Locking iMate and creating Custom Menu - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hope someone can help.
I am looking to lock down the applications on an iMate as well as creating some custom menus, basically I am rolling out 150 devices which need to be made extremely simple, I know this is not the kind of thing you guys normally hear, but these units are going to be used as Sat Nav and appointment planners only, I need to either remove or hide anything else on the device as well as creating a custom menu that only shows the applications to be used.
Hope someone can help
Many thanks

damianbyrne said:
Hope someone can help.
I am looking to lock down the applications on an iMate as well as creating some custom menus, basically I am rolling out 150 devices which need to be made extremely simple, I know this is not the kind of thing you guys normally hear, but these units are going to be used as Sat Nav and appointment planners only, I need to either remove or hide anything else on the device as well as creating a custom menu that only shows the applications to be used.
Hope someone can help
Many thanks
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I saw a program that sounds similar to this by SPB it is called SPB Kiosk. I can't say how goood it is, just noticed it while browsing.


Dear Hermes Chefs, has anyone cooked the cLaunch into a rom yet ?

I have seen all of the threads on the subject, and seen the proggy, and know the sensitivity around all this.
However, it obviously makes sense for someone to cook it so that the iphone looking front end is cooked into a good rom with the stability of a
schraps, or a black satin, etc.
I have tried setting it up separately, but I am a newbie, and have bricked 1 hermes already trying reset it after I screwed it up.
Has this not happened because of the sensitivity on the matter or something else?
Again looking for rom load that uses the apple looking screen already cooked to a rom for a hermes (HTC wm6)
Thanks in advance
obiviously I am referring to the fornt end picture per this url
Claunch is a today plugin that launches applications. Why do you need it cooked in ?! What you're showing in your picture is a regular iPhone. What are you talking about exactly ?
Making the hermes look like an iphone
What I was trying to say is that they have the skins now to make the hermes (or I guess any wm6 phone) look like an iphone.
But I find the apps/skins not the easiest thing to use/get right/tweak.
Launch on start up etc.
So what I was trying to spit out was has anyone cooked the proggy/skin that does this into a rom so it doesn't to be tweaked.
I dont understand why this Iphone home screen suppose to be such good think.
The most important thinks that I need in my first look would be my appointments, outstanding task etc. Iphone screen just provides shortcuts for some applications. Well I may not get really what is it about.
Anyhow you can do such thing without any issues and any special rom. what you need is the Iphone icons (I am sure there are hundreds in the web) then the wisbar advance Desktop.
Iphone looking launch screen
Thanks Bulldog.
Love it or hate it, the simplicity of the iphone, skin, is it is good looking and functional.
It is also the benchmark that all other phones will be measured against for a long time (as the phone has not arrived outside the US yet).
Thanks for your tip but wisbar is not quite slick enough.
There are others but they too are not quite right.
I am sure someone has cooked it all in one.
It wouldn't be worth cooking claunch into rom. It's a tiny app, and the pleasure of it is customising it to launch the apps you want to launch.
I've written several guides for claunch, hunt around. But it's a simple app.
What might be useful is if someone makes an all-in-one iphone-alike pack. And those probably do exist. Burning claunch into ROM wouldn't be very helpful.
all-in-one iphone-alike pack
Any direction you can point thee would be appreciated .. thanks

[$$DEV REQ$$} - Utility To Remove Today Prog Lines

I am looking for a developer to write a small utility that will remove the black lines on a Today screen that surround/delineate each Today item. The attached picture should help people to understand what I mean (see where the RED arrows are pointing).
The end result should be that any item seen on the Today screen will not have these black lines, leading to a clean, seamless look.
I was certain there was a registry hack for this; however after 2 months of fruitless searching on here and requests in other threads I have not found what I am looking for.
So what's different this time? Well, I will now pay someone to create a utility programme to achieve what I am looking for.
Interested and able to help? Please PM me.
Many thanks
There's already an application which removes them... I ... crap, can't remember what it is. i'll search for it and let you know unless someone beats me to to it.
Thanks. look forward to seeing what you can find.
same as my problème?
thanks advance
It's the utility to change the colors of the today screen, I can't remember either.
i believe this is it.
hi this tool is awesome I didn't knew it, thanks for sharing
But it is not the tool asked, it is only to change the theme and the entire color of your phone
You could use Ultimate Launch. It doesn't display the lines between plugins.
It offers a few other perks too
Many thanks for the various responses. I have used UI Tweaker several times to try to achieve what I want and while you can change the colour of the lines you can't entirely get rid of them.
As for Ultimate Launch, have also used that as an alternative UI but I don't like it I'm afraid.
The request is therefore still open for a developer to take me up on it unless someone comes up with an existing solution that does the job as I set out.
Appreciate the help so far.
+1, I would be happy too if there is way to delete those lines
maybe i was wrong about UI Tweaker then.. because i KNOW there's an app to remove the lines.. i used one. i'll search again.
Nir 36,
Thanks in advance for looking. Hope you find the item. This has been a very long quest for me.
hanackin said:
+1, I would be happy too if there is way to delete those lines
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LOL you.. here? wahou
UI tweaker I try to but not work
I'm everywhere too ...
Still no idea guys... ?
Yeah. I originally asked here about this on XDA-Dev's about 3 or 4 years ago. The only response that I really received was that the lines are coded in to the shell32.exe or possible gwei.exe [sic]. I know that Wisbar Advance Desktop and a few other programs will remove the lines. However, those programs have a lot of other functions that some people may not want.
Here's my original post from '05.
I can't believe you made your request so long ago and are still waiting for a solution.
I agree with you that all that is required is a small utility to achieve this. Just looking for a talented developer on here to take this on. I am absolutely serious about paying someone to do this so its worth their while.
There are a fair few people who want this so its over to you guys, unless Nir36 finds the tool he says he knows of.
I'm sorry, i can't find it. I searched everywhere... so it's one of 2 things.
either i'm senile and i used UI Tweaker, or it's just... gone.
if i manage to find it sometime i'll post it.
I would be willing to give some $ to, If some one would like to make a app, for this.
Thanks T M Z
apparntly i got theme to be "transparent" because my background was black
You can achieve this, if you don't change theme too often and if your theme (TSK) file isn't with draws, with a tool like UI Tweaker from Victor Wong (http://mobile-sg.com), with the excellent ThemeGenCE (PC tools to modify the TSK file or with SKTools (in color tweaks)
Put the 'Today Screen horizontal Bar' at a very close color of your theme... The bars will be 'erased' (you won't see them...)
Hope this helps...

