[Q] Digitizer replacing - Trophy General

Today I aquired a HTC Trophy with a cracked screen.
It was not cost effective to have it replaced by the workshop, so I'm attempting to replace it myself.
Following the MicroSD replacement guide by DominikZ, it's been a fairly simple and straight forward process, but I have now come to a point which I'm not sure how to proceed.
I've gotten to the point where I have the two ribbon cables disconnected, and have now separated the systemboard from the front. The front frame now contains the LCD, digitizer and speaker.
Does anyone have some tips on how to proceed from here?

What about the other 3 (black) screws? Torx 6?

nlamer said:
Today I aquired a HTC Trophy with a cracked screen.
It was not cost effective to have it replaced by the workshop, so I'm attempting to replace it myself.
Following the MicroSD replacement guide by DominikZ, it's been a fairly simple and straight forward process, but I have now come to a point which I'm not sure how to proceed.
I've gotten to the point where I have the two ribbon cables disconnected, and have now separated the systemboard from the front. The front frame now contains the LCD, digitizer and speaker.
Does anyone have some tips on how to proceed from here?
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hey man, i hope that the following site can help you abit.
i was mugging around at the "xda cn" just a minute ago,
and i saw some one had a post tutorial about how to rip out the HTC 7 Trophy safely.
(the site is below my comment), well it is all in chinese, i guess you properly won't be able to read it but the good news for you is....all these stuff is always with photos...and not just one and two...is alot...alot of photos
the photos are very details, i guess it should be able to help you out with something even a little.
Good luck with that, and once you jump in to the site...once you finish looking at the first pic, click the page 2 it will brings you to the second page, and keep looking, u should be fine with that even you don't understand the chinese..
The site:
damn i'm not able to post link as im a new user in this forum
let see if you can read the link below(replace the lttp to http,xxx to www)
Kind Regards

Thanks for the tip Lance The pictures were easy to understand, especially when I don't read chinese.
However they did not cover removing the LCD and digitizer.
matthijs81 said:
What about the other 3 (black) screws? Torx 6?
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The three screws on the back of the lcd casing is not screws. Those are threaded cylinders, for attaching the front with the back.

Hey there
how far have you got with repairing the screen as I also acquired a HTC Trophy with a cracked screen. The phone still works so there is no rush but I need to know what I need to repair this unit?

No progress so far. I'm not sure how the glass is attached to the front housing, but I have an idea that it might be glued on from the front.
You may be able to extract the glass from the front by using a hairdryer and something thin, like a razorblade. However I have not tried this yet, so I can't say for sure.
Good luck ;-)

There are digitizer replace videos for the htc desire:
If the Trophy is build in a similar way you can see how you to remove the glass at 4:00
You can use a hair dryer instead of an oven.

Hi folks, been a long time lurker, came here after looking for a solution to this very problem, so, nlamer here's how to do it, be warned though it's not an easy repair.
(och, I cant post image links until I have made 8 posts :-S )
see attached photos, i'll prob need to do a few replies to post them all.
1:- Strip your phone down and remove the logic board from the chassis, carefully remove the lock tabs to release the ribbon for the LCD & digitizer
2:- Use a heavy duty knife ( I used a stanley blade ) to slice the adhesive holding the LCD to the digitizer, it's only held round the edges so you dont need to go too far in
3:- Peel back the cracked digi and just slice the ribbon, it's attached to the back of the LCD and your not going to be using it again anyway
4:- The LCD is held in place with the light grey adhesive strips, use a spudger to remove it, just be careful not to put too much pressure on it or you will damage the LCD, in my experience it's always better to have a replacement on standby just incase

5:- A quick check to make sure the LCD is still ok, you never know!!!
6:- On the old digi you will need to remove the three clear plastic tabs at the bottom and transfer them to the new one, these feed the LED's to the capacitive button's on the bottom, they are held in place with some adhesive & are not difficult to remove
7:- Remove all the old adhesive and apply some knew strips, I used 3M stuff here and trimmed it to fit but I dare say there are adhesive kits available on eBay
8:- Do the same to the LCD

9:- Line up the LCD with the marks on the digitizer and press it into place, the digitizer ribbon has a small piece of adhesive to attach it to the back of the LCD
10:- Place the display into the chassis, make sure the ribbons go through the gaps in the chassis and everything lines up before committing to pressing down
11:- If all goes well after re-assembly it should be looking sweet again.
Hope that helps yourself & other's out ;-)

Thanks for the instructions irepairtechstuff. It is greatly appreciated. I almost have my device wrapped up, and ready to go, but I'm having some trouble with the digitzer.
It seems behave as it pleases, and does not register pushes and swipes as it should be. Any tips on this?

