Largest Market Apps? - G1 General

I'm trying to see if "My Downloads" in the Market get reset when cache is cleared. I will try and do this by downloading some large apps.
Can anybody list some of the largest apps? It's pretty hopeless looking at them one by one!

Steel and bonsai blast are farely large according to my deteriorating memory

Brain games and bonzai blast

My downloads
I don't think it will be resetted. One week ago I resettd my G1 to factory settings. When I enteres my Gmail adress to register the phone again, evrything went back. It is saved "in the cloud", it seems.
"My downloads" is a pain in the ... with all the apps you ever installed, even if you uninstalled them afterwards. And: there is no difference between installed apps that can be updated and uninstalled apps. I get crazy with 5 sorts of torch apps, I had installed. I decided to keep only one and when I browse the market to see, which updates are available, I don't remember, which one is still installed an which are uninstalled. Both say "free", when the is an update for the installed one.
It would be nice to be able to sort the apps not only after their name but after their status "installed", "updated" and "uninstalled".

That is my interpretation of the problem too. I have factory reset and it has not removed them. Beyond this some people *still* think they making the cache get so low it resets itself will do it though... I cannot see *how* if it is stored server side (Sufficiently that a "Factory" reset does not remove it [Hell, I should hope after a "Factory" reset there is NO personal info on the device... Certainly wasn't when I got mine new!)... None the less if people think it may work I've nothing to loose.
Shame is I've got all the apps above and (In any other situation good news) other apps are so small it'll take forever to install a sufficient number.
It seems in doing this I've probably made the matter worse as now my "My Downloads" list is huge :/
Any ideas how to clear the list OR very large apps appreciated.

LavaChild0809 said:
[Hell, I should hope after a "Factory" reset there is NO personal info on the device... Certainly wasn't when I got mine new!)...
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don't think so. All the information is tied to your google-account.
I guess if you register your account on another new device, you would have all the information on the new device. That'S the philosophy of android... have everything in the cloud... contacts, mails, calendar, app list.
On one hand it's good if you loose the device or have to factory reset. I still remember the time I was on Nokia and I had to restore my data after every change of phone or even Software update. On the other hand it's kind of critical in sense of misuse of personal data and ... the my downloads problem.

Admin: maybe the thread should be moved to this one???

Please no not merge. I am the OP of both - The other is mainly about market issues. This is simply about large file size apps so that I can mess around and see if they do help with the issue in the other thread.
Both serve a different purpose even if there is overlap.
Meanwhile, I know for sure that the device doesn't carry the "My Downloads" over to another device - I had two faulty G1s before (1x screen issue and 1x charging issue). Both times I installed things and each device was not aware of what the other had. All, though, were aware of what they had installed on that device, even through a factory reset. I think maybe it is in the cloud but against some kind of device_id+gmail_account key? Not sure...


[Q] Android / Glacier Noob Questions

So, I've been a long time WinMo user and I just switched to Android (the Glacier) Great phone. A lot is foreign to me, though.
I'm a software developer and a Linux user so I'm pretty comfortable finding my way around the Android dev tools and the terminal (although I found it odd that the phone comes with neither a file manager nor a terminal)
Anyhow, I have a few questions:
-I've seen a lot of threads declaring how awesome Android's process management is and how it's bad to kill processes manually. I don't understand this. I've been playing with my phone non-stop for the past few days and on a number of occasions, have met with slow performance and even not-enough-memory prompts. This is usually after installing a dozen (or dozens) of apps back to back and playing with them all. So long as you are aware of the ramifications of killing a particular process, what's wrong with doing so?
-I've rooted my phone. If I ever get an OTA update, would it be a good idea to unroot prior to applying the update?
-When I select "Allow automatic updating" in the Market for my purchased apps, how exactly does that work? Are updates looked for my Android? Are they looked for when the Market is launched? Are those individual apps first loaded and then look for updates?
-I imported my contacts from WinMo Outlook into Google via ActiveSync in order to get them on my phone. Consequently, I have GTalk contacts and stuff on my phone that I don't want. If I delete them from Contacts, will they be deleted from my Google account? That is to say, if I delete [email protected] from my Contacts, will he suddenly disappear from my IM client?
Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!
LOL you see like you I been also using *nix for ages far as I can count 10+ years and I am Unix Admin. When I got MT4G as it was my first AOSP device I was like yourself shocked it didn't have file manager, basic console, or anything.
It seem that if you wanted to do anything it was required you waste your life installing some backward software though Market that claimed it to be freeware but IRL is actually adware. Also if you want anything done it is required you have root lol and if you do want root you void warranty its like whole catch 22 statement to me. So here I am doing what I do best and owned AOSP along with google market.
So here ill actually answer some of your questions as I didn't want to due to it being very long but hey it might help you out.
1) Far as the process goes as you know in *nix world we have saying "unused memory is wasted memory" same apply as mostly its cached and does not treat it same as in WM. When you "exit" task if you call it exit that is in first place its put on dormant status so if resource is required then its reallocated. This is why you don't exit them forcefully as data may not be synced and saved. In this case my best advice for you is disable service from booting up in first place and also auto close it if it restarts.
2) Don't worry about OTA as you will more likely get update via dev of XDA long before you officially get it though carrier. You have S off so don't worry about it as its no factor.
3) It is tracked via google account and though your carrier I think, I don't know as I didn't ever officially buy single package however I did cURL 8.1gb of paid app archive of market before getting banned. From what I know once app is installed if you have auto update the current version is checked though market to see if any new version is available. Now when you buy app its under your acc so you can use it in diff device or install it many time as you want even if its updated.
4) I can't say about GTalk as I never used but far as AutoSync goes mostly your TMo data and email is synced though Google accounts like gmail.
I see. I can see how task management is rather pointless then, heh. I wonder where my "out of memory" issue came from. Leaky app, perhaps.
Is there a way to rename applications in the "All Programs" list?

