Great phone, but... - HTC Aria General

The Aria has been a great phone since I dumped AT&Ts bloatware, and it runs nicely with ATTN1's rom. I bought it with the excitement that AT&T was finally accepting android into their home and I didn't have to pay $530 for a nexus one. I wanted a power house but settled for something available at an acceptable cost. Directly after buying an Aria a release date is finally put out for the Galaxy S. The cost difference is 40% but the performance difference is 400%. I never expected to stray from HTC but $199 for a "Nexus slapping 4" amoled hummingbird" is not passable.
This is not a bad phone and is amazing for such a small device.

yes i too do not stray from HTC smartphones. and prob be getting the aria. however, just saw on engadget that HTC Desire is passed through FCC with ATT band. dont know if i should wait. the specs on captivate sounds good but i rather spend the money on HTC goods. they make better phones i think. Plus i could get the aria for free. it has such high reviews. i do know if i really need a 1ghz processor even it sounds nice to have. but i don't want to fork over 2 hundo for these new phones. we'll see.

If you want a pocket computer, then maybe consider the change. But other than the screen, and faster cpu, what do you get out of the phone purchase? It runs the same apps, I haven't encountered any apps yet that actually slow the aria down. The aria can do live wallpapers etc. Other thing is, 2.2 should be out before you know it and the aria will be a whole new beast again.
Also, I highly recommend sticking to HTC, truth is they really want to compete with apple, and I would like them to have my money to do so, I like competition in the marketplace.
Also, also, I've had a oled screen on a media player, and for the first week, the screens are amazing, after that they become normal. Keep that in mind.
I would only buy it, if you like the idea of more screen real estate, a bigger phone to hold on to, and a faster cpu. I dunno if that phone features the stereo mics, if it does, thats a good reason to consider too, the n1's is amazing.


HTC Evo 4G vs Samsung Galaxy S (Galaxy has better CPU?)

I never thought I'd say this, but I was under the impression that Samsung's new lineup would be using their own OS (Bada) rather than Android...I've now heard different and done some snooping.
I've hated Samsung phones, but OMG...
Just take a look at that!!!
I've got another two weeks that I can return my Evo...should I keep it or wait for Galaxy S?
I mean just look at that - less power consumption, AMOLED screen, much faster GPU, faster RAM
I just got this Evo and I feel like something better is already coming out...
Dude I'm in the same boat as you I just got it and I heard about the galaxy s but after doing more research it seems like my evo is already outdated in some aspects by the galaxy s. I heard rumors its gonna be on t-mobile too and I canceled my contract with them to get the evo. But as I said its better only in a few ways. I wanna see reviews for it but by the time the galaxy s is out I won't be able to return the evo. I'm in a dilemma especially after the problems with the evo like battery life subpar 8 megapixel camera and 720p video and the 30 fps cap (that one gets me pissed) .- I wonder what other ppl at xda have to say- imma be watching this thread.
im returning my evo for the samsung galaxy s pro (with qwerty keyboard) for sprint.
I'm also very interested in the Galaxy. I love the Evo but the screen problem has got me thinking twice and I'm not too happy with how thick the Evo feels to me compared to my HD2. I understand that the Galaxy has a CPU with the same clock speed but tests have shown it to perform better along with the GPU as mentioned. The much slimmer profile sounds very good to me and the lack of a camera flash is a letdown but one I could live with.
Samsung is known for not supporting their phones after release but they have confirmed that the Galaxy will be updated with Froyo. On 2G the battery is rated for talk time longer than the iPhone 4G and is of course replaceable. Also 16GB built-in + add a 32GB micro sd card and you have more storage than nearly any smartphone.
Here is the best review (9 pages) I've found on the Galaxy:
true the galaxy s has some great specs..
but you might want to do a little research on the Samsung support on thier phones. from what I have seen... it is a very big issue. they tend to push out great spec phones and then move on to the next phone to develop; and forget the old.
some times it is not just the specs. how the parts add and give you over all total performance. From reading on other phones.. (ex: hero vs moment).
But it's a Samsung...
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk Pro.
Dan330 said:
true the galaxy s has some great specs..
but you might want to do a little research on the Samsung support on thier phones. from what I have seen... it is a very big issue. they tend to push out great spec phones and then move on to the next phone to develop; and forget the old.
some times it is not just the specs. how the parts add and give you over all total performance. From reading on other phones.. (ex: hero vs moment).
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G1toEVO4G said:
im returning my evo for the samsung galaxy s pro (with qwerty keyboard) for sprint.
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That's better than htc who puts out phones with glaring problems and then stops supporting them. I haven't had an htc Pune since the tilt. I was hoping they had changed so I could get an evo, but apparently they haven't. I'm liking the galaxy s pro right now.
Dan330 said:
true the galaxy s has some great specs..
but you might want to do a little research on the Samsung support on thier phones. from what I have seen... it is a very big issue. they tend to push out great spec phones and then move on to the next phone to develop; and forget the old.
some times it is not just the specs. how the parts add and give you over all total performance. From reading on other phones.. (ex: hero vs moment).
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True, but HTC's record is just as pathetic.
We'll see when we will have a bug fix release and maybe in 10 months Froyo...
The Galaxy is nice, but if you like the developing and deep hacking and customizing.
HTC is the way to go.
yeah you guys are right - i know samsungs phones tend to sound good on paper and turn out not that great after all. happened a couple of times before. wanted to love their phones, but just couldnt.
besides the galaxy s looks pretty ugly compared to the evo
ok is it me or does this thing REALLY look like an iphone clone? Don't get me wrong the specs are good, but that Touchwiz overlay is a huge negative for me. In addition the only advantages I see the Galaxy S as having is the internal storage (which doesn't matter to me because I haven't even filled up my 16gb card half way yet, so an extra 8/16gb of storage doesn't excite me), the screen resolution (I'd rather have less resolution and a larger screen though), and the processor (same clock speed but faster gpu, seeing as I don't do an extensive amount of gaming on my phone I couldn't careless about that. Not to mention the gaming I do with games such as Gangstar and Nova, which are 3d environments, run perfectly fine). The disadvantages for me would be: lack of 4g (I get great 4g coverage here in Atlanta and also get good speeds on it 4-8megs), lack of camera flash, does not come with flash (you will have to wait until froyo, or install a custom rom to do any browsing that involves flash), and below average speakerphone. The phone looks like a decent phone but it does not have enough advantages for me to make a switch. Just my opinion.
