Android - Interesting year ahead.. very interesting - Android Software Development

Recently sold my HD2 - although a cracking device which i personally miss.. No Windows 7 Mobile upgrade was enough to annoy me into selling.
Purchasing a HTC Desire this week..
It does seem like an interesting year ahead for Android itself - the application store has grown a huge amount over the last few months.. Motorola Droid pretty much changed the fortunes of that company, plus sold more in it's first 2 weeks than the iPhone 2G did. Which i find simply jaw dropping.
Now Samsung, LG and Sony are all releasing Android phones... Pretty much abandoning their own platforms for the most part.. Which can only mean more apps for Android - any developer would be insane not to with the user base about to exploid with majority of mobile manufactures moving to it (with exception of Nokia obviously)
I was going to wait for the new iPhone release in June - then again.. Any upgrade Apple will make will be a 5mp camera, AMOLED screen, 1GHZ(ish) CPU and larger screen (pos).. Which HTC Desire has, so i can't see myself wanting it over the HTC Desire in a few months.. Plus i general detest how overly priced the iPhone is..
I've always thought what set the iPhone apart from current phones - isn't the OS interfaced or the hardware.. HTC have caught up in that respect.. But the application store was always it's biggest seller - more to do with third party developers than Apple itself... But now with Android getting such a massive uptake - you gotta wonder.. In 6 months is that really going to be the case? How long will it be till the Android marketplace is actually bigger and better than the iPhone AppStore... It's got to happen.. Simply from a numbers game - developers have a much higher potential earnings with a much larger user base..
Your opinions on Android?

Android just pwns.
Case closed.
I used an LG phone with propietary OS before and it sucked. Switched to a Windows Mobile phone later (used 6.5) and it sucked too! Apps? I did see like 5 good apps on the Marketplace.
I'm now using the Nexus One for 2 months and a week and this is my first Android phone and I fcking love it and most of the apps are great! I even see that some iPhone Apps were already "ported" to Android.
You see Samsung, LG and Sony are all releasing Android phones and that means Android will be grow a lot in the next 6 months! There'll be much more apps at the end of the year because everyone who's buying a new good phone is going to buy Android (I hope xD) and develop for it.

I've had my nexus for about a month & a half, before that a g1, then a wm running dash (excalibur) definitely loving android. It's linux, you can't go wrong. To be honest though I've only held an iphone once. It was kinda cool, but apple locks their **** down too much. Just my .02

Just received my Nexus One yesterday and I could not be happier. This thing is so fast and full of features that flow very well. The apps that I have decided to use are well built, many are as nice as iphone apps..

I've had the g1 since it came out. The app store has just been growing every week.
I'm still rockin a g1 cuz I'm waiting for a darn good keybored android phone to come out with amazing specs. I'm on tmobile, I thought about the cliq, but there's not much devolopment yet. Although that's not amazing specs at all lol. Although I hear the cliq is built like a metal monster
Android is the beez knees. Simple as is.
And with so many phone company's picking up android
Iphone will be down eventually. All in due time when they can't get over the same design
Sorta like the razr hahah

The Android Marketplace is going to sink the Apple App Store for sure.
It seems that developers have an easier time managing and publishing their apps through Google instead of Apple. Apple's store censosres too much and people with jail broken phones can't find any apps for their rooted devices . In the Android marketplace you can find root only apps. Open source is going to win and beat closed source. That is the way it should be.

I've heard many iPhone devs are going to develop android apps now
(`mods! )

xPatriicK said:
I've heard many iPhone devs are going to develop android apps now
(`mods! )
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Ya xPatriicK, what a small world.

xPatriicK said:
I've heard many iPhone devs are going to develop android apps now
(`mods! )
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If they make them as nice as the iphone apps I wont mind spending cash on them, winmo apps were always so ugly! (in general)

I have to agree.

Android is growing so fast that Apple started wetting themselves and took a first strike against HTC as a warning shot accross the bow. Apple may end up suing everybody making Android phones to try and slow down the rabid growth. We'll have to wait and see what happens though.

Seeing the new Android SDK supports openGL ES 2.0 makes me very happy, as some iPhone users were still sassing me on my Nexus with games like Streetfighter 4 and stuff. Now it's my turn. (as soon as some decent games are developed)

Honestly. 1.5 made android what it is today, by making it into a usable experience.
I downloaded the Android SDK the first day it was available, and ran it on my computer to see what could be done with it. I swiftly dismissed Android as nearly unusable (at that point, at least I was right)
I ended up replacing the Cingular 8525 I had at that point running WM6.1 with a HTC Fuze running WM6.1. What a great device with awful software. WM isn't nearly as bad as people say it is, the problem is most rom chefs don't put on near the same amount of polish that I did with any Doom maps I made, or any of the Stepmania themes I made. To see problems solved in other roms crop up in a rom 4 versions later started to annoy me. Plus, chef's obsessions with some of HTC's awful UI staples (I swear, I will be the one to kill the engineer who wrote the full screen volume control. A change in volume shouldn't be a project, it should be a task) and the little things piled up. It never got any better. This was the future.
Let me say one thing. CRC, the chef for the HTC Hermes, is the main reason I obtained this view of the future of WM. If you ever get stuck with a HTC Hermes, use his roms. They're excellent, and bug free.
Just about the time I was getting REALLY sick of the idiocy around WM roms, and 6.5 in general, the Android porting project for the MSM7200 chipsets started releasing builds that ran more than acceptably on the Raphael. So I got involved. Downloaded some, tested kernels, the whole nine yards. This new view of Android, with a usable UI, and honest to god workable system made the decision for me. I just had to pick a device. At this point I knew I would want a Hardware keyboard, and that I would want 3g. Being an AT&T customer, this severely limited my options as to what devices I could have access to (yeah, at that point, around October last year, to none). Eventually the Droid came out and the Milestone was announced. I ended up buying a Telus Milestone from Canada on the first day it was out. Haven't looked back. If you are on the fence about android as an OS, try it out. Its available on so many of the WM phones that are talked about on this board, so if you can, run one of those builds from SD. Or just go into a Verizon store and ask to play with a Droid. They'll gladly let you play with it, because they're selling more of those than they know what to do with. Its really a great operating system, and everyone who is complaining about not having 2.1 yet is splitting hairs.

I was a long time WM user and a flashing junkie. I started off with the HTC xv6700, then the Vogue, Diamond and Touch Pro. After having a WM device for almost 5 years I just got sick of their over-priced 3rd party apps and programs and wanted to move onto something bigger and better and didn't want to wait for WP7. When I started checking for a new device, there was only one direction to go and it wasn't going to be an iphone. Android was the logical choice and this is coming from someone who wasn't initially a fan, I was loyal to WM, but after going into the Verizon store and playing with the Eris and Droid, I was sold. I had the Android ports on my Vogue and TP, but nothing is like the real thing. I found a cheap Eris on craigslist and it has been great, especially since the Eris Dev Team finally rooted it. As nice of a phone as the Eris is, I'm on the look out for something with more balls(The Incredible!!) which hopefully should be out in a month or so, which makes me really happy I didn't use my NE2 on the Eris. I can just about guarantee that HTC and Android are going to run away with the smartphone market, leaving WM, apple and RIM in the dust. With some great "super phones" coming out(EVO & Incredible) this should be a great year for Andoid, not to mention HTC.