Factory Reset Protection (FRP) myth -- Lesson for everyone!

I did a factory reset before submitting my device to Samsung repair. But before doing it, to not have any trace of my online/offline data after reset I had to take care of ‘Factory Reset Protection’ (FRP) so that it won't ask to enter my email after reset. I removed the device security locks including fingerprints and also any Google account associated as said by 99% articles over internet (at least in my 30 mins of read thru of Google searches specifically for Samsung & also generally for android). Also had checked necessary options for all of my datas to be synced to Google. But in order to reinforce my knowledge about FRP and how it’s getting triggered I went thru some YouTube videos and articles specifically for Samsung & also generally for android prior to reset. And finally everything was good to go and ready for repair
Got my device after repair and did a reset again for Google to ask to restore my apps from previous backup of the same device. But it didn’t as you can see from the pic attached.
So what could be the reason you ask. When I removed the Google account (primary) for reset process, all the ‘App datas’ (thankfully not my contacts and other stuffs) were cleared from Google servers. Simply to say, the ‘Remove account’ option will tell Google that this device is no longer associated with this account and to delete all Android related datas associated and there is no way you can get this back.
So I don’t know whom to blame. The hundred’s of article over Internet about FRP (example: )
OR Samsung for not giving any information anywhere in internet or even in the Software (as warnings) [Their only website related to FRP is still down here in my country at least]. OR Google? For not giving any clear information regarding this action.
Anyway there is no use in crying over spilt milk. All I have to do now is manually install all my 83 apps one by one that were previously installed and who knows whether their respective datas can still be synced. There were even circumstances which most of us should have gone thru when the Google not showing yesterday app restore list but 1 week ago in the setup process.
Things like this can very well frustrate anyone if they are heaving depending on cloud. This is just one of the many little things(software, H/W dependent) in Android that may frustrate a user very much. NO WONDER WHY PEOPLE MOVE TO iOS. Because over customizability and all there are some stuffs that matters the most and iOS still excels in that. We geeks know that but it’s the freedom and exploration that makes us forget all those important stuffs.
For those of you gonna say “YOU SHOULD HAVE USED SMART SWITCH, ADB BACKUP, TITANIUM BACKUP OR SOMETHING ELSE” -- when something is meant to work it should work. I even had bad experiences with Titanium backup, could be device specific but whatever it is.
Welcoming all POSITIVE and NEGATIVE comments. LOL.
Running stock TouchWiz with the April patch. Tried a reset without removing Google account and it didn't ask for the mail ID to be entered for verification during setup process. So basically something have changed recently on how FRP works and whatever I've wriiten is what you have to take care of. regarding backup and all. Please share this thread with you friends. .
Will appreciate a thanks.
Thanks for sharing. Seems like a good warning for all of us.
Sent from my SM-G930V using XDA Premium HD app
Sorry to hear of your difficulties. My own frustrations have been building with Android as well. It is ridiculous how much we have to eff around with hidden settings and tweaks to get decent battery life. I am keeping an eye on the iPhone 7 to be honest.
Though apple ecosystem has its own share of frustrations.
Thanks for the info. I too had experience of some backup apps not working as they intended to be. Even Titanium Backup had given me tension when new android version comes or sometimes for no reason. But my go to solution(even without root I believe) is always have been Tasker+AutoInput combo. When nothing works out I just program them both to install apps from PlayStore based on the app list I manually backed up with another app. That's it. Don't know whether that will cause any bad effect on device hardware. Does it?
xxaarraa said:
Sorry to hear of your difficulties. My own frustrations have been building with Android as well. It is ridiculous how much we have to eff around with hidden settings and tweaks to get decent battery life. I am keeping an eye on the iPhone 7 to be honest.
Though apple ecosystem has its own share of frustrations.
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I agree as i mentioned in OP. Sad to see Snapdragon 820 users struggle with battery life by removing un-wanted system packages. This even exists to an extent in my unlocked DUOS version. Google gotta have more control over Android. Hope with Android N this is not just gonna be with updates but also else where. Come on Google it's 2016.
OH gosh. This is an important piece of information. Somebody should link to this info by posting an article in . Is there any way to reuquest?
Thanks BTW for a warning
Sheryl John said:
.Simply to say, the ‘Remove account’ option will tell Google that this device is no longer associated with this account and to delete all Android related datas associated and there is no way you can get this back
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1) Disable Internet connectivity (wifi, data)
2) Remove accounts, then
3) Factory reset
Google doesn't know that about the removal so app data is still in your account, yet the device no longer has any link to the Google account so it's safe against FRP.
That said, with multi devices (and household members sharing 1 common account as the base account), I don't back app data to Google at all. TiBu has its quirks but I've yet to lose anything with it. On the contrary, I probably have too much back up (who needs Gingerbread apps back ups??? yeah, I still have them LOL).
lost_ said:
1) Disable Internet connectivity (wifi, data)
2) Remove accounts, then
3) Factory reset
Google doesn't know that about the removal so app data is still in your account, yet the device no longer has any link to the Google account so it's safe against FRP.
That said, with multi devices (and household members sharing 1 common account as the base account), I don't back app data to Google at all. TiBu has its quirks but I've yet to lose anything with it. On the contrary, I probably have too much back up (who needs Gingerbread apps back ups??? yeah, I still have them LOL).
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That's the only way it seems for hard reset. But as I mentioned in my OP there is no need of removing the Google account for soft reset. FRP won't be triggered.

