Anyone else just get a text from Tmo about an update? - HD2 General

I just got a text from Tmo about an update for my HD2. Anyone else get this?

Yes, there is a thread about this exact same thing on here already.

its the same update they had 3 weeks ago.

Thats what I was thinking. Thanks. Just thought it was strange it just came through now.

1quickturbosix said:
Thats what I was thinking. Thanks. Just thought it was strange it just came through now.
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Im guessing they delayed the txt to give those in the know the chance to get it before the server is brought to its knees a 2nd time when the mass public starts downloading it

So SHOULD the masses downlaod and install this update? Is it worth having? And having to re-install everything?

I have applied and after i had freezes and had slow response time for most apps. I then did a hard reset which seems to have helped, running strong for a few days. Is it worth it? Not sure, but i do like the new Swype and the freezing i was getting on messages on the previous ROM is gone.

Interestingly, though I downloaded and installed the original 2.13 ROM offered a couple weeks ago on Tmo's website, I got the same txt today. When I downloaded the update 2 weeks back, it asked for my IMEI number. I thought this txt msg would only be sent to those whose IME's weren't already submitted, but having gotten the same text today has me thinking if I should re-download and install the update?

LOL I just got the text message too, as I was reading this thread
I'd downloaded the originial release, and then the re-release too, and had put in my IMEI each time. So, I believe these text messages are just going out to anybody who has an HD2 as the device attached to their number (you can verify which device is listed with your number by checking tmo's website).


HTC Magic (and HTC Dream) on Rogers - Text / SMS Timestamp issue?