Nevermind the last post.
I cleaned the connector with some alcohol, and now it works perfectly

I just got a trophy, I don't understand the adhesive verry well. I though you had to put adhesive on the underside of the touchscreen digitizer (along the edges of the screen) and on the metal frame, under the lcd or the underside of the LCD, but in this turtorial you see adhesive along the edges of the upside of the LCD?????

Is there nobody who can help me?

Try private messaging the users who manged to get this to work. They should receive and email and might be able to come back and look at this thread.


manual that explane LCD touch screen (digitizer) replacing for Qtek s100

Hello everyone,
I am new in your community and I hope you can help me.
I am searching for manual that explane LCD touch screen (digitizer) replacing for Qtek s100 for like 5 hour in Google.com and your forum.
I try diferent key-words in search options but i couldnt fined it.
The only thing that i understand from posts, that i find, is that there is a menual describing this process, but no one know where it is.
Please, if there is such manual, give me direct link.
Or you can discribe me what do do.
I can easy take apart my phone, but i cant separate Touch Screen from LCD screen. They seems to be glue to each other or somthing.
I will value any help.
Best Regards.
My Touch screen broken ?
Hello , i read your post today , and i don't have answers for your questions , but i am very interesting about your work , because last saturday my touch screen not work fine .... i attach 3 foto about problem ...
I need change TouchScreen ????
Thank you.
Someone have the manual or solution for this now? We also need help.
I want buy this http://www.truesupplier.com/touch-screen-for-o2-xda-ii-mini-qtek-s100-i-mate-jam-pr-16436.html
I've provided the solution here:
This is all that you need.
Click on the link for the HTC Magician.
These steps I already knew, what I need is how to mount the digitalizer because I think that is solder to the LCD, and this manual does not explain how, someone knows how to do?
The digitizer is 'glued' to the LCD screen. Don't wast time trying to separate the two. I've tried it. Just replace the entire screen assembly. They are cheap on ebay.
So why sell the digitalizer if there is no way to replace it with a new?
I didn't say it's impossible, but it doesn't make sense to go through that hassle. Buy a new screen assembly and be done with it.
Need to be solder, but with tool can I use to solder? Anybody could give me the steps how to off the old LCD and then solder the new?
It can be done with a regular soldering iron with a very fine 'tip'. Since you are using a fine-tip, you'd have to ensure that there is no circulation of air in the room (which will quickly cool the tip of your soldering iron). Obviously, you aren't going to do this in a 'cool' room either.
Personally, it makes better sense to simply replace the entire screen.
I'm now under the impression that Antix already bought the digitizer, hence he is being so persistent in separating the two components.
I have not bought, I saw on eBay this digitalizer very cheap http://cgi.ebay.com/LCD-TOUCH-SCREE...photoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1713.m153.l1262, but it gives a lot of work I go buy a complete screen.
done it
Hey, i just separated the digitizer from lcd and change it for new one. I used adhesive cleaner to soften the double sticky tape holding digitizer on the lcd. Moddeling thin knife to cut it arround (ull probably will crack the digitizer, i did ). Clean the contacts on the other side where the ribon cable goes, put a litle solder onto each one of the four of them. Do not forgot to use the soldering paste and good clean soldering tip. Put some double sticky tape around the lcd, cut it as required, attach new digitizer. Clean the end bit of the new ribon cable with lighter, so that only cooper lines are wissible. use fine sand paper to clean off the cooper . Put some solder on to the ribon cable, again use the paste. then solder it on to the lcd ribon. on the end put some (electric) tape over the joint to keep it strong and assemble your htc again. Works wonders, and does not cost £40 for whole new screen but only £6-7 for the digitizer.
I now have a great deal of respect for you since you were able to pull-off such a delicate procedure.

