[POLL] Has your HD2 had any hardware problems? Please vote. - HD2 General

I've noticed recently that the HD2 forum is becoming inundated with hardware problem threads. While this is obviously one of the functions of the Q&A forum, it does give an unbalanced view of whether or not the HD2 is riddled with problems, and some people are just assuming that the device is problematic. Since no-one is going to post a thread that says "My HD2 has no hardware problems", I decided to make a thread where we could try and get a more balanced view.
Please try and refrain from saying you have hardware issues if it's really a software issue as the whole purpose of this thread is to try and get a real ratio of people with hardware problems against people with no problems. Also, PLEASE don't include accidental damage as hardware failures!
Feel free to discuss, but if you view this thread then please vote one way or another.
Edit: At the moment there's been 179 views and only 23 votes. PLEASE do the poll above if you visit the thread. Thanks.

Yes, I sent mine back to HTC, and the problem was the whole antenna was broken,

There is a more indepth poll * HERE *
Not only does it try to find out the relative amount of hardware failures, it also is trying to determine if it is primarily the 1024 or 512 LEOs and if the reset button (presumably a bath issue) has a contributing factor.
Maybe if a 'non-touchscreen' and a 'stuck at bootup' threads were fixed at the top of this board, this would stop folks creating new threads and have just one place to look. Maybe even the initial poster creating a step by step fault diagnosis guide - which could be amended as different symptoms appear.

fred_up said:
There is a more indepth poll * HERE *
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Thanks a lot. That's a different poll completely and I'm aware of it, having voted myself. If you disagree with the reason for this poll then simply stay out of it.

I have no problem with the poll, and have voted.
I do understand the reason for it. If I was going to buy an HD2 for the first time and did my research then I would surely ended up here. With all the faulty this and that and not booting up postings, I would doubt that I would buy the phone. But viewing this site, since I got a brand new T-Mobile Compact III (UK), I knew that loads of faults got reported but that was minute in comparison to the numbers that were busy away flashing their phones.
The only fault I have had with an HTC phone was my Compact IV (Diamond) and that was the USB not being able to communicate, but I suspect that was due to a surge when it was charging from a rental car when the car started up.

No problems with mine owned it since march 2010, I would say it is clearly
my favourite phone.

No Problem with both Phones.
1st HD2: February 2010
2nd HD2: August 2010
also the display bright is on both phones still the same...

I bought my HD2 late 2009, out of one of the first shipments my dealer received.
In the meantime, I flashed a gazillion times, WinMo, Android, WP7... the only thing I changed was the memory card.
Also, since summer 2010, I preferred Photon style usage, means I started to use the hardware buttons extensively. No problems at all.
In the sum, my device is a real workhorse... properly fed thanks to xda.

Not really, I just have a bit of backlight bleeding.

I've had my HD2 since november 09 and im happy to say I haven't had a single issue........ yet lol

Hardware problem
I got my Hd2 in March 2010. I sent it in for repairs two weeks ago. I have just got it back. They replaced the motherboard.
Seems to be working fine now.

I've had my 512MB Leo since May 2010. So far so good. I wish i could say that same about the headset but i guess it could have been worse.

Phone was bought in June of 2010, and I brought it to a repair service here last Friday as the digitizer gave up on me unfortunately. Now I can only hope it will be returned soon

According to the poll I created here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=925673) so far there seems to be no correlation on 1024 or 512 Leo, the color of the reset button, and hardware failure.

Maybe all of these are coming up now as most of us got the HD2 back in March, and its coming up to a year for a straight swap (well some operators are doing that)
My phone became faulty back in the summer and i just lived with it for a while, maybe other have being doing the same.
I have a mainboard issue, affects the screen and cuts out completely now and then

mayurolla said:
According to the poll I created here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=925673) so far there seems to be no correlation on 1024 or 512 Leo, the color of the reset button, and hardware failure.
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I've been watching that, and all you can tell for sure so far is that 2 people either don't know the difference between red and yellow, or they think their T-Mobile device isn't T-Mobile at all!

Good Idea this Poll.
Certainly for new users/future users who will buy one.
But honestly, I must say the HD2 is as far I know one of the best device. But like every electronic device there is a march of issues. Most of the devices will works well and correctly, some not.
But we can alway's ask us the question; Where started the problem!? A construction/fabric Error on the device ore a wrong manipulation of the user!?
I'm sure if people would read more the manual, ..... well we all knows what than.

i have a dead (bricked?) HD2 in hand right now;
i just can't flash it pass 8%; and it vibrates 4-5 times when it reaches 8% and then it gets stuck there.
i tried both USB flash and SD flash with stock and custom ROMs but none work so far;
need help btw.

johncmolyneux said:
I've been watching that, and all you can tell for sure so far is that 2 people either don't know the difference between red and yellow, or they think their T-Mobile device isn't T-Mobile at all!
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I made it multiple choice in case people had multiple devices which often is the case.

2 hd2
i have two hd2's both have had the screens replaced and one has had the internal speaker replaced.
i notice these phones seems to have bad life for the screens according to all the people having touch screens die.
and when i call htc they don't really ask any questions about it, I'm assuming they know its a problem.


Bad News..T-Mobile Ameo vulnerable HDD....