Farewell windows mobile

As all of you, I've been with pocket pc since my hp 1945. Back then ppc was the most advance mobile os out there. I dreamed of a time they would converge this device with a phone to make the worlds greatest all in one. Then it came , the device that started my addiction with windows mobile phone, the imate jAm. From then on it was an exciting journey as I bought new phones when they cAme out. Each one better than the last and more stable. This journey climaxed when I bought my best pocket pc phone ever.. The htc advAntage. I loved that thing. Huge screen graphic processor, fast CPU , 8 gb HD . But alas my advantage was dropped one too mAny times so it was sold. Not wNting to get the same phone twice I purchased the AT&T tilt, then the xperia. Now for the point of my post. Since the begining to about when the first iPhone 3g came out I'd sAy ppc was very much better than the rest. Now after playing with the 3gs iPhone I can see with this device ppc is now in the dust. It does most things our ppc can do , but most of all more and more developers r writing awesome apps for this device. And because it's made by one company and also very popular there are tons of accessories for it. I mean there were times like with my advantage that I couldn't even get a proper case for it. As for os iPhone is wAaY more stAble, windowS is taking too long. They started this race but R finishing up last with their shotty work and programming. I meaN the only reSon I buy htc products is becUse of this awesome site. That's pretty sad when ur only selling point is a site that has no affilation with u but make ur buggy product useable. So with this post I sAy farewell ppc thank you all the chiefs that made All those custome Roms I've used over the past ten years. I've jumped ship and have bought a 3gs.
Ps xperia was the straw that broke the camels back. Worst ppc phone ever. From case problem to shotty os
Thanks for the thread
Seriously why do people make these thread all they offer to the rest of us is reading your "painful" sob story.
ratchetnclank said:
Thanks for the thread
Seriously why do people make these thread all they offer to the rest of us is reading your "painful" sob story.
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hahaha yeah. to iphone so go. bye, you wont be missed.
You could summarise the OP into one sentence.
"The iPhone has a swish GUI and is better supported for apps than the Xperia, so I'm getting one."
My response would be,
"I prefer my device to have a keyboard, and while the Xperia isn't perfect, it has a spreadsheet app out of the box... for free."
It is not our fault that you cannot configure your device properly. Feel free to buy a featurephone like the iPhail. It is simple, not functional and has crappy hardware and software.
WinMo is for tech savvy people who understand modern tech. iCrap is for the ones who want everything configured and controlled for them. The latter will fall behind modern society, because of lack of understanding how things work.
Read this and pay special attention to the links haha:
Let's not be Haters
If someone wants to leave WinMo let them go. Maybe when they try iPhone OS they'll realize what they are missing. Perhaps, though, they would be happier with it.
Just because WinMo might be best for us doesn't mean it's best for everyone.
I do have to say, though, that I am confused by the now several threads in the Xperia forum saying that they are leaving for the iPhone. I never saw any in the Kaiser or in the Dev or Q&A forums. I am beginning to think that many of these are simply viral marketing.
EDIT: Perhaps not viral marketing, just users that don't understand customizing/flashing very well. Reviewed some old posts by the originators of these threads.
Have fun with your iPhone 3GS - seriously No bad feelings here (why shouldn't there be any lol ).
However, I think you made 2 mistakes here. The first one, was getting an Xperia in the first place. If you now can live without the full qwerty keyboard, you should have gotten a Touch HD. Thats more of a competitor to the iPhone than the Xperia.
The second mistake: You switched when the WM platform finally has come to a point, where almost all new devices feature a WVGA screen, which means, that developers will have less problems to build apps AND WM 6.5 with its marketplace is standing right on the doorstep. The other thing here is, that Microsoft won't be that fussy when it comes to authorising apps to the marketplace.
I personally am not going to jump ship to the iPhone. I'm satisfied with the Xperia, but am really pissed with the problems of the WM ecosystem. No one stop shopping for apps. No music or app downloads straight to the phone (that Handango InHand app was crap!). And, come on guys, customizing a phone and voiding the warranty IS NOT A FEATURE!
I am not even interested in the X2. Hardware alone isn't going to convince me to buy a new phone. It has to have a great ecosystem and UI...period. I'm guessing X3 with WM7 would be my next phone, but if it's crap, then I'm jumping ship to something better (even iPhone 4). My next phone is going to have a really well-designed and clever OS on top of superior hardware. Features should not be half-assed but properly integrated into the whole phone. Good example is Copy and Paste. Many complaints the iPhone didn't have it, but now it's got it and it is very well implemented. Apple didn't just throw some bull**** into their phone to make the feature list longer. My next mobile OS will have to be designed with that same mentality and attention to user-experience.
I'll stick with my X1 for another generation, but next generation, the company with the best designed OS and ecosystem will get my business.
Besides the question if the iPhone is the better phone (Everyone has to decide for themselves, for me, the iPhone is definetely lacking some things) i really have to say that somehow i get the impression, that WinMO got stuck.
A few years back, it was the ultimate OS for powerful PPC and later PPCPhones, but that was because it was the only real one. Microsoft just sat back and sold and sold without improving. I mean even the devices 5 years back already had 400 MhZ and were as fast as todays devices and if you take a look at Windows Mobile 2003 SE and Windows Mobile 6.1 you can't see significant changes at first glance. I've had many WinMo Phones throughout the years and i will stick with it for now, because I love Windwos Mobile and all the functionality that comes along with it and appart from a keyboard i am still missing some other things with other phones like the iPhone, but i guess, if Microsoft does not realize that the Phone OS Market is now an open and very competitive one and does not improve their OS within the next year (Speed is a great factor, other OS are way faster) more and more people will come to the point where WinMo is no longer the OS of choice. As for myself, more and more things that "disgusted" me with the first iphone, get lost more and more, as apple improves the whole package. Alright, an iPhone with Keyboard is way off for now, but who knows
Just my two cents =)
If they released an iPhone with a keyboard, it would be game over for the rest of the smartphone industry. Not that I'm an Apple or iPhone fan, but more likely than not, they would completely dominate the smartphone market with a keyboard device and a touch-only device.
The X1 is good, but apps pale in comparison aesthetics wise
I think the X1 is really good, it's the best WinMo device i've ever had. There is no real comparable device out there regarding the Hardware.
But right now it looks like this is the climax of Windows Mobile and if this stays like that till the next time i have to get a new device i will be looking seriously into other Phones, because my love to WinMo is not unconditionally, they really need to do something
etegration said:
hahaha yeah. to iphone so go. bye, you wont be missed.
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Word! **** the iPhone.
WinMo and X1 is good enough that I'll wait for WM7 to give it a chance (and I'll put the OFFICIAL WM6.5 on my X1). But after that, I'll have to jump ship to a/the keyboard iPhone or something else if Microsoft and SE doesn't get it's s**t together by next generation of phones (The X3).
I have to agree. I updated my X1 using the SE update service to R3A and now get regular crashes. I'm trying to find away to roll back but not having any luck. As mentioned before, cooking your ROM is all well and good to improve your phone, but it voids your warranty and shouldn't be needed. Lazysoft should start investing some of their vast mountain of money into programmers who can produce a stable, fast and easily customizable OS. As Apple slowly realise their mistakes with the iPhone and introduce firmware upgrades to compensate WM is going nowhere and offering nothing new or improved. As soon as iPhone is capable of everything other phones are, it's game over for WM.
I'm sorry but this is getting out of hand...we are being astroturfed here.
So many 'I'm switching to iphone 3gs' posts... it's professional done I grant you that (some are one or to post users some are 50+ well rounded accounts) but astroturf nonetheless.
I'm wondering if the rest of the XDA forums is being hit? If I'd get off my butt I'd check.
WhyBe said:
If they released an iPhone with a keyboard, it would be game over for the rest of the smartphone industry. Not that I'm an Apple or iPhone fan, but more likely than not, they would completely dominate the smartphone market with a keyboard device and a touch-only device.
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Keyboard will not be a substitute for all the features it lacks.
dadeadman said:
The X1 is good, but apps pale in comparison aesthetics wise
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Agreed, but not 100%. Function beats aesthetics any day. WinMo has cool looking apps as well.
THJahar said:
I'm sorry but this is getting out of hand...we are being astroturfed here.
So many 'I'm switching to iphone 3gs' posts... it's professional done I grant you that (some are one or to post users some are 50+ well rounded accounts) but astroturf nonetheless.
I'm wondering if the rest of the XDA forums is being hit? If I'd get off my butt I'd check.
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I thought the same thing. Maybe a Mod can drop by and tell us if we are right?
Hannigan174 said:
If someone wants to leave WinMo let them go. Maybe when they try iPhone OS they'll realize what they are missing. Perhaps, though, they would be happier with it.
Just because WinMo might be best for us doesn't mean it's best for everyone.
I do have to say, though, that I am confused by the now several threads in the Xperia forum saying that they are leaving for the iPhone. I never saw any in the Kaiser or in the Dev or Q&A forums. I am beginning to think that many of these are simply viral marketing.
EDIT: Perhaps not viral marketing, just users that don't understand customizing/flashing very well. Reviewed some old posts by the originators of these threads.
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I had an iFail for a month (back in the 2G when you could jailbreak without contract)
I am happy I don't have it any more
Crappy keyboard, with only qwerty, no 3rd party keyboard support, apps were alright, nothing incredible, no real bluetooth (A2DP, tethering etc) and no hardware keyboard, hardware was mediocre at best and the camera sucked
Took them 2 years to sort out some of those issues, hardware/camera still suck and the apps.....lets just say I wouldn't take a lot of them if you paid me, not to mention being forced to use iTuneDeaf, I'll stick to my media players that support OGG thanks.
I am quite impressed with the iPhone 3GS, I do not understand how they can make the MP3 player so remarkably fast compared to any windows mobile mp3 program + phone. I know capacitive screen takes away the need to apply pressure but the iPhone OS looks as if it takes alot of processing power and yet 600 Megahertz is almost the same as 528 and yet iphone is blazing fast.
The same also applies to the Ipod Touch which has a 400 mhz processor.
I am just so discontented that the iPhone os is not good for automated apps and modification apps. If it had those features + a true file system than I would consider.
This is the reason why all iphones and ipod touch have mostly games and games and games, because it can only support certain types of foreground apps (since the Mac OS isn't designed for background apps)
I pity all the iDiots......