Hi All,
Anyone on Rogers having issues with text message timestamps being off by a few hours?
I'm in Regina and any received SMS messages are two hours ahead of my local time. Changing from automatic network time to manual time has no effect.
It looks like text messages are being sent out with Toronto local time, no matter what the receiver's location is.
It appears that this is happening to a number of users, but Rogers support is useless - suggesting hard resets and returning the 'defective' device, which of course have no effect.
So anyone else that is having this problem, sound off - call tech support, reply to this and the above link, and hopefully Rogers will get this fixed sooner rather than later.
Hey Skawty, I'm in Regina too!! How you liking the phone? I just picked mine up on Wednesday and loving it. Anyways back to your point, I don't think it is possible to have a correct time on SMS, I haven't had any correct timestamps on any of my phones with Rogers, so we may be SOL on this part.
in edmonton here with the same issue. picked mine up today.
I don't know if the timestamps were off on my old krzr, they could have been and i would not have noticed. However with the threading by timestamp on this phone it really makes it annoying. There had better be a fix for this soon.
Looks like a lot of people complaining. I'd think they'll fix it soon.
this helps for now... kind of
WORKAROUND (sort-of) i’ve been using chompsms instead of the the messaging program, and it seems to thread everything correctly. chomp for whatever reason puts your time stamp on the same time zone as the received, so if you are replying to a received text with EST time stamp, chomp makes yours EST as well.
works for sending too… the initial msg you send will show your proper time, the reply will in est, then when you reply it will be in eastern, threading properly. rogers still needs to fix this though!
Hey, i imported the Tmobile G1 a couple months ago... i also noticed that the time was off on sms's. After i rooted, flashed a new rom and radio is was fixed. But now i am on the Hero rom and once again the time is off. So it seems that the it is not an issue with the radio, but maybe the build. I remeber i saw the right times wen i was on JF builds. I will try the Rogers rom again and also one of JFs roms again and let you know if the timestamp is fixed.
Beast11 said:
Hey, i imported the Tmobile G1 a couple months ago... i also noticed that the time was off on sms's. After i rooted, flashed a new rom and radio is was fixed. But now i am on the Hero rom and once again the time is off. So it seems that the it is not an issue with the radio, but maybe the build. I remeber i saw the right times wen i was on JF builds. I will try the Rogers rom again and also one of JFs roms again and let you know if the timestamp is fixed.
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Confirmed. I am using a t-mobile G1 with a Rogers Rom and live in EST. All my received texts are stamped with toronto time
I am running the rammjet rom built off the rogers and have the very same issue.
Though it seems sometimes if i have it open and am texting back and forth to the same person it will work properly.
Doesn’t matter what rom or software you are using on phone. This is a Rogers issue at the network level. They are the ones that stamp message.
They are aware of issue, but it seems very low on priorities to them. Guess they don’t understand sms is not just for teens to giggle these days. Its important for business and as far as I am concerned, a big deal
I have contacted them several times and get one of the two:
“No idea what you are talking about” << Love these replies from any service call
“We are aware of the issue and are working on it” << No time frame given, so really as pointless as above
In any case. Don’t be running around looking for an in-phone fix because you haven’t done anything to mess with the time stamp. Doesn’t matter what you use for sms or what os you have on phone
Chomp helps by keeping things in order, but doesn’t fix timestamp. Rogers has to do this. Will they and when????? Who knows?
G1 Dream
I had the same problem with a Tmobile G1 Dream im not sure if they are exactly the same software but I fix the problem changing some of the APN settings give it a try
Good Luck
Good day, I recently purchased the HTC Touch Pro 2...great phone by the way. I also am experiencing sms message time stamp errors and I have tried you have any suggestions?
terrancextc said:
I had the same problem with a Tmobile G1 Dream im not sure if they are exactly the same software but I fix the problem changing some of the APN settings give it a try
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What settings did you change? I'd like to try this.
I know that it isnt a fix, but what i did was adjust the timezone to gmt -2(4 hour offset in regina) then manually entered a time, so now my messages are in the correct order. the only problem with this was that now all the events in my calendar where 4 hour out. so i went in and changed the timezone in my calendar to match the timezone on my phone, and moved all my events up 4 hours.
I know its not a fix, but until rogers does something about this it will work
There's an app on the market called SmsFixTimes that I wrote to help with this problem, until Rogers or HTC fixes the firmware. This is just a regular app, no hacks or anything else required. You should be aware, though, that it has only been tested by me so far, so it is at least possible that it could change the timestamps to something completely unexpected... you've been warned.
The app listens for incoming SMS messages and adjusts the timestamp to your phone's configured time zone automatically. The notification in the top bar is still wrong, but when you click on the message it will have the right time. If you run the app from the main app list, it will also go back and fix all of your saved messages (but only do that once! And maybe wait for an incoming message first, to see what happens!).
Since this is just a regular app, if you want it to stop you simply have to uninstall it from your phone. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Hey natmanz, I've been checking on the Market since your post, and still no sign of SmsFixTimes. Is it just me, or has it not shown up yet?
[Edit: It finally showed up.]
Fix coming mid-august
I just spoke with a Rogers rep who told me that HTC are currently working on a patch that should be ready mid-August. Until then there's nothing that can be done aside from changing the time on your phone or using chompSMS as an alternative
Its fine for a while, up until you go past a few hundred messages in the thread. IE its me and my friend firing off during summer classes, and while its my solid wall of sent sms, and then his wall of sms, after a certain point it becomes 5 of mine, one of his, then none of mine for the next 50 in the thread. Annoying.
...Rogers. Bane of my existance. Bold works fine, iPhone works fine, maybe this is a sign that Rogers isn't giving enough of a ****? Because if it was a berry or iphone theyd be all over it. thank god bell/telus are going gsm, I can take my nice phones and business elsewhere, and fyi cant speak for telus but bells service on my omnia, rocks.

