is it possible ??!! - HD2 General

I have a question maybe someone here knows a solution.
I got the idea when I made the following note. I have a old simcard whit sms and phone numbers but unfortunately I can not figure what the pincode was now I know that there is a sim reader but it makes no sense without the pin code.
Well I thought it is not possible at such a cab to make that a txt file where all incoming and outgoing SMS messages are copied and stored so you can always look back and also your phone numbers are copied.
This invention would be for all people who want to preserve their SMS. having regard to any programs I can write and I thought let me make it here that someone might ask whether this is a good idea to findit would be nice that someone here to find a solution
I like to see your reactions respond
sorry for my bad english

no one ??

I can give a donation for those who can make this

What is the point of this when there are many programs out there already to do this.
PIMBAckup by Dotfred is probably the best known, but we now also have Microsoft MyPhone that can do the same thing

keko001 said:
I can give a donation for those who can make this
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M8, you can just use MyPhone: this will back-up all you SMS messages on-the-air, so every time you are buying a new phone, you just log in to your MyPhone accout and will automatically get all your SMS messages downloaded. Just like that!
It's times better than using any other solution!
Of course, you can view or delete the messages online, by using any browser and logging in to your account!
Hope it helps!

amang2205 said:
M8, you can just use MyPhone: this will back-up all you SMS messages on-the-air, so every time you are buying a new phone, you just log in to your MyPhone accout and will automatically get all your SMS messages downloaded. Just like that!
It's times better than using any other solution!
Of course, you can view or delete the messages online, by using any browser and logging in to your account!
Hope it helps!
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whits Provider is this than i live in holland and my Provider is HI ??

keko001 said:
whits Provider is this than i live in holland and my Provider is HI ??
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MyPhone comes installed on HD2 devices, or (if not) you can get it from the MarketPlace. If that doesn't work, use google to find an installer. It's a Microsoft app and you can set it to automatically backup all sorts of info from your device. There's a web interface where you can edit or archive things too. It's one of the first things I set up on a new phone.


Messages protected by password

Hello everybody!
First of all congratulations for an excelent work! Keep it up!
I have a suggestion to make regarding an aplication for HTC Touch Diamond. It would be very useful for me (and for many others I'm sure) to protect my sent and received messages (sms, mms and email) by a password. I have a very curious wife-to-be and I really don't want her to find the messages I send and receive from other women ... hehehe It would be great if you could make an aplication like this .... I'll be more then willing to pay for it!
Can someone help me with an aplication for voice commands? I can't find one anywhere.
stop sending texts to people you shouldnt.
dolphspeed99 said:
Hello everybody!
First of all congratulations for an excelent work! Keep it up!
I have a suggestion to make regarding an aplication for HTC Touch Diamond. It would be very useful for me (and for many others I'm sure) to protect my sent and received messages (sms, mms and email) by a password. I have a very curious wife-to-be and I really don't want her to find the messages I send and receive from other women ... hehehe It would be great if you could make an aplication like this .... I'll be more then willing to pay for it!
Can someone help me with an aplication for voice commands? I can't find one anywhere.
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It does exist already. Try EZ secret sms.
WDawn said:
It does exist already. Try EZ secret sms.
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thanks ... i'm gonna look for it!
I tried EZ secret sms but it's not that great! It's very hard to work with because you must specify the contacts you want the messages to be protected and the graphics are quite bad and slow. Besides, it only works for sms, without email and mms
I was thinking at something that just adds a password to messaging. It's much easier like this!
Anyone with a suggestion ???
This should work: [Link]
You could've searched you know
EDIT: Sorry. Since I'm retarded, I didn't see that is QVGA only right now. Keep an eye on this thread. The Dev will probably make it VGA soon.
Thanks ... I'll be monitoring this thread ... I hope someone will make it work eventualy
You can lock your phone, so no one could enter it.. throttlelock is an android like lock security program..
I think it's also possible to make it a startup program, so even after a reset, ur phone should be locked..