It's Hard to Get Bored of Android

Just want to post some of my thoughts regarding the 'freshness' of Android..
With phones I've had in the past (Symbian, BB) I usually found myself bored with the software/hardware relatively quickly. This is not the case with my Nexus (and Android in general). I've had this phone since March and kept it completely stock until last week because frankly, it did pretty much everything I needed it to. This was a far cry from when I had my Magic and was constantly flashing something every other day (ROM, theme, kernel etc).
With Android I found that there was always something I could install or implement to make my phone seem new again. When I grew tired of the stock 2.1 launcher, it just so happened that Helix Launcher 2 was released. It changed the way I used my phone (direct access to the dialer at all times was huge).
The one issue I had with both Helix and stock though was that the scrolling was sub standard, and boom Launcher Pro releases and resolves that problem. All the while, I kept my phone stock and was satisfied.
Around the time FroYo was announced I got the itch to mod. Not that the stock ROM grew boring or anything, but the techy inside of me wanted to tinker with my $600 phone. When the test build of FroYo leaked, XDA was a madhouse and it was great! I finally unlocked the boot loader, flashed Paul's FroYo and truly felt my N1 was fresh again. Of course a lot of people spent alot of time complaining about what the update didn't include or it's problems but I've always liked to focus on the positives.
After playing around with stock FroYo for a few days I went ahead and flashed ADW Launcher v0.7rc3 and wow, I felt as if I had a completely different phone from a week ago! This is why these launchers and themes (ie. manup's work) are so great, they keep our phones looking new.
Pretty soon, when everyone is tired of stock, the FroYo source will be released and then the Devs can really do what they do best. The influx of ROMS, kernels, themes, launchers etc will keep any N1 user satisfied for a long time. And guess what, when things become really stable and it seems like the development is getting stagnant, Gingerbread will be on it's way!
This is what I love about Android, things never get stale. It doesn't matter if better hardware is coming out, our phones will keep evolving as long as the OS does. I just thought I'd share my thoughts since I've been noticed a lot of negativity since FroYo's release which surprised me.
I totally agree with this post. The nexus one is my first android phone, had it since April, and I'm still totally hooked to my phone, always looking to flash something new, browse the market for new widgets etc.
The iPhone got boring within a week or two, because I totally had what I needed from the App Store, and really there was no other ways to extend more to the iPhone. Had jailbreaked, but pretty much a jailbreak looses all the Apple's touch to it with the themes, and had not really found anything to my likings. The iPhone ended being an SMS/Call phone with some browsing and twitter. Oh and I dislike the notifications.
The BlackBerry was reliable, great battery life, but after a year of using a blackberry, the OS really didn't change much, and I still didn't find ways to make it more interesting. I still love the BlackBerry, but just not to my geekiness tinker experiments I love to make.
No comment on Symbian really, My N-Gage had very similiar software to the N95 (2002 IIRC vs 2007 phone) and it pretty much really didnt fit in the smartphone area. Not to mention to HUGE LACK of apps.
Android, blew everything to the water in my opinion. Browsing through XDA and Modaco is really like browsing through a candy store, you want to try everything, and it's always getting refilled with goodies.
So far, this is MY favorite phone of all time, and I really have no plans to getting something else, or something else on the market that competes with it. Not even the EVO 4G, no 4G coverage here in Malta yet, don't really dig the stand and 4.3inch in my jeans.
And Google doesn't seem to have a break on improving android, and I believe developers and hackers will not hold back either. Long live android!
Well written post. I agree, I've had the wm dash, the g1, & now my nexus. Android & htc make amazing partners. Froyo has impressed me more every time I've used my phone now. Every time I think I'm starting to get bored xda or cyanogenmod have something new to try.
I disagree. I'm bored with mine. i had the g1, behold II (terrible phone), mytouch, and nexus one. I was let down that Froyo had so few features that the user could get excited about. Browsable market is great, chrome to phone is great, but those are niche features. Nothing groundbreaking like when 1.6 brought the universal search, or when 2.0 brought navigation, or 2.1 brought a new design. I'm bored with the phone and will probably get a windows 7 phone when they come out.
mateo2 said:
I disagree. I'm bored with mine. i had the g1, behold II (terrible phone), mytouch, and nexus one. I was let down that Froyo had so few features that the user could get excited about. Browsable market is great, chrome to phone is great, but those are niche features. Nothing groundbreaking like when 1.6 brought the universal search, or when 2.0 brought navigation, or 2.1 brought a new design. I'm bored with the phone and will probably get a windows 7 phone when they come out.
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I respect your opinion but look at what you just wrote. Android 1.6 came out in Sept of '09, in 8 months Android has pushed out 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2! You even said yourself that 1.6, 2.0 and 2.1 brought about 'groundbreaking' improvements. That's 3 'groundbreaking' updates in less than a year! I think we're getting a little too spoiled to expect each incremental update to be revolutionary. Fact is no one pushes out constant OS reiterations like Android.
I think JIT (and the associated performance increase - up to 450%!!!) would be a pretty big achievement, and it's one I'm thoroughly excited about.
mateo2 said:
I disagree. I'm bored with mine. i had the g1, behold II (terrible phone), mytouch, and nexus one. I was let down that Froyo had so few features that the user could get excited about. Browsable market is great, chrome to phone is great, but those are niche features. Nothing groundbreaking like when 1.6 brought the universal search, or when 2.0 brought navigation, or 2.1 brought a new design. I'm bored with the phone and will probably get a windows 7 phone when they come out.
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You wanting Windows Mobile 7 = Makes your post irrelevant
jasrups said:
I respect your opinion but look at what you just wrote. Android 1.6 came out in Sept of '09, in 8 months Android has pushed out 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2! You even said yourself that 1.6, 2.0 and 2.1 brought about 'groundbreaking' improvements. That's 3 'groundbreaking' updates in less than a year! I think we're getting a little too spoiled to expect each incremental update to be revolutionary. Fact is no one pushes out constant OS reiterations like Android.
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damn bro he got you with that one haha
jasrups said:
Of course a lot of people spent alot of time complaining about what the update didn't include or it's problems but I've always liked to focus on the positives.
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you sir look at the glass half full, not half empty. i applaud you for that. as for the post, i totally agree. there r so many things to change up the look of your android. theres helix launcher, launcher pro, open home, all the roms, frankly, you only get bored eventually if you don't have root.
Agreed. Having a long history of Symbian phones that would each receive only incremental updates that were designed to fix major problems or add features that are standard on other phones, Android is certainly a refreshing experience.
I bought my Nexus One as soon as Google made it available on January 5th and I still feel the magic with it like the day I opened the box. My productivity and organization has gone through the roof with this phone and I don't see myself getting a replacement until, oh, 2011?
Well written post with many positive points some of us fail to remember all the time. I have had multiple BB's and WM devices... I heavily modded my WM devices, and even modded my BB's to an extent. Then one day, I booted Android up on my Kaiser, and there was no turning back. It was like a fresh spring day, and each and every day with Android brings new, unique and interesting discoveries.
