do you think we will get the new sense with LEAP - HD2 General

was watching a HTC announcement video and spotted the new leap feature (amoungst other things) that is coming on the hero and the desire, do you think this new sense will also come to the HD2 or the HD2 Mini ?
and if it did would it be portable to our devices ?? (please don't pick on me, i am only asking)

Well, our Sense is different from Android Sense. They have different homescreens where they can add widgets. Ours is predefined and (IMO) better laid out. Leap was meant to switch between those homescreens, whereas we can just slide over really quickly!
So, in brief, no.
However, if I may hijack this thread, any chance we'll get friendstream?!

That would be nice to have .... that is one thing I like about the entire Sense for 2.1. I am possible getting a HD2 next week through T-Mobile so I would love to see this in a future Sense update for WM.

Well HTC announced that new Sense would be available with new Android devices and would also be available as an update to other Android devices and didn't mention WinMo. Now, as they are selling WinMo products that have an unknown future with Microsoft I'd like to think that HTC will be providing updates, including sense, to keep their WinMo line fresh before Windows Phone 7 becomes available. Alternatively they might drop Sense development on WinMo like a stone as they wont be alowed to sell it on Windows Phone 7 Series anyway (unless they can get away with a Sense Hub). I think that perhaps all HTC's interface imagineers will perhaps be working on Android from now on to be honest. I am not always right tho
Like most things on this forum regarding future developments, I don't know for sure. No one does.


[Q]Android on Blackstone

So I see the Qualcomm Chipset is the same as the G1 phone, do you reckon we'll see a rom for this?
Hands down, I know nothing about rom making.
But one thing is for sure;
There will be Android on many of the HTC handsets out there, and Touch HD probebly going to one of the first phones with a fully ported version of Android.
Kaiser is the one who probebly be the first the rom makers will make a fully working Android phone, since most people who owns the phone is very skilled in rom making and they have already come a long way. You can run Android on a Kaiser today, even if the G1 hasnt been released yet.
Since Android is based on a linux kernel, it is quite easy to play around with it and do whatever you want with it. It's possibly plausible to port it to a laptop with enough work (if you would want that).
Wait and see, there will probebly be android on the Touch Pro, Diamond and the Touch HD sooner or later. Just a matter of time, and depending on how many developers who will work on it.
The developer scene just need a little kick in the but, they need to move forward. And one thing that the scene needs right now is a rawdump of the android os.
Android (or even iPhone, though I accept it is impossible) on HTC HD is my ultimate wish...
Best hardware with potential OS... also for a Gmail user...
I will go for HTC HD once this issue have been responded.
The words "iPhone" and "potential OS" are absolutely contradictory... there's probably no other mobile OS that lacks so many important features and is so limited.
Same for Android. At least, Android has the potential to improve, iPhone doesn't.
One potential issue with Android on the Blackstone is the lack of hardware input on the Blackstone. At the moment, Android doesn't contain a SIP, or a SIP framework.
Other than that, it should be possible to rebuild the Android source for the subtly different hardware.
The Android bootloader will need to be edited and flashed onto the Blackstone, and that may conflict with WM/WMs bootloader.
This is not quite truth.
HTC Vogue has actually been the first mobile to run android almost fully (see thread below for more.)
Kaiser at the moment can run only 0.8 version of the SDK and with serious impediments, like not making a reliable data connection, call only on 3g, among others.
We are still to complete a proper compilation of the latest released code. But that will come fortunately.
vogue thread:
kaiser thread:
qetuR said:
Hands down, I know nothing about rom making.
Kaiser is the one who probebly be the first the rom makers will make a fully working Android phone, since most people who owns the phone is very skilled in rom making and they have already come a long way. You can run Android on a Kaiser today, even if the G1 hasnt been released yet.
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I also see that on other android sites that now people are doing those IME and SIP so I dont worry.
well, though u may say iPhone OS is not potential and limited, but it is true that it brings lots of new concept. Even though people now in this forum tailor made a lots of iPhone like software for their WM devices like slide2play etc... this is because they found these iPhone components are more enjoyable.
Of course, I already have given up my wm devices and change to iPhone as it supports a Gmail user like me fully with better interface and fonts, I have discontinued using MS outlook after 10 years with Yahoo mail. So I do not need WM devices anymore.
