Easy question for ya peeps - Mogul, XV6800 General

I have the HTC 4000 from telus/canadian version. It looks the same as the titan. I'm curious is it the same PDA? I'm looking to change the mod to a iphone mod if thats even possible since it is touch screen or just something more snappier since my work mates are starting to get the same phone and would like to be better looking hehe.
PS. Is it possible to unlock my phone to change it to different mods?

the p4000 is the titan yes...
ppcgeeks.com has custom roms galore, find one to suit your needs

Has there been a successful iphone mod to the Alltel version of the Sprint Mogul? Is there someone on this forum who has the Alltel version with either the TouchFlo theme or iPhone theme?

If you're looking to spruce up your titan, I'd look into something like Wisbar Advance Desktop and Wisbar Advance 3 from lakeridge software, before I looked into custom roms. I dont think there are any custom roms yet for the titan but with those two programs you can download or even make your own themes, they have about a billion different iphone themes to download on their forums.
Here's one WAD that makes your phone look just like an iphone.
Heres another example of what you can do
There are some programs you can find here on xdadevs like Slide to Unlock and Pocketcm that will further add iphone like features to your phone.
Check out Lakeridgesoftware.com. I think they might cost like 10 bucks each but you can do some amazing things with both programs.

the iphone theme really isn't my style but heres a couple pics of it running on my titan, not the best shots in the world but gives you an idea

thanks jonnycross for the pics. did you use the instructions given out by torx on the lakeridge site? I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Meanwhile i think i will go ahead and purchase the programs that you provided me the link to.

yup, there is a readme file in the newest version zip that explains it all. You can download a free trial of wisbar advance desktop and wisbar advance 3 for like 15 days to try it out before you even spend any money. If you run into any problems I might be able to help you out.

hey jonnycross22, someone had suggested in another forum to update my rom before I do the iphone theme. Did you have to go through this as well? I get my phone tomorrow (hopefully) and I will check to see what rom it is running.
Also Alltel is advertising WM5 for the PPC6800. I don't think it should make a difference, should it?
I just want to make sure that I have the necessary things done to the phone before I get the iphone theme on.

wm5 should run it just fine, you shouldn't have to do any rom updating at all, the programs will run regardless, let me know if you have any problems getting it all up and running and i'll help you out

1. Is it possible to startup on the regular windows desktop, and then launch the iphone theme?
2. Does your iphone theme slow or freeze your phone?
3. I click on calendar and it shows my calendar on monthly view, but I cant close on the top right corner, like there isn't an exit button there. Any suggestions?

Alright, an update on installing the iphone theme on my phone.
I have gotten everything installed and linked the missing links to the icons. I also managed to correct the exit deal with the calendar, for some reason everytime i clicked the calendar it would load two of them. So I just unlinked and relinked the path.
When playing youTube videos i get the error "The file 'rtsp://rtsp.yoube.com/youtube/videos/... cannot be opened..." anybody with this problem? I'll try checking out some things and report back.

what program are you using to view the youtube files TCPMP? do you have a flash bundle pack installed?

just installed the flash bundle pack and it works great now. Everything works, but after getting a few calls and browsing a few minutes my phone will not ring and sometimes will hang after sliding to unlock. I can live without the s2unlock but any suggestions on why it will not ring when a call is recieved?

Honestly, I've had nothing but trouble with all the slide to unlock programs i've ever tried on the mogul, I tried a couple different versions and always had some kind of issues, either with it freezing, caller id, even text messaging, which is too bad because I really, really like the slide to unlock programs but in the end I just had to uninstall them because they had more problems than the program was worth :/ just letting you know you aren't alone, I tried just about EVERYTHING to get a fully functional S2U program working on the mogul, just didn't happen

Theme has been running successfully for a full day, although I had to uninstall S2U.
It really is too bad that S2U has too many problems, it was kind of a neat little program.
Thanks for the heads up johnnycross22.


