What is the diference between members? - Zenfone 2 Laser Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been asked this question a lot...(What is the difference between members?) You be surprised I've been around for 10 years on xda, I've done everything from port ROMs and just straight help people out. This question has been asked a lot. That being said here is a summery that I found for the answer.
I'll sum it up for you (or try, anyway!)
There are Junior Members, Members, Senior Members first. These make up the vast majority of XDAs userbase.
Recognised Contributors are nominated by other users and/or Mods/Developers. They are recognised for their contributions which are not specifically Development, such as detailed guides, one-click utilities and other tools/mods.
Recognised Themers are also nominated by users/Mods/Developers, for their work themeing custom ROMs and providing standalone themes for flashing.
Recognised Developers are nominated and approved by the Developer Committee, for their work in Development whether it be ROMs, Root methods, bootloader unlocks etc.
Elite Recognised Developers are again assessed by the Developer Committee, and are deemed to have gone above-and-beyond in providing knowledge/hacks/tools/apps/ROMs for the XDA community.
Forum Moderators are appointed by the Moderator Committee, after submitting an application (see the 'sticky' at the top of this forum - currently applications are not open). They are the first-line of keeping the forums tidy, friendly and orderly.
Senior Moderators are the next step up the ladder, providing site-wide support for Forum Mods and looking after the nitty-gritty issues, as well as areas of XDA not policed by FSMs, such as the Marketplace.
Administrators are next. There are several Admins - each look after a specific part of XDA such as the Portal, the Members and the User Experience of XDA as a whole.
At the top is Mike Channon, who is overall Forum Administrator.
Other titles you may come across:
Moderator Committee - sits on the Mod Committee
Developer Committee - as above, but for Developer Committee
XDA Newswriter - publishes articles for the Portal (front page)
Retired xxxx - have since officially 'left' their XDA position
Hopefully that clears most of them up for you
Contrary to what a lot of people expect, the thanks-meter does not figure at all in determining a users tag.
Or read for yourself on first page scroll down a few post and there you go:
Also found this:


[GUIDE] NEW TO XDA. Take a look inside.

Hi fellow XDA members,
As you all may have noticed there has been a few changes in the moderation committee. There are new moderators for devices. New people, but that does not mean new rules. eagleeyetom had asked members in his proposal thread, to help out with the moderation. I asked if I could do an updated XDA behaviour thread and he agreed.
The rules of XDA stay the same no matter what, and apply to every member, even to Senior Mods. Heck, it even applies to the Admin himself. And as such, I feel it's only fair that we ourselves abide by them.
Therefore, this thread acts as a guide for new members and old ones alike, on how to behave on XDA. SpyderX has already made a thread on this, and it was even made a sticky, but still some members fail to abide by the rules. They still disregard the rules and, as a result, end up getting infractions or, in the worst cases, bans.
So if you want to avoid bans and infractions, read on.
1. Read through this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81
You must go through the rules, at least once. The above link is the latest set of them. Keep your eyes open for any new announcements. They're usually visible on the upper bit of the website.
2. Do not steal others' work. Or in other words, as SpyderX has explained in his sticky, don't post work, usually ROMs, that:
- Is not your own original work (usually ROMs with your own code, not to be confused with soft-mods, are acceptable)
- Is ported from other devices without the permission of the original creator
- Is just a soft-mod over someone else's hard work
Only stock ROMs are exempt from this rule. And as kernels have to be compiled from source, meaning there is no way to soft-mod them without some work done, they too are considered development.
3. Behave with others. Do not use foul language; it doesn't make you any wiser than you already are. There are members who are just kids, therefore any pornographic content, vulgar comments and other “smart” ways of abusing your freedom on the Internet is strictly prohibited on XDA. Post anything that falls under such categories and you may find yourself banned the next day. No personal insults, trolling (except in the OT) and flaming. Trust me on this, it'll get you nowhere except out of XDA. And always use English in the threads. What language you use in groups doesn't really matter to us.