However, I must admit that HTC HD is a great great hardware so I really hope this can be put android inside.
To me, and we can see that, WM is really limiting after years, not much and could not improve further.... the fonts, application (browser, video player n quality etc) and its ergonomics.
For iPhone, it does well for Gmail, either by Mail application or web (same format as web- stack)
I use free services to push contacts and calendar events with phone and web.
I believe it works better in Android the self environment...look forward seeing it soon
dogmood said:
To me, and we can see that, WM is really limiting after years, not much and could not improve further.... the fonts, application (browser, video player n quality etc) and its ergonomics.
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I totally disagree with the no room for improvement, I would say reconsider on how much your iphone can improve.. How much can it be customized? Close to ZERO... I dont have an iPhone but i have an iPod Touch, which is exactly the same as the iphone without the phone (and the camera). I know how it works, what can be done how much customizable it is.
I also have a WM6.1 Pro device (Samsung Omnia). Really, it kills the iphone, wipes it out totally...
I would say wait and be a little patient until Windows Mobile 7 comes out, I think microsoft already "got the message" about the interface, few screenshots I looked for Windows Mobile 7 looked very promising and have the potential of becoming even better than the iPhone interface.
Rumors and buzz say WM7 will be available 1st quarter of 2009
I am pretty sure, that when MS releases WM7 the developers will go nuts cooking up a new roms for all the HTC devices and the Touch HD ofc.
Again WM7, very promising interface/usability-wise!
check out the rumors:
Android on Blackstone
Does anyone know if any official or non-official working on android on this device?
I'm looking for this...
aren't we all!!
if someone gets android running well on this, this would be an absolute killer!!!
BUT is it actually possible at all?
****edit**** just saw the other thread for this....
the latest reports say that WM7 will not be out until late next year and then each phone company will have to do all their own tests etc on it so we are unlikely to see it until 2010........this is from what i have read.......
MontAlbert said:
the latest reports say that WM7 will not be out until late next year and then each phone company will have to do all their own tests etc on it so we are unlikely to see it until 2010........this is from what i have read.......
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Even so, I think WM7 looks very promising, worth the wait
A first look on Android, at least for me is not so exciting, sure it has cool features sleek look and interface but still, is too new, it can hardly pass WM with loads of apps, software and customizations out there.
YES BUT IT WILL BE AT LEAST 12MONTHS UNTIL wm7 IS RELEASED AND THEN ANOTHER (oops caps- sorry) several months before all the bugs are out of it..... until then what are we to do? I reckopn android will be ported to HD by some enterprising person within a few months at the latest.....
Agree...No offense but WM always under-estimate their launch dates...
I really go for android this time
any android team member aware this!!?? time to do implantation!!
There was already a thread about this... I'll merge the two.
Don't forget that the android doesn't have a soft keyboard.
And the hd doesn't have a physical keyboard!
anheuer said:
Don't forget that the android doesn't have a soft keyboard.
And the hd doesn't have a physical keyboard!
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I have written a couple of small applications already to the Android Emulator, just to test the potential, and I can just say: There is no problem implementing a soft keyboard into the default GUI. You can access and change almost everything directly in the user interface. You have access to change the behavior of any default application! Build a soft keyboard to Android, written in Java, to work on any device that does not have a keyboard, can not be a hard task.
If I have time to fiddle with Android when I arrive at home I will start the task of implement an java-application that can do this. I really hope I have the time since lack of time is my biggest problem right now.
// Johan
Android 0.8
since a few days Android 0.8 is working on the Diamond/Raphael:
I thought, since the hardware of the HD is not very different, it might also work on the HD.
I tried this file:
But my HD seems to get stuck in the Linux booting process :-(
Anybody got an idea how we can make this work?

With WM7 looking increasingly crap, do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?

I was expecting Sense development to dwindle to nothing over the next year, with WM 7 on the horizon.
But with WM7 looking increasingly poo (from today's announcements: no removable storage card, no customisations, limited copy/paste, no file manager, DRM all over, and generally all the problems the iphone had 4 years afo), I'm hoping we may see a decent after-life from 6.5.