how do i stop system update in progress?

can someone please help me ,i did not not update my phone i got it back from RMA and it would not complete the setup process .
i entered my google account and it kept on freezing and would not set up
failed first 3 times then on the 4th try it it almost set up , i got the new device sign in notification on my other device
but google play store would not sign in or download apps it hung there for hours
when i rebooted the phone it said system update in progress ,the phone was already on 7.1.2
i think huawei puts their own versions on when you send it in,does not seem like a good idea to overwrite to the normal OTA version but nobody seems to know if it is safe or not but i would rather not do it if possible
i held down power and vol down and get to the boot menu but i have no idea what to do or if it is possible to stop the update
gdroid666 said:
can someone please help me ,i did not not update my phone i got it back from RMA and it would not complete the setup process . i entered my google account and it kept on freezing and would not set up failed first 3 times then on the 4th try it it almost set up , i got the new device sign in notification on my other device but google play store would not sign in or download apps it hung there for hours
when i rebooted the phone it said system update in progress ,the phone was already on 7.1.2 i think huawei puts their own versions on when you send it in,does not seem like a good idea to overwrite to the normal OTA version but nobody seems to know if it is safe or not but i would rather not do it if possible i held down power and vol down and get to the boot menu but i have no idea what to do or if it is possible to stop the update
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First off, boot to recovery mode and do a factory reset. If you don't know how, there are plenty of YouTube videos out there. Secondly you MUST to be able to log into your Google account. You said "it would not log in". Not sure what that really means, but after the factory reset make sure you have SOLID and known working Wi-Fi connection and try the setup again. Once you have logged in to your Google account, it should offer to restore your apps/settings from the last time your old phone was working correctly. If this doesn't work then download the latest full image from Google and install with flash-all.bat using the instructions on the download page.
v12xke said:
First off, boot to recovery mode and do a factory reset. If you don't know how, there are plenty of YouTube videos out there. Secondly you MUST to be able to log into your Google account. You said "it would not log in". Not sure what that really means, but after the factory reset make sure you have SOLID and known working Wi-Fi connection and try the setup again. Once you have logged in to your Google account, it should offer to restore your apps/settings from the last time your old phone was working correctly. If this doesn't work then download the latest full image from Google and install with flash-all.bat using the instructions on the download page.
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i RMA'd my phone and had to factory data reset , i enabled all backup and sync options
i tried to sign in with my google account , the phone froze at installing apps but it only said 6 of 7 apps and froze,i got a new device sign in notification on another device so it signed in but it did not restore my apps
i rebooted the device , it performed a system update,(weird because it was already on 7.1.2)
still no apps ,just stock apps
i reboot still no apps i perform 2 factory date resets and select back up from cloud but now it still only will restore the stock app it will not restore any of my apps
last time i RMA the phone and factory data reset it automaticall reinstalled my apps ,now it won't install the apps it just install the stock apps
how do i get this to install my apps?
gdroid666 said:
i RMA'd my phone and had to factory data reset , i enabled all backup and sync options
i tried to sign in with my google account , the phone froze at installing apps but it only said 6 of 7 apps and froze,i got a new device sign in notification on another device so it signed in but it did not restore my apps
i rebooted the device , it performed a system update,(weird because it was already on 7.1.2)
still no apps ,just stock apps
i reboot still no apps i perform 2 factory date resets and select back up from cloud but now it still only will restore the stock app it will not restore any of my apps
last time i RMA the phone and factory data reset it automatically reinstalled my apps ,now it won't install the apps it just install the stock apps
how do i get this to install my apps?
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When you first boot to 7.1.2, it is normal get a popup screen that says it is finalizing updates or completing system updates (something like that) then the popup goes away. Huawei does not have, or install their "own version" of Android on devices. Your problem now seems limited to the Play Store not restoring your apps? Assuming you are logged into the same Google account, you should still be able to see your apps under the "Library" tab in PS. If they are listed there but not under the "Installed" tab then you have a sync problem with the PS. Try force closing the PS, and then clear data and reboot. You can also check the sync status under Settings>>Accounts>>Google>>App Data. If things look normal there (synced recently), then under the 3 dot menu, REMOVE your account and reboot the phone. Add the account back and re-sync.
v12xke said:
When you first boot to 7.1.2, it is normal get a popup screen that says it is finalizing updates or completing system updates (something like that) then the popup goes away. Huawei does not have, or install their "own version" of Android on devices. Your problem now seems limited to the Play Store not restoring your apps? Assuming you are logged into the same Google account, you should still be able to see your apps under the "Library" tab in PS. If they are listed there but not under the "Installed" tab then you have a sync problem with the PS. Try force closing the PS, and then clear data and reboot. You can also check the sync status under Settings>>Accounts>>Google>>App Data. If things look normal there (synced recently), then under the 3 dot menu, REMOVE your account and reboot the phone. Add the account back and re-sync.
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ok that is just what they told me the last time i RMA and they updated it to 7.1.1
but the phone does not auto restore my apps it only installs the stock apps and under installed it just shows stock apps
under library ti says not installed on this device and then it lists all the apps i have on all my devices logged into that account but they are not categorized by device they are just all lumped in together
instead of being under headings of the device names
i can force close the play store but i can no longer find the clear cache or clear data option anymore ,all it has now is uninstall updates
where my phone booted and froze during restore and then factory data reset was performed again do you think it overwrote the last cloud backup where it had all my apps with the phone status after the factory data reset
where it was blank except for the stock apps, and would there be a way to restore from an earlier backup
gdroid666 said:
ok that is just what they told me the last time i RMA and they updated it to 7.1.1
but the phone does not auto restore my apps it only installs the stock apps and under installed it just shows stock apps
under library ti says not installed on this device and then it lists all the apps i have on all my devices logged into that account but they are not categorized by device they are just all lumped in together
instead of being under headings of the device names
i can force close the play store but i can no longer find the clear cache or clear data option anymore ,all it has now is uninstall updates
where my phone booted and froze during restore and then factory data reset was performed again do you think it overwrote the last cloud backup where it had all my apps with the phone status after the factory data reset
where it was blank except for the stock apps, and would there be a way to restore from an earlier backup
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They are all lumped together, because apps are by account, not by device.... so it appears they are still there. Under Settings>>Apps>>Google Play Store you will find "Force Stop" button and right below it "Storage". In Storage is where you Clear Data. No, you didn't overwrite or corrupt anything in the cloud. If it was there (your Apps and Settings) it is still there. You can see for yourself on your Drive Account. Log in, open the Backups folder and you will see a time stamp on your Apps and Settings as well as how many Apps are backed up. If these the ones you want and recent, then eventually your phone will sync and d/l them. If clearing PS data/reboot and removing your account/reboot/reinstate does not work you may need to do a fresh install. Especially since a factory reset did not work...... Not the factory reset in Android.... the wipe/factory reset in recovery mode. By fresh install I mean fully wipe the phone partitions and flash a full Google image using flash-all.bat. You have not mentioned Wi-Fi at all, so I'm assuming you have a bad ass Wi-Fi connection and it is working perfectly during the INITIAL SETUP and that is not a factor.
v12xke said:
They are all lumped together, because apps are by account, not by device.... so it appears they are still there. Under Settings>>Apps>>Google Play Store you will find "Force Stop" button and right below it "Storage". In Storage is where you Clear Data. No, you didn't overwrite or corrupt anything in the cloud. If it was there (your Apps and Settings) it is still there. You can see for yourself on your Drive Account. Log in, open the Backups folder and you will see a time stamp on your Apps and Settings as well as how many Apps are backed up. If these the ones you want and recent, then eventually your phone will sync and d/l them. If clearing PS data/reboot and removing your account/reboot/reinstate does not work you may need to do a fresh install. Especially since a factory reset did not work...... Not the factory reset in Android.... the wipe/factory reset in recovery mode. By fresh install I mean fully wipe the phone partitions and flash a full Google image using flash-all.bat. You have not mentioned Wi-Fi at all, so I'm assuming you have a bad ass Wi-Fi connection and it is working perfectly during the INITIAL SETUP and that is not a factor.
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i have no idea what you just said ,no idea how to do any of that ,this is a stock phone , there is no TWRP
how do you wipe and install and flash full google image
wifi is not an issue
yes i am aware apps are linked to the account but this is still retarded , it should put the apps under heading of which devices they were installed on when logged into that account ,now i got apps for 5 phones ago different carrier apps samsung app and all kinds of other **** ****ting up the list
if google had any god damn common sense they would at least include an option to list by device ,show you which apps you installed on which devices when you were signed into the account this is a really piss poor way of doing things , but then again so is everything google developers do