4. Post in the appropriate sections. More on that later. For now, just remember, both the Development sections are for development-related stuff, like bug-fixes, sharing source codes, bug-reports etc. Don't spam there. It's really annoying for any user to see their favourite threads full of spam and being closed down. Act wisely. Like an XDA-ian. Don't create unnecessary threads. If you wanna talk about anything non-dev, visit the OT. Do not ask for ETAs or for the dev's help in your problems, without a proper bug-report. There's a thread on how to do a bug-report: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1935567 Read it thoroughly.
5. Instead of posting “Thanks for XXX”, click the THANKS button. This is a growing concern among many members. There are at least 1000 posts in every section that just say “Thanks”. These are considered spam and will eventually be deleted by a moderator and the poster may receive a warning. So instead of wasting time and energy to write thanks, click the THANKS button. It was made for that purpose. Use it.
6. When creating threads, be extra careful. Think, search and then discuss, in the words of SpyderX, not the other way round. Threads you create should be based on, or have valid content that can be discussed or used. And like #4, open up threads in the appropriate sections. Also before you create a thread, make sure there are no similar threads in the same device forum based on the same problems. And please don't create useless threads asking stupid questions.
7. Always be super kind to devs. They are not paid to bring you the stuff they do. Therefore if you can't donate, which you should if you can, always hit the thanks button when they are trying to help. If you misbehave with any dev, or any member alike, XDA will look after you.
8. Learn to post in the appropriate section.
- General section is for discussions and the all-famous OT thread
- Q&A section is for questions and answers
- Android Development section is for ROMs that are built from others' source, improved versions of others' ROMs etc.
- Original Android Development section is for original development like building ROMs from your own source, modifying someone's source and using it to build a ROM, self-compiled kernels, AIO toolkits etc.
Keep these guidelines in mind and you'll be able to stay in XDA for a long time. And please read all of it. Don't go TL;DR. Please feel free to drop in suggestions, or advice, here in the thread.
- Skeleton taken largely from SpyderX's "Behaviour guide" (which also you guys fail to follow. Thanks, bro.
Well, if you've read the first post, you'll know by now what XDA expects from you. You should also know that there are certain things that XDA finds very important. You may also not understand a couple of things here-and-there. This post intends to clarify all that.
1. Reading:
Reading posts on XDA will enlighten you. Really. Try it some time. As a newcomer you should read through all the stickies of your device's forum. It will not only help you find things, but also get used to XDA little by little. Even Senior Members read, so why can't you? Your motto here has to be: "Read more, post less useless stuff". Trust me it's the only way you'll ever survive in XDA (we're not that bad but we do know how to behave with ignorant people).
Basically, you wanna say on XDA, you need to read. A lot. You have to learn to understand that the OP (like me) usually works super-hard to post a new thread (again, like me), and expects you to read the whole of it before making a "smart" comment. You have to learn to respect that. It helps reduce spam, too, because there's a great possibility that the answer to your question is already in the thread.
So just read. Read before you post, even if it takes ages to read just the OP.
2. Searching:
The button's there for a reason. Search before you open up a new thread. It doesn't help any of us. 90% of the time the question's been answered already. That means there's a thread for that particular problem. Post there. Why create useless duplicate threads when you can find the answer in the other thread? However if, in the thread, your question has no answer or only part of the answer, you can create a new thread, provided the first one is really old and hasn't been updated in a long, long time. Posts that revive a thread after a long, long time are considered spam some times, especially ones that just say "Thanks for xxx and yyy". You can also search XDA with Google. Just add this to your search terms:
Please. Search. Reduce spam. Help yourself. Help XDA. Help the world (okay this bit's unnecessary).
3. Giving and getting thanks
Like I've said in the past, thank any developer who has been working hard just to bring you the stuff he/she brings. Not just devs; themers, contributors and, mostly, normal members help out a lot too. They ask for nothing really, except for a little recognition. Please thank them. It acts as an encouragement to continue their work, to continue helping members. It's not like clicking the button will rob you of your soul, or anything. It's free of cost.
