PHP for Android - Wildfire General

Just found this site. Looks very interesting, going to give it a try.

Cool, but useless.

I've been learning PHP for 6 months now, know Linux but don't know Java, and love my Wildfire/Android OS. So I think this is a great idea! Only thing is I don't NEED to learn PHP. Just want to. So perhaps for maximum fun with my Wildfire I should probably pick up a Java book hey?
i.e. is something like PHP on Android worth pursuing?


Nexus One (Android) Development Questions

Hey everyone,
I'm relatively new to participating in this forum. I've been lurking for some time playing around with my rooted G1, cliq, and now my Nexus one.
While it's been fun toying with other people's work, I'd like to get serious about development again so I have something to contribute. Android really interests me and I'd like to learn the ropes. I haven't done anything with software development in years. At one point in time I was relatively competent with *nix based operating systems, scripting, and coding in C (never liked C++ or OOP in general, so I stuck with straight C, but I guess I'll have to stop being stubborn and realize that OOP is here to stay). This, however, was years ago. At the time I was running FreeBSD 2.2.6 and occasionally Slackware (forget the version) to give you an idea of how much I have to catch up on
My questions:
1) Does anyone have a recommendation for a Linux distribution that's conducive to Android development? I'm sure you can develop software in any distribution and everyone has their own personal preference for a distribution. My question is are any superior specifically for the purpose of Android development? (note: I'm trying my best not to phrase this as an uninformed newb question, as I know the eternal distro debate is quite futile and annoying. I'm just looking for a bit of insight to get me started specifially with Android development).
2) Could anyone point me in the right direction for where I can begin to learn about Android development as a whole? I'd like to develop a solid foundation in whatever aspects are most crucial. I would assume this includes basic linux proficiency (which I'm sure will come back like muscle memory), knowledge of C/C++, and Java. But I'd like to hear any input from those with experience so I don't waste my time reading material that may not be helpful.
Ideally I'd like to have enough of a basic knowledge of Android so by the end of the week I can write a basic "Hello World" Android app and continue learning from there.
One last thing. Yes, I do plan on googling it. And then googling it again. And I absolutely love the search function. The point of this post is to get a bit more insight about what to Google and search for
I dont know if you want to develop apps or work on ROMs and such. Apps are written in Java, and Im fairly sure alot of the lower level stuff is written in C.
The AndroidSDK is out for windows so you dont really need to have linux.
As for a Hello World app, read this
thats what I followed to learn the basics, granted so far I only know enough to make a simple WebViewing application
EDIT: just a tip, when constructing the UI, read the part about constructing using XML, this is the ideal way to go, and you should get used to this instead of the traditional Java way.
1. The most condusive environment will be Ubuntu 8.04 (which I believe is referenced a couple of times on the SDK pages). Glad to have you here with us. : )
2. Here is a pdf on beginning with android, this is mainly geared toward application development though.
Have fun! : )
wow this is just the kind of material ive been looking for! Thanks!
Also, I've put together 2 or 3 of my own applications on Windows 7 (32bit), with no issues at all.
Just saying, if you have a windeers machine, it aint bad for building apps.
Thanks for the positive response everyone. That gives me a lot of helpful info to get started. After I get my bearings I'll post a thread to help other developers get their start.
Here are a few other decent links I've found so far:
No Turning Back
Well I just too the plunge I told my boss I want to go part time next summer so I get get back into software development. You have to follow your passion, and and I'm giving up a full time salaried management position with my company in order to do so.
I've gotten a good start. I bought a new laptop and gave it a nice fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate. Installed JDK, Android SDK, Eclipse, Eclipse ADT plugin, etc.
Then took my old laptop and I'm in the process of getting rid of Fedora and putting Ubuntu 8.04 desktop on it as I type this
So my development environment is almost in place. Now all I have to do is brush up on linux fundamentals, brush up my my c, and learn java from scratch.
This will be fun
Any suggestions on a good place to start learning java specifically for Android?
I don't have any specific links, but my suggestion is to benefit from and give back to open source projects. By downloading the sources for Android applications that are open and learning what needs to be done on that level to get the end product running on your phone, you can learn more than most any tutorial you will find. And while the next step of improving on those applications may not come for a while, eventually you will be in the position of extending that functionality you started with and making something new or just improving the existing application so it does it's job better. Pay attention to the licenses involved though, and make sure to not do anything that isn't permitted (which isn't hard to stick to honestly).
Check Amazon for Head First Java which is a great starter for Java and OOP, another book to check out is Professional Android Application Development, I got both on Amazon for like 40 bucks shipped. Although I know Head First Java is used at a lot of schools like UC Berkley and UC Irvine, so I don't know if prices go up around this time of year that school is starting back up. I use VMPlayer on my Windows 7 machine to run Ubuntu when I need it, works like a charm and it's free.
JoshHart said:
Check Amazon for Head First Java which is a great starter for Java and OOP, another book to check out is Professional Android Application Development, I got both on Amazon for like 40 bucks shipped. Although I know Head First Java is used at a lot of schools like UC Berkley and UC Irvine, so I don't know if prices go up around this time of year that school is starting back up. I use VMPlayer on my Windows 7 machine to run Ubuntu when I need it, works like a charm and it's free.
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Just purchased both of them. Thanks for the tip.
Items not yet shipped:
Delivery estimate: January 14, 2010
1 of: Professional Android Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Sold by:, LLC
1 of: Head First Java, 2nd Edition
Sold by:, LLC
[double post deleted]
mianosm said:
1. The most condusive environment will be Ubuntu 8.04 (which I believe is referenced a couple of times on the SDK pages). Glad to have you here with us. : )
2. Here is a pdf on beginning with android, this is mainly geared toward application development though.
Have fun! : )
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Wow, Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop is quite impressive.
Fedora 10 was difficult to install and configure on my laptop. Neither the touchpad nor the wireless driver worked properly out of the box. It reminded me of similar install experiences years ago when I more actively used Linux. I do enjoy a challenge, and I was able to get them set up after hours of research.
In contrast, Ubuntu 8.04 is running flawlessly on the exact same machine immediately after the install. I actually prefer the UI, and the lack of useless bloated apps immediately cluttering my system is refreshing.
Thanks for the recommendation
About the Beginning Android book. I notice it deals with Android 1.1 with Android 1.5 only being mentioned in the appendix. Would it still be worth reading to develop a solid foundation, or are do you know of any more current information available?
I'm getting my start over at, but I'm not sure if that's the right place to learn java from scratch. I guess i'll find out soon.
i got news for you, 1 solid app that works well, does what it says and markets to a large group of people will make up for your salary loss lol
good luck though, this whole app thing and moving to android has intrigued me to possibly get into some development as well, or with friends or something... if there is a new market where money is to be made, this is it... but i was curious if google takes a cut from apps like apple does?
personally i say organize something together and sticky it to help future devs...
Well I finally have my development environment after days of indecisiveness.
I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.04 on one laptop and an fresh install of Windows 7 on the other laptop, then setup JDK/AndroidSDK/Eclipse, etc on both. Then realized that Ubuntu 8.04 was installed on my slower laptop, and developing for an open source platform in a closed source operating system is a travesty. So I reformatted my quicker laptop, and setup a dual boot with Ubuntu on the inside of the drive so it gets the quicker data transfer rates. Then I had the pleasure of downloading and setting up JDK/AndroidSDK/Eclipse all over again.
Of course this was followed by hours of screwing around with different window managers and customizing things (and ending up sticking with gnome anyway)....finnnallly, days later, I'm ready to start writing some code