I'll pass on the samsung. I'm really not digging their skinning either. With their post support issues I think I'd rather deal with apple and the iphone or motorola and their new high end droid. That said I'm not going to go and get raped by verizon, I don't want to get raped by at&t either and I'm happy with my evo.
anyhow the samsung does look nice. but its still not an HTC
mysterioustko said:
ok is it me or does this thing REALLY look like an iphone clone? Don't get me wrong the specs are good, but that Touchwiz overlay is a huge negative for me. In addition the only advantages I see the Galaxy S as having is the internal storage (which doesn't matter to me because I haven't even filled up my 16gb card half way yet, so an extra 8/16gb of storage doesn't excite me), the screen resolution (I'd rather have less resolution and a larger screen though), and the processor (same clock speed but faster gpu, seeing as I don't do an extensive amount of gaming on my phone I couldn't careless about that. Not to mention the gaming I do with games such as Gangstar and Nova, which are 3d environments, run perfectly fine). The disadvantages for me would be: lack of 4g (I get great 4g coverage here in Atlanta and also get good speeds on it 4-8megs), lack of camera flash, does not come with flash (you will have to wait until froyo, or install a custom rom to do any browsing that involves flash), and below average speakerphone. The phone looks like a decent phone but it does not have enough advantages for me to make a switch. Just my opinion.
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I agree about the looks! It looks way too much like an iPhone and the UI screenshots don't make it look any better. But have you seen the long demo video on YouTube? I forget which one it was, but I have to admit I was pretty impressed by the way it all flowed and this is coming from a guy who loves HTC Sense.
For someone like me, the extra 16GB would mean that I could ditch my iPod 160GB Classic and just have one device (I like to keep all my music and audiobooks on one device). Also reported by a few different blogs, the Galaxy screen is better and the hummingbird is reported too as being faster than the snapdragon in our Evos. And I guess I'm alone in this, but the super slim profile is a huge plus to me. But that back cover is pretty ugly. I'd really just like to demo this thing myself, with my Evo in hand and then decide. I'd also like to do the same with the iPhone 4G. These devices coming out on different dates, sure does making the choice making that much harder.........
man look how responsive it is!!
frikin amazing
Any ideas what career its going to be on?
toastcfh said:
anyhow the samsung does look nice. but its still not an HTC
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You just like HTC because you get to fix whatever is broken. If you buy a Motorola or Samsung you have nothing to fix
denny_1986 said:
man look how responsive it is!!
frikin amazing
Any ideas what career its going to be on?
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I keep reading different carriers. Samsung has said they want the device to be on every carrier in every country and so if that holds true then it will be on all but my question is who will have it first late this month or next month as reported. I have seen some screenshots, showing T-Mobile account data on a Galaxy screen, but now I'm hearing Verizon and ATT as well.......
timgt said:
You just like HTC because you get to fix whatever is broken. If you buy a Motorola or Samsung you have nothing to fix
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bahahaahh not entirely true about motorla and samsung but still funny ahah
timgt said:
You just like HTC because you get to fix whatever is broken. If you buy a Motorola or Samsung you have nothing to fix
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naw i like them because they build quality devices and have awesome customer support. i feel they do things right for the most part. i bet after u get done waiting for root on the samsung ull be trying to fix just as many things. also xda and all the other dev communities for HTC devices are well rounded and have a major following. HTC has been spiting out awesome devices for a long time. ive been hooked since my Axim X50v. that was back in 03
toastcfh said:
anyhow the samsung does look nice. but its still not an HTC
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I'm with you all the way on it, i like how motorola designed the droid X but not their software, and I wouldn't get a motorola anyways.

Switching to Sprint from ATT, Evo or Epic?

I am using a Touch Pro 2 on ATT but I want to switch to Sprint for one of the smart phones. I am trying to decide between Epic and Evo.
I've seen and played with both phones and both seem pretty equal to me. On first glance the Epic feels way lighter and cheaper than the Evo, and I didn't like the keyboard nearly as much as my TP2.
How is the Samsung software? I've never used a Sammy smart phone and I was wondering how their software compares? I've used HTC for the last 4 phones I've owned. With full root can you put HTC software on the epic phone?
Anything else I should be away of in making my decision to switch?
You'd probably get better answers about TouchWiz in another forum, but I can say that I'm not a fan from what I've seen. It would drive me nuts not being able to change the four shortcuts on my homescreen.
The HTC Evo is CyanogenMod supported which, in my opinion, is a very strong selling point.
The HTC Evo also has Froyo. The Galaxy S phones have yet to be updated. I'm pretty sure they'll be seeing an update soon, but you never can tell.
You'll probably never see a full Sense UI ROM on the Epic.
The main thing that I like about the Epic is the Hummingbird processor. I haven't really had an opportunity to play with a Galaxy S phone w/o a T-Mobile sales person breathing down my neck, so I can't really speak to how much better it makes the overall experience.
My opinion would be that if you think you can live without a hardware keyboard, to go with the EVO.
Sorry if that was a bit rambly... I just woke up.
r2tincan said:
I am using a Touch Pro 2 on ATT but I want to switch to Sprint for one of the smart phones. I am trying to decide between Epic and Evo.
I've seen and played with both phones and both seem pretty equal to me. On first glance the Epic feels way lighter and cheaper than the Evo, and I didn't like the keyboard nearly as much as my TP2.
How is the Samsung software? I've never used a Sammy smart phone and I was wondering how their software compares? I've used HTC for the last 4 phones I've owned. With full root can you put HTC software on the epic phone?
Anything else I should be away of in making my decision to switch?
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Advantage Epic 4G
2. More powerful CPU and GPU crushes Evo's GPU, no comparison
3. Screen is about 5x nicer than Evo's. To be honest, Evo has a really ****ty TFT LCD screen displaying only 65k colors.
Advantage Evo 4G
1. Feels more like a premium device, very heavy for a phone, nice form factor
2. Roughly the same size as Epic, thinner, but way less bezel, more screen.
I keep hearing about all the pixels you can see on the epic. I like my Evo, I'd say if you want to game or need a hardware keyboard go epic otherwise the Evo is great. Most games are payable with the Evo just with a few slowdowns. Battery life is just slightly better on the epic, like 15 mins or something like that.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
i work for sprint, I dont think you can go wrong with either. heres what i think...
Pros: 4G, GORGEOUS screen, Hummingbird processor really flies when scrolling and rendering, Great KB, and DLNA (instead of HDMI)
Cons: Somewhat bulky even though very lightweight, even though screen is gorgeous, colors are over exaggerated, resulting in some pixelation. 5M/VGA cameras versus the Evo 8M/1.3M combo. Capacitive buttons at bottom VERY touchy and buggy
Pros: 4G, 4.3 inch screen, HUUUUUGE development community, Android Froyo 2.2 out the box, 8M/1.3M camera combo, KICKSTAND!!, 2 flashes on Camera, HTC Sense blows Touchwiz out of the water (even though I prefer LauncherPro), and lastly Evo comes with Youtube with HQ capabilities
Cons: HTC has capped the framerate of the Evo out of the box because of the HDMI controller. Compared to the Epics constant 60fps, it blows a stock Evo out the water when it comes to anything graphical. Scrolling, pinching and zooming, things like that. The 1GHz Snapdragon core is fast as hell when launching programs and multi tasking and performing operations, but it stinks compared to the Epic when it comes to 3D gaming. Now, with that being said, there are plenty of custom roms and kernels that lift the cap on the framerate on the Evo, letting it achieve about 55fps. Close to 60, but not yet.