That being said, don't go about thanking spammers. It only encourages them to spam more. We don't want that.
You'll see every member has a thanks meter. It's basically a count of the thanks they have got over time. It's not meant to be some kind of "prestige" meter, and therefore one must not post with the sole purpose of getting thanks. It gets you nowhere, trust me.
Anyways, this is how the bar fills up:
1st bar - 26
2nd bar - 51
3rd bar - 101
4th bar - 201
bug here, never gets to 5 bars, probably 501 if fixed.
6th bar - 1001
7th bar - 2001
8th bar - 5001
9th bar - 8001
Maxed! - 10000
4. User titles
If you've spent some time on XDA, you'll have noticed there are some titles given to members. Here's how they are given:
- Junior Member - New members with less than 30 (?) posts.
- Member - Members with more than 30 (?) but less than 100 posts.
- Senior Member - Members with 100+ posts.
- Recognized Contributor - A title given to members who have helped people with various problems. You can apply for this position or ask a Forum Moderator, Senior Moderator, Recognized Contributor to nominate you. They don't give it away for free though; you have to meet some requirements.
- Recognized Themer - A member who's known for original themes. You can apply to the Senior Moderators yourself, or ask a Recognized Contributor to nominate you.
- Recognized Developer - A title given to a member for his/her work in his/her device-specific development. You can apply to the Senior Moderators yourself. I don't think anyone can nominate you here. The developer committee assesses your overall activity and decides whether you're eligible for this position.
- Elite Recognized Developer - This title is given to Recognized Developers who have provided outstanding work, way beyond the knowledge of us mere mortals. A Recognized Developer is re-assessed by the developer committee before being given that title.
- Forum Moderator - This title is given to Recognized Contributors who are responsible enough to handle a forum on their own with some other such members of course. They have to fill out an application (which is no longer available now) and then the moderator committee approves of them.
- Senior Moderator - Senior Moderators are in charge of the whole site-wide support for Forum Moderators and nitty-gritty business that Forum Moderators cannot look after.
- Administrators - Next comes the admins who are responsible for everything as a whole. Each look after a specific part of XDA.
- MikeChannon's the dude behind all this. He's the Forum Administrator.
Other titles you may come across are
- Moderator Committee - sits on the Mod Committee
- Developer Committee - as above, but for Developer Committee
- XDA Newswriter - publishes articles for the Portal (front page)
- Retired xxxx - have since officially 'left' their XDA position
-Skeleton of this part taken largely from mf2112's guide. Thanks a lot, bro.
5. Reporting posts
XDA has given you the freedom of reporting posts. It basically brings posts to a moderator's attention, and is 10^10x better than notifying a moderator via PM. You, being a member of XDA, must report posts that you feel are a violation of the rules of XDA. You must report spam, other than that in the OT thread. XDA is a humongous website. Moderation isn't entirely possible by the selected panel. We need your help. And we hope that you are not one of those whose posts need reporting. It's not a really pleasant feeling. Anyways here's an example of how you can report posts:
Suppose member XXX has posted a question in the X8 general forum. Now you know that it's not appropriate to post questions in the general section; there's a Q/A section for that. So you click the triangular button beside the birdy on the OP. It basically represents the report button. In the reason box, type in a valid reason like "Please move to X8 device Q&A forum" for example, and select "Thread/Post moving or maintenance" in the drop-down box, and hit "Send report". This will notify the panel of moderators for that particular device, and one of them will definitely move the thread if he/she feels it necessary.
Please use this feature properly. We need your help.
6. A good signature that expresses your awesomeness
As a member, it is your responsibility to make a good signature that informs other users of what your phone is running on currently. This kind of signature can help in avoiding follow-up questions when you ask for help or advice. A good signature may also contain helpful links for new members. You can also include pictures, but use Dropbox or photobcuket for that purpose, because when you copy a link directly from some pic, it may be considered stealing.
