List of unsolved registery tweaks. Need help. - HD2 General

Ok a lot of fun can be discovered from changing registry entries and seeing what they can do. Here is a small guide:
If an entry has a 0 it means it is disabled or off. If it has a 1 it means it is enabled or on.
Remember and make a note of any change you make in case you need to put it back.
Search for common words in the entries and see what they relate to and if they can be changed Eg:
disable, enable, show, hide, lsk, sms, boost, cache, icon etc. Go through each one. Make any changes you want based on logic of the entry and reset maybe. Go to the app where you would expect to see the change and see if your tweak has worked. If not change the reg back again.
Report back here any discoveries or potential discoveries you come across and maybe we can give advice on what should be changed in the reg entry.
Be in the frame of mind you may need to do a hard reset as a last resort so back up PIM first.
I will make a list of new potential tweaks soon and maybe someone could advise on how we can change it. Any changes found will be added to the hints and tips thread.

Here are a few to get started. Please respond with ideas if you can help and submit your own findings too.
1. HKCU\Software\HTC\WebSnapShot
Enabled currently set to 0.
Which app would use this if we enabled it?
2. HKLM\Drivers\BuitIn\GSensor
EnableShaking currently set to 0.
Sounds useful somewhere.
3. HKLM\Services\MyPhoneService
IsEnabled currently set to 1.
If we disable this if we don't use MyPhone will this free up some services/resources/memory?
4. HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\Common
DisableCapAnimation currently set to 1.
I presume this means some sort of caputre animation when taking a photo (like the iphone when the iris closes). I tried setting this to 0 to enable it but saw no animation when I took the photo. Maybe something else needs to be done.
5. HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMessaging
DisableCacheWhenLengthierMessage currently set to 1.
This mean cache is off with long sms messages. If we turned on cache would this be good?
6. HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMessaging
ManilaEntry currently set to 0.
I set this to 1 but could not find any change. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.
7. HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCSettings_Improvement
HavePersonalSecurity currently set to 0.
I have set this to 1 and a new option suddenly appears in the Manila Settings tab below About Phone option. It is ABPS, ISP, network location service (Personal Info Center). However tapping on it does not open it up. Hmmmm...
8. HKLM\Software\Tegic\T9
Prediction is currently set to 0.
I thought T9 prediction is already part of it? What could this do if we turned it on?
9. HKLM\Services\Windows Live\Plugins\Mail
Max Mail Headers currently set to 50.
Dy defualt Hotmai only downloads the last 50 messages. I tried changing this entry to 75 but no luck. Anyone else?

Anyone want to get involved? I think it could be a good challenge and we may discover a gem of a tweak.


HTC Magician Camera Profile::Testers needed

Hey guys,
I was wondering if you might give me some suggestion and comments about the application i just developed, well its my first ever developed app for smart device so i hope u don't mind. For HTC magicians only i guess unless other models have the same registry structure for the camera settings.
-Save profiles
This application allows you to save settings and name it as profiles, thanks to kta and deuxani for providing some configs which i made as preset in the meantime.
-More camera settings
-and some more...
Just try it out
Known issues:
-Profile has no immediate effect
If any of u guys know how to make immediate effect after modifying registry please let me know, afaik i had to do a soft boot or just click on "reset" on the camera settings.
-Error if click 'Apply' on empty profile
Well, haven't put any exceptions handlers just yet, need to know more bugs first
Need comments about ease of use and user interface also bugs if u happen to find any. I try to make it as simple as i can. Thanks all.
Just installed it! Works fine!
Excellent, maybe a little addon after you select a profile directy start the camera ( this is the reason you start it )
Keep up the good work!
First Thanks on this Idea!!
Will test further and report back.
What do i wrong ? It doenst do anything for me except show me the frame rate ... :?
Thats what i meant by "immediate effect" which i haven't figure out yet, you must go to the camera settings and adjust and click on "reset" because I was able to change the registry for both settings (ie. Contrast and Contrast_User) but i think the camera needs something so it can "refreash" and get the values from the registry which also does on the ambience. I hope someone can figure this out..
great job adit
if you are looking for more advice about developing this plug-in.. I suggest to post this topic in the Development and Hacking forum.
keep up the good work :wink:
Nice job, and its working.
I've tried this app and i have a problem:
in the registry i have 2 values for each parameter (for example brightness and brightness user)
The software change the non user value but if i softreset my Magician user's values becomes default. I must open configuration and reset values and they becomes like the non user values.
Is there another solution?
I've also tryed to delete user keys but after a SR they are again.
Sorry for my english
I've tried this app and i have a problem:
in the registry i have 2 values for each parameter (for example brightness and brightness user)
The software change the non user value but if i softreset my Magician user's values becomes default. I must open configuration and reset values and they becomes like the non user values.
Is there another solution?
I've also tryed to delete user keys but after a SR they are again.
Sorry for my english
The application changes both default and user (default ie brightness, and user ie brightness_user). I did this to make sure that even after a soft reset since the effect does not change immediately, the values are not changed. If you find it inconvenient, i'll rebuild the application so it changes only the xxx_user (ie xxx=brightness)? For the time being, if you want to reset the settings to the original state change all values in the non user to '5'.

