Need someone to port a WIP Genesis/Megadrive emu - Android Software Development

We are looking for someone with skills to port this emulator to android.
Currently, it is being developed using SDL, because we want it as portable as possible. But not being poweful enough, we will change this in the future.
It's looking after an accurate emulation, not like the poor emulation founded in current android Genesis emulators. Currently is far better than Stef's Gens, and close to Snake's Fusion.
We will provide the sources, it's no about to rip other people emu.
We are doing this just for fun, so if anyone interested in making the android port, just let us know!


[Q] MAME for Android? - 2 questions

Ok 2 questions.
1) Is there any way to save and load state of game on Tiger Mame?
It's a dam awesome emulator, but quite useless as a mobile game emulator without save states !
2) Are there any decent Android MAME emulators that enable to play arcade games other than cps1/2/neo geo?
I want to play arcade versions of outrun/double dragon/golden axe. Stuff like that.
Thank in advance for replies.
Honestly, I think it's really funny that he's calling his app "Tiger MAME" because I don't think his app is actually MAME whatsoever. Judging from the specific games that are supported and those which are not, it matches up almost perfectly with the Final Burn series of emulators.
1) Nope.
2) Nope, not until we get an actual REAL port of MAME.
Agreed about the name, but I think he renamed to TigerArcade (MAME), so people would relate more to what it plays. It really should have been called TigerRaine or TigerFinalBurn, since those are the rom sets it works best with.
MAME rom sets are moving targets to work, due to platform updates of the MAME app.
This app is better for just emulating what it does, since that is why it plays EVERY rom full speed with sound, even on the Incredible. Far less overhead than MAME, since only supporting a few platforms.
There are/were a few that played some, but not all of MAME4All rom sets (played about half). Jironi Arcade is the name and is still in market, but has issues with Gingerbread (the dev knows and is working on it).
It doesn't matter how many ROMs a build of MAME supports, it doesn't speed things up any by removing them.
want to play more roms on my xperia play like splatterhouse , Ghost n Goblins and Bionic Commnd and More Games
yes please can some devs make a mame port that would be brilliant
just think of all those games that mame supports
damn i would need a 64gb card lol
Get to work then.
If TigerArcade had save states it would be a great emu.
Surely not too hard to do from the Dev considering he has done it in all his other emus?
I agree about the save states thing...the only other problems I've noticed is that some Capcom games have sound issues (Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Strider). The music is total static with those.
We really need a proper port of MAME to Android.
Just curious. Since open source emulators exist for MAME, is it an easy matter (for someone in the know) to just compile the code for the Android platform? I only know a bit of programming, but I'd be willing to learn how to port to get a Mame emulator on my android device. But since there is none currently for Android, I'm assuming it's not too easy a task.
deadfraggle said:
Just curious. Since open source emulators exist for MAME, is it an easy matter (for someone in the know) to just compile the code for the Android platform? I only know a bit of programming, but I'd be willing to learn how to port to get a Mame emulator on my android device. But since there is none currently for Android, I'm assuming it's not too easy a task.
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There is no Java version of MAME, so you'd have to port it to Java before you can think about porting it to Android.
zerojay said:
There is no Java version of MAME, so you'd have to port it to Java before you can think about porting it to Android.
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Didn't even realize most Android programs were written in Java. There was this project called Jape, but it's unfinished and looks abandoned since 2006. The source is available though, with a paper titled, "How to port MAME from C to Java".
Lol. I took a few peeks at the code. This may take a while...
I guess there's also the NDK, which would allow you to avoid porting to Java, I believe.. but I know very little about it.
dsswoosh said:
I want to play arcade versions of outrun/double dragon/golden axe. Stuff like that.
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you can often found ports very close to the original in compilations for gameboy advance or PS1 which you can play with Gameboid or FPSe.
For example, for GBA, you have Out Run in Sega Arcade Gallery compilation, Double Dragon in Double Dragon Advance, Golden Axe in Sega Smash Pack.
Ghosts'n Goblin is found in Capcom Generations Vol.2 for the PS1.
I got a DOS port of mame working through aDOSbox, but not to a point where it's playable. The games launch, albeit incredibly slow. Controls are a ***** too. Details and pics on my blog, though there's not much to see. Still, it's the currently the only way to get MAME on the Android I've found.
Hey its jwhood again,it wont let me download that link in your blog for the dosmame says your not aloud can u fix it really appreciated bro,great work,its a start : )
sent from the evil d MT4G
zerojay said:
There is no Java version of MAME, so you'd have to port it to Java before you can think about porting it to Android.
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Few performance games on Android are written in Java.
Big studios use a C/C++codebase hooked in via the NDK.
Smaller studios tend to use C# or Javacript with the brillant game engine Unity3D
Yeah, I mentioned the NDK already.
JRioni's emulators don't support the plays controls and if you manage to get any response from the guy, you should play the lottery that day. Haven't had much luck with tigermame on a number of devices a while back, and was extra frustrated by the way it searches for roms instead of letting you select a rom directory. Not everyone is a douchebag who throws roms on the root of their SD card. Anyway, since people seem to be having luck with it, maybe its been updated and resolved some of these issues.