what makes it even worse is that there are apps in there that were not even installed by the account
but that were previously installed on other devices before you sign in like carrier apps and system apps and manufacturer apps all the preinstalled crapware so if you even sing in on a samsung device even for a minute it all gets sync to the list and there is not way to sort it, you can not filter by device
v12xke said:
They are all lumped together, because apps are by account, not by device.... so it appears they are still there. Under Settings>>Apps>>Google Play Store you will find "Force Stop" button and right below it "Storage". In Storage is where you Clear Data. No, you didn't overwrite or corrupt anything in the cloud. If it was there (your Apps and Settings) it is still there. You can see for yourself on your Drive Account. Log in, open the Backups folder and you will see a time stamp on your Apps and Settings as well as how many Apps are backed up. If these the ones you want and recent, then eventually your phone will sync and d/l them. If clearing PS data/reboot and removing your account/reboot/reinstate does not work you may need to do a fresh install. Especially since a factory reset did not work...... Not the factory reset in Android.... the wipe/factory reset in recovery mode. By fresh install I mean fully wipe the phone partitions and flash a full Google image using flash-all.bat. You have not mentioned Wi-Fi at all, so I'm assuming you have a bad ass Wi-Fi connection and it is working perfectly during the INITIAL SETUP and that is not a factor.
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no it shows nothing when i go to drive this is bull****
google sucks
i see a list of my devices and it says 6p , and all it says is last backup has the date i got the phone back and do the factory data reset again ,when i click on it it say 16 apps , but stock apps alone are 32 apps
when i do a factory data reset on the phone i see my device and when i click on it it has the same backup date but
it says 32 apps, when i click it on the phone i see a list of the apps but they are just all the stock apps, when i click the backup in google drive it does not show me a list of apps it just says 16 apps which makes no god damn sense at all
the number of apps do not even match in dive and on the phone, one says 32 the other says 16
i can't even get a list what the 16 apps are in drive, on the phone i get a list but it is just stock apps none of the apps i downloaded on the phone from the play store show up
this is ridiculously piss poor there should be a way to list all the backups in chronological that i can select from , select which one i want to restore from , it only lists the last sync which was after a factory data reset so there are no apps why is google so god damn fuking retarded? looks like it just constantly overwrites your backups and only has the last one it made,so if it fails to backup and you do a factory date reset you are screwed because the last backup will be of a black factory reset device and there is no way to go back and select other backups
gdroid666 said:
no it shows nothing when i go to drive this is bull****
google sucks
i see a list of my devices and it says 6p , and all it says is last backup has the date i got the phone back and do the factory data reset again ,when i click on it it say 16 apps , but stock apps alone are 32 apps
when i do a factory data reset on the phone i see my device and when i click on it it has the same backup date but
it says 32 apps, when i click it on the phone i see a list of the apps but they are just all the stock apps, when i click the backup in google drive it does not show me a list of apps it just says 16 apps which makes no god damn sense at all
the number of apps do not even match in dive and on the phone, one says 32 the other says 16
i can't even get a list what the 16 apps are in drive, on the phone i get a list but it is just stock apps none of the apps i downloaded on the phone from the play store show up
this is ridiculously piss poor there should be a way to list all the backups in chronological that i can select from , select which one i want to restore from , it only lists the last sync which was after a factory data reset so there are no apps why is google so god damn fuking retarded? looks like it just constantly overwrites your backups and only has the last one it made,so if it fails to backup and you do a factory date reset you are screwed because the last backup will be of a black factory reset device and there is no way to go back and select other backups
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In the time it took to write this long Google rant, you could have downloaded ALL the apps you had on the first phone and be half way through setting them up. I have to say Google backup and restore works pretty well for stock apps and data, and for the additional 20 odd non-market apps I use Titanium Backup. From a fully wiped phone anyone can install the OS and all their personal apps including all shortcuts and widgets in about 45 minutes, so I don't know what you are on about for two days now. If app data is that important to you, then invest in Titanium Backup or Flashfire and rely on yourself for backups.
v12xke said:
In the time it took to write this long Google rant, you could have downloaded ALL the apps you had on the first phone and be half way through setting them up. I have to say Google backup and restore works pretty well for stock apps and data, and for the additional 20 odd non-market apps I use Titanium Backup. From a fully wiped phone anyone can install the OS and all their personal apps including all shortcuts and widgets in about 45 minutes, so I don't know what you are on about for two days now. If app data is that important to you, then invest in Titanium Backup or Flashfire and rely on yourself for backups.