Screen on Evo is a tad bigger, but looks sort of washed out against the Epic.
HTC Sense is great for the average user, but its Heavy, slow, and hogs up alot of resources.
Dont get me wrong, the are more pros and cons to both, but to ME, those are the big ones. Which one do I recommend?
For me, I already own the Evo, and its an awesome device, the Epic isnt enough of an upgrade for me to ditch the Evo. Furthermore, Sprint employees cant buy the Evo or Epic yet anyways. I only got an Evo cuz I was our stores advocate.
I think if I were in a buyers position tho, and was an average user, or even a more than average user, I would definately pick sadly...the Epic.
Now, if your into hacking and overclocking and tinkering your phone, then the Evo is definately the phone for you. There is so much support for the Evo, its truly unbelievable.
At the end, I LOVE my Evo, hands down the best phone ive ever had. You may not think the same, and coming to an Evo forum is gonna get you some very biased answers on which one is better. Go to a store and try them out for yourself. They are both incredible devices
I don't care at all about games but I am really tired of the slowdowns I've come to expect with Windows Mobile.
For instance, sometimes waiting for a text message to appear or for the home screen to load (5-10 seconds) is "normal" for me. I want a snappy device, with a good end-user experience. Like the iphone.
And I wanna customize it, unlike an iphone.
Edit: Thanks for the recommendation, I'll go in today and play with them again....
This post says it all:
id say go with the touch pro 2 again. haha just kidding, i hated owning the touch pro 2, so slow!!
I had a Touch Pro 2 for a month, it was so slow I couldn't even answer calls on it. Literally it would take 30 seconds to press the "answer call" button and by the the call would be disconnected. Also that conference call feature where you could easily add people to a call simply did not exist (i think it only works on the GSM verison)
I actually really, really like the Palm Pixi after seeing it in person. That thing is tiny [that's what she said] and quite underrated.
I kind of want to ditch my Evo for the Palm Pixi but would mainly miss the Google Maps Navigation. [edit I suppose it probably has Sprint Navigation]
I played with a friends epic, and I was not impressed.
touchwiz looks like kindergarten compared to sense.
it was lightweight and nice display, albeit smaller than evo.
jerryparid said:
Advantage Epic 4G
2. More powerful CPU and GPU crushes Evo's GPU, no comparison
3. Screen is about 5x nicer than Evo's. To be honest, Evo has a really ****ty TFT LCD screen displaying only 65k colors.
Advantage Evo 4G
1. Feels more like a premium device, very heavy for a phone, nice form factor
2. Roughly the same size as Epic, thinner, but way less bezel, more screen.
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I agree with your review here I have 5 Evo's at work and own one myself and yesterday just activated 2 Epic's great phones screen is out of this world. That being said depends on if you want a mechanical keyboard or not. I could go either way bottom line is you can't lose with either phone they are both great. I can say for me the Evo is the best smart phone I have ever owned.
As others have said, the best way to choose is to play with both of them yourself. That being said, a friend of mine got the Epic the other day and I went over to show her how to use it and I like the EVO more. It may just be the fact that I'm more used to my phone or just simply personal preference, I don't know. The Epic is a nice phone, but IMHO, the EVO is better. Everyone is different though and you may feel another way. I'm just happy that after being with Sprint as long as I have (about 10yrs) and dealing with the fact that year after year all the top phones have gone to different carriers, Sprint finally decided to offer 2 very good choices.
I work at a Sprint store and a customer with an Epic came in with an image burned into the screen. I don't know how and I havn't read anything else on it but if I know Samsung then there will be at least one major issue.
The main reason to not get an Epic is the other name attached to it - Samsung. They are, historically, horrible with their smartphones. Slow to release updates, slow or never release updates to fix bugs big and small, marginal support for devices out on the market, and just a complete lack of customer service. As a former owner of an Instinct and a Moment, I cannot recommend buying anything with the Samsung name attached to it except their TVs and computer monitors.
I can, without any doubt in my mind, say that the Evo is the best phone I've ever owned thus far. By itself with no root and no modifications, it is a wonderful phone. Rooting it and putting whatever I want on it to expand its potential only made it a better phone. The guys over at SDX will have a heck of a time ripping out TouchWiz (yuck!) and making the Epic better than it is (it's already rooted, supposedly). I won't even be thinking about a phone upgrade again until at least November to see what's on the market or what's coming to the market (especially from HTC).

Atrix \ Galaxy S2 Comparison

I have prepared this thread to help myself and others compare and contrast the different phones and hopefully come to a decision here. If anyone has anything to add to the comparison that I have missed, please list it and we can get it all chocked up.
For the record. I have only listed something as a "Disadvantage" if I believe that the category is below what we would expect of the average Android.
Battery Life - This is a big thing for me. I can make my vibrant last through a 14 hour day by crippling every single possible feature. But people here are saying that the Atrix runs solid though 30 hour periods. This is a huge plus for me.
Higher Resolution (even if its fake) - Even though this resolution is fake and can actually cause text to blur, I can say first-hand that I saw the screen in action at a local wal-mart and found it to be acceptable by my standards. I think it may help overall with browsing. The GS2 has a larger screen size, and no pentile matrix display, which could possibly be considered better. This is one that may work out to be a tie.
Tegra 2 - I list this as an advantage not because it is faster, the various benchmarks for either processor seem to be inconclusive at this point. I am listing it as an advantage because it has its own series of games optimized specifically for it, and because Google has chosen to build their framework around tegra 2.
Webtop - I am initially hesitant to even mention this. The phone has a webtop environment, it is most likely Debian Linux and it is said to also be very sluggish. If, in the future, devs gain access to this environment and find ways to optimize it and add in worthy apps such as Chrome and open office, then this will be a massive advantage, but right now it is pretty much just a gimmick.
The webtop interface retains its session when you disconnect it. So you can plug the phone back into another dock and go right back to what you were doing. This is one of the good things about webtop.
Laptop Dock - We all know it is hideously overpriced right now and maybe in the future a cheaper solution will be available. But regardless of how you get the dock, it is an advantage to run your apps in full screen, even if you don't use the sluggish webtop interface and firefox.
The dock charges your phone, but plays sound through your atrix speakers, it has no speakers of it's own, you can answer calls by removing the phone, picking it up on bluetooth or by just yelling at it from behind the laptop. The phone retains its session when you remove it and there is no special unmounting procedure, you just grab it and run.
Screen - Bright beautiful and extremely rich. Those who have seen the screen firsthand have claimed that there is nothing like it at all and that it is miles above even the old Super Amoled display. The 4.3 inch size is also a bonus for those of us with large hands. This is probably the best overall feature of the Galaxy S2.
