Will Google put better Voice Command System like Siri on Android? - Vibrant General

the current one on android is almost unusable, let's just be honest about that first and foremost. Siri, on the other hand looks amazing. From what I understand it is pretty much AI, correct me if I'm wrong though.
the question is, can Google implement AI like in a similar voice command way and not get sued up the ass?
looks like a killer feature and I WANT IT

If you read up on it ....apple did not invent Siri...it was around before..they bought it and implemented it into their OS...the innovators they are
There's an app for android called Vlingo...it does the basics of siri as far as giving u answers "within the app" example: "how many days til" -haloween-
Unlike google, which most of the time when you ask a question it will throw you into your browser and "google" (hehe) it for you...
I'm sure Google will come up with something soon tho...siri seems to be the biggest draw to the new phone. Gotta admit it's pretty damn impressive.

Am I the only one who thinks Siri and Google voice are practically the same thing? I can say to my phone "weather forecast" and within seconds it opens up Google search with my weather as the main thing. Or I can say "convert 34 euros to dollars" and boom it is right there.
I see no difference other than Siri just giving you a "prettier" response. I bet you Siri is using Google underneath to use as its search engine.
By the way, if you think Google voice command is unusable you are probably using it when you have a bad data connection or when on edge. Google voice command uses data connection for some reason, and to run fast on real time you should be on 3g or wifi.
When I have a good data connection, Google Voice command is practically 100 percent reliable, 100 percent accurate, fast and practically instantaneous.
Anyone know why Google voice command requires a fast data connection? I shouldn't need a data connection to say "dial steve." I never understood that.

You have to speak casually. Don't enunciate your words, just speak as though you were talking to a friend. If you usually say runnin' instead of "running," keep doing that. Your omission of that "g" is present in other words as well because it is your regional accent, and trying to change your speech makes it difficult for Google Voice Search to learn how you speak.
This is what makes Siri a little better, because it also continues to employ an older method of trying to interpret each word in American English after it has made an attempt to learn how you speak. It will reference what it thinks YOU are saying, then it checks with what it thinks an American English SPEAKER is saying. Thus, when you speak casually, both should give you equivalent results. When you speak into the phone like there's a Dell CSR on the other line, then Siri should give you better results because–over time–GVS becomes much more reliant on how it thinks you speak.
Moral of the story: Google Voice Search is smart and understands English. You don't have to speak to it like it's 5 or foreign. Speak naturally and consistently with your normal speech.

I've used Google voice for a while. Am I the only one that knows it tunes to your specific accent. It has a built in voice recognition feature that if checked makes the app better (with you) over time with use.
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Get Google Voice actions or Vlingo. It does everything Siri does and more. And it works on every Android phone with Android 2.0 and up (which is 95% of all Androids out there). The Siri on the other hand does NOT work with ANY iPhone out there but the iphone4Sux...
Here is what Forrester analyst Charles Golvin had to say about Siri:
Forrester believes that consumers will be much more slow to adopt this new interface than they did Apple's revolutionary touchscreen of its first iPhone.
If everyone who purchased an iPhone 4S used Siri for most of the interactions it was intended, we would have a cacophony of queries uttered in homes, streets and offices.
Who are you talking to on the phone, grandma asks? Siri! You shout back. Who's she? Wonders grandma. You get the idea. This is no surefire solution; it will take a lot of getting used to at a time when people are still typing on their phones more than speaking into them for anything but voice calls.

Apple bought Siri. Microsoft bought TellMe.
Who cares.
What matters is that Google's Voice Recognitions now lags behind Android and iOS (on a 4S, at least), and people want to know if it will be improved.
God. When will people answer questions instead of going on fanboi rants about how innovative one company or another is. No one cares. They only care about how well their device works.
---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------
Hung0702 said:
You have to speak casually. Don't enunciate your words, just speak as though you were talking to a friend. If you usually say runnin' instead of "running," keep doing that. Your omission of that "g" is present in other words as well because it is your regional accent, and trying to change your speech makes it difficult for Google Voice Search to learn how you speak.
This is what makes Siri a little better, because it also continues to employ an older method of trying to interpret each word in American English after it has made an attempt to learn how you speak. It will reference what it thinks YOU are saying, then it checks with what it thinks an American English SPEAKER is saying. Thus, when you speak casually, both should give you equivalent results. When you speak into the phone like there's a Dell CSR on the other line, then Siri should give you better results because–over time–GVS becomes much more reliant on how it thinks you speak.
Moral of the story: Google Voice Search is smart and understands English. You don't have to speak to it like it's 5 or foreign. Speak naturally and consistently with your normal speech.
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They don't give equivalent results all the time. I have Android (FroYo) and WP7 (Mango). Google's Voice Recognition is behind TellMe (what Mango uses), and if Siri works as well as Apple says it does, it will be better than Microsoft's implementation. From what I've seen, Gingerbread didn't make any huge inroads there and both employ the Cloud for their Voice Recognition services, IIRC. The competition is just catching up and surpassing them in some ways, and the ridiculously good Voice Recognition and GPS accuracy is one of the best things about Mango.
If you haven't used a Mango phone and used the Voice Recognition on it, then you have no decent basis for comparison, TBQH. No one has used Siri yet - at least not anyone on this forum so we have to go on speculation as far as that's concerned.

N8ter said:
God. When will people answer questions instead of going on fanboi rants about how innovative one company or another is. No one cares. They only care about how well their device works.
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Yes, yes, yes....
Google is concerned enough about Siri's potential that is has shifted a key speech recognition engineer, Dave Burke, from the U.K. to join the Android team at Google's Mountain View. Calif. headquarters, according to Mobile India. Burke developed Google's mobile voice search app, among other tools.
With Burke and Mike Cohen, Google's director of speech technology, who created the T9 predictive text technology when he founded Nuance Communications, Google has more than enough engineering forepower to accept the gauntlet Apple has thrown down with Siri.

You know whats funny. With Android you have a Widget right on your homescreen to always tell you the current weather, with clouds/sun animation and all. Apple think siri is so cool "ohh look I can talk to my phone and ask it the weather." Stupid, Android widgets are better, the weather is constantly there, no need to take the extra thirty seconds to talk to your phone and wait for a response.
Google voice action/commands is the same thing as Suri. Nothing special about suri other than a pretty interface.

This is just more unnecessary technology from ANY company. I don't want to ask my phone a question. That's why I have thumbs. Its the same as motion controlled gaming. Totally pointless.
Sent from my SGH-T959

i just tested the google voice search. i spoke completely normal and asked 'what's the weather like tomorrow' and it brought up monday's forecast (in part of a google search). however, if i ask 'what's on my calendar tomorrow' it googles that, which is useless. asking it to 'play slayer' brought up slayer in my google music beta, but did not start playing it.
so, it's not bad/unusable, but still has a ways to go. as for siri, when i was watching the demo video i couldn't stop laughing when the phone said 'let me think'. wtf? i won't put up with my phone telling me to let it think. it made me think of the invader zim episode where his computer is coughing.
as for needing a good internet connection, i'm sure siri works the same way. there is no way your phone can process voice commands like their servers can, so it offloads the work. natural language processing is pretty intensive.

funeralthirst said:
i just tested the google voice search. i spoke completely normal and asked 'what's the weather like tomorrow' and it brought up monday's forecast (in part of a google search). however, if i ask 'what's on my calendar tomorrow' it googles that, which is useless. asking it to 'play slayer' brought up slayer in my google music beta, but did not start playing it.
so, it's not bad/unusable, but still has a ways to go. as for siri, when i was watching the demo video i couldn't stop laughing when the phone said 'let me think'. wtf? i won't put up with my phone telling me to let it think. it made me think of the invader zim episode where his computer is coughing.
as for needing a good internet connection, i'm sure siri works the same way. there is no way your phone can process voice commands like their servers can, so it offloads the work. natural language processing is pretty intensive.
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the "let me think" is a loading distraction.
When you start your phone, do you want it to say the VIBRANT, and then the bootscreen, or do you want it to be black during the whole thing and not let you know the phone's even being turned on?
It would be so retarded saying "whats the weather tomorrow" -long motherf'ing pause- "Good."

