[Help] ADB for the Epic - Epic 4G General

Ok. I had the android sdk installed before and was able to easily "adb shell" "su"
but a few months ago my phone stopped being recognized by the pc (stock cable) so i uninstalled it since i couldnt use adb nor odin (i thought it was my phone though)
but now i got a BB cable and the drivers all installed wonderfully and there was no headaches so now i believe the hype with getting a new usb cable because the stock one sucks.
So i followed the "Setting up Android SDK for beginners" by bthomas and i ollowed it to a t because i couldnt remember how to set up the sdk, and after setting it up, when i type in adb shell, it gives me a "~#" (which never happened before) and then when i type "su" it gives me a "sh-3.2#"
Im not sure what couldve went wrong except for the fact that before i would install everything (1.5sdk, 1.6, etc.etc) because i didnt know any better, but the guide showed me that all we needed to get adb to wrok was the platform tools one, but its not working.
I need advice because i dont wanna mess up anything in my phone since ive never seen those prompts
ADB gives me a "~#" when i adb shell, and i dont know why
Also, im running urban regeneration with genocide 2.0

The '~' means you are in your home directory. The '#' means you already have root so the 'su' command is not necessary. Sounds like your rom has a non-stock shell installed and is kernel rooted?

machx0r said:
The '~' means you are in your home directory. The '#' means you already have root so the 'su' command is not necessary. Sounds like your rom has a non-stock shell installed and is kernel rooted?
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but i cd to the sdk directory (Cd:/ android/sdk/platform-tools) so idk why it would think im still in the home directory (that would be cd: users/etc, right?)
and yes the kerna is rooted. its Genocide v2.0 and im undervolted.
im also ext4 if that makes a difference...as for the rom idk its Urban Regeneration
im such a noob now i never had problems before i was forced to stop using my phone with my pc

A_Flying_Fox said:
but i cd to the sdk directory (Cd:/ android/sdk/platform-tools) so idk why it would think im still in the home directory (that would be cd: users/etc, right?)
and yes the kerna is rooted. its Genocide v2.0 and im undervolted.
im also ext4 if that makes a difference...as for the rom idk its Urban Regeneration
im such a noob now i never had problems before i was forced to stop using my phone with my pc
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After you 'adb shell' it's showing you the filesystem on the phone, not your computer. I assume the the cd platform-tools command you are mentioning is what you are doing in a Windows command prompt to get to where your adb.exe is located.
Edit: Do this, it's safe, 'pwd' shows your current directory (in Linux/Android)
adb shell
cd /
Chances are it will show your home directory and then /

machx0r said:
After you 'adb shell' it's showing you the filesystem on the phone, not your computer. I assume the the cd platform-tools command you are mentioning is what you are doing in a Windows command prompt to get to where your adb.exe is located.
Edit: Do this, it's safe, 'pwd' shows your current directory (in Linux/Android)
adb shell
cd /
Chances are it will show your home directory and then /
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yeah adb.exe is in platformtools
but anyways, this is what happened
adb shell
~# pwd
~ # cd /
cd /
~ # pwd
and then i exited lol
could it be a problem with my computer? like the place i saved it or something?

A_Flying_Fox said:
could it be a problem with my computer? like the place i saved it or something?
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I don't think you have a problem it's just different than what you remember. Probably because of a difference in your mod. The prompt itself can be modified with environment variables (it's the PS# variables, you can look with 'set') so I wouldn't worry about that. My pwd output on stock looked very similar to what you pasted.
My PS# variables on stock:
# set
PS1='# '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '

machx0r said:
I don't think you have a problem it's just different than what you remember. Probably because of a difference in your mod. The prompt itself can be modified with environment variables (it's the PS# variables, you can look with 'set') so I wouldn't worry about that. My pwd output on stock looked very similar to what you pasted.
My PS# variables on stock:
# set
PS1='# '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
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i typed that in and i got a whole list of things and under them PS1='\w \$ '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
PWD=' '
TMPDIR= '/data/local/tmp
how would i get it back to #? Im willing to go back to stock odin if i have to, but im getting more intrigued by this as you help...