I got a G1 about a month after my first experience with Android on my Kaiser, and the N1 a couple weeks after it came out. In the 10 months of using Android, it has never felt stale on my end either. New launcher, new mods, new ROMs, and so forth are allways welcome. But for me, what keeps it feeling fresh is the fact that it is such a smooth clean smartphone OS that just gets the job done.
Sure, there are shortcomings and things it could do better, or even do(audio/video codec improvement would be nice). But as a phone that lets me get my work emails, surf the internet, stay up to date on the news, connect with and communicate with my friends, manage my day and life, there is nothing that compares.
I was showing one of my buddies at work today some FroYo stuff and (one of) the things he said (among "wow" etc ) was looking at the home screen: "wow, your home screen is different every time I see it," haha.
Definitely can't get bored of Android when you can actually customize it. (Hear that Steve? )
Paul22000 said:
I was showing one of my buddies at work today some FroYo stuff and (one of) the things he said (among "wow" etc ) was looking at the home screen: "wow, your home screen is different every time I see it," haha.
Definitely can't get bored of Android when you can actually customize it. (Hear that Steve? )
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+1. Having a home screen alone is a huge win over the pages of apps stuck in a grid that doesn't give you any relevant information as it is, but having such a customizable, interactive, and useful homescreen is what sets Android way above the competition.
Good thread! I was bored with WM, but can't even keep up with the Android progressive development And that's a good thing
pjcforpres said:
Well written post with many positive points some of us fail to remember all the time. I have had multiple BB's and WM devices... I heavily modded my WM devices, and even modded my BB's to an extent. Then one day, I booted Android up on my Kaiser, and there was no turning back. It was like a fresh spring day, and each and every day with Android brings new, unique and interesting discoveries.
I got a G1 about a month after my first experience with Android on my Kaiser, and the N1 a couple weeks after it came out. In the 10 months of using Android, it has never felt stale on my end either. New launcher, new mods, new ROMs, and so forth are allways welcome. But for me, what keeps it feeling fresh is the fact that it is such a smooth clean smartphone OS that just gets the job done.
Sure, there are shortcomings and things it could do better, or even do(audio/video codec improvement would be nice). But as a phone that lets me get my work emails, surf the internet, stay up to date on the news, connect with and communicate with my friends, manage my day and life, there is nothing that compares.
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I'm with this guy, lol. My first experience with Android was running it on my Kaiser as well, and it blew my mind - and this was only after I had run out of things to do with WM. Even flaky though it was at the time (no power management, for instance, and an ugly hack to even make the display go to sleep), I was impressed. Then I got a Raphael, tweaked WM as far as I could on that.... and started running Android 2.0.1 on there as the primary OS. Sure, it was still flaky and would occasionally crash, but the smoothness of the interface and all of the various capabilities far outweighed the inconvenience.
And I finally got my first official Android device , the NexusOne, just a few weeks ago now. My only regret is that it took me so long to actually walk into the party rather than just dancing by myself in the street. The freedom represented by this platform is so uplifting. If it doesn't work the way you want it to, you're free to re-work it using free tools from the developer, that will run on any OS. And then the phone's platform will even let you install programs you wrote or code you spliced together without having to jump through a dozen different hoops of differing sizes and strange shapes.
I could go on and on about all the things I love about this platform and this device... and I haven't even gotten proper data access yet! I'm currently in Afghanistan working with a bunch of Air Force guys, and after showing off my phone to them THREE have ordered NexusOnes and there are another two waiting to sell their iPhones before they order. They constantly come around to my tent anxious to see the latest hack or tweak or mod :-D
Thanks for kicking this thread off, jasrups. All the negative threads griping about Android missing "basic features" and doing things the "wrong" way were getting old. Nice to see that some people still appreciate the positives :-D
Absolutely agree.
I sign after every word. If only everyone would try to focus on the positives...
Oh well, I'm a happy camper and glad to see I'm not alone.
Seems a lot of us got a taste for Android on the Kaiser, its exactly what I did! Got an HTC Hero, loved it and developed for it and Google gave me a shiny new Nexus One!
Have to say its an exciting time to be in the Android world, explosive growth will bring lots more "official" apps and a load of other interesting concepts. Plus we have Froyo and Gingerbread, in one year!
tomfreay said:
Seems a lot of us got a taste for Android on the Kaiser, its exactly what I did! Got an HTC Hero, loved it and developed for it and Google gave me a shiny new Nexus One!
Have to say its an exciting time to be in the Android world, explosive growth will bring lots more "official" apps and a load of other interesting concepts. Plus we have Froyo and Gingerbread, in one year!
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I used Android as about 70% primary OS on my Rhodium for 2-3 weeks before I finally got the N1. I really wanted the Desire to be honest (hardware buttons and touch screen) but the N1 is an awesome phone and I'm happy I got it.
I tried Android on my Kaiser (SD not NAND) and the experience was pretty poor.. Quite slow. Perhaps NAND is faster, but regardless, it's great we could preview Android before making the big move.
codesplice said:
I could go on and on about all the things I love about this platform and this device... and I haven't even gotten proper data access yet! I'm currently in Afghanistan working with a bunch of Air Force guys, and after showing off my phone to them THREE have ordered NexusOnes and there are another two waiting to sell their iPhones before they order. They constantly come around to my tent anxious to see the latest hack or tweak or mod :-D
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Stay safe in Afghanistan man!
I think it's always most satisfying when you impress an iPhone user. I was about to convert a few of them completely until the iPhone 4G was announced lol.. It's a little different here in Canada though, Android phones are harder to come by and contracts are more ridiculous. Usually a minimum 3 year commitment, with an upgrade only every 2 years.. That's another reason why I bought the Nexus unlocked.. I love the phone, but I would hate to HAVE to keep same phone for a minimum of 2 years, I'll most likely be sticking with unlocked phones from now on.
I remember I had a chance to pick up a G1 when it first came out. I had a Nokia E61i and frankly, I completely brushed the G1 off.. It looked ugly to me (didn't like the bottom chin, especially when the keyboard slid out) and I had read that Android was still very rough around the edges. However I had no idea the modding community was this immense! At that point Nokia was still a powerhouse and my E61i was still kickin it but thinking back, I wish I had looked into the G1 further so I could have seen this grow from the beginning. Last summer I pulled the trigger on the Magic and have been Android since.
+100 for all the positives mentioned out here so far.
When I look at the cribfest that's on right now in other threads, I do wonder: what platforms have these XDA users migrated from? My pre-Android phone was a Sony Ericsson m600i, running UIQ (yes, that failed mod of Symbian). The day I got my G1, I was wowed beyond words, with everything from the Market, to the SDK (which, to be honest, I had been running for months before I got the phone). And this was pre-cupcake!
I discovered XDA along the way, and yes, as someone noted above, it *is* a freaking candy store! Just as important as the OS and the apps, the devs and the user community here have kept the Android experience alive for me. I bought the Nexus One within a week of its Jan 5 launch this year (right after Steve Kondik said he was getting one) . Absolutely. No. Regrets.
Oh, and here's that other thing: Influence. I have five little green Android robots showing up in my gtalk list here in India. And they're all people who've been wowed by the G1/NexusOne in my possession, at one time or the other. Viral marketing/selling works, apparently!