SamsungVibrant said:
Am I the only one who thinks Siri and Google voice are practically the same thing? I can say to my phone "weather forecast" and within seconds it opens up Google search with my weather as the main thing. Or I can say "convert 34 euros to dollars" and boom it is right there.
I see no difference other than Siri just giving you a "prettier" response. I bet you Siri is using Google underneath to use as its search engine.
By the way, if you think Google voice command is unusable you are probably using it when you have a bad data connection or when on edge. Google voice command uses data connection for some reason, and to run fast on real time you should be on 3g or wifi.
When I have a good data connection, Google Voice command is practically 100 percent reliable, 100 percent accurate, fast and practically instantaneous.
Anyone know why Google voice command requires a fast data connection? I shouldn't need a data connection to say "dial steve." I never understood that.
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Same here. Never got why the hell it needs data for simple commands.
My MORE than 5 YEARS old pocket pc had a program called voice command and it didn't need any stupid data connection to do anything. And funnily enough, it was/is far more reliable than Google voice. Really frustrating.

xriderx66 said:
the "let me think" is a loading distraction.
When you start your phone, do you want it to say the VIBRANT, and then the bootscreen, or do you want it to be black during the whole thing and not let you know the phone's even being turned on?
It would be so retarded saying "whats the weather tomorrow" -long motherf'ing pause- "Good."
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i know the purpose, i just think it's a very bad choice.... 'checking', 'loading', etc. are much better, but really, what it should do is repeat what you said giving you an auditory confirmation that it got it right (if it's going to take a min, otherwise just spit out the answer). anthropomorphization of technology like this is annoying; and possibly even frightening/eerie to some people.
as for the loading, sure the screen could be blank, or it could show what it's doing (like fedora used to do, showing each check and the result). either way, it's not an animated face saying 'yo, bro, i'll have your home screen for you in a minute, i just gotta eat first'.
technology doesn't 'think'. yet.

funeralthirst said:
i know the purpose, i just think it's a very bad choice.... 'checking', 'loading', etc. are much better, but really, what it should do is repeat what you said giving you an auditory confirmation that it got it right (if it's going to take a min, otherwise just spit out the answer). anthropomorphization of technology like this is annoying; and possibly even frightening/eerie to some people.
as for the loading, sure the screen could be blank, or it could show what it's doing (like fedora used to do, showing each check and the result). either way, it's not an animated face saying 'yo, bro, i'll have your home screen for you in a minute, i just gotta eat first'.
technology doesn't 'think'. yet.
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Sure it does.
When you "think" your brain is basically "searching" something thats already been stored there before and bringing it back.
Google basically does the same thing, you type something, it "thinks" or "searches" for that answer.

xriderx66 said:
Sure it does.
When you "think" your brain is basically "searching" something thats already been stored there before and bringing it back.
Google basically does the same thing, you type something, it "thinks" or "searches" for that answer.
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I have to disagree with this quite a bit. If all your brain ever did when thinking it so to look back and pre-stored information then there would never be any new discoveries, no new thought, no new ideas and hence void the need for conversation except to give unknown information from one being to the next.
Remembrance could be described as nothing but pulling out old information but the creation of new ideas and thoughts are far more complex than that. Because of this fact, computer does not think. It cannot take information from 2 different streams and come up with a new idea or concept. It cannot add 2 and 2 without us telling it the rules.
As someone that works in IT, I loathe the statement that the computer is "thinking" while it is loading or while the user is waiting on it. It is processing, loading or writing, it does nothing else.
End Rant.

Didn't IBM come up with a new kind of processor that is revolutionary in the sense that it evolves due to environmental stimuli? I don't think they're using anymore transistor like processors, even on the quantum level.
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dardani89 said:
Didn't IBM come up with a new kind of processor that is revolutionary in the sense that it evolves due to environmental stimuli? I don't think they're using anymore transistor like processors, even on the quantum level.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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someone implemented an artificial neural network in hardware. don't remember who, though.

I used vlingo and t9 keyboard with dragon for about 2 minutes each and then deleted it... like someone else said i went back to thumbs. It's cool but I don't see many using it often once the new wears off.
Sent from my Google Nexus S 4G using xda premium

Am I the only lonely, lonely person that wishes to be able to talk to Cleverbot?


OT: First AT&T picks Yahoo search, now Motorola picks Bing?!

Just had to post to hear thoughts from you guys... Motorola has struck a deal to use Bing on Android phones in China (and maybe other markets, I guess)... Sounds whack.
It's hard for me to say it but I kind of what Google to pull a Apple and stop this crap
There weren't supposed to be Android phones in China in the first place. They didn't have Google till recently if I remember correctly.
I think it is pretty rude to take an open platform, android, who's existence remains free due to the advertising revenue gained from users searching with google and using their apps, then chucking on a competitor's search engine on there. These guys are double dipping by using a free platform and using a business deal with other search engines to gain extra revenue from it.
Google does not do android out of love, Google is like any business, android is designed to make them money. These guys are cheating the system here.
AT&T and Motorola seem to try their outermost to f up the Android experience for their customers. Choosing Yahoo isn't really that bad, but Bing!? Come on.
Google needs to take better control over the Android mods the manufacturers and service providers can do, or we will be facing the dreaded software fragmentation everyone fears. There is actually something to be learnt from Apple, and that is to keep the OS as unified as possible to make development of applications easier. In no way do I condone Apple's total control scheme. I'm just saying Google should try not to let others pull the OS contents in all kinds of directions.
As bad as it looks,Google can't do anything,this is Android aka open source.
Thats the way it should be, No Lock ins, complete freedom.
Its a shame they have to do this for a little extra revenue...but thats what all PC makers do anyway.
Anyone who wants Google search can/will easily revert it back.
I agree it is a bit of dirt in the face, but honestly they just need to sell phones at this pt. The google integration runs deep, so ppl will still be enticed to get on the google bandwagon in general. Not to mention ppl can simply choose to use google search instead.
Microsoft is probably paying $$$ per phone to have their search engine as the first choice, but you guys need to think BIGGER.
AdMob for example in Apps. Advertising goes beyond pure www searching and this trend will grow.
I'll admit that I'm a Google fanboy... why? Because almost everything they do is done right and they're the anti-Apple. That being said, I want to think that Google left this "customization" possibility open for carriers and manufacturers intentionally, and that's one of the reasons it chose to establish its own online store. Any phone that is sold there will be all Google...
seanowns said:
I agree it is a bit of dirt in the face, but honestly they just need to sell phones at this pt. The google integration runs deep, so ppl will still be enticed to get on the google bandwagon in general. Not to mention ppl can simply choose to use google search instead.
Microsoft is probably paying $$$ per phone to have their search engine as the first choice, but you guys need to think BIGGER.
AdMob for example in Apps. Advertising goes beyond pure www searching and this trend will grow.
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are you sure that google it's not paying also for being the default search engine in the current devices that have it? I don't think so, I'm pretty confident that they have a revenue sharing mode like they have with firefox. Maybe in this case the bid from bing it's bigger.
wow not good for android.
Google, yahoo & bing?
First an issue with multiple rom versions on different phones. Now
search engines?
Hate to say it but google needs to lock it somehow.
Open source while wonderful in business is a double edge sword.
Look at the whole tivo vs echostar scenario. Tivo opened their system echostar
ran with it.
DEFRAGMENTATION IS A MUST. Turn chrome os into the one and only google O.S for their devices and leave android open for everybody.
They should know how open source is not a profound business move.
I irony of using android and then locking it up is delicious.
GNOve said:
wow not good for android.
Google, yahoo & bing?
First an issue with multiple rom versions on different phones. Now
search engines?
Hate to say it but google needs to lock it somehow.
Open source while wonderful in business is a double edge sword.
Look at the whole tivo vs echostar scenario. Tivo opened their system echostar
ran with it.
DEFRAGMENTATION IS A MUST. Turn chrome os into the one and only google O.S for their devices and leave android open for everybody.
They should know how open source is not a profound business move.
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seanowns said:
I agree it is a bit of dirt in the face, but honestly they just need to sell phones at this pt. The google integration runs deep, so ppl will still be enticed to get on the google bandwagon in general. Not to mention ppl can simply choose to use google search instead.
Microsoft is probably paying $$$ per phone to have their search engine as the first choice, but you guys need to think BIGGER.
AdMob for example in Apps. Advertising goes beyond pure www searching and this trend will grow.
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Google apps don't show up on android phones unless google says they can.
Android > Manufacturer > Cell Provider
At any point, anyone can infuse whatever they want into android. in the case of the Nexus One, they squeeze in right before cell provider or instead of.
In the case of the Moto Backflip, Motorola would have to ask google to put in google apps. So moto is taking the vanilla android, adding their own stuff and whatever stuff the cell provider wants to add as well (yahoo/bing).
An adroid phone doesn't have to have google apps on it. If they choose to however they have to concede to google's rules, one of which is to not put any apps on it for the phone to have the "Google Experience".
The problem is these same people who choose default search engines will be the first to whine and complain when Googles "own" phones (N1) will get preferential treatment.
I think theres a fine line between open source and just creating watered down rip offs.
Android name will go through the mud with this specific level of fragmentation. OS updates are one thing this is changing the structure of day to day phone use entirely.
I also think theres a difference between letting the end user and community make changes to the phone OS , and letting a company lock in something entirely different.
Being open source doesnt necessarily mean you let someone else lock it down and turn the other cheek.
IMO Google should at least make it mandatory that all Android phones have that "Google" option when first starting up and ability to change later on. Let the end user decide not my ****in telco or country.
I heard on a podcast that on the motorola phones, the option to set the default search engine has been removed. So you are given bing whether you like it or not, you can search bing, or you can navigate to google then search. I know what most people will do, the easiest one.
I keep reading that bing gets more users every month, but it may seem that it is not necessarily people choosing to use bing, but bing is buying more users by doing deals like this.

