Incredibly hard to put cursor in specific spot in browser - Galaxy S II General

I've had the S2 for a week or two now and I'm finding my main gripe with it is selecting text in the browser.
If you've written a block of text, or several sentences (whatever), I find tapping your sentence to place the cursor at a specific point utterly hit and miss. It's really, really hard to get it where you want it.
I mostly use the stock browser as it's way faster than any other I've tried (Dolphin and Firefox), but this is driving me insane. It's not quite as bad in Dolphin, but it's still pretty bad.
I have to say, the iPhone is way ahead when it comes to placing the cursor where you want it. I'm hanging for a mod that uses the little magnifying glass thing that the iPhone has.
Is anyone else bothered by this and found a solution?

Ah ha!
Tried Opera Mini just now and it worked perfectly! The problem, then, appears to be the browsers.
Whatever, I'm just glad one of them works as it should

simonk83 said:
I've had the S2 for a week or two now and I'm finding my main gripe with it is selecting text in the browser.
If you've written a block of text, or several sentences (whatever), I find tapping your sentence to place the cursor at a specific point utterly hit and miss. It's really, really hard to get it where you want it.
I mostly use the stock browser as it's way faster than any other I've tried (Dolphin and Firefox), but this is driving me insane. It's not quite as bad in Dolphin, but it's still pretty bad.
I have to say, the iPhone is way ahead when it comes to placing the cursor where you want it. I'm hanging for a mod that uses the little magnifying glass thing that the iPhone has.
Is anyone else bothered by this and found a solution?
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Yep...i had the same grief..... its a pain in the arse.

Same so used to iphone browser. Ill try opera mini

One of the few things I wish they would nick from the iPhone. HTC have done it with their new versions of Sense, why can't Google do it with Android in general or Samsung with their devices?

Love em or hate em but I really miss the trackball on the N1. Both for this reason and being able to quicly nab closely spaced link without zooming.

You could download the Gingerbread Keyboard App in the market and use the included D-Pad. I can't live without it.

I use gingerbread keyboard and I don't think it has a d-pad..!

Pagnell said:
One of the few things I wish they would nick from the iPhone. HTC have done it with their new versions of Sense, why can't Google do it with Android in general or Samsung with their devices?
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Isn't this a generic Android issue as I have encountered it on all the Android phones I have owned as far as I can remember?

Keep in mind the stock browser uses hardware acceleration. I'd guess that anything else is going to be slower.


Best web browser?

Opera is dreadful on the hero, the basic browser is weak.
Any others to use?
What exactly is wrong with the built in browser?
I would prefer to see the full page directly, not that zoom. And the scroll should be more reactive and not make the webpage move that much. I prefer the iPhone way, sorry
There is also a problem with some services. I travel a lot and in some hotels I'm not able to log in. When there should be a name/password screen, nothing shows for example. Also some radio stations won't stream.
So if there is an option, I'll try it.
You could try Steel.
I don't like the iPhones broeser. It always has to try and catch up with its self
robboy said:
I don't like the iPhones broeser. It always has to try and catch up with its self
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Really?? What does that even mean? I'm not referring to the bad grammar, but the comment itself? Catch up with itself?
I know what he means, say you start moving around the web page quick it is like the cpu can't keep up and can't load it up fast enough so the web page breaks up then loads when its caught up if that makes any sense.
one other major problem that i have found with teh browser is that it actually changes the code of websites - in particular, it seems to disable file uploads. this is a big problem.
Jabbypants said:
I know what he means, say you start moving around the web page quick it is like the cpu can't keep up and can't load it up fast enough so the web page breaks up then loads when its caught up if that makes any sense.
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Iphone GS doesn't do that anymore FYI (well almost never I'm sure you could find a site to do it but its significantly, like 98% reduced over the Iphone 3g).
Aridon said:
Iphone GS doesn't do that anymore FYI (well almost never I'm sure you could find a site to do it but its significantly, like 98% reduced over the Iphone 3g).
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I was only referring to the Iphone 2g/3g those i have used, didn't explain myself properly.
Wow awesome find TruBrit Steel is quality
bgorin said:
I would prefer to see the full page directly, not that zoom. And the scroll should be more reactive and not make the webpage move that much. I prefer the iPhone way, sorry
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the browser got way better with the MoDaCo ROM so try that for improved smoothness.
thenewshaft said:
Wow awesome find TruBrit Steel is quality
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Steel has a nice interface. I like the function of a virtual icon in the corner... no need to press menu to bring in the adress bar...
The only major drawback which made me uninstall the application is the lack of zoom function.
deeren said:
Steel has a nice interface. I like the function of a virtual icon in the corner... no need to press menu to bring in the adress bar...
The only major drawback which made me uninstall the application is the lack of zoom function.
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Steel has Zoom function.... hold down anywhere on page and Zoom away with the
popup menu...
nikjensie said:
Steel has Zoom function.... hold down anywhere on page and Zoom away with the
popup menu...
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ya , but it didnt seem to be working on the hero. maybe there's a new version. i'll check it.
Just used it yesterday and even though it's not a very smooth zoom, it is a zoom...
I have been using steel for a couple of days and find it very good