Support Further ARM Development Ubuntu Eclipse SDK etc

Hi guys I am buying a eee pad but currently I am emailing Eclipse Google and others to try and get support to make developing for Android on Android possible.
I wish to start a foundation or support group toward this end if you want to contribute or help in anyway it would be great I will also add a poll for comparison of votes so please vote it all helps.
As I understand it porting Ubuntu to different devices is well still in beta stages for the most part but we all know that personalized mobile computing is the future and tablets or tf style devices will eventually replace laptops netbooks and the like.
As I understand the biggest problem is new tech!! that fresh out the box smell is still lingering and leaves support and development slim in some more common place computing needs where x86 has rained supreme leaving others to wish for such a client base of great support and programs.
So all in all this is to try push things in the right direction. Who to talk to when to talk to them and how to help the eee pad and other similar devices become fully fledged dual boot Android Ubuntu platforms with the option to develop and do all the other great things Ubuntu can offer.
Please only positive criticism or feedback this is the tech community anything is possible so please no comments of OMG YOU CANT DO THAT!!!! etc etc
Currently, you can compile C program or whatever without problems, using a chroot ubuntu or debian.
But developing for android implies that the android sdk has to be ported on arm platform. This is a paradox, but most android and java tools are working only on x86 platform, probably because at this time, phones was not meant to be dev platforms considering their cpu power.
Openjdk seems to work on arm but the android sdk relies on javac from sun.
There are now powerful tablet devices on the market - including our beloved tf - where we could potentially develop android apps ; I think that google will sooner or later release an arm version of the android sdk. Since then, we are almost pretty stuck : I'm not sure that all the android tools are opensource, and even if it is the case, there is still the problem of javac from sun which does not work on arm platform. However, doing our own dev platform implies that we can port ourselves the sdk on arm, and use openjdk as a replacement of sun-java runtime. Not a piece of cake My advice is to wait several months google next move to see what's going to happen, now that there are more and more tablets on the market.
If we get enough support though maybe we can push for both to be ported and released
Sent from my GT540RR using XDA App
Omg this doesn"t belong in the development forum!!!!!!!
Would love to see more development done on this!
As time progresses, more will be done definitely this is more about making sure that it is pushed as i believe at the moment its being over looked. I think manufacturers and Google and eclipse etc all under estimate there own products possibilities and the abilities of the tech community and in particular the xda community. Even if we had beta releases only for xda devs it would be a step in the right direction for developing android on android.
OK I'm going to bite the bullet and ask why would this be considered a good idea? I write software for Android and using Eclipse on lower screen resolutions isn't that productive IMHO, throw in poor keyboards and miniscule touchpads and it makes little sense. Finally considering the performance differences between a tablet and development laptop (i7, 8 GB RAM, SSD, etc) I just can't see getting the development tools working on an Android device to be all that useful at this point in time.
Nvidia is claiming the T3 will be as powerful as a Core 2. Seems a little exaggerated, but in the near future, it may be possible to dev. on a tab. Eclipse (and real games) are the last things tying me to my PC. Now I would not want to run Eclipse on a T2, but a T4??? Now we are talking.
GeraldNunn said:
OK I'm going to bite the bullet and ask why would this be considered a good idea? I write software for Android and using Eclipse on lower screen resolutions isn't that productive IMHO, throw in poor keyboards and miniscule touchpads and it makes little sense. Finally considering the performance differences between a tablet and development laptop (i7, 8 GB RAM, SSD, etc) I just can't see getting the development tools working on an Android device to be all that useful at this point in time.
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Sent from my Transformer TF101
I tend to agree. I find even a powerful laptop is pretty marginal. I prefer a desktop with at least 2 monitors, one for code and one for the emulator.
All valid points but if no one is looking forward at the glass half full it wont become a reality
What I'm saying is work needs to start now infrastructure then city not a repeat of Auckland central we need the ground work done then the devices can catch up
Sent from my GT540RR using XDA App
I support, its something i would use. said:
I support, its something i would use.
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Sent from my GT540RR using XDA App
I've a script pack for installing Java's JDK to ARM either hard float or soft float that can be found at the following link
Check the readme for how to download and enjoy the work I've done to get us this far. Furthermore there are other installers available that may be of interest; such as jMonkey and node.js and NoFlo installers for debian based Linux OS's running on Android.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
Anyone alive on this thread?
I've some links to information and projects relating to developments on Android and Linux Android systems.
For running GNU software on Android (better than busybox perhaps)
Some maybe slower than the busybox versions but its a small sacrifice for better compatibility.
For running SDR (software defined radio) with Android or Android Linux
This github is really cool because the drivers are for either.
For running OpenBTS on Android Linux (turn your cellphone into a cell tower)
Do some digging on this Dev's work; its amazing
For Crypto Currency mining on Android Linux (why buy an app when you'll have more for free here?)
Be sure to check out the example scripts I posted too; especially the ones relating to temp. monitoring or ya may blow a battery.
For MPI (message passing interface) on Android Linux (just modify the RPi directions to have the right username and networking options)
Be sure to check out TinkerNut's other videos and guides; nearly anything a Raspberry Pi can do we can do on our phones for cheaper and with better specs/built in hardware.
For running Maptools server on Android (software for running custom table top games over a network)
I play DnD and Pathfinder so having a way to go mobile with it was something I had to do for them
For building Android NDK on Android Linux (step one of writing apps for Android on Android)
For building Android SDK on Android Linux (step two for writing/modding you phone with your phone)
Above two links are fantastic when combined with rdp or vnc for a larger screen size when at home.
For running Linux on Android without root (hidden goodies on FUSE filesystem)
There's a narrow window of compatibility but if your apposed to root on Android and still want Linux theses steps might just let you pull it off too.
For modifying Debian Kits' source code so you can have loop files larger than 2 Gigs and install hard floating point instead of soft float
If you've not found this Dev's blog then do some digging as there is some really cool guides posted.
For installing GPU drivers to Android Linux (scroll down to Related Projects for the other brands)
The above link and related software should allow for OpenCL/GL support and the added bonus of being able to run Blender on your tablet.
The above links should prove that developments on Android and Android Linux systems is very active; just hard to find sometimes.
I'm currently working at with a few other team members to bring together the above subjects into a new mesh-networking crypto coin system that allows users and developers to buy or rent hardware time from networked devices; others have tried and failed to make a AndroidCoin but this one will not as much of the core features have already been tested or scripted up in my other github repo as installers. Feel free to post feature requests and concerns.
Sent from: SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs or Sero 7 Pro
Linux Install guide for Android devices that I'm writing:
And my script pack for installing; Java's JDK, node.js and more to your Linux OS
Note: if you're new to Linux/scripting/command line; check readme file for instructions.