Disappointing Android (to me)

Yesterday I upgraded my sgs to froyo jpc with kies. I am new with Android but the post of Aery(congrats and thanks) was so clear that i didnt resist: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...=froyo+upgrade
Froyo is of course better than eclair but Android is still disappointing to me.*EDIT: ( If the official Froyo will be better than jpc so maybe, not that disappointing)*
I miss that proper voice dial/control (over bluetooth or not) and proper connectivity control (network,data,bluetooth and gps) of the old Symbian S60 OS on my lost 5800XM
Some Android fans did say that Symbian is primitive in comparison to Android. Well the first edition of the S60 didnt even have kinectic scrolling or multi-touch( the 5800 doesnt even have a capacitive touch screen), but what do I care about those toying things? I want basic functions working properly out of the box.
Android users have to wait till version 2.2 to get voice dialing over bluetooth and it's there now, but is very crappy.
Could android developers not investigate how Symbian does that?
I have mostly dutch names in mine phone book. Android's 2.2 voice dialing doesnt support the language of the phone if its not one of the 5 or 6 of its list
With symbian voice dialing will talk the phone's language as it should be.
With android voice dialing over bluetooth behaves erractic even in english.
And voice dialing directly at the phone doesnt repeat the names that it processes and it's so buggy and also erractic
With my old Nokia 5800XM, I could keep the phone in my pocket, and while listening to music with the headset, press and hold headset's talk button say a name the device repeats it and by no further action it makes the call; without even having to take phone out of the pocket....It wont happen with my sgs.
My car have bluetooth voice system that works perfectly ansd smoothly with my old 5800xm since the very first edition of the symbian S60, without pre-programing both systems...
Nothing primitive about that
Android developers should yhink about the future. The majority of the consumers don't know or don't have time to tweak a device or a OS or help to develop it. The majority of the users want a smartphone that will do basic functions and perform well out of the box...
Because if an android device will be just about being another expensive toy with cool graphics with cool touch-screen stuff, well, that market belongs to i-Phone.
And in this way, the future is not bright; they need to get a grip
That's my opinion
Froyo is still in Beta, the official froyo is not out for the public yet
voice dial works even on 2.1
you can use google voice build in or vlingo free
for data control there is SwitchPro, works great
yes there are still some stuff to polish on Android, it's not perfect, but we are getting there
and i agree the voice dialing is a bit buggy at recognizing the proper command or name to dial even in english
regardless of what your opinion is android is growing stronger by the year and not long before it takes over iphone inmho.
this is obvious, we are 2 years behind, yet look at the speed we are picking up in such a short time
Android Market is full of useful Apps, tools, add ons, and games
i spend a whole week installing apps to see which one was better, as there are times many does the same thing, but some are better designed than other.
For me Android is the cats meow...
I had a Windows Mobile phone (HTC Mogul aka P4000 in Canada) It sucked pretty bad. If it was not for this community that phone would have been useless.
While I've never owned an Iphone, I've had a ipod touch 2nd gen for a while.
Then I got my Galaxy S... I sent a good a amount of time reading about this phone when Samsung announced it. I also sent a good amount of time reading about other HTC android devices along with android itself.
I decided on this phone due to it's specs and how eager the community sounded about it's overall potential.
Sure the iphone has a large following and a very large app store, but it's not nearly customizable as a solid android device with an eager community wanting to constantly push it to it's full potential.
my 2 cents cdn.
riz157 said:
regardless of what your opinion is android is growing stronger by the year and not long before it takes over iphone inmho.
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I don't care if Android becomes another "hype" like the i-Phone, because it's "cool" is from Google or stuff like that.
I just want mine quite expensive Android device having the basic functions working properly out of the box.
Can you imagine what's gonna happen when Nokia decides to come up with a real high-end device, and with that I mean real fast processor, lots of Ram and Rom like in the sgs and then running Symbian^3 or Meego? The thing will fly.
That N8 is looking good but comes with the same old arm processor of the N97 just overlocked ( so I heard)
As I said I don't care about the i-Phone and all those suckers paying an abusive price to have a "hype" thing
And I dont care about how strong or rich Google gets. I am not a stock holder and i dont work for Google..do you?
I just wanted mine expensive phone having a good working stock voice dialing system.
If something is not working we have to point it out dont we?
Stop behaving like a fanboy and let them hear us...
AllGamer said:
this is obvious, we are 2 years behind, yet look at the speed we are picking up in such a short time
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Well, best answer till now. 2 years huh? Just that if you talk about vlingo, google voice search, voice dial of the 2.1 and all those apps on the market, you really should have a look at Symbian voice dialing; it looks like more than 2 years ahead.
Btw, Symbian S60 got it right on its first edition with the 5800XM. and that's very impressive for a phone that costs around 200 euros....
Well, but i like the bigger and brighter screen of the sgs. And its nice sound and good working wifi....but that have nothing to do with Android.....
Google said that currently only the US English is supported and working for the voice features.
The other accents, like UK English, and the other languages will be coming later.
But the good news with this, is that once the voice features are supported for a language, everything works - not only voice dialing, but also voice search, etc...
So I guess we just need to be patient.... at least google have already shown us that they are working fast.
BigMango said:
Google said that currently only the US English is supported and working for the voice features.
The other accents, like UK English, and the other languages will be coming later.
But the good news with this, is that once the voice features are supported for a language, everything works - not only voice dialing, but also voice search, etc...
So I guess we just need to be patient.... at least google have already shown us that they are working fast.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but Google voice search and the voice dialing within android are 2 different things
The voice dialing in my sgs is powered by the PICO TTS engine that was quite buggy in the eclair and remains buggy in the (beta?) froyo and it is even more unfunctional over bluetooth.
The same engine behaving differently when speaking via BT and when speaking directly to the phone. Even in the standard language
All Google did is install a 3rd party app within the firmware instead of developing a voice engine within the OS.
Or is this Pico app just a temporary thing until google get things done? And where is the article?
Pls enlight me
betoNL said:
Well, best answer till now. 2 years huh? Just that if you talk about vlingo, google voice search, voice dial of the 2.1 and all those apps on the market, you really should have a look at Symbian voice dialing; it looks like more than 2 years ahead.
Btw, Symbian S60 got it right on its first edition with the 5800XM. and that's very impressive for a phone that costs around 200 euros....
Well, but i like the bigger and brighter screen of the sgs. And its nice sound and good working wifi....but that have nothing to do with Android.....
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Ok seriously if you are that in love with symbian and Nokia why did you buy a new phone. one would assume it was because you were tired of your old one and wanted to try something new that's great that you did, but if your this unhappy quit being a fan boy and just return the damned thing already and get another symbian device
And that's what grinds my gears
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betoNL said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but Google voice search and the voice dialing within android are 2 different things
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All of the voice actions are going to use the same engine.
I.ex: if you say "Call Joe" or "Navigate to Joe" or "Search for Joe" it's (obviously) the same engine. (but your phone doesn't have this engine yet).
There is a google video showing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbYVvU0Z5s , and also a couple news around the web. As I said, only US is working now; the other accents and languages will be coming later. Voice actions is not even included in the international versions yet.