How do replace LCD with digitizer

I want to replace cracked screed with new LCD with digitizer and went thru service manual. I am struck at the point where I have to remove antenna cover before I can go ahead. Can somebody please help. I am from small town in India with no service centre. Got new original LCD with digitizer via ebay.
amit200465 said:
I want to replace cracked screed with new LCD with digitizer and went thru service manual. I am struck at the point where I have to remove antenna cover before I can go ahead. Can somebody please help. I am from small town in India with no service centre. Got new original LCD with digitizer via ebay.
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That is a real hard peace of work an the possibility to destroy the device completely is quite high. Heres another thread:
Thanks for the link but not sure where to insert the flat plastic tool on over the USB socket or below it. Please help
Victory, I managed to sucessfully repair my HD today.
Parts needed:
Digitizer ~ € 25, --
LCD Display ~ € 74, --
Total: € 99, --
Time: ~ 3 hours
Difficulty: high
Special precautions:
After complete dissembling the HD according to the service Manual you can find in the net you will have to lever the display out of the front bezel from the front side. It is very likely the color and the frame will be damaged a bit! It's best to use a fairly broad plastic "spatula" and lever the display out. It should be noted that the glas of the digitizer is glued to the LCD display so it is very unlikely to repair the HD in case of a broken front glas by only changing the digitizer without changing the lcd display as well. This is unfortunate because digitizer is available very cheap (under € 30, -) over the Internet and usually only the glass of the digiziers breaks.
So who likes the risk and doesnt want to pay the horrendous costs of repair stalls here is the first case of a positive self-repair. PN if you want details. I am sorry but I have no pictures, because I repaired the HD at work and had no cam there.
Hard to replace LCD for touch hd
It is really very hard to replaced Lcd screen and digitilizer for touch HD.
I replaced mine last night for 3 hours. But before you start to separate the lcd from the case you must have a double sided tape for you to be able to return the lcd on the case. The tape will also serve as a sealant to your screen from dirt and to hold the screen on the housing.
Broken LCD
Yes, it's hard to change the digitizer.
I tried, I failed.
As my digitizer was broken (one can see a kind of watering effect, and no press effective anymore), I bought just the digitizer alone, without lcd screen.
12 € incl shipping. Nice price.
Here is what I received : cf. joined img 1248 (images are at the end, need moderator green light to do better. note : larger version available on frapi.com/vrac/cimg1248_rs.jpg.html (click on image for the others))
Seems OK. The plastic tool is bull**** (too soft to unclip the antenna)
With the help of the service manual, it wasn't so hard to dismantle it like that :
cf img 1251
Now the tricky part, level one :
you have to break apart digitzer+lcd+metal shield from the rest
cf img 1253
Be very careful when opening. try to lever only on the digitizer glass, that you will change anyway. You also have to unstick the metal shield under the LCD, because of the wiring there, attached to the digitizer :
cf img 1252
OK, done, you have that, digitizer+lcd :
cf img 1254
Now the tricky part, level two :
Split lcd from digitizer.
Just avoid doing that :
cf img 1257
cf img 1261
if you don't want to end like that :
cf img 1265
Don't ask, I don't have the recipe.
PS : just bought a combo digitizer+lcd, quite more expensive. stay tuned
LCD manufacturer
can anybody of you tell us the manufacturer of the display ? May I ask you to provide a readable picture of the labels behind the screen ? Or to write us the text on the labels ?
Many thanks, best regards Wolfgang
How do you fit the cable between the digitizer and lcd screen? Is it just a connector or do I have to solder it?
laban333 said:
How do you fit the cable between the digitizer and lcd screen? Is it just a connector or do I have to solder it?
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No soldering. digitizer to lcd board is clipsed.
Bigger picture ?
Hello Frapipda,
may I ask you for a bigger picture of your thumpnail cimg1252_tn.jpg ?
If I can read the labels I would try to get a detailed specification of the display.
Many thanks, best regards Wolfgang
Hi all,
From the bottom is the lcd screen, after a black thing, and after is the digitizer glued on the top glass...
What is the name for the black transparent thing that goes between the screen and the digitizer? It is flexible but I accidentally made it to curve and now it has some marks inside.
frapipda said:
No soldering. digitizer to lcd board is clipsed.
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Frapipda: You say its clipsed, but I cant manage to connect the tiny plastic digitizer contact with the lcd one. Do You have some advice?
I found out now. You have to lift one part of the contact...
frapipda said:
Yes, it's hard to change the digitizer.
PS : just bought a combo digitizer+lcd, quite more expensive. stay tuned
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Hi again,
Eventually bought a standalone LCD screen, came pretty quickly from HK (paid Friday nite, received today Wenesday in France).
was quite easy to install.
One tricky point :
LCD is glued on digitizer ; LCD position is paramount, and you have to insert the LCD in the phone body, then place the digitizer on the LCD, so that they are correctly positionned one to each other. If you don't, you won't be able to close the phone.
Phone is OK now
got it today
I got the plastic tool, the torx screwdriver and the lcd+ digitizer for lessthat $20 cdn, i have exams going on so i will work on it over the weekend, will post with extreme details and possibly a video on HOW-TO change the digitizer!
osamaali, any luck yet?
im not going to post a video because a major **** happened, due to lack of knowledge around on the net i should say this clearly that YOU HAVE TO PRY OPEN THE LCD SCREEN FROM THE FRONT! use a thin yet broad and strong object to go between the side wall and the screen and start pulling, i used a knife and cut all the way around before i started prying to cut the glue which is stronger than "Arnold" and all the dismantling from the back is to get to the chip where digitizer is plugged in.
when taking the screen off i took off the main screen, then the touch resistor screen and then the glass at the end (3 layers total). the glass is also stuck to the main "monitor" this is where the colors come from, i got impatient and pulled it hard enough that the monitor did not get time to detach.
i ordered the monitor lcd, im going to edit the video for final upload. sorry for the delay but everyone now know
YOU HAVE TO CUT AND PRY IT OPEN! if you guys get stuck pm me and i'll reply here. also i got the touchscreen to work but killed my monitor, i can still use the phone but the bottom 1 inch is blacked out.
Prying it open would only cause a mess, with broken glass falling. I like to work in a clean environment so i just get a hair dryer, switch it to high and do a figure 8 on the screen. Sure it takes quite a long time to get it off but trust me it comes off in one piece. The only problem i got now is putting the button on correctly. I aligned the buttons but once i put the lcd+digitizer on the buttons would get jammed or stuck. End call button is still clickable but the rest are jammed. PM me if you can help me or just email me at [email protected]

