Linux Deodex Kitchen - Droid Eris Android Development

I'm baaaack
Andrizoid's Linux Deodex Kitchen V4
This has been an ongoing project for a while now.
Since all the other deodexers are windows .bat scripts, i decided to make one for those of us on Ubuntu/Mac/etc
Extract to your desktop and check the README file for full instructions and more information.
Fixed some of the code, added the optional which adds the freshly de-odexed files to the original rom and signs it making it ready to flash.
Everything is fully automated, and will deodex the whole rom rather than one file at a time. Smali and Baksmali version updated to 1.2.3
Added to make things easier.
Original script.
Love me or hate me, its a great little setup. It can be used with any rom on any device.

Sounds interesting. I'll have to play with it this weekend.
I hope the drama is settled down now... I get enough when my wife watches "real housewives"

theres a few issues, it only de-odexes apk WELL for now. for the framework files it gets kind tricky. ill work on it a bit when i get some time.

I've been looking over your source code, I notice few lines could use simple shortcuts, for example
you can change that to
~ will tell shell to use current user's home directory, just make it more universal for anyone to use. Just my 2 cents.
it even work with cd, cp, mv, mkdir commands, ~ is very handy, and save you from having to type in full path.

firestrife23 said:
I've been looking over your source code, I notice few lines could use simple shortcuts, for example
you can change that to
~ will tell shell to use current user's home directory, just make it more universal for anyone to use. Just my 2 cents.
it even work with cd, cp, mv, mkdir commands, ~ is very handy, and save you from having to type in full path.
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ya, a lot of the code could be cleaned up but thats the very basic version. i put it together to help build my rom, i got it working enough to do that and kinda forgot about it. i need to clean it up and put out another verison
too many projects at once haha.

found few bugs with your script, on last couples of lines starting with rm will fail, because you forgot to add cd to rom-output and your script also left framework-res.apk at root of rom-output folder which should be moved to /system/framework
in your readme file, you forgot to add a step to run script before de-odexing apk/jar files.

firestrife23 said:
found few bugs with your script, on last couples of lines starting with rm will fail, because you forgot to add cd to rom-output and your script also left framework-res.apk at root of rom-output folder which should be moved to /system/framework
in your readme file, you forgot to add a step to run script before de-odexing apk/jar files.
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ya when i used it i made some heavy modifications to it before i got a rom to boot. i need to update this thing but ive got a few other projects im the making.
not enough people seemed interested in this to make it my priority

Andrizoid said:
ya when i used it i made some heavy modifications to it before i got a rom to boot. i need to update this thing but ive got a few other projects im the making.
not enough people seemed interested in this to make it my priority
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I use Ubuntu, and your script fit the bill and spare me from having to reboot into windoze to use their crappy batch files. Of course your hands is all tied up with other projects, however I'll be watching this tread once you get around to updating this. Just keep bring out the great stuff!
I like people like you that make contribute back to community such as this valuable tools, unlike other developers which pretty much rather keep it to themselves (I won't list their names here, and not trying to start a flame-war) as the rest of first time ROM cooker have to figure it out the hard way.

I've just been pointed to this thread while looking for a way to deodex
the link works still, but the file has been deleted by Rapidshare, "due to inactivity"
Any chance of it being uploaded again please?

lew247 said:
I've just been pointed to this thread while looking for a way to deodex
the link works still, but the file has been deleted by Rapidshare, "due to inactivity"
Any chance of it being uploaded again please?
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why not just use dsixda's kitchen?
then you'll also have just about everything you need (not just a deodex-er)
plus, don't think you'll get any "support" on this anymore... whereas, with dsixda's kitchen, you'll have LOTS of support for quite a while

firestrife23 said:
I've been looking over your source code, I notice few lines could use simple shortcuts, for example
you can change that to
~ will tell shell to use current user's home directory, just make it more universal for anyone to use. Just my 2 cents.
it even work with cd, cp, mv, mkdir commands, ~ is very handy, and save you from having to type in full path.
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Use $HOME instead of ~. ~ doesn't always refer to the home directory.

I can help you with the need to rename $path in the script before it will work are you interested?

Upload to mediafire please.

Trent said:
Upload to mediafire please.
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Double that. Please do this, since Multiupload has been closed.