Currently, if you talk with a US accent it is working beautifully. But if you use another language or a UK accent it just falls on its face.
Anyway, once we get voice actions working properly in all of the languages Android will be 2 years ahead of Symbian & Co.
BigMango said:
All of the voice actions are going to use the same engine.
I.ex: if you say "Call Joe" or "Navigate to Joe" or "Search for Joe" it's (obviously) the same engine. (but your phone doesn't have this engine yet).
There is a google video showing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbYVvU0Z5s , and also a couple news around the web. As I said, only US is working now; the other accents and languages will be coming later. Voice actions is not even included in the international versions yet.
Currently, if you talk with a US accent it is working beautifully. But if you use another language or a UK accent it just falls on its face.
Anyway, once we get voice actions working properly in all of the languages Android will be 2 years ahead of Symbian & Co.
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So I was right, 2 different things, both of them not working properly yet.
Firstly, during annoucements of Android 2.2 with a list of improvements, one of them was bluetooth voice dialing and of course they were reffering to the unfunctional or bad working Pico TTs engine; so bluetooth voice dialing is there but doesnt work properly and that's what I mean when I say "disappointing"
We are talking about the active engine, and not about something that will be ready someday maybe...
The whole issue with voice actions is another story and quite strange as well. What was that about accents?
If I use google voice search and I speak english with my brazilian/dutch accent and it understands me completely and never fails. why online search functions work even with my accent and the other functions won't? And for online search in english I was already usingo Vlingo on my old 5800xm almost 2 years ago
Seems to be it uses exactly the same technology of Vlingo or vice-versa, that means another toy thing.
But this thread has nothing to do with future possible solutions, it's about something that was supposed to work properly right now and it doesnt.
But who knows, our friend AllGamer is right; 2 years is not much and this is just a beta version?
Let's wait and see
There must be something android did right for you to have so much time to complain and still sticking with it.
What I care about is that android is getting better almost on a daily basis.
Sent from galaxy s. JG4 + oneclick lag fix version 2.3
betoNL said:
We are talking about the active engine, and not about something that will be ready someday maybe...
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Google actions is ready and working great. It was released 1 or 2 months ago.
But currently only US English is supported, this is why you don't have it on your Dutch/Brazilian phone.
betoNL said:
The whole issue with voice actions is another story and quite strange as well. What was that about accents?
If I use google voice search and I speak english with my brazilian/dutch accent and it understands me completely and never fails. why online search functions work even with my accent and the other functions won't?
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There's nothing strange here. You are still using the old system that worked poorly and just don't have the new voice actions engine yet, that's all.
As for accents: UK friends of mine are getting 98+% accuracy (even when dictating SMS) when speaking with a US accent. With a UK accent it fails miserably. But this is normal, as UK English isn't supported yet.
betoNL said:
And for online search in english I was already usingo Vlingo on my old 5800xm almost 2 years ago
Seems to be it uses exactly the same technology of Vlingo or vice-versa, that means another toy thing.
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I am not sure if your Vlingo is capable of doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbYVvU0Z5s , and to me this is not a "toy". This is the future, today. Everything done without key input, with voice commands... this is where we are heading.
Seriously, what we have now in US English is really amazing. Of course it still needs to get ironed out and all of the languages need to get supported. But Google is really moving fast.
kcharng said:
There must be something android did right for you to have so much time to complain and still sticking with it.
What I care about is that android is getting better almost on a daily basis.
Sent from galaxy s. JG4 + oneclick lag fix version 2.3
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Of course. Are you 100% satisfied? Good for you.
Many things are going good, so, I wont complain about what is not going good? What about fake annoucements? Should users not complain about that? .... Critic is also a form of contribution. You can also see it as feedback; so my sgs will get better almost on a daily basis
It wont harm your android if you'll be always objective....
I complained just once, the rest are discussions, and that's the essence of a forum right?
Be logical, man
BigMango said:
Seriously, what we have now in US English is really amazing. Of course it still needs to get ironed out and all of the languages need to get supported. But Google is really moving fast.
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Again you are talking about the future and I,m talking about now. Are you playing word games?
It was officially announced: Finally voice dialing over bluetooth with Android Froyo 2.2 . Froyo is here, voice dialing over bluetooth can be activated but it's unfunctional...it doesnt work good.
Do you work for Google? So inform it to them.
And I also hope that voice actions will work offline
Cause I only use wifi and no internet in my car.
Proper voice dialing should work offline too
I rest my case
betoNL said:
Again you are talking about the future and I,m talking about now. Are you playing word games?
It was officially announced: Finally voice dialing over bluetooth with Android Froyo 2.2 . Froyo is here, voice dialing over bluetooth can be activated but it's unfunctional...it doesnt work good.
Do you work for Google? So inform it to them.
And I also hope that voice actions will work offline
Cause I only use wifi and no internet in my car.
Proper voice dialing should work offline too
I rest my case
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No. This is not the future. This is today. -> NOW<- and has been working for 1 month already.
For the 3rd time: it works in US English, but you can't install it in the other languages yet. Languages other than US are currently being implemented. FOR THIS REASON: it doesn't work on your Dutch/Brazilian phone, yet.
Of course it works offline (SMS & text dictating, local phone searches & actions) . But everything requiring an internet search (i.ex: google search and maps) will not render any results if you are offline, obviously.
BigMango said:
Seriously, what we have now in US English is really amazing. Of course it still needs to get ironed out and all of the languages need to get supported. But Google is really moving fast.
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That is the major flaw of the Android, it is so US centric (so have beena the most other US based, in the beginning).
It took 10 years from Microsoft to understand that
- there is other languages and alphabets in the World than the US English
- not all people uses 12-hour clock and mm/dd/yyyy date format
It took 10 years from programmers to understand that
- the applications should use the op-system date format, there is no need to take than by themselves
The Android is far from perfect, it is moderate even in basics. It is not 2 years behind, it is 5 years behind. My Android date format is dd/mm/yyyy, yesterday I add the birthday to my contacts, the date format is dd.mm.yyyy, why? That is the most stupid thing among other date mass about.
I hate those stupid US things, but I can live with those (for a while).
Hi I tense to agree with you, android is still a premature system, for instance the network connectivity switch just terrible with sgs compare to my old n97. And the worst thing sgs has a crap gps like n97
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
yc1437 said:
for instance the network connectivity switch just terrible with sgs compare to my old n97.
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I don't know what problem you are having with network connectivity. Even on my HTC Kaiser , which is a 3 years old Windows Mobile 6 phone that was not made for android at all, network switching is working perfectly with Froyo.
yc1437 said:
And the worst thing sgs has a crap gps like n97
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According to the latest tests posted in the gps threads, this issue seems to be fixed in the latest beta firmware (the official release is scheduled for this month). They compared it with the HTC Hero, the Nexus One and the iphone 4. The SGS tracking is now doing as well, and its getting a lock in about 10 seconds. (check the gps poll thread)

Summarization of complaints regarding the XOOM.