Not that I like 6.5: It's customisable, a sound operating system, and an open-platform, but it's also clunky and ugly as hell.
But I'm hoping we may now see Sense continue to evolve (new Facebook tab etc), when before I was expecting it to come to a halt, minus the odd patch here and there.
Anyways, I love Sense. It masks 6.5 very well and is a great interface for a mobile phone. Here's hoping it will become more extensible and feature-filled in the future.
smeddy said:
do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?
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Yup, for Android.
Hello, Desire.
To be honest, from what I've seen of Windows Phone Series 7 I'd rather have Sense or a sense like interface on any operating system rather than use the "7" interface. HTC will continue to develop Sense, but will they be able to do so for "7"? Potentially they may be allowed to create a portal to Sense within the "7" Interface scheme (sorry, I can't remember what you call each of the tabs on "7", I found it too boring to remember when watching the various MWC videos. I wasn't "Super Excited" )but you probably wouldn't be able to have the phone boot up into that as a default interface for the full phone and you might not be able to use sense for certain functions (messaging dialer etc.). This is all speculation on my part of course).
HTC introduced a new version of Sense on Android at Mobile World Congress and stated that existing Sense users on Android will get a free upgrade. I expect HTC to keep developing it.
With a gtood enough interface, connectivity, function and features I really shoudn't care what the underlying operating system is.
My honest opinion.
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
I'm definitely choose "Sense" rather than "I-**** like WM7"...
Seems Android is the way to go..
I was pretty excited seeing the live launch thing. It looked pretty cool, fresh, original UI if you will. Right now I'm actually thinking about sticking with 6.5. That OS can do almost anything when compared to that non-multitasking protected and closed off bunch of tiles... I don't know right now, I'll need it on my device at least once.
That being said I'm too starting to hope on further development of Sense. As said above, it's a really great and fast UI to use and looks good too. And you can customize it, 'make it yours', right?
I agree. with what I have see and heard I am not interested in WM7. If 6.5X still gets developed I will stay otherwise I will move to Android.
However until WM7 is actually released I will sit on the fence. As previously seen a lot of facts seem to be unproven in the long run.
tboy2000 said:
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
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The title fonts are huge and it other font sizes could be smaller. I know that WP7s wants WVGA initially.. but all the screen I've seen seem to make me think they didn't use the space efficiently. It seems more like they designed it for HVGA.
I doubt HTC will continue Sense for WM considering WM7 you CANNOT have Sense UI at all so why even bother..
I also think HTC is moving more towards Android now..
I myself have been tempted to move to Andriod but i've been a WinMo user since dunno when and have gotten soooo used to it i can't imaging moving to a new OS altogether and i love the way i'm going to have WinMo7 in it even if it does get supported..
No WVGA, No Cut & Paste, No File explorer, No Sense UI, no Flash, No installs from cab files, not backward compatible...with more to come each day...Why would i even want to use Winmo7? It sounds sooo primitive.
Who knows after the HD2, I just might move to Android, not because i want to but because ultimately i believe i have to...
You know, I used to be Apple sheep, and only recently (1 year) I started using windows and dabbled here and there on Linux, and realized how much freedom you have on these devices and not being told what programs are cool to use and all that.
iPhone was cool because I didn't know any better.
Now that I've started to see just what windows/mobile has to offer, I feel like Neo, waking up in the tank from the Matrix.
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix. said:
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix.
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It does seem like Microsoft is turning it's back on those loyal to Windows Mobile to appeal more to the iFashion brigade. I foresee this pushing a lot of us away from WPS7 towards Android.
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
hoss_n2 said:
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
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Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
kilrah said:
Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
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iam wating
XDA is gonna pull through for us one way or another.
You have my word.
If HTC calls time on Sense for WM, I hope they will unlock some of the features so we can customise it (e.g. new/unlimited tabs)

Windows Mobile on the Hero?

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have Windows Mobile on HTC Hero - not as a dual boot, but instead of Android?
Are there any chefs out there developing Windows Mobile ROMs for the Hero?
I currently have HC Diamond and have been a very happy user of Makevaral's BsB ROMs, but I am getting HTC Hero on upgrade so I'm wondering if I can get WM on it.
I didn't put this question in the "Android Development" forum because it's not the development of Android that I am asking about.