Looking for some apps + network advice.

Forgive me for posting something like this, I have actually searched but am unable to find anything.
The first thing I'm looking for is something which will perform an action when I'm in a specific location. For example, change to vibrate only when I'm at work or remind me to buy something when I walk past the supermarket. I used to have a similar application on my N95.
Also any other apps which are useful or you find cool and would recommend them, show me =].
Also I am looking for some good themes, there are loads of them on here and I don't really have the time to go through them all... are there any that anyone would recommend?
Finally I am currently on o2 pay and go. I am having trouble going on the net, I downloaded a Cab file off here to get the settings and it works fine for browsing but I can't do things like download weather data or use the youtube application. Any fixes?

[dev] "fake call" freeware [coding]

The Release is Here
I do alot of skinning but finally decided to jump in and try and actually create my own program, and i need a little help
Some of you may be familiar with trinket softwares "fake call." If not you can do a quick read up with this link.....
I am in the middle of developing something similar but a freeware version (if you didn't know the software isn't freeware any longer) I had put a very basic but working program together in basic4ppc, i then found out i had to buy the software to compile the program. Since i already own visual studio 2008 i decided i would go ahead and try to rewrite my program in vs.
I have completed my design, but i need help with the code....
i need a help with-
"sound" - i obviously need to be able to play sound, i have looked in ms help in vs and they provide some keywords but i am getting errors when i debug.....
-how to load images from an xml file- (in need code for the call)
These will all get me rolling and allow me to release a beta......
I'm getting closer and closer
Because everyone has a different dialer or "incoming call screen," i have decided the best way to go about your fake call is to allow people to select a screen shot and a sound of their choice, creating a very customized realistic experience for every phone (as it would look just like the dialer on your phone) without having to input an obsessive amount of information. (caller name, picture, ect..)
thanks for your help in advanced
The Release is Here
Wow, this is great. Ya, since fake call is no longer free this is a very amazing idea. I know a lot of people here will help you. We just have to wait. =)
Great idea, I downloaded that app a while ago when it was posted and was rather disappointed to find out it was fake freeware. A couple of suggestions, the aforementioned app would use the default ringer. The suggestion seems pretty simple from a logistics point of view but may be more difficult to program than I would imagine, when selecting a person with a ringer other than default associated use that one. Maybe have a call timer that will stay up and count until the end button is tapped. Hope this helps.
I didn't realize that the other software had gone commercial. Thanks for stepping up!!
What programming language are you using, considering Visual Studio supports several.
In vb.net your Wait method could be replaced by Sleep(milliseconds). Documentation. I am not sure, however, it this method is included in the compact framework, assuming that's the one you are using. Hope this helps somehow.
Full .Net documentation can be found here.
I am using .net but may consider rewriting again later after getting a release to rid the program of dependacy on the .net framework.
I Have updated the list, as i have gotten some stuff already figured out thanks to different people on the forums, THANK YOU
If you guys can help me out with this other stuff it would be greatly appreciated
Trinket Software is practically giving away their apps!
selfdestrct said:
Trinket Software is practically giving away their apps!
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thanks for posting.
just as a reference, there's something called DOWNCALL which is free and simple.
edit: my bad, this calls someone at a scheduled time.. doesn't fake a call.
this is nice of trinket but will only last until the 24, and is really only supposed to be for our webpage.
i'm working on xml now
still need help with sound
did this die out or is it still in development?
jhw549 said:
did this die out or is it still in development?
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Yeah, I'm curious to know as well. Thanks.
Heres an app I use called PhoneyCall

Don't know what search terms to use!

I'm looking for an app to turn the phone ringer on and off at specified times, something similar to TProfiler (which doesn't work on the Artemis). If it could also control wifi/bluetooth that'd be very useful too. But I don't know what to search for! I've tried 'phone profile', 'scheduler', 'radio manager', could somebody point me in the right direction, please?
whoops, hadn't read you thread beyond the first few words and recommended tprofiler. searched in the ppc freeware site the link is to under profile manager, found g-profile, which looks great for you. http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-g-profile.html in the comments tho some are saying that the new one's not freeware, so be sure to download the older version from somewhere
best of luck
Thank you, Reg66, for responding. I've downloaded G-Profile and am currently trying it out (14-day trial). It does what I wanted, pity about the cool black interface when I'm running bog-standard WM6 for everything else! I've tried custom black ROMs in the past but kept running out of storage space when using them. Plus, I don't want to brick my phone by being this week's Miss Unlucky. So, could anybody recommend a nice black interface that matches G-Profile, and also has a fairly small memory footprint, pretty please?