Why are people complaining that their Motorola Xoom isn't a phone? I get a real laugh out of the "I'm so pissed because I can't call someone from this device" threads. Texting is another laughable point? Really you aren't carrying a phone around with you at the same time as your Xoom that you can't pull it out for 3 seconds and fire off that txt? One guy wants to know why he can't use his Xoom as a GPS while he's FLYING.
Here is a short list of features that I *love* about the Xoom so far:
- Holy **** the screen is sexy. Playing around with some of these apps on a 10" widescreen is awesome.
- Battery Life - I am charing the thing overnight, picking it up in the morning at 100% and then typically ending the day at 70+% remaining. This is fantastic to me.
- Portability and ease of access - Using my acer netbook was a pain in the ass because I had to wait for windows to load, the desktop to show up... the workspace to be ready. This is instant on and ready.
- RDP works well - I can get into my books from anywhere, generate invoices and e-mail them to a customer right there on the spot. It's impressive and when you're a technology company it just looks good.
- Email support - The exchange support is awesome. The stock mail client could be a little stronger but I am very happy that it supports HTML as the android 2.2 / 2.3 mail client on my Nexus One does not/did not.
- Available storage space - Not having the SD slot isn't bothering me one bit. I would go as far as saying I may not ever even need it. Shipping the product with 32GB of internal storage was the way to go.
- App support - Out of the box, like 90% of my apps worked fine (granted I only use heavily maybe 5 out of the 40 that i have installed). The one or two apps that were missing at launch I've already gotten word from the developers that tablet ready versions or updates are on the way.
- Connectivity - Being a first time Verizon subscriber I am very impressed with the radio and/or 3G network behind it. When my AT&T phone has a **** signal or no signal at all, this Xoom tablet still picks up signal. That's cool to me and is a point that I would like to make separately about the need for the 3G version. Sure, I can tether through my AT&T phone but then I've got two points of failure to worry about.
My thoughts and comments regarding media consumption on this device:
- Music - I haven't had any issues at all. I use Windows Media Player 12 as a part of Windows 7 to manage my music library and it works wonderfully with the Xoom. I sync music to it just like any other generic MP3/music player. I susbcribe to the Zune Pass so actually obtaining music for me is a function I do on my PC, and then just transfer the music as I want or need it. To say that I must be able to download or purchase XYZ song on the road isn't necessary... isn't that what Pandora is for? Use Pandora to listen to what you want until you are in a position to purchase music, then do that. That's how I approach it.
- Videos/Movies - I'm not really a big "watch videos/movies on your portable" guy to begin with. That said, I do like to use youtube to show off certain things like video game trailers or movie trailers or something... but you tube isn't the issue on the Xoom and I don't think ever has been or ever will be. Some people have complained that the Xoom doesn't play the same H.264 videos that they can play on their Droid. To them I say that I'm sorry but your droid isn't running a Tegra 2 chipset. I do agree that the Tegra 2 should be able to handle a lot but I didn't design it.. shrug, what do I know. Seemingly however... the thing plays H.264 just fine if its encoded properly and it looks damn good. I ripped Kill Bill Volume 1 to H.264 with a 2k bitrate and it looked fantastic on the Xoom screen. I will admit that I'm not the best guy to take advice from in this area.
My thoughts / comments on whiners:
- Flash / SD Card Support - I really don't have anything to say about this. Flash 10.2 will be out soon enough and as far as the SD card is concerned I don't even need it. I only have a 4GB Class 6 micro SD card what's that going to do for me? It's laughable in size compared to whats in the unit.. I would only want to put a matching 32GB sd card in and that's gonna be another $100 minimum. Now your $799 device is an $899 device... where's the complaint for that?
- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone.
Nice review, particularly liked, "- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone."
Couldn't agree more!
Just ordered myself a Xoom and you've made me feel even better about my purchase. I'm a little worried about the video codecs thing but I'm sure Rockplayer or some such will sort that out. Thanks for a great review.
Thanks for the comments. If anyone has particular questions about the device or advice on how to best use the device for their situation fire away.
agreed up to one point
i agree man, def however
google voice must be used on this. not because of texting as a cellphone but because it does much more and can be so amazingly baked with all other google products.
that my friend, is inarguable.
please help that at least here
You'll have to expand on your thought process for me. What do you want to use google voice for? Will it help you avoid scratching your Xoom up so you don't have to return a second one?
cwizardtx said:
You'll have to expand on your thought process for me. What do you want to use google voice for? Will it help you avoid scratching your Xoom up so you don't have to return a second one?
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Google Voice gives you a platform independent texting and voicemail interface. It does help to have it handy.
Why shouldn't your android tablet and phone be linked in some way so that you could receive notifications on either device and respond to them exactly like how webos works? Who could act like this is a ridiculous request??
Also, don't get your hopes up with regards to media playback. Tegra 2 is awful in that regard and has been proven on here in a different thread to be incapable of 720p high profile, which all galaxy s phones can do flawlessly.
Also, asking got certain features or if something is possible is not complaining.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
my second one is much more protected now thanks for the sad comment.
anyways, i am baffled at how one wouldnt want this, clearly people havent FOUND the use of it, to which i understand.
the customizations on notifications; be it text or voicemail is amazing and so useful, having this on your tablet WILL be a big plus trust me.
controlling voice mail set ups for particular people, having transcribed vm being able to foward that/ download that, controll recorded phone conversations, archiving, starring emails/texts
cwizardtx said:
- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone.
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Couldnt you use an app to hand those stuff over your 3g/4g services?
I don't necessarily expect the tablet to act as an independent texting device, but I would prefer to not have to pull my phone out of my pocket while I've got my Xoom in my hands already. I know I'll almost 99% of the time have my phone and tablet on me at the same time, but its more of a convenience thing.
The way that WebOS pulls your notifications to your tablet via bluetooth from your phone is perfect. I'm already tethering my Xoom for internet off my phone, why not just have text messages pop over too?
martonikaj said:
I don't necessarily expect the tablet to act as an independent texting device, but I would prefer to not have to pull my phone out of my pocket while I've got my Xoom in my hands already. I know I'll almost 99% of the time have my phone and tablet on me at the same time, but its more of a convenience thing.
The way that WebOS pulls your notifications to your tablet via bluetooth from your phone is perfect. I'm already tethering my Xoom for internet off my phone, why not just have text messages pop over too?
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The way Palm... or well, HP, made the WebOS phones and WebOS tablets work together is very impressive. Implementing that text idea would be perfect.
Eclair~ said:
The way Palm... or well, HP, made the WebOS phones and WebOS tablets work together is very impressive. Implementing that text idea would be perfect.
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I agree. And its something that iOS and Android aren't even close to implementing. I see no reason why Google couldn't figure this out. I'm assuming that it will come later, probably with 2.4 for phones which will apparently implement what Google learned about 3.0 back into phones.
Automatically archiving your incoming text messages to an email address linked to your Xoom would at least be a step in the right direction. Granted it's only 50% of the issue, but it's better than nothing. At least you know whether or not to check your phone with a glance at your inbox notification.
theahlenius said:
Automatically archiving your incoming text messages to an email address linked to your Xoom would at least be a step in the right direction. Granted it's only 50% of the issue, but it's better than nothing. At least you know whether or not to check your phone with a glance at your inbox notification.
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I use SMS Backup for this very reason and just put gmail label shortcuts on my tablet. If my phone is upstairs or in my bag, I can just check the email to see if I got any texts.
But it would be cool if I could automatically notify on my tablet.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App
cwizardtx said:
Why are people complaining that their Motorola Xoom isn't a phone? I get a real laugh out of the "I'm so pissed because I can't call someone from this device" threads. Texting is another laughable point? Really you aren't carrying a phone around with you at the same time as your Xoom that you can't pull it out for 3 seconds and fire off that txt? One guy wants to know why he can't use his Xoom as a GPS while he's FLYING.
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I am so sick and tired of this pompous ass attitude. Maybe I keep my Xoom with me everywhere, maybe I use a bluetooth and never "pull out" my phone... MAYBE I dont want to pay to keep several devices active that do the exact same ****. What myself and many others have been after does not degrade the tablet devices that are out one bit, and in fact has been simply DISABLED on some devices.
Long story short, I do not appreciate you calling my desires for this device laughable, especially considering there are quite a few people with the same wants/needs.
/rant off
Morkai Almandragon said:
I am so sick and tired of this pompous ass attitude. Maybe I keep my Xoom with me everywhere, maybe I use a bluetooth and never "pull out" my phone... MAYBE I dont want to pay to keep several devices active that do the exact same ****. What myself and many others have been after does not degrade the tablet devices that are out one bit, and in fact has been simply DISABLED on some devices.
Long story short, I do not appreciate you calling my desires for this device laughable, especially considering there are quite a few people with the same wants/needs.
/rant off
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I agree. People that make an argument like this are no better than apple in telling them what limits their device has.
And the guy wasn't complaining about airplane GPS, he was just wondering about it. There's a lot of people that do recreational flying and only do daylight clear weather trips. A GPS is great to tell you where you are, its not like they'd be using it to get from point A to point B or landing on a runway in fog or flying a commercial airliner.
Just because someone wants something better (for them) doesn't mean its a complaint, its merely a wish. Ideas and hopes make these devices better and inspire devs to create things we all love.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App