Broken Digitizer Help

I damaged my digitizer on my Touch2, I have ordered a replacement part and it has arrived.
I have stripped the phone down now, but I am stuck as to how to get the screen out.
I don't want to use too much force so any pointers as to how I can get my screen out and replace the digitizer will be greatly appreciated.
Dude, the only thing i got in my mind is youtube, there you can find anything. Try writing the something like Change digitizer on HTC Touch2 and may be you will find it, good luck
I've looked on u-Tube and found nothing for the Touch 2.
Was hoping someone on here might have more information.
Still no luck on this. Anyone?
I replaced many digitizers on blueangel and always used razor blade to seperate the lcd frame from the digitiser. The only issue was soldering the digitiser in to the lcd ribbon cable as they are soooooo thin, never opened the touch 2 yet but I can imagine its probably all cramped in there
I successfully changed my digitalizer.
I used book to help myself with added book.
Firstly, remember what you do, photograph your phones "guts" if you wnat
I, like in other video tutorials, started with removing 4 screws, after that gently half-opened corner gap between silver and front side and put in that gap plastic thing which came with digitizer.
When successfully lifted back off then you gonna see main board. In top right corner there is little screw which comes out hard in my situation. An you have to take off LCD connector wire (in left side) and digitizer connector (in left top corner). Don't forget after change of digitizer to put them back like they were or you will have to disassamble again !!!!
After doing that GENLEY lift main board off of screen. BE CAREFUL. YOU Have to pull of that black sticker on right side on board which connects from volume control to main board. Don't forget to put it back.
So you have the front side on your hand. Now push gentley but hard it from inside out. It is glued with some kind of glue. It seems it won't come but it comes (in that book it is showed).
So change your digitizer to new one and put everything back together.
You are done. Sorry I don't have pictures because it didn't came in my mind to picture it
I hope this tutorial will help you.
This is not for the Touch 2 but thanks for the help.
Still nto replaced it yet, phone is in bits in a box.
Tutorial is in Russian.Just look at the pictures.
not sure
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HTC Legend Screen (Digitizor) Replacement