O2 Active UI Battery NFO Ext Rom 1.13.188

Hi wondering if someone can help.
In the latest rom update from O2 if you install the active UI it will give you a battery today plugin which is quite handy.
Now my question we all know the ActiveUI is horrible will slow down the exec and take up to much space. Is there anyway of stripping out this battery today plugin form the ActiveUI and creating a cab file so it will just install this part. I think the file that is needed from the ActiveUI is BatteryNFO.
Many Thanks
Wow 50 views and still no one got an answer????
Got to say I'd love this too. I've tried other battery monitors, and none are as good as that one.
Ok i have been looking in to this since i posted and have extracted the signed_UNI_o2AUI4_build88.cab file to my home machine. From What i can see there are 7 files that could be related to this 4 of which start with batter~1.029 and so on the other 3 start with power_~1.070. is there anyway of telling what these files are actually for.
Im no expert at this but surely it can be done as i have seen people have ripped the connection settings from this cab file before so surely the same sort of thing can be done with this.
i agree...looks quite nice this battery plug-in...hope sum1 finds a way of getting it as a cab file soon
Still looking in to this and not going to let it beat me to.
Has anybody ever used this software before.
MagicCab PocketPC CAB extractor 0.63
It looks like it is going to do what i need and be able to strip out the battery today plugin from the cab and even tell us what reg settings we need to enter to if i am reading it right but before i commit myself to the $10.95 has anyone ever used it before to clarify that it will do what i need it to do.
If you want something more professional use WCE CAB Manager.
Why not use Batti ?
It gives you just as much information, doesn't take up valuable Today space or slow down your machine, is visible in every application not just Today, and runs in just 20K. And it's free
So far with the advice given to me by ibendlin about wince cab manager and after several hard resets (trial and error thank god for spbpocket backup lol) i have manged to get half way there. But i am having a problem getting the skins to work
As you can see i have manged to sort the today plugin but im having problems getting the skins working even after a soft reset.
Maybe someone can offer some advice i will gladly forward the cab that i have created so far if anyone can offer some suggestions.
Ineedtoys: So far i have manged to get this down to 14kb as for the space on the today screen user preference really, but thank you for your advice on batti.
Anyway off to bed will work on this some more tomorrow
OK, if you dont activate the ActiveUI thing in programs then you can have life without it. To get it to go away now that its on goto \windows\startup and delete the ActiveUI file in there. You cant seem to unistall the program. I just avoid the icon like the pluage.
There are more complex ways of getting what your looking for, but this one is simple and effective
ps. then soft reset
Hi James
Tis true what you are saying and this way will work but unfortunatly you will also get about 10mb worth of extra programs installed from the activeUI which take up the oh so precious Device storage space where the actual battery bar it's self only takes up around 14kb
But thanks anyway
yeah but the newer people to the scene might not like playing about with things. I've only just got use to playing about with stuff and up untill now I've been using this solution.
Now i've had the phone a wee while i'm happy to start going for corporate mode but was easier not to when i was just getting use to the whole PDA type stuff
I know what you mean we all had to start somewhere right lol.
I stopped using the the personal install about a month after i had my exec it was only through advice from these forums that i actually found out how much space the activeUI took up and also how much it slowed it down.
I use this one:
it shows 2 lines: one for main Battery status and one for Backup Battery status (no more exists in WM5); it works well
tried this one but I still think the one in the latest rom release from O2 looks sharper/prettier....
Yeah i'm planning on giving up the basic mode soon.
let me know how you get on, as I too like this battery meter.
I Have done it, Sort of. Still a few bugs but i don't think i will be able to sort these limited knowledge and already about 10 hard reset's.
I have been using now for around 8 or 9 hours now and all seems to be fine after the install no memory loss or anything.
Works well in True VGA to.
congrats m8..any chance of u posting the cab file here?
hiya scotjen,
dont mind you posting it out here??
damn, I still have a Champions League game against Arsenal later.
got to get back to training soon
Well done.
What bugs are you still experiencing. Maybe someone could advise you further?