whose to blame? question

I have a question that I wonder any of the pros of this site can answer. whose fault is it that web browsing on android is starting to suck? is it android or the carriers? my example go to a pc and type Plentyoffish.com then do the same on an android phone and see the difference. same goes for the msn home page. your forced to go to the so called gay extreme page. to me the whole reason for getting android in the beginning was to browse the web while on the go as I would on my pc. some of you might say oh well web browsing isnt the only reason for an adroid phone. open source blah blah blah, apps blah blah blah. those are kinda of lame excuses. you can easily hack an iphone. and the iphone has more apps. originally android had a better browser but not any more. there are a few roms that still have the good browser. but most dont. who is to blame for the crappy ness? im starting to think my next phone may be an iphone. if I'm forced to use a crappy web browser it might as well be on a phone that has more apps. can anyone answer this question please
Not really sure what your talking about. If you mean you don't like the mobile view that can easily be changed to desktop view. It also depends on the type of coverage you have in your area.
Say what?
Sent from my cyanogenmod, warp speed edition phone. Dont be jealious!
1) you would get alot more replies and feedback if you were to sound a tad more mature. To be frank about it you sound like an 8 year old who just got a phone from mommy and daddy.
2) to answer your question. a PC, regardless of Mac, Windows or Linux, has alot more RAM then these phones do. So the PC can process the information a-lot faster.
3a) Do not blame us, nor your phone for your ability to not search for the answers you are inquiring.
3b) if you go to your address bar and type about:debug you can change the flags so your phone will register as desktop and you will get the full browsing experience.
3c) you can load a 3rd party ROM and have that set as a default. I never look a "mobi.[page_name].com" address.
3d) you can always use a 3rd party browser. Firefox, Skyfire, Bolt, Dolphin HD all support full HTML browsing.
4) if you want an iPhone, don't make a threat. Just do it. We won't stop you. Just keep in mind news reporters in North Korea have more freedoms than iOS users.
neidlinger said:
1) you would get alot more replies and feedback if you were to sound a tad more mature. To be frank about it you sound like an 8 year old who just got a phone from mommy and daddy.
2) to answer your question. a PC, regardless of Mac, Windows or Linux, has alot more RAM then these phones do. So the PC can process the information a-lot faster.
3a) Do not blame us, nor your phone for your ability to not search for the answers you are inquiring.
3b) if you go to your address bar and type about:debug you can change the flags so your phone will register as desktop and you will get the full browsing experience.
3c) you can load a 3rd party ROM and have that set as a default. I never look a "mobi.[page_name].com" address.
3d) you can always use a 3rd party browser. Firefox, Skyfire, Bolt, Dolphin HD all support full HTML browsing.
4) if you want an iPhone, don't make a threat. Just do it. We won't stop you. Just keep in mind news reporters in North Korea have more freedoms than iOS users.
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I love it!
Lol..... That's all I gotta say....
Go hack an iphone...
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA App
trentmaynard said:
there are a few roms that still have the good browser. but most dont. who is to blame for the crappy ness?
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That would be Scott Android. You will have to take it up with him.
El oh El @ Steve job love children wannabes.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
neidlinger said:
1) you would get alot more replies and feedback if you were to sound a tad more mature. To be frank about it you sound like an 8 year old who just got a phone from mommy and daddy.
2) to answer your question. a PC, regardless of Mac, Windows or Linux, has alot more RAM then these phones do. So the PC can process the information a-lot faster.
3a) Do not blame us, nor your phone for your ability to not search for the answers you are inquiring.
3b) if you go to your address bar and type about:debug you can change the flags so your phone will register as desktop and you will get the full browsing experience.
3c) you can load a 3rd party ROM and have that set as a default. I never look a "mobi.[page_name].com" address.
3d) you can always use a 3rd party browser. Firefox, Skyfire, Bolt, Dolphin HD all support full HTML browsing.
4) if you want an iPhone, don't make a threat. Just do it. We won't stop you. Just keep in mind news reporters in North Korea have more freedoms than iOS users.
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lol Im diggin that last sentence
try opera browser... than talk
I wanna join in on hammering this iphonite!! Run back and suckle of Steve Job's teets you ignoramus.
yes I know about user agent but does not come stock with android browsing. you have to download a 3rd party browser. my question is why....web browsing gone from good to worse on android? is it android hindering their own browsers or is it service providers? keeping people from a rich browsing experience
hey dumbass! I have an android phone. a mythouch 4g in fact. I originally left the iphone because the browsing experience was weak compared to android. now 2 years after making the switch, android has gone backwards. emulating the iphones crappy browsing. so you stupid idiot maybe read next time before you offer your retarded 2 cents. actually your opinion is worth less then that. more like two pesos
this comment was directed toward eqjunkie
trentmaynard said:
yes I know about user agent but does not come stock with android browsing. you have to download a 3rd party browser. my question is why....web browsing gone from good to worse on android? is it android hindering their own browsers or is it service providers? keeping people from a rich browsing experience
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are you talking to me? The stock browser dose have selectable user agents.
I told you to type
the the browser then press them menu button then scroll to the very bottom of the options.. you see the JS Flags there.
trentmaynard said:
hey dumbass! I have an android phone. a mythouch 4g in fact. I originally left the iphone because the browsing experience was weak compared to android. now 2 years after making the switch, android has gone backwards. emulating the iphones crappy browsing. so you stupid idiot maybe read next time before you offer your retarded 2 cents. actually your opinion is worth less then that. more like two pesos
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Once again. are you talking to me? I think so but i'm not sure
anyway with over 227 "thanks" here, and i have not posted a ROM/Theme/or App - I'm just here helping people. and some 1,100 "likes" on BGR i think my opinion might be more widely appreciated then you think.
just because you got your feelings stepped on doesn't make me some sort jack wagon. My mom and dad did tell me "if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all". But they also told me honesty will get you though life.
And your "two pesos" comment i find highly offensive. I have family from puerto rico, and my sister's fiancee is from El Salvador.
Nice choice of words dip ****.
neidlinger said:
1) you would get alot more replies and feedback if you were to sound a tad more mature. To be frank about it you sound like an 8 year old who just got a phone from mommy and daddy.
2) to answer your question. a PC, regardless of Mac, Windows or Linux, has alot more RAM then these phones do. So the PC can process the information a-lot faster.
3a) Do not blame us, nor your phone for your ability to not search for the answers you are inquiring.
3b) if you go to your address bar and type about:debug you can change the flags so your phone will register as desktop and you will get the full browsing experience.
3c) you can load a 3rd party ROM and have that set as a default. I never look a "mobi.[page_name].com" address.
3d) you can always use a 3rd party browser. Firefox, Skyfire, Bolt, Dolphin HD all support full HTML browsing.
4) if you want an iPhone, don't make a threat. Just do it. We won't stop you. Just keep in mind news reporters in North Korea have more freedoms than iOS users.
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1) your calling me immature after resorting to name calling when you don't know me or know nothing about me, i believe you said I was acting like a kid who just got a new phone from his mommy and daddy. to which my response would be, your acting like a douche bag who insults people when he could just as easily ignore my question.