Best android development book

I had a quick look through the forums but couldn't see a topic for this.
I am wanting to get started with android development and programming and am looking for a decent book to help me get started. I have went through the tutorials on the android site but I found them not to be at my level having no java experience.
I do however have programming experience through microsoft visual basic and vba and do understand the basics. i just want a book to take me from scratch with android and eclipse that starts at a fairly easy level but that is still useful once I have progressed.
Does anyone have any recommendations or even know of solid online resources?
Many thanks
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I heard positive things about this:
Note that I do not have this book myself so I cannot tell you anything more about.
Thanks for this, will have a look at that one and see what its like!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Namuna said:
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I'm working through that book at the minute, and it is perfect!
Since you've got previous programming experience (it would be good if you had .Net experience) then it's just a case of translating what you know into a different language.
Admittedly, I'm finding it quite easy, coming from a strong C# and .Net background. I think it's probably the easiest transition going, but I'd recommend the book regardless.
Thanks for that as well! It also looks very helpful, i would expect coming from a .net environment to take to Android programming easy enough once i understand how the basics of eclipse and the coding syntax works for it!
I have bought the Wrox programmer to programmer book but i am also going to bear in mind the Teach Yourself Android book as well, had a flick through it there on amazon preview and it looks very easy to use, i like that it is split into hours so you know where you should be and how long it will take.
Thanks for the replies!
I would recommend Commonsware's books. You get a full year's access to 3 books.
However, I would start with some Java book first. I heard that Head First Java is good.
I second the Commonwares books. The weekly chats alone are worth the price!
doctormetal said:
I heard positive things about this:
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Yep, I have this book and find it great. One thing is nice is that he uses the same program for all his examples, thus building up one app. His writing style is very fluid too. I recommend it.
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i would love to start learning java myself, ive been playing with appinventor, i have graphic design skills but im far from a programmer, playing with appinventor has really spark a fire for me to actually learn real code, i know its a far stretch from appinventor but ive been playing with tools like eclipse for android sdk, i would love to find a good book on a certain way to go about using all these tools together, much research to be done!
Not a book but google for "Android App Course", those labs are a good introduction to android...