A_Flying_Fox said:
i typed that in and i got a whole list of things and under them PS1='\w \$ '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
PWD=' '
TMPDIR= '/data/local/tmp
how would i get it back to #? Im willing to go back to stock odin if i have to, but im getting more intrigued by this as you help...
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Ok so you can see how your PS1 environment variable is different than mine. Depending on the shell you are using it might support escape characters such as \w which should display the current directory and \$ which should show # if you are root or $ if not. Here's some non-Android specific info on the subject http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html (stop at the colors part, no clue about which if any character are supported in the stock android shell, just using to give the basic idea)
To temporarily change the command prompt you could do:
PS1="# "
But most likely your shell has a settings file that sets the default prompt when you login. Unfortunately I do not know where this is located. Going back to stock would certainly undo any custom shells or settings your current rom has set if you don't like it.

i think that directory might be sbin/sh. because it calls to it whenever i enter something like ADB REBOOT it says sbin/sh.: adb not found
but when i type in adb shell
and then reboot recovery, etc it works
i dont think i need to go to stock, i just need to not type certain things before commands i guess...
but thanks alot! youve enlightened me quite a bit hahah i wish i had more thanks to give


Need some adb help...

Hey, I'm trying to push some stuff onto my mytouch using the included bridge tool, adb, and can't quite get it to work. AKA, I have no effing clue what I'm doing. I'm good with everything else, but when you sit me in front of Terminal I'm useless. Anyway, running Mac OS X, 10.5, I've got the SDK installed, exported, all that, but the internet has been no help with telling me what to do next. Please, someone help? D:
not sure on mac
but on pc i mostly put the files i want to push in to the sdk tools folder which gives you less to type
if you want to push stuff you need to know where to push on phone like
adb remount (makes drive read/write)
adb push xxxx.ogg /system/media/audio/ringtones/
if you want to install something
adb install twitter.apk
so my terminal looks like this (ignore errors phone not in usb)
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\SI>cd s\tools
C:\Users\SI\s\tools>adb remount
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
error: device not found
C:\Users\SI\s\tools>adb push xxxx.ogg /system/media/audio/ringtones/
error: device not found
sitimber has given some good tips. On a Mac, you have to put "./" in front of adb to get it to execute.
For example, I have the Android SDK installed in /Developer/Android. In order for me to use adb, I open terminal and do the following:
cd /
cd /Developer/Android/Tools
./adb (insert whatever adb command here)
jsnyng said:
cd /
cd /Developer/Android/Tools
./adb (insert whatever adb command here)
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worked perfectly! all the info i was getting was either for windows or linux and i was getting wicked confused. i have like nooo training with terminal so i was lost. that worked perfectly, thank you :]
do i still have to type "adb (command)" when i'm in the shell? i know that far, that im in the adb shell when there's a # next to my open commandline.
This will make it a step easier. If you want to be able to "adb command" every time you open the shell without changing directories,
Open terminal.
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
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How you will be able to see hidden files.
Download the OSX SDK http://developer.android.com/sdk/download.html?v=android-sdk_r3-mac.zip
Unzip it. Move the entire folder into your root directory "/"
rename it to "android".
Launch TextEdit.app
Hit "Format>Make Plain Text"
Now type (in the document)
export PATH=${PATH}:/android/tools
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Save is as
Make sure you uncheck "If no extension, use .txt"
Say yes when it asks if you want to make this a system file.
now close terminal (all the way) and relaunch. Type "adb" and whatever you'd like and you're set!
jewishjawsh said:
do i still have to type "adb (command)" when i'm in the shell? i know that far, that im in the adb shell when there's a # next to my open commandline.
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No, you don't.
chordmasta's directions for creating a .bash_profile are correct, but I'll point out that you don't need to move it to root. I personally prefer not to clutter up root with my personal stuff. You also don't need to rename it if you don't want to.
For example, if you have it in "Documents", you would use this path (replacing my username "softbanksucks" with the name of your home directory.)
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/softbanksucks/Documents/android-sdk-mac_x86-1.6_r1/tools
softbanksucks said:
No, you don't.
chordmasta's directions for creating a .bash_profile are correct, but I'll point out that you don't need to move it to root. I personally prefer not to clutter up root with my personal stuff. You also don't need to rename it if you don't want to.
For example, if you have it in "Documents", you would use this path (replacing my username "softbanksucks" with the name of your home directory.)
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/softbanksucks/Documents/android-sdk-mac_x86-1.6_r1/tools
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Thanks for pointing that out. I should have mentioned it. I knew this walkthrough would work without having to change values.
chordmasta said:
Thanks for pointing that out. I should have mentioned it. I knew this walkthrough would work without having to change values.
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No prob - knew that you knew, just figured I'd point it out for those who don't

