Looking chinese fake phones of windows mobile ,uploadingpictureS and uRL - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I support genuine makers of ppcphone forever
due to chinese web managers delete my content which reject fake ppcphone. I must write following content in english.
recently a porpotion of the public have used fake ppc of mtk that is the cheapest for expense. but do you see a few of potential defects.
THE european commission argue that this pirate may be helping to finance crime gangs which are involved in more dangerous activities. it also denies government the tax revennues they need to finance public services and it costs jobs among maker of genuine goods.studys indicate that Russia goverment is losing 200MILLION dollar in taxes due to all kinds of pirate which account for the state of poor economy in this country.the european commission, in launching its proposed crackdown,quoted a study showing that 17000 jods a year are being lost in the EU,as legitimate manufacturers lose out to imported fake.so ultimate customers buying knowingly those fake phone become victims.this pirate is leading to slowdown of chinese economic development from china O2fans
if guys have interest in details of fake ppc of china ,please click on http://www.m8cool.com. I think this website is a sponsor of fake phone
please discuss this issue.


hmm,that m8cool website is the same one that installed the trojans on those maxtor drives.... I'm smellin FISHY FISHYYYYY


MDA branded Hermes available

I am selling my boxed Hermes, with UK tmobile branding. All original accessories.
I hope I am not breaking forum rules by posting this :S
I take paypal, collection or cheque/cash in post (your risk).
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UK investigatory powers bill - Google security updates/patches