Not possible, there are other threads on it if you search.
meirionwyllt said:
Call me old-fashioned, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have Windows Mobile on HTC Hero - not as a dual boot, but instead of Android?
Are there any chefs out there developing Windows Mobile ROMs for the Hero?
I currently have HC Diamond and have been a very happy user of Makevaral's BsB ROMs, but I am getting HTC Hero on upgrade so I'm wondering if I can get WM on it.
I didn't put this question in the "Android Development" forum because it's not the development of Android that I am asking about.
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Hero may be a downgrade then, worse screen.
I had the diamond...
Hero with android is so much better
With 2.1 Rom.. it kills the HTC Diamond
i have had the Td2 and the hero and the hero wins easily!
meirionwyllt said:
Call me old-fashioned
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Old-Fashioned !
since there are (from the hardware specs point of view) great winmo phones, why would you want to go through the trouble of putting winmo on a hero? the hero is a great phone, but if you want winmo (god knows why...) just get a winmo phone, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
this is not bashing, this is asking why.
1. don't get the Hero if you're happy with windows mobile. no point.
2. get the Hero and forget about that crap.
ex owner of Diamond here
Sent from my Hero using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
winmo is immposible to install on hero becasue of hardware and kernel ..
Why would you want to spoil your Hero by installing an outdated clunky OS, that MS are soon abandoning? I used to have the TD - the Hero is just so much better for both hardware and software.
As others have said if you want to stick with WM there are plenty of HTC WM phones out there - get one of those instead of the Hero
buy a fake chinese hero which is identical to hero (I think - only saw it on a video) and has winmo 6.5 pro
Thanks for your answers.
The reason I was asking is because I've taken Orange up on an offer of a HTC Hero free as an upgrade. I was initially going to sell it because of my old-fashioned nature and wanting to stick with MS. But then I thought of asking about the ROM just in case.
"an outdated clunky OS, that MS are soon abandoning?" - I hope you are right, that MS are indeed abandoning it in favour of Windows Phone 7. I hope it's a complete re-write of the code, rather than what MS usually do and regenerate old code and put it into "new" OS's.
I might have a play around with the Hero to see if I like it.
Windows mobile 7 is completely new, but will not work on any existing handsets.
back to android.
Android is great, fully customisable and there is no reason not to love it.
meirionwyllt said:
The reason I was asking is because I've taken Orange up on an offer of a HTC Hero free as an upgrade. I was initially going to sell it .
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Exactly what happened with me - it was going on Ebay and I was keeping the TD, until I made one mistake and did this
meirionwyllt said:
I might have a play around with the Hero to see if I like it.
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One little play and I was hooked.
In use the capacitive screen is so much better - do not believe those who say it is a worse screen because it has less resolution. In fact ease of use of the screen is the one thing that I always envied iphone users for when I watched them swipe easily between screens without ever accidently switching on an app.
And Android, especially with HTC's SenseUI, is much better than WM. Because of the WM interface (which HTC did their best to hide) I used my TD mainly as a phone and did not get the best out of it because of that. Now I use my Hero for a lot more. And I have not missed my old stylus one bit - I just let my fingers do the walking.
Let us know how you get on with your little play - try the market and see how easy it is to get all sorts of weird and wonderful apps that you never realised you needed, but you will find indispensible once you've got them. I bet you will be androided.

Where do we go from here?

i've noticed in the last few weeks that new rom releases became more and more alike and basicaly no much novelty lately
chefs use the same packages and almost the same tweaks, meaning the roms are almost similar in performance. what differentiate them is just the looks, but that is a matter of taste and one can soon get bored by a certain look
microsft will probably drop 6.5.x after wm7 will be launched (very soon)
i tried few android roms on my hd2 and i can't say android represents an alternative for me
i assume it will be the same with wm7 even if people will port it to hd, considering the limitations
so, what do you think guys? are we in a dead point?
thank you for sharing your opinions!
microsoft has already promised further support for winmo 6.5.x, which is supported by the upcoming release of a 6.5.x industrial phone forth coming. With any luck, we will at least be able to get future ROM bases from them.
As long as WinMO 6.5.x is supported, I will continue using that in conjunction with Artemis ROM. Android is also not my thing and what I've seen from Win7, does not make me happy.