Leo Impressions

Hi Guys, just thought id post my thoughts on the Leo.
Ive been using mine now for over 2 weeks having come from an N95(and several failed attempts at finding something I liked inbetween including various iphones, N97 etc etc) so to the thoughts.,
The screen for me was a bit tricky as many have said before, I have huge hands, but decided to persevere.
Has to be said that after about a 10 day period typing messages etc became much easier, after 2 weeks it was brilliant, but then came the eureka moment, which it has to be said was'nt good for me, but telling all the same.
After flashing the ROM, the typing experience became similar to a fair proportion of others on here, infuriating!
Now thinking logicly about it, I decided it couldn't be the screen as was fine before, only thing changed was the ROM, so was software, tried a screen align, hmmm, worse still, did it again, slightly better, but still no cigar, went and checked settings and set to how id had it before, no vibrate(seems to fubar typing), keyboard click on, screen click on, correct as you type on, complete words in both XT9 and ABC both on and did screen align again, now zoila, its better than before(after another screen align) no more false inputs although xt9 has to learn my vocab again(annoying) but it really is a revelation.
Now the only thing annoying me is the long sms list issue (although partialy sorted by selecting all messages and going in through WM)
Can I just add, absolutely epic site guys and thanks to all those that spend there own time making the WM experience better for all!!
Noooo! you've got it all wrong. You're supposed to try typing for 5 minutes, throw your toys out the pram and go buy an iPhone.. *then* come on to xda developers and post a nice long rant about how poor the entire phone / windows mobile is (bonus points for expletives and spelling mistakes).
Fixing problems in an intelligent, logical manner? whatever next?!
I just got my HTC HD2 from Royal Mail. Everything seems to be working flawlessly. The screen is just gorgeous and the navigation is really smooth and snappy. The videos online really do not do it justice.
I've just got a few of questions. I heard that Opera does not support flash, is this true? and will this change in the future?
I tried using IE to open youtube but it doesn't seem to play anything. It has the flash 9 logo and that's it. How do I play videos via the web browser?
Also, when I open up IE it says that it connects using my data plan and I may get charged. Does it not work over WiFi?
I'm just uploading files onto it right now but yes, this device has had my jaw on the floor since I opened the packaging. By far the best phone I have ever owned.
StrangeReality said:
I just got my HTC HD2 from Royal Mail. Everything seems to be working flawlessly. The screen is just gorgeous and the navigation is really smooth and snappy. The videos online really do not do it justice.
I've just got a few of questions. I heard that Opera does not support flash, is this true? and will this change in the future?
I tried using IE to open youtube but it doesn't seem to play anything. It has the flash 9 logo and that's it. How do I play videos via the web browser?
Also, when I open up IE it says that it connects using my data plan and I may get charged. Does it not work over WiFi?
I'm just uploading files onto it right now but yes, this device has had my jaw on the floor since I opened the packaging. By far the best phone I have ever owned.
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Opera doesn't support flash.
Use the You Tube app already on your handset, it works perfectly.
For playing videos within your browser, download the Skyfire browser for free. I don't like the interface and therefore only use it when I have to but it supports flash and you can play videos and surf for porn on it lol.
gamma500. looks like you still need to find the return key (aka as enter key) as this is the only thing missing in your message. Or did you type it on a PC keyboard, and is the return key (aka as enter key) broken?
sunking101 said:
Opera doesn't support flash.
Use the You Tube app already on your handset, it works perfectly.
For playing videos within your browser, download the Skyfire browser for free. I don't like the interface and therefore only use it when I have to but it supports flash and you can play videos and surf for porn on it lol.
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I don't have the youtube app, where can I find it? I got my phone from T-Mobile UK if that helps. And I thought IE did support flash?
StrangeReality said:
I don't have the youtube app, where can I find it? I got my phone from T-Mobile UK if that helps. And I thought IE did support flash?
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Opera doesn't support flash and IE only has 'flashlite' which isn't suitable for playing video. You will need to download Skyfire but the You Tube app will be in your start menu - press the icon at the top left of the screen or the windows button in the middle at the bottom - then scroll through the icons.
sunking101 said:
Opera doesn't support flash and IE only has 'flashlite' which isn't suitable for playing video. You will need to download Skyfire but the You Tube app will be in your start menu - press the icon at the top left of the screen or the windows button in the middle at the bottom - then scroll through the icons.
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I don't have it pre-installed, is there somewhere I can get it? It's wierd that they didn't include it. Is anybody here on T-Mobile UK who has it pre-installed?
Dont have a HD2 ...yet! But from what I have read Youtube is not included on the T-Mobile handset.
Thanks Christonabike, personally don't see the merit in ranting, seldom effective in sorting issues and htc-hd2, in an effort to be cloggy friendly have inserted a few returns just for you!
StrangeReality said:
I don't have it pre-installed, is there somewhere I can get it? It's wierd that they didn't include it. Is anybody here on T-Mobile UK who has it pre-installed?
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Fantastic! Disabling the vibrate response was one of the best things I could do! I can actually type for long periods of time with little errors and the XT9 and ABC is working great now, I didn't realise it could learn... so have been typing in all of my Northern Irish phrases that we use over here!
I'm happy once again, I'm really starting to love this phone; was a bit doubtful at the start and was thinking my N95 8gb looked like a good option to go back to but my faith is growing in this device by the day!
Once again to OP, thanks!
It Just gets better with time Rossimac, which only became apparent after having flashed the ROM and thereby losing two weeks of it.