Schmidt: Nexus One so successful we dont need a Nexus Two

Eric Schmidt's words concerning why the Nexus One was created and how we dont need number Two.
Initially, Google felt that they needed to build a device to help Android along so they worked with HTC to create the Nexus One handset. Schmidt says: “The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn't have to do a second one. We would view that as positive but people criticised us heavily for that. I called up the board and said: 'Ok, it worked. Congratulations - we're stopping'. We like that flexibility, we think that flexibility is characteristic of nimbleness at our scale."
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Heh, google is the inverse of apple
...I would like a Nexus Two though?
What about a 1280x720 4" IPS screen, sub-10mm thickness, aluminum/carbon fiber construction, HDMI port, front-facing camera, Tegra 2 SoC, battery life that is amazing, and capacitive touch buttons that are actually silk screened right?
And of course, a unicorn detector
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
I thought the title was a joke. lol
Wow, damage control ahoy.
arcticreaver said:
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
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+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
I don't know what happened in SE HQ when they moved onto touchscreen phones and the like. They were ahead of the curve back in the day but maybe their UI let them down?
Samsung are another company who made good hardware but ****ed it up with their clunky software.
I'm not sure how these guys turn the ship around but HTC came from nowhere and are one of the biggest mobile phone manufacturers about now. Surely SE and Samsung can make a cracking phone again and win some of the market share back.
Another issue might be locking down access to root or bastardising Android with a clunky shell. HTC avoided that with a pretty nice UI in Sense.
britoso said:
Heh, google is the inverse of apple
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That's why I love em.
Knew it and have been saying it all along.
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
markouk said:
+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
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I don't know about you, but that's what I dislike about SE. Why couldn't they just combine the best walkman and camera in one phone? Instead, they made two phones out of almost the same hardware and charge a high price for each of them...
RogerPodacter said:
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
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Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
Namuna said:
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
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I love the N1, and can't wait for a future device done the same way (without any branding). I seriously hope HTC is the manufacturer. Can't see myself using a phone not made by them.
ap3604 said:
Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
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Since android's beginning, there has always been Google's developer phone, the one that Google uses to write the android OS on. First was the g1, now its nexus. It will always be a vanilla android version, not HTC sense or MOTOblur or whatever. Perhaps the next one will be sold thru a carrier, but I think they will ensure it can be purchased unlocked too. We don't know, this is new territory, and The nexus kinda set the standard. So I'm anticipating Google will make sure the next phone can be had without the carrier influence as well.
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
I'm done with SE, myself. I followed them for a little while with a P990i, then Xperia X1 and was going to get an X10... but glad I got a Nexus One instead.
High-priced pieces of trash, they are. I know the X1 was HTC built and rebranded, but WinMo was so laggy on it and SE slapped an $800 price tag on it. Enough to wake you up.
So there won't be a N1 successor ??
adamwjohnson5 said:
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
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Sure is nice having Google dictate what goes on the phone and not T-Mobile or AT&T or whoever. I think I'd opt for a slightly weaker phone over one with Sense UI and branding all over it.
I guess I'll be buying whichever dev phone is popular at the time, or making damn sure the phone has Cyanogen et al behind it and that it is vanilla.
No N2?!? Oh come on! It's not like they have to do much. Just make it a 4" screen, swap in a better 3D co-processor, slap a real keyboard on it and call it a day. I'd buy that off-contract any day!
I would agree that the N1 put android on the map, at the centre. They have multiple partners now SPAMMING rediculously good phones for android, the consumers know about it and WANT it, theyve done their task. Let them get back to making the OS orgasmic, and let HTC etc make phones that can vibrate
Like a guy said eariler this is whats called damage control. The N1 didn't start anything with Android OS, it was the Droid that did that. The N1 is a tiny blip on the radar of Android sales. The N1 failed and this is an arrogant look at the N1. The fact of the matter is HTC was planning 1ghz phones regardless of the N1 existance or not, remeber that phone list that was leaked last year of all the phones coming out this year? I love my N1 but lets face it google dropped the ball on it.
1. restrictions on the subdizing
2. restrictions on the type of plan
3. No dummy phones for TMO stores
IMO if they would have stuck the N1 in stores made it easy like Droid, Samsung Vibrant, and EVO, then N1 at the time would have been a mega hit. It was the first phone (that I can remember) with a ghz processor ppl would have went nuts for it because of the speed and its a really sexy looking phone.