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i can't use titanium backup because this is a stock device with major battery issues that has already been sent for warranty 3 times and been given back to me in the same condition with the same issues,early shut down and ridiculous battery drain
i can't root the device because it will void my apparently utterly useless warranty and i'm not sure i want to even do anything to this device now because it has so many issues with boot loops and early shut downs which i am already having since i got it so why would i want to complicate things and take more risks with it by adding root or custom roms when the damn thing don't even work to begin with, nobody can give a definite answer as to why these issues happen so i would rather wait till someone gets to the bottom of it which will probably be never
backup and restore should be simple and straight forward and reliable
it should show you a list of apps in both drive and on the device that you can restore from
not just list one latest one , this is not rocket science it should be part of the most basic functionality of the OS
and it is a mess there is really no excuse for this at all
i bought this thinking i could root flash custom roms and xposed but now i am scared to even power it on
i been waiting for 10 months now to get a device i know is not already fukt and can get over 1.5 hours SOT ,so i could start from a device i know had no known issues ,during this time N gets released and all these issues crop up and huawei and google refuse to
do anything for 10 months except waste my time making me send my phone 3 times only to return it without doing anything to it
and every time i send it in ,3 times now i have this issue and now they send me another label to send it back but will not guarantee i will be sent a replacement i do not have time to be setting up the hone every single week again and again every time i RMA it
this whole thing is ridiculous this post was least of the wasting of my time i can assure you of that
yeah i could have tried to do it manually but i do not remember what every app and setting had was from a phone i have not used in 2 weeks
Well hopefully the 3rd time is a charm and they actually replaced your battery, which likely is the only thing wrong with the phone. Based on the two main reasons you cited for RMA (early shutdown and poor battery life) you should focus on checking the current battery you have and compare the current capacity your battery has against a new 3,450 mAh battery. If your battery is <85% estimated capacity then the battery is degraded and needs to be replaced. It may be worth your time (and sanity) to just buy a battery and have it replaced at a local repair shop. The battery itself sells for under $20. In a perfect world Google should apologize to you and send you a totally new phone, but after 3 RMA attempts that is not going to happen. In reading the many 6P battery threads here on XDA you will find replacement batteries have completely solved the issues 99% of the time. 4.5-5 hours SOT is pretty standard on a 6P with a healthy battery. As for rooting? Well it is undisputed that even on a stock ROM, a custom kernel like EX Kernel or Franco's even on default settings will provide a significant improvement in battery life, with the added bonus of being able to install root apps like Titanium backup. My advice would be to check the battery and if it tests bad, provide this data to Huawei/Google. If they don't explicitly offer to change the battery, then hang up and just order one yourself and have it installed locally.
v12xke said:
Well hopefully the 3rd time is a charm and they actually replaced your battery, which likely is the only thing wrong with the phone. Based on the two main reasons you cited for RMA (early shutdown and poor battery life) you should focus on checking the current battery you have and compare the current capacity your battery has against a new 3,450 mAh battery. If your battery is <85% estimated capacity then the battery is degraded and needs to be replaced. It may be worth your time (and sanity) to just buy a battery and have it replaced at a local repair shop. The battery itself sells for under $20. In a perfect world Google should apologize to you and send you a totally new phone, but after 3 RMA attempts that is not going to happen. In reading the many 6P battery threads here on XDA you will find replacement batteries have completely solved the issues 99% of the time. 4.5-5 hours SOT is pretty standard on a 6P with a healthy battery. As for rooting? Well it is undisputed that even on a stock ROM, a custom kernel like EX Kernel or Franco's even on default settings will provide a significant improvement in battery life, with the added bonus of being able to install root apps like Titanium backup. My advice would be to check the battery and if it tests bad, provide this data to Huawei/Google. If they don't explicitly offer to change the battery, then hang up and just order one yourself and have it installed locally.
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probably will be expensive to get installed $20 is cheap but it will probably cost $200 to put in, i hear this device is not easy to open at all
it probably was the battery it had severe battery drain before when i sent it in on MM, but now it has early shut down on top of it since they updated it to 7.1.1 and now to 7.1.2
they made it worse plus it has a big chip on the back bezel and a little chip