registry keys

Hi Everyone:
A small clarification is needed. My device is defaulting to Moscow GMT+3 everytime I restart it. I want to know actually 3 things if possible:
1- What's the registry key that allows you to select the regional settings?
2- How can I know the table code of countries like Moscow is 0x00FFXXX, etc... for the various time zones.
3- I noticed sometimes that whatever registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> nls, they are changed everytime the system restarts. I was assuming that nls\overrides is doing that but I altered everyting and yet after restart new values appear in nls keys and even in overrides. Is there any other place in registry that writes values on top of nls upon restart?
appreciate the help,
I have a similar problem where the backlight timeout setting (on battery power) resets to 10 seconds everytime I turn my MDA off. Really annoying.
I've tried changing the setting in the registry directly as well, but it still changes back.
Any ideas?
It is strange that something keeps changing the reg settings.
I had the 10 second thing on my Jamin and it seem to have something to do with the screen lock plugin.
Never did solve it.
Locale settings are in HKLM\nls DefaultLCID (dword) and you can find all possible values here.
But the time zone is set in HKLM\Time\TimeZoneInformation and its a bit complicated (its a whole data structure and not just a value)
I think you need to check your startup programs (HKLM\init and windows\startup).
levenum said:
It is strange that something keeps changing the reg settings.
I had the 10 second thing on my Jamin and it seem to have something to do with the screen lock plugin.
Never did solve it.
Locale settings are in HKLM\nls DefaultLCID (dword) and you can find all possible values here.
But the time zone is set in HKLM\Time\TimeZoneInformation and its a bit complicated (its a whole data structure and not just a value)
I think you need to check your startup programs (HKLM\init and windows\startup).
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Thank you for your reply and for the great link. I am starting to feel that this problem is related to HTC Home. Appreciate if anyone can comment on this issue.
Requesting Moderators / Admin to move this post to the appropriate board
I've been playing with the new PDAMobiz ROM and discovered that in Settings->Phone there is an option to sync time with the cellular network.
Unfortunately this will also force your time zone in to what ever the network is set to which at least in my case is incorrect because the network operator did not want to bother with DLS settings.
Perhaps you have this setting on as well?

Attention: Found Unusual Registry within T-Mobile USA HD2!