Run Eclipse with Android

Hey guys,
I am nearly about to buy a Tablet like the "Transformer Prime", but then it came to my mind, it has no sense to buy it because Eclipse wouldn't work on it. However, there is also Eclipse for Linux. Isn't there a project of people who tried to run eclipse on Android? Or is it at least possible?
Thanks in advance.
The problem is, that it's written in Java.
Sounds good you might think because Android-Apps are written in Java, too.
The big problem here is that it uses the sun-libraries like the ones for the SWING-gui.
Unless you are able to port swing to android I think this can't be done
Another thing you could do would be running Debian/Ubuntu with real sun-java and linux-eclipse in an chroot-environment. You can connect to x-server via VNC-client and it should work.
The problem here is that you will need a very good cpu and enough RAM to work with this.
An alternative might be this:
Eclipse has it's uses but I'm happy enough to use vim+tmux+btep for my programming needs and deal with cross compilers or terminalling in to other stuff when x86 is needed.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Android TV Development for Raspberry PI 2

I am currently starting development on Android TV for the Raspberry PI.
Not actual Android TV, but an android OS with all possibilities like Android TV.
The main reason for this project is that the most of the TVs that have HDMI have no support for the Android TV. With this you can get that experience without buying a new TV.
If you know any project like this, or have heard of someone starting a similar project, please inform me in this Thread.
And also would you like to see something like this for the raspberry PI? If you have any questions or suggestions, please write.
We are searching for developers, so please if you are interested please PM-me.
The project will be open source!
Hi, I was curious to know if this is still an active project?
Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
If someone was able to port an Android based ROM over, it would be pretty easy seeing as you would only need to port apks and stuff at that point....
The reason for me being here is: Amazon prime instant video isn´t working any more @ Kodi/XBMC etc. and it is unsure if it will be working ever again... (According to lordk @ kodinerds)
So the best solution will be using the app @ Android and i think there will be more raspberry pi2 user changing over to android.
If you need a tester, i´m ready for it.
Hristijan_95 said:
I am currently starting development on Android TV for the Raspberry PI.
Not actual Android TV, but an android OS with all possibilities like Android TV.
The main reason for this project is that the most of the TVs that have HDMI have no support for the Android TV. With this you can get that experience without buying a new TV.
If you know any project like this, or have heard of someone starting a similar project, please inform me in this Thread.
And also would you like to see something like this for the raspberry PI? If you have any questions or suggestions, please write.
We are searching for developers, so please if you are interested please PM-me.
The project will be open source!
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Whoa! Nice idea! Here are some threads which I guess can help You out:
Cyanogen 12.1 test builds for Raspi2
Hope these help in some way.
Would love you for this?
There is a kind lollipop running.
FWIW the marshmallow AOSP build from peyo works, and has GPU accel mostly working I believe. Other info here. Every other build I have found seems to be based off his and a handful of other peoples work.
I just tried a few forks of Android x86 on my RasPi 2 and all of them lagged like hell...
I would be very interested in Android TV on my RasPi 2, if it works without laggs.
JulianAT said:
I just tried a few forks of Android x86 on my RasPi 2 and all of them lagged like hell...
I would be very interested in Android TV on my RasPi 2, if it works without laggs.
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Considering that RasPi's are all either ARMv6 or ARMv7 class cores, I very much doubt you tried any X86 Android ports on your Pi2.
Found the android google group and appareantly there are some folks that got GPU accleration working with android 6.0 on the pi 2, check out the video...
Oh i so hope someone will get this done...
