HTC Trinity Speaker Sounds Husky please HELP... - P3600 General

I made three calls yesterday and I enabled the loudspeaker while calling because my hands are tied up on the keyboard encoding a project.
I called another classmate (fourth time and still on loudspeaker). This time, the one I am calling to has a ringback tune...I noticed that the music on her ringback sounds quirky or husky or something that it is unpleasant to the ears...Until I noticed that even my message alert tone is also the same...
Is it because that the very loud music of the ringback busted my speakers?
My mp3 sounds are now also sounding weird...So annoying...
Is there any other thing I can do before i can conclude that the hardware is already damage? Thanks...


Ringtone Problem- Plays out loud even when headphones are in

Anyone have a problem like this:
I did a had reset but it still is doing this-
The speaker plays my ringtones out loud even when my headphones are plugged in!!
Mine has always been like that, whicever ROM I used.
My old XDA never did this...
So if i'm listening to music I run the risk of having my ringtone play out loud??
Is the only solution to change my ring prefrences to vibrate only when i'm listening to music (since the phone volume itself cannot be muted)??
When I preview the sound it doesnt play out loud
I don't have such problem with original headset. But, if I use bluetooth headset it happens.
So this is not normal....
How do I fix it?
I tried a hard reset- didn't work!!
Playing the ringtone out of the speaker even though the headphones are in is normal with most if not all phones. The headphones are only to listen to music and calls.
If you had the phones in but not in your ears and the phone rang only in the headphones how would you hear it?
Why would your headphones be plugged in if you are not listening to music?? And to answer your question- you would know the phone is riging by it vibrating.
Anyways- many people told me this is not there must be a way to change it.
Also, when I am in silent or vibrate mode and I accidentaly or even purposely push my Voice Command button the beep sound will come out of the speaker-
It will change the sound icon from Vibrate or Silent to the regular icon but will stay in silent/vibrate mode-
Is this normal??
Not sure about the voice command question but with regards "WHy would you have your headphones in if you're not listening to music" the answer is to use the phone handsfree.
Whether this is in the car (law over here) or while in the office a lot of people over here use headphones instead of holding the phone to your ear, some believe that the safer or healthier. No real proof but handsfree is popular.
Saw this same post on the Neonode forum and the SE's do the same so I presumed normal and as I say if you were using the headphones as handsfree if actually a good thing. Yes the vibrate would tell you but say you're at someone else's desk and can't hear the phone vibrating across your desk (hell of a vibrate really isn't it).
Anyway, hope that answers the headphones question
So why did some people say this doesn't happen to them?
That's an unanswerable question. It could be any number of reasons and going on the state of play with the ROMs is possibly down to this.
Going through the forums its amazing the number of people that have different problems with apparently the same phone.
I have the exact same problem, and am still looking for a solution.
The most irritating thing is that when I turn all ringtones off (only vibrate on) and I receive an incoming call, the sound that is currently playing (windows media player or some other program) is played for a fraction of a second thru the external speaker (the program pauses the mp3 playback on an incoming call, but this happens to late). Because of this it's impossible to use the phone for MP3 playback in a place where it's important that no sound is produced.
It would be really nice to completly turn the external speaker off when a headset is plugged in (i find it really strange this isn't the case right now).
It would be nice if someone found a solution for this (in my opionion) huge problem.
I found this is irritating too,
I am using pocketMax Phonealarm
and mute:
- system volume
- phone volume
but max the call volume ( as I think that's required to answer a call)
I plugged my headset (using 2.5mm to 3.5mm jack) and listen the music using winamp & increase the volume, apparently the system volume is increased too ==> I think that's the reason why everytime:
- incoming phone call
- any reminder
is sounded in the headset too.... totally [email protected]@[email protected]#
Any solution for this????!!!!!

Distorted Sound From Right Speaker

i've been noticing for the last two weeks that my 8125 has really distorted sound and i realized its coming from the right speaker only. it sounds loud and tiny from that side like i blew out a speaker. can u even do that on these phones? what do u guys think i should do about it.
i love using it to listen to mp3s and watch videos on it with the speakers. even speaker phone sounds horrible
I also have that same problem. Altough for me its not an actual problem, since i rarely use speakerphone, or listens to music through internal speakers.
Whats really a problrm though, is when my phone rings. It sounds like an drunk owl

Prevent audio push through speaker during notifications?