I was just viewing various system registry... and came across some keys that I've never before noticed in the past.
They really aren't too outlandish, but I'm wondering if folks are interested in "testing" what exactly these registry edits "do" in terms of whether or NOT they are enhancements or NOT much of anything.
Now, having said all of that... here are a few of those interesting "tweaks" I've come across:
1.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Keybd: WM7KeybdLayout - "0"
By default this registry value is ZERO... perhaps if "enabled" by using "1" as the replacement value, something "cool" may happen.
2.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Gestures\Touch: Disabled - "0"
By default this registry value is ZERO... and I'm not entirely sure what this COULD allow your system to do, but it may be "cool" also.
3.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Performance: Available RAM on boot - "327274496"
By default this registry value is LIST ABOVE, and perhaps editing this value, and making it larger could allow for a more "hasty" booting process.
4.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\WebSnapShot: Enabled - "0"
By default this registry value is ZERO... but I'm wondering if this will allow for some kind of built-in screen shot function to "snap" thumbnail images of your online browsing history. Assumed value to "enable" it, should be "1".
5.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell: AnalogClock - "0"
By default this registry value is ZERO... so I figure changing this value to "1" might "create" some kind of analog clock on for Manila.
6.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell: HasKeyboard - "0"
By default this registry value is ZERO... and to be quite honest, this seems pretty obvious that it will "allow" or display the keyboard somewhere on the "shell" of your device. Assumed value to "enable" it, should be "1".
7.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight
This ENTIRE key has some pretty interesting settings that can be adjusted for advanced or unseen backlight settings.
8.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\AllLEDMgr
Here is the key in which you can adjust the LED settings such as interval.
9.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Audio\SoftwareMixer: SampleRate - "268435456"
The default value is listed above, but my query involves whether or not tampering with this could resolve the "audio delay" for some users.
10.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Power
Here is the key in which you can adjust the values to be labeled for battery power settings. HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW. The percentage before the system provides a warning can be changed.
11.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display
Here is the key in which you will find a majority of your advanced display settings for your device.
12.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qualcomm\DSM
Here is the key in which I believe you might find another possible solution for the audio delay, considering one of the string values is "250" as a file queue setting.
Here is the key in which you'll find the way to REMOVE or otherwise disable the "popup" window that appears whenever you connect your device via USB to a desktop PC.
THIS KEY, THIS KEY RIGHT HERE FOLKS... this is VERY important for those of you who are trying to figure out what "official" version number of specific services is currently installed on your device.
15.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\OEM Links\T-Mobile Help - "0"
Enabling this key by changing the value to "1" should provide for a direct system link to the T-Mobile support network for the HD2. This is very similar to the Microsoft error reporting services.
16.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Calendar: ShowLunarCalendar - "0"
By enabling this, you should be able to have the Lunar Calendar displayed within the HTC system calendar... among other things. Assumed value to "activate" this should be "1".
17.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CHome
Here is where you'll find a laundry list of options to make changes to the original WM6.5, "Titanium".
18.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Pictures\ImageSendSize
Here is where you'll find 3 sub-keys that contain resolution values that can be altered in order to provide a "bigger picture" for MMS or uploads.
19.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Camera\Image
This key will open up a list of options that will allow you to change various settings for image capture and resizing.
20.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PhoneCanvas
In this key you'll find options that will allow you to make changes to the picture size for contacts.
Here are more device settings for in-call and beyond.
Oh, and don't hesitate to leave a bit of feedback. Thanks.
I am patiently waiting for you to try these and update the post.
I sure as heck don't plan to "play" with my registry
As soon as the store calls to tell me that mine is *FINALLY* in, I'll be happy to test some of those out. As long as you back up your registry before you do anything (and aren't afraid of a Hard Reset as a last resort), there shouldn't be any issue trying these...any of the changes you make can be reversed that way.
Snarksneeze said:
I am patiently waiting for you to try these and update the post.