Inferno on Android/AOSP

Just became aware of this, thought it's pretty cool. not eye-candy for most, i agree. Also, projects like this just shows how flexible Android can be. First port is running on Nexus S and Nook Color, but devs of the project recommend Cyanogenmod as base. Maybe this could come in to sgs too
What are your thoughts on this? I'm a big fan of tiling window managers on linux, so i would definately would try this.
hellaphone src
utube demo on nexus s
The geek factor is high I must say.
jose.celestino said:
The geek factor is high I must say.
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aren't we all
there are those who run debian on our phones! this is more mobile oriented i think. i don't know nothing about java, but i read Google is trying to push javascript away from website programming, bringing instead a language they call Dart. If this works out, they could bring it in to Android? Even though java makes part of Android code...

[Q] Best Language to Create Metro Apps

So I was wondering what people think is the best language to make Windows 8 Metro apps? The options are C++, C# or Javascript.
I have a relatively basic knowledge of all three - but I do not see the point in learning all three of them more. So which language do people here believe is the best to use in the long run, and why? Predominantly I am looking towards games, although have other basic ideas that I would like to try out too (eventually).
I am interested in Windows 8 Metro development, as the market is relatively untouched - in comparison to Android and iOS as platforms. I would say I have a fairly basic knowledge of multiple languages - and would like to be able to create a relatively decent application - so would like to use the code which will enable me to make the best I can, but would preferably also be the easiest to learn.
P.S. Sorry for the use of the word "Metro"...
DomCowell said:
So I was wondering what people think is the best language to make Windows 8 Metro apps? The options are C++, C# or Javascript.
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Personally I use C#. C++ is much less productive. I don't know javascript well enough to use it for an application but I don't think the tolling is as good.
SeanX said:
Personally I use C#. C++ is much less productive. I don't know javascript well enough to use it for an application but I don't think the tolling is as good.
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Thanks for the response
C++ is off the list then! Will probably decide based on which I can find the best tools for learning more now then.
Being a developer that does mainly c# and extensive javascript only projects over the past 2 years I would pick c#.
It would get you with the basics of programming much better, and javascript even though seems simple it takes quite a while to fully master it and write really good code (not talking about jQuery or anything like that, native javascript).
Also from the BUILD conference I've been in javascript feels like the worse choice compared.
If you want to make games in the future i'd recommend checking out Unity which also works on both c# and javascript, so whichever you choose you can use that as well.
C# by far. VB is getting better though...
morsdyce said:
Being a developer that does mainly c# and extensive javascript only projects over the past 2 years I would pick c#.
It would get you with the basics of programming much better, and javascript even though seems simple it takes quite a while to fully master it and write really good code (not talking about jQuery or anything like that, native javascript).
Also from the BUILD conference I've been in javascript feels like the worse choice compared.
If you want to make games in the future i'd recommend checking out Unity which also works on both c# and javascript, so whichever you choose you can use that as well.
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Thanks for the response. Will definitely go with C#, based on your response and the other replies in this thread. Will check Unity out at a later date too - thanks!
By the way, do you mean this years Build Conference? If so, jealous of you!
lseidman said:
C# by far. VB is getting better though...
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Thanks for the response
I am not sure, but I think Microsoft said that they used c# for their new Skype app.. I've been using it for a while now and its very stable.
I am using C# too
I start learning the C# since last year and I have a good feeling about this! however I recommend This for your start because it's awesome !
C# for me too.
I'm really can't imagine how to program using javascript. I've seen the source of the Music app and have ensured that it's really unreadable.
My choice is C#, though it's useless to compare both. In my opinion C# is the best language for applied programming.

Any mocl experiences?

As we all know, developing things on Android does not require having to use Java more than necessary, you can wrap a couple of other languages like Delphi, C++ or Python in it. This one looks rather sweet. Has anyone tried it yet? I wonder if it's worth the money.