[TOOL/KITCHEN] - Android Builder v.5 (Dead)

This project is no longer being updated. Feel free to use the code.
Android Builder (AB v.5)
kiel123 has joined the AB team!
Thanks to dsixda, Armin Coralic, and cteneyck. I do have permission to reuse their code.
Ubuntu Linux or variant
dsixda's HTC Android Basic Kitchen -
In my crazy quest to learn more about Android, I decided to create a companion to dsixda's kitchen that will take some of the drudgery out of downloading and compiling AOSP and the HTC kernel.
Here's what the current menus looks like:
Select the device that you would like to build for.
1) HTC Droid Eris
a) About Builder
0. Exit
Please enter option number:
and then
1. Sync AOSP - Cupcake (1.5) repo
2. Sync AOSP - Donut (1.6) repo
3. Sync AOSP - Eclair (2.1) repo
4. Sync AOSP - Froyo (2.2) repo
0. Exit
Please enter option number:
You can follow these two steps, and you will get a freshly compiled, but unsigned ROM in the original_update folder. After running it through the kitchen, it boots up just fine. Of course, most of the hardware doesn't work. That's the part that I am working on now (seriously, I am). I've been working on this for a while, because as I said - this is really about me learning. If I can make a tool that someone finds useful, then great!
Install instructions:
1) download and unzip dsixda's kitchen to whatever directory you want
2) download Android Builder into kitchen's scripts/plugins folder and unzip
3) back out and start the kitchen
4) select 'Run plugin scripts' from Advanced menu and select 'Android Builder'
5) you're there!
NOTE: This will try to install/update all of the packages that it needs, including Java5. Please look at the code so that you know what it's doing. That's just a good general practice with any code that you can actually look at and that you have to run as root...
Future plans:
1) add more kernels (devices)
2) add more vendor trees (goes along with devices)
3) add more repos (CM5, CM6, AOSP Master)
I hope someone finds this useful, and feel free to post useful suggestions/bug reports.
v5. - kiel123 re-wrote v.4 as a plugin to dsixda's kitchen with me testing afterward, minor fixes, removed Java6 as no longer needed by kitchen
v.4 - re-wrote to add structure to support more devices in the future
added option for Cupcake, Donut, and Froyo
added .config files that enable touchscreen in kernel by default
v.3 - unreleased build
v.2 - corrected misspellings in code and dialogs
added sudo to launch setup script (Still need to sudo bash first. Sorry.)
v.1 - initial release
Very nice. I have been doing the same. I have used darchstar's post here as the basis of my work. But, I am always glad to look how others are doing things. Thanks for the post.
arockj said:
Very nice. I have been doing the same. I have used darchstar's post here as the basis of my work. But, I am always glad to look how others are doing things. Thanks for the post.
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Thanks for the thanks! I don't quite get the vendor tree thing, but I just need to look at it again a few times. And, that's where I'm at. It would be really neat to be able create a working AOSP ROM from scratch with minimal manual intervention. It might not be possible, but I haven't found that out yet. (But wait! If you can do it manually, it can be scripted. Right?)
there's typo in your install script
look for line: android_builder*
should be android-builder*
and your install script should use mv command instead of cp to avoid files duplication
EDIT: also you should use sudo command along with ./ab_setup script or include within script as well.
When i ran ./abmenu and i get this message
Please copy 'menu-kd' to the root of your kitchen folder with 'menu'
menu-kd?.... don't you mean abmenu? turned out it was looking for menu file which i had it renamed to kitchen_menu but I fixed that on my part and all is working well.
Dont let any of my criticism scare you away, I can see there's a lot of potential use for this scripts, great start by the way.
firestrife23 said:
there's typo in your install script
look for line: android_builder*
should be android-builder*
and your install script should use mv command instead of cp to avoid files duplication
EDIT: also you should use sudo command along with ./ab_setup script or include within script as well.
When i ran ./abmenu and i get this message
Please copy 'menu-kd' to the root of your kitchen folder with 'menu'
menu-kd?.... don't you mean abmenu? turned out it was looking for menu file which i had it renamed to kitchen_menu but I fixed that on my part and all is working well.
Dont let any of my criticism scare you away, I can see there's a lot of potential use for this scripts, great start by the way.
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I renamed all of the scripts at the last minute and thought that I had them fixed. I'll make the corrections and repost. The goal is to get this thing working well. Your criticism is just more motivation. Thanks!
I'm new to all this but I would love this to work with Froyo source.
Geo411m said:
I'm new to all this but I would love this to work with Froyo source.