I sure as heck don't plan to "play" with my registry
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sirphunkee said:
As soon as the store calls to tell me that mine is *FINALLY* in, I'll be happy to test some of those out. As long as you back up your registry before you do anything (and aren't afraid of a Hard Reset as a last resort), there shouldn't be any issue trying these...any of the changes you make can be reversed that way.
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Agreed fellas. This stuff seems interesting. I haven't played with these listed items just yet. I was so exhausted last night while skimming through tons and tons of registry keys... that I may have gotten a little desperate to post this rather than test each one.
Some are just useful tips, but others I have not before seen on the EURO model of the HD2. For instance, the WM7 keyboard... that's rather curious, huh?
5 - puts tiny analog clock where digi clock is by battery
6 - for phones with hardware keyboards
14 - can change that to fake any system info you like
18 - doesnt necessarily work. best way ive yet to find to fix the small mms size on some networks is the mms userprofile tweak that reports it as a diamond, and the mms useragent as a nokian95. (I can tfind the link, sorry)
3.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Performance: Available RAM on boot - "327274496"
By default this registry value is LIST ABOVE, and perhaps editing this value, and making it larger could allow for a more "hasty" booting process.
When I looked I had a lower value, "281640960". I increased it to "327274496" startup seems a bit faster, not much. I'm gonna try increasing it later. On another note, slide to unlock seems to be faster. Of course this could all be in my head.
chrys9989 said:
3.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Performance: Available RAM on boot - "327274496"
By default this registry value is LIST ABOVE, and perhaps editing this value, and making it larger could allow for a more "hasty" booting process.
When I looked I had a lower value, "281640960". I increased it to "327274496" startup seems a bit faster, not much. I'm gonna try increasing it later. On another note, slide to unlock seems to be faster. Of course this could all be in my head.
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This looks suspiciously like overclocking to me. If it is, I doubt that the S2U being faster is in your head...
Are you sure that "on boot" only means during the bootup process and not the original RAM available before the processes kick in?
Snarksneeze said:
This looks suspiciously like overclocking to me. If it is, I doubt that the S2U being faster is in your head...
Are you sure that "on boot" only means during the bootup process and not the original RAM available before the processes kick in?
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What's weird though is that the value keeps changing, on every boot it's a different value. On the last boot, it was 280760320.
chrys9989 said:
What's weird though is that the value keeps changing, on every boot it's a different value. On the last boot, it was 280760320.
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Then it just about has to be a record and not reference value. Shoulda known it wouldn't be that easy
samsamuel said:
5 - puts tiny analog clock where digi clock is by battery
6 - for phones with hardware keyboards
14 - can change that to fake any system info you like
18 - doesnt necessarily work. best way ive yet to find to fix the small mms size on some networks is the mms userprofile tweak that reports it as a diamond, and the mms useragent as a nokian95. (I can tfind the link, sorry)
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chrys9989 said:
What's weird though is that the value keeps changing, on every boot it's a different value. On the last boot, it was 280760320.
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Thanks for the reports.
And yeah, I noticed that as well... yet my value is always relatively in the same demographic in terms of "high" or "low".
But yes, it is some "lowbrow" version of overclocking, but as far as I know... it only pertains to the RAM available during and shortly thereafter a booting process is complete. It's like tweaking the allocated resources that "HTC Sense" used each time it booted up.
Awesome find. looking forward to what will be unconvered
I have a few friends skimming the registry keys day n' night as well... it's just very, very exhausting to read thousands of lines of coding.
I doubt I'll be updating the OP with tons of additions, but I'll certainly add to it, should something reasonably decent come to my attention.
I would like to add something that also seems interesting
HKLM/System/Autoupdate: 0 <-- I wonder what 1 does.. I just set to 1, will update as i hopefully receive updates
PS: I'm not sure if its this that caused this, but my phone just locks on slide to unlock.. As soon as i try unlocking the screen turns off.
Reignzone said:
I have a few friends skimming the registry keys day n' night as well... it's just very, very exhausting to read thousands of lines of coding.
I doubt I'll be updating the OP with tons of additions, but I'll certainly add to it, should something reasonably decent come to my attention.
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Anyone found any interesting tidbits as of yet?