How to check if S8 is hacked

Hello Community,
I think my Samsung S8 is hacked, well it has been some time crazy.
My 4 connection sensor for LTE, 3G, 2G and so on, plays around. It is this little thing on the upper right of the screen. It stopped one day..
Seems a bit crazy, but the police isn't answering a application.
My Instagram changed too I can't see the List anymore which other people liked.
I think someone wanted to troll me first, but then sent me to the police or smth. **** happened.
I need someone to tell me if the process list is right, or if there is something that shouldn't be seen there.
For example: , Face , out of nowhere came the "transfer data to other phones" , the phone is in German, one process is new: "settings suggestions"
Some process can't be stopped, so I writed a really really long text to the "hackers" . And then I just deleted the process and it worked...
I'm thinking a lot.
Can You help me?
Lindors said:
Hello Community,
I think my Samsung S8 is hacked, well it has been some time crazy.
My 4 connection sensor for LTE, 3G, 2G and so on, plays around. It is this little thing on the upper right of the screen. It stopped one day..
Seems a bit crazy, but the police isn't answering a application.
My Instagram changed too I can't see the List anymore which other people liked.
I think someone wanted to troll me first, but then sent me to the police or smth. **** happened.
I need someone to tell me if the process list is right, or if there is something that shouldn't be seen there.
For example: , Face , out of nowhere came the "transfer data to other phones" , the phone is in German, one process is new: "settings suggestions"
Some process can't be stopped, so I writed a really really long text to the "hackers" . And then I just deleted the process and it worked...
I'm thinking a lot.
Can You help me?
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The best bet is if your bootloader is still locked. No root. Then if something is on your phone a simple factory reset will wipe it. Unless a phone is rooted nothing can be installed at the system level. I would start there. You may have some form of spyware or something installed. Check in application manager at the bottom of list for any apps the may not be named. As in space at the bottom but no details. I have i installed apps before that apear not to show in apps list but they are there
TheMadScientist said:
The best bet is if your bootloader is still locked. No root. Then if something is on your phone a simple factory reset will wipe it. Unless a phone is rooted nothing can be installed at the system level. I would start there. You may have some form of spyware or something installed. Check in application manager at the bottom of list for any apps the may not be named. As in space at the bottom but no details. I have i installed apps before that apear not to show in apps list but they are there
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there is a video from Marques Brownlee where he discusses some ways that apps have been allowed to get thru the play store that do exactly what you mention. Apps getting installed and the icon disappearing or changing its opacity to 0. This is more-so for the OP, but several of those apps download more parts to the app that then act as spyware. But the mad scientist is correct, if youre not rooted, no system apps can be installed. Go to your apps list and look for stuff that doesnt seem normal and uninstall it. Android wont let you uninstall system apps when youre not rooted, so thats not a worry. Even if you do uninstall system apps, all you need to do is reflash the firmware with the "HOME_CSC" so it doesnt remove anything, instead just overwriting the system stuff. Basically its a mulligan, which you can do over and over and over. So there isnt really much fear of hard bricking these phones. Soft bricks happen frequently, but theyre mostly just a time waster.
youdoofus said:
there is a video from Marques Brownlee where he discusses some ways that apps have been allowed to get thru the play store that do exactly what you mention. Apps getting installed and the icon disappearing or changing its opacity to 0. This is more-so for the OP, but several of those apps download more parts to the app that then act as spyware. But the mad scientist is correct, if youre not rooted, no system apps can be installed. Go to your apps list and look for stuff that doesnt seem normal and uninstall it. Android wont let you uninstall system apps when youre not rooted, so thats not a worry. Even if you do uninstall system apps, all you need to do is reflash the firmware with the "HOME_CSC" so it doesnt remove anything, instead just overwriting the system stuff. Basically its a mulligan, which you can do over and over and over. So there isnt really much fear of hard bricking these phones. Soft bricks happen frequently, but theyre mostly just a time waster.
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I've had apps described as such before. Most people don't or wouldn't even notice them. I've seen posts before and very similar applied

Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra Europe exynos sm-986b debloat/decrapify

Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra Europe exynos sm-986b debloat/decrapify (Switzerland/Swisscom).
I'm starting my journey to debloat that phone which is entirely unusable for me, due to the unwanted presence of hundred of junk apps.
After realizing that I was not using a data cable but only a charging cable (computer not having usbc, I had to use another cable than the official one). I manage to get my bearings a bit.
So the connection is sorted out (out of topic), now start the actual decrapifying:
1) I used/will use this program, to list all programs:
Note: I could have used adb directly but this seems easier, especially as we talk about hundred of lines.
Note 2: each time I installed "ACBridge" which appears to show nice icons for that program.
2) I have compiled a list of applications currently installed. I did not install anything manually myself yet, not even connected to Android Play:
442 apps by default.
Note: Are some of these apps only specific to my seller and my region? It's possible, since the phone clearly had some of the FYI operator branded options installed.
3) I'm going to factory reset now. Again, nothing was really installed, just official rom updates done. But I want to start from fresh.
4) After I will reinitiate the phone, I will redo the list of applications capture, and start trimming down.
5) After the factory reset, it seems I had a new screen (unless I skipped it by mistake last time) proposing me to install additional apps like spotify, linked in... I refused this time. Last time I had the apps installed maybe a mistake click, or something new thanks to newer firmware.
6) Use the program again, I now have 429 apps only instead of 442.
7) I tried the list mentioned a starting point, I will look into this user list, allegedely 109 apps removed from a S20 (which is a different phone, I know):
First that only has 104 apps over 109.
Second, I found a few items I wanted to keep and a few I wanted to remove.
Customization Work required here...!
Caution: the list of 109 items contains what is described elsewere as dangerous: ; Not Recommended: Used for password autocompletion, can be removed if you don't use it. This app is sometimes called by the system and might cause battery drain if removed : App that install other application, do not remove!
I will check each non-obvious items.
This list seems more pro:
Samsung full apps list
Feuille 1 LAST UPDATED 01/09/2022,Reinstall an app using pm install-existing [the app package],Enter in shell using adb -d shell before running the command,Enter in shell using adb -d shell before running the command,<a href="">https://docs.samsungk...
I made a custom preset with the 85 items in the list of " Safe to uninstall ". Only 71/86 where showing, some I wanted to keep like Android Auto.
--> I seems to have to choice but start from a bigger list and go through it myself.
After checking each items of that 109 list, vs the spreadsheet and sometimes google, I actually ended up reducing the list, or keeping more items. My final list is currently 68 applications to remove.
I also removed additional things like Netflix.
Samsung SM-N986B_[All]_presetJSDec2020.txt
In the process I learned that this list seems rather personal to do. Yet, some items are marked not to be removed due to battery drain, so the initial list of 109 seems risky. I would say some manual work is mandatory.
8) Moving on, time to uninstall. Done.
9) Time to configure the basics again (basically language, etc...). Done.
10) Time to migrate data from old phone to new phone, I used "Samsung smart switch" app, installed it on both phone, used wifi, and unselected unwanted things. Done after some 1-2 hours (not so much data but it was slow and I interrupted twice).
11) Now the phone looks ok, a few apps had to be manually reinstalled like MCDonald's crapp.
12) Time to recover authenticator, relogin to apps, etc...Some apps I can't do now like RSA token, needs to regenerate a token elsewhere. GoogleAuth was simple, I could easily export from old phone/import new phone..
13) Phone works for now. I see I missed to remove some stuffs like "My files" which was basically simply like file explorer but from Samsung. That was indicated as "not remove" but probably can be ( ).
Edit: day +1 after the step 13. Phone works properly. No visible impact on battery drain (seems high, as usual and with little usage overnight, same as before any intervention from my side). Unable to continue anything for now, being ill. Everything seems to work, even without the stuffs I removed.
On that note, I got rid of youtube and yt music, and installed YoutubeVance.
I tested the basics (phone, camera...) looks ok.
Note: this is WIP and more sharing the journey, as well as learning. Usually I would unlock bootloader, root, and install a decent ROM from XDA; but not happening this time.
Thanks for sharing thread ! Used it and removed 20+ useless app
ouroukai90 said:
Thanks for sharing thread ! Used it and removed 20+ useless app
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Glad that could help- The tool from Cyber Cat and the threads are useful. Yet I saw quite a few tools/options around.
The idea was to share the experience of using one, do some sort of decrapifying/debloating and comment.
For me even if I expected a bit that, I was a bit surprise that this operation needs a lot of customization.
Let's say it was easier to start from a fresh Android ROM and add some selected Google apps, rather than trimming down that Samsung junk (That something I usually do with custom roms, here I stayed with official Samsung ROM, so I did not have that possibility to start fresh).
I see Android 11 update should come soon (around January 2021?).... I take it that they will reinstall all their garbage in the OTA update... And we will have to decrapify again!?
Yes I guess for a major update it will maybe reinstall crap like "tips" from Samsung. But i've done this using beta4 OneUI3.0 and it work very well
Is it possible to uninstall the google app? And then install it again? I have problems with hey google not working
Anskjer said:
Is it possible to uninstall the google app? And then install it again? I have problems with hey google not working
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Yes, which app specifically?
Not sure what is "hey google", are you talking about "Google Assistant"?
Anyway, usually clear cache, not uninstall/reinstall...(then clear data when sure what you doing...)
htchd2sucks said:
Yes, which app specifically?
Not sure what is "hey google", are you talking about "Google Assistant"?
Anyway, usually clear cache, not uninstall/reinstall...(then clear data when sure what you doing...)
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The assistant is inside the google app. Clear cache I have try but didn't work. Thanks for the help
The phone shown me an update yesterday (01/01/2021), OneUI3, Android 11.
It updated without any issue, and all my apps and things are properly there after.
One strange thing is it was allegedely updating 470 apps on my phone, I don't remember having so many.
Another thing to notice, is that I did not notice any new garbage apps after the update. For example, some emoticons junk was not reinstalled. Also, the default keyboard remains Gboard, like I set myself before the update.
Anyway, time to check now, in details.
Verdict: # Total applications: 421
Some junk have been installed again during the update. (after my previous cleaning, I was at:
# Total applications: 361)
I don't see the same type of junk as it was before, like Netflix apps, Bixby...etc... So it's rather strange.
One horrible app I found is "eBay Partner Attribution". What is it? Affiliate marketing is a referral program where sites pay commissions to affiliates who send traffic to their site that results in a sale.
Well done Samsung, installing junk to get additional money...
App killed on sight (com.ebay.carrier).
I also removed
That will be all for now, don't have the time to do better.
Is it really safe to debloat all knox related stuff? just asking if it helps anything?
jirka607 said:
Is it really safe to debloat all knox related stuff? just asking if it helps anything?
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I think knox junk tripping is only if you replace your bootloader:
I think removing the apps only is not tripping it (anyway, if it is, my phone is fine without it).
It depends what you mean "safe" anyway, if you are talking about some features that might not work, or a broken phone for example.
Thanks, im not sure if you should put the Knox app in the safe list.
danterape said:
Thanks, im not sure if you should put the Knox app in the safe list.
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Try to delete it then u'll see xD