Very strange problem with my newly replaced g1

Ok, so I got water damage... alot of water damage.. to my g1 yesterday morning, paid the $130 deductible to have it replaced under warranty... and i just got the replacement in today
i went to tmobile since i lost my old sim card that i took out of my old g1 yesterday, and had them activate a new one for me, put it in, and was running rc33, everything was working fine until people started texting me, so here is my best attempt to explain my issue
If a tmobile customer txt messages me, everything is fine
If i text my self, everything is fine
Any other carrier i have timestamp issues, exactly 4 hours off (ex: its 8pm and it says 4pm on the timestamp)
However, it gets weirder than that, if I look at the list of people who have messaged me, timestamps for most recent message plus the brief display of the last message is correct for any carrier, if i open the message though, its incorrect. what this causes is something like this:
Bob: (message) 4:01
Bob: (message) 4:09
Bob: (message) 4:18
Bob: (message) 4:32
Me: (message) 8:02
Me: (message) 8:11
Me: (message) 8:20
Me: (message) 8:33
Now while these times are made up, its the best way to describe it, if bobs message shows 4:01, it actually came in at 8:01, and it only shows incorrectly when i open bobs individual thread, if viewing the list of threads, it will actually show as 8:01
This happens with both the stock messaging app, and chomp sms pre cupcake, i have no other apps installed, and ive changed no other settings
tmobile and i went over apn settings, refreshed me on the network, battery pulls, wipes, all sorts of crap for a hour and a half when tmobile finally said there is nothing they can do, to call there insurance company that sent me the replacement and have them send me a new phone
i was lucky enough to have a woman who was not only nice, but had a g1 and understood how to use it when talking to tmobile, however when talking to the insurance company, it was a guy who had no idea what he was talking about when it came to g1's
he first asked me to remove the battery, hold the power button to "drain the last of the power from the g1 so it forgets everything it last did" for 15 seconds, then power on, of course didnt work, then he tells me he had received an email/memo about timestamp issues with cupcake... so i tell him that im running rc33 and not cupcake, so he tells me that i need to update to cupcake and see if that fixes the issue, even though he had just gotten an email about timestamp issues with cupcake, so they wont send me a new g1 untill i get a OTA update from tmobile for cupcake
i decided not to wait, and i started to go through the root process, i just downgraded to rc29, just logged into the gmail and decided before going on, id test it again, had a verizon customer send me a txt, same issue, both with rc33 and rc29...
now ive got another g1, currently running ion, no problems with that one, its of course in the exact same area, and right next to me, again, no problems at all
tmobile has no known issues in my area for the network
tmobile has nothing reported about this with rc33, nor any other firmware according to the woman i spoke to
im going to go ahead and root and goto ION, but i figured id wait before doing that and post this issue here incase its a simple fix that i can do before flashing to ion, any ideas guys?
I had the same problem too, but it went away on its own
I believe it was a T-Mo network problem as someone in another thread said, but I can't say for sure.
ei8htohms said:
I believe it was a T-Mo network problem as someone in another thread said, but I can't say for sure.
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do you remember which thread? i did a search, didnt see it before i posted up, but maybe i missed it or searched wrong
My phone was doing the same thing on tues-wed-thursday , i thought it was roms so i was flashing like 3 diff roms per day lol it finally seems to have went away today though , give it time t-mobile will straighten it out just delete messages quick as they come for now lol
soba5150 said:
My phone was doing the same thing on tues-wed-thursday , i thought it was roms so i was flashing like 3 diff roms per day lol it finally seems to have went away today though , give it time t-mobile will straighten it out just delete messages quick as they come for now lol
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ok sounds good
sorry for waisting a thread then, thanks guys

SMS Message Problem!