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The current 'internal' build works with Cupcake (1.5), Eclair (2.1), and Froyo (2.2). It's not ready to release though. Give me another week or two. I'm working on proprietary bits now, so that you get a more usable ROM from the start.
Although from your sig, it appears that you don't have an Eris, so you probably don't care much about it's proprietary bits. If you want it to get Froyo instead of Eclair, you can just change 'eclair' to 'froyo' in the script that creates the repo.
I'm with you on Froyo. I have a feeling in a month or two very few people will want to run a pre-Froyo ROM. It's really nice.
rm error on install
i keep getting "rm: cannot remove './bkup': No such file or directory"
the file is there untill i run the ./install script then it disappears and shoots me an error any help would be appriciated
Sjflowerhorn said:
i keep getting "rm: cannot remove './bkup': No such file or directory"
the file is there untill i run the ./install script then it disappears and shoots me an error any help would be appriciated
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That files was used by me while developing the code. It's not needed. I'll fix the install script for v.5, but if you really want to fix the script now... Just remove the line -
'rm ./bkup'
from the 'install' script
You should still be able to start Android Builder by typing './abmenu', as long as it's in the same folder with the kitchen's menu. The error shouldn't matter.
gnarlyc said:
That files was used by me while developing the code. It's not needed. I'll fix the install script for v.5, but if you really want to fix the script now... Just remove the line -
'rm ./bkup'
from the 'install' script
You should still be able to start Android Builder by typing './abmenu', as long as it's in the same folder with the kitchen's menu. The error shouldn't matter.
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k thanks i think it worked the same even with the error but got it =)
Sjflowerhorn said:
k thanks i think it worked the same even with the error but got it =)
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Good deal. Let me know how it goes.
gnarlyc --
Have you thought of making this into a .plugin file that can be placed in the scripts/plugins folder of the HTC Android Kitchen? Then that way you won't need to update your scripts each time I update my kitchen
In my thread I could provide a link to your tool, so that people can add that plugin if they want.
dsixda said:
gnarlyc --
Have you thought of making this into a .plugin file that can be placed in the scripts/plugins folder of the HTC Android Kitchen? Then that way you won't need to update your scripts each time I update my kitchen
In my thread I could provide a link to your tool, so that people can add that plugin if they want.
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The thought has occurred to me.
Give me a bit. A link in your thread would be great. It might even motivate me to add more devices. Getting stuck on adding Eris proprietary bits has lead me down the road of making a ROM ( and documenting the process. I'll get back to Android Builder soon though.
Ok, so...
1) rewrite AB as a plugin to dsixda's HTC Android Kitchen
2) add proprietary bits for Eris
3) add more devices
4) add CM repos
5) add Gingerbread repo
6) add compatibility with more distros
i am getting line 28: update-java-alernatives: command not found?
lord194409 said:
i am getting line 28: update-java-alernatives: command not found?
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Interesting... I've tested from a freshly installed Ubuntu installation several times. It should install everything you need.
You could try 'update-alternatives --config java' and let me know what it says. You could also look for a file called 'setup_ran' in the root of the Kitchen, and delete it. Start './abmenu' after that and try again.
thanks for answering. Could the problem be that i installed it on cygwin.
lord194409 said:
thanks for answering. Could the problem be that i installed it on cygwin.
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Yes. Android Builder will not work under cygwin. I don't know that it ever will. That's on the TO-DO list, but it's so far down that it's not on the posted TO-DO list.
I've only tested under Xubuntu 10.04 and minimal Ubuntu 10.04.
If you happen to work it out on cygwin, let me know! I'm sure others would be happy to have the option. Heck, I might even be. I'm mainly using Ubuntu because of AB anyway. (Although, it is kind of growing on me.)
thanks i will look in to it.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
just wanted to let you know that it didn't work for me. It runs, gives some errors and outputs a called AOSPbase but the file is only 1.1kb in size.
Geo411m said:
just wanted to let you know that it didn't work for me. It runs, gives some errors and outputs a called AOSPbase but the file is only 1.1kb in size.
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make sure you have java5 and java6 jre/jdk installed. it should work then. i had a similar issue the first time through... took it literally 10hours plus, then output was the 1.1k file.
manually installed all java components, and everything worked perfectly then (and took half the time)

