X8 Stock apps that can be removed - XPERIA X8 General

Hi all,
I thought I would start a thread to determine, based on users' experience, what stock apps can (and cannot) be removed. Of course this concerns those with a rooted phone (on Android 2.1 in my case), who use Titanium Backup to remove useless stuff (of course "useless" is very much a personal preference and will vary from user to another...).
I started by removing the following:
- The games (Crazypenguin, Towerbloxx, CA Gold...)
- User guide
- Support notes (or whatever it's called?)
- SIM Toolkit 2.1 (didn't seem to do anything)
- Roadsync (I just stick with gmail)
- Timescape
I personally like to minimise clutter, simplify the menus and make room for useful apps. I will continue testing and see what else can safely be removed, but your experiences would be interesting to hear about - please share and we can compile a list.
Updated list, no reported problems (in progress
- The games (Crazypenguin, Towerbloxx, CA Gold...)
- User guide
- Support notes (or whatever it's called?)
- SIM Toolkit 2.1 (didn't seem to do anything)
- Roadsync (I just stick with gmail)
- Timescape
- Wisepilot
- TrackID
- Backupandrestore
- SEMCSetupWizard
- Email
- PlayNow (appinstaller, client, etc)
- Facebook
- Remove /data/dop.iso" it won't ask you any more if you want to install PC Companion connecting via USB (13MB of free space ) - Thanks Inge Morath
- Youtube
Things NOT to remove (in progress); you will possibly get the "com.google.process.gapps process has stopped running" message or other errors/dysfunctional phone
- gmail
- gtalk
- Market
- Customizedsettings
- Omadatasyncservice (Thanks Hansz73)
- Anything else Google related (have not tested removing gmaps, navigation, places, calendar, latitude, geotags, for example)
- Anything that says "sync" (apart from roadsync); once again, seems risky, I seem to have removed some sony ericsson sync things with no apparent problems, although when I carried on I eventually ran into the "com.google.process.gapps" error. Need to figure out which an which cannot be removed!
I assume (but have NOT tested) the following would be fine to remove:
- Calculator
- Alarm
- Stopwatch
- Timer
- Music player (will other music apps still work?)
- FM radio
- Video (will other video apps still work?)
- Postcard (latest 2.1)
- OfficeSuite (latest 2.1)

thanks for starting this topic,
I removed games, SIM toolkit & Roadsync with Root Uninstaller.
I'm not sure about disabling User guide, notes & Timescape because there are sometimes multiple parts like Timescape, Timescape provider & Timescape plugin.
Same thing for backup & restore, SE sync (& assistant), Google talk (& service & storage), Sync, voice search, configuration guide, installation assistant, email (NOT gMail).
Sorry for my bad english I'm French not sure about translations
SE Xperia X8 FR ROOT Jit-Link2SD-xRecovery

As far as i know you need google talk to enter properly to the market.
I uninstalled:
Track ID
apps you could also remove
Maps 4.6.0
edit: i forgot, if you remove "/data/dop.iso" it won't ask you any more if you want to install PC Companion connecting via USB (13MB of free space )

24-Feb; deleted 2 more.
22-feb; added 3 more apk
21-feb; update on setupwizard.apk and syncml
15-feb cleanup, add warning.
This is what works for me, it may or may not work for u. As always backup before u mess around. Xrecovery is recommended.
24-Feb, two more apks:
* crashsms.apk (it's diagnostic tools so it seems important, so don't delete it unless you want to take a risk).
* IddAgent.apk (send usage info to SE, under Settings|Sony Ericsson menu).
Today, 22-feb, I removed three more apks:
* qcsemcservice.apk
* SnsContactImageCacheProvider
* uWlopProvider
Last two are SNS stuffs, i think they are social networking stuff.
I removed the following:
* Crazypenguin
* Towerbloxx
* CustomizedApplicationInstaller
* Customizedsettings (22-feb; reboot instead shutdown only happened when plugged to my laptop)
* DMClient (17-Feb; check for new firmware update via settings | about phone.*
* dop.iso; as post above.
* Emanual
* Emanuallauncher
* Facebook
* Learningclient
* pccompanion (no more pop up screen when phone plugged to comp)
* Playnowappinstaller
* Playnowclient
* Readytorun
* Roadsync
* SemcCheckin
* Semcemailsmall
* Semcmusic
* Semcsetupwizard
* Street
* Sync (21-feb; this is for SyncML protocol. 13-feb; careful, might break contact syncing. mine still work without it though)
* Timescape-smallui
* Timescapepluginmanager
* Timescapeprovider
* Touchpal
* Trackid
* Usersupport
* WapiCustomization
* Wisepilot
* Youtube
Don't remove the following:
* Google talk stuffs, market will fc or something when I try to install anything.
* Omadatasyncservice (15-feb new mail counter in gmail gets screwy always increase).
* Setupwizard (21-feb, u need this for adding new gmail account)