Hi guys,
I'm having some difficulty with sending SMS messages. Its sporadic. Sometimes they send immediately, sometimes not at all. Its very frustrating.
For example, the day I got the phone (last week) I sent 2 text messages. I didn't hear back from anyone but thought nothing off it. I checked my messages and they were time stamped with the time I sent them at so I presumed they had gone.
That evening, about 6 hours later, I got my two replies. The people had only just got them, hours later. One of them wasn't impressed because it was intructions for something they needed to do 4 hours previously!
So, I turned on delivery reports on each sent message to make sure they sent.
Over, the next two days, I had no problems, delivery reports come in immediately within seconds of me sending my SMS message.
Meanwhile, I called my network (Vodafone) to see if there were any issues with network. they reported none. I checked the message centre number and verified it against the network one. They matched, so I thought all was in order... except I would have to get annoying delivery reports cluttering up my Text message inbox until I was sure the service was working 100%.
Earlier today, I sent about 3 important text messages, got no delivery reports, so I texted my other phone to see if the messages were going through. Nada. I was annoyed.
I'm thinking.. whats going on?
So about 10 minutes ago I shut down the phone and booted up again. Within 10 minutes I was getting all my delivery reports and replies from people!
Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong, what setting needs to be activated etc?
Obviously I can't use the text messaging on the device if I can't trust it to just work like pretty much every handset I've owned since... year dot.
PS: I spoke to Vodafone care team who said my sim card must be old; newer sim cards (128k) are needed for these "high tech" phones.
But I just took my sim out of my Nokia N97 (never had a problem) last week AND messages ARE going through on the Leo occasionally and only after a reboot, which is utterly pointless.
This is the last thing I thought I'd have issues with on a device like this..
Any advice? Have I missed something?
Same here, I thought I messed up something in the sms service or so.
Done many hard resets and soft resets. But still no help.
I'm experiencing exactly the same problems. Also Vodafone and no one seems to get any sms from me.
Okay, this ain't good!!
since you both have vodafone, and I haven't seen/heard about other people having these problems, I'd say it was voda's fault
br3nt said:
since you both have vodaphone, and I haven't seen/heard about other people having these problems, I'd say it was voda's fault
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Now tell me, why? I've never had problems on my previous phones.
I don't think the vodafone on the Ireland branch is the same as the one in the Netherlands
Kinda happy to hear that you guys also having the same issue.
It can probally be patched/fixed by htc. I googled for "htc sms hotfix"
And htc is also facing sms issues on other devices.
sigh... How will I live without outgoing SMS capability? so lame... hope you guys will find a fix soon.
seems to be the same like the sms bug in previous manila 2.1 build. outgoing messages weren't send, but only on some specific providers.
How could such a fundamental and critical phone component get screwed up? That just doesn't make sense. Anyone got ideas out there for a fix or we we have to wait for HTC to patch this? What about people who purchased a Leo and have no knowledge of this site etc deal with something like this? They buy a 500+ euro phone, try to send a text message, no joy. Baffled, annoyed, frustrated. Phone would get returned right? Not happy.
I've had this same problem on ATT in the USA
mike91t said:
I've had this same problem on ATT in the USA
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Had? so it's fixed now?
Just had this problem on t-mobile UK. The thing is that if you're in conversation mode it actually gets inserted as if it's been sent. I looked in outbox and it was stuck there, even after pressing 'retry send'. I tried a reset but it was still stuck there, so i retyped the message and sent that, both ended up being sent, with the origanal sms being time stamped as if it was sent ages ago!
I sometimes have this problem too....
O2 here.
In case it helps, I'm not having any problems on 3UK. Are you all certain it's not a network issue?
Perhaps it is to be honest... and perhaps tapping 'resend' just makes it happen in the background so it just appears that it does nothing.
I still find of the most annoying things to be the fact that the auto capitalise new sentence option to not work.... it's bad for perfectionists!!
simplymee said:
I still find of the most annoying things to be the fact that the auto capitalise new sentence option to not work.... it's bad for perfectionists!!
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+1 !!
It might look like it's mainly vodafone but in the UK at least it by far the biggest network, therefore it's bound to affect more voda users. Only 15 posts and already i see vodafone, att, O2, t-mobile, different countries, different networks.
This is the same issue that I've had this week with my Touch Pro running the Leo ROM, the device seemed to be turning all my SMS into MMS and then not sending them, though the odd one would sneak through. The problem has been fixed with an update to the custom ROM I'm using. It's the Energy ROM by the way. I'll send the author a message to see if he can pop on here and offer advice on the problem.
same here O2 in my phone.. even receive some messages later.. pls help us someone
Zero Masamune said:
Had? so it's fixed now?
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No, I have not made any changes that would have fixed the problem, but it is sporadic and only occurred twice a few days ago.
unfortunately same problem on o2 uk

[Q] Error sending/receiving MMS "National access coverage not available."