Swype sucks

Is it just me or are you guys also realizing that swype is absolutely horrible on the htc aria. The aria has too small of a screen to be able to use swype well. Whenever I drag my finger to the next letter i cant see if im on that letter because my finger is over it and the screen is so small.
Just wondering what you guys thought about swype on the aria
Love it on the Aria. I am used to the small screen though, from my htc magic.
Sent from my HTC Aria using XDA App
its not bad... i had it on my htc pure and the screen was also small, but i had a stylus on that which made things a lot easier.
I see what you're talking about. Fortunately I know where the keys are without seeing them so this isn't really a problem for me.
Love Swype on Aria, the point of using Swype is you don't need to look at the keyboard to type fast, which means you do need to know the position of the keys. I don't think it will make much different with a bigger screen since my thumb will still cover the keys I'm trying to type.
My only complaint about Swype is that you give up the voice-type feature when you use it. They really ought to reincorporate that feature, since it's nice to be able to take notes when I'm mumble, mumble, COUGH driving COUGH.
There. Now I've gone and done it. I've made Oprah hate me.
Corporate Dog
EDIT: Oh. I forgot. I actually have TWO complaints.
I HATE how the recommended words pop-up is implemented. If I'm typing 'Bioware', and Swype recommends 'beware', I'd prefer it if my closing of the pop-up meant, "No. I don't care for any of your suggestions. Keep what I typed, as I typed it." rather than, "Accept the top recommendation."
I know there's a user dictionary in my phone, and I've certainly added to it, but I'm constantly using non-standard words.
They put the microphone back in the latest beta, which they closed like 3 days after they opened it.
gtg465x said:
I see what you're talking about. Fortunately I know where the keys are without seeing them so this isn't really a problem for me.
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Same here.
It does get annoying from time to time, but I find it much easier than the standard keyboard. Especially when typing ridiculously long words which swype seems to pick up without a hitch.
Yea, I find the lack of a microphone shortcut annoying, too. Since I use Swype with my index finger, I don't really have a problem with the screen being too small. Swype is supposed to be able to correct for errors, anyways, but I have seen the correction fail at times. Swype is still more accurate than voice, anyways, and you can always resort to typing it out if Swype doesn't recognize it, which I think makes it better than voice. It would be amazing if voice worked perfectly, though, I'd never have to type again.