{TOOL}MetaMorph Builder v3-Linux Only[8-5]

This could be considered part of the development forum or the apps and theme forum depending on how you look at it. if you have an issue, just click the report button and request that it be moved. no need to flame and troll and post that you reported it, just do it and move on.
Lots of people have asked me how to put together a theme control file, and its actually VERY easy but this tool makes it even easier.
this is an example of a theme control file created by this tool
<phone>Android Phone Codename Hulk</phone>
<rom>CM 8</rom>
<description>Requires reboot</description>
run the mm-builder script and follow the on screen directions. you will of course need to put the correct replacement files in their respective directories, but this script will make all the right folders and set up your theme.xml for you. Bash scrip means linux only. This is also a super easy script, so i may get a batch version soon.
You can extract this file to any directory
All thanks to Stericson. W/O him we wouldnt have a metamorph app to begin with
includes these additions
mkdir $app
mkdir $app/res
mkdir $app/res/drawable
mkdir $app/res/drawable-mdpi
mkdir $app/res/drawable-land-mdpi
mkdir $app/res/drawable-port-mdpi
these are the commonly used directories when it comes to theming. now all the sub-folders should be set up right.
I think this tool will be very helpful for newer themers and the like, looking forward to a windows adaptation.
also, what does it matter if ban_dover was andrizoid, seems to me hes not doing any harm here now, just trying to help people out, so give a guy a chance to rectify himself before you all start the flamethrowers
snyluc13 said:
I think this tool will be very helpful for newer themers and the like, looking forward to a windows adaptation.
also, what does it matter if ban_dover was andrizoid, seems to me hes not doing any harm here now, just trying to help people out, so give a guy a chance to rectify himself before you all start the flamethrowers
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windows version is certainly viable, but batch is SO alien coming from bash. there isnt even an ls command
im going to have to play around and get a feel for batch before i get to work on it.
v3 is up. ive put together working metamorph themes using v3, so its been pretty well tested.
How about some constructive use of this thread?
I've got a question. I read through Stericson's announcement post on XDA, and also the project page, and he mentions limitations due to signing checks of market apps.
Does it actually re-sign the .apk with the test key that all the devs use, or does it merely re-zip the .apk so that the manifest and keys are broken (won't pass a jarsigner -verify test)?
If it is the 2nd alternative, I guess that would means that Android does not check "non-market app" installs for valid signatures? Or that it doesn't check system apps but does check market apps?
The reason this piques my interest is that I noticed one of the devs recently released a ROM which had all its apps de-odexed and re-signed with the test key. (Can't remember which ROM, perhaps an xtr* ROM?)
Anyone else that knows how this goes is welcome to answer as well.
Im going to lock this thread if the flame war doesn't stop
Play nice
Edit: Thread re-opened, ban_dover and I discussed and hopefully we will not have any more issues.
bftb0 said:
How about some constructive use of this thread?
I've got a question. I read through Stericson's announcement post on XDA, and also the project page, and he mentions limitations due to signing checks of market apps.
Does it actually re-sign the .apk with the test key that all the devs use, or does it merely re-zip the .apk so that the manifest and keys are broken (won't pass a jarsigner -verify test)?
If it is the 2nd alternative, I guess that would means that Android does not check "non-market app" installs for valid signatures? Or that it doesn't check system apps but does check market apps?
The reason this piques my interest is that I noticed one of the devs recently released a ROM which had all its apps de-odexed and re-signed with the test key. (Can't remember which ROM, perhaps an xtr* ROM?)
Anyone else that knows how this goes is welcome to answer as well.
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to be honest im not sure. but i can say that the rom your talking about isnt going to have any issues with anything because of the re-signing.
so the those who have downloaded it, what do you think?
ive tested it by putting together a few simple MMs, and it worked fne for me. have any of you ran into any issues?