I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
I have recently changed the title of this thread due to fellow member, Wu, pointing out to me that the old title was confusing. Thankyou Wu.
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
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it still not comming to shop, but it recalled)
it is very funny
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
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I will phone my HTC contact this wednesday and see what he says. He is the senior enginner in HTC Head office so the infor he gives me should be pretty accurate.
For the battery part, i am very happy about it, the user of DOPOD has reported that the battery is very good, personally, i turn on Bluetooth all day, device is connect to 3G 24 hours and the screen is never off. So even when i attach my keyboard to DOPOD, my screen is still on. This allow me to use my device for whole day without charging.
I am very happy about the battery.
With WM6, i thought some member here has report Athena will com with WM6 upgrade when it's available, i think that might be true, because that's what i heard in 3GSM as well.
Ok, i have just spoke to my HTC contact, he say he hasn't hear anything about recalling the HTC device, he wasn't sure about Amoe since that invlove with the T-mobile, but for HTC Advantage, he say there is a delay on the release date, the reason beening ROM not totally complete yet, he say the Rom has some bugs which need to be fix. But it should be out in april sometimes.
Funny enough, he also say last week a senior enginner from DOPOD came by to HTC office to meet with their manager, he is guessing HTC is calling for help from DOPOD, since Dopod have finish their Rom already.
For the battery part, not sure about Ameo, but they have run benchmark on the battery for testing, and the result are very good, but at the end, it will depend on how you use your device.
I have ask him to keep an eye on this info, and will report it here if i hear anything more
All X7500 still being released..too much invested..
I wasn't happy with what I heard and pressed my friend for more info. According to his sources (since Thursday, when I last spoke to him), HTC will now most probably NOT recall the units they have branded for T-Mobile and their Sister company Dopod.
The problem apparently is not so much the consumption side of the HDD (even though it does drain heavily compared to SD cards), but the way the HDD was implemented. It is not very shock proof at all. Supposedly vigorous shaking has resulted in 'knocking the HDD out' as I was told, meaning what exactly is still unclear in the sense that it will either become dislodged or stop functioning.
The problem is the way HTC integrated the HDD into the X7500. Apparently they stripped it down before attaching/soldering and fitting it into the housing, resulting in its physical instability. So not a hardware fault, but a design floor which may cause a hardware fault if the unit should be knocked or even suffer a bump (whilst using GPS) in a bumpy car. And there are supposed to be some hardware issues too, but not severe enough enough to stop its release. So we'll be the paying guinea pigs, while HTC perfect the next model which will definitely come with Flash memory and WM6.
Bottom line is that too much has been invested in the X7500, so its release will go on even it is a few weeks late. Taiwan already sell the Dopod, whilst Netherlands and Germany are already selling the Ameo. T-Mobile UK should be following soon as will the Advantage, but if you're buying.....expect some problems and an updated version by the end of the year, as Sony have plans of releasing a UMPC similar in appearance to the X7500 and HTC will be making serious design changes to their next UMPC-look-alike WM6 device.
mackaby007 said:
I wasn't happy with what I heard and pressed my friend for more info. According to his sources (since Thursday, when I last spoke to him), HTC will now most probably NOT recall the units they have branded for T-Mobile and their Sister company Dopod.
The problem apparently is not so much the consumption side of the HDD (even though it does drain heavily compared to SD cards), but the way the HDD was implemented. It is not very shock proof at all. Supposedly vigorous shaking has resulted in 'knocking the HDD out' as I was told, meaning what exactly is still unclear in the sense that it will either become dislodged or stop functioning.
The problem is the way HTC integrated the HDD into the X7500. Apparently they stripped it down before attaching/soldering and fitting it into the housing, resulting in its physical instability. So not a hardware fault, but a design floor which may cause a hardware fault if the unit should be knocked or even suffer a bump (whilst using GPS) in a bumpy car. And there are supposed to be some hardware issues too, but not severe enough enough to stop its release. So we'll be the paying guinea pigs, while HTC perfect the next model which will definitely come with Flash memory and WM6.
Bottom line is that too much has been invested in the X7500, so its release will go on even it is a few weeks late. Taiwan already sell the Dopod, whilst Netherlands and Germany are already selling the Ameo. T-Mobile UK should be following soon as will the Advantage, but if you're buying.....expect some problems and an updated version by the end of the year, as Sony have plans of releasing a UMPC similar in appearance to the X7500 and HTC will be making serious design changes to their next UMPC-look-alike WM6 device.
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I will try to confirm that with my HTC source, i think it make sense, HTC are not too good about writing ROM, that explain why they are asking for help from DOPOD. Anyway, i must say my DOPOD machine is running very smoothly, battery is amazing, and i have successfully change my today screen to total english, therefore i think DOPOD is a better option now for those who don't want the black one.
wu5262 said:
I will try to confirm that with my HTC source, i think it make sense, HTC are not too good about writing ROM, that explain why they are asking for help from DOPOD. Anyway, i must say my DOPOD machine is running very smoothly, battery is amazing, and i have successfully change my today screen to total english, therefore i think DOPOD is a better option now for those who don't want the black one.
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Congrats your ur Dopod wu.
I'm glad you're having no issues with it so far. I'll be getting the Ameo despite its supposed shortcomings + insurance!! So what the hey?!?!
Agreed, HTC are new to ROM building, but they do now own Dopod, so I very much doubt that their ROM will lag behind Dopods especially if Dopod have to help them perfect the HTC ROM.
Who cares anyway? Soon enough we will have access to the most stable and fastest ROM and all versions of the X7500 will run exactly the same, as the hardware is the same.
My only concern now is the stablility of the HDD.
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
Arya said:
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
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Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
Arya said:
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
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Ask Indra how to do it. He should be available in the Universal forums.
mackaby007 said:
Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
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That is very well say, agree with you there. Let's see if HTC can come up with a stable ROM (with the help from DOPOD). Hopefully they make their ROM right so they don't damage the HDD. After Advantage is out, we can then compare all the ROM and choose the best one and install.
mackaby007 said:
Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
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I think and select x7500
i want a POCKET PC with BIG screen
with GPS and GOOD camera
with KEYBOARD to type very long SMS
LOUD speaker
Athena has all of thing except Infrared
I want X7500 for it's color
I don't go for U1000 because it is now chinesse and if it available in English, maybe i get it
Ameo is locket and can't use
but i think now that i comming to get one athena, i get that i like color and ...
the ondy different in their is in COLOR and ROM and MATTERIAL. i think hardware is like eachother and one has problem other has it too
tanX and sorry for my long post
nuclear said:
Ask Indra how to do it. He should be available in the Universal forums.
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Why in universal forum?
Changing case of athena in Universal forum?!!!!!!11
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release...
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This is funny, I already own the T-Mobile Ameo for almost two weeks now, even before you posted this.
1. the battery life is pretty impressive for such a device, you can get through a working day with a couple of phone calls and internet surfing/playing around with the unit and the battery still shows 30% power left.
For some people this battery life may not be good enough, for me it is OK since I always charge my phone(s) over night anyway.
2. I "smashed" the Ameo several times on my office desk, on my bed, on my office chair, I carried it around all the time, even running with it in my pocket.
No problems at all with the HDD, especially since it uses a sensor which detects "acceleration"(drops, movements, etc.), so I highly doubt that there would be trouble, even if it isn't mounted properly.
Of course there will be an updated Ameo/X7500 by the end of this year, HTC puts out a lot of new units on the market, I would be surprised if they didn't.
I highly doubt that HTC would "allow" T-Mobile to acquire and sell defective Ameos, T-Mobile could easily make them responsible for defective units and this could cost HTC a lot of money.
I don't say this isn't true but I know how rumours and gossip is travelling the internet and although sometimes there is some truth behind all this talk, I would take it with a grain of salt.
P996 said:
This is funny, I already own the T-Mobile Ameo for almost two weeks now, even before you posted this.
1. the battery life is pretty impressive for such a device, you can get through a working day with a couple of phone calls and internet surfing/playing around with the unit and the battery still shows 30% power left.
For some people this battery life may not be good enough, for me it is OK since I always charge my phone(s) over night anyway.
2. I "smashed" the Ameo several times on my office desk, on my bed, on my office chair, I carried it around all the time, even running with it in my pocket.
No problems at all with the HDD, especially since it uses a sensor which detects "acceleration"(drops, movements, etc.), so I highly doubt that there would be trouble, even if it isn't mounted properly.
Of course there will be an updated Ameo/X7500 by the end of this year, HTC puts out a lot of new units on the market, I would be surprised if they didn't.
I highly doubt that HTC would "allow" T-Mobile to acquire and sell defective Ameos, T-Mobile could easily make them responsible for defective units and this could cost HTC a lot of money.
I don't say this isn't true but I know how rumours and gossip is travelling the internet and although sometimes there is some truth behind all this talk, I would take it with a grain of salt.
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It's not the Ameo or Dopod u1000 being push back, it's the HTC Advantage, the Rom they wrote is causing Damage to the HDD. Ameo and DOPOD U1000 don't have this problem
wu5262 said:
It's not the Ameo or Dopod u1000 being push back, it's the HTC Advantage, the Rom they wrote is causing Damage to the HDD. Ameo and DOPOD U1000 don't have this problem
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Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
P996 said:
Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
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Man, it's not GOSSIP, i was one of the tester for HTC Advantage, i have been notify by HTC that the Rom has serious Bug on HDD handle. I also have contact of one of the most senior engineer in HTC. It has been confirm Advantage is being push back, just don't know how late it will be. If lucky, with the help of DOPOD, they might still get it out on time.
We all know there is no hardware difference, it's the ROM which makes the Advantage being push back........
p.s. mackaby007, you should change the post title, it's making some people confuse.
P996 said:
Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
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As nicely as you try to put it P996, what you say implies that either I, or whoever my source is are either foolish in speaking of these things or blatantly lying. It certainly is not gossip, as I have not heard this anywhere else. The fact that you nor anyone else that has bought it and yet hasn't experienced this problem, does not detract that some testers have come to be aware of this design/assembly flaw in the Athena that COULD cause the problems mentioned in my earlier thread and talks had taken place with T-Mobile UK with regards to returning the units (possible recalls for Germany & Netherlands). The fact that this will not be taking place can be attributed to certain facts; i.e.
1) Too much has already been invested in a product that is not guaranteed to go wrong.
2)The Athena is NOT faulty, it' implementation of the HDD unit is subject to vulnerability due to the way it was stripped down and mounted in the overall casing. NOT faulty.....hence NO Recall...Get IT P996??
3) Furthermore I sincerely doubt that you are truthful in your account of how many times or the extent to which you have knocked your brand new device about. Yes I'm implying that you are lying by exaggerating, to prove a point.
4) I'm still getting the Ameo despite the only vulnerability reported to me.
5) I was merely sharing pertinent information to anyone who like me wants to make well informed decisions about future expensive purchases...whether we like the negatives or not.
6) As stated before...(for those too lazy to read through all the Athena posts there aren't that many at present)...T-Mobile UK have not yet released the Ameo and the tester/testers in question are from the UK and extremely well qualified and known to me personally, so I trust what they tell me, but not without question.
7) The point wu raised about HTC's ROM damaging the HDD is a totally separate issue, but confirms that HTC are well aware of problems with their HDD, be it soft or hardware related.
Lastly it is very easy to look at the past posts of every member..therefore if you suspect a persons integrity, you should at least have the decency to check them out before implying that another member is a gossip-monger. Wanker!!
mackaby007 said:
As nicely as you try to put it P996, what you say implies that either I, or whoever my source is are either foolish in speaking of these things or blatantly lying. It certainly is not gossip, as I have not heard this anywhere else. The fact that you nor anyone else that has bought it and yet hasn't experienced this problem, does not detract that some testers have come to be aware of this design/assembly flaw in the Athena that COULD cause the problems mentioned in my earlier thread and talks had taken place with T-Mobile UK with regards to returning the units (possible recalls for Germany & Netherlands). The fact that this will not be taking place can be attributed to certain facts; i.e.
1) Too much has already been invested in a product that is not guaranteed to go wrong.
2)The Athena is NOT faulty, it' implementation of the HDD unit is subject to vulnerability due to the way it was stripped down and mounted in the overall casing. NOT faulty.....hence NO Recall...Get IT P996??
3) Furthermore I sincerely doubt that you are truthful in your account of how many times or the extent to which you have knocked your brand new device about. Yes I'm implying that you are lying by exaggerating, to prove a point.
4) I'm still getting the Ameo despite the only vulnerability reported to me.
5) I was merely sharing pertinent information to anyone who like me wants to make well informed decisions about future expensive purchases...whether we like the negatives or not.
6) As stated before...(for those too lazy to read through all the Athena posts there aren't that many at present)...T-Mobile UK have not yet released the Ameo and the tester/testers in question are from the UK and extremely well qualified and known to me personally, so I trust what they tell me, but not without question.
7) The point wu raised about HTC's ROM damaging the HDD is a totally separate issue, but confirms that HTC are well aware of problems with their HDD, be it soft or hardware related.
Lastly it is very easy to look at the past posts of every member..therefore if you suspect a persons integrity, you should at least have the decency to check them out before implying that another member is a gossip-monger. Wanker!!
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nicely say mackaby007, agree with you there.
Since i haven't tested the T-mobile Amoe, i don't know anything about it.
The HDD issue HTC Advantage is having is a software problem, to do with how their ROM handle the Micro Drive. So don't worry, when it comes out, it should have no problem, that's what they are working on now.
wu5262 said:
nicely say mackaby007, agree with you there.
Since i haven't tested the T-mobile Amoe, i don't know anything about it.
The HDD issue HTC Advantage is having is a software problem, to do with how their ROM handle the Micro Drive. So don't worry, when it comes out, it should have no problem, that's what they are working on now.
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Thanks Wu. I agree with you completely and I've changed the title of the thread as you advised.