Thinking about an iphone over Android

So I've been an avid follower of android over the past year.. rooting, trying different roms.. doing some adb programming.. coming up with some simple mods etc.. No question that Android is a tinkerer's paradise!
there are a few things that irk me about android in general.. which is not necessarily android's fault.
first and foremost there seems to be an alienation between the device manufacturers and android.. in the sense Android (with it's flavors) is probably the fastest OS to get obsolete by another flavor of itself. We have Sense 3.0 that is coming up in Summer.. Droid Incredible still hasn't seen any gingerbread or sense 2.5 development OFFICIALLY!..
True there are custom roms of the same available.. but it is patchy at best in terms of the whole android experience coming from the manufacturer. We all know the limitations of the Z-roms.. a lot of us are no fans of vanilla android and so on..
Lets face it.. the camera/ 720p recording on iphone 4 is unparalleled (try it first hand to believe it).. not to mention the display is gorgeous albeit smaller.
The OS integration with the hardware is very appealing with the iphone4.
I'm getting a little tired with the constantly changing android environment. I am equally miffed at the fact that many android devices including my Droid Inc are left alone to the user to be developed and enhanced. After a year of trying roms, keeping up with mods, working out bugs, testing etc.. I think my experience as a USER of the device.. is somewhat shadowed.
I'm thinking of making a jump to the Iphone where development is more organized compared to android.
I'm not an apple fan boy.. so please don't bash me if you don't like my post
The iPhone 4 is definitely an awesome piece of hardware. I say go for it and if you get tired of that come back to android.
You will miss Android keyboards. I'm sure of that!
I've actually been thinking about the same thing. My buddy just got the iPhone 4and it's a nice phone.
Now the Incredible is my 1st smart phone and I've had it since pre-order. I rooted as soon as it became available and have been flashing ever since. I really love Android, but agree with some of the things you've discussed in the OP.
I still have till Christmas before I am eligible for an upgrade, so I have plenty of time to contemplate my decision.
kriskmk said:
So I've been an avid follower of android over the past year.. rooting, trying different roms.. doing some adb programming.. coming up with some simple mods etc.. No question that Android is a tinkerer's paradise!
there are a few things that irk me about android in general.. which is not necessarily android's fault.
first and foremost there seems to be an alienation between the device manufacturers and android.. in the sense Android (with it's flavors) is probably the fastest OS to get obsolete by another flavor of itself. We have Sense 3.0 that is coming up in Summer.. Droid Incredible still hasn't seen any gingerbread or sense 2.5 development OFFICIALLY!..
True there are custom roms of the same available.. but it is patchy at best in terms of the whole android experience coming from the manufacturer. We all know the limitations of the Z-roms.. a lot of us are no fans of vanilla android and so on..
Lets face it.. the camera/ 720p recording on iphone 4 is unparalleled (try it first hand to believe it).. not to mention the display is gorgeous albeit smaller.
The OS integration with the hardware is very appealing with the iphone4.
I'm getting a little tired with the constantly changing android environment. I am equally miffed at the fact that many android devices including my Droid Inc are left alone to the user to be developed and enhanced. After a year of trying roms, keeping up with mods, working out bugs, testing etc.. I think my experience as a USER of the device.. is somewhat shadowed.
I'm thinking of making a jump to the Iphone where development is more organized compared to android.
I'm not an apple fan boy.. so please don't bash me if you don't like my post
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My recommendation would be at least to wait for the iPhone 5. There would be no point in downgrading to a smaller screen.
Iphone 5 is not due until Fall 2012 or early 2012 at the earliest.
The only point I would disagree with is the camera/camcorder. My girlfriend has an iPhone 4, and her pictures and video do not turn out nearly as well as those from my Droid Incredible. Removing any subjective analysis, the iPhone only has a 5MP sensor compared to the Incredible's 8MP.
That said, Nokia has put out phones with much better cameras than either.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I say you go ahead and give it a go. I've played with a few iPhone 4's and they are quality pieces and very smooth. As long as you stay with Verizon, you can always return it within that 30-day period if you are unhappy with it (of course you have topay a restocking fee though).
I just can't get over the fact that everwhere you go you see someone with the same phone. I personally tend to go against the norm. I not very well acquainted with the customization of the iPhones but I have heard it's on par with what we have going with Android.
kriskmk said:
Iphone 5 is not due until Fall 2012 or early 2012 at the earliest.
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A leaked Verizon document stated differently. Also that doesn't seem to fit Apple's release patterns? Just saying.
I switched to Android from iOS and I do agree about the screen, camera and hardware but for me Android doesn't compare to iOS. If I wanted a phone that did as advertised and only that I would choose the iPhone but if I want more control and customizable options I would go with Android. But that's just me, for you the iPhone seems to satisfy.
Jacksonroh said:
more control and customizable options I would go with Android.
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That is a nice feature; being able to download ROMS and change them as you like I will agree. How much control do you need though? What options do you not have available on the iPhone that you will not live without?
cuban11182 said:
That is a nice feature; being able to download ROMS and change them as you like I will agree. How much control do you need though? What options do you not have available on the iPhone that you will not live without?
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Yea, I am all for customizations and like I said..I tweaked the heck out of it.. but the downside of constantly customizing is you gotta keep up with revisions, market updates, bugs etc... and pretty soon ...though the pleasure of tweaking is always there.. there is a setback to the user experience.
The one thing that I think (at this point) that I absolutely need is Widgets. Don't have that on an iphone.. and don't know if that is something I can live without.
I also came from IOS (albiet an iPod Touch). The only thing I say it beats android in is text selection. I can do everything in 1/5th the time it took me on iOS. I was VERY skeptical of Android and preferred an iPhone a year ago on Vzw. I was actually WAITING on it. I'm so glad it came this year instead of last. Now, I have absolutely ZERO desire to be sucked back into the problem that is Apple and their godlike stance over their customers.