I have looked high and low for Legend disassembly instructions in order to replace my screen (Digitizer) I finally found instructions on how to disassemble the HTC Legend and replace the screen thanks to allerien's post in the XDA forums 11th March 2011, 07:17 PM. There are no YouTube videos yet that I know of that actually show u how to remove and replace the screen so this is a step by step guide tat will help alot of user's including me.
Thanks Allerien
I fixed my Legend
I cracked the display of my legend and purchased a new one on eBay (roughly 40 pounds) - obviously delivered from Hong Kong but a genuine Samsung (in case you didn't know the Legen's screen as well as most of the AMOLED screens are Samsung's).
Then I used the above information plus some YouTube videos to give myself an idea as to what should I do. The result follows:
I used a hair dryer to heat up the back of the phone (camera and loudspeaker cover). Perhaps I should have been more patient as in the end I decided to use a knife with a very thin blade to lift it and I scratched the plastic and the aluminium body a bit. Anyways - the back clicks in but is glued in addition to that so you have to use both the heat and gently applied force.
Once you remove the back cover (which took me the longest out of everything) you should start removing screws. There's two behind the back cover and six behind the bottom cover (where the battery is). At this stage you don't have to remove all the screws - the bottom two, the one behind the IMEI and the one under the VOID sticker hold the main board but the two screws sitting deeper inside the phone's body hold the front buttons so you may leave them for now.
Now comes the trickiest part so read carefully: the main board is held inside the unibody by the screws (which we already removed), but is also glued right below the camera lens and along the sides. You should probably heat it up as much as you can and for a long time. I decided to do it the hard way. My dislplay was already cracked and it's the most delicate part of the phone so I said "whatever" and used the same knife as before - moved it alongside the screen (pushed it in gently from the front) until there was no resistance (the glue let go). Then I pushed and I heated the thing up and pushed and tried from every angle until finally the board slid out of the unibody. I hope you'll find it easier then I did as it seems that everyone describing it found it quite doable.
Now everything becomes easy-peasy. Remove the remaining screws to put the buttons aside (you'll have both the actul buttons and the tiny board with sensors - the latter sticks to the screen but once you remove the connectors, yu can take it off too). All the connectors are quite easy to remove if you hav a needle or something (just pull them out gently). I didn't worry about noting which is which as ther is practically no way you can mix them up - they're very different.
The rubbery plastic black surrounding of the board clicks in, so once you find the right spots you can lift them gently and take the thing off. You'll be left with the display covered by the shielding from the top and a thin metal board from the bottom. You have to remove two more screws to disconnect the main display plug.
And the final bit (that's where the thread's author had a problem I believe). My display was cracked but the shielding - fine. These two are glued together so I had to find some space for my finger nail and lift the shield. By slowly and gently pulling it apart I detached one from the other - and had to do the same thing with the metal board. Don't forget there's some extra stuff to remove from the back of the display - they're all glued but the glue will remain fresh enough for you to glue them again - this time to the new screen. The same applies to the front shield. I hope you won't let any dust sit on it in the meantime. You should have a screen protector on your new display if you bought it like I did. Remove it now and the display will be happy to stick to the old front shield just as if it was always there. The metal back will also fit in.
Now you can go through the above process backwards - just remember to connect all the connectors.
What I didn't do: I didn't use ANY glue putting the phone back together. As an effect the front shield is sticking out a bit (doesn't sit in the unibody tightly). It doesn't affect the phone itself but it gives you the funny feeling that something isn't 100% right. But I prefer that than screwing something up with a misuse of glue (glue can be disobedient).
The most important piece of information: the phone is working 100% correctly as if it was never disassembled by an amateur. Apart from two scatches on the back, the VOID sticker missing, the front sticking out slightly (less than a mm) and the missing battery slider (which I forgot to put back in and didn't bother to repeat the whole process for the sake of it) - there is nothing wrong with the phone. So if you ever crack you ever crack your Legend's screen - you can try fixing it yourself if you have the courage.
Isn't it possible to just exchange the glass along with with the digitizer? I myself need to replace the digitizer, because mine went quite unusable after an accident with water..
Either way this was a nice guide which i will make use of!
great info my legend has only a broken digitizer so i will be replacing that soon

[Q] [Questions]Hd2 fall....