root Tattoo with Mac

Hey Boys and Girls,
where i can find an manual to root the tattoo with a mac?
sorry, i have search for this, but i cant find information for this
I don't thing that there is a difference.
As soon as you have SDK installed and adb works, the commands are the same.
i'm also doing all the rooting process from mac, just put the directory contain 'adb' shell into your home/user places and executing it with 'terminal'..
Same here, using a Mac ever since and also using it for Android development. Due to the underlying Unix core of OS X you just have to follow the steps as described for Linux. If it's just adb commands it's the same on every platform anyway.
You might want to add a
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/yourusername/android.sdk/tools
to your .bash_profile file in your home folder so you don't have to cd to the SDK tools folder everytime. Happy rooting!
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
Okay thanks for yours answers but i'm a newbie.
the background story is, I want to edit the boot.mp3. Because the startsound is really annoying
So i have download SDK, open the terminal and switch to usb-debbugging mode on my tattoo.
And now? sorry, I'm still missing a few knowledge
thanks for your help
well just use the various adb commands in Terminal Just type in "adb", press enter and you'll get a list of all possible commands. Assuming you've added the path to your sdk tools folder to your bash profile. Otherwise just drag & drop the adb binary from the tools folder onto your Terminal window, et voila.
The most used commands are probably push and pull where you can, well, push stuff to your phone or pull it to your computer.
So if you want to modify the boot.mp3 you would pull the original from the phone to your computer, modify it and push it back, overwriting the original file. In Terminal speak: ;-)
adb pull /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Please note depending on the ROM you're using the paths may be different. To browse the device via Terminal type in "adb shell" and make a simple "ls" to list the directories, "cd" to change directories etc.
Or if you just want to use another mp3:
adb push /path/to/whatever.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Again, on the Mac you can just drag & drop files onto the Terminal to get their full Unix paths like to your custom mp3
Thanks a lot. i love it its really simple
and now i have load and edit the the boot.mp3. But i can't push it to my tattoo, because i can only read but not write
I have tried to root my phone with "adb root" but it is the message "adbd cannot run as root in production builds"
Terminal: "adb remount", then push again
damn the next bad message "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
You need to root your phone first.
Okay i have executed the instructions. But I've stop at this part:
You should get something like this:
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
uid=0(root) is important.
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Yes i've root but i'cant download the "su binary" because its doesnt exist.
But its absolute essential to need the "su binary" to only copy the boot.mp3 to my phone? Or there is an other way? What are the commands to push the boot.mp3 back to may tattoo then i'm in the root mode like >> "#".
okay hope you understand me
You need "su" to do root stuff... no other way.
Download the package from 1 click root thread and find "su" there...
now, i have install the su binary. Then i does this command
user:~ user$ /Users/user/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb shell
$ /data/local/bin/su
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And now? Is there a comand to push the boot.mp3 back to the phone in this mode >> "#" ?
I have try to open an new terminal window and type
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
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but the answer is
failed to copy '/Users/android-sdk-mac_86/boot.mp3' to '/system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3': Permission denied
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and adb remount doesnt work to
You also need tattoo-hack.ko file and do insmod tattoo-hack.ko to make /system writable.
Or even better... flash custom amon_ra recovery image and then a custom rom with all this already included.
Mine for example http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=702401
It doesnt have boot sound enabled
Okay thank you very much.
now it was successful