I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. If you recieve any notifications When listening to any audio through headphones (or through the mini usb port), the device pushes the notification sound through the speaker. This is fine when having a ringer enabled because I'd obviously want to hear the ring. What I dislike though, is when I have notfications (rings, text messages, etc.) on silent or vibrate, it pushes the audio that I'm listening to through the speaker still. I've always disliked this in WM. My PPC6700 did the same thing, but now I'd really like to know if there's a way to change this.
Now that I have an 8GB SD card, my Titan has started to become my primary mp3 player. I do FOH sound at a local club, and when playing music between bands, it's really annoying to have the music suddenlly cut out because a phone call is coming in. Likewise when I'm quietly watching MobiTV with my headphones on at work, and suddenly, Survivorman is blaring through the speaker because a call is coming in...You get the point. The ringer is off, but the phone still trys to let a ring through the speaker anyway, and since no ring is selected, it pushes any audio being played through.
I realize that this relatively simple problem probably does not have a simple solution as this is probably buried deep in the architecture of how WM handles audio gateways...that almost sounded like I knew what I was talking about; I can assure you that I do not . This is where you guys come in. I'm willing to test any ideas you guys have got. I don't care if it f&#*s up my phone...a hard reset isn't going to ruin my day. I'd just like a solution for this.
Thanks for your help and for this forum! has saved my phone more then a few times already.
Me too having the same problem. I listen to music via my bluetooth mono headset and these notifications (whcih I get plenty) disconnect the bluetooth audio gateway, forcing me to reach out to my phone and enabling the audio gateway again.
Yeah, I hate that too! I have the i760, one other thing on this phone I dislike is that the volume must be on to hear audio through my headphones. But there I am in a store listening to some rock at a loud volume, and there it is playing for the entire f'n store to hear when I get a call, thanks PPC!
Possible Solution!!!!
Might I recommend a Profiler. Like PPCProfiler. Just Google it.
What you could do is create a profile called music or what ever you want to name it. Then you could set up that profile to turn ringers on with the volume level you like and with or without vibration and select silent or vibrate only for the notifications. You could really but together any combination. I believe with PPCProfile you can even make a profile as a Headset Mode. So it will auto detect the headset and switch without having to do anything else.
Curious G.
Thanks for the reply, but a profiler isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I've had them before in previous roms. The problem isn't that it's an inconvienence to switch to silent or vibrate. It's that when things are silenced or on vibrate, any background audio is pushed through the speaker while the notification is going off. Meanwhile that audio that I want to be played cuts out of the path that I want it going through (ie. headphones).
Thanks tho...I'm open to any ideas.

HD2 Sound Quality (Tones)

I know about the audio booster, but that's just for music (isn't it?). Does anyone else find that ring and message tones sound very shrill and tinny on the HD2? I found an app (Advanced Configuration Tool), which had some sound settings, but didn't seem to do a lot, so I was wondering if there's an app, or a cab somewhere that would 'tone down' the sound, and make it a little 'warmer', if you get what I mean?
Unfortunatly due to it being a tiny mono speaker thats as good as its going to get.
don't expect too much from phone speakers! Just look at the stupid kids walking throught the streets with their cellphones playing their **** music that sounds like crap coming from the tiny speaker. Totally annoying!!
Audio Booster just works when you have connected headphones/speakers via the 3.5mm jack or paired with a bluetooth speaker (I think). Otherwise just turn down the volume a little so it doesn't sound that thin and bad. I always use 2/3 of the max volume and my ringtone mp3s sound ok.
The HD2 mono speaker doesn't come close in terms of sound quality to the Rhodium. It's unfortunate, but I guess HTC couldn't cram another speaker into the HD2. It is pretty darn thin.
Oh well, I guess I'm stuck with it, then. Thanks for the replies.

[Q] Ringtone volume while using headset

I am using stock ginger unrooted android and i am becoming more and more annoyed with minor problems it presents. I am really very surprised to encounter this kind of design flaws in htc device...
Now i am not sure if it's hardware or software limitation, but i discovered that ringtone volume for phones loudspeaker will be the same as for earphones one. This is stupid, as i have read peoples complaints about phones behaviour while listening music and phone suddenly ringing aloud, this might be uncomfortable, for example in the library or public transport. But with me it's even more stupid, because i keep my phone on vibration alert all the time - i don't need it to ring. So i keep it in my pocket, and listen to some tunes, and then i notice missed calls... no ringtone, music still plays... how stupid is this?
I gave a try to "audio concert", sound profile manager which adjusts phones loudness when it detects connection/disconnection of headphones jack, but at the very best i am left with having a phone ringing in my pocket when i use headphones...
Almost every dumbphone i used at least stopped ringing using built-in loud speaker when headset was connected, not to mention SE phones which played ringtone through earphones even when muted...
So to sum it up, does anyone know whether it is possible to disable loudspeaker and still have ringtone over headphones?
Or at least any good semi-solution?