Hello guys,
My HD2 was fallen on his screen yesterday. He seems to be in good state but it is just in aspect, the screen don't display anything except white strips and, the touch ability seems not working at all (When I press to do a slide to unlock nothing happens => no vibrations). In the right hand corner, the lcd screen seems to be a little broke.
You could see the problem at this link: http ://img25.imageshack.us/i/imgp0001by.jpg/
Do you have any ideas of causes of this? I have to change lcd screeen and capacitive screen? And it is possible to do it of my own?
Thanks for your answers and if you have any tutorials or other help, I'm grateful.
Darklink88 said:
Hello guys,
My HD2 was fallen on his screen yesterday. He seems to be in good state but it is just in aspect, the screen don't display anything except white strips and, the touch ability seems not working at all (When I press to do a slide to unlock nothing happens => no vibrations). In the right hand corner, the lcd screen seems to be a little broke.
You could see the problem at this link: http ://img25.imageshack.us/i/imgp0001by.jpg/
Do you have any ideas of causes of this? I have to change lcd screeen and capacitive screen? And it is possible to do it of my own?
Thanks for your answers and if you have any tutorials or other help, I'm grateful.
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The cause is obviously it being dropped. Yes you have to change your screen if you don't want to have a broken one and may have to get a new digitizer. I don't know you so I don't know if you have the skill to do this yourself. If you have a warranty then carry it back so they can fix it, if not (or that's not covered under it), take it to a cell phone repair shop. They should have the equipment to fix it (digitizer, lcd, etc..) and you can pay for the service and equipment there.Hope this helps.
Thanx a lot theonew I try to see that quickly!
Do you have some reference on the web to get this components? A serious website selling this both components?
Darklink88 said:
Thanx a lot theonew I try to see that quickly!
Do you have some reference on the web to get this components? A serious website selling this both components?
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You could go here: http://www.dinodirect.com/htc-hd2-t-mobile-touch-screen.html and here for lcd (with tools for installation is optional): http://www.smartphonebay.net/LCD-Screen-for-HTC-HD2-p/lcdp-htct8585.htm. I could not find both on one website. Anyways, I hope you can fix your phone.
Ok, to fix my phone it's 200 euros, I'd like to try to fix it on my own and now I'm at this point: http: //img835.imageshack.us/i/imgp0001c.jpg/ and this http: //img59.imageshack.us/i/imgp0002le.jpg/
(Thx to official disassembling video)
Someone have a tips to separate screen from digitizer??
Darklink88 said:
Ok, to fix my phone it's 200 euros, I'd like to try to fix it on my own and now I'm at this point: http: //img835.imageshack.us/i/imgp0001c.jpg/ and this http: //img59.imageshack.us/i/imgp0002le.jpg/
(Thx to official disassembling video)
Someone have a tips to separate screen from digitizer??
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Well, You always can buy LCD and digitizer from eBay, taken apart or already assembled LCM (about 80-120$ for digitizer+LCD module). You have to be careful which model you buying if you decided to buy LCD and touch apart, both must be for European version of HD2. LCM assembly are compatible for any model of HD2 LEO, I've tested both T-Mobile and EU at my EU version of HD2 and they worked very good.
Separating the digitizer is not a easy job, most cases you have two broken pieces in result, but if you still want to separate them, first thing to do is to heat them to about 60*C (Celsius degree), then separate digitizer from LCD with a sharp-edge thin plastic sheet, i.e. a credit card with sharpened edge. LCD and digitizer are sticked together with a kind of black double-sided scotch tape, it is easy to see it but it is very easy to damage digitizer during this process due to very thin Indium Oxide wires on it that is easy to scratch.
The best thing is to buy fully assembled new LCM and simply replace your old LCM. In addition You nave to remove old LCM adhesive from phone housing to assure proper alignment of your new LCM. It can be removed with ethanol or isopropanol (take a cloth, wet it well with same alcohol and gently rub the grued surface until it will be clean).
Here are the Official HTC HD2 Disassembly/Assembly Training Videos but there all components are new and unused.