How to transfer SMS

I have a T650i and I would like to transfer my SMS from that phone to my Xperia X1.
I've seen many threads explaining how to transfer contacts from older SE-phones, but nothing about SMS. Can it be done? I used to do use MyPhoneExplorer, but since it doesn't support WM, it's not an option anymore.
save them to your SIM if possible!?
i remmeber older phones saving SMS on the simcard only. not sure if a winmo phone can use these
Thanks, but the problem is that I have around 900 SMS and the sim only accepts 30.
Is there any other way to do it through the PC?
900sms? i bet 5$ that u dont even need half of them oO
u should to an T650i forum and ask there. once u manage to squeeze te SMS into outlook somehow, u can probably just sync them
achmed20 said:
900sms? i bet 5$ that u dont even need half of them oO
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I write approx. 900 SMS each month and the same amount I get back. But therefore I have hardly any calls. Good for me that I've got a SMS-flatrate
According the problem:
In which file format does myphoneexplorer save the transferred SMS? It has to be possible to convert these to a usable format. Maybe it would be enough to have all the SMS as a text-file on your X1 so you can read through if needed?
I have problems with the X1 everytime I have that much SMS stored (messaging software does not open, it does not respond to key presses and so on)
MyPhoneExplorer saves the SMS archive in many formats: txt, csv, xml, html, right click and export.
I used MyPhoneExplorer to backup sms's on my K800i, i have every single sms i ever received in the K800's lifetime (2 years).
And while in this subject, i'll ask the following question:
Is there in WinMo a way to backup sms like i already do with with K800 and MyPhoneExplorer? a way to backup the sms's and save them to the computer in some readable format?
Since MyPhoneExplorer saves the SMS archive in txt, csv, xml, html, is there any way of transfering them (as sms, NOT as a text file) to the same sms inbox on the X1?
Try SMSimport. It's a freeware that imports and exports in XML. It's a simple exe that you run directly on the phone.
You may have to edit the names of the folders in the XML to make it compatible with your X1.
You can just make an export file from it first to see the XML import structure.
Hi. I'm new to this community and I'm very impressed. Congrats
I've tried once to import SMS via SMSImport, but it always said 'Invalid XML' or sth. like that although I rearranged the order in the XML as SMSImport seemed to want it.
Has anybody solved this issue?
I use OEExport. It exports to Outlook Express with the folders intact (Inbox, Deleted, Sent etc). It has an option to export to xml too, IIRC.
My question, is why on earth would anyone need to keep all those SMS?
I mean, unless your girlfriend doesn't tell you she loves you enough and you need to keep the texts, or if youre keeping them for evidence (for some reason) or maybe if you have a friend like I do who gets sent joke SMSs and decides to forward 700 of them to you when he's on flatrate weekend SMS just to piss you off because your phone becomes unusable for pretty much the entire weekend.
Please enlighten me.
Would it help if I tell you that some people like to keep records of all their SMS in/out.
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that wrote down every single SMS in a notebook. No, I'm not kidding. She wasn't that much into computers obviously.
maedox said:
Would it help if I tell you that some people like to keep records of all their SMS in/out.
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that wrote down every single SMS in a notebook. No, I'm not kidding. She wasn't that much into computers obviously.
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Nope, it seems it's still beyond all comprehension of mine. Do you guys also record all voice conversations you make?
I mean, keeping your text messages is hardly like keeping a box of love letters or something now is it?
I'm as much as cyborg as the next guy, I am so electronically inclined that the gadgets I carry and use will probably fuse to me one day anyway, BUT i just don't find anything anyone has to say to me by text _that_ interesting or _that_ important
I'm not taking a swing at you guys or anything, I just really would like to understand, I'm a happier person when i understand things.
Like, ok, I keep the odd text message about things people have said to me, because theyre just downright fantastic for my street cred (if you know what I mean) but that's simply because some of it is just so good, nobody would believe me if i just told them myself, even if i quoted it word for word.
I'm with you. I usually don't need to think twice about throwing away messages when doing a hard reset. Although, as you say, there are some that need to be kept safe forever.
But this is not what the topic's about.
O.k. guys, I'm convinced now. I won't spend any minute anymore in thinking about how to transfer my SMS back. 99% of all that stuff I would rather likely never need again in the future and if I really need it, it is still on my PC.
Nevertheless - thank you!
Why backup sms ?
Some of my SMS contain info I need, I am just too lazy to save it when I get it - like an address, or rocket launch code just plain I like to have my SMS conversations available to refresh my memory in case I need it.
From time to time I want to do upgrade or other destructive thing and I don't want to loose my messages. I would like to keep a copy of all my SMS in outlook 2007 but my cheapskate uprising and empty wallet steer me out of paid software, I am going to try programs mentioned in previous posts but if someone knows about some great synchronization or transfer or WhateverYouCallIt software please keep us informed about it.
Thank you all for great site.
i think MOBILedit works for you.
google it for the main website.
hope it helped

