how to disconnect GPRS after auto-email check - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hey. I check my email with the outlook express feature (the same place where you get text messages, etc.) I have it setup to check my mail every hour, but after it checks for mail it stays connected to the GPRS feed, making me miss calls. is there an option I'm missing or reg tweak that automatically disconnects the GPRS after it connects and "send/receive" email?

Check this bit of freeware out - it sounds like what you're after. I have never had any problems with it.
GB-SOFT GPRS Tweak 02.04.2004

i installed the program. i works well, accept it disconnects the GPRS 10 minutes after connecting to streaming audio. is it not working properly, or can the software not recognize streaming audio? everyime i want to listen i have to change the setting from "auto-disconnect if GPRS isn't in use" to "always leave gprs connected." Any suggestions?


GPRS Connection

I have an O2 XDA and I have just had GPRS enabled and it all works fine.
I thought it would be possible to leave inbox running and every 15 minutes it would connect to GPRS, download e-mails and then disconnect but it won't work.
If I connect manually to GPRS then it works but I have to leave the connection open all the time which drains the battery.
Is it possible to do what I want with Inbox or is there another piece of software that will do it instead.
Stuart Frost

GPRS disconnect )-:

I'm using xda 2.
when I open the GPRS connection manually, it stay connected until I disconnect it.
When the connection is open automatically (when I use the internet explorer, or using any other application that use a gprs connection) the connection disconnect if I don't use the device for a minute or two.
If I continue to use the device, the connection don't disconnect.
Is there any setting that will prevent the device to disconnect.
I develop application that should synchronize to SQL server, the synchronization takes 15-30 minutes, during this time the user don't use the device...
Ive got the same problem.
Im using my Qtek 2020 as a Wmodem for my laptop for the moment.
If i connect, i disconnects after a few minutes and there is no speed.
But if i softreset the device and reconnect to the modem, everything works fine for a couple of hours. Then it disconnects, and i have to softreset again to make it work...
Really annoying, and took me quite a WHILE to figure out how to get it to work.
Would be very nice to know that kind of ****ed up bug this is..
Sounds like you need GPRS Tweak (freeware)
Thanx, i think it works.. Just installed it, and put it on GPRS always ON
GPRS Tweak
I also installed GPRS Tweak but when I perform a soft-reset it don't start GPRS automaticly.
What have I done wrong?
Go to the second settings tab, there u have som settings for GPRS starting.
Although, this program didnt fix my problem. I still have to reboot everytime
i have used GPRS for 2 hours. For some reason, it resets GPRS after a random set of time... Really annoying.

GPRS Question

GPRS is new territory for me. I'm planning to apply for a GPRS acct with my telco
I'm afraid that once I've configured the settings for internet via GPRS from my telco, it will always use GPRS whenever I want to connect to the internet.
How do I switch back to normal mode when I'm at home and accessing the internet thru ActiveSync?
On my EXTENDED_ROM, there is a file called vodafone.CAB which will configure my phone with Vodafone settings (I'm with Vodafone). Whenever I run that file (after a hard reset), I cannot access the internet via ActiveSync. Everytime I run PIE, it always defaults to GPRS.
I don't know how to switch to use internet via activesync once I'm on the GPRS plan and then switch back to GPRS when I'm not at home.
If you are concerned about it using GPRS once you are connected to ActiveSync you could always switch to flight mode. Not ideal, I admit, if you use your phone alot and don't like it being turned off.
I had two profiles on mine, one GPRS and one dial up. Even when I set the default to the dial up (CSD) it still tried to use GPRS. Fault with my pocket PC only? maybe. What was strange was that even after I deleted the GPRS profile and soft reset it still was using GPRS! I had to hard reset in the end.
So, I would backup your pocket PC before installing the GPRS profiles.
If you have a large bandwidth then it probably won't matter to you but if not I would definately install a bandwidth monitor as you may also find that some apps you install may also try to periodically get internet access.
The problem with Windows Mobile 2003 is that you can't seem to tell it to ask you first. Microsoft seem to think that you either want GPRS on permanently or don't use it at all. I am sure there are a lot of people out there who just want to use it from time to time. If an app wants internet it just goes and gets it!
Having said that, even with CSD, it will still dial out when it wants. To get around that problem I created 2 profiles, one of which doesn't have a userid and password. I set the default profile to the one without userid. That way if something tries to get internet access it first asks the user to enter their userid and password - in effect it safeguards against a rogue dial out.
I personally don't use GPRS as I found out that my CSD access will use my free minutes. Since I hardly use my phone for voice calls I may as well make use of the free minutes for internet access.
Ok did some searching around ppcsg, apparently you can turn off GRPS by pressing the RED button (the disconnect talk button) and holding it for a few seconds.
Or use this tool
Question is whether once the GPRS is turned off, will internet access be automatically be directed to the ActiveSync connection (assuming I'm connected via ActiveSync)
To use internet via AS you should configure 'my work network' correctly under the 'connections' settings. The 'my isp' connection is meant for dial-up & gprs access to the internet.
Sadly can't tell how to do it in detail as my magician is my wireless modem & at work the connection isn't allowed. Maybe the help files are of any use in this.
Cheers, M
yes, mine, just automatically uses my internet connection thro' my PC with AS, but as soon as I disconnect from my PC, my Qtek switches over to GPRS.. which is pretty cool.
dood, care to share how you achieve this?
I suppose the question is, if you are connected to a PC which is on the internet, why would you want internet access on the Magician anyway? Why not just use Thunderbird or other web browser?
Outlook will sync the inbox for e-mail when connected via activesync...
The joy of surfing the net while watching TV lying on the bed..can't really do that wth a laptop..too heavy