In Search of Balance...

There is an interesting mix of 'stuff' on this forum at present and what seems to be a considerable amount of interest and emotion around the HD2. There are:
Threads asking for opinions on upgrades
Threads slating the device
Threads doing the basic 'work' of the forum (in my opinion) i.e. sharing information, trying to find ways of making things work, helping one another out, etc
Judging by the critical threads and by those jumping in to defend the device, there are two essentially polarised schools of thought; those who love it and those who loath it (and of course, many shades in between).
Many of those who hate the device seem to be inclined to share their dissatisfaction in the interests of providing balance for those considering a purchase, so instead of the emotion and mud slinging, how about a simple poll so that everyone can submit their own view in as dispassionate a manner as possible?
No comment!
IPhone Windows Style
I cant wait until My Pink Photo phone is warrantied so I can load a different ROM on it. This phone out of the box is so locked down on features it even hides two games. To install owner information you have to fill out your contact card not Owner information through windows because it is nonexistent without reg edit. If I didn't know how do do some Reg Editing I think I might have thrown this phone even at the $800 US Price tag. I cannot even switch the view to landscape in Excel, so now I can only see half of my spread sheets.
On the plus side the 1 GHZ processor runs all of my programs at lightning fast speeds. The screen is big enough to enjoy anything you do on this phone. The cellular radio has great reception I have not dropped a call yet.
I'm in the US, so like many of my brethren, I'm waiting for my order to be shipped.
I may have some problems with the phone, but truthfully, if not for the trailblazers and those having problems, I would be lost in most of the issues I'll run across.
Ultimately, the specs on this device make it too delicious not to love.
This is the best device I have ever owned.
I started with an XDAII, which was classic and the 2nd of it's kind, that is, a computer phone.
HTC pioneered this, making the first, the XDA.
They solved many of the power issues and other technical issues of earlier pda's and melded the mobile phone with the pocket computer.
It was instantly better than any Nokia.
I have owned many classics like O2 Mini, Atom, Polaris and HD.
Though it is a good phone without needing any major changes, I couldn't stand not being able to customise my phone at the cellular level.
But then, I have built a dozen hi performance pc's in my time and similarly would not be happy with a DELL or a Mac or anything like that. I owned a top line powermac 12 years ago that cost 22 G's but my HD2 is 10 times more powerful, has the same size storage and fits in my pocket.
There are plenty of phone-computers that cannot be customised and so there is no scope for the problems that can arise in trying to mod a phone to make it do things an ordinary phone can't.
What's not to like?
Have to say when I got mine i was sooo impressed and yes for a while it was unconditional love.
Realised the shortfalls pretty quickly but they are minor and I can live with them.
However after 3 days the phone completely died and (fingers crossed) the replacement is due this morning.
C'mon vodafone / parcelforce ... make me happy again ......
Xaddict said:
HTC Touch HD
Miri Manila 2.5 Rev 13
Donated to my girl
(so she won't be mad at me for buying an HD2)
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lol very wise mate.
Initial Analysis...
With just over 50 responses in, the poll results, to me at least, are a more accurate reflection of end user response to the HD2, with around 70% of respondees either liking or loving the device.
Interestingly, the modal response (just) is currently 'like it, but accept that it needs tweaking'.
Around 10% of responses are ambivalent and less than 10% dislike or hate the device. This tends to back up the suspicion that the noisy negative threads reflect the minority, rather than the majority.
The balance of responses are in the 'don't have it yet, but will/won't get it', where there is little to choose between the two responses.
I'd like to believe that the poll approach gives everyone a chance to state their opinion in non-emotive terms, so for those contemplating a purchase the XDA recommendation currently seems to be 'go for it'.
I'm also of the personal opinion that a 70% early adopter approval rating isn't too bad for a bleeding edge device that will only improve with HSPL/USPL and cooked ROMs.
Nice, i like your thinking and giving objective statistics to the crowd!
I'm going to give this a gentle nudge as I'd like to be sure it captures the opinions of as many HD2 users as possible, plus there are still people asking for opinions on the phone and whether they should upgrade.
As it stands, there have been 73 responses (I think 64 of those are from people who actually own the device) and the dislikers/haters number precisely 5 of that 64, with a further 6 ambivalent.
Unless a good many HD2 owners are so appalled by the device that they won't even register their vote it seems clear that the overwealming majority are happy with the device.
Wouldn't be wonderful if that meant a bit more of a useful tone in some of the threads in this forum. At least the number of 'Kill all HTC emplyees, kill them all and slaughter their families, beat them to beath with iPhones' type threads does seem to have dropped off a bit...which is nice.
I've had my HD2 since Monday 30th November and I am very pleased with it.
I upgraded from a Touch HD and found the capacitive screen ( using the pad of my finger ) on the HD2 compared to the resistive screen ( using my fingernail ) on the Touch HD took a bit of getting used to. Once I mastered the new typing style required by the HD2 I found it very fast and accurate to use. I have not applied any fixes for the screen.
The only problem I have with this PPC is stopping myself from playing with it
In light of the threads that seem to keep being opened by those with an axe to grind against the HD2, I'm going to give this a nudge as I still feel that a nice, simple poll is the best, emotion-free way to gather opinion about the HD2.
I truly don't go big on conspiracy theories and smear campaigns but the evidence of 98 votes in the poll so far say that two users don't like their HD2 but are stuck with it and another three users hated it so much they have binned it.
Approximately 5% of HD2 users therefore seem to be accounting for an awful lot of noise, heat and light. Worse still, they are clogging up a forum that should be helping those of us that do like the device to get the most from it. I don't know about anyone else, but that's why I'm here, not to have increasingly petty arguments. There is an old proverb about a wise man arguing with a fool; very quickly it becomes difficult to tell which is which. Sound familiar?
I don't hate the iPhone - don't rate it either, nor did my wife, a convinced technophobe who is now very happily using my old HD having binned the iphone - and I don't think that people who don't like the HD2 are intrinsically bad people, but I do wish what appears to be a very small minority would have their say and jog on.
The fact that they don't and that they keep on (and on and on (and on and on and on)) making their points about the HD2 is suspicious, but maybe the poll is lying. So here's a bump - if you haven't already voted, do so now, especially the HD2 haters. Let's have some objectivity and balance instead of flame...ready? Go
This should be sticky
75% satisfaction and 10% ambivalent is better than what the iPhone scored in some surveys.
Gustopher said:
In light of the threads that seem to keep being opened by those with an axe to grind against the HD2, I'm going to give this a nudge as I still feel that a nice, simple poll is the best, emotion-free way to gather opinion about the HD2.
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Well I definitely like it. No digital device has ever wowed me so much that I didn't want to tweak it. The 'killer app' of the HD2 is in fact its tweakability (is that in the dictionary?) That's what makes it win out over the iPhone.
All of my frustrations are with the WM 6.5 operating system, and all my admiration is with HTC for virtually relegating WM to a background sub-system, where it belongs. (Don't hold your breath hoping that WM 7 is going to be a better user interface than HTSense.)
I've been trying to get a HD2 and not going anywhere. I've got two vodafone accounts (one for 14years, one for over 10) and they totally screwed me over in getting the HD2 by deliberately sending a Satio in my order instead of the HD2 thus removing me from the order list which I had got on the 15th, one day after the device was released.