In light of the new Investigatory powers act 2016 that has come into effect in UK, the new legislation stipulates that any telecommunications operator or electronic communication device manufacturer/software programme, has to include a backdoor access to allow decryption for probing and ''equipment inteference' by the relevant governing bodies.
This applies to all communication/device manufacturers/software that is currently sold in the UK.
The legislation also requires that any further software updates or new communication equipment be made available to certain governing bodies before the sale of software/devices, to allow a review and insertion of backdoor access, whether physically or via software programming.
Is anybody familiar with how this will apply to Google/android and the regular security updates that are provided to these devices? Will google promptly follow the requirements for this legislation, which would mean, the next security update will include this backdoor access?
This raises major concerns for the security and privacy for all google/android based handsets that are sold within the UK, as over 50 government organisations will be allowed to request probing and bypass of any encryption. What concerns me more so, is the misuse of this backdoor access by rogue hackers that unfortunately, may now be able to hack devices more easily with this backdoor access enforced by this new legislation.
As far as I am aware, other manufacturer software updates for their handsets are never as rapid as googles own devices to receive these updates, and I am thinking, does this mean the implementation of this backdoor access will be likely to be included in either December 2016 or January 2017?
Will google issue this backdoor access for only handsets connected in the UK or will it be a worldwide update?
If anybody has any relevant information to elucidate me on this, it would be greatly appreciated, as unfortunately, the new legislation also includes a gagging clause, which prohibits any manufacturer or software programme/oS, from revealing if/when a backdoor access has been initialized.
Wow. If this is true, and I were Google, Apple etc. I would not adhere to this local legislation. How hard is it for the local authorities to prove they need the info on a device in order to get a court order to get access to said device? Sounds to me like they just want an excuse to probe any and all devices regardless of their need for the info on them.
Edit: I just looked it up, it doesn't seem to state anything about manufacturers having to allow a back door. It states that the government has the authority to hack, look for and retain personal information. So in short, no. Google will not allow this. The UK will have to learn to hack their way in just like anyone else.
Also, Canada has basically been doing this for quite some time.. maybe not to the extent the UK wants to..
k.s.deviate said:
Wow. If this is true, and I were Google, Apple etc. I would not adhere to this local legislation. How hard is it for the local authorities to prove they need the info on a device in order to get a court order to get access to said device? Sounds to me like they just want an excuse to probe any and all devices regardless of their need for the info on them.
Edit: I just looked it up, it doesn't seem to state anything about manufacturers having to allow a back door. It states that the government has the authority to hack, look for and retain personal information. So in short, no. Google will not allow this. The UK will have to learn to hack their way in just like anyone else.
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For reference, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/11/30/investigatory_powers_act_backdoors/
I have a copy of the new leglislation, but it is a 300+ page document. It is quite frightening.
You can view it online, it specifically states about ''backdoor access''.
If anyone has ANY information on how this will effect android security and when google will implement this, please share
So I'm assuming this will either effect the pixel/nexus updates, or the next pixel successor, or even both
This legislation has come into effect from today.
Google, as well as practically all telecoms manufacturers and telecoms service providers are affected.
Cannot really trust the security offered from updates from now on unfortunately.
Good luck enforcing something like this when there is no way to ensure a encryption system with a back door is actually secure.
What is the UK going to do when Google and other software companies say no. Have them stop providing their goods to the UK? Maybe there will be no pixel updates or new phones for the UK market?
How are banks and other financial institutions which risk substantial loss because of an insecure encryption system going to react? No more online banking or financial transactions?
krelvinaz said:
Good luck enforcing something like this when there is no way to ensure a encryption system with a back door is actually secure.
What is the UK going to do when Google and other software companies say no. Have them stop providing their goods to the UK? Maybe there will be no pixel updates or new phones for the UK market?
How are banks and other financial institutions which risk substantial loss because of an insecure encryption system going to react? No more online banking or financial transactions?
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It seems like the legislation stipulates and enforces any telecommunications provider/manufacturer to provide a accessible route into devices for something classified as "equipment interference", which in layman terms, is basically legalised hacking.
If a notice is served to the provider/manufacturer, they must comply otherwise it is unlawful. The legislation also stipulates that it is unlawful to declare that a notice has been served, which in essence means that we will never know or have any knowledge of this occurring.
Quite a sinister draconian piece of legislation if you ask me.
I have a hard time believing Google or Apple will just hand them the keys . Apple wouldn't even let American government access. Amazon won't give cops access to a murder they think was recorded on a Amazon echo
FYI the US government is on the same path. We should all be concerned and demand that elected officials work to reverse these trends.
Besides the privacy issue I personally don't have anything I'm worried about. Don't get me wrong, the privacy part of it is major as I value it more than 90% of life so I'm not saying "who cares". I'm also not in Europe so I'm really not worried. That is until the US goes public with it. That being said, unless there is a hardware backdoor implemented, it won't last long. If it's coded in software it'll be found and removed. So unless it's software based and you stay stock unrooted, there's nothing to worry about.
It does kinda seem funny that after this comes around, updates have been pushed with a second European carrier fix update though.
"In the UK, the recently passed Investigatory Powers Act allows the government to intercept bulk data of users held by private companies, without suspicion of criminal activity, similar to the activity of the US National Security Agency uncovered by the Snowden revelations. The government also has the power to force companies to “maintain technical capabilities” that allow data collection through hacking and interception, and requires companies to remove “electronic protection” from data. Intentional or not, WhatsApp’s backdoor to the end-to-end encryption could be used in such a way to facilitate government interception.
Jim Killock, executive director of Open Rights Group, said: “If companies claim to offer end-to-end encryption, they should come clean if it is found to be compromised – whether through deliberately installed backdoors or security flaws. In the UK, the Investigatory Powers Act means that technical capability notices could be used to compel companies to introduce flaws – which could leave people’s data vulnerable.”