Camera - 8 Megapixels, and 2 megapixel front facing camera. People say that megapixels don't really matter in the long run but the Atrix camera is also said to have a purple wash to it and that the video can be splotchy in certain situations.
Design - Even though it looks way too much like the iPhone, this phone actually looks exceptionally nice. I like the three button design much better than the 4, the search button is pretty useless overall. The thinness of this phone is also amazing if you are into that sort of thing. Naturally it may come down to the US carriers to ruin the design, but by it will likely be summer before that happens.
32GB internal storage - Expect to pay for it, but it is there, you get 64 gigs total with this phone.
Gingerbread - The Atrix won't likely get gingerbread until at least this summer, this phone will have it much sooner if you get the international version coming sometime this quarter.
Gyroscope - This phone has it, do any apps support it? Not sure, but it is there.
NFC - In the off chance that any stores upgrade to NFC this year, you will have the ability to use it. NFC may have other uses that we haven't envisioned yet. It is a protocol, so it can be applied to just about anything. You could potentially set it up to unlock your home, cars could start with it, whatever.
So it has a lot of potential use other than having your money stolen from you.
Bootloader - To sum it up for those not familiar, the phone can be rooted, a custom ROM can be flashed, but the kernel cannot be altered at all. (someone will likely correct me here) but if part or all of the webtop code is contained in the kernel somehow it will be difficult to alter it to add new software or make it run more efficiently. This would be a terrible shame.
I can tell you that Team Whiskey has made my Vibrant browse faster than I have seen in Atrix videos, with half the memory and a single core processor. It is scary to think of what this phone could actually accomplish if Moto decided to allow it.
Motoblur - I read that this requires you to sign up for an account before you can even use the phone. I find it alarming that Motorola has decided to help themselves to all this information and it makes me wonder just exactly what they really have access to and why.
Crippled FM radio - WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. All of these phones have both transmitters and receivers for FM. So can someone tell me why in god's name anyone would disable them? FM radio has many more uses than just listening to local stations and why again should I have to burn my limited data on
internet radio when there is a receiver right in my phone?
Heat - My current Galaxy S runs very hot already, if the screen is active while the phone is being charged it will heat up to what seems to be a very dangerous temperature. The pre-release Galaxy S2 was said to be scorching hot after running with the screen on and the charger active.
Fail File System, Hideous and crippling lag - Update: the galaxy S2 is said to not use RFS. Chock one up for Samsung.
Updates - Samsung has a horrible reputation for updates when working with US carriers, even for new phones. If it was not for this community I would have likely given up on Android and Samsung altogether. Although I know that part of the update delay has been t-mobile, it is also in Samsung's interests to ship out new phones instead of updating their old ones.
Battery Life I have a feeling that Samsung tried to push the limits to get their phone to be as thin as possible and I am worried that they have done so at the expense of battery life. We won't know for sure until it gets in people's hands but I expect the battery life to be subpar.
NO HID Bluetooth Support (possibly) - I have had a black wiimote sitting here for 6 months waiting to connect to my Vibrant. I love emulated classics but action games are near impossible to play with the on-screen kb. So if you want this feature, I would make sure that the GS2 has it first, because it is not likely that it will.
Availability - What it really comes down to now. Unless you want to shell out over 1000 for the phone, you will probably need to wait 5 months from now for any kind of US availability this summer. And don't doubt that those versions will become crippled and even more bloated in the process. But again there is no locked bootloader here.
Ok I think that covers it. Having written all this down, I think I am really leaning more toward the Atrix. There just doesn't seem to be anything else out there now that will be able to match it at the moment. And as you can see, our experience with Samsung has not been exceptional.
Good comparison there. I am also looking at the exact 2 models and thank you very much, looks like Atrix will too be my choice.
I guess I'll get the atrix laptop dock too and prays for the devs here to make it all better. Otherwise, I think its still a good piece of hardware I don't mind owning.
""Samsung's dual-core, Gingerbread-powered Galaxy S II has appeared on alongside a tentative SIM-free price and release date. According to Play, which is currently taking pre-orders for the phone, it'll ship Mar. 31 for £599.99 (~$960). Pre-release prices are never guaranteed to be accurate and are always subject to change, but £599 seams like a realistic price point for the Galaxy S II, as it's slightly higher than current single-core offerings from other manufacturers.""
Just published at androidcentral. £599.99 (~$960)?? Get a grip..
Not bad, just a couple of things to note that I thought of while reading. First, the screen resolution can be arguable considering the Pentile screen that the Atrix uses. That gives the SGS2 more sub pixels, but then it's a bigger screen, so less (I believe) pixel density still... it's really kind of a toss up, but I think they will both look great. I think the lower resolution and bigger screen on the SGS2 will look just fine with the full 3 subpixels per pixel.
Also, the SGS2 looks nothing like an iPhone. I wish people would stop saying that about every phone that comes out. Apparently every square black phone with a screen is an iPhone now.
And also it's been reported that the SGS2 does not use RFS.
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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The updates aren't really an issue for people who visit sites like this. I would never rely on Samsung to update my phone. My Captivate has been running 2.2 for ages while they just released the update for everyone else. Yes, Samsung sucks at updating, but the hacking community will always get it done regardless.
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
eallan said:
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
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I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Man_of_Leisure said:
I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I wouldn't mind if the buttons were hardware, thats another debate. I just want all four of them!
The back button is beyond crucial. Maybe back and home should be two hardware with the other capacitive? For symmetry, obviously a concern for samsung .
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
King Shady said:
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
AJerman said:
****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
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The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
SGS2 is apparently RFS-free. Also, some versions will have Tegra2 instead of Exynos - hope this includes us.
People knock Samsung's plastic designs, but they're actually a lot harder to break than the "well-built" iPhone 4.
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
By looking at my signature, you can see that I just got the Atrix as well, and I love the phone. Amazingly fast, awesome screen (love the higher density and the effect itbhas on the overall experience), and the battery is pretty good too.
I'm seriously thinking about buying the laptop dock, but I don't know how well that will perform, and I haven't seen any live videos of it.
I really like the design and specs of the GS 2, but there are a lot of possible problems holding me back....
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix
FLAC Vest said:
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
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Thanks a lot, bro.
I am no engineer and I can't build tools. But I can put a few thoughts together and provide someone with some information.
This is an amazing community and what people do here is outstanding, I just want to do what I can to add to that.
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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S2 looks like meizu m9
I have both and a Galaxy S 2 on order
Why? I really liked the Captivate. My plan was to use both but the Atrix is so much more fun to use I'm selling the Captivate. Well, maybe. Maybe not.
Yesterday after I removed the SIM card and replaced it, the Atrix went bonkers with freezes and instability issues. After numerous soft resets, two factory resets and replacing the SIM card, SD card and battery a couple of times it seems to be back to normal. I suspect I had reinserted the SIM card incorrectly but maybe there was another issue.