2) secondly don't tell me about pc and mac vs mobile devices. that just proves you don't know me A hole ( and I only say that because I feel like you insulted/condescended to me first) I know pc's and mac's have more memory and processing power. did you know that full web browsing including flash was once natively possible on android. now at days you have to either root your device and install a specific rom (something a lot of people cant do) or install a 3rd party that sometimes doesn't work well depending on the specs of your phone
3) don't blame you? you have a mighty opinion of yourself don't you. I don't even know you other then the fact that you like to respond to peoples post in a condescending manner without first trying to understand the question that was asked. and B, don't blame my phone? ugh... I know my phone isn't a real person. do you? lastly if you took the time to read my question it says whose to blame android or the service providers, not the phone or xda
lastly I wasn't making a threat, threat? who would it even be aimed to. I know about 3rd browsers I know about roms. these are not things developers and app makers should have to FIX! they should be standard! and in fact, they originally where. but there not anymore. so once again! my question is who is to blame. is android purposely hindering their browsers by mistake are the cellular providers redirecting our browsers to inferior mobile pages so people using their phones do not use up all of their service providers 3g/4g connections speeds. what is so hard to understand about the question. when buying a smart phone they force you to get a data package. then when you try to look at sites like, ebaumsworld or what ever you can't because your first to go to stupid mobile pages that don't even have flash videos. what is the point in having flash. what is the point of android if not the web browsing? fixing the mistakes and limitations of the platform? thats like going to a junk yard and paying the same price for a broken car that you would a new because when you fix the new car you can customize it any way you want. does that really make sense to you? i like android but I don't think its beyond criticism. no matter how good something is it can always be better. when you stop innovating you become stagnant
trentmaynard said:
1) your calling me immature after resorting to name calling when you don't know me or know nothing about me, i believe you said I was acting like a kid who just got a new phone from his mommy and daddy. to which my response would be, your acting like a douche bag who insults people when he could just as easily ignore my question.
2) secondly don't tell me about pc and mac vs mobile devices. that just proves you don't know me A hole ( and I only say that because I feel like you insulted/condescended to me first) I know pc's and mac's have more memory and processing power. did you know that full web browsing including flash was once natively possible on android. now at days you have to either root your device and install a specific rom (something a lot of people cant do) or install a 3rd party that sometimes doesn't work well depending on the specs of your phone
3) don't blame you? you have a mighty opinion of yourself don't you. I don't even know you other then the fact that you like to respond to peoples post in a condescending manner without first trying to understand the question that was asked. and B, don't blame my phone? ugh... I know my phone isn't a real person. do you? lastly if you took the time to read my question it says whose to blame android or the service providers, not the phone or xda
lastly I wasn't making a threat, threat? who would it even be aimed to. I know about 3rd browsers I know about roms. these are not things developers and app makers should have to FIX! they should be standard! and in fact, they originally where. but there not anymore. so once again! my question is who is to blame. is android purposely hindering their browsers by mistake are the cellular providers redirecting our browsers to inferior mobile pages so people using their phones do not use up all of their service providers 3g/4g connections speeds. what is so hard to understand about the question. when buying a smart phone they force you to get a data package. then when you try to look at sites like, ebaumsworld or what ever you can't because your first to go to stupid mobile pages that don't even have flash videos. what is the point in having flash. what is the point of android if not the web browsing? fixing the mistakes and limitations of the platform? thats like going to a junk yard and paying the same price for a broken car that you would a new because when you fix the new car you can customize it any way you want. does that really make sense to you? i like android but I don't think its beyond criticism. no matter how good something is it can always be better. when you stop innovating you become stagnant
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I sense a mod intervention or a flame war in the making.... But android has become more polished and shiny (sense...gross) due to user demand. neidlinger answered your question in a basic, easy to understand level at first until YOU decided to get mad for no apparent reason? If it seemed condescending you could state that politely and not fuel the fire or PM him. This has all been ridiculous. Your question was a valid android based question atleast and was answered on a lower level because frankly, lower post count thanks meter, grammar etc. Govern the response of the person trying to help you. If there was confusion on how the answer was given you should've asked, I'm not a mod but I'm just saying what should've been done.
P.s. @neidlinger loved the Korean joke just sayin
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trentmaynard said:
hey dumbass! I have an android phone. a mythouch 4g in fact. I originally left the iphone because the browsing experience was weak compared to android. now 2 years after making the switch, android has gone backwards. emulating the iphones crappy browsing. so you stupid idiot maybe read next time before you offer your retarded 2 cents. actually your opinion is worth less then that. more like two pesos
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Ease up kiddo
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Why is this thread still open? The OP is just another troll, I don't understand why he got the phone if he loves iOS so much. I have no problem with apple, but he should stick with what he likes, he's talking just plain nonsense about android for no reason. If this is how you get your kicks then I feel sorry for you. The browser if much better from the days of the G1 and is much better now I could tell you from personal experience, stupid flash ads are there and that's not on iOS is it?[not sure] Just be happy and stop complaining.
Let this thread die... Please.. Xda is suppose to be informative. This ain't.
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trentmaynard said:
I have a question that I wonder any of the pros of this site can answer. whose fault is it that web browsing on android is starting to suck? is it android or the carriers? my example go to a pc and type Plentyoffish.com then do the same on an android phone and see the difference. same goes for the msn home page. your forced to go to the so called gay extreme page. to me the whole reason for getting android in the beginning was to browse the web while on the go as I would on my pc. some of you might say oh well web browsing isnt the only reason for an adroid phone. open source blah blah blah, apps blah blah blah. those are kinda of lame excuses. you can easily hack an iphone. and the iphone has more apps. originally android had a better browser but not any more. there are a few roms that still have the good browser. but most dont. who is to blame for the crappy ness? im starting to think my next phone may be an iphone. if I'm forced to use a crappy web browser it might as well be on a phone that has more apps. can anyone answer this question please
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On topic.
So on what ROM, including stock, can you not surf the net like a desktop? I have tried every ROM this forum, and a few others, have produced, and EVERY single one had fully featured web browsing. Mobile view is set to default because not everyone has large data plans, and some don't have data plans at all. It's a safety net, not some evil plan to ruin your experience. Not all smartphones are capable of the full experience, but all smartphones are capable of mobile view. It's just smart for android to default to it. I have yet to come across a browser on any ROM (nothing 3rd party) that didn't have a setting to change the UA string to desktop.
And on a personal note, sometimes I prefer mobile view. It's a lot easier for me to read news articles and do other basic browsing, so it guess it comes down to a matter of opinion.

New to 6T. Is it confirmed that there's no way to "Ok, Google" with no history?