touchflo on Wing question

Question is this. I changed my theme to a standard blue theme from the today settings but i cant get it back to the standard black theme that was in effect when i installed the touchflo rom.. anyone know how to get back to the black theme??
Also....after installing the touchflo rom i noticed that i was missing a couple applications. One in particular is Tzones. I have a hotspot service and cant log on because i dont have the login screen.. anyway i can get this back to my phone? the IM client was also lost but i found this...
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Which touchflo rom did you download? If you got the one for the wing, go into Start>Settings>Today>T-Mobile_Default_Blue should be the OEM theme. Hope that helps a little.
Well initially the phone was apparently set to the Mobile_Default_Blue but was a black theme. When i switched it and went back to it then it was blue. I really liked the black theme and want to switch back but i havent a clue how to do so....i've been searching. Help is greatly appreciated.
I'm running the PDAVIET v14 rom.....Being as this is not a tmobile rom the myfavs are not on it. Its not a huge deal, as a matter of fact i dont even really care. But i wouldnt mind getting the tzones back until my total internet package takes effect on the 23. any suggestions anybody?
In that same Today settings tag you should be able to select which items to show up on the today screen, and there should be an option for T-zones there. Or you could flash a different rom onto your wing that supports T-zones if you can't find it there.
mrmikemcguire said:
Well initially the phone was apparently set to the Mobile_Default_Blue but was a black theme. When i switched it and went back to it then it was blue. I really liked the black theme and want to switch back but i havent a clue how to do so....i've been searching. Help is greatly appreciated.
I'm running the PDAVIET v14 rom.....Being as this is not a tmobile rom the myfavs are not on it. Its not a huge deal, as a matter of fact i dont even really care. But i wouldnt mind getting the tzones back until my total internet package takes effect on the 23. any suggestions anybody?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the PDAVIET .14 ROM and MyFaves are, in fact, in it. You just need to use a tool like Memaid 2.0 to find the link and add it to your start menu or the Home Page. That's what I did, and it's working fine.
TZones should also in the ROM, and can probably be added in the same way.
Well....i'll keep looking into the Tzones issue. It is nowhere on my phone. I really do like the touchflo rom and the cube feature so i dont neccessarily want to switch roms. I wouldnt mind having it back on the phone as i get ringtones and such from there (thats pretty much it) Is there away to put it back on the phone without having to find another rom?? Or is there a better way to get ringtones?
As for the myfaves, thats not a huge concern either...i'm sure that even if you dont have the myfaves selection on the phone you can still use the service..you just have to manage them on mytmobile.
psyop1 said:
I have the PDAVIET .14 ROM and MyFaves are, in fact, in it. You just need to use a tool like Memaid 2.0 to find the link and add it to your start menu or the Home Page. That's what I did, and it's working fine.
TZones should also in the ROM, and can probably be added in the same way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So I not really familiar with the app Memaid 2.0. how exactly would i go about finding these apps with that program. I dont mind installing it and trying to find it but i wouldnt know where to start. And is there any other program that does the same thing...i mean, i dont truly feel like paying 20 bucks for it, anywhere else i can get it from?
Ok, download and run the Wing Touch it ROM from Tyer's thread. It will still run and operate like the touch, but have all the same features of the Wing RUU, like Myfaves, T-zones, IM clients, etc...
I appreciate all of your help.....like i said the myfavs and tzones are not a hell of a big deal but i guess they are sorta convenient. So the Touch it rom VERSUS the touchflo rom is pretty much identical with the exception Touchit was made with the standart apps from tmobile? I truly like the cube feature and dont want to loose it...if they're the same except for the preloaded apps, i would do it....so this is the case??
Again, you guys have been very helpful, thanks a bunch!
For the black bars, under extra, (within programs) there should be a "glossy black bars" icon. Click on it.
Ur probably talking about Glossy Black Bars
go to ur programs, it should be there, just click it n it'll change
Just Wondering
I was just wondering if any1 has devised a way to use a portion of your sd memory as ram some how?? or is this a stupid question??
its an interesting idea, but SD is too slow to use for RAM

Looking for a new ROM.