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Huawei---a "spy and security" risk? I love their stuff and think this is BS

Huawei---a "spy and security" risk? I love their stuff and think this is BS
Six intelligence officials, including the heads of the CIA, FBI, and NSA, have told the Senate Intelligence Committee that they would not recommend that U.S. citizens use smartphones from the Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE, reports CNBC. As FBI director Chris Wray told the committee:
“We’re deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values to gain positions of power inside our telecommunications networks. That provides the capacity to exert pressure or control over our telecommunications infrastructure. It provides the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information. And it provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage.”
In response to the intelligence officials warnings, a spokesperson for Huawei said:
“Huawei is aware of a range of U.S. government activities seemingly aimed at inhibiting Huawei’s business in the U.S. market. Huawei is trusted by governments and customers in 170 countries worldwide and poses no greater cybersecurity risk than any ICT vendor, sharing as we do common global supply chains and production capabilities.”
Huawei has been trying to enter the U.S. market as of late. One failed attempt saw a partnership with AT&T later called off.
I posted about this a few weeks back when the US deals were cancelled, the mod promptly closed the thread.
I have the phone but no way i'd trust the company.
Went to sign up for HI Care yesterday.
"This feature requires permission to be enabled
I checked permissions after allowing it, it also enabled access to phone in permissions.
Why do you suppose they require that
The Reasoning Is Simple..
Of Course The U.S. Goverment Does Not Want You To Purchase A Device From A Country That May Be Able To Spy On Us...
They'd much more perfer you purchase your devices from a country that has aligned with the United States.
Devices from Samsung & LG.. whose World Headquarters are based in South Korea fit this paradigm.
This way, they would have the option to inject spyware that can spy on you...
Big Brother is ALWAYS watching. :angel:
Not liking this. We have plenty of other options. I shall be strongly considering replacing this device. Might reconsider keeping it if a Resurrection Remix ROM surfaces soon.
I have 2.5 weeks to decide before the Amazon 5eturn period ends.
Why would the Uk, Germany and many other European countries allow Huawei and ZTE on their Telecom's if there was an espionage risk? I mean these are NATO countries. If is good for them, why isn't it good for us? As far as I know, Huawei is one of the biggest provider of telecom equipment. So I get it, they don't want Huawei to be part of the new 5G infrastructure. We do know that our Telecoms lobbied really hard to repeal net neutrality. Who loses?
zener773 said:
Why would the Uk, Germany and many other European countries allow Huawei and ZTE on their Telecom's if there was an espionage risk? I mean these are NATO countries. If is good for them, why isn't it good for us? As far as I know, Huawei is one of the biggest provider of telecom equipment. So I get it, they don't want Huawei to be part of the new 5G infrastructure. We do know that our Telecoms lobbied really hard to repeal net neutrality. Who loses?
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When Xiaomi launched itself in India with some attractive budget phones, they faced the same type of criticism that they are stealing data from users but after that everything faded in the background and now it's one of the top selling brands.
I still don't understand as it's quoted above, If it's really that bad then why wouldn't other countries be concerned?? I guess, Recently, Indian govt. Advised that especially govt.officials, Army and such officials should stay away from Chinese Phones though.
I have honor 7X and I love stock/custom Roms. I'm looking to switch to a custom ROM because I guess I have another reason to do so. What do you think guys?
Unless the govt forces a pullout from the market, I think it's just politics. I found this article about Telus/Huawei testing their 5G rollout in Canada. Ihttps://venturebeat.com/2018/02/14/huawei-and-telus-test-fixed-5g-in-homes-paving-way-for-canadian-rollout/amp/
zener773 said:
Unless the govt forces a pullout from the market, I think it's just politics. I found this article about Telus/Huawei testing their 5G rollout in Canada. Ihttps://venturebeat.com/2018/02/14/huawei-and-telus-test-fixed-5g-in-homes-paving-way-for-canadian-rollout/amp/
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Personally, cell phones are a huge business and lots of money floating around....which leads to businesses like Apple, Samsung, LG etc left in the dark if they have to compete with a $199 phone...theirs are in the $800 range. What can they do? Somehow persuade the masses that they are a threat on spying on your phone---as if our government does not already do this....I have a strong distrust for our media and the propaganda of our government officials in the "higher up" areas.
Also, if Samsung is spying through your SMART tv I'm sure they would not do it on any other of their products... (SARC)

