month now. I've installed Home Screen/Battery Status and overclocked to 260. I've got PocketSNES and a hundred or so games. Installed one of the registry editors so I could tweak it to access ring tones from the sd card. And a new black colored theme I found while browsing through the forums. Nothing too crazy yet...I'm active duty Army, so I don't have much time for tweaking. I'm working up the courage to start experimenting with new roms.
Anyways, I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid of the fuzzy/whitewashed look that pictures get when you set them as background/wall papers images. I think I remember reading something about that somewhere on these forums, but for the life of me I cant find it again. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Ok, I figured out the picture thing. Guess I shoulda looked around before I asked the question. Just open the picture, "right click" it, set as background, then the transparency menu thingy pops up. I'm sooo glad I figured this out. lol!

HowTo get rid of useless HTC_* Icons on Desktop

Hello Folks,
The HD2 is a hard Mistress to fall in love with.
It just takes soooo much customizing to unlock the true potential of this phone (why, oh why do the HTC folks keep pushing superior HW phones with castrated SW design onto the market???)
As part of my customizing I'm desperately trying to clean up HTC's desktop icon layout (by the way, after I flashed Tom's ROM many of the problems I kept getting [slow response times, missed responses, programs not starting,...] as soon as I had installed many a programs just went away like nothing).
Now there is that group of HTC_* icons on the Desktops for YouTube and other crap that is I really, really don't need.
But whenever I move them somewhere else, bang they're back as soon as I reboot - albeit now they are just "blank icons".
How can I get rid of them for good and save myself some screen space in the process?
Any hint appreciated.
Look in here...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=583638
Thankx, found it myself just 5 minutes ago.
Someone, please, force HTC to consult with XDA when they design their units...
It is pathetic that almost all the solutions to HTC problems & issues are to be found here, rather than in any official HTC help forum...

How to use harret on hd2

Hi all,
Im new to blogs so please be kind, i know this is probably something really easy to do, but im having problems doing it.
Im trying to run the darkstone hd2 froyo rom through harret.exe. I've downloaded the rom and have placed it on the root of my memory card aswell as harret.exe the media folder to fix sound and the other random files that i was told to download with harret.exe.
I have tried to run harret.exe but it just stops about 5 lines in when its trying to "boot" the "karnel"
Can anybody help me get it working. I've regretted buying this phone from day one when i realised how **** windows actually is and theres finally a fix (although not complete, or perminent)
If someone could just show me how you do it from start to finish on a video or something id really appreciate it, ive tried looking on youtube, but everythings either fake, or it misses steps out.
Many thanks
ahh, especially the part, I regret this phone from day one, broke my heart..
I'll offer you my help, but not on this thread ok?? The Mods dont like it if you open up a new thread with a problem that has already been answered 20 times... So I'll offer my help through private messages because i know how it feels if you want something and can't get it to work, I'm online for 5-6 hours a day on XDA .. so you'll get it working soon.
So message me.. wel'll talk on MSN or whatever and i'll help you out
So Mods you can close this if you like...