They never then called me back when they got stock of course despite putting in several more orders. Even getting my PAC got me nowhere.
Sadly all vodafone reps on the phone say they love the HD2 instead of the iphone. I personally feel that vodafone are bullying people into the sub-standard iphone and especially 360 devices for profits.
What I did agree on with the vodafone reps are that:
Pros of HD2
a) Great large screen
b) still surprisingly pocketable (like TG01)
c) faster than any other device.
d) Battery DOES last longer than iphone (I got 5hours of iphone 3gS use on vodafone greece network with mild usage).
e) high-res screen.
f) will support WM7.
g) has more ROM space than many other devices.
h) You do not have to jailbreak the device and worry about apple updates bricking your device. HSPL lets you put in new cooked ROMs, you cannot even do that on an iphone.
i) Less jokey than the iphone. I dont see it as a serious device.
j) If you can cope with the technical stuff and the sheer volume of tweaks a WM6.5 device can be anything you want it to be!!!
k) it is not out of the question in the future to put android on the HD2 either.
l) Tons of useful software, not just gimmick stuff!!!
m) microsdhc can be up to 32GB now, just released in Times Square in Hong Kong. branded 16GB dirt cheap (class 6).
a) SMS issue is worrying for a prospective user especially as the problems seem widespread on Vodafone UK.
b) Yes, pink camera issue, but i couldnt care less about it.
c) HSPL for official ROM upgrades around vodafone is almost like jailbreaking.
d) the tweaks and stuff is quite technical - and there is just so much of it!!! but of course this is also a pro!!
e) Battery quality seems variable. Some good units out there, some bad.
f) So much to tinker, so much to break!!!!
In short, the HD2 has no competitor due to the processor and the screen size and its resolution. Sure it's not 16M, but that can come with an upgrade.
It has the grunt for the future with the CPU, you have chainfire to compete with cortex+gpu, and enough ROM and RAM and you can tweak it to your heart's content!!!
I say the HD2 is a WINNER - I CAN fix most of the issues or ignore them, or avoid them just like i do with my E65 every day. What I can't get on another device is the screen. I do pray that I dont get teh SMS issue though.
I just have to make sure HD2 fits in my tight pockets!!! (31" waist).
I am going to have to admit that, when I opened the box and powered on the device, I was bouncing up and down with glee. And I still was for days. I stopped bouncing when a) it started hurting and b) some minor niggles reared their heads.
1. When I adjust the volume on the music tab, with music playing, it stutters and does not show the slider. If I lock the device or use a different tab, it's fine.
2. Today, after about a week of use, the much-touted SMS not sending issue struck me. This may be to do with me not trimming my message box - but apparently HTC are working on it and in the meantime I can disable the HTC messaging app and use the basic WinMo one which is still highly functional, and everything works.
These have reduced my enjoyment level a little - I paid £475 for this device and to be fair I expect it to have, at most, very very minor issues, but I still enjoy it, I think it is a marvellous bit of kit and look forward to HTC's fixes addressing everything.
chris_ah1 said:
I've been trying to get a HD2 and not going anywhere. I've got two vodafone accounts (one for 14years, one for over 10) and they totally screwed me over in getting the HD2 by deliberately sending a Satio in my order instead of the HD2 thus removing me from the order list which I had got on the 15th, one day after the device was released.
They never then called me back when they got stock of course despite putting in several more orders. Even getting my PAC got me nowhere.
Sadly all vodafone reps on the phone say they love the HD2 instead of the iphone. I personally feel that vodafone are bullying people into the sub-standard iphone and especially 360 devices for profits.
What I did agree on with the vodafone reps are that:
Pros of HD2
a) Great large screen
b) still surprisingly pocketable (like TG01)
c) faster than any other device.
d) Battery DOES last longer than iphone (I got 5hours of iphone 3gS use on vodafone greece network with mild usage).
e) high-res screen.
f) will support WM7.
g) has more ROM space than many other devices.
h) You do not have to jailbreak the device and worry about apple updates bricking your device. HSPL lets you put in new cooked ROMs, you cannot even do that on an iphone.
i) Less jokey than the iphone. I dont see it as a serious device.
j) If you can cope with the technical stuff and the sheer volume of tweaks a WM6.5 device can be anything you want it to be!!!
k) it is not out of the question in the future to put android on the HD2 either.
l) Tons of useful software, not just gimmick stuff!!!
m) microsdhc can be up to 32GB now, just released in Times Square in Hong Kong. branded 16GB dirt cheap (class 6).
a) SMS issue is worrying for a prospective user especially as the problems seem widespread on Vodafone UK.
b) Yes, pink camera issue, but i couldnt care less about it.
c) HSPL for official ROM upgrades around vodafone is almost like jailbreaking.
d) the tweaks and stuff is quite technical - and there is just so much of it!!! but of course this is also a pro!!
e) Battery quality seems variable. Some good units out there, some bad.
f) So much to tinker, so much to break!!!!
In short, the HD2 has no competitor due to the processor and the screen size and its resolution. Sure it's not 16M, but that can come with an upgrade.
It has the grunt for the future with the CPU, you have chainfire to compete with cortex+gpu, and enough ROM and RAM and you can tweak it to your heart's content!!!
I say the HD2 is a WINNER - I CAN fix most of the issues or ignore them, or avoid them just like i do with my E65 every day. What I can't get on another device is the screen. I do pray that I dont get teh SMS issue though.
I just have to make sure HD2 fits in my tight pockets!!! (31" waist).
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I just saw your comment about praying not to get the SMS issue. Apparently, keeping your message box counts low will help prevent it - but I cannot guarantee it. if it DOES strike, there are solutions in numerous threads - the one I suggest most as it worked for me is disabling HTCs messaging app and using WinMo's own.
Yep, of course not all solutions work because I personally believe that Vodafone SMS is *shiste* service.
Interesting thing is that there are two SMS issues - slow browsing and display - which you can avoid by bringing up menu and closing it.
And messages staying in the outbox is something Ive had with my E65...I merely have to tell the phone to resend them and it goes.
Just to recap solutions I've seen, but not all work for SMS sending:
a) disable htc messaging
b) change to classic view, not conversation
c) set messages to GSM only not GPRS
d) disable 3G/2G switching and stay on GSM.
e) reboot phone and take out battery.
f) get a new vodafone Sim card.
g) get the phone to re-register itself on a new tower.
h) install HTC hotfix and/or later ROMs.
For SMS delayed view:
a) switch to classic view,
b) disable htc messaging
c) get menu up on random message and cancel menu.
d) purge your SMS box.
I must note that My E65 does this automatically - it only keeps a low number of messages in memory and automatically purges old ones. It also soft-resets itself automatically every 24hours. So S60 is not so special either - all mobiles have these issues. at least my E65 SMS not sending is sporadic.
I got my HD2 three weeks ago & loved it when it first booted up. I have had no serious problems with it since except when I tried to update the ROM, it keeps coming up: "not suitable for this pocket pc".
Either I have done something wrong or the phone will not update I do not know. So, it ain't broke, so don't fix it is the way to go!
beegeebopper said:
I got my HD2 three weeks ago & loved it when it first booted up. I have had no serious problems with it since except when I tried to update the ROM, it keeps coming up: "not suitable for this pocket pc".
Either I have done something wrong or the phone will not update I do not know. So, it ain't broke, so don't fix it is the way to go!
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You're either:
- Running the ROM update on the device - you can't, you need to run it from a PC with the phone plugged in and in bootloader mode.
- Running the ROM update on a PC but the phone isn't in bootloader mode.
- Running the ROM update on a PC but the update isn't for your serial number. (Try looking at all the ROM updates on the HTC website for your area, i.e. htc.com/uk)
- Running the ROM update for a custom ROM without running HSPL first. (Check the HD2 ROM forum - http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=534)

HTC and HD2: Story over. Period.

