Dialer Skin - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

is there any way i can get this dialer skin? black on black?
i know there is dialer skin look like this, but i am looking for the black on black skin like the one on the top
if any1 has any source plz provide them. thanks

pretty nice


any different skins for htc calculator

the black skin for htc calculator does not match my green theme. are there any ways to change the calculator skin?

[SEARCH] gray, white, silver Skin

I'm looking for a gray, whit oder silver skin.
The Problem is, to get the font black I think.
I found only on skin. the SPB silver Unitheme. Is there an other light skin?
I think I will can read better at sun.
Thanx for your help.
have u tried wisbar advance, this will help you skin ur device
I don't know, how this prog should solve my problem with the white font,
Can you explan it? *g*
a skin for WHAT ?????
do you mean a .tsk for windows mobile ??? or for what software
jeah for wm6 the today screen.
this skins for wm6 are ".tsk"-files, google for ".tsk" and just put them in your windows folder of your ppc, then activate the new skin under "today". tsk files can have different colors for your today text.
you can also change today colors with "SKTOOLS" (no freeware).
so is there a way other than wisbar to make your theme white?
always wondered that
with the Spb Extended Theme Generator I think you can change it, too. Its freeware. What thinks the pros?
thats a good prog man !
- Problem will be the top/taskbar, because the most is of it no text, its white graphics ! and white on white=see nothing
or take this one: but i must warn you, its nothing for beginners
I am also looking for a white theme. Preferably plain white background and both bars white
I'm also trying to find a white theme, with black text.
It is easy to use a white tsk-file, so that your today screen is white. But then all the others is still different like (comm manager, phone dialer ect).
Is there a white theme - with a white comm mannager, dialer, contact ect?
thats not possible, this are all different applications from different software developers.
So u cant change the look for all.
OK then we need to find white progrmas to add like
White comm manager: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=392611&highlight=white
Still need some work....
White Contact program:
White Calendar:
Do any of you know of better white programs to use, then please provide a link.

Other Phone Skin?

are there any skins for x1 out there? i want a simple black skin. (no brushed metal skin)
try manila dialer wich replace the dialer.
ther is a black skin if you search a little
the dialer cannot install on my ppc ...
any idea where to find the black skin for the dialer instead ?

Dialer skin or color theme for Touchpro2

Hi guys.. im looking for a dialer skin or some app to make my dial pad more colorful as I find the original one v boring..
can anyone suggest ?

Recommended dark/black theme?

As title says, js there any theme you guys could recommend for S8? Battery is my priority
Just go to themes and select black you will get only black themes choose one of them
Guys do you know a trueblack theme that doesn't change the keyboard skin?
Or is there anyway I can keep the keyboard skin while changing the theme?