I will definetly remove MediaScape

i removed Homescreen since i use LauncherPro and it works fine.

laureus said:
i removed Homescreen since i use LauncherPro and it works fine.
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Sure but if you do a factory reset you wont be able to enter any launcher menu but you can install it via xRecovery option to load update.zip file I had this problem once i don't recommend removing Homescreen

hansz73 said:
I removed the following:
So far ok, no adverse effect for my daily usage.
Don't remove the following:
Google talk stuffs, market will fc or something when I try to install anything.
Customizedsettings, I get reboot when I shutdown my phone.
Removed today without problem:
* dop.iso; as post above.
* pccompanion.apk, no more pop up screen when I plug phone to comp.
I also removed the following and still observing for side effects:
* CustomizedApplicationInstaller
* SemcCheckin
* WapiCustomization
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I removed Sync, the same as you did.
But then I got an error syncing contacts from Gmail.
It said sth about gapps stopped working, so I had to restore my ROM.
Apps that I deleted:

I just tried to sync my contacts n calendar google gmail, no problem here.
Did u remove googleapps.apk by any chance?
x8 + xrecovery_jit_link2sd

I don't think so.
I just removed Sync, and after that I got an error with syncing my contacts and gmail .
Don't know what I did wrong, but now everything's working (restored and didn't remove sync).

Strange, for me both auto and manual sync still work without that sync.apk. Anyway, I'd updated my post above.

So what applications can we remove safely at last?
I ask, cause i've removed timescape,gmail,maps,latitude,geotags,talk,places and navigation(most of them are google apps) and i think that some of them (maybe timescape) are responsible of com.google.process.gapps attention message.. Any ideas for it?

don't delete talk cause is link to market. if you delete talk you'll never be able to download apps from market on the phone or newly from web

let's make a list of app that can be removed without any problem. PLEASE COPY MY POST AND ADD APP

I have uninstalled a bunch of them with titanium (after I backed them all up) and after restarting the phone it still shows the same free space as before:
internal 222mb(109 free)
is that normal???

I've had that error too. Removing RoadSync is fine, but I removed quite a few "sync" apps last night and got the gmail gapps process error.
So be careful with the "Sync" apps!
cionn said:
I removed Sync, the same as you did.
But then I got an error syncing contacts from Gmail.
It said sth about gapps stopped working, so I had to restore my ROM.
Apps that I deleted:
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DMClient.apk can be removed, if you don't need to check for firmware update via settings | about phone.

inge morath said:
As far as i know you need google talk to enter properly to the market.
I uninstalled:
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I removed SEMCSetupWizard without problem however I think the setupwizard.apk is needed to create new gmail accounts and change passwords etc.
Can anyone else confirm?

I want show which apps is save to remove.
I use only these stock apps:
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and others apps I removed, because I dont use it anymore.
After erasing stock apps (all apps which not show above) I cant use anymore:
service update (cant check if available update) (removes menu bar too)
cant change gmail acc (gmail still works via app) and cant change/delete other acc because sync menu is not visible any more (gtalk I dont use and cant confirm it works or not)
SE menu bar is not visible (f.e. APN I can set manualy via mobile networks option)
Search menu in not visible
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
And I think all apps except system apps can be removed without problems (in list above I use it) like timer, trackid and etc.
First please make backup via xRecovery!
Enjoy 110MB+ Free RAM!!!!!