ADB Push

I searched around and couldn't get a clear answer. I'm a noob at anything command prompt/terminal related.
I was screwing around with adb last night after figuring out that I can remove program .apks with the rm <com.whatever.program> command. I got a little trigger happy and removed things that I don't use, just to test it out. I made a nandroid backup before I started. The phone runs fine, but now the Market won't download anything. It just sits on the Starting download... screen.
One of the .apks I removed was GmailProvider.apk. Whether this is the problem or not, I'd like to reinstall it for practice. I can always nand restore later.
So my question is... How can I use adb push to reinstall an apk?
I tried:
adb push C:\GmailProvider.apk
adb install C:\GmailProvider.apk
adb install C:\GmailProvider.apk \system\app
And about every variation of the 3, in and out of the adb shell.
It didn't work, and I'm at a loss to do anything else. So does anyone have any suggestions?
You have to push it abs then give it permissions.
So after pushing the apk give it permissions by doing this.
Adb push C:/gmailprovider.apk /system/app/gmailprovider.apk
adb shell
Chmod 775 /system/nameofapp.apk
Adb reboot
Your phone needs to be rebooted so I added the adb reboot, but you can just turn it off and on like you would normally or use that command.hope it helps.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
# Chmod 775 /system/GmailProvider.apk
Chmod: not found
What's Chmod do, anyway?
EDIT: Forgot to cd to the directory...lemme try again.
EDIT2: Same error.
Okay, I tried:
# install /system/app/GmailProvider.apk [-cdDsp]
With no errors. Lemme see if it worked.
EDIT: I can see it, but the Market still isn't downloading apps. Lemme try an actual program.
Raikalo said:
# Chmod 775 /system/GmailProvider.apk
Chmod: not found
What's Chmod do, anyway?
EDIT: Forgot to cd to the directory...lemme try again.
EDIT2: Same error.
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Ok I see two things that might be wrong with what you did.
Try not capatalizing the first letter(Not sure if this is a big deal but better to make sure.) and fix your path, GmailProvider.apk should be in the system/app folder.
adb shell
chmod 775 /system/app/GmailProvider.apk
adb reboot
The chmod command (abbreviated from change mode) is a shell command and C language function in Unix and Unix-like environments. When executed, it can change file system modes of files and directories. The modes include permissions and special modes
Raikalo said:
Okay, I tried:
# install /system/app/GmailProvider.apk [-cdDsp]
With no errors. Lemme see if it worked.
EDIT: I can see it, but the Market still isn't downloading apps. Lemme try an actual program.
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Yea you might be able to see it but the app might not have the right permissions to be used. Therefore it might be the reason why you can't download apps from market.
adb push C:/GmailProvider.apk /system/app/GmailProvider.apk
adb shell
chmod 775 /system/app/GmailProvider.apk
adb reboot
Worked like a charm. The capitalization was required; it gave an error without it. I installed Gmail.apk again using the same method and ran the program, and it worked. Thanks!
EDIT: GASP! Market works.
You're a lifesaver. Well, ROMsaver. I guess this means that GmailProvider.apk and gtalkservice.apk can't be removed from the phone.
Raikalo said:
However, the Market still won't download. Hm.
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I just want to take this moment to make a Public Service Announcement: Everyone please remember to do a Nandroid backup before making any changes to your /system area.
Raikalo said:
adb push C:/GmailProvider.apk /system/app/GmailProvider.apk
adb shell
chmod 775 /system/app/GmailProvider.apk
adb reboot
Worked like a charm. The capitalization was required; it gave an error without it. I installed Gmail.apk again using the same method and ran the program, and it worked. Thanks!
However, the Market still won't download. Hm.
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Don't know what to tell ya, you can start adding back the apks you deleted or do that nand restore since you already know how to install back a system apk, so you learned what you wanted
EDIT: I see you got it to work so that's good news, but like Nestor pointed out always use nand backup before you do any changes to the system area, I've learned to do this the hard way lol.
It's a good reminder
Thanks a ton guys I'll nand backup in a few to have a better restore point.
Learning android-related things ftw!
Oh, one more thing.
I saw something about adding an Environmental Variable to windows that involved adb? Could someone explain that?
- Also, Mikey1022 has reminded me to add the "ADB" directory path as a system variable in windows...
To do this right-click on "My Computer" and select Properties. Next select the Advanced tab(Advanced Settings in Vista) then select Environment Variables.
Click "New" under System Variables and add the following:
Variable: adb
Value: C:\android-sdk-windows-1.1_r1\tools
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There's an example. I tried this and it didn't do anything.
Raikalo said:
Oh, one more thing.
I saw something about adding an Environmental Variable to windows that involved adb? Could someone explain that?
There's an example. I tried this and it didn't do anything.
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i think Thefuzz4.net explained this better
To make life easier, lets add a global path to the android SDK tools. Right-click My Computer > Properties,
click on Advanced, then click on Environment Variables.
Doubleclick on PATH, then at the end of the Variable value, add a semi colon ";" and then c:\AndroidSDK\tools
Doing The above ^^ will let you run adb from anywhere on your computer, like your desktop. You won't have to change to the directory and the run adb anymore, you can just run adb from anywhere on the command prompt. Its basically a little trick for us lazy people that hate having to "cd C:/android/tools" before running adb.
Does anyone know of a good resourse for adb and/or shell commands. Every time i try to goole it i just get links to different forums with just basic stuff, push, pull, ect. Id like to find something much more complete including chmod and the like
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Thanks t2. Makes sense now. I hate CDing to the directory, so shortcuts are also ftw.
@above -- couldn't find a real resource so I resorted to asking specific questions on xda. if you find a resource lemme know.
ALSO -- chmod 775 /system/app/RandomProgram.apk.....what does the "775" do?
Raikalo said:
Thanks t2. Makes sense now. I hate CDing to the directory, so shortcuts are also ftw.
@above -- couldn't find a real resource so I resorted to asking specific questions on xda. if you find a resource lemme know.
ALSO -- chmod 775 /system/app/RandomProgram.apk.....what does the "775" do?
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the different numbers are different permission settings. I forgot the other numbers, but their are others that set the applications for different permissions in the system. Someone correct me if I am mistaken though.
Finally found some explanation of chmod at catcode.com/teachmod/ . not sure if it directly applies to andriod, but seems to make sense to me now
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
wrong thread