Lately I have been unable to send or receive text messages that contain pictures or videos. The error message is always the same "National access coverage not available."
I called Verizon, on Thursday of last week (1-13), and the technician was unable to figure out the problem. He escalated it to the next level and said that someone would be contacting me in a day or 2. Well it's now Wednesday (1-19) of the following week and so far, nothing!
Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, what's the fix? Any help would be appreciated, especially since Verizon has been no help at all!
I'm using a Moto Droid2 ver, 2.3.2 Rooted and OC'd @ 2.25Ghz
Dial *228 and update your PRL.
silverfang77 said:
Dial *228 and update your PRL.
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Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, it didn't work. I updated it waited the 15 minutes. When it didn't work I rebooted the phone figuring maybe it needed to be refreshed or something, (long time windows tech, reboot fixes everything!) but still nothing. Just that same message.
I get the exact same error when sending or receiving MMS 50 percent of the time with the first initial try... *228 does not fix this.. verizon cannot fix it either...
OK, got tired of waiting for Verizon to call back. On the phone with 2nd tier support now for about the last hour, so far nothing.
Mine started doing that on mms after using juice defender app and I had to do a factory reset to fix it.
OK, got finished with the Verizon tech, who was very helpful, but we still could not resolve the issue.
She removed and reloaded my data from the server, switched me to another IP address and did a few other behind the scenes things but nothing worked. She suggested doing the factory reset, but I'm ready to give up troubleshooting this issue yet. If all else fails, then I guess I will have no other option.
Since sending MM text's in not a huge part of what I use my phone for, I may just wait for the next release of the software and hope that fixes it.
In the mean time I'll just keep playing with settings and searching Google and the message boards in the hope that someone can come up with a fix that doesn't involve having to wipe it.
rtfield said:
Mine started doing that on mms after using juice defender app and I had to do a factory reset to fix it.
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I used to use that app, but removed it long before this started happening. I wonder if it left behind some orphan files that are somehow in there wreaking havoc?
Since the problem still existed even running the phone in safe mode, I would think that would not be the case, but anythings possible.
my phone does the same thing with same message... if i try again to download message it will usually come through, but if it happens on outgoing message it will never go through
1250x said:
my phone does the same thing with same message... if i try again to download message it will usually come through, but if it happens on outgoing message it will never go through
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That's the thing. Since so many people are having the same or similar issue, I just find it hard to believe it's not something on Verizon's side or with their software. This many people screwing up their phone's in the exact same way all around the same time just seem a little suspect to me.
Mine happened 6 months ago. Just reset it and see what happens. All your apps with reinstall by themselves.
rtfield said:
Mine happened 6 months ago. Just reset it and see what happens. All your apps with reinstall by themselves.
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Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to try something. I want to make a nandroid backup first just to be safe and then I'll give it a shot.
This is great!
So, I just finished the factory reset (which DID fix the problem) and was starting to configure all my custom settings when the Verizon tech I spoke with called me back. She said that she had just spoken to Motorola and they said it was a known problem with their phones! They are not sure what it is yet, but they are working on it. In the mean time, the only thing they can suggest is to reset the phone as a work around!
I asked the Verizon tech if there was any kind of documentation about this that she could send me, but of course there isn't. And there's also nothing on the Motorola site about the error either, at least nothing I could find.
While it doesn't make the situation go away, it does make me feel better knowing what the root of the problem is, sort of. Only problem is, there is no guarantee that it won't happen again.
i turn airplane mode on then off... works for me
Im having the same problem. I even reflashed to stock motorola, still does it. I noticed if i hold down on failed pics or tap download a few times it works. The problem seems to be triggering the data on and off from the send button.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
S.Meezy said:
i turn airplane mode on then off... works for me
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Yes, I had heard that worked for some people, and I did try that but it still didn't work. Even so, that would only be a work around and not really fixing the issue.
V.A.T.Juice said:
Im having the same problem. I even reflashed to stock motorola, still does it. I noticed if i hold down on failed pics or tap download a few times it works. The problem seems to be triggering the data on and off from the send button.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
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Interesting, since I did the factory rest I haven't had a problem. If it happens again, I'll be sure to check that.