So after a month of issues with my Wing locking up anytime I try to use the keyboard, it apparently is an issue with the stock ROM. So here's what I'm looking for and cannot find ANYWHERE (yes, I've searched and asked before in another thread and got no where).
I want a calendar option where I can have multiple calendars on the phone. At work, I have 3 schedules/calendars I look at and would like one for personal use. My problems with the phone started when I tried to use the calendar for the first time and it only has been worse since. I'd like to correct that and give me the option to keep updated with multiple schedules.
I also do not want to give up MS Excel/PowerPoint/Word. I use the Wifi quite a bit, well did before I couldn't type anything without freezing, so I can't lose that or MMS/SMS texts. I need all the basic stuff but wouldn't mind trying out the slide to unlock or the cube as everyone says. My buddy has the Touch and the cube is kinda cool but it's not a must. Games, I'll take as many as I can get! I've tried using emulators for SNES games (Punchout rules!) and it just never worked right. I'm a solitaire junkie (84 seconds, beat that!) but wouldn't mind others like freecell, tetris, bowling, Hold'Em or whatever would be good "sitting on the john" time killers.
Can anyone here help me? The main thing is the calendars which I cannot find with searching for almost an hour at work today. haha!
oh yeah, and if something could overclock it for faster speeds, I'd be happy unless the new ROM is fast enough. The weather feature would be really nice as well. Any other cool features I should know about??
At the moment I'm using TTran's open touch biggy 4.0. I was using itje's touch it 2.3 before, and liked it alot, but that phone broke and when I got the new one I wanted to try something new. Pretty much everything you need is included in it, and it runs very fast and smooth. I highly recommend it.
So with that, I can have multiple schedules? Is it possible to relabel them?
Am I looking for something that just isn't made or does no one understand what it is I'm looking for? I'm trying to get this to work for my work but I need multiple schedules.
It doesn't exist that I know off... unfortunately, ActiveSync and pocket outlook will not allow multiple mailboxes/addressbooks/CALENDARs. I wish it did... but it doesn't. At least there isn't any way that I'm aware off.
Ugh! someone should get to modding! I bet enough people would use it to justify the time. Plus, I'll throw in $20. haha
screw it. I'm going to flash the Open Touch 4.0 Biggy in a day or two when I have time. My only question is, do I download the file to the computer and put it as it is on the Wing or do I unzip it then put the "MyFirstROM" folder on the wing? It just says d/l it then open. Open on which machine? Also, I did a backup of my contacts to the card but if I flash it, will reloading from the software give me all my contacts back? What do i need to do so I don't lose a TON of contacts?
I am assuming you haven't used Hard-SPL yet? You have more to do than just flash a ROM
I've read on here you don't have to Hard-SPL to go with a new rom unless it calls for it and the Open Touch 4.0 supposedly doesn't need it. Am I wrong?
I had the stock tmobile rom, and I updated to Open Touch 3.0 without Hard-SPL and mine runs fine. I think for other roms, you may have to, but usually the rom will specify it.