[Q] Atrix touch screen off

does anyone else notice that the Atrix touch screen location seems a bit off?
I really notice it during browsing the internet and it seems it needs calibration. I cant say how many times I have had to click back an redo my clicking action. It seems that when you click its not accurate...
Any one else notice?
Can it be recalibrated?
Yeah I've noticed this too. It's not too bad but it is moderately annoying.
Lazyboy006 said:
Yeah I've noticed this too. It's not too bad but it is moderately annoying.
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Yep, same problem here but only happens in the browser. No problems typing at all but I always click a link and it seems to click a link or two above my intended selection. This problem was also even more prominent when I tried to use the firefox browser which seems to be the only browser that will allow me access to my schools website..sticking through it for now in hopes that a software update will fix it unless other users aren't having this problem, maybe just need to exchange this particular device.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
BBock9 said:
Yep, same problem here but only happens in the browser. No problems typing at all but I always click a link and it seems to click a link or two above my intended selection. This problem was also even more prominent when I tried to use the firefox browser which seems to be the only browser that will allow me access to my schools website..sticking through it for now in hopes that a software update will fix it unless other users aren't having this problem, maybe just need to exchange this particular device.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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After reading your post I agree with you. I mostly notice the problem with the browser. I do notice it slightly when typing but this could be do to me coming from an Iphone 4 with the keyboard being slightly different.
I dont know if you tried the browser Skyfire, but this was the only browser that I could make changes and save them when accessing the Google Voice settings from my phone. The standard browser, firefox, and even opera didnt display the full page so I was unable to actually save my changes.
Skyfire has its annoyances as well but its the best I found so far...
Well Mine was annoying to type in landscape cause the spacebar was about 1mm higher then it looks. Felt like I was typing a "B" to hit the spacebar.
That was annoying but now, now I have the Nexus screen flip-out! Any time I type or touch the screen the thing flips out. It has a area that is seeing a perminate touch or something.. there is a app on the market that allows you to see where the touch points are. I'll have to down load it and then show someone at ATT to get it replaced... I'm irritated cause at this point I've got a lot of work in it and I cna't just make a nandroid and then restore on my next device..
Sorry about the double post, its not letting me edit my last.
sticking through it for now in hopes that a software update will fix it unless other users aren't having this problem, maybe just need to exchange this particular device.
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If it is like the Nexus, no software won't fix it, or at least never did. They claimed they were "looking into it" BS for you'll replace it soon enough..
Is anyone else having the touch flip out issue? with multitouch visulizer or multitouch tool see what you get. I ran visulizer on mine and after about 2 min it had a perminate point on the top right corner, eventually it locked up to the point of not being able to use it.
Well hopefully there is a fix for it...I kind of put myself in a tight spot as I installed adeo rom prematurely and as far as I know there is no going back to stock yet. On top of that im pretty sure DG is done done with the atrix so unless someone picks up where he left off and I can getback to stock, ill have to live with the problem. Stupid me...
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So it isn't my imagination, or my fat fingers. ONLY IN THE BROWSER. I'll touch something, and something a good 1/4" below it gets selected.
I'd say calibration also, but that doesn't explain why only in the browser. (I miss my Palm stylus!)
Are any of you facing this same problem?
Posted videos of the problem there.

I just cant win with honeycomb browsers.