[Guide] Change WiFi auto switch off time (15 minute default) to any vaule.

Hello this is my first contribution to the forum.
About the tweak
This modification is usefull for people who (like me) use the setting "keep wifi on only when plugged in". This setting basically turns the wifi off after a default time interval since the screen was turned off (the default is 15 minutes). For some people this time is way to long to wait before switching the wifi off. So after some research I found a way to reduce this time to any time interval desired.
The modification process is simple, the only thing needed is an Sqlite database editor, I preffer Sqlite Editor from the playstore.
1. first of all, install an sqlite database editor (it can be for PC)
2. locate the following file: /data/data/
3. open the file with the Sqlite software or APP (you should see something like the first thumbnail attachment)
4. proceed to the Secure section
5. create the following record/key: "wifi_idle_ms" without quotation marks
6. the value for the new record/key is what defines the time to wait after screen off to switch off the wifi and is in milliseconds,
enter 120000 to wait 2 minutes
7. save the changes and reboot.
8. if you ant to undo the changes just delete the record you just created or set it to be 900000 (15 minutes)
the second thumbnail attachment is what my setting looks like with 2 minutes wait time.
This should work on any rom, hope this is usefull for someone
-decipher- said:
Hello this is my first contribution to the forum.
About the tweak
This modification is usefull for people who (like me) use the setting "keep wifi on only when plugged in". This setting basically turns the wifi off after a default time interval since the screen was turned off (the default is 15 minutes). For some people this time is way to long to wait before switching the wifi off. So after some research I found a way to reduce this time to any time interval desired.
The modification process is simple, the only thing needed is an Sqlite database editor, I preffer Sqlite Editor from the playstore.
1. first of all, install an sqlite database editor (it can be for PC)
2. locate the following file: /data/data/
3. open the file with the Sqlite software or APP (you should see something like the first thumbnail attachment)
4. proceed to the Secure section
5. create the following record/key: "wifi_idle_ms" without quotation marks
6. the value for the new record/key is what defines the time to wait after screen off to switch off the wifi and is in milliseconds,
enter 120000 to wait 2 minutes
7. save the changes and reboot.
8. if you ant to undo the changes just delete the record you just created or set it to be 900000 (15 minutes)
the second thumbnail attachment is what my setting looks like with 2 minutes wait time.
This should work on any rom, hope this is usefull for someone
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Thanks. Can I get help ? After 15 mins with WiFi On and the screen is locked. We don't get any notifications , Internet notifications like WhatsApp , Facebook , Hangouts , Nimbuzz. But Call and SMS Work. The problem is the device doesn't wakes up. And when I finally unlock my phone a flood of notifications occurs. I tried using PND App from PS. I think it works but ain't sure. I also switched off Greeniffy. I'm on Stock CM 12.1 30/7 build.
AmolAmrit03 said:
Thanks. Can I get help ? After 15 mins with WiFi On and the screen is locked. We don't get any notifications , Internet notifications like WhatsApp , Facebook , Hangouts , Nimbuzz. But Call and SMS Work. The problem is the device doesn't wakes up. And when I finally unlock my phone a flood of notifications occurs. I tried using PND App from PS. I think it works but ain't sure. I also switched off Greeniffy. I'm on Stock CM 12.1 30/7 build.
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This is normal behaviour because wifi turns off, revert changes or reflash rom to get normal behaviour back. This guide was actually ment to reduce the default 15 minute wifi off time to any value desired.
You are on CM ?
@-decipher- Buddy, this is same thing? Heartbear Interval?
AmolAmrit03 said:
@-decipher- Buddy, this is same thing? Heartbear Interval?
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I actually found an app that would do this tweak and reactivate wifi periodically, the timers can be configured at will. LeanDroid you should try it.
-decipher- said:
I actually found an app that would do this tweak and reactivate wifi periodically, the timers can be configured at will. LeanDroid you should try it.
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Its a Battery Saver thing. Can you look into Push Notification Fixer App on PS ? And Tell me If it does the same thing? Your method is regarding HeartBeat Interval? Please @-decipher-
AmolAmrit03 said:
Its a Battery Saver thing. Can you look into Push Notification Fixer App on PS ? And Tell me If it does the same thing? Your method is regarding HeartBeat Interval? Please @-decipher-
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No, it does not change heartbeat interval.
@-decipher- this automatic WiFi Off always happens in Custom ROMs and not in Stock ROMs
activating/dezactivating all the time and other skedule third party apks i think will only take more battery juice instead of helping, just use keep wifi on sleep = never option and it will be the best solution and disable wifi scaning
dont trow stuff in me for this opinion.