I just sent my HD2 (1.48 GER unbranded) back to Amazon for full credit.
By today I had nine cases open at HTC support:
Blutotth SAP: phone does not find mast after disconnecting from car
SMS: app crashes, SMS remain in outbox forever
Music: volume rocker erratic behavior (changes to track skip)
Bluetooth: headset looses connection after certain time
Weather App: sometimes not updating location based weather
Email: HD2 sometimes looses all mail server address entries. All emails in inbox get lost simultaneously
Facebook app: certain information not being displayed
Telephone: volume adjustment with BT headset next to impossible (turned fully up all the time)
SMS app: mobile and fixed line No's are displayed with the same icon, so you never know whether its a mobile or fixed line phone you send your message to (if it gets send.........)
Wired headset with Music Controls: renders next to useless without volume control buttons.
The majority of all the bugs always existed at the same time, so one app crashing influenced the others (volume rocker, SMS, weather, bluetooth), Needless to say that not one of the bugs was cured by the latest ROM update. I sometimes wonder whether HTC is doing any SQA at all.
I am a businessman who travels world wide. I need a reliable phone, it is mission critical. The HD2 is a million miles away from being that.
I am a HTC beta tester since 2001 and I cannot recall how many month of my precious lifetime I have spent on making HTC units work.
I had enough. Period.
Sorry, but it had to shot this out loudly.
So, what are you moving to?
You forgot to mention the most annoying thing on earth with HD2, THE NOISY VOICE CALLS !!
Fair play mate!
I am a HTC beta tester since 2001 and I cannot recall how many month of my precious lifetime I have spent on making HTC units work.
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And you think that gets better with another company? Definitely not.
RIM's CEO had to apologize foll all the bugs of the Storm.
Nokia's N97 has recieved bad reviews for all its software issues.
Sony Ericsson's Satio had to be pulled from the market because of huge issues.
Apple's iPhone has litte bugs but also little features
...and so on...
The only way to have less issues is to also have less features.
I guess you don't want that, as you are asking for advanced features like the Bluetooth stuff or location based weather, which are features that other phones don't even have in the first place.
You can't ask for a phone that has every feature and at the same time not accept any bugs. There is no phone like that, unfortunately.
(Sure I wish there was, but there isn't)
So what's better? Having to tweak a bit in order to get some features to work, or not having those features at all?
You decide.
If you are not satisfied, try another brand like toshiba or acer.
And if you are a "HTC beta tester", you should know it better.
Ah, the Toshiba TG01... another great example for my list.
HD2 is a multimedia device and not a proffesional phone. You won't have any of therse problems in HTC Touch Pro 2 that is designed specifically to be a proffesional phone more reliable and less flashy: keyboard, bigger battery, less bugs etc. It has smaller screen, heavier, less megapixels etc but it is a business model, HD2 is not. I need to point also that iphone is not also a bussiness phone (you can not change battery etc) and Apple accpet that. Simply choose a bussness phone if you need it for bussines, not a expensive gadget as it is in this moment HD2.
I find it extremely strange that some users are reporting the phone running stock roms as buggy to the point of being unusable, whereas for others (myself included) it's been utterly bug free. You can understand a wide variety of different bugs surfacing when you deploy desktop applications, because hardware and software combinations are almost limitless, but here that's not the case. Identical software running on an identical software/hardware platform should produce identical results.
I think others are right to say there is no such thing as a perfect device. It's about finding one which makes compromises you can live with.
I was fine until i read the part that you're a "beta tester." (notice the use of quotations?)
I laughed and proceeded to ignored your post entirely.
i experienced some of those problems, but already found fixes for most and for others their in development, like maati says, theres no 100% bug-free phone nowadays, heck, even the 3310 was bugged in some areas, and that was before all the 'hsdpa' 'gps' 'bluetooth' 'multitouch' '1ghz' stuff came along
maati said:
...So what's better? Having to tweak a bit in order to get some features to work, or not having those features at all?
You decide.
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"Having to tweak a bit" ??? Dude, it´s one thing to "tweak a bit" and another to get this phone to do what it is supposed to!
Paying 600 Euro for a device plus doing the work that HTC´s developer are not able to do, for me it´s just not acceptable.
If everybody feels alright with that, HTC will keep on capitalizing customer until they encounter resistance.
On my job I have to do my work to get my earnings. Thats what I expect from others.
This is not HTC specific.
There is just no perfect phone. No matter how much you pay, you won't get anything that's perfect.
I gave you some examples of other phones that have/had huge issues as well, despite being very expensive.
Sure, the HD2 has some issues. But you must not forget that other phones are not better. Not one bit.
I think others are right to say there is no such thing as a perfect device. It's about finding one which makes compromises you can live with.
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True, entirely.
Unfortunately, some people don't get that. If all people realized that truth, threads like this would not exist.
We have to accept the fact that there is no perfect phone and just buy the device that requires the least compromises. This is a personal thing. I, for example, will probably never buy an iPhone again, becasue that thing annoyed me with all its flaws. Sure, it was pretty much bug free, but the lack of critical features was inacceptable.
Did I go to an iPhone forum and shout against Apple and tell everybody that I sold my iPhone? No. Because I am smart enough to realize that there is no perfect phone and I must just buy whatever works best for me. Going to an iPhone forum in order to tell everyone how much I hated the device would not have helped anyone, and creating such threads is not good behaviour anyways.
During the past couple of years, I used several so called "smart phones", from all the "big" manufacturers (Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG) - and HTC HD2 is my first HTC product.
So far, out of the box, it was - and is - the best, compared to all the others I had. The less "tweaking", the less issues, I think. I did not have any big issues, but some small flaws. With the ROM update, quite some improvement. I think 2 or 3 ROM versions later, the device will be better than any comparable device on the market.
If a mobile phone is crucial for a business person, I think the phone should not do much more than calls and texts - to be on the safe side. As of today, maybe a Blackberry or a Palm product might meet the business needs best.
Bluecharge said:
If everybody feels alright with that, HTC will keep on capitalizing customer until they encounter resistance.
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Damn, but that line is getting old.
No bugs here, and I got one of the first batch.
But don't let me interrupt the villification of the Great Satan HTC.
Being upset about your handset not working properly? Understandable.
Marking HTC as the worst thing since the antichrist? Yeah, it's been done. To death, revived and back to death again.
They updated the ROM and brought out a fix for the camera. Horrible!
Damn, but that line is getting old.
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It's getting old but it's still as stupid as it was in the beginning. HTC is not evil, they're just a phone maker like all the others, and naturally, their phones have flaws, like all the others.
In fact, compared to others, if you look at the "features*advantages/flaws" ratio, HTC would probably come out on top.
During the past couple of years, I used several so called "smart phones", from all the "big" manufacturers (Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG) - and HTC HD2 is my first HTC product.
So far, out of the box, it was - and is - the best, compared to all the others I had.
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That's what I'm saying: No phone is perfect. They all have their flaws and everyone should choose what works best for him.
HTC is not worse than anyone else in the industry. In fact, with the HD2, they may even be the best, currently.
ugh another one of these threads. These issues have been mentioned a million times in as many seperate threads. There isn't much point in opening a new thread again. Least of all if you don't own the phone or just on here to complain,there isn't a lot anyone on the forum can do to help you with if you don't own one. I understand the frustration though but it should be directed to HTC.
In any case if you are looking for a good business phone from HTC I suggest the HTC Rhodium. Another one of my favorites and with a physical keyboard.
ugh another one of these threads. These issues have been mentioned a million times in as many seperate threads. There isn't much point in opening a new thread again.
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Exactly. That thread doesn't help anyone, and it's redundant.
maati said:
Exactly. That thread doesn't help anyone, and it's redundant.
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Then why do you fill it with so many postings?
Also, you did not get the point.
Its one thing to make a decision against a device, that simply does not provide the desired features, as you did with the iphone. Why did you not read its specs??? You just should have known before buying.
And, its another thing to buy a device with many features promised, but then finding many annoying bugs. Thats what I wrote about, ok?
I totally appreciate what the OP is saying about feeling like a "beta tester".
HTC are guilty of putting out stuff with some glaringly obvious bugs but dare I say, so does every other manufacturer out there.
The OP is simply expressing his dismay that once again he as a paying customer is receiving a product that needs further testing and development by the manufactuer!!
Still, it probably wont stop me from buying an HD2 soon...