So why would I pay $1000 for the Galaxy S 2? The Captivate was that much fun. Although I'm sure we will be able to do more custom rom's shortly on the Atrix, the Galaxy S 2 sounds like an even bigger blast than either. And boy oh boy does that LG 3D look interesting. But you have to draw the line somewhere.
Here is what the Atrix has that the Captivate does not:
1-better graphics and screen quality, dynamic and vivid visuals, a joy to read and watch (text as well as video quality is sharp and crisp, very clear)
2-more interactive features with outside devices (i.e. computers)
3-interacts more efficiently with e mail, voice and text programs (really like the way it handles multiple incoming calls especially when you are already on one-notification, instructions and directions for handling)(I can now actually use Excel spreadsheets and Word documents) (works well with contacts)
4-updated browser can handle more types of video content and pop up windows better
5-it feels better when you hold and talk or watch or do most anything with it (I did make one call and even though I could hear the other party clearly they could not hear me-I do not what happened.)
My friends all tell me I should get an iphone. I had one for years and the Androids are far more fun. I'll never return. I don't think. LG 3D anyone?
I think Tegra2 is actually a disadvantage for Atrix 4G.
As a new generation dualcore processor, it's early, but not strong.
It's video playback ability of H.264 is limited, but H.264 is currently the most frequently played format.
It has no neon support, big loss on processing power.
Till now Tegra2 has not proven itself in Graphics power. In benchmarks it's no superior to Hummingbird.
However the performance of Mali400MP on GS2 is also questionable, so just wait and see...
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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+1 great post!
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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See, I don't understand that. There is far less plastic on the Captivate than the majority of the phones out there. The front is all glass, and the back is mostly metal. It's only the top and bottom on the back that are plastic, and they have both felt very solid to me since I got the phone on launch day. I came from an iPhone 4 as well, and granted nothing compares to the iPhone 4 in build quality, the Captivate definitely doesn't seem bad at all to me.
As long as you're happy with what you have now though, that's what matters. I just think the Inspire is a bit of a waste of money considering it's lack of power compared to all the other phones coming out now. It feels like it's last generation still. I did play with it a little at the AT&T store though, and it seemed nice. If it had come out last summer with the Captivate (even if it didn't have 4G), I might have gotten it. Now I'm going to wait until a dual core offering I like though.

Upgrading my phone: DHD to SGS 2

So its getting close to the time when I say farewell to my DHD and sell it off to make way for the Samsung Galaxy S 2 . Is this a smart move ?
I thought about the Motorola Atrix 4G but in term of specs and availability it shows no advantage over the SGS 2. Another candidate was the LG Optimus 2x but honestly LG still has to sort out a lot of issues with that device.
Why am I selling my DHD:
- Heavy phone
- ****ty battery
- Poor HTC software support
Any recommendations and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Id wait until htc finish their device release cycle in the 4th quarter.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Heavy? My hd2 is just about the same weight and feels amazing in the hand! Atleast better than the crappy Samsung plastic feel. Even though I'd trade my hd2 for a Nexus S anyday.
Sent from my Gingerfied hd2
mjehan said:
So its getting close to the time when I say farewell to my DHD and sell it off to make way for the Samsung Galaxy S 2 . Is this a smart move ?
I thought about the Motorola Atrix 4G but in term of specs and availability it shows no advantage over the SGS 2. Another candidate was the LG Optimus 2x but honestly LG still has to sort out a lot of issues with that device.
Why am I selling my DHD:
- Heavy phone
- ****ty battery
- Poor HTC software support
Any recommendations and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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Poor HTC software support?? Are you kidding right? HTC has the best support so far.
I had a few Samsung phones. Support is not a strong point at Samsung.
SGS 2 is made of pure plastic. Are you going to trade full aluminium casing for cheap plastics???
Oh ... yeah.... My last Samsung phone was the i8000 a.k.a the Omnia II and in quality terms it was bad. Cheap plastic. For example the stylus that came with the package scratched my screen so bad for the first time that I used it... I could feel the scratch with my finger! The stylus was very abrasive ( bad constuction ).
DHD is a solid phone... heavy... I don't mind because it's a great felling when I hold it in my hand.
Battery is great for a 4.3 inch display. Trust me... I owned a HD2 and the battery was crappyer.
This is my opinion about DHD and Samsung phones.
If I were you I would wait for HTC to release the next generation of smartphones.
Anyway... it's your decision.
I agree. I have a DHD and a SGS, IMHO TouchWiz is whoesome when side by side with Sense UI: it is laggy and widgets are ugly. Although the Hummingbird + PVR + Super AMOLED seems far better than Snapdragon + Adreno + SLCD, Samsung could not refine its software as HTC.
Go with your gut. SGS2 is still younger and newer so it will in a way be a better phone than the DHD. If you're switching because of the weight, then go with Samsung. If you're also switching because of support, you'd be surprised to discover that Samsung is not better at it than HTC. Some SGS users around the world are still not getting Froyo unless they flash a custom ROM. HTC actually announced that they'll update the DHD and Z with 2.3 and custom development have already started so both stock users and custom rom users will enjoy the same Ginger goodness...
At the end of the day, it really boils down to your preference. I personally would stay with HTC than get a Samsung. IMHO, they're not in the same class, the only true competition to the DHD for me is the Thunderbolt (optimized productivity) and the NS is for the SGS2 (optimized gaming).
mjehan said:
So its getting close to the time when I say farewell to my DHD and sell it off to make way for the Samsung Galaxy S 2 . Is this a smart move ?
I thought about the Motorola Atrix 4G but in term of specs and availability it shows no advantage over the SGS 2. Another candidate was the LG Optimus 2x but honestly LG still has to sort out a lot of issues with that device.
Why am I selling my DHD:
- Heavy phone
- ****ty battery
- Poor HTC software support
Any recommendations and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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I've been contemplating the same move, mainly because it is the only 4.3" screen handset with a dual-core slated for release any time soon. I'm intrigued by the SAMOLED PLUS and can't wait to see it in the flesh, especially now the PenTile sub pixel arrangement has been ditched. That said, I'm not keen on TouchShizz (or SenseUI for that matter), and while the lightness appeals to me, the 'plasticky' feel of Samsung handsets has always been a turn off! Just referring to your point about HTC support, Samsung are no better and in many ways they are worse, so be aware before you make the jump.
The most important factor for me however is the development scene. I mean, that's why we're all here at XDA! Don't get me wrong, I know that it may well be an active scene with many custom ROM's based on Samsung Firmware but will there be CM? Will there be tailor made AOSP ROM's built to harness the power of the hardware. That is what is holding me back. The possibility of a signed or even encrypted bootloader is high, and the 2 separate hardware revisions (Tegra, Exynos) will hinder true development so until I've scene the forums being filled with weird and wonderful ROM's and Kernels, I will stick with the DHD. Recently the DHD scene has had a massive boost with the release of the Telus DHD and Inspire 4G bringing in a whole wave of North American interest in the device.