The stock browser is my preferred browser because it has the best design and features (and the only one that can play 720p YouTube videos smoothly) but has too many glitches to be functional!
First off its the laggiest out of all of them making it almost impossible to type at any fast rate of speed. Second there is a ridiculous glitch that won't allow you to move the cursor by just tapping where you want it to go within the text, you have to actually drag the cursor to where you want it go. But like i said it looks the best, has the best features, formats the text the best, and plays 720p YouTube.
Opera is the fastest. It is the best for text editing and overall speed of browsing. It is extremely annoying though that it won't do things such as auto capitalize or just allow you to push enter to search rather than clicking on the page, and the very layout of the browser seems dated. It also won't play 720p YouTube videos. Opera seems to be the only one that will allow proper handling of HTML forms and text editing, which is very important for posting on the net and making your way through forums.
Dolphin is OK but it has one glitch i can not look past. I can not search from the little drop down menu within forums because it just glitches and closes. Similarly I can't use the login to websites function (such as xda) from the little embedded login on the main page. Its broken.
I guess the most usable is opera. But can some dev not fix the little things that are wrong with the stock browser? I would really prefer to use it instead. Im sure most of you will agree.
seh6183 said:
Mods is there anyway to delete every single post except for the op? Maybe some real human beings will post and we can start over.
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Can everyone please stick to the topic,if you have nothing constructive to add please refrain from posting.
seh6183 said:
The stock browser is my preferred browser because it has the best design and features (and the only one that can play 720p YouTube videos smoothly) but has too many glitches to be functional!
First off its the laggiest out of all of them making it almost impossible to type at any fast rate of speed. Second there is a ridiculous glitch that won't allow you to move the cursor by just tapping where you want it to go within the text, you have to actually drag the cursor to where you want it go. But like i said it looks the best, has the best features, formats the text the best, and plays 720p YouTube.
Opera is the fastest. It is the best for text editing and overall speed of browsing. It is extremely annoying though that it won't do things such as auto capitalize or just allow you to push enter to search rather than clicking on the page, and the very layout of the browser seems dated. It also won't play 720p YouTube videos. Opera seems to be the only one that will allow proper handling of HTML forms and text editing, which is very important for posting on the net and making your way through forums.
Dolphin is OK but it has one glitch i can not look past. I can not search from the little drop down menu within forums because it just glitches and closes. Similarly I can't use the login to websites function (such as xda) from the little embedded login on the main page. Its broken.
I guess the most usable is opera. But can some dev not fix the little things that are wrong with the stock browser? I would really prefer to use it instead. Im sure most of you will agree.
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Have you tried SkyFire?
faria said:
Can everyone please stick to the topic,if you have nothing constructive to add please refrain from posting.
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Thank you sir.
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Tivo7 said:
Have you tried SkyFire?
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Wasn't even aware that skyfire was available on honeycomb! Thank you, ill try it out first thing in the morning. Do you feel its pretty snappy? Any weird glitches that you've come across yet?
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Tried skyfire and there are glitches in it as well. Oh well, I'll just stick with the stock browser and the opera browser for now. Thanks for the advice though.
Firefox also has a browser. Don't know if it will work for you and what you need. I personally didn't like it. Did you try Dolphin or Dolphin HD?
What about Firefox???
rcy1 said:
Firefox also has a browser. Don't know if it will work for you and what you need. I personally didn't like it. Did you try Dolphin or Dolphin HD?
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I did try dolphin yes. Too many glitches.
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sansagara said:
What about Firefox???
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Haven't tried it in a while but it was real laggy. Will try in a moment.
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I can tolerate the stock browser for the most part. The only one thing I can't really live with is text editing. When I click in the middle of a word to correct it, the cursor doesn't jump when I pressed, it does for a second and then snaps across the screen to where it was previously. Then I have to grab the cursor and drag it to where I want. This gets old.
Sent from my microwave
Just tried both Firefox and Firefox beta and both we pretty laggy. While I could move the cursor to where I wanted by tapping, the browser had no arrow come up to fine tune the location! I could probably deal with this if the browser wasn't so laggy. And im pretty sure there is no flash support with firefox yet, back to the stock browser
On another note, I was able to tap my cursor whereever I wanted just now editing this text with the stock browser! Seems like a random occurance i guess.
Both Firefoxes are shocking, laggy slow and worse of all no flash support if I wanted that I'd have bought an iPad! The work around I use for text entry is to zoom it, bit of a pain in the butt n not perfect but it does sort out the glitch.
seh6183 said:
I did try dolphin yes. Too many glitches.
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Which Dolphin did you try? I use Dolphin for Pad and am quite happy with it.
AnyMal said:
Which Dolphin did you try? I use Dolphin for Pad and am quite happy with it.
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Yea dolphin pad is what I tried. There is glitches when trying to login to pages and text editing glitches.
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