Program to refresh today screen on screen flip - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is there a program that can refresh the today screen when the screen orientation is brought back to Portrait from Landscape? My today screen doesn't fit in landscape mode, and when my phone is put back into portrait, there's an ugly scroll bar that lives for a second then disappears, but leaves a big void where the edge of my today plugins should be. I find that if I refresh the today screen by going into the Today screen settings and out again, the void goes away and my screen is once again whole.
Can this be done?


How would I have this run on screen rotation?

seems pretty easy to write up in mortscript, but i have no idea how. Firstly, TodayRefreshCmd is somewhere on these forums, go grab it. then maybe have a mortscript constantly running to check when you rotate the screen? i'm not sure.


Slow Screen Rotation?

I just flashed a new ROM and now my screen rotates really slowly when I use Handcent or the browser. When I turn the phone sideways, the screen image resizes and then bounces back and forth a few times before filling the screen.
Anyone have issues like this?
I like the new ROM (thanks fresh & flipz), but this screen rotation is so annoying that I might just go back to .6.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Install or run spare parts, and disable fancy rotation animation (about half way down the main screen. Hth
Ah. Thank you.

lock screen orientation sideways

I have been looking for an app that will lock my orientation sideways. Any suggestions. I have searched and all I can find is a widget to turn off screen orientation,and doin that makes the screen stay in regular position.

[Q] Portrait Homescreen

Right then, this is a long shot but I'll make a thread about it anyway. As we all know the Nexus 10 is predominantly landscape tablet. Because of this my homescreens are set up to look nice in landscape, but the second the screen's rotated it looks disgusting. Is there an app or launcher that allows a different home screen setup when the screen rotates?

Lock screen in landscape?

Hi all
I'm currently running ofw with nova prime and can view everything in landscape apart from the lock screen.
How can I rotate the lock screen so it'll also show it in landscape mode as well as portrait?
Try this
Cheers for that it works but I have another problem now.
I have 'pattern' as my security but the lock screen now only shows 6 of the nine dots.
Anyway to reduce the pattern size to fit in landscape
Nothing that I know of, maybe by editing system files, but I don't know
Maybe switch to a different security for now, make a thread asking that question, a dev may know the answer

Question: S8 Lock screen and Touchwiz Screen Rotation

Was just wondering when charging on the stand, when i lay the phone vertically the contents from aod, to lock screen and touchwiz are all vertical.
So just think if i could possibly customize it so that it becomes more friendly for me.
I've been searching around and found the following to add to build.prop
Does anyone know if this works or is there any other way?
Btw my phone is rooted
I use an app when I need to force landscape or portrait.