Droid X Rooting problems after updating to official 2.2

I ran the rage exploit and afterwards, i can't get into adb shell. Gives me an error, device is not connected, but adb says it is
To further clarifiy, we were running the Sebastian Krahmer root process using the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin. After running the rage step, we ran into trouble because the device no longer connected.
darkonion said:
To further clarifiy, we were running the Sebastian Krahmer root process using the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin. After running the rage step, we ran into trouble because the device no longer connected.
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same thing happened to me. however, i restarted the phone and the computer, and then adb would see the device again. i didn't get the # prompt, so i had to run ./rage... again. surprisingly, the second time it worked like a charm.
did you do kill-server?
had the same issue and can confirm the second time around worked no issues
mortodestructo said:
same thing happened to me. however, i restarted the phone and the computer, and then adb would see the device again. i didn't get the # prompt, so i had to run ./rage... again. surprisingly, the second time it worked like a charm.
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I had a similar experience, however, part of it has to do with having the proper USB drivers and then to that same end, once it does it's first go round, there is a point where you truly have to wait for the phone to show back up in the taskbar before proceeding - otherwise, the next time you are attempting to do the "adb devices" it doesn't recognize that there's a phone there...it's all a matter of waiting for the USB driver to bring the phone back "into existence" from there, you are well on your way to the # prompt. (Trust me on this, I'm a total NOOB and just did this for the first time using the step-by-step method. I was scared as s**t with each command I typed but I was determined to go on...once I saw the #, I knew I was out of the woods..
Stuck big time!!
I'm stuck. I can't get PC Mode to show up with debugging icon (even though debugging icon shows up in all other modes) yet adb devices shows my device correctly, and I can adb shell to it fine and end up with unrooted on 2.2 froyo at the $ after I updated to OTA 2.2 from rooted 2.1
so I follow the guide to the T but as you can see this is my results and I have not yet been able to fix the issue.
$ pwd
$ chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
Unable to chmod rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin: Operation not permitted
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I have no idea how to fix this issue, I've rooted before on the leaked 2.2 without any problems both via the long adb method and via the easyroot method before OTA was released.
I tried the one click method and it hangs in the .bat and tries to pkil the process but there is no process to kill since the chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin didn't work and thus it can't load ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
%!~#$%~ Any help to get past this would be greatly appreciated! I would already have downgraded to 2.1 if I knew it was safe, but I'm seeing it bricks droid X staying at M logo on the forums if tried and thus we need a new sbf for 2.2 to be leaked.
EDIT: I've also tried via the Charge Only mode with debugging on as recommended by some people on the forums for other people stuck... I still end up with the same results using that mode. :/
EDIT 2: Looked up my default.prop and saw this:
$ more default.prop
more default.prop
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and what it needs to be is:
$ more default.prop
more default.prop
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Unfortunately I don't have a way of changing it. Already tried copying modifed to sdcard and then using adb to copy it over... unfortunately don't have the permissions!
$ cp /sdcard/default.prop /default.prop
cp /sdcard/default.prop /default.prop
cp: /default.prop: Read-only file system
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what about benchmark test with the froyo update,how much it scores?
Steebs77 said:
I'm stuck. I can't get PC Mode to show up with debugging icon (even though debugging icon shows up in all other modes) yet adb devices shows my device correctly, and I can adb shell to it fine and end up with unrooted on 2.2 froyo at the $ after I updated to OTA 2.2 from rooted 2.1
so I follow the guide to the T but as you can see this is my results and I have not yet been able to fix the issue.
I have no idea how to fix this issue, I've rooted before on the leaked 2.2 without any problems both via the long adb method and via the easyroot method before OTA was released.
I tried the one click method and it hangs in the .bat and tries to pkil the process but there is no process to kill since the chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin didn't work and thus it can't load ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
%!~#$%~ Any help to get past this would be greatly appreciated! I would already have downgraded to 2.1 if I knew it was safe, but I'm seeing it bricks droid X staying at M logo on the forums if tried and thus we need a new sbf for 2.2 to be leaked.
EDIT: I've also tried via the Charge Only mode with debugging on as recommended by some people on the forums for other people stuck... I still end up with the same results using that mode. :/
EDIT 2: Looked up my default.prop and saw this:
and what it needs to be is:
Unfortunately I don't have a way of changing it. Already tried copying modifed to sdcard and then using adb to copy it over... unfortunately don't have the permissions!
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Have you tried rebooting your phone?
How about this, go check out the original 25 step process to root the Droid 2. Instead of pushing rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, rename it to something else and then run the exploit. Of course after making changes to the commands else where.
My build.prop doesn't have either of those properties. That makes me wonder what you did that changed your build prop if you have no root.
You should have been upgrading from vanilla 2.1 to avoid problems.
android_master said:
what about benchmark test with the froyo update,how much it scores?
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I got a quadrant score of 1375
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I have a problem that my computer does not reconize adb after i download and extract all the zips files. it gives me adb not reconized as a command
Uilliam said:
I have a problem that my computer does not reconize adb after i download and extract all the zips files. it gives me adb not reconized as a command
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ADB is an "external" command... i.e. its not native to windows. So you need to either be in, and stay in, the folder/directory where ADB.EXE resides to execute it, OR add that folder to the Windows PATH variable so windows knows where to find it to execute it.
and this was part of Brian's problem (in the OP) after talking with him via Gtalk.
if you want to add it to the path, then you need to do the following...
First you need to know the exact location of your ADB.EXE (for example: c:\android-sdk-windows\tools or c:\sdk\tools or ???)
he had Win7 but the steps are very similar in XP AFTER you know the folder/directory where ADB.EXE is. (tip, you can use Windows Search to find it, when found right click and select properties. On the general tab it will have the location).
Find where your ADB.EXE actually is. You need that for the following steps. Since I don't know where you unzipped to, lets say for the purpose of these steps, your ADB.EXE is located in C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
In windows, right click computer... select properties...
click advanced system settings (from along the left)
click the environment variables button
from system variables at the bottom.. scroll down and highlight path
click the edit button
use the right arrow key on your keyboard to get to the end of the line (it should unselect everything, and still keep the text there..)
on the end of that line...
type the following....
(yes, you need the semi!! and that line should be exactly where your ADB.EXE really is... remember I'm only using c:\android-sdk-windows\tools as my example!!!)
click OK
and ok
after doing that, when you are at a command prompt, no matter what folder/directory you are in, if you type ADB it should recognize it and run it.