Having problems with your T-mobile HD2? Let HTC & T-mobile know!

Like a lot of people on the forum, their HD2 has caused them a lot of headaches and problems. After waiting patiently from the Euro launch of this phone, my anticipation for this phone was at all time high, more so when I got my 2G iPhone. After I got it, lots of problems like phone slowdown, lag, freezing, SMS/Message App slowdown, lag and freezing. Weather tab freezing, Music player slowdown or skipping (.mp3 skip? What? lol). Data stop working, disconnecting or won't auto connect. Camera lag or slowdown, Email problems, delete email but they come back, or can't send emails. Sleep/Lock of death, phone won't wake up. Phone resets it's self on it's own and I can go on, lol.
I've done everything people have told me do here. I've kill all task, soft reset, hard reset 5x, taken the battery out, taken the memory card out etc. The only thing I haven't done (and will not do) is flash my ROM. The one thing I notice is, if I run "Today" instead of "Sense UI" the phone works fine, so that means Sense UI is buggy. I've contacted T-mobile and HTC, most recently HTC, I've talk to three different people and finally we are getting somewhere.
Here are the last 3 emails out of a total 11 emails I got back from HTC:
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your responses to our questions.
Thanks to your responses, I was able to work with our headquarters on this behavior with your device.
We are investigating this issue with your phone freezing. Since you notice this behavior with HTC Sense enabled, we will likely have to update the software for the HD2. I cannot provide a timeframe for an update, but I can tell you where to look for updates. T-Mobile hosts the updates for their Windows Mobile phones at www.t-mobile.com/wmupgrade.
I hope that we have addressed your question in detail.
Thank you again,
HTC Technical Support
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Hello Michael,
Thank you for your response.
The freezing issue is to be helped with a ROM update as soon as possible. Our ROM updates for T-Mobile phones are hosted by T-Mobile as soon as they are available.
If you still need further response, feel free to let me know what your concern is.
HTC Technical Support
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Hello Michael,
Thank you for your response.
You do not have to apologize to me. I understand how frustrating it is when your device freezes. I hope that the update will be out soon. There are many factors that go into finalizing an update between T-Mobile and HTC, so it may feel like it is taking a while. I do know that from HTC’s US headquarters that we are hard at work to address this issue.
Thank you,
HTC Technical Support
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Members, please, contact HTC by using this link HTC Customer Service, fill out the quick information and send it, and PRESS THE ISSUE that your phone is having terrible problems. I have link them to this forum and they are READING the threads here but it's more apparent if you keep contacting them, get the message out so they can get an update out ASAP.
are we really having this much trouble with our phones? I mean I understand that sense ui is laggy at times.. but if I remember to kill all my running tasks, its not that bad..
I have had a big problem with 3g connectivity but im not tech in a 3g area... but I go from h to 3g to g in the same spots my g1 has 3g.. I called and told tmo..
I mean granted this isn't a rooted android device but this is a good wm phone.. nearly everything I expected...
Raadius said:
The only thing I haven't done (and will not do) is flash my ROM.
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Why not?
There are roms that are nearly identical to stock, with just bug-fixes--which seems exactly like what you want.
That's overkill. If I had to do all of that to my phone. I would have gotten rid of it already. The only real problem I had was my phone would not stay on 3G and my wifes phone is always on it.
I'm getting a replacement though.
SaintNULL said:
Why not?
There are roms that are nearly identical to stock, with just bug-fixes--which seems exactly like what you want.
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It voids your warranty and if you for some odd reason when you wake up some day within the next year and your phone doesn't turn on, and you send it back for a new one, and they find that you have a custom ROM on it, you'll have to pay full price for a new one. It's simply not worth it in my eyes to put on a custom ROM that voids the warranty of a 550 dollar phone to see Sense UI move a little bit smoother.
no one
No ones going to do anything if you dont complain, they'll just say that they dont have records of complaints and its not a known issue. so they cant do anything about it.
i just sent a message
The only real problems I have with tmobile is their bad coverage areas and even though they have bad coverage areas, their coverage areas are exaggerated. It says I should have web coverage in my area, but when I try to place an order for a plan they tell me that cant do it because there is no service in my area. That and I could only half hear the person on the phone because I could hear a bunch of idiots in the back ground not doing their jobs and some god awful singing. And I have to order a new sim card because they said that my sim number must have been an accidentaly reissued number because its already in use.
jas0nw0ng said:
It voids your warranty and if you for some odd reason when you wake up some day within the next year and your phone doesn't turn on, and you send it back for a new one, and they find that you have a custom ROM on it, you'll have to pay full price for a new one. It's simply not worth it in my eyes to put on a custom ROM that voids the warranty of a 550 dollar phone to see Sense UI move a little bit smoother.
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Took the words out of my mouth.
I just sent a message, after this device might never buy a HTC phone ever again.
I don't know why anyone who's apprehensive to flashing ROMS is even here.
No offense, but this whole forum is built around flashing ROMS. It's one thing if you don't want to go that route, but getting on your high-horse and telling people its a bad idea to flash roms because it voids your warranty is a little much.
Most of the people here understand the risks involved with flashing roms, and anyone who really knows what they're doing knows that the risk is minimal, and that except for extreme cases (and stupidity), a phone can be brought back to stock if needed. Unless you flashed the wrong rom and bricked your device, the only reason you wouldn't be able to bring it back to stock is hardware malfunction due to physical damange...and in most cases, those aren't covered by warranty.
Most people here also know the benefits of flashing ROMS and modifying the UI to make it work, and aren't holding their breaths for a fix from HTC or T-Mobile. Most people here bought the HD2 expecting the stock ROM to suck, and knew that the only way to get it working at the level of their expectations is to flash a custom ROM. If waiting for a fix from HTC or T-Mobile is the route you want to go, then hit up the t-mobile forum, because honestly, the problems a lot of you are facing on the stock ROM, don't exist on custom ROMS. The chefs here will always be 5 steps ahead of T-Mobile and HTC.
It's not just about sense running smoother....its correcting innate problems in WM6.5 and sense that can make the device a pain in the ass to use. Its about making the OS and UI more accessible, capable, and above all, less prone to crashes and more stable!
mystik610 said:
I don't know why anyone who's apprehensive to flashing ROMS is even here.
No offense, but this whole forum is built around flashing ROMS. It's one thing if you don't want to go that route, but getting on your high-horse and telling people its a bad idea to flash roms because it voids your warranty is a little much.
Most of the people here understand the risks involved with flashing roms, and anyone who really knows what they're doing knows that the risk is minimal, and that except for extreme cases (and stupidity), a phone can be brought back to stock if needed. Unless you flashed the wrong rom and bricked your device, the only reason you wouldn't be able to bring it back to stock is hardware malfunction due to physical damange...and in most cases, those aren't covered by warranty.
Most people here also know the benefits of flashing ROMS and modifying the UI to make it work, and aren't holding their breaths for a fix from HTC or T-Mobile. Most people here bought the HD2 expecting the stock ROM to suck, and knew that the only way to get it working at the level of their expectations is to flash a custom ROM. If waiting for a fix from HTC or T-Mobile is the route you want to go, then hit up the t-mobile forum, because honestly, the problems a lot of you are facing on the stock ROM, don't exist on custom ROMS. The chefs here will always be 5 steps ahead of T-Mobile and HTC.
It's not just about sense running smoother....its correcting innate problems in WM6.5 and sense that can make the device a pain in the ass to use. Its about making the OS and UI more accessible, capable, and above all, less prone to crashes and more stable!
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It's almost as if the OP was attempting a very elaborate troll. The site is called "xda-developers", not "xda-lovers".
If you are looking to mod your device within the so-called "safe" limits that HTC and T-Mobile force upon you, maybe you would be better off hanging out over at freewareppc, instead of a modding forum.
Snarksneeze said:
It's almost as if the OP was attempting a very elaborate troll. The site is called "xda-developers", not "xda-lovers".
If you are looking to mod your device within the so-called "safe" limits that HTC and T-Mobile force upon you, maybe you would be better off hanging out over at freewareppc, instead of a modding forum.
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I can tell you that I had many of those problems and after flashing a custom rom, I've fixed my HD2 almost to perfection, not only the way it looks but stability. Only problem I keep having is 3G connection problems, and by the looks of it, its not the device anymore, seems more like T-mobile's service.
I agree with both perspectives.
I flashed my phone the second day I had it. I'm new to WinMo and was a little nervous, but now I flash weekly (would be daily, but I don't want to become an addict... ) Flashing is night and day from stock and I would never go back (unless it was warranty related).
That being said, I agree with compaining to HTC and T-MO. If there are enough people complaining, then more work will be done to fix those problem, which will lead to better/more frequent updates for the chefs to work with. That way, it's win win. I love HTC devices, they are the best, but when I accidentally dial someone, and it takes me 10 seconds to get to where I can hang up because of lag on a device that technically qualifies to run Windows XP.... That seems unacceptable to me.