Confirmed, u need SetupWizard.apk if you need to add new gmail account. I just tested it.
exhaustfumes said:
I removed SEMCSetupWizard without problem however I think the setupwizard.apk is needed to create new gmail accounts and change passwords etc.
Can anyone else confirm?
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Facebook update causes TouchFlo Restarts

Every time I update Facebook in Updates and Events it restarts TouchFlo. I've run into this problem before... After a hardware restart it fixed it but i'm sure there has to be a way to fix this. I have tried undoing anything I've done before this problem occured... But I've changed nor done anything... It just happen, any help will appreciated.
TeamSiR said:
Every time I update Facebook in Updates and Events it restarts TouchFlo. I've run into this problem before... After a hardware restart it fixed it but i'm sure there has to be a way to fix this. I have tried undoing anything I've done before this problem occured... But I've changed nor done anything... It just happen, any help will appreciated.
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WE could really use some more info. Rom, OS version, Things of this type will most likely get you some answers
ROM version: 1.19.661.3 "Stock ROM"
Windows Mobile 6.1
Carrier: Telus "CDMA"
It seems i've fixed the problem, well more like it fixed it self, I took one of my contacts off the facebook link and it seems the crashing has stoped. It just seems weird to me that it would do that, would like to know the real reason behind this. Maybe there's a limit of contacts you can have linked to Facebook
Now that we're speaking of facebook on the TP2, does anyone know how to chat on facebook similar to the iphone app?
Ok, my reply is two fold....
I ran into the same problem. I took a bit of a different route, though... It only seemed to crash on me when I updated from within the address book editing screen (not always, but often). On the Status Tab (Third or forth tab when in Address book, or viewing a contact), when I've updated from there, I haven't had any problems. Weird, but who knows.... Also noticed that if they Contact in the address book is exactly like it is on facebook, it automatically (after confirmation) sets everything up for you.
@Cacaman123 There isn't a way to "chat" through this integrated facebook feature. There are, however two options for you to look into.
Option #1
There is a Facebook App on the Microsoft website. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile. If you haven't already, sign up for an account (it's worth it, trust me... free apps and games, some of them pretty good too, some are demos, too). Once in there, arrow over "Free Extras" then click on "Games, Software, and More." From there, under the "Software and Services" side of the list, click "See all >" and on the next page there should be a facebook app. This app allows you to check friends status', update your own, check your messages, reply, and, as an added bonus, if any of your friends have their Phone number on FB, you can access it through the tab and call them directly from the app, through your phone.
Downfall: No Chat app. You are not allowed to do direct Facebook Chatting, you can send and receive messages, but no chatting.
Option #2
Palringo - Here is an app that I've been using for a long time. Bottom line, it's a multi service chatting program. You do have to sign up for an account (completely free), but after that, you can access any account of yours on the following networks:
* Windows Live Messenger ® (MSN)
* AOL ® Instant Messenger (AIM)
* Yahoo! ® Messenger
* Google Talk ™
* ICQ ®
* Jabber ®
* iChat® / MobileMe ®
* Gadu-Gadu ®
* Facebook Chat (Alpha)
With this program, you can chat directly with your friends on facebook.
Downfall: Chatting is the only thing you can do with facebook and this app.
I do hope this helps...
My problem was the same, I was using the intergraded Facebook, crashed everytime I update in the address book editing screen. As soon as I took one of my contacts off of the link with facebook it started to work... But then everytime I open up File Explorer it would hang on loading "The last folder I tried to view was My Device\Windows". Couldn't even change which folder I was viewing, so with much frustration I turned to Hardware reset.
I deleted the "FacebookInfo" file in My Device folder, and it started working again.