However, I think Artemis ROM is somewhat different to other ROM's
regards, Kuzibri
Winmo isn't just used in phones, you would be amazed at how many non-"phone" devices its used in by industry.
Did you know for example that the Ultra Baggage Reconciliation System uses windows mobile? Thats right, pretty much anywhere in the modern world where you fly from, your bags are scanned into an aircraft/uld using windows mobile!
Many other industries use it as well.... including storage, parcel couriers, mail companies, supermarkets, taxi firms ... the list can go on.
With this kind of user base and licensing, MS won't throw away Winmo quickly!
(MS have (probably) had a lot of financial success with WinMo over the years, its not just a phone!)
edit: i'm into systems integration and industrial automation, I have seen winmo installed myself in these environments and often used the devices.
You might consider SPB Mobile Shell 5.0 when it's available if you fancy a change..
I'm hoping, with the birth of Co0kie's mod 2.0, that we may see a surge in ROMs.
I agree that for the last six months, most released ROMs have been "close to stock", which is fine, but there seems a limit on what tweaks can be made, and visually most are very similar.
But now I'm really hoping for loads of Theme-packs, novel uses of the homepage, new widgets, etc. I'm hoping that once 2.0 is finalised, these forums are going to explode!!
So far tho, there's just been some wallpapers, the "fore-skin" , and a few icon-packs. But hopefully stuff is brewing...
i think we are pretty much in a dead point. MS has probably promised to further support MS 6.x, but do you honestly think that that would be the case once WM 7 is out? I think the whole WM team is fully concentrated on the launch of WM7 and will be busy with further upgrades. i might be wrong but i don't expect anything from MS. frankly saying i feel that MS does not give a monkey's about WM 6.x users. If they did, they could offer a free upgrade of WM7 to HD2 owners. I know you will think about the 5 physical buttons, the new kernel and etc, but if the company really cared, that upgrade would not be a problem taking into consideration HD2's specs. We all bash Apple for whatever reasons, but you have to give credit to them for supporting even outdated iphone 3g with new iOS updates.
I understand MS when they require all phones to have certain specs, buttons etc.
The idea being that WP7 updates will work on all certified phones regardless of OEM, phone model, etc.
Consider this system continuing into the future, Windows Phone 8, 9 and so on - and the upgrade path will always be there...
Catering for other models doesn't make sense. That's what great communities like XDA are for.
(Having said that - I don't even have an HD2. I'm waiting to test WP7 before I decide if it's for me. If it isn't, I'll pick up a now cheaper HD2. That's why I'm watching these forums now - to see how fresh the HD2 options are and if you HD2 owners are still happy with your HD2's. Also, I've bought many WM6.5 apps in the past and it would be a shame to not be able to use them still on a nicer and larger model.)
I for one love the idea of being able to have both win mobile and android on the same phone just a boot away. It is the sole reason I just bought a HD2. I would love to see a version of Co0kie's mod 2.0 on the HD2 Android side as well. I'm a huge Android fan but the Sense UI on the win mobile HD2 looks much tighter and intergrated than it does on the Desire, Desire HD, or EVO. Icons scattered around 3, 5, or 7 screens is an eye sore in my opinion. If you think about it with every new release from HTC the HTC Android phones are starting to look more and more like the HD2's win mobile Sense UI version. Developers, here is a challenge. Make the Android side of the Hd2 look like the win mobile Sense UI side. The future of android will be widgets on the Screens and apps hidden away for use when needed until they can be intergrated into a far more attracted and collabrative widget. If you looks at the widgets that come with Launcher pro plus it is clears that they know this as well .
Rurph said:
i think we are pretty much in a dead point. MS has probably promised to further support MS 6.x, but do you honestly think that that would be the case once WM 7 is out? I think the whole WM team is fully concentrated on the launch of WM7 and will be busy with further upgrades. i might be wrong but i don't expect anything from MS. frankly saying i feel that MS does not give a monkey's about WM 6.x users. If they did, they could offer a free upgrade of WM7 to HD2 owners. I know you will think about the 5 physical buttons, the new kernel and etc, but if the company really cared, that upgrade would not be a problem taking into consideration HD2's specs. We all bash Apple for whatever reasons, but you have to give credit to them for supporting even outdated iphone 3g with new iOS updates.