Anyway, the SGS2 is highly appealing with great hardware but for me I think making the jump early would be a mistake, unless you are happy with stock phones. Maybe I'll see you in the SGS2 section sometime in the future.
I'll be ditching my dhd for the s2. HTC have gone down hill, they can't even align a camera lense! Customer service is rubbish too. Hate this poorly built phone.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
The SGS2 is gonna be a good phone no doubt. I personally like the "bigness" of the DHD coz i have big hands and i like to feel it in my pocket I even have a case that makes it even thicker.
I dont like Samsung smartphones they dont appeal to me somehow. Cant put my finger on it exactly but i think its a mix of the amoled displays which i dont like and the plasticy feel..
I cant say too much about the HTC support but i think its great that they're bringing the Gingerbread rom soon. Build quality is very good with my phone but i heard it can be different.
@Battery: It heavily depends what kind of user you are. But in my case the battery of the DHD is more than enough. With my use it lasts me 2 full days then i charge it overnight.
I think its a "how many days are you getting" thing with the battery. When you're a heavy user with everything enabled and everything syncing/pushing all the time it will last you a day. And i dont think thats gonna change with the SGS2. Maybe you'll have 30% left in the evening instead of 20%. So what you gonna charge anyway.
My DHD never lasted me less then a day even when i play games and watch movies and use my psx emulator. What do i want more? If i go on a trip i take a spare battery with me anyway.
I'd wait and see what HTC will release as a successor of the DHD.
So I dont want to go in the whole custom rom district because its not for everyone. But its just amazing how good the scene is with the DHD! They have a rom for everyone Guess we'll have to wait and see if there will be anything comparable with the SGS2.
mjehan said:
Why am I selling my DHD:
- Heavy phone
- ****ty battery
- Poor HTC software support
Any recommendations and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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To answer your criticisms,
- heavy phone, yeah the samsung will feel like a cheap piece of plastic against the DHD
- ****ty battery, it really isn't with a little TLC I easily get 24 hours of my DHD and with mad-murdocks battery fix even more is attainable
- Poor HTC software support, lol your off to samsung good luck with your updates
There are a lot of reason why my love for the DHD died faster than its battery apart from the reasons mentioned:
- GPS doesn't work for me despite the fixes
- SMS notification issue (which is seriously such a let down!)
- HTC Sense killing my android experience
If I was to pick one flaw that ruins this phone it is the battery. I have tried all fixes, tweaks and tricks. It goes only 4,5 hours if used constantly which is unacceptable... and that too is if I disable all the features this phone has to offer.
At least with the Atrix or the SGS 2 I will have 8-10 hour battery under normal Wifi/3G conditions which I need since I am quite often away from home travelling.
PS: im not gonna buy additional accessories like batteries or chargers that I need to carry around with me.
Every SGS I've handled (friends also had), totally four, are crackling all over the housing from back cover to display bezel. That was so complete turn-off and I just couldn't stand it, I had to sell the phone.
DHD on the other hand while being solid aluminium, has it's weak plastics and they are quite turn-off as well, but luckily some blu-tacks have maid my device completely noiseless what comes to cracklings etc.
SGS2 looks quite sexy, no doubt, but having the experience from it's predecessor I haven't even thoght about it yet. I got to see & feel it in hands.
Oh, does SGS2 still have RFS filesystem? That was truely horrifying with random lags!
mjehan said:
There are a lot of reason why my love for the DHD died faster than its battery apart from the reasons mentioned:
- GPS doesn't work for me despite the fixes
- SMS notification issue (which is seriously such a let down!)
- HTC Sense killing my android experience
It goes only 4,5 hours if used constantly which is unacceptable...
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I believe you i'd lose my love for my DHD too under these conditions :/ Strange thing though, i have none of them!
I really like HTC Sense when you disable the annoying parts like Hub or Likes. And as I said my battery lasts usually for 2 days, at least one (24h) when I use it really heavily with emulators, movies and long phone calls.
With some love (right custom rom - i use ARHD, maybe different radio, watching processes to find out cpu abuse, disable unneeded stuff with TitaniumBackup) the DHD is a great great phone.
Imho thats how android works, i mean its even based on Linux. Once you've arranged everything the way you want it, its awesome. But it needs some work to get there.
At this moment no one knows if SGS2 wont have its own problems or when it will be available, so i guess we have to wait and see till some real reviews come out.
If you want something that just works without worrying, with basic functions, but doesnt let you change things and arrange it the way you want, i suggest u go for an iPhone the 5th version should be announced soon i think.
clouds5 said:
If you want something that just works without worrying, with basic functions, but doesnt let you change things and arrange it the way you want, i suggest u go for an iPhone the 5th version should be announced soon i think.
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I'll never go Apple. I'm too smart to fall for their marketing gimmicks
Would you rather have a samsung galaxy 1 or a desire hd?
Well you can get your samsung galaxy 2 and then you know whats going to happen!! HTC will release a beast and blow it out of the water, again.
Samsung make good internal components and then choose to plague them with bad software and lousy build quality, i'm not sure on the battery life on the sgs or sgs2, but the old on was a very good phone albeit with some sorry issues (ie touchwiz)
We had one in our work the other day (sgs2) and it was blazingly fast, apparently there's only 2 of them made and they were prototypes, it was super slim and very quick, quite impressed with it if i'm honest.
However HTC will always come out with something better though, as for the comments you've made, the battery is poor if your going to hammer it with gaming, music, a 4.3inch screen, wifi downloading, video streaming....etc and to name but a few of the things which the dhd does just superbly, I would just like to say that for the size of the battery, i think it lasts remarkably well. Oh and that's not even starting with the overclocking which most dhd users will be doing, i've had mine up to 1996mhz, never went higher than that.
The weight of the phone for me is great, i don't like light, cheap ass phones, if the samsung galaxy S was solid chrome with no touchwiz then it would have sold a hell of lot more.
As for HTC customer support, I have to say i've always had good service from my HTC products so i've never needed to call them, that's not to say that they won't ever go wrong but i've never had to call them.
From what i hear though they're not too bad, I've heard some stories about Samsung though.
My advice would be to see your contract through (if that's what you have) and then see whats on offer, timing is crucial if you don't want to make a bad decision when purchasing / contracting a phone.
I got lucky.
I'd wait for htc pyramid. That phone will be cranking. No point getting dual core now anyway because we don't really have the software to support it. You'd be like all those people who "upgraded" to windows xp 64 bit edition only to find a bunch of drivers were unavailable and 99% of the software was still 32 bit anyway.
Sent from my Desire HD pocket rocket.
Well,here's the rub.
The DHD is probably as fast as it gets for now.As dr.m0x said,the software we have now can't take advantage of dual cores.So they might be only a little faster,but most probably not because of the second core.
