Activesync schedule and standby - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi everyone,
first of all i want to thank you all for the excellent work... this forum is really a gold mine...
Anyway, my problem is:
I set Activesync (the one in the phone) to syncronise once every hour with my company's Exchange server between 9:00 and 17:00. As my company entire building is fully covered by WiFi, I was expecting activesync would use WiFi to syncronise, and connected to GPRS when that is not available...
Insted, with my great surprise, Activesync uses always GPRS !
I think that when AS turns the devices on, it finds no connected interfaces - WiFi need at least 5 seconds to connect - so it connects to GPRS!
The only solution I found is to schedule an appointment with an alarm to the device is on (and connected) when AS syncronises, but this leave some ugly "scars" on my calendar...
Anyone knows a solution for this problem?

If I understand You correct You use the Universal for syncing. This means You use ASync 4.0 or 4.1. I recall that Microsoft changed (for security reasons) the way to synchronize with ASync. Bluetooth is still available, but WiFi is NOT available anymore.
Not a nice information, but should "solve" your problem. No sorry, that's not solve, but "answer".

Currntly WM5 prevent you to sync with your computer through WiFi, but syncing with Exchange server is working - if I start Activesync manually it syncs using WiFi. If I am too fast (and manage to click sync before the WiFi is connected), it syncs through GPRS.

OK, sorry for that.
I am the one here now receiving information, where I wanted to answer You. Thanks very much for that information, but sorry I cannot be of any help.
I tried to contact with our ExchangeServer. It works through USB whilst connected to my office-PC, but does not work through WiFi, GPRS or even while being connected through USB to my home-PC. I am quite sure it has to do with our Exchangeserver not being configured correctly so I stopped bothering (more important things to do
As I have NO sync with the exchange working through GPRS I am not even getting as far as You are, not even noticing the problem You mention.
Hope somebody else will be of more help.

If you are not able to connect from the WiFi network and from home, this means that your system administrator does not trust internet and wireless, so he let you only connect through the office wired network...
I have not tested that, but I believe that Exchange uses an SSL connection, which should be safe even if you are connected through an unencrypted channel...
Normal AS connections (USB for example) are not encrypted, and MS, in its infinite wisdom, think that the user is too stupid to setup a wireless network properly (to be honest, i am still not able to connect with the Universal to my WPA home network)

My/our system administrator is willing to let me in, but simply does not know the exchange server software well enough to understand where he is making a mistake. He offered me to try as he was sure that he prepared the system correctly, the result was a no-go.
When we both get some spare time (which hardly happenes) we will try out some more. As with the internal firewall, spending enough time looking through the microsoft information will finally solve the problem, it's just that lack of time.
Pity that nobody else jumped on this thread yet to help You,


Pls help save my sanity

I recently bought the JJ and love it EXCEPT for one issue. I am totally unable to surf the net with any method other than GPRS. I have a Netgear router connected to my desktop and my broadband connection, and run a wireless network with my tablet PC. Before I upgraded, my IIi had no trouble syncing (I know AS 4 doesn't support this) or using IE to surf the net wirelessly. I never had to change any settings on my wifi network.
With the JJ, it connects, gives me a decent looking IP address, but immediately following connection, it kills the Wifi network. Neither the desktop or tablet PC can connect to the internet via the cable modem attached to the router anymore, and what's worse, AS crashes and will no longer synchronise the JJ (which is hooked up to the Tablet via USB). Spb Weather subsequently no longer syncs, either. The only solution I found is that I can reboot the router (the technical term for pulling the plug out of the socket and then putting it back in) AFTER I disconnect the JJ. I can go online again then with everything excep the JJ of course. Unfortunately, I have found no way to reconnect my JJ to AS without doing a hard reset (which I've already had to do twice!).
I know that I can get on the internet using my AS connection because I can update Spb weather, check email, etc. via the USB connection, but yet I cannot get IE to connect. What am I doing wrong?
Please help me complete the one thing that would make the JJ the best PDA I have ever had.
routers and activesync
Microsoft are working on this and other activesync issues. a new AS version will be available in November, so they promise...
Be aware though that in my experience, the worst configuration problems come from routers, and defining network segments... are u using windows xp, maybe network bridging the connection to JJ with the tablet pc could help, u might need to fiddle a bit with the created bridge, like disable enable bridge/connections, etc... this is how i could have tried to do it anyways...
good luck dude, it took me once five days to sort out a wireless connection via routing, and another time I just returned the kit I just bought from netgear to replace it with a one from belkin, but i still had to sweat to get things smooth..., this is the price to pay when hardware is produced by so many different companies, with different drivers, etc... we wish things were more standardised; and to the credit of MS, it forced computer manufacturers to standardise a lot of what they produce, but not enough to my satisfaction...
Peace out
to he honest, I think I just got lucky networking my desktop and tablet and IIi together. I wish the same luck came to me again as this is very frustrating!
Hmm, tricky. You shouldn't have so much trouble. Try a few things that pop to mind:
- Check if your PC has a proxy set. I THINK I once found that when I synced my PPC got passed the proxy settings, and it confused me for ages. WOuld explain why IE behaves differently to spb. I think the proxy is under advanced settings on network connections of PPC
- Check you PPC networks adaptor settings, all should be set to "obtain server-assigned IP"
- Try trning off wifi when using AS. They may conflict
- Search this board for "firewall". Other users have found this to be an issue with AS
Not too helpful, I know...
I haven't experianced any problems. I synced with my BT Voyager w\l router first time and always makes the connection when I'm in the area.
It even makes PIE half usable!
I wish mine would work too
My wifi network is now unstable
still can't connect to internet for IE