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gotta disagree. There are too many enteprise type devices out there using winmo for it to just go away. As long as they are pushing 6.5.x as the enterprise base, then we will get driver updates, new bases to build on. We might not see anymore sense updates, but it's not getting completely abandoned yet.

[Q] HD2 vs Inspire

Greets All,
I saw that this phone was out by ATT, and I was curious about it so I went to GSMArena to do a compare, and Aside from it being a 4G phone and a 8MP camera, its nearly the same hardware from what I saw, am I wrong in what I looked at?
I was curious cause I was wondering since everyone says that the desire HD is hardware wise a close match, based on what I saw I think the Inspire could be closer of a match.
Anyone else? Or am I just completely off base?
GPU is better.
Touchscreen has proper multi touch properlly
Android on the inspire is prolly faster smoother and more stable than ours (Note this prolly only comes into play when you flash it with a custom rom). But ours is good enough for daily use.
More RAM
More ROM which is a big plus considering it runs sense
720p recording
More video codec support
the CPU for the inspire is a 2nd gen snapdragon which is supposedly way better than 1st gen, which is what the hd2 uses.
Desire hd and inspire 4g are the same, just that the inspire 4g is a variant of the desire hd for aT&t.
Kailkti said:
GPU is better.
Touchscreen has proper multi touch properlly
Android on the inspire is prolly faster smoother and more stable than ours (Note this prolly only comes into play when you flash it with a custom rom). But ours is good enough for daily use.
More RAM
More ROM which is a big plus considering it runs sense
720p recording
More video codec support
the CPU for the inspire is a 2nd gen snapdragon which is supposedly way better than 1st gen, which is what the hd2 uses.
Desire hd and inspire 4g are the same, just that the inspire 4g is a variant of the desire hd for aT&t.
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he's not asking which is better, only which is a closer match hardware wise to our HD2's.
Angel, I was curious about this too. It seems that the Inspire is just America's version of the DesireHD, but I could be wrong. Didn't get a chance to look closely at specs.
Ah sorry, didn't read all of it and i was also answering the topic of the thread so yeah, I misread.
Well in the end I did say that the inspire 4g is just a variant of the desire hd so in a way I did answer his question.
Well I just read on the main page of XDA they are thinking of merging the Inspire and the DHD into one forum. And since alot of the Androids are being ported based on the DHD, if thats the case then the Inspire should be able to be ported too.
But by specs all three seem to be almost the same with little variation.
Yes the inspire can be ported. But what is there to port that is different from the desire hd, aT&t bloatware?
Actually no, Since I dont have the inspire, I have to rely on people here, if the Inspire runs a non HD version, dont even know what they call it for the inspire, and its not as heavy as the DHD roms, it would mean smoother rom, less battery drain, etc, like we all know the desire is lighter on the battery then the DHD. I'm just thinking if this would have the same features and is just easier on the battery load and not as heavy, Also obviously this being a newer phone, riping the kernel (which I have no idea on how to do) and seeing how that runs since from a quick look it seems to be a HTC kernel. Where this might help? Battery, Wifi, Bluetooth, New Drivers, etc.
At this point its not really about "oooo another rom to play with" I think at this point it should be, lets look at this and see if there is anything that can help stablize our builds, with what I mentioned above, cause as wel all know Android to a good degree is interchangeable with its parts of the OS, where SlowMo wasnt.
Does that make any sense?
AngelDeath said:
Actually no, Since I dont have the inspire, I have to rely on people here, if the Inspire runs a non HD version, dont even know what they call it for the inspire, and its not as heavy as the DHD roms, it would mean smoother rom, less battery drain, etc, like we all know the desire is lighter on the battery then the DHD. I'm just thinking if this would have the same features and is just easier on the battery load and not as heavy, Also obviously this being a newer phone, riping the kernel (which I have no idea on how to do) and seeing how that runs since from a quick look it seems to be a HTC kernel. Where this might help? Battery, Wifi, Bluetooth, New Drivers, etc.
At this point its not really about "oooo another rom to play with" I think at this point it should be, lets look at this and see if there is anything that can help stablize our builds, with what I mentioned above, cause as wel all know Android to a good degree is interchangeable with its parts of the OS, where SlowMo wasnt.