joe_coolish said:
I agree with both perspectives.
I flashed my phone the second day I had it. I'm new to WinMo and was a little nervous, but now I flash weekly (would be daily, but I don't want to become an addict... ) Flashing is night and day from stock and I would never go back (unless it was warranty related).
That being said, I agree with compaining to HTC and T-MO. If there are enough people complaining, then more work will be done to fix those problem, which will lead to better/more frequent updates for the chefs to work with. That way, it's win win. I love HTC devices, they are the best, but when I accidentally dial someone, and it takes me 10 seconds to get to where I can hang up because of lag on a device that technically qualifies to run Windows XP.... That seems unacceptable to me.
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In a perfect world, a company like HTC would hear their customer's cries and devote all of their resources and attention to releasing regular updates. In the real world, HTC has released 4 phones after the HD2, and lined-up several others...they aren't interested in developing for the HD2 anymore. People have been complaining to HTC about the HD2 since it was released in Europe back in November....and they still haven't really addressed most of the concerns.
Most of the 'problems' people complain about are innate characteristics of windows mobile....You see people complaing because their phones lag or crash because they don't manage task manager, but that's an innate characteristic of a multi-tasking OS! On the other side of the fence, you have MS getting bashed for getting rid of multi-tasking in WP7...you have people bashing the iPhone for years over its lack of multi-tasking....and when they come up with a quasi-multi tasking solution, they get bashed for it not being 'true' multi-tasking!
mystik610 said:
In a perfect world, a company like HTC would hear their customer's cries and devote all of their resources and attention to releasing regular updates. In the real world, HTC has released 4 phones after the HD2, and lined-up several others...they aren't interested in developing for the HD2 anymore. People have been complaining to HTC about the HD2 since it was released in Europe back in November....and they still haven't really addressed most of the concerns.
Most of the 'problems' people complain about are innate characteristics of windows mobile....You see people complaing because their phones lag or crash because they don't manage task manager, but that's an innate characteristic of a multi-tasking OS! On the other side of the fence, you have MS getting bashed for getting rid of multi-tasking in WP7...you have people bashing the iPhone for years over its lack of multi-tasking....and when they come up with a quasi-multi tasking solution, they get bashed for it not being 'true' multi-tasking!
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Ha! It's so true My wife has a myTouch and she complained that the battery life on it sucked and I said that all smartphones get worse battery life than the dumbphones she was use to. Well, one night she said that she understood that batterlife was worse on smartphones, but having to recharge your phone 2-3 times a day was getting rediculous along with the horrible unresponsiveness. Finally I took a look to see what was up, and I guess I must have forgotten to explain "task management" with her, as she had every application on the phone open and running at the same time! Poor phone took a pretty decent beating the first couple of weeks she had it
But back on topic, if HTC releases an update to its Sense UI for WinMo, it should benefit all users of Sense UI (WinMo) reguardless of what phone it's running on. So even if there are newer models, updates should work on older models. That's at least what happened with my Pioneer Navigation system. There were lots of complains about things not working (even a few posts like this on a forum) and that summer they released a newer model that used the same software so our models got the upgrade too. I'm not saying it was a "Windows 7 moment" but I do like to think that our nagging helped.
I'm all for complaining to companies if it means that they produce better quality products. If we just sit around and accept it, then QoS will go down. There must be some formula where the cost of developement is compared to the cost of responding to complaints. When complaints go up, the other adjusts itself accordingly to maximize profit. Lower complains, less developement until complaints go back up! That kind of thing.
Just my 2 cents. But over all, I'm quite happy with kumar's work. If I were still on stock, I'd be upset too.
This is what pisses me off about the whole issue... we ALL know what this site is about. Regardless, NO ONE should HAVE to flash a damn rom to get a phone to function like it should out of the box...especially when you have people that are spending $400+ for it. That's just plain pathetic, bs and I just couldnt go for it which was why I simply returned mine and got my money back. Flashing is cool, but not everyone comes here for new roms... some people come for software, tweaks or to figure out how to do other things.
Telling someone that they SHOULD just flash a rom and deal with it.. even though roms are nice lets just be real, almost every single one of them has SOME kind of bugs with it. That's one of the main reason I stopped doing the flash dance and chose to stick with the stock rom to begin with. But when you buy the phone and it already has bugs, YES people have the right to complain about it and want the issue resolved. That's about as dumb as buying a Mercedes with a blown header and saying.. well you should just put aftermarket headers on it anyways. Should the car just WORK when you buy it? And if it doesnt work.. you take it back and get it serviced or another car.
joe_coolish said:
Ha! It's so true My wife has a myTouch and she complained that the battery life on it sucked and I said that all smartphones get worse battery life than the dumbphones she was use to. Well, one night she said that she understood that batterlife was worse on smartphones, but having to recharge your phone 2-3 times a day was getting rediculous along with the horrible unresponsiveness. Finally I took a look to see what was up, and I guess I must have forgotten to explain "task management" with her, as she had every application on the phone open and running at the same time! Poor phone took a pretty decent beating the first couple of weeks she had it
But back on topic, if HTC releases an update to its Sense UI for WinMo, it should benefit all users of Sense UI (WinMo) reguardless of what phone it's running on. So even if there are newer models, updates should work on older models. That's at least what happened with my Pioneer Navigation system. There were lots of complains about things not working (even a few posts like this on a forum) and that summer they released a newer model that used the same software so our models got the upgrade too. I'm not saying it was a "Windows 7 moment" but I do like to think that our nagging helped.
I'm all for complaining to companies if it means that they produce better quality products. If we just sit around and accept it, then QoS will go down. There must be some formula where the cost of developement is compared to the cost of responding to complaints. When complaints go up, the other adjusts itself accordingly to maximize profit. Lower complains, less developement until complaints go back up! That kind of thing.
Just my 2 cents. But over all, I'm quite happy with kumar's work. If I were still on stock, I'd be upset too.
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That would probably be true if HTC were releasing more windows mobile based phones and updating sense for new models, but windows mobile is at the literal end of its product life cycle, and development has come to a hault. We've already seen sense updates for Android, but most of those probably won't make it to windows mobile.
Unless it becomes a public relations nightmare for HTC, I don't see them springing to the service of HD2 users....cost is the biggest reason. They've already sold us an HD2, and they've moved onto releasing several models to replace the HD2. Continuing to develop for it will do nothing to generate more revenue for them. HTC's market-share is growing significantly by constantly pushing the hardware bar higher every few months.
I dont think these people who flash roms understand that, a phone shouldnt have so many ****in issues. It should work properly, and their is no word on whether or not T-mobile/HTC are working on an update..This completely B.S for a phone to have so many issues..I've had a dash,iphone, BB 97000 no problems..
Raadius said:
Like a lot of people on the forum, their HD2 has caused them a lot of headaches and problems. After waiting patiently from the Euro launch of this phone, my anticipation for this phone was at all time high, more so when I got my 2G iPhone. After I got it, lots of problems like phone slowdown, lag, freezing, SMS/Message App slowdown, lag and freezing. Weather tab freezing, Music player slowdown or skipping (.mp3 skip? What? lol). Data stop working, disconnecting or won't auto connect. Camera lag or slowdown, Email problems, delete email but they come back, or can't send emails. Sleep/Lock of death, phone won't wake up. Phone resets it's self on it's own and I can go on, lol.
I've done everything people have told me do here. I've kill all task, soft reset, hard reset 5x, taken the battery out, taken the memory card out etc. The only thing I haven't done (and will not do) is flash my ROM. The one thing I notice is, if I run "Today" instead of "Sense UI" the phone works fine, so that means Sense UI is buggy. I've contacted T-mobile and HTC, most recently HTC, I've talk to three different people and finally we are getting somewhere.
If your device has so much problems im sure it's a faulty one why not replace it under warranty??
Mine working perfectly out of box (i wonder where's the lagging was) i dont flash my rom, if it aint broken why fix it? i just do some tweaks that's all
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because i dont want a refurbished phone. I seriously think i'm done with HTC and anything they add to a phone. I will never buy a phone with Sense U.I on android only ones that dont have it. Also why cant they keep us posted on an update. Its kind of B.S that they release a phone but stop making updates or wont make any because Windows Mobile is dead.. Thats like M.S not updating XP or Vista anymore because Windows 7 is out. People bought this phone a month ago so its ****in new in the U.S and their should be updates being handed out..If not HTC i hope they fail as a company and prob will in the future. Creative destruction new companies come and old ones die just like Palm.