The eternal ActiveSync 4.x problem - please do read!

Hi all
Just looking for some inspiration or help prior to throwing my 9100 (and probably myself at the same time) off the nearest cliff!
I've read all the threads on getting ActiveSync 4.x to work with WM5 but none have seemed to work for me. My problem isn't establishing a partnership - does that fine - it's just that it takes about 2hrs+ to sync my Wizard with Outlook. All the right elements of AS are given the right permissions on my firewall (even tried it with F/W switched off and still no joy!) - just can't figure out why it's taking so long - there's not that much info to sync - in fact, I could probably key it all in manually quicker!
So, unless anyone can suggest otherwise, I figure I've got a couple of options:
1, wait for MS to release their fixed version at the end of November (assuming they do and assuming it fixes the problem - too many assumptions here to get me excited or hopeful!) or
2, buy a BT dongle for my PC and sync over BT instead of USB. Anyone tried this way of syncing? Does it work well?
Kind of last resort really prior to losing my sanity. BTW, this is the only problem/issue I've got with the Wizard (which isn't really a Wizard fault, more Uncle Bill's fault) - it really is a great convergence device!
Thanks for any help.
is your connection from your 9100 straight into the pc or is it via a hub?
also are you connecting using usb 1.1 or 2.0
I have had delay problems since installing zone alarm, sometimes if i disconect the usb at the k-jam end and re-plug in, it then works straight away.
tired both and makes no difference - at the moment it's straight into the pc using usb cable - the usb slots on pc are usb 2, but not sure what speed the cable that's shipped with 9100 is???
have you got zone alarm installed?
nope - norton internet security 2005 with all the latest updates (same goes for XP SP2, Office 2003 SP2, although I have uninstalled the Outlook Junk e-mail filter)
nope - norton internet security 2005 with all the latest updates (same goes for XP SP2, Office 2003 SP2, although I have uninstalled the Outlook Junk e-mail filter)
got rid of norton, found zone alarm much more user friendly, apart from activesync 4.1.
never had problems with activesync 4.0
have you ever tried using bluetooth to sync with pc? small investment = less headache - no?
Try booting in safe mode and see if that makes a difference. If it does, you have something starting up that is causing a problem. I have seen nortons internet security cause problems in the past. When you connect via usb, it actually assigns an ip address and configures a network connection. Network connections are controlled by firewalls. I had probs connecting and turned of my firewall and it didnt make a difference. It was the firewall that was causing the prob. Once I got it setup correctly, IE ALL exe's in activesync folders allowed full access, it worked fine. I also use bluetooth to sync and it is just about as fast. It is slower when installing programs or transferring files, but syncing is no prob. Hope this helps.
thanks for the advice - will probably give bluetooth a try - not over concered about security as there's nothing of real value to anyone else on the device.
thanks for the advice - will probably give bluetooth a try - not over concered about security as there's nothing of real value to anyone else on the device.

