WLMMessengerPlugin.dll - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi. So I just got a dump of my iPAQ 110, and I found this file. Earlier i stumbled onto this article:
Unfortunately this doesn't work for the latest messenger on the PC, but I was wondering if i can do something similar to make plugins for the mobile messenger. I tried to start a "Smart Device" project in VS2008 (I already have the wm6.0 sdk refresh installed), and then add this dll as a reference, but I get "A reference to "WLMMessengerplugin.dll" could not be added.", and when i click the help button it links me to an article saying this:
The project you are trying to load targets a device platform that your Visual Studio installation is not configured to support.
To correct this error
Install the platform that supports the project you want to load.
Anyone had any success with this?


Embedded Visual C++ Version 3.0

I've been using emBedded visual C++ for 2-3 years writing application for pocket PC ( Mainly Ipaq'a).
I've recentrly invested in a Xda but when I attempt to "update my remote output file" from with embedded VC ++" i get the following error:
" Microsoft Active sync connection server failed, Please make sure active sync is running and retry the download etc.."
Of course Activate sync is running, and running correctly, Has anyone had this issue before ?
I can manually copy my executable to my device and run it,but then I can't debug. I'm in the process of download VC 4.0 and going to try that, but really wold like to runing in under the 3.0 version.
Any comments would be appreicated.
Bad news dude, eVC++ works only with PocketPC 2000 + 2002. The development environment you'll need to develop on 2003+ is either eVC++ 4.0 or Microsoft Visual Studio.NET.
Thanks for the update,
I've installed Embedded VC 4.0 and the SP3, Now I can download to my XDA which is great.
Now I want to maintain backwards compatiable and download to my ipaqs in 2002, I can't change the actiive configuration to PPC2002
Is there a way to compile my application for both 2002 and 2003 using VC 4.0 or do I need to maintain both IDE's
Sorry but there's no way to maintain both 2K2 and 2K3 targets from eVC 4. You can have the same set of source code but eVC 3 + 4 have different project file types. Have a project per IDE containing the same source code. Just remember when you add files to the project you're working on, remember to add the files to the other platform's project as well.
Happy coding!

RTCDLL.DLL on the HTC Universal?

Could anyone of you who's so lucky to already own an HTC Universal please post if the ROM of this device contains a file called RTCDLL.DLL?
If anywhere, it's probably located in the \Windows folder (or one of its subfolders).
This file is a library that can be used by developers who want to create real-time communication applications. It is part of the Windows CE 5 operating system, but no all Windows Mobile devices include it on their machines.
I would like to make use of this library to write a SIP-based videophone application for the HTC Universal.
Hm...couldn't find it..sorry
I've found that file for you. It's part of the "Windows Real-Time Communications Client API SDK 1.3" wich can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...15-FD1C-4BF7-A505-3F8FAF1E120A&displaylang=en
Hope it helps
That SDK contains the Windows XP version of the DLL.
What I'm trying to find out here is whether the ROM of the HTC Universal contains the Windows Mobile version of the RTCDLL.DLL which can be used to create SIP compatible realtime communication apps for Windows Mobile devices.
I'm sorry it was the wrong one. Have you also looked at the Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK? There is some support for the .dll in Windows CE 4.3. One other source could be www.opennetcf.org

Remote Kernel Tracker (or other debugging tools)

Can anybody give me (or point me to a link) the "Remote Kernel Tracker" tool...It is not installed with Visual Studio 2005. I came to know that it comes only with eVC++, but I dont want to download and install the complete eVC++ package now.
So, can anybody help me out on this?
Additionally, can you tell me what tools do you use to debug the remote device processes (messages exchanged between them, events generated etc)...

Visual Studio 9 + WM6 SDK

Hi guys. I've been playin around with Visual Studio 2008, making a project for SmartDevices and my X1 using Visual Basic. I run the application in the built-in WM6Pro emulator provided, and it works fine. But when I make a CAB out of it, and try to install on device, it is unsuccessfull. When I compile it as EXE and run on device, it starts. But as soon as I try to click something within the program I get an error message saying "Cannot find file 'Micrsoft Visualbasic Resources" or something. I'm guessing I need to tell the application what dll's to reference..? But how? Anyone got a moment to explain? Thanks in advance,
What .net compact framework version is your application targeted at?
I assume where you were working with the emulator, you were doing debugging/deployment inside visual studio? When you are doing this visual studio will automatically deploy the required files such as .net compact framework 3.5 I think.
Since if you are using .net compact framework 3.5, then you will need that installed for you X1, since WM6 naively only includes .net CF 2.
Give that a try and let us know about your results?
I have used 3.5 when emulating in VS. I have 3.5 installed on my device.
When you are testing your application out in the emulator, have you ever tried installing it with the same cab files?
And what is the result? (make sure when you install the cab file, that the directory is not the same as the 1 you have been deploying when debugging, otherwise if they are the same clean up the folder first)
It the cab file doesn't work when it is being installed on the emulator, then at least we can isolate the problem to the actual configuration on your X1 rather than the cab file.
I assumed you used the Smart Device CAB Project template in visual studio?
If that is the case you might have not configured the settings properly yet.

[WM6 Emulator]Is there any working Java Platform?

Hello, I've not found anywhere answer to my question so I ask here. Don't you know any 100% working Java Virtual Machine to set on Windows Mobile 6 Emulator (and the best on free commercial license)?
Soft (emulator) I use is from:
Another interesting thing is that I downloaded and launched WM 5 Emulator and without any problem installed JBed platform. Unfortunatelly WM 6 doesn't allow me to launch any midlet (using JBed). It throws:
The file 'jbed' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
Myisafu brakes installation process and couldn't reach to the end.
Many similar topics are to found on the internet, but none of them touches emulator problem. All of them are with reference to real devices.