Am I the only one?

I'm having 0 issues with my DVP. BUT what I am haing issues is finding usable apps, not on the marketplace.
Every time I think i fine something useful like say a file explorer i find this noted on the page.
"Update: TouchXperience does not seem to work on non-HTC devices,"
I'm not a big user of Apps but certain things should be usable no matter who makes your phone, I mean it's still windows.
You are either the only NOT having problems with the 16GB Dell Venue Pro, or you have an 8GB Dell Venue Pro.
May 4th Venue Pro just died last night. Won't boot past the Dell Screen. These phones are complete POS. I am starting to lose my mind with these things. PLEASE.... if you don't own one, go with an HD7 if your are with T-Mobile. I don't care how much brighter the Venue Pro screen is, it is not worth the headaches of the 15-20 crashes a day. Or as I just stated -- the phone completely dying.
have you solved your problem?
Nope... they say they will send another, but I have to wait for them to manufacture it and ground ship it; hence - in about 3 weeks. Another monthly payment with no phone. I have really given up. These things were never built correctly and never will be. If you would like to see where I am at mentally:
I have to figure out a way to get an HD7 cheap I guess. I am not dumping another $400 on a phone. I wish someone from Microsoft would read this and see that I love my Zune, love my Zune software, and Love the Windows Phone 7 OS. But all this is being completely ruined for me by the Dell Venue Pro.
If someone from Microsoft is reading this... HOOK ME UP....get me an HD7 at cost! I need another Windows Phone but as I stated, I am not dumping another large pile of money into an almost identical product (minus the crashing and now permanent lock-ups) less than a year after I already forked money out.
MICROSOFT --- PLEASE HELP US. At least pull the Windows Phone license from Dell. They are taking your great operating system and dragging it through the mud. Everyone I know is incorrectly associating these Dell Venue Pro fiasco's with Windows Phone 7.
I havent had any issues with the phone. If you have having a problem with the apps installing, just wipe the phone and reinstall the update. If you still have problems just have Dell send you a new phone, you may have got a bad one. That happens sometimes with every type of phone. Personally, I think that these people complaining that the phone is a "POS", is more user error than anything else. And for them Im going to recommend a non-smart phone, and the idea that a developing website may not be the place for them if they cant even figure out how to work the phone. If you need help wiping the phone back to stock and then updating from there let me know. I can post the steps for you.
theusername said:
I havent had any issues with the phone. If you have having a problem with the apps installing, just wipe the phone and reinstall the update. If you still have problems just have Dell send you a new phone, you may have got a bad one. That happens sometimes with every type of phone. Personally, I think that these people complaining that the phone is a "POS", is more user error than anything else. And for them Im going to recommend a non-smart phone, and the idea that a developing website may not be the place for them if they cant even figure out how to work the phone. If you need help wiping the phone back to stock and then updating from there let me know. I can post the steps for you.
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That is close to the most insulting thing I have ever read. I smart phone isn't for me. I may not be able to code apps and develope a website, but this isn't rocket science. I have gone through 4. There is no "user error". The phone's have just crashed under normal operation -- app loading or not app loading. There are so many complaints all over the web by tech savy people (go look at the guy over at zdnet) with the exact same problem.
Since you are chalking this up to "user error" , enlighten me as to what you think has been done? As far as a wiping the phone back to stock, it is stock on the Dell screen. I can force a hard reset with the down volume, camera, and power button, but it fails everytime.
As I stated, before you chalk this up as "user error", go do some research on the web. The failure rate of the 16Gb units is astounding. There is not a whole lot of things you can do to these phones to brick them, unless you start tampering with the SD card, jailbreaking or hombrewing the OS, or both. Other than that it is pretty much idiot proof.
Thanks for trying to downplay the situation, but I am sure most people on here are not buying your excuse.
I have two 16GB Venue Pro's, one I use for personal use and one for development. I received my first DVP about 2 months ago, and have had no issues with it. I ordered my second one, and have it for about two weeks with no issues. So between development and personal use I have seen no major issues with these phones. The only problem I have seen here, is your many threads and complaints through out this section. Frankly if you have had 4 phones and they all seem to have problems, the only common denominator there is you sir. XDA is for development and help, not just to flame phones and complain.
The largest thread on Dell Mobility....
apparently I am the common factor there too? Zero flaming here. As you see in the above thread, everything I state is WIDESPREAD, DOCUMENTED, and FACT. Nice try though, sir.
theusername said:
I have two 16GB Venue Pro's, one I use for personal use and one for development. I received my first DVP about 2 months ago, and have had no issues with it. I ordered my second one, and have it for about two weeks with no issues. So between development and personal use I have seen no major issues with these phones. The only problem I have seen here, is your many threads and complaints through out this section. Frankly if you have had 4 phones and they all seem to have problems, the only common denominator there is you sir. XDA is for development and help, not just to flame phones and complain.
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Check out the poll at:
Not all 16GB have problem, but a fairly high percentage do.
missionsparta said:
The largest thread on Dell Mobility....
apparently I am the common factor there too? Zero flaming here. As you see in the above thread, everything I state is WIDESPREAD, DOCUMENTED, and FACT. Nice try though, sir.
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I would ignore him, there are obviously good working units but the issues are real, documented and acknowledged and anyone who would dismiss that fact just because he has had a good experience is not worth arguing with. Been through 4 myself so I guess I just dont know how to use the highly advanced features of the Dell
efjay said:
I would ignore him, there are obviously good working units but the issues are real, documented and acknowledged and anyone who would dismiss that fact just because he has had a good experience is not worth arguing with. Been through 4 myself so I guess I just dont know how to use the highly advanced features of the Dell
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I've had 3 2 have been good. So I know there are issues. The one I am using right now is really good. But I only add the really part when I swapped sd cards. So that is indeed an issue. I assure you I have neither user issues nor flame anyone. Missions statements are true. Your points about complaining and flaming are right on though. At some point threats and complaints fo become overwhelming.
I'm not trying to upset you buddy, I'm just saying if you hate the phone return it. You don't need to keep posting everywhere here about how much you hate this phone.
Sent from my Venue Pro using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I'm having 0 problems with the phone itself, and the apps from the marketplace are fine.
My issue is comeing from the actual usable homebrew apps. The ones we actually could use for something like adding ringers and files.
And I do have the 8 gig model with NoDo and am looking into a 32gig class 10 microsd card but it cost me almost 600 for the phone. (UPS charged me 80 bucks for crossing the border)
so for me it's quickly becoming a usability issue, not a phone issue. THe phone works as planned.