Does that make any sense?
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I would assume the inspire would run pretty much the same software as the desire hd, since the inspire is just the at&t version of desire hd. It'll probably have same kernel and sense version as DHD.
Where you say SlowMo, are you talking about winmo? I thought winmo was just as interchangeable with its parts, if not more, as android. Winmo was a great OS, especially on the HD2... it just wasn't supported anymore shortly after the HD2 was released.
I'd get an inspire if WinMo 6.5 was ported to it...until then I'm looking for a Tellus version of the HD2 when it makes sense to spend the money...WM6.5 rocks...I hate the sens UI and android, and I'm not a fan of WP7 yet so...
Lol...that was my first public post...and about a phone I probably wont get unless someone ports actually came across this thread looking to see if anyone had ported it, which unfortunately I doubt they ever will
It seems to me the more these newer devices advance, the less we really get out of them Tilt2 does everything I need it to do, and I have way more options to customize it, including the ability to run android...I only run that to show the Android lovers that WinMo is actually
Besides those times, I run the standard Windows Mobile Today screen, not TF3D...not Sense, nor Titanium...the Old Old WM Today screen but if I didnt want to I could do Sense, TF3D, SPB, Titanium, etc....Android doesnt seem better, it just seems like it gets more attention because it's the new thing...but then again, perhaps it's easier to develop for, I don't know...I'm totally new to this stuff compared to many around here
GT247 said:
Lol...that was my first public post...and about a phone I probably wont get unless someone ports actually came across this thread looking to see if anyone had ported it, which unfortunately I doubt they ever will
It seems to me the more these newer devices advance, the less we really get out of them Tilt2 does everything I need it to do, and I have way more options to customize it, including the ability to run android...I only run that to show the Android lovers that WinMo is actually
Besides those times, I run the standard Windows Mobile Today screen, not TF3D...not Sense, nor Titanium...the Old Old WM Today screen but if I didnt want to I could do Sense, TF3D, SPB, Titanium, etc....Android doesnt seem better, it just seems like it gets more attention because it's the new thing...but then again, perhaps it's easier to develop for, I don't know...I'm totally new to this stuff compared to many around here
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sorry, i dont want to offend you, but most parts of your post are nonsense..
You don't need to be sorry, or apologize to me, I'm not offended at all, I'm entitled to like what I like and I'm entitled to my opinion of operating systems...some people like Windows, others, Linux, and even still, Mac...they all have their benefits and none are garbage, although some might say one is or isn't..Chevy wussies argue with Ford Men all the time lol...
I take an honest approach by admitting I'm new, and don't know all of the ins-and-outs of the OS's of devices, I'm not a developer, at all...I'm an end-user, that's it... at the same time, I have my Tilt2 and I have an EVO 4G, I don't like the EVO, would trade it in a heartbeat for a Telstra HD2 and tbh, the only reason I want that is so I can put all of the OS's it can run on it so I can have my choice, and show it's the only device I know of that can run 5 operating systems on it....and sure, that's because the developers who have done the porting on it have done so, and is a statement to how genius they are, and yes, I consider them geniuses, of which for all I know, you are one of, but on the other hand, the HD2 is a windows mobile 6.5 device, that can run 5 operating systems and I don't see any Android devices being able to run any other operating
Going back to what I said...I have my Tilt2, and use it as my primary device for everything....EVERYTHING....I own an emergency flood restoration construction company and I'm on call 24 hours a day,...the Tilt2 and the Evo 4G are pretty much chained to my hip at all times, and the only time I whip out the Evo is when it's time to stick it on the charger...there's nothing I have noticed about it that's better than my Tilt2....nothing....except maybe the screen size
I do think having the experience of owning each phone with each OS allows me credibility to say one phone does not outperform the other very much, and if one does, it's minimally...but I don't like the Evo, and I don't like the Sense UI, and I don't like the Android today screen any more than I like an owner of each device, and a user of each device, I have formed my opinion based on my preference of devices that I own, and my Tilt2 windows mobile kicks ass over my Evo in regards to which device I enjoy using over the other...and that's not's a fact