[Q] No longer receiving sms in stock messaging app

Using stock sense and sprint/gv integration and i can receive texts in gv as well as send them from the stock messaging app and gv.
i've contacted sprint on the phone a couple times and got to the highest level tech support and they couldn't fix it. also tried the sprint store and they just want to give me another evo. they have one on order, but i'd much rather keep my rooted evo! the new one will likely have 2.3 installed stock and i'll need to wait for root.
this really doesn't seem like a hardware issue anyways, seems like it's a network side problem.
i've made sure sms forwarding is enabled to my mobile number on gv, tried factory and hard resets multiple times. tried unintegrating and reintegrating my sprint number with gv.
the weird thing is even when i'm unintewgrated and using just vanilla sprint i don't receive texts at all. i can send them, make and receive calls too but never does a text come to my phone.
there doesn't seem to be anyone else reporting this problem i8n my area.
phone is rooted, stock rom, the problem started after iu hard reset my phone. i was hoping a hard reset would fix some buis i was experiencing with the GB update. i can't say for sure this was because i hard reset, buit it's a huge coincidence that it happened at approximately the same time. i can't think of any logical reason the hard reset would affect my sms this way.
btw i installed a rooted version of 2.3.3 as well as the latest combo radio pack. that was over a week ago though and this issue just cropped up yesterday.
hopefully this post wasn't too jumbled and i gave enough info, any ideas?
edit: crap, should be in the Q&A forum, please move if necessary :/
Try updating your profile
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
i've done that a bunch of times, so did sprint.
[Q] If you call one of the people you text, does the return text from them show up after the call?
dpilcher said:
[Q] If you call one of the people you text, does the return text from them show up after the call?
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No it doesn't.
Brandito said:
No it doesn't.
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Not what I was going through a few months back then, but I could make calls but not receive calls. I don't use GV either so probably not the same issue. Just thought I would ask, turns out those issues for me was my 3G going out on my phone. Ended up getting it replaced.
Hope you find a solution, I know how frustrating it is.
dpilcher said:
Not what I was going through a few months back then, but I could make calls but not receive calls. I don't use GV either so probably not the same issue. Just thought I would ask, turns out those issues for me was my 3G going out on my phone. Ended up getting it replaced.
Hope you find a solution, I know how frustrating it is.
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sprint is ordering me another phone, hoping against it being a refurb, though then i likely have to wait for a new root method for gingerbread.
preferably they'd get it working on my current evo. i really think it has to be a network issue.
Brandito said:
sprint is ordering me another phone, hoping against it being a refurb, though then i likely have to wait for a new root method for gingerbread.
preferably they'd get it working on my current evo. i really think it has to be a network issue.
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You should be good, I had two replacement refurbs as early as last week and they both had 3.7 on them. Watch for the sunspot on the screen when it boots initially (bright white spot in the lower half towards the middle), both of the refurb replacements had the bad screen. You can't see it if it boots all the'll have to go to a bright screen to see it but it will just get worse to where you will see it all the time. Finally the rep gave me a NIB 004..also 3.7. Just make sure they don't update it, I would ask if you could do the activation as well so you can look for the screen issue on initial boot. Good Luck! Guess I didn't have to quote due to it being right above mine...lmao
Think they'll give me any trouble if I turn in my phone still rooted? I don't feel like unrooting it, not to mention if the new/refurb doesn't fix my issue I'm going to keep my current evo anyways.
I mean they've already approved me for the replacement.
I had the same problem
I had the exact same situation happen last weekend. All I did to fix it was to flash back to a Stock Sense 2.2 ROM, Update Profile/PRL, and then open EPST and Reset Data connection using THIS little tutorial.
foxtrotftw said:
I had the exact same situation happen last weekend. All I did to fix it was to flash back to a Stock Sense 2.2 ROM, Update Profile/PRL, and then open EPST and Reset Data connection using THIS little tutorial.
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can't even get it to do anything after entering ##3283#, never even pops up a dialog.
foxtrotftw said:
I had the exact same situation happen last weekend. All I did to fix it was to flash back to a Stock Sense 2.2 ROM, Update Profile/PRL, and then open EPST and Reset Data connection using THIS little tutorial.
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Ya..did all that and then some to dice. But good advice. Hardware issue won't be solved by software no matter the method I found out. Believe me..even went as far as unrooting and seeing if stock would be the was.
The unrooting process is very easy and with the replacement coming in, why not. Sounds like hardware anyway. Here is what I did to go back and forth:
You can also look at the stickies at the top of general/Q&A for options.
Good Luck.
dpilcher said:
Ya..did all that and then some to dice. But good advice. Hardware issue won't be solved by software no matter the method I found out. Believe me..even went as far as unrooting and seeing if stock would be the was.
The unrooting process is very easy and with the replacement coming in, why not. Sounds like hardware anyway. Here is what I did to go back and forth:
You can also look at the stickies at the top of general/Q&A for options.
Good Luck.
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doesn't seem like hardware at all to me though. and if that's the case and I unroot and end up keeping this phone i just shot myself in the foot by locking my bootloader.
i wish i would have had them try activating another phone today to see if another phone would be able to receive the texts.
No need to unroot! Go to, click on the "gear" icon to go into Voice Settings. Find your gv/sprint phone number, click Edit and check the checkbox for "receive text messages on this device." Hit save, and enjoy.
jesuspgt said:
No need to unroot! Go to, click on the "gear" icon to go into Voice Settings. Find your gv/sprint phone number, click Edit and check the checkbox for "receive text messages on this device." Hit save, and enjoy.
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that's only the FIRST thing I tried, along with unchecking, rechecking, removing integration, readding it..twice! and about a dozen combinations of applying settings, checking and unchecking boxes and finger crossing.
Brandito said:
that's only the FIRST thing I tried, along with unchecking, rechecking, removing integration, readding it..twice! and about a dozen combinations of applying settings, checking and unchecking boxes and finger crossing.
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Apologies, but you didn't mention that you did this in your post. Had no way of knowing that you've already tried this.
jesuspgt said:
Apologies, but you didn't mention that you did this in your post. Had no way of knowing that you've already tried this.
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I actually did in my first post, though that post is a bit of a mess I realize, it's hard to really put everything I've already tried in any neat order.
No worries either way, any suggestions are welcome at this point.