[TOOL] AUTO APK TOOL + AUTO DEODEX TOOL [Modders, Devs, Translators] [Linux, OSX]

This is a ported version of XavierJohn22's superb script from Windows to Linux & OSX.
You need to read the first five posts in the original topic for help & tutorials.
Automate batch processing decompiling and recompiling, flashable zip creation, etc
Initially made when translating miui apks and building lang pack
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Warning: I have worked on this in my spare time, i.e. when not coding Android apps, which I do when not working my main job.
As a result, this is alpha quality (no it will not destroy your computer though!)
Please report any issue encountered when using it. I expect some of them having to do with the original script and *most* of them with an error in translation so I will have to triage those.
dude whers the bat file its not in the zip
sak-venom1997 said:
dude whers the bat file its not in the zip
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Read this dude >
This is a ported version of XavierJohn22's superb script from Windows to Linux & OSX.
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WTF???? This deleted my entire user account basicaly! REPORTING!!!
I'd highly recommend you always use quotes for variables to prevent disasters like the one above, if this is still active.
GermainZ said:
I'd highly recommend you always use quotes for variables to prevent disasters like the one above, if this is still active.
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Right. I guess you are referring to these:
rm -f $A
As I originally posted under 'Warning' this is alpha quality, including the expected bash pitfalls since I was "copy-tranmogriphy-pasting" from the original script. Based on the minimum amount of feedback I received, I dropped the project.
1. What action did you ask it to take when it deleted your account?
2. Could you define "deleted my account?"

[GUIDE] Remove Blocking Mode notification (root/deodexed Samsung ROM required)