Settings Database Editor tweaks

I've been playing around with an app called "Settings Database Editor" and found some very cool tweaks that don't require root. It does require you to run "adb shell pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" on a computer though. Also sidenote, I'm not the creator of this app just stumbled across it on the play store and found some really cool things that it enables you to tweak on the S8.
In the tab "global" there are values for "transition_animation_scale", "animator_duration_scale", and "window_animation_scale" if you have development options enabled then you're probably familiar with these settings but with this you can tweak it to the exact scale you'd like instead of being limited to 7 different preset scales.
And in the tab "global" there is a value called "display_size_forced" by looking at the value set it seems to be what Settings -> Display -> Screen resolution is set to, maybe this will allow a wider range of resolutions instead of the 3 presets we get?
There's a bunch more tweaks, it's worth a look through
V0idst4r said:
I've been playing around with an app called "Settings Database Editor" and found some very cool tweaks that don't require root. It does require you to run "adb shell pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" on a computer though. Also sidenote, I'm not the creator of this app just stumbled across it on the play store and found some really cool things that it enables you to tweak on the S8.
In the tab "global" there are values for "transition_animation_scale", "animator_duration_scale", and "window_animation_scale" if you have development options enabled then you're probably familiar with these settings but with this you can tweak it to the exact scale you'd like instead of being limited to 7 different preset scales.
And in the tab "global" there is a value called "display_size_forced" by looking at the value set it seems to be what Settings -> Display -> Screen resolution is set to, maybe this will allow a wider range of resolutions instead of the 3 presets we get?
There's a bunch more tweaks, it's worth a look through
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Are you able to change the quick toggles to less than 6? :silly:
PieceofSlice said:
Are you able to change the quick toggles to less than 6? :silly:
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Yup there if you look there is an option called qs_tile_column, qs_tile_row, and qs_tile_column_landscape under secure. Just make sure not to set it to 1 otherwise SystemUI will go into a crash loop and renders your phone completely useless until you use adb to change the settings back. If you don't have usb debugging on you may be forced to do a factory reset
V0idst4r said:
Yup there if you look there is an option called qs_tile_column, qs_tile_row, and qs_tile_column_landscape under secure. Just make sure not to set it to 1 otherwise SystemUI will go into a crash loop and renders your phone completely useless until you use adb to change the settings back. If you don't have usb debugging on you may be forced to do a factory reset
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So I cant have just one row of tiles? Also, just a bit confused on how to actually use the app. I plus my phone into my PC and run some command in CMD? I just want like a 1*4 (x,x,x,x) How would I add tiles back if I wanted them?
PieceofSlice said:
So I cant have just one row of tiles? Also, just a bit confused on how to actually use the app. I plus my phone into my PC and run some command in CMD? I just want like a 1*4 (x,x,x,x) How would I add tiles back if I wanted them?
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The crash might only happen with columns, don't really want to mess up my daily driver again
And in the tab "global" there is a value called "display_size_forced" by looking at the value set it seems to be what Settings -> Display -> Screen resolution is set to, maybe this will allow a wider range of resolutions instead of the 3 presets we get?
There's a bunch more tweaks, it's worth a look through[/QUOTE]
You do know in developers settings you can change the dpi to what ever you want?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And in the tab "global" there is a value called "display_size_forced" by looking at the value set it seems to be what Settings -> Display -> Screen resolution is set to, maybe this will allow a wider range of resolutions instead of the 3 presets we get?
There's a bunch more tweaks, it's worth a look through[/QUOTE]
You do know in developers settings you can change the dpi to what ever you want?[/QUOTE]
You're mistaken, display_size_forced isn't the dpi.
PieceofSlice said:
So I cant have just one row of tiles? Also, just a bit confused on how to actually use the app. I plus my phone into my PC and run some command in CMD? I just want like a 1*4 (x,x,x,x) How would I add tiles back if I wanted them?
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Changing the number of QS columns is totally possible using the System UI Tuner app in the Play Store, I've successfully changed mine to 7 columns, but I've also tested it with as little as 3 columns.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
i was hoping this tool would allow me to change the default sms app to hangouts, however, the editor is not preserving my change (and yes, i issued the required command). does anyone have a suggestion to fix this? thanks.
cortez.i said:
i was hoping this tool would allow me to change the default sms app to hangouts, however, the editor is not preserving my change (and yes, i issued the required command). does anyone have a suggestion to fix this? thanks.
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Google took out support for hangouts as an SMS app the end of may. It is no longer possible to use hangouts with an actual phone number unless it's a Google voice number