[App Request] SMS/MMS Hide function

Hey guys and girls,
Ive got a Samsung Omnia (please no booing ) and I need an application to hide text and or mms messages. I work overseas from time to time with my business and my wife and I swap MMS and text messages to each other while I am away. Having a new phone means everyone wants to check it out and i certainly do not want anyone stumbling across any MMS or text messages my wife has sent me ;-)
I have already well and truly searched this forum and the only software I can find is by evolvens and it doesn work.
Im sure it couldnt be to hard for someone to code a little piece of software to hide sms or mms depending on who sent it?
Sorry if ive posted in the wrong section, id be willing to pay for the right app and im sure many others would as well.
hey, i ran into a problem in my last relationship where i ended up dating 2 chicks... so i had their sms' saved using ez secret sms 2.0. basically, you can set it up to run in the background, and you set certain contacts to be received in this program instead of outlook. the program can be named anything you want. so i named it something boring like system priority. you click it, and it brings up a calculator. you put in the code you specified, and hit ok... and it opens your "secret inbox." you can also set it to notify you in some way that you received a text from whoever. i set it as "islanders won!" for one chick, and "rangers lost!" for the other... pretty simple program to use, and it works fairly well.
if you want to hide just the pics, you could always just save the pics and encrypt the folder using resco explorer with a password or something. but if you really want to save the actual sms, this program worked fairly well for me.
I agree - SMS Security is great - I use it on my Diamond with no problems
I don't think it willl work with MMS though. As the post above - save the image from your MMS into your main files in a private folder. Call that folder something odd and I'm sure you friends won't open it. If you really want to protect the images, you can lock just that file with Resco or I use VisCrypt
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
waverdr said:
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
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Yes it is. It works 100%
It is easy to switch it on and off reverting back to normal diamond SMS
I've emailed the author to suggest a few minor tweaks and will report back

SMS 2 Calendar app

I have been a long time user of PhoneLog which logs all calls and sms messages into your calendar. Excellent app.
The only issue is that with 6.5.5 /Sense 2 it does not seem to log SMS's anymore
Does anyone have a similar app. It logs it in real time and ends up on my work calendar via Exchange active sync.
im not familar with anything personally, but it sounds like a cool idea and i would be interested to know aswell.
by the way... are you using the HTC Messaging Client or the stock WinMo one? i wonder if that would make any difference to the performance of PhoneLog.
Its a thought.
Messages are still finally stored in the Winmo messaging client. The HTC one is just a skin however the phonelogs triggers may be blocked by HTC.
Can this cab and it seems to be working again.
Thanks for the tip lamensterms
you say 'can' this .CAB? do you mean trash/ditch the .CAB, or use that .CAB?
ha ha, im not trying to be a jerk... just not sure if you had a typo or not.
i do use that .CAB seeing as i couldnt agree with the HTC client.
glad you got it going, now i think ill have to check PhoneLog out.
Typo. Cab worked fine.
Phone log =
Now is logging incoming messages but not outgoing.
I have tried using threaded view or single message view. Same issue. Better thou.
Also Sense now fails to acknowledge that the sms has been read. That might be a deal breaker.
Is there a util which can back up messages to calendar once a day/week?
Also Sense now fails to acknowledge that the sms has been read.
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while using the stock WM sms client... it is a know issue for Sense to keep displaying the notification bubble on the SMS tab. i experience this problem very rarely (so rarely that it is hardly a problem for me). i think it might have been discussed in the thread where you retrieved zenyee's .CAB, but i cannot remember for sure.
Is there a util which can back up messages to calendar once a day/week?
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after some quick google "research"... it seems there are other apps similar to phonelog available for blackberry and android... but phonelog may be the only one of its kind for WM.
here is a request on another (microsoft) forum -
there are other folk out there who share your request. maybe some further integration could be on the horizon.
let me know how you go with HTC messaging VS WINMO.

[Q] How to transfer SMS/MMS to another phone

Hi all,
I have aquestion and couldn't find any reply on this forum: Does anyone know how to configure a transfer of all my incoming SMS/MMS to another number?
FYI: I got a new phone from my job and don't need to carry my Defy+ around with me all the time anymore. I set up a call transfer to receive incoming calls on the new phone but it doesn't work for messages.
What I'm looking to do is basically the same thing as setting up a rule on your e-mail to transfer everything to a second address. If I'm not clear please let me know and I'll explain.
thanks !
Trying to bump this, I'm surprised no one even has a suggestion
DeLime said:
Trying to bump this, I'm surprised no one even has a suggestion
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Try any sms forwarding app in play store. for eg. SMS FORWARDER (sorry, n00bs can't post links)
but every fwd msg will cost you...
you could also provide your contacts with the new number
Try SMS backup +. Can't restore MMS, but can transfer sms to other phone.
Sent from my MB526
You can use Myphoneexplorer. It works well.
pgreed said:
You can use Myphoneexplorer. It works well.
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+1 for sms backup +.