First off, this is my very FIRST publically posted Android mod, and my second one ever - I made the first one earlier today. In other words, I'm new and may make mistakes.
These steps work for me, though!
Exactly what this guide does:
When you enable "Blocking mode" in the Samsung JB ROMs, an "ongoing" (and thus unremovable) notification is shown AT ALL TIMES, even if Blocking mode is only active for a certain time period (at night in my case).
This mod will entirely remove that notification. It will not show up even when blocking mode IS in fact blocking calls etc.
IMO the ideal behavior would be to show it during the time it's active, but that would be a much harder mod to make, as you'd need to add new (byte)code.
Now, with that out of the way...
* DEODEXED AND ROOTED Samsung Jelly Bean ROM (I use WanamLite XXDLIH v3.9, google it - I can't post the link)
* 7-zip (google it)
* Galaxy S III - not sure if other models than the i9300 will work, my guess is that they will. I can't test on other phones than my own, though, so you're on your own in that case! Also no idea if Note models will work, I've never used one.
* A Windows computer - unless the tools are available for other platforms.
* Java -- if you can do Start -> Run -> "java" -> OK without an error, you should be fine.
* A bit of patience
As always, this is on your own risk!
Steps to hack:
0) BACK UP YOUR PHONE! My suggestion would be to take a nandroid backup before getting started.
1) Get an apktool that works with JB APKs.
Here's the one I use (assemble the link): mediafire . com / ?ufzdylekbkloffy
(Sorry for doing that, but surely posting guides constitutes making helpful contributions? )
The ZIP contains two apktool versions, one for decoding and one for building.
Thing is, I'm not 100% sure on where I got the apktool JARs. I think one of them is the unmodified 1.4.2 JAR, and one is modified to work with ICS (and newer) APKs.
I couldn't get EITHER of them to both decode AND build, so I made two separate batch scripts.
I do promise that the thing's safe, but if you don't trust me, you can find them elsewhere - I'm just not sure exactly where. I found them by trial and error.
2) Unpack the tools to a directory, e.g. "apktool" on your desktop. (If you want to follow this guide to the letter, you need to use that folder too.)
3) Start a command prompt - Start -> Run -> enter "cmd" -> click OK
4) Connect your phone via USB, and make sure USB debugging is enabled on it (under Settings -> Developer Options)
5) Enter the following commands, exactly as specified, in order of course:
cd Desktop\apktool
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk
java -jar apktool-BUILD.jar if framework-res.apk
adb pull /system/app/SecSettings.apk
apktool-d SecSettings.apk SecSettings-mod
You should now have a "SecSettings-mod" directory (under Desktop\apktool) with the contents of the APK.
6) Browse to SecSettings-mod\smali\com\android\settings\dormantmode, right-click "DormantModeNotiReceiver.smali" and Open With... -> Notepad (or right-click and "Edit", if that choice exists)
7) Click the Edit menu -> Find..., and search for "notificationCreate" (no quotes). The first hit should be ".method public notificationCreate [... etc]"; click Find Next.
The next hit should be something like
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationCreate(Landroid/content/Context;)V
8) Comment that line out by adding a # as the very first character, so you end up with
# invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationCreate(Landroid/content/Context;)V
9) A few lines down (10 or so), there's another invoke-virtual, for notificationClear. Comment this out as well, aagin by adding a # as the first character on the line.
When you're done, save and exit.
10) OK, we're getting there. Time to rebuild the modded APK.
Go back to the command prompt (or start a new one, see above).
Run this command:
apktool-b SecSettings-mod SecSettings-new.apk
This may take a LONG while, it takes a bit over 11 minutes for me (nearly all of it to build resources). Be patient!
When it's completed, open up both the ORIGINAL .apk and the modded one in separate 7-zip windows. Delete "AndroidManifest.xml" from the modified apk, then select and copy "META-INF" and "AndroidManifest.xml" from the original to the modified APK. Exit 7-zip.
11) Time to get the modded file over to your phone! Run these commands:
adb remount
adb push SecSettings-new.apk /system/app
adb shell
12) You should now have the file on your phone, and have an adb shell open. Almost there!
If you're not root (i.e. if the command line ends with $ rather than #), run "su".
cd /system/app
mv SecSettings.apk SecSettings.apk.OLD
mv SecSettings-new.apk SecSettings.apk
... and you're finally DONE, if all went well.
"exit" the adb shell, and reboot your phone. When it boots up, the notification should be gone, but blocking mode still works.
Let me know if you have problems, and we'll see if I'm qualified to help solve them.
(I would show that blocking mode is active, but the toggle was offscreen in the "before" shot, and I don't want to revert to snap a new one!)
I've also modded away the brightness bar + rearranged the quick-setting icons via this guide - the steps are essentially the same as this guide, except you edit SystemUI.apk and change different files (two XML files instead of the .smali).
To get rid of the brightness bar, follow that guide but also look in values/bools.xml where you can change a brightness value and auto-brightness-button to false. (Change both!)
Great work, Does anyvbody have this as a flashable zip??
carrd said:
Great work, Does anyvbody have this as a flashable zip??
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Hmm, I'm not sure whether simply using the finished SecSettings.apk is a good idea or not. If a ROM has changed it, those changes would be lost.
The alternative might be to have all this done by a script on the phone (in CWM), but I'm not sure whether that's possible or not. Anyone?
exscape said:
Hmm, I'm not sure whether simply using the finished SecSettings.apk is a good idea or not. If a ROM has changed it, those changes would be lost.
The alternative might be to have all this done by a script on the phone (in CWM), but I'm not sure whether that's possible or not. Anyone?
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Here's a CW Zip. I've built this based on the XXDLIH build one.
The script will backup the original file to /system/app/SecSettings.apk.orig so worse case scenario you just need to rename it using a root explorer (any will do).
Let me know, however like anything you flash with CWM, make a backup FIRST and I'm not to be held responsible for your phone becoming Self Aware or owt.
Also, The guide at the top is basically right, however there's a lot of steps missing, I'll knock something up if anyone wants it to fill in the gaps (setting up the environment for a start etc).
However this 'should' work on all XXDLIH builds (but AFAICT should work on XXDLIB as well)
Here's the link to the file
i've intalled you mod by cwm in wannamlite 3.9 and every thing went like a charme. i have a few mods intalled and nothing was deleted. thanks a lote really nice job.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