GPRS keeps auto connecting, chowing battery

I have SPB pocket plus on my prophet (latest dopod rom)...
Is it possible to make it that I have to manually connect GPRS (other than going via control panel), other than letting it connect whenever it damnwell pleases? It eats the battery alive with GPRS simply staying on and idle like that!
Regarding SPB, is it possible to put an icon to connect to a SPECIFIC GPRS connection in there? With SPB gprs monitor, there is an icon, yes, but it only connects to the DEFAULT gprs connection. Also, once you click disconnect, it simply reconnects again in 20sec for some reason.
howzit, my china
i don't know of anything allowing a quick shortcut to connect/dc your GPRS, but what i've done is set my preferred networks to My ISP (which is one of the default profiles, IIRC) and My Work Network. this way, the GPRS _never_ connects, unless i specifically, and deliberately, manually connect. i very rarely require GPRS (i always use wireless networks - they're abundant here in germany), so by taking the GPRS profile out of my preferred networks, i don't have to worry about it connecting without my knowledge, clocking up crazy costs. crazy!
my question to you, though, is what is trying to connect so frequently? have you set your email accounts to check for new mail every few minutes? i'd have a look at your settings and make sure.
other than that, i can't think of much else...
later, my broe broe
(sorry, can't resisit being stereotypically south african, given the chance...)
lol, "ja swaer"
i've also made a dummy connection that doesnt work, so GPRS doesnt auto connect now unless i manually connect, but it's a schlepp to do it everytime...
If u do search guys maybe u can find everything u want,
try this :wink:

how to stop auto connection of my gprs?

my cellphone load gets suck out most of the time because it connects to the internet on its own, is there a setting/program that prompts me first if i want to connect to gprs...
many thanks
Your phone is most likely trying to connect to check your email. To prevent this happening, from your Inbox select Menu/Tools/Options. Click on your email account, press Next till you reach page 4 then Options. De-Select the box which says 'Connect and check for messages every:'
Hope this helps.
GPRS connection
I have a similar problem using exchange push email. I have established an Internet connection with WLan and checked that I can access my webmail (which is my Exchange mail). Despite this to update email the phone automatically connects GPRS - this is really annoying. I read once that this is set in the registry when one installs the operator customisations. Can anyone tell me how to change this?
this tool
can be set to auto disconnect gprs after x seconds/minuts
GB Soft Tweak
Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried this and it doesnt seem to fix the problem. Although I am not excactly clear on the settings.
I tried the Turn Off GPRS option with a 5 min setting, trued Search GPRS [G] on start radio and Search [G] on start GPRS connection.
With regards