I'm looking for a working youtube TV (like it should, not the addon in Kodi) so i can use the youtube app directly, not via Yatse..
Also would like to play around with android on my pi2..
miked63017 said:
FWIW the marshmallow AOSP build from peyo works, and has GPU accel mostly working I believe. Other info here. Every other build I have found seems to be based off his and a handful of other peoples work.
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Would be nice if they also supported the Pi2. Looks like it's mostly Pi3 there
Hello, I need some help!
I have a raspberry pi 3 model, with the raspbian OS installed, and i'm trying to make GUI menu with some buttons, and when i click it will start applications installed on the raspbian, like Kodi, Libre Office and others or a page browser.
But the problem is that I can't make it. I already tried the Glade and the Python but that doesn't allow me to do what I really want.
Does anyone know such a program?
Android based ROMs for Raspberry Pi - (Index of Android based ROMs for Raspberry Pi)
AOSP/Android TV for Raspberry Pi 3 -
LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2) for Raspberry Pi 3 -
RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 for Raspberry Pi 3 -
RTAndroid -

how involved is it to port a game?

How involved is it to port a Xbox game to Android? I do not know anything about this so figure this is a great place to start? Some of my favorite games have been on original Xbox and I think it would be incredible to port over to Android to play on my shield TV or even phone. Willing to invest to make this happen so can someone help me out....can this be done without spending thousands of dollars? If there is anyone willing to jump on a project let me know. $$$
r4zrm4xxx said:
How involved is it to port a Xbox game to Android? I do not know anything about this so figure this is a great place to start? Some of my favorite games have been on original Xbox and I think it would be incredible to port over to Android to play on my shield TV or even phone. Willing to invest to make this happen so can someone help me out....can this be done without spending thousands of dollars? If there is anyone willing to jump on a project let me know. $$$
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Without source code, it sounds like what you really want is either an emulator or a remote access method.
You won't find an Android emulator for Xbox, the technology just isn't there. In fact, I only know of one emulator that only works on the PC, and only works with one game, and it was abandoned. (Maybe MS sued?) but have not looked into it recently.
Remotely accessing and controlling an Xbox might be doable, but probably not practical for most games because of latency.
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psiphi said:
Without source code, it sounds like what you really want is either an emulator or a remote access method.
You won't find an Android emulator for Xbox, the technology just isn't there. In fact, I only know of one emulator that only works on the PC, and only works with one game, and it was abandoned. (Maybe MS sued?) but have not looked into it recently.
Remotely accessing and controlling an Xbox might be doable, but probably not practical for most games because of latency.
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I'm assuming obtaining the source code would be quite difficult and I highly doubt the devs would provide it. Emulation around be cool but there is no emulator. It must be difficult to develop a emulator for orig Xbox.
r4zrm4xxx said:
I'm assuming obtaining the source code would be quite difficult and I highly doubt the devs would provide it. Emulation around be cool but there is no emulator. It must be difficult to develop a emulator for orig Xbox.
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Yeah, limited documentation and limited interest. Most of the games were available on other platforms, so for instance you could play the PlayStation version emulated or a PC version. There just were not that many good exclusives on XBox that enough people care about when there is so much low fruit to grab.
Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
That stinks I wish it were easier to port a game over. I'm going to contact the game developer and see if.they would be willing to sell the source code. If that's what we need to port a game I don't mind investing