Sense,IMO,is the best Android UI(If i can call it that) up to date.Yeah,it makes the phone a little slow,but with such a beast the DHD is,I don't really notice.I had noticed on my Hero,that's for sure! It makes everyday usage easier and more appealing for the end user.Some may prefer AOSP/CM and they are right in some ways.It's fast,it's customizable,it's light and is the first to receive new software.But I'll stay with Sense on my primary phone(Am running CM7 on my Desire though! ).
Build quality is just wow.My pal punched me the other day and his fist landed on my leg,just on my DHD(I know,he is such a bastard! ).The thing didn't even get a scratch on it(well,so to say,it couldn't get scratched by that but other,worse things could've happened).The guy's hand was tied and sore for more than two weeks! There are some problematic phones,yeah,but not so many imo.Plus,it's aluminium,not plastic(I do hate plastic phones).
As for hardware,I generally agree the DHD isn't the most powerful beast out there.But it's got some guts.Really,REALLY strong guts if you ask me.Not just talking about power out of the box,but how many phones do you know that exist out there that can handle OCing up to 2GHz STABLE?The SGS hits some 45 degrees Celsius(dunno about fahreneit)on heavy usage(ie gaming) @1GHz.My DHD,after two hours of playing Angry Birds,Gun Bros and some videos,it never even reached 37(I have SetCPU notify me and underclock when it hits 37 degrees).Now watch my sig.It's running at a solid 1.8GHz.Get me a SGS to do that.If the plastic doesn't melt,I'm buying it!
Then there's developer support.It might not be what everyone wants,but I and most of us around here do care I think.There is word that the SGS2 has a locked bootloader.So it will either be unrootable(by that I mean custom roms etc) or it will be a pain in the @$$ to root it.Until it's confirmed whether it has a locked bootloader or not,I wouldn't consider it.But that's just me!
Not wanting to be a fanboy here,but the DHD is the purchase I regret the least.I did regret getting a Desire over the SGS,but that's not the case with the DHD.
So yeah,I'd agree with the guys that said you should keep the DHD for now and wait for HTC's dual-core offer.I bet it'll kick some ass!
I wouldnt do, i'm sure the SGS 2 is better, but why would it be worth? You got yourself already kinda expensive phone, selling your DHD would make you lose quite some money, ofcourse its true selling it now would bring more money then in 2 years, but I wouldnt do it.
I got mine DHD with 24 months contract, and well I most will keep the phone for those 24, not that it matters much, but I think its a good investment to keep a phone for atleast 2 years and then perhaps get a new phone after 2 years with a new contract of 24 months perhaps.
Wait until HTC releases there next desire HD, maybe desire HD 2? or the rumoured pyramid...
I've made a pact to myself that I will be getting the next nexus phone (nexus 3). It'll be the best for software updates (first phone to get it) and by then vanilla android should be awesome.
dhiral.v said:
Wait until HTC releases there next desire HD, maybe desire HD 2? or the rumoured pyramid...
I've made a pact to myself that I will be getting the next nexus phone (nexus 3). It'll be the best for software updates (first phone to get it) and by then vanilla android should be awesome.
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As soon as I can, I'm gonna go Nexus and never go back. Nexus is the face of android through Google's eyes, android as it should be. It may not have the best hardware for the duration of of being Nexus, but it will always have the best software. People are almost hitting the 4k mark in quadrant with no overclocks on their nexus S's.
Sent from my Gingerfied hd2

Phone envy..

Just played with a work colleague's Galaxy S2 and now my Vision feels like the fat ugly friend you see standing with the tall hot chick in a nightclub
That phone is properly awesome...
I cannot live without a physical keyboard so I don't have the option of getting one, sadly.
Please say some stuff to make me feel better about my phone?
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
Consider it an evil of the technology treadmill. A newer product is typically going to be faster and better than an older one (unless the manufacturer really screwed up!). You'll drive yourself crazy envying every new phone that comes along that is newer than what you have. So unless you have wads of cash to buy every nice looking phone that comes out, most of us have to make a decision based on the choices you have at the time you want to upgrade, and live with it until you can afford the next upgrade. No doubt, even if you bought a Galxy S2, you would end up salivating the next "latest and greatest" in a few months. Appreciate the fact that you have a nice performing, solidly built phone with a hardware keyboard, that has (and will continue to have, for some time) great developer support.
Ya my roommate just got the g2x and now I hate my phone.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
I know my phone is good and dev support is GREAT, which will allow it a decent enough lifespan for some time to come.
But I just wish someone would put out a super-phone WITH A DAMN KEYBOARD!! I don't care what it would cost to buy, I would buy it. Sure this phone can be OC'd quite nicely, but with the weak mono speaker, average camera and video, screen which is rubbish in direct sunlight, etc. it's not really my dream hardware :-/
Here's hoping the next Nexus comes with with a keyboard, dual (or quad!) core, a gig of ram and decent multimedia components!!
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
setspeed said:
I know my phone is good and dev support is GREAT, which will allow it a decent enough lifespan for some time to come.
But I just wish someone would put out a super-phone WITH A DAMN KEYBOARD!! I don't care what it would cost to buy, I would buy it. Sure this phone can be OC'd quite nicely, but with the weak mono speaker, average camera and video, screen which is rubbish in direct sunlight, etc. it's not really my dream hardware :-/
Here's hoping the next Nexus comes with with a keyboard, dual (or quad!) core, a gig of ram and decent multimedia components!!
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
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I hear you about the direct sunlight. That absolutely blows. Someone wants to trade me the nexus s and I would be all down for it except the no keyboard and few other quirks like no sd card.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
And a 4"+ screen
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
setspeed said:
And a 4"+ screen
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
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I know i'm in the minority on this one but screens can be too big. HD7 for example. Just looks gaudy and over the top to me.
xsteven77x said:
I know i'm in the minority on this one but screens can be too big. HD7 for example. Just looks gaudy and over the top to me.
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I'm with you 4.3" is to big. My bro has a DHD and I find it uncomfortable to use.
My boss just got SGS2 and I have to admit I'm a bit jealous because it is awesome. But I can't see my self ever having a phone without a hardware keyboard so the S2 is a no go for me. I'm certain my next phone will be the successor to the G2, assuming that HTC backtrack on the whole bootloader thing.
[sig]My mission is to hit 1000 posts by 23/05/2011[sig]
cjward23 said:
I'm with you 4.3" is to big. My bro has a DHD and I find it uncomfortable to use.
My boss just got SGS2 and I have to admit I'm a bit jealous because it is awesome. But I can't see my self ever having a phone without a hardware keyboard so the S2 is a no go for me. I'm certain my next phone will be the successor to the G2, assuming that HTC backtrack on the whole bootloader thing.
[sig]My mission is to hit 1000 posts by 23/05/2011[sig]
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I hear you about the boatloader. That is a dam shame any way you look at it.
I am not envy of any other phone that does not have a hardware keyboard!
If you want to deal with odin and lack of support for updates. Go samsung. They make nice hardware. But what good is the hardware with crap support to back it up.