ok im new to all this crap but skilled in computers and i was wandering if i got the i760 would i be able to make it look some thing like this?
and what kinda mods can i do?
Ok, ok, ok.
Step 1: Install S2U2, this is the locking screen, first part of vid.
Step 2: Install Ultimate Launch ($$$) or iTask or iFonz or WisBar ($$$).
Step 3: Find all the graphics and customize the way you want. Each app is fully customizable, and would be quite easy to create this theme, the only obstacle is finding all the icons to match, unless you can make. There is also a forum dedicated to changing the slider and other graphics for S2U2.
Ok i have a nother question what phone would u recumend for moding like this? im new i just want moding and music and pics and movies games n ****
remote acses so i can play games from my computer
Well I have the i760, and really like it, if your looking to fully upgrade, get an HTC, since your looking at the i760, you prob have Verizon, go with the XV6800.
and that scrolling thang hes got like the half circal that can be done?
Didn't even see that part, nobody, that I know of has created anything close to it.
HA! Love how this iDiot in the vid is using the PIE icon.
Install Ultimate Launch ($$$) or iTask or iFonz or WisBar ($$$).
what looks coolest and whats the diferance? im looking for the fingur fliking kinda thang know what i meen?
what if i fouind a iphone theme and downloaded it its got like a folder for walpaper and back ground and dock
if i got a walpaper would u help me find what els i need?
anyone? there?
no one? lol
Whoa!! Relax, of course you'll get help, that's a big reason for the forum.
The 4 apps I mentioned will be your main launcher, just browse thru and find which you like, many many people have created launchers and themes to replicate the i****e. But it seems you don't have the phone yet, so get that first, install the different apps, and mess around a bit. Find what works fastest and fits your style. Then from there you need to find the images, background and icons.

Diamond on iFonz?

I was setting here thinking , and came up with an idea. I'm not genius dev so I dont have a chance at it. But in my mind it sounds possible. But PLEAZ check this out , and let me know what you think about this idea.
Okay.One part of my idea is fairly simple, the next would be a challenge but , im sure one of the genius dev's here could do it. Here goes.
The simple part:
Pretty much strip iFonz down, no icons on it anywhere. Create a skin for it, with the diamond background, which can already be done. Then create a skin for the "DOCK" , that makes the bottom icons, look like the Home tabs on the diamond. This wouldn't be hard for a lot of you.
Next turn of the "slide" feature in the iFonz settings. Link the bottom icons to a different page each. That way when you hit one, it quickly pops up another page, pretty much like the htc home plug does. This right here takes care of one of the plugs used withthe diamond also. The program launcher tab. All you would have to do is setup your icons, and that part is done.This seems like it would be pretty simple. But now to the hard part.
The HARD part:
This is the parts that would be a challenge. I know some of you could do it, but its just getting someone interested. But anyway. Somehow create a plugin, or something, that will put apps like the clock, and messaging, and music, etc on the iFonz screen. I was thinking that for messaging and email, that you could somehow just make turn on like one icon on on iFonz, and link it to the proper size graphic. Then it would read whatever program it was linked too. I don't exactly know how to explain what I'm thinking here, but hopefully , you understand.
The way iFonz is set up, being able to choose links, and things. It seems like this would be very possible. Some things, like the clock, and messages, and maybe contacts, may be fairly simple to one of you devs. I myself would be happy , and I'm sure alot of you as well, with this , even if it was missing a couple of tabs, like the music, or something.
But anyway. Ponder on it, and let me know what you think. In my mind it seems extremely possible. And if someone was to do it, you'd have the smoothest working Diamond them around. The way iFonz would pop up a different page and things. But I hope you all give your ideas here. Maybe with some help this will become a reality
sounds like an idea
I'll be willing to pay for that even
Just try the latest beta of ThrottleLauncher
I think WAD2 is the best option....
The new beta version of Wisbar Advance Desktop 2 is amazing and I have had good results making a Diamond theme with it. Attached are some screen shots of what I have done so far. Goto www.lakeridgesoftware.com if you want more information or to download the latest (V8 as of 6/10/08) beta version of WAD2.
2manyphones, I certainly hope you'll be sharing that WisBar skin with us. Your skin alone is enough to make me wanna buy WAD!
I agree. Throttelauncher or SPB Shell w/the Diamond theme. Nice WAD setup though. I played around with it before. Great app but SPB Shell is easy to setup.
What about speed.
The throtllelauch and mobile shell slow down your device and are hungry for memory.
UL has nice possibilities if you want to keep speed and is highly customizable
But most people forget to look at Manila Theme for XIAMultiTheme
which is still in beta state tough, but works quite good.