mocas said:
i've intalled you mod by cwm in wannamlite 3.9 and every thing went like a charme. i have a few mods intalled and nothing was deleted. thanks a lote really nice job.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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No probs, anything to help.
Thanks to exscape for the source.
the_ape said:
Also, The guide at the top is basically right, however there's a lot of steps missing, I'll knock something up if anyone wants it to fill in the gaps (setting up the environment for a start etc).
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Hmm, which environment? All the files (adb, apktool + their dependencies) should be included.
Anyway, thanks for the zip
exscape said:
Hmm, which environment? All the files (adb, apktool + their dependencies) should be included.
Anyway, thanks for the zip
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You need to pull the various frameworks from the device, and put them in the right place. This is all documented elsewhere on the site, but for quickness sake, here's a down and dirty.
Download the 7Z Below (latest versions of aapt etc from, unpack them somewhere. Make sure Jave JRE is installed.
To pull from device, plug the Phone in then
Goto unpack folder
Let's get the frameworks from the device, so plugin the device, and ADB Devices and make sure you get a deviceID back.
Now get the frameworks installed
Let's get the APK we want to work with, so....
adb pull /system/app/SecSettings.apk .\apk\SecSettings.apk
OK, file in the right place, so let's get it unpacked to work with.
apktool d apk\SecSettings.apk working\SecSettings
That will take a few minutes, as it's got to sort out the framework dependencies etc, so give it a second or two. It should then look a little like the following
I: Baksmaling...
testI: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\YourUserName\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...
Now lets edit the smali for the fix (thanks to exscape for this, so click his thanks button)
notepad .\working\SecSettings\smali\com\android\settings\dormantmode\DormantModeNotiReceiver.smali
<CTRL>-F notificationCreate
Find Next one
change invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationCreate(Landroid/content/ContextV
#invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationCreate(Landroid/content/ContextV
and a bit further down
change invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationClear(Landroid/content/ContextV
#invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/settings/dormantmode/DormantModeNotiReceiver;->notificationClear(Landroid/content/ContextV
OK, edit done, save and back to the command prompt
start .\apk
Open the APK in 7-Zip/WinRar/Whatnot
Select the AndroidManifest.xml and the META-INF folder, and extract them to the working folder
We have all our bits, so let's put it back together in a usable APK
First we need to create an unsigned build (without the real manifest and META-INF)
apktool b working\SecSettings built\SecSettings-Unsigned.apk
This will take a while to run, as it's compiling everything it needs, should look a bit like this
: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
I: Building apk file...
Right, now we need a signed version, so copy the manifest XML and META-INF folders to \build\apk in the SecSettings folder.
move .\working\AndroidManifest.xml .\working\SecSettings\build\apk
move .\working\META-INF .\working\SecSettings\build\apk
Let's now compile the nice signed version, this will take moments, as it's just integrating the Manifest with the already compiled stuff.
apktool b working\SecSettings built\SecSettings.apk
And there we are, job done.
Copy to device in any way that you want, easiest is probably
adb push .\built\SecSettings.apk /system/app/SecSettings.apk
Remember that will overwrite the original (but you have a backup in the APK folder remember), just launch settings now on the device and you should be good to go.
Having said that, easier just to flash the zip
Ohh, I forgot the framework step. Sorry about that. I changed step #5 to include it now.
That's all I've done as far as frameworks go, and I've both used the guide myself (before I wrote it ) and tried it once after... So it should work now.
exscape said:
Ohh, I forgot the framework step. Sorry about that. I changed step #5 to include it now.
That's all I've done as far as frameworks go, and I've both used the guide myself (before I wrote it ) and tried it once after... So it should work now.
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You will deffo need the TW Framework as well, else it wont be able to decompile. If you want to make sure, try
rd /s %userprofile%\apktool
Then try the process you have out, and you should get issues as the twframework is not available
the_ape said:
You will deffo need the TW Framework as well, else it wont be able to decompile.
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I just deleted the entire \Users\x\apktool folder, re-added framework-res and decompiled the SecSettings APK with no errors. I'm sure I've never used the 'apktool if' command with anything else prior, too. Hmm.
mocas said:
i've intalled you mod by cwm in wannamlite 3.9 and every thing went like a charme. i have a few mods intalled and nothing was deleted. thanks a lote really nice job.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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exscape said:
I just deleted the entire \Users\x\apktool folder, re-added framework-res and decompiled the SecSettings APK with no errors. I'm sure I've never used the 'apktool if' command with anything else prior, too. Hmm.
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Cool, just making sure, if it works then cracking.
However setting up the fw's that way is the 'correct way' to do them.
hi again, is it possible for u to make a flashable zip with remove blocking mode and smart rotation?
when i install smart rotation i lose blocking mode and vice versa. thanks a lote.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
mocas said:
hi again, is it possible for u to make a flashable zip with remove blocking mode and smart rotation?
when i install smart rotation i lose blocking mode and vice versa. thanks a lote.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I can certainly have a look, can you post a link to the rotation hack your using please?
Sorted, I'll compile and upload shortly, not a problem.
here is the link, thanks a lot again.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
mocas said:
here is the link, thanks a lot again.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Here we go,
Should work just fine, works Fine on mine anyhow.
Let me know if there's issue, and click thanks if you appreciate
thanks a lot, no issues what so ever... every thing went just fine.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
mocas said:
thanks a lot, no issues what so ever... every thing went just fine.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Most welcome
Would this excellent mod work on a Note II, by any chance?