Uninstalled Apps and Sync

I was hoping someone might be able to advise me a bit on two subjects.
The first is concerning preinstalled apps, such as Amazon MP3. I don't seem to have the option to uninstall these apps, nor am I sure which of the apps on there are required by processes on the phone.
The second is to do with sync. I have taken a look at the weather, stocks, etc and they don't have a 'manual' option. I don't want these items to sync, but I don't seem to have anyway of stopping them. I've tried turning off the background sync option, but then when I use other programs it says that it's required (such as Market - which I can't download from at the moment anyway due to the issues mentioned elsewhere).
I'm new to Android, as you can tell, so any advice would be great.
U can stop the weather sync in Settings/Accounts.
Amazon is part of the operating system (on HTC). You can uninstall it after root.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
For stocks, news and weather go:
Accounts & Sync/
Select Stocks/
Uncheck Sync Stocks
Voila, it won't sync. Do the same with news and weather. Hope it helps!
From MisterzaK on his DHD
For uninstalling Amazon MP3 and others: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=809231

Freezing/removing bloat with Titanium.

I've had a quick scan through the S4 forums but was too impatient (if I'm honest) to look too thoroughly.
Does anyone know of a list of apps that can be removed/frozen safely with Titanium on the i9505 please?
There are some items I want to keep but most of the gimmicks I can get rid of.
i can give you a list of what is left after deleting everything I don't need.
i'm not responsible if something doesn't work after this.
be sure u install a new launcher and keyboard before deleting the stock ones.
animated photo
assistant menu
badge provider
basic daydreams
best face
bluetooth share
browser (aosp)
calender storage
certifacte installer
clock 3.0
clock (digital)
color adjustment
communication notifications
contacts storage
dialer storage
exchange services
factory keystring
factory keystring
fused location
google account manager
google bookmarks sync
google contacts sync
google partner setup
google play services
google play store
google services framework
html viewer
input devices
interaction control
key chain
manage accessibilitymedia storage
mobile tracker
mtp application
my files
network location
nfc payment
nfc services
package access helper
package installer
resource manager
security storage
service mode
service mode ril
settings storage
setup wizard
system ui
task manager
tasks provider
usb settings
user dictionary
vodafone services
mcnob said:
I've had a quick scan through the S4 forums but was too impatient (if I'm honest) to look too thoroughly.
Does anyone know of a list of apps that can be removed/frozen safely with Titanium on the i9505 please?
There are some items I want to keep but most of the gimmicks I can get rid of.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It will remove most of what you do not need.

[PLK-AL10] Android 6 - B325 or B326 - Google Contacts problem?

Hi all,
I recently received the B325 and B326 after a while (Android Marshmallow) update via OTA.
Everything works fine, except the Google contacts sync.
I tried to update the app of Google Contacts to 6.0 but no luck.
I also tried to remove and reinstall Google play services, but no luck as well.
It's just me or someone else have the same issue?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
rizxda said:
Hi all,
I recently received the B325 (Android Marshmallow) update via OTA.
Everything works fine, except the Google contacts sync.
I tried to update the app of Google Contacts to 6.0 but no luck.
I also tried to remove and reinstall Google play services, but no luck as well.
It's just me or someone else have the same issue?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
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Hey.. Yes i have the same problem too.. No google sync.. Plus there is no now on tap.. Have you gotten a workaround for the tap thing
vishu20008 said:
Hey.. Yes i have the same problem too.. No google sync.. Plus there is no now on tap.. Have you gotten a workaround for the tap thing
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Glad to know I'm not alone
No sorry, I have no workaround for now on tap.
Another guy says he's using Google Contacts v. 0.5 (the old one, not updated with hi-app and works perfectly)
We should try with an older apk of Google Contacts, but make no sense.
There is a new B326 - Installed but I still have the problem.
I do not have any trouble.
I am installing this way:
1. Downloading and installing the Google Play Store, Google Calendar Sync and Google Contact Sync with HiApp.
2. I opened the Google Play Store and I set google account - then turn off the Google Play Store.
3. Go to Settings - Apps:
**** a) the Google Play Store - Storage - and clear data and cache;
**** b) the Google Play services - Storage - (clear cache) - Manage space - clear all data;
**** c) the Google Calendar Sync - storage (and clear data and cache) - Permission (Calendar on) - Set individual permission - check the Trust this application;
**** d) the Google Contact Sync - storage (and clear data and cache) - Permission (Contacts on) - Set individual permission - check the Trust this application.
4. Ponownie open the Google Play Store and accept the Google Play Terms of Service.
5. Restart the phone.
6. Go to Settings - Accounts - Google - and sync now.
That's all.
Thank you, in your way works!
Before I never tried c) and d) point (didn't knew about them)
Thanks a bunch!
waliej said:
I do not have any trouble.
I am installing this way:
1. Downloading and installing the Google Play Store, Google Calendar Sync and Google Contact Sync with HiApp.
2. I opened the Google Play Store and I set google account - then turn off the Google Play Store.
3. Go to Settings - Apps:
**** a) the Google Play Store - Storage - and clear data and cache;
**** b) the Google Play services - Storage - (clear cache) - Manage space - clear all data;
**** c) the Google Calendar Sync - storage (and clear data and cache) - Permission (Calendar on) - Set individual permission - check the Trust this application;
**** d) the Google Contact Sync - storage (and clear data and cache) - Permission (Contacts on) - Set individual permission - check the Trust this application.
4. Ponownie open the Google Play Store and accept the Google Play Terms of Service.
5. Restart the phone.
6. Go to Settings - Accounts - Google - and sync now.
That's all.
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It works once (after restart). I can't perform another sync...
Update: it started working after some restart... strange.
install googlecontactsyncadapter.apk
for how have prb sync on google contact ....
just to ask you
why I received the C036 after a while (Android Marshmallow) via OTA and you received B326 ?