Take that for what its worth I guess. I also have a Mac and used to love it. But after multiple times of it burning several hours of my weekend for simple things a PC did better and for free, I've become an avid "hater" of Apple (and I don't say that about many companies). They overprice everything, but they know their uses will blindly go and shell out money. Take music downloads -- iTunes may be easier to use than Amazon MP3 (before CloudDrive), but I've saved so much money over the years switching to Amazon. Lets not even go into their overrated hardware or the times where they can provide a feature but don't so they can add it in a year to make just one more money. Our Dinc's may not be top dog anymore, but at least the hardware is good enough to push us into next year and beyond.
Speaking of beyond... I'm thinking about making a security came out of Dinc when I get another phone. hehe
Jacksonroh said:
I switched to Android from iOS and I do agree about the screen, camera and hardware but for me Android doesn't compare to iOS. If I wanted a phone that did as advertised and only that I would choose the iPhone but if I want more control and customizable options I would go with Android. But that's just me, for you the iPhone seems to satisfy.
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Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I couldn't imagine a life without Android inspite all of my'd been a love affair for the past 1 year..I do have an Ipad..which is a giant iphone without the phone...
So I bought a thunderbolt today with my employee discount.
.after swapping contracts with my wife.... for about 150 bucks.. and boy do I love it!.. I thought the display would not be as good as the droid incredible... but trust me it's a lot better...and a 1550 quadrant score out the box! I guess it's time to switch communities.... thanks for everything guys.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Congrats on the TB! Lucky bastard
kriskmk said:
So I've been an avid follower of android over the past year.. rooting, trying different roms.. doing some adb programming.. coming up with some simple mods etc.. No question that Android is a tinkerer's paradise!
there are a few things that irk me about android in general.. which is not necessarily android's fault.
first and foremost there seems to be an alienation between the device manufacturers and android.. in the sense Android (with it's flavors) is probably the fastest OS to get obsolete by another flavor of itself. We have Sense 3.0 that is coming up in Summer.. Droid Incredible still hasn't seen any gingerbread or sense 2.5 development OFFICIALLY!..
True there are custom roms of the same available.. but it is patchy at best in terms of the whole android experience coming from the manufacturer. We all know the limitations of the Z-roms.. a lot of us are no fans of vanilla android and so on..
Lets face it.. the camera/ 720p recording on iphone 4 is unparalleled (try it first hand to believe it).. not to mention the display is gorgeous albeit smaller.
The OS integration with the hardware is very appealing with the iphone4.
I'm getting a little tired with the constantly changing android environment. I am equally miffed at the fact that many android devices including my Droid Inc are left alone to the user to be developed and enhanced. After a year of trying roms, keeping up with mods, working out bugs, testing etc.. I think my experience as a USER of the device.. is somewhat shadowed.
I'm thinking of making a jump to the Iphone where development is more organized compared to android.
I'm not an apple fan boy.. so please don't bash me if you don't like my post
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When I was still a T-Mobile customer, I had the 1st Android powered smartphone, the HTC Dream/G1. Boy did I love that phone. Once I rooted and started flashing I couldn't stop... After the HTC Magic/MyTouch 1.2 came out, I moved to that. The story was no different there. Roms, roms, and more roms. I moved to a BlackBerry for a time after that before finally giving up and leaving Magenta in favor of Big Red. Once there I had the LG Ally, and returned that after it overheated. In exchange I walked away with the OG Droid and loved it! Eventually, I moved to the Inc after acquiring the device through a 3rd party. Once the touch display stopped functioning I got the iPhone 4 out of necessity because the Thunderbolt was delayed, delayed, delayed. I loved my iPhone, the picture/video quality was superb. Facetime was nice, and the games... Geeze I miss Infinity Blade. Anyway, I soon became tired of the OS itself. The lack of customization was rather boring. I found myself spending more money in the Cydia store than Itunes. I was constantly buying themes and whatnot. After a time I could no longer cope without Android. I found the Thunderbolt on Craigslist and traded my used iPhone for the NEW Thunderbolt! I know this was a long post, and I expect to see the classic, "Cool story bro." comments. Long story short, do what makes you happy, make a decision and stick with it. Me? I'm an Android guy through and through.
ethan.r.besbris said:
When I was still a T-Mobile customer, I had the 1st Android powered smartphone, the HTC Dream/G1. Boy did I love that phone. Once I rooted and started flashing I couldn't stop... After the HTC Magic/MyTouch 1.2 came out, I moved to that. The story was no different there. Roms, roms, and more roms. I moved to a BlackBerry for a time after that before finally giving up and leaving Magenta in favor of Big Red. Once there I had the LG Ally, and returned that after it overheated. In exchange I walked away with the OG Droid and loved it! Eventually, I moved to the Inc after acquiring the device through a 3rd party. Once the touch display stopped functioning I got the iPhone 4 out of necessity because the Thunderbolt was delayed, delayed, delayed. I loved my iPhone, the picture/video quality was superb. Facetime was nice, and the games... Geeze I miss Infinity Blade. Anyway, I soon became tired of the OS itself. The lack of customization was rather boring. I found myself spending more money in the Cydia store than Itunes. I was constantly buying themes and whatnot. After a time I could no longer cope without Android. I found the Thunderbolt on Craigslist and traded my used iPhone for the NEW Thunderbolt! I know this was a long post, and I expect to see the classic, "Cool story bro." comments. Long story short, do what makes you happy, make a decision and stick with it. Me? I'm an Android guy through and through.
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Cool story broman.
I like a good Android plot-line.
POQbum said:
Cool story broman.
I like a good Android plot-line.
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I figured I'd get at least one. Ha!
In my opinion, stick with the Android. I just had an upgrade from Verizon and I figured what the heck, let me see what all this iPhone hype is all about. Well, after my first full day with the iPhone, the only thing I can find that the iPhone has over my Incredible, is the battery life. Gmail wouldn't push unless I used a workaround, you can't hide the keyboard, no separate volume controls for the ringer, email, and text, there is no back button to go back to an app you may have left, no trackball, no weather widget with clock, I sent a ringtone that I made through MMS and there is no option to save as ringtone,you can't share youtube videos through sms-only through email, and you are tied to stupid iTunes when adding pictures and media. Like I said, the ONLY reason I am keeping this iPhone, is for the battery life. When the Droid commercial says "Droid Does", they are telling the truth. I NEVER came across anything I tried on that phone that didn't do what I needed from it. Again, these are my opinions and I'm sure an iPhone fanboy will argue my points.
As many others, I too have extensive experience using both OSs daily.
Android makes a more usable phone. iOS makes a better tablet.