Anyways, what brought me to this thread was to see the results of the discussion of HD2 Vs Inspire.....I'm up for an upgrade at AT&T, but I don't like the devices they have to offer at this particular time...the Inspire was a possible contender but it's pretty much an, and I've stated how I feel about it....I'm only going to consider the Inspire if someone ports 6.5 to it....what got me to comment here was someone mentioning WinMo as SlowMo.....6.5 is indeed a good OS, it's just unfortunately not continued
GT247 said:
Anyways, what brought me to this thread was to see the results of the discussion of HD2 Vs Inspire.....I'm up for an upgrade at AT&T, but I don't like the devices they have to offer at this particular time...the Inspire was a possible contender but it's pretty much an, and I've stated how I feel about it....I'm only going to consider the Inspire if someone ports 6.5 to it....what got me to comment here was someone mentioning WinMo as SlowMo.....6.5 is indeed a good OS, it's just unfortunately not continued
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HD2 is THE best winmo 6.5 phone, and properly the last one, you can go get a EU version that works on ATT network
I like sliding keyboards...I'm waiting to see what happens with the HTC PRO7...unfortunately, as much as I love my Tilt2 and the OS and UI, I know it will some day come time for me to retire it...and by then, devices like the PRO7 running WP7 and Android will be all thats available and noone is going to port 6.5 for anything...6.5 as far as I'm concerned was just missing the snapdragon processors and LED flashes and stuff that are coming out on the new devices
GT247 said:
I like sliding keyboards...I'm waiting to see what happens with the HTC PRO7...unfortunately, as much as I love my Tilt2 and the OS and UI, I know it will some day come time for me to retire it...and by then, devices like the PRO7 running WP7 and Android will be all thats available and noone is going to port 6.5 for anything...6.5 as far as I'm concerned was just missing the snapdragon processors and LED flashes and stuff that are coming out on the new devices
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True, i agree with you. I've own a tilt2 and this phone model is the Perfect device except its lack of cpu power/low quality camera and the Wmobile OS. If HTC would just release a similar device with the same build quality/design factor, a 4.3 or 4.0 screen, 512ram, Android, 5mpx cam with flash and most importantly retain the same dual speakers + call quality ---> this would be a killer device. The speakers sound and call quality are both the best I've heard on a HTC device.
GT247 said:
I'd get an inspire if WinMo 6.5 was ported to it...until then I'm looking for a Tellus version of the HD2 when it makes sense to spend the money...WM6.5 rocks...I hate the sens UI and android, and I'm not a fan of WP7 yet so...
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Though I don't hate android or Sense, but I would support you on WinMo 6.5 rocks...
I don't know why people are so against me It used to work fine without any problems..
With Sense UI on WinMo and cookie still is as advanced and functional as any other OS out there and HD2 is the perfect machine to carry it... ofcourse I never used a stock ROM, been using NRGZ rom from day one...
But sad part is no new apps and games are being developed on it anymore and apps on Android, really add functionality to the it has to die it sad death . But its still better than crapberry OS anyway
Sorry for the offtopic but couldn't resist..
I hate resurrecting an old thread, but I hate even more having too many threads on the same topic.
I visited this thread a number of times prior to making the jump, it's done now though. I've went from a T9193 to the Inspire4g. Darkstone SuperRam was my daily driver as my primary concern in the device is speed. I didn't find any ROMs better.
No regrets, it is a better handset no doubt. If Android has become your daily driver while you were using your Leo, don't fear the switch. Right now mine dual-boots WP7 and SuperRam and I just never used WP7 so the switch was a no-brainer. Right out of the gate with the AT&T bloat and Sense it still feels faster than the Leo running SuperRam. The Gorilla Glass is nice, I always thought that the Leo not having it was one of HTCs biggest mistakes with that handset. The battery life seems worse, but I've gotten so used to garbage battery life (coming from BB) that it really doesn't matter. I have chargers everywhere I go.
All that said, I wouldn't spend the money if you don't have to. It's not staggeringly different. I had to spend the money because my GPS failed. It has since been fixed, but I'm not going back.
Well performance is never where the HD2 shone most brightly, it was the huge unrivaled variety it has, in both android and OSes offered. It has the same variety /functionality, you can get in any other device, even more than some, e.g. samsung galaxy s forums.