GApps in the post-Market era

This is more or less information for those new to the NST/G and maybe contemplating whether to install Google Apps via NTGAppsAttack.
At the end of June 2017, Google ended Market access from Android 2.1 devices. That means no more direct access to market apps from the NST/G, not even through the SearchMarket app. It's over. Of course there are other ways to get apps. But this situation does beg the question "do I need/want GApps on my NST/G"?
The set of user apps installed is pretty basic (see list in the linked installation post). Of those apps, many now do not work.
GMail never worked properly. It picks up mail fine (still) but only sends a few messages and then has to be reinstalled if you want to send more. There is no apparent fix as this is a known issue for the version in the package. The simple email client I use can send and receive GMail on demand but does not require GMail sync to be working. Others may be similar. However, GMail is needed to set up sync for other things, as described in the NTGAppsAttack post.
Calendar never synced properly. A search of the forum will reveal various other apps people have used with varying success.
Contacts will not sync. Well, there actually is no Contacts app. Apparently the resident B&N contacts regimen interferes. Again, a forum search will yield various apps people have tried in place of Contacts.
Google Talk may or may not work. You can sign in, but that may not mean much.
Google News and Weather, aka Genie Widget, has been dead for some time now.
Calculator works Of course you could probably just drop that apk into your system/app folder and reboot. No GApps needed. And there are other calculator apps out there.
Other than Market access, the whole reason to want GApps is the ability to sync with information on Google servers. There is still one thing that works: Google Books (1.2.2). You can't just install Google Books and expect it to work without GApps because in addition to the apps listed, there is a slew of other stuff involving accounts and sync that is also installed with the NTGAppsAttack.
So the long and short of it would seem to be that if you're not interested in Google Books (for as long as it continues to work), then you don't need GApps on your system. If you do want Google Books, then you need GApps, but certainly not all of it.
Since the demise of market access I have been slowly disabling parts of GApps that seem safe to shut down. My list may not be exhaustive, but it does leave me with a functioning system. To disable an app in system/app, use a root browser to rename the apk file. I chose to rename Calendar.apk to Calendar.OLD, etc. Anything will do. GMail and GMailProvider can be disabled once you have set up sync for Books.
Here's the list of GApps I have disabled successfully:
If you have disabled others without breaking the system, I'd like to know. Always better to quiet the system down instead of having apps trying to phone home to no avail.
Edit: see also Regain Market access on your NST/G