[Q] Need help pushing a system file with adb

I have bricked my device when I tried to copy framework-res.apk to the system folder. I renamed the old framework-res.apk to framework-res.apk.bak but before I could paste the new one the phone freaked out and rebooted and now I'm stuck at the ATT white screen. I have adb access though so I'm hoping I can just push the framework-res file using adb. Every time I try this though I get an error saying file system is read only. I know all I probably need to do is get the computer to mount system as read/write. I just don't know how to do this. Is there anyone out there who can help me out?
Modified from:
You may need to do:
mount -o remount,rw /system
chmod 777 /system/framework
Thank you for your quick reply. I'm kind of a novice when it comes to adb so bear with me, but when I use those commands I get 'mount' is not recognized as an internal or external command. I'm not sure if it matters or not but I'm running windows XP and my working directory is in c:\android-sdk\platform-tools when I tried executing "mount -o remount,rw /system".
Okay I tried changing the command to "adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system" now I get the error mount operation not permitted. I hope this doesn't mean I borked it. . . Also want to note that I did root the phone.
jack_slapped said:
Thank you for your quick reply. I'm kind of a novice when it comes to adb so bear with me, but when I use those commands I get 'mount' is not recognized as an internal or external command. I'm not sure if it matters or not but I'm running windows XP and my working directory is in c:\android-sdk\platform-tools when I tried executing "mount -o remount,rw /system".
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You need to do some reading before you go any further - please. ADB is a command shell, and the commands he gave you are for running IN ADB after it's successfully connected to the phone.
There are lots of good writeups on using ADB all over the place.
jack_slapped said:
Okay I tried changing the command to "adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system" now I get the error mount operation not permitted. I hope this doesn't mean I borked it. . . Also want to note that I did root the phone.
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You need to get INTO the shell first -- then execute the commands.
Also, always stop the system before modifying stuff, especially framework!
like so:
> [B]adb shell[/B]
$ [B]su[/B]
# [B]mount -o rw,remount /system[/B]
# [B]stop[/B]
# **[I]cp or mv whatever here[/I]**
# [B]reboot[/B]
your cmd prompt will return after reboot
alacrify said:
You need to do some reading before you go any further - please. ADB is a command shell, and the commands he gave you are for running IN ADB after it's successfully connected to the phone.
There are lots of good writeups on using ADB all over the place.
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I know believe me when I say I'm trying to read as much as I possibly can. Nobody wants this phone fixed more than me. It's just alot of new stuff and I'm not entirely familiar with it. I think I'm connected with adb and started a shell using "adb -s myserial shell". I input the first command and got "mount: operation not permitted". Not really sure why it would say that considering I rooted the device.
jack_slapped said:
I know believe me when I say I'm trying to read as much as I possibly can. Nobody wants this phone fixed more than me. It's just alot of new stuff and I'm not entirely familiar with it. I think I'm connected with adb and started a shell using "adb -s myserial shell". I input the first command and got "mount: operation not permitted". Not really sure why it would say that considering I rooted the device.
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Be sure to follow gwbard's directions a little closer. The first command inside the ADB shell is "su" which will elevate you to root - this will be necessary in order to execute the "mount" command.
From your command line (assuming in Windows), you'll run the "adb shell" command that gwbard showed. It should give you a prompt that ends with a dollar sign. Once you execute the "su" command, you'll see that change to a pound/hash sign (#).
gwbard said:
You need to get INTO the shell first -- then execute the commands.
Also, always stop the system before modifying stuff, especially framework!
like so:
> [B]adb shell[/B]
$ [B]su[/B]
# [B]mount -o rw,remount /system[/B]
# [B]stop[/B]
# **[I]cp or mv whatever here[/I]**
# [B]reboot[/B]
your cmd prompt will return after reboot
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Dude you are the man! That did the trick. I really appreciate it. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what a shell is and how that ties into adb but I learned a good bit about it from today. I've used linux before and I have heard of a shell but never really understood what exactly it was. Anyways thanks again for everyone who helped me get this working.
Aou said:
Be sure to follow gwbard's directions a little closer. The first command inside the ADB shell is "su" which will elevate you to root - this will be necessary in order to execute the "mount" command.
From your command line (assuming in Windows), you'll run the "adb shell" command that gwbard showed. It should give you a prompt that ends with a dollar sign. Once you execute the "su" command, you'll see that change to a pound/hash sign (#).
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Yea I posted that last one before I saw his instructions. They were right on point. Thanks guys!
jack_slapped said:
Dude you are the man! That did the trick. I really appreciate it. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what a shell is and how that ties into adb but I learned a good bit about it from today. I've used linux before and I have heard of a shell but never really understood what exactly it was. Anyways thanks again for everyone who helped me get this working.
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When you click "start" and type "cmd", you're starting a shell. They're command interpreters that extend functionality in specific ways. like "dir" for the Windows/DOS command shell, and "su" or "mount" for adb. Lots of good writeups on that around too