Would you sell your GS3 for a WP8 phone?

I'm wondering if its worth hanging on to my ATT GSIII phone and starting a whole new 2 year contract or if I should return it and wait for the Windows phone 8 to come out. Personally, I'm bored as hell from iphones and Android just never seems to be quiet there yet. After seeing the demo of WP8, it really got me interested. It basically takes the best of iOS and Android and mixes it all in a fresh new package.
I still got 3 weeks to return mines to the AT&T store, is anyone else here considering switching to a WP8 phone? I'm also interested to see what the new iphone looks like too. One thing that pisses me off about Android are that the iOS apps always look way way better than Android, Google really needs to start putting in some standards with these developers. I still can't play many of the Gameloft and EA games on this phone that I've purchased a while back.
Its all advertisement nothing elsr honestly i feel like wp is a little bit too boring customisation compared to android is no match only reason i stick whit android is because its open source and lot of customisation and so on..
Sent From My Sexy Sensation Running Aokp.
Your call, but you should know that windows phones are pretty locked down/ limited with modification. If that's something you like, then android is best.
I just switched from an iphone to the S3 and I'm not sure I agree with you about the IOS apps looking better. The ones I've used that they both have in common look pretty much the same to me. As a matter of fact, some of the android versions look nicer and have a better user interface.
I have zero interest in the windows phone. Until they can compete with the number and variety of apps available for ios and android, it won't appeal to me at all.
btw, I also have 3 weeks left in my return period and I'm pretty sure I've decided to stick with the S3. Sure it has its bugs and annoyances but so will every phone. The only two things that have kept me from committing 100% to it so far are the battery life problems and the wifi problems. Time will tell.......
I wonder what the new excuse will be when the next version doesn't sell well at all. I believe the old Windows mobile still has more market share. Pretty pathetic.
It's not just Apple and android being entrenched. The os simply sucks comparatively and plenty of people simply do not like metro. Apple has a better walled garden and android has a better large open estate. Microsoft would have done better if they opened all the api and embraced developers. Instead you get a half ass iPhone. GG
A.VOID said:
Your call, but you should know that windows phones are pretty locked down/ limited with modification. If that's something you like, then android is best.
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Personally, I'm tired of the many modifications, so far I left mines on stock. I've gotten to the point where all that ROM flashing has gotten old and I need to do real work. On my last phone, the HTC Vivid, all I ever did was flash ROM after flash ROM for no good reason, it felt like a damn crack addiction.
Aridon said:
[/COLOR]I wonder what the new excuse will be when the next version doesn't sell well at all. I believe the old Windows mobile still has more market share. Pretty pathetic.
It's not just Apple and android being entrenched. The os simply sucks comparatively and plenty of people simply do not like metro.
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I didn't like the Metro on the WP7, but that WP8 looks alot better better because you can resize them, they seem alot like widgets. Also, now you can use a MicroSD card, have dual-core processors, and have larger screens.
M$ seems to get their act straight this time around, they probably got tired of Apple taking their marketshare.
Metro is great, but having been burned by WebOS, I'd wait a year or two to see if WP8 takes off before investing in an ecosystem. My bet is they take about 7-8% marketshare and go nowhere from there. But who knows.
I think I'd take stock Jelly Bean over WP8 though.
There's a Windows style launcher on the market.
tekhna said:
Metro is great, but having been burned by WebOS, I'd wait a year or two to see if WP8 takes off before investing in an ecosystem. My bet is they take about 7-8% marketshare and go nowhere from there. But who knows.
I think I'd take stock Jelly Bean over WP8 though.
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I miss my Palm pre and all its goodness
Sent from my SPH-L710...if some one helps you press the thanks button
Aridon said:
I wonder what the new excuse will be when the next version doesn't sell well at all. I believe the old Windows mobile still has more market share. Pretty pathetic.
It's not just Apple and android being entrenched. The os simply sucks comparatively and plenty of people simply do not like metro. Apple has a better walled garden and android has a better large open estate. Microsoft would have done better if they opened all the api and embraced developers. Instead you get a half ass iPhone. GG
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I dont see the potential in windows phone honestly i mean its just plain boring i have tried one ...
At first it felt like a new toy and over the few first day i got bored it lacks customisation that alone worth staying whit android ...
Whit the new jelly bean 4.1 it will be very hard to get beaten by windows or even ios6 ...
The future is android from my point of view...
Sent From My Sexy Sensation Running Aokp.
NIKKG said:
I'm wondering if its worth hanging on to my ATT GSIII phone and starting a whole new 2 year contract or if I should return it and wait for the Windows phone 8 to come out. Personally, I'm bored as hell from iphones and Android just never seems to be quiet there yet. After seeing the demo of WP8, it really got me interested. It basically takes the best of iOS and Android and mixes it all in a fresh new package.
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I don't think it makes sense to ask others to a judgement call for you. Especially on an Android forum.
Re: iPhone and Android "not being quite there"—you do realize that's exactly what every reviewer says about Windows Phone 7?
Windows Phone 8 is a rewrite so I would not have high hopes for the first generation of phones. Also, the demos are made to impress. You should take them with a grain of salt.
Are you kidding me? I had to revert to an HD7 WP7 phone when I killed my Galaxy II two weeks before the Galaxy III launch and for those two weeks I wanted to stick sharp objects into my eye.
Pretty much any app worth having in WP7 costs $$$. The GPS/Nav sucks, searches are done with Bing and dealing with a corporate email account with multiple folders is just about the worst email experience ever on that phone.
I'm done experimenting with WP versions - go ahead and try WP8 when it comes out but Android seems to be a better, more open, more tweakable, more dev friendly ecosystem and I'll stay here...
Don't count Microsoft out. WP7 is a great OS.
I find the question odd seeing as the OS isn't out yet with it's new hardware. But having used WP7 I know that's it's going to be a great update. WP7 is a great OS, and while the phones might be under powered compared to apple and android phones, they still hold their own which says a lot about the optimization of the OS. Kudos to Microsoft for that. The only detracting thing is the apps, but with the new Windows 8 using Metro apps, I can easily see WP8 giving android and ios a run for their money.
While, i dont see myself standing in line for a Windows mobile device. I do enjoy the fact knowing that it will be another direction away from IOS...:good:
I am in agreement with you. We are not in need of another company hell bent on controlling us. For crying out loud why don't these company's see or understand this? I am partial towards Android. I don't mind Apple to much. Well with the exception of the whole let's sue everyone and there mother's attitude. That part pissed me off to no end. And I do hope it turns around and bites them in the ass. I do hope the never go anywhere. Because as much as I do like Android, I like the fact that Android has competition. Google is big enough and has enough money that if all competition were gone. They might just try to pull some Apple/Microsoft crap. I do think that Google and Apple are to hig as is. Just like our governments. And Microsoft is big also. But in a different way. They are like tha big dopey kid on the block. You know, the one that would like to make you his hitch but is to stupid and slow to do so? Lol!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
NIKKG said:
Personally, I'm tired of the many modifications, so far I left mines on stock. I've gotten to the point where all that ROM flashing has gotten old and I need to do real work. On my last phone, the HTC Vivid, all I ever did was flash ROM after flash ROM for no good reason, it felt like a damn crack addiction.
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I was like that with my HTC inspire and not so bad with my GSII. Flashed a new one every day or so. It was awful I had to try them all. I'm keeping my GSIII stock for now too. You can customize plenty through market
My bf had WP7 and it was awful. Looked nice but just wasn't practical he hated it, NEVER worked right. He had 4 within the firsts few weeks from button issues(however that was HTC issue)
Windows phones are fast and stable. I used the Samsung focus on mango for several months and I was sold on wp7. Not one single force close or lag. However, my HTC Titan had serious mic issues so I returned it and ended up with my galaxy skyrocket. I do like having the ability to customize with android, and I think the SIII would be worth the contract. The SIII will hold its value and if you decide to go wp8, just eBay or Craigslist your SIII when that time comes. I myself want the SIII but waiting for the right deal.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
ronin4740 said:
Are you kidding me? I had to revert to an HD7 WP7 phone when I killed my Galaxy II two weeks before the Galaxy III launch and for those two weeks I wanted to stick sharp objects into my eye.
Pretty much any app worth having in WP7 costs $$$. The GPS/Nav sucks, searches are done with Bing and dealing with a corporate email account with multiple folders is just about the worst email experience ever on that phone.
I'm done experimenting with WP versions - go ahead and try WP8 when it comes out but Android seems to be a better, more open, more tweakable, more dev friendly ecosystem and I'll stay here...
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gps does not suck. I found it every bit as good as android if not better.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
lesd777 said:
gps does not suck. I found it every bit as good as android if not better.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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Google Maps is immeasurably better than Bing Maps.