[G2/HTC Vision]
luis86dr said:
If you want to deal with odin and lack of support for updates. Go samsung. They make nice hardware. But what good is the hardware with crap support to back it up.
[G2/HTC Vision]
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Ditto. There may be faster bigger brighter phones out there, but the g1 and the g2 are such solid phones. They refuse to die. Specially g2 at 1.5ghz. It can still compete. Developers support is do big as compared to some other phones. Htc all the way. Hoping for unlocked bootloader on the sensation.
havikx said:
Ditto. There may be faster bigger brighter phones out there, but the g1 and the g2 are such solid phones.
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Indeed. My Z can do anyting I need from a phone including playing ps1 games and map keys to play with. What more can I ask for. I will never give it up unless there will be a new powerful mobile with hardware keyboard, which is layed out the same way as the Z keyboard where every other row is shifted.
havikx said:
Ditto. There may be faster bigger brighter phones out there, but the g1 and the g2 are such solid phones. They refuse to die. Specially g2 at 1.5ghz. It can still compete. Developers support is do big as compared to some other phones. Htc all the way. Hoping for unlocked bootloader on the sensation.
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Couldn't have said it any better myself sir! I absoletly love my phone and I have yet to be envious of any phone since getting mine back in Nov. Love the rom I'm using and couldn't see myself using any other.
Sent from my HTC G2
Running meXdroid meXperia
I had an HD2 for ages, an S2 for a few days (then sold it because I could make £160 profit on e-bay due to people paying silly prices!), now I've just ordered a desire Z to give it a go (£263.39 on ebuyer inc VAT)!
Though the S2 was nice & the HD2 does the job, I'm now much more excited about having a hardware keyboard than anything the S2 had to offer!
Unless you dislike hardware keyboards, I agree there's no point having phone envy yet - the S2 does nothing that the HD2/Desire Z can do; it just does things more smoothly!
I would agree that there are phones out there that might be 'prettier' and provide some 'eye candy' but I don't think I would trade my DZ for any other device out there right now.
I too cannot live without a hardware keyboard and the DZ has one of the best keyboards I have ever used. It took some getting used to because of its size, but after that initial period, a keyboard has never felt better in my hands.
And while it may not have the fastest Dual Core Processor on the market, I have yet to find any set of tasks that my DZ can't handle. Throw in the unlocked bootloader and arguably the best developer support of any Android Device and you have a recipe for a long-lasting, competitive smartphone.
I won't even consider upgrading until we get a phone that looks like a 'G3'...
i work at best buy and i see this same situation almost everyday. technology is a love hate thing. you just have to realize that its going to be constantly changing, and getting better. lets not forget that the vision is still a highend phone, and kicks alot of phones asses. i love my g2, but i do see myself getting a htc sensation. ive come to realize that although the kb on the vision is amazing, its not something i have to have. the vision is a great phone, along with the desire hd, nexus s, mytouch 4g and all of the phones that came out the same time this one did. its awesome. you just have to realize that if it does what you want with no problem, then why hate?
PatrickHuey said:
i work at best buy and i see this same situation almost everyday. technology is a love hate thing. you just have to realize that its going to be constantly changing, and getting better. lets not forget that the vision is still a highend phone, and kicks alot of phones asses. i love my g2, but i do see myself getting a htc sensation. ive come to realize that although the kb on the vision is amazing, its not something i have to have. the vision is a great phone, along with the desire hd, nexus s, mytouch 4g and all of the phones that came out the same time this one did. its awesome. you just have to realize that if it does what you want with no problem, then why hate?
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I'd have to disagree with the fact the Vision is high end any more. On release yes, but 6mths down the road it's only just mid-range in pretty much all areas EXCEPT the keyboard. Single core chip (albeit a reasonable one), 512mb RAM (really? The DHD had 768mb), an average 5mp camera...
I think we make a lot of excuses for this phone, just to have the keyboard. I had to think long and hard about keeping my second one because of the questionable z-hinge, and decided that I'd have to live with it since there were no other qwertys coming out (except the Droid 2/Milestone 2 which is a no-no with encrypted bootloader).
I hate the weight of the thing, I hate the battery life (which although better than my old Desire, is still pretty poor as I work in a weak 3G area), I hate the fact I struggle to see the screen in the sunlight, I hate the sh*t-arse weak speaker which struggles to get above one decibel without distorting, and I hate the fact that HTC always cheap out on cameras, the video-recording is crap.
People come to me at work and ask what phone they should buy cos I'm kind of that guy who knows a little bit. And they've all seen the recent HTC marketing campaign here in the UK, they're like "Oh you have an HTC, do you think I should get this HTC (model)?" And I find myself saying "No, get this Samsung, or get this iPhone, they have better features that you would get use out of".
I know I'm not at the point where I want to give up the awesome dev support that HTC phones usually get, but I am at the point where I hope devs start supporting other brands a lot more too. Especially in light of HTCs locking of bootloaders, and the fact it's getting harder and harder to get full access to them. HTC has the big rep as the hacker's choice, but I don't think their hardware justifies it any more. Not at the moment at least.
Don't get me wrong, there is no other phone I'd rather have at the moment, since one doesn't exist. And the rom I'm on is frigging amazing. But if Samsung bring out an S2 with a keyboard then I'd have a heard time saying no to that, as would a lot of other people I imagine. I never thought I'd consider a Samsung after last year's update debacle, and I'm still hesitant now. But if enough devs get one, then they would sort out any probs the phone has.
OK, rant over!
I just watched an unboxing of the HTC Sensation coming to Tmobile ... GODDAMN .. that is a thing of beauty..
setspeed said:
I know my phone is good and dev support is GREAT, which will allow it a decent enough lifespan for some time to come.
But I just wish someone would put out a super-phone WITH A DAMN KEYBOARD!! I don't care what it would cost to buy, I would buy it. Sure this phone can be OC'd quite nicely, but with the weak mono speaker, average camera and video, screen which is rubbish in direct sunlight, etc. it's not really my dream hardware :-/
Here's hoping the next Nexus comes with with a keyboard, dual (or quad!) core, a gig of ram and decent multimedia components!!
Sent from my 'Zed, overclocked to 1.2ghz
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While this is true and all, I still think our phones are the best overall hardware for someone who needs a physical keyboard like myself. There are plenty of physical keyboard models out there (not as many as touch only of course), and there is still yet one to come out with better overall specs than this phone.
luis86dr said:
If you want to deal with odin and lack of support for updates. Go samsung. They make nice hardware. But what good is the hardware with crap support to back it up.
[G2/HTC Vision]
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Yep, and that's the BIGGEST problem with Samsuck. They tend to make pretty incredible hardware (minus the vibrant, who the heck makes a camera without a flash nowadays?), but their support is absolutely abysmal. A friend here at work has an Epic 4G, and he's STILL on Eclair. Absolutely unacceptable support.