Active Sync problem with brand new MDA CompactII

Somebody please help me!! I today got my new MDA Compact II. Have started it up and loaded active sync.
Whenever I connect it to the computer ActiveSync only gets as far as "Retrieving Settings"
No other Syncing takes place, however I can see the device in "My Computer" on my laptop.
I cant be doing anything wrong, its not as if i'm a newbie and have never used Active Sync before.
Anyone else encountered this problem?
I'm getting really frustrated, can anyone shed some light on this before it gets launched out the window?
You can try a few thing
(1) Remove the partnership of your device. E.g. File -> Delete Mobile device. It reconnect your phone it should ask you to set up a new partnership
(2) Remove the partnership, uninstall your active sync, reboot your system and reinstall your active sync
btw, the mobile device on your My Computer is there after you installed the activesync, doesn't mean much.
I expect it is the same problem as i see 50-60 times a day at work
Sygate corporate firewall will not work until you do the MTU size hack.
On other firewalls, (McAfee, Sygate personal, etc) they dont always shut down when you disable them, they actually just hiode from you.
Check the MS site and make sure you have DEFINITELY added all the processes and ports to your firewall.
on the off chance it is not a firewall,
As it is now a TCP/IP connection with WM5, just cos your wm2003 device works, doesn't mean you've done everything right.
Try turning off any pop up blockers etc and check you only have the standard three protocols (at most, you should get away with only TCP/IP) enabled on the network connection that activesync creates. any other strange protocols can cause problems in communication.
What version of ActiveSync are you using? You tested the 4.2 Preview?

ActiveSync blocked by ADSL connection???

Hello everybody!
I dis some light searching and all the trouble shooting MS had available (which isn't much) so please don't shoot me if this was asked and answered already:
I have the following problem:
Yesterday I upgraded to AS 4.1 (removed 3.7 first) so I can sync my new jamin (Prophet). If I sync it while my computer is not connected to the internet everything is fine, and I can establish an internet connection later, but if my ADSL connection is already active, AS will not connect to my device.
I switched off the Norton firewall I had running, but that did not help. At work I was able to sync while my computer was connected through the company network, so I am 99.9% certain the device is not to blame.
I am running Win XP SP 2 on my PC with a USB ADSL modem.
Has anyone encountered this issue and knows how to resolve it
I will be grateful for any help, thanks in advance!
Check your firewall. I've been caught out so many times thinking I've disabled my firewall only to find that some part of it is still enabled. There's no way your modem could be causing AS to stop working, because AS uses a local connection and doesn't need to tunnel out to the internet.
Boy, am I a moron!!!!
First, thanks Echilon for your reply!
Second, if I get lucky a moderator will see this thread and delete it, as there aren't enough emoticons here to express my embarrassment.
I stumbled on the solution while browsing an unrelated post in another forum. Turns out I had to go in to Connection settings and switch 'This computer connects to' form automatic to internet.
Now everything works fine, and there's no annoying network acquisition before syncing.
I have learned my lesson and will try looking harder next time before crying for help.
Well, if nothing else perhaps someone else could learn from my mistake...
works in wired adsl hotel too
I've been in my hotel for a week and your post (changing to from "auto" to "internet" ) just fixed my problem! Big up on the info b/c know I can use my VoIP client back to Germany.

Email sync via 3G NOT wifi even though available

I have looked and looked, and cant seem to find a solution that works for me. I am with Telstra in Australia (why do Telstra like to make things so difficult??)
My problem is that my Outlook Email will only sync with exchange via 3G even though there is a working wifi connection availalable. I get heaps of mail so I am rapidly going through nearly 1G of data each month - even though I am on a good package this is not ideal!!
From my understanding of this thread ... I updated the Broadcomm Network Adaptors to Internet (they were Work), and then deleted the proxy settings for the Telstra Internet connection.
BUT still my mail is updating over 3G and not wifi. I can access Internet etc over wifi though.
Interestingly, I can only update Bigpond mail over wifi and not 3G. Thats not a big deal as I get minimal mail to that account and I am happy to check it at home - its the Outlook email thats chewing up heaps of data that I worried about.
I hope that I cant be the only one with this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! (I know it will be one check box deep in the phone settings, I just dont know which one it is!)
That's how it works. Push (Activesync connection) needs a direct connection between the server and device, so that the server can page the device when it's got something for it. This wouldn't work through wifi, because when you're on wifi you're behind a router, which doesn't allow connections from the outside to reach your device. So Activesync will always want to use the data connection.
One thing you can do is NOT to set activesync to receive new mail when it arrives, but only manually or at time intervals, it might work.
Or, simply set it to download only the first 5kB of each message, which is always enough to see what the mail is about , and you can always click "download whole message" for those you need. If you manage to use 1GB with 5kB messages, you're really spending your life on your email box
Thanks so much.
You would think that if Blackberry and Apple have managed to get their email to push over wifi that MS could get Direct Push to work over wifi too!! I've disabled MS Direct Push and changed Active Sync to check every 5 minutes. So, its not quite the same, but its near enough for me!
Thanks again ... I will stop searching for the solution now (and will reduce the download setting too ...)
Sarah, same exact problem here, it really annoyed me, then only way I could have used wifi to sync my outlook, Gmail, etc(which have the same issue) is to set the phone to Airplane mode and then enable wifi, only then it will sync via wifi.
Thank you Kilrah, that was a very spot on answer - it is very apreciated !
Cheers !