New project I have been working on

I put this here because I have only tested with my s5, and its not done yet so wanted a general topic for feedback before putting in a dev section. But please feel free to move this as you see fit moderators.
While playing with making the hotspot mod and other general investigation into things on my s5, it dawned on me that its kind of a PITA to keep things organized. Kitchens do a pretty good job at helping to give you a method to the madness when making ROMs but I haven't found anything too helpful for making mods. So that gave me an idea, I have decided to call it modStudio for now, a place to keep needed tools and a workflow to keep things organized and not chaotic.
This project is far from complete but I think its in a good place now and was hoping to possibly get a little feedback.
I am running on a 64 bit linux machine, and right now that is all that is supported. If you are already building things for android chances are you have a machine like this around already anyway.
I don't have a full tutorial written up, and I would rather spend time adding functionality for now but you can pull down the latest copy by doing:
git clone
There are some examples in the readme, but basically go into the directory that the repo created and source the toolbox file
source tools/toolbox
This sets up a few commands that I find useful, and hopefully you will too
I will paste what I have in the readme for now, and work on the tutorial as functionality is added, please let me know what you guys think. Any comments, suggestions, requests or contributions are welcome.
In the
This is a tool I made to aid in the process of making mods for Android phones.
I was tired of having multiple tools in different places and wanted to bring everything together with some easy shortcuts.
This should work on any 64 bit linux distro at the moment, but I have only tested on OpenSuse 13.1 since that is what I use.
Things that are assumed:
you are running on linux 64 bit
you have adb correctly setup and in your $PATH
you have aapt and java setup and in your $PATH
you know how to make changes once you have a decompiled apk
A few commands require you to have your phone plugged in, plug it in.
Some general notes for now:
You must always generate a source directory from which files will be used to modify
The source directory always stays untouched, so if you want to start over you can clean your playground and begin again
If you deodex an apk or ar that does not have a .odex it will be basically the same thing as the playWith command
If you have a source dir populated from your phone decompiling will take a while to search for framework files, unless you trim your source dir down
Example usage:
#setup modStudio, only need to do once
git clone [url][/url]
cd modStudio
#Need to source this file in your shell everytime you want to use modStudio
. tools/toolbox
#Basic workflow working with a stock odexed system image, must be rooted and have busybox installed
#example given for services.jar but should work with any
deodex services.jar
decompile services.jar
#make your changes in playground/system/framework/services.jar.out
build services.jar
odex services.jar
#Workflow from zip file, assuming already deodexed ROM
playWith services.jar
decompile services.jar
#make your changes in playground/system/framework/services.jar.out
build services.jar
Very nice will check this out when I get some time. Great work this could prove very helpful to the devs.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
vinman12 said:
Very nice will check this out when I get some time. Great work this could prove very helpful to the devs.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
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Made a few updates, if anybody is testing please do git pull often
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Wicked cool! I assume the re-odex happens right on the phone? I need to get a VM setup so I can play with it..
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
rocket321 said:
Wicked cool! I assume the re-odex happens right on the phone? I need to get a VM setup so I can play with it..
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
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The re-odex does happen on the phone and the files are pulled back onto the pc so you can install them when ready. The install command puts everything from your "playground" into the right place on the phone. I plan on still making a function to create a flashable zip, but haven't gotten there yet. Even without the flashable part it still makes things a lot quicker for developing and testing. Also plans on storing mods as patch files and scripts to log your work so you can repeat the same processes on different base systems in one command.
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app