New to 6T. Is it confirmed that there's no way to "Ok, Google" with no history?
I don't care about Assistant functionality but being able to say "Ok, Google" and have answers is nice. As I understand, unfortunately, that is now "force linked" to activating browsing and voice history. Am I correct?
If that was the case, it's another nail in my personal coffin for Google. It's perfectly capable to recognize my voice flawlessly while using Google keyboard, as it's perfectly capable to do it when I activate manually the Google app (long press on home button). Feeling forced to have Google snooping on my web and voice history just to be able to activate it with "Ok, Google" irks me to no end.
Please, tell me I've got it wrong.
I'm not sure why you have an Android phone if you don't want Google knowing anything about you.
The assistant does store your queries, it does so to help it learn context about how you use it. It also allows you phone and Google Home devices to work together and work smarter for you. Yes, it's an invasion of privacy, but that is the trade off for using the Google Ecosystem.
yep, Android phone, gmail account, play store account, google has assigned a Russian operative to monitor every porn site you go to..
relax, just keep your tin foil helmet firmly in place and you'll be just fine..
There are several options to have privacy on smartphones. Both big os (Apple and Google) and even windows on computers are collecting many things about you. The only way to get rid of it is either no to use a smartphone, or on Google phones to run a modified Android ROM running without any Google framework and able to run microG project.
But there is none yet on our phone
All projects based on other types of Linux distro are dead or non usable except for a few phones.
So... Use your phone and don't bother, Android is free so you're the product, Apple too, windows too, Facebook too, Instagram too....
... sorry to see "tinfoil hat" accusations. I asked a simple question. Up to a certain point the "Ok Google" activation command did not require web history and voice history activation. Is it now mandatory or am I missing something?
If I wanted to discuss privacy implications I would have opened a discussion somewhere else. As I said, there is no technical reason for the change, if the change indeed happened. So the question is: did it happen? Yes or no? If I have Assistant deactivated (as I do), do I still need to activate those two options just to be able to activate the Google app with my voice?
Because you either think Google is lying about it (in which case I would not speak about tinfoil hats if I were you) or you accept that with web history and voice history deactivated Google knows far less about you. I do not want Assistant but I liked to be able to ask simple questions without typing. And I still can do that, by simply long pressing the home button. It's just the "Ok, Google" voice command that is deactivated. Something that would have been easily recognizable fifteen years ago by Dragon Dictate, with pretty much no error possible. If I manually activate the Google app, my speech is flawlessly recognized every single time, same for Google Maps when I dictate an address. But I need to touch the screen, whereas before I could say "Ok Google" and start speaking.
Striatum_bdr said:
Android is free so you're the product, Apple too, windows too, Facebook too, Instagram too....
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Perfectly said...
Striatum_bdr said:
Android is free so you're the product, Apple too, windows too, Facebook too, Instagram too....
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A phone that costs 700 USD should not include an OS that follows every move of its user. It's already bad enough that Microsoft is going the same way with Windows. That being said, there simply is no alternative so I don't really agree with the fact that we have to take whatever they throw at us.
Still looking for a solution to block web & app access as well. "Google Now" worked without any of those. What's more, Google now even makes it impossible to enter an address in Android Auto while driving because I cannot use voice without giving these permissions and they simply block typing while driving.
Instead of improving car safety, they are making it worse because I'm back to typing on my tiny phone screen instead of using voice to navigate. Well done Google.
ljo13 said:
A phone that costs 700 USD should not include an OS that follows every move of its user. It's already bad enough that Microsoft is going the same way with Windows. That being said, there simply is no alternative so I don't really agree with the fact that we have to take whatever they throw at us.
Still looking for a solution to block web & app access as well. "Google Now" worked without any of those. What's more, Google now even makes it impossible to enter an address in Android Auto while driving because I cannot use voice without giving these permissions and they simply block typing while driving.
Instead of improving car safety, they are making it worse because I'm back to typing on my tiny phone screen instead of using voice to navigate. Well done Google.
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What exactly are you doing that you don't want Google knowing anything about you? I think we all wish these companies were less intrusive, and a lot of us know the reasoning they give for some of the breaches of privacy are ridiculous, but you don't HAVE to use a smartphone, and this is part of the price for doing so at this point.
Get a flip phone and a standalone GPS and call it there.
xgerryx said:
What exactly are you doing that you don't want Google knowing anything about you? I think we all wish these companies were less intrusive, and a lot of us know the reasoning they give for some of the breaches of privacy are ridiculous, but you don't HAVE to use a smartphone, and this is part of the price for doing so at this point.
Get a flip phone and a standalone GPS and call it there.
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Not OP, but this argument is so bad that I can't help but respond. Living life is what I'm doing that I don't want Google knowing about me. People don't need extraneous reasons to justify wanting privacy, the fact that they want privacy is reason enough.
These companies are not losing money on these phones, we are paying more than the cost to build these devices. They do not need to suck up all of our data to make money from these phones. Yet they still do so, and for whatever reason have people like you arguing against their own self interest. Its truly genius how these companies have worked this out for themselves.
Of course you don't HAVE to have a smartphone, but your life will be seriously inconvenienced without it. A flip phone is not a viable alternative to a smart phone, and I know you know that.
everything in life comes with trade offs; if you dont want a flip phone, and want all the other stuff that smart phones provide, then, unfortunately, there is a price to pay, even more than the cost of these phones..And, your remark about paying more than the phone costs to make is strange; do you expect companies with shareholders to NOT make as much of a profit as they can?
society, for the most part has decided to deal with the privacy intrusion that so many of these devices inflict on us, so, as someone else said, if you cant accept that or deal with it, the Moto Razr is going to be released again soon, so you may want to go that route..
adobrakic said:
Not OP, but this argument is so bad that I can't help but respond. Living life is what I'm doing that I don't want Google knowing about me. People don't need extraneous reasons to justify wanting privacy, the fact that they want privacy is reason enough.
These companies are not losing money on these phones, we are paying more than the cost to build these devices. They do not need to suck up all of our data to make money from these phones. Yet they still do so, and for whatever reason have people like you arguing against their own self interest. Its truly genius how these companies have worked this out for themselves.
Of course you don't HAVE to have a smartphone, but your life will be seriously inconvenienced without it. A flip phone is not a viable alternative to a smart phone, and I know you know that.
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My point was that it's a battle you aren't going to win. So deal, or don't use it, thats about it.
Use MicroG, use search sites that don't keep data, don't use Gmail, Facebook, Insta, Snap, but use Protonmail, Telegram, sms and... no social media.
And you'll be ok. But you'll have to convince friends / buddies / family to use the same tools to communicate with you.
Your data are interesting, not you. No human will track and look into a specific individual. All those data are only interesting for the computers (or more precisely IA) that can help you, assist you, sell you things etc. You can refuse that, but you can't stop it. Far too late. And you'll be anyway in a data set anyway, by other means.
So at an individual level you can try to be as little exposed as possible, but it will require time, limitation of possibilities, and perhaps an adaptation of social life
xgerryx said:
What exactly are you doing that you don't want Google knowing anything about you? I think we all wish these companies were less intrusive, and a lot of us know the reasoning they give for some of the breaches of privacy are ridiculous, but you don't HAVE to use a smartphone, and this is part of the price for doing so at this point.
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It's not that I'm doing anything wrong. I'm probably one of the most boring people in the world to follow and I absolutely believe that there's nothing wrong with giving up SOME privacy but Google is taking it way too far. There simply is no alternative. There are literally zero smartphones I can buy that offer decent privacy coupled with decent functionality.
I really hate to explain this to people but privacy really IS something valuable. Or do we all want to end up with a social score like in China? Where ignoring a red light at a crosswalk lowers your score and thus your chances to get a bank loan, decent job, etc. ? It's not about what these organizations or by extension governments are doing with all that data today. It's about what they are going to do with it tomorrow.

