[Q] A way to use bluetooth to send out android device info - Android Software Development

Would it be possible to develop a way to have the android system declare that your phone is an android phone and to push that out in intervals to other people if they were to search devices? and then possibly add a way to invite to a chat via gtalk or something. I've brought this up in other threads but never got a response.

/bump bump/


lack of bluetooth?!?

hi new to forum and just got this phone (in the uk its the 'magic').
my gripe is not being able to send and receive using bluetooth.
i have bought 'bluex' application from the 'market' and can now send items but as yet not receive.
it states that it will only receive if the device is 'rooted'.
what is this?
can we ever receive via bluetooth?
(PS, this may have been already covered so sorry for asking again)
(PPS, i'm not very computer illiterate or up on terminology so easy please)
do u bluetooth?
so it seems that nobody wants to bluetooth?!?
we here in the UK use this function a lot to exchange pic's and text as its free.
so i ask any helpers out there?
(i have sent a email to htc to see if they can help....post up what they say when i get a reply.
From what I understand, the lack of bluetooth functionality is sort of US market adaptation. In the US it is not at all common to send files over bluetooth, and I think it represents a security risk as well. So functionality has been removed. Same with iPhone. I've also heard a different story about lack of SDK. Which one is true, I don't know. I don't use it that much my self, so its less of an issue.
But it is possible to fix. BlueX will help you a long way, but to recieve files I think you need root access to your phone. There's many guides for rooting phones so just do a quick search on this forum and you'll be bluetoothing in no time.

device to device message sending / buddy list

Hi all.
I am new to developing on the Android platform, and am trying to familiarise myself with it. It's not like anything I've worked with recently.
I am currently looking at putting together an app, and one of the features I am looking to include is the ability to send messages from one device to another, via the data connection.
I realise this exists using XMPP, and clients such as jabiru and imov. I do not want to reinvent the wheel as such - so am wondering if there any clients out there that I can use to send messages from my app via a known working app.
I have been searching, but am not finding anything that looks suitable. Does anyone know of any apps that might be what i'm looking for?

need help validating if application works on motor droid

I've uploaded to the market a free widget that can send SMS messages or make calls. It works at least on Nexus One and on HTC Hero, but I got emails from a user that says the application stops responding on motor droid. I don't have this devices, and I was hoping that someone might be willing to spend 5 minutes checking out what is wrong. The project is at code.google.com/p/frequentcontacts and the application can be found on the market under "Frequent Contacts Widget". I'm trying to work on bug number 1. To reproduce add frequent calls widget to desktop and try to use it. Any ideas about a better way to find cause will be appreciated.
Thanks for your help,
I'm using the Motorola Droid on a stock nonrooted 2.1 update 1 OS and it won't even open.
Thanks. I guess I will have to find a developer with this device to check it out. I don't know why it won't work on some devices and does work on others.

[Q] group texting

I've looked throughout the forum and I haven't found any concrete answer to my problem. Is there any way I can receive group texts across platforms? So if my friend sends a text from his iphone to multiple people (including other iphone and android users), it will show in one thread? If there is a solution, can someone post step by step instructions? I saw that ATT messages does this but I don't like the UI. Sorry, I am new to android and would really appreciate the help.
EDIT: Also, if my friend sends that group text, if does show up in a thread, when I respond I want the app to respond back to everyone in that thread....thanks for the help guys
Without a 3rd party app, it's not possible. If your friends get Chat On or Whatsapp (I have both and they are both very good since they use data instead of cell to send messages. Also super fast), you could group chat across all platforms.
EDIT: Also some extra info about the apps, they are connected to your phone number so as long as anyone installs it, you will see them on your list. No need for usernames or anything, it uses your number. I also prefer the Whatsapp app because I guess it's a bit cleaner you could say but they are both good.
You can do group texting with Handcent and goSMS...need to enable an option in settings.

[Q] How to send notifications from an Android Phone to a website?

I am currently working on my project like Parental control. I am trying to find a way , that, is there any procedure or way to send a notification from an android phone to a website whenever the android phone sends/receives an SMS and dials/receives a call. On website , a database will be maintained for these notifications.