You can use this method to change the default install location. Just throwing that out there, it's under Global in the app. You can also add your own settings, if I knew what the hell I was doing I'd add them, but have to imagine if I play around with Tasker or extract activities and intents from other apps that use secure settings, etc... This might give us at least some flexibility. I am beyond frustrated with lack of root on this phone, coming from LG v10, I was really relying on the Galaxy community to come through on this device. Still holding out hope.
---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------
I also just used this to turn off the Brightness Warning, under Global I went to "limit_brightness_state" and changed "80, 80" to "100,100"... warning gone.
The new Update from T-Mobile broke the changes I made here in quick settings. It's now just a blank box entirely. Damn
Nevermind went in and change to 5 and then back to 7 and all is well again
klark1kent said:
You can use this method to change the default install location. Just throwing that out there, it's under Global in the app. You can also add your own settings, if I knew what the hell I was doing I'd add them, but have to imagine if I play around with Tasker or extract activities and intents from other apps that use secure settings, etc... This might give us at least some flexibility. I am beyond frustrated with lack of root on this phone, coming from LG v10, I was really relying on the Galaxy community to come through on this device. Still holding out hope.
---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------
I also just used this to turn off the Brightness Warning, under Global I went to "limit_brightness_state" and changed "80, 80" to "100,100"... warning gone.
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I did this and it worked for about a day, then started asking me again
Acoustichayes said:
I did this and it worked for about a day, then started asking me again
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Noticed this too but not until after I got recent tmo update. I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot but it's either related to the update or the setting reverts on reboot. Seems like one of those settings it'd be better to change with a script on boot. Man I miss root. I had successfully changed all settings again after tmo update but reboot killed it. I'm gonna try grant permissions via adb again to see if the settings will stick at some point...ah well
klark1kent said:
Noticed this too but not until after I got recent tmo update. I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot but it's either related to the update or the setting reverts on reboot. Seems like one of those settings it'd be better to change with a script on boot. Man I miss root. I had successfully changed all settings again after tmo update but reboot killed it. I'm gonna try grant permissions via adb again to see if the settings will stick at some point...ah well
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I haven't updated on tmobile and it still happened. I believe it's a on reboot thing. What's weird is in the app it still shows my settings to 100,100. I'm going to try to set it again to see if its an error in the app showing wrong values. Because I notices when you change the tether requirement to 0, it always switches back to 1
Update: I just checked the app and now it's showing null for my limit brightness again. Put it back to 100, 100 and its working fine. Will try to see if it sticks on reboot
Double update : settings stayed after boot
Acoustichayes said:
I haven't updated on tmobile and it still happened. I believe it's a on reboot thing. What's weird is in the app it still shows my settings to 100,100. I'm going to try to set it again to see if its an error in the app showing wrong values. Because I notices when you change the tether requirement to 0, it always switches back to 1
Update: I just checked the app and now it's showing null for my limit brightness again. Put it back to 100, 100 and its working fine. Will try to see if it sticks on reboot
Double update : settings stayed after boot
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It's weird man. One thing I noticed would looking into something else was that under apps inactive app in developer settings the database editor was some how set to inactive. I'm guessing it could be a battery thing maybe due to power saving settings. Maybe need to turn off all battery optimization for this. I'll gonna hopefully used Tasker to automate changes at boot and keep active.
Add personal mode tile
I want to add PersonalMode using the same procedure.
Plz can you help me with the exact string to add in setting db
I've tried with (PersonalMode) without success.
I am on a custom rom for note5. Running note 7 fun edition
sysui_qs_tiles :
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Thank you.
d.cortez said:
i was hoping this tool would allow me to change the default sms app to hangouts, however, the editor is not preserving my change (and yes, i issued the required command). does anyone have a suggestion to fix this? thanks.
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try adding or moding this setting under (secure) without quotes "sms_default_application" and the setting value is
"" if you use the hangouts dialer.. if not then "" for hangouts..
Hi everybody, i Have a Honor 8 and I used settings database editor to hide navigation bar using the command hide_virtual_key (Value = 1). And it worked perfectly.. but when I wanted to recover it, it dosn't work .. i used value 0 .. with the app and using abd shell .
Is anyone have a solution ???? .. thanks
aaitzaouit said:
Hi everybody, i Have a Honor 8 and I used settings database editor to hide navigation bar using the command hide_virtual_key (Value = 1). And it worked perfectly.. but when I wanted to recover it, it dosn't work .. i used value 0 .. with the app and using abd shell .
Is anyone have a solution ???? .. thanks
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I'm not sure if this will work, but try setting it back to defaultand install systemui tuner and messing with the immersive mode setting. Also, enable the touch bar (the new Oreo setting that gives you the circle that acts like the soft keys.)
Why did you even disable that in the first place? If you want it fully back, you have to reset your phone.