You can edit your signature by clicking this link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/profile.php?do=editsignature
Here's a good guide on how to make a good signature: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1636804
Need ideas? This should help: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1761276
And please remember, signatures are not meant to be billboards.
7. Donations
Donations are never expected nor required, but are always welcome. There are "DONATE TO ME" buttons below the avatars of users. Click that if you want to send donations for their hard work. In many cases, as in mine, donations are not possible. Use the Thanks button instead. It's almost equivalent in our eyes.
You can also donate to XDA by clicking this link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/donations.php
When you donate 10 euros to XDA, you are awarded a star, which is displayed below your avatar. When you are rewarded with ten stars, that is 100 euros (I may be wrong here), an even bigger star with the number 10 appears.
Just keep in mind, developers provide top-quality ROMs and Kernels and what-not, which are results of their hard work. They don't do it for donations; they do it to help others, just like they were helped by some other benefactor. So, please, if you find someone's work worthy of a donation, do not hesitate. Even a small amount is great encouragement.
8. Some helpful links
- [HOW TO] make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
- Help Your Threads Get More Search Hits with Better Titles and Thread Tags!
- [TUTORIAL] How to logcat
- [GUIDE] How to give constructive feedback to developers
- [ADB/FB/APX Driver] Universal Naked Driver 0.72
- Chef Central
- [Ultimate Guide][Part 10 released][12/11/2011]Android App Development - From Scratch
- XDA Recognized Developer Program Expansion
- The history of XDA - Part 1
- A visual history of XDA
-Skeleton again largely taken from mf2112's guide. Thanks again, pal.
The 10-post rule
You guys may know by now that there is a slight restriction in the development fora; you cannot post there if you do not have 10 posts beforehand. This means you have to have 10 posts anywhere on XDA before you can post in any development forum. Keep in mind, however, that it doesn't mean necessarily that the development fora cannot be accessed by you new members. The only restriction imposed is on posting there.
A member of the Moderator Committee here at XDA, Fallen Spartan, has said this regarding the rule:
The 10-post barrier is extremely easy to overcome. You can post in the General, Q/A, Accessories or the Themes and Apps section, or even the Off-Topic section of XDA. Trust me, once you start posting there, getting 10 posts will be as easy as spelling your name (provided your name's easy to spell, of course!). However, that does not mean your first 10 posts on XDA, your shining road to global recognition, should be spam. We are going to infract you if you spam the fora.
Most of the posts in the development fora hardly contribute to any development. These posts are usually off-topic, and then a moderator has to interfere. Why do you guys do that? It doesn't help any one of us. Instead post in the Off-Topic section. And if you really wanna thank the developer, you can still hit the Thanks button (it also helps to maintain your postcount to thanks ratio, although it is something you better not worry about). If you are still dissatisfied, hit the Thanks button again on another post by the developer. Still dissatisfied? Then donate some money to him. As mf2112 has said any developer will appreciate a few dollars way more than any post howsoever appreciative it may be.
Please don't spam to overcome the 10-post barrier. Here's a good guide on how to get 10 posts easily: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1069298
And if there's something you really have to post in the dev section without having 10 posts beforehand, check this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1841030
Use it wisely, for the moderators are watching your every move.
Post #2 updated! Seriously guys don't go TL;DR. You're missing the point of it all if you don't read.
some new comers have recently picked up interest in reviving dead thread......they find it pretty amusing i suppose. trying to force life back into a corpse... please add a point about this in bold..
Point #2 of post #2 covers that bit. The rest is up to the members. Hopefully they'll read this through.
sgt. meow said:
Point #2 of post #2 covers that bit. The rest is up to the members. Hopefully they'll read this through.
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no..no.. they dont revive it to ask Q... they do so for saying thanks..:cyclops:
Will have to include a new topic, "Bumping".
sgt. meow said:
Will have to include a new topic, "Bumping".
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it would be better if you write the most important points in your thread with red colour..
it caches attention instantaneously..
Will do that. Later, though. Too tired right now.
Great thread helped me a lot......
sent from my W8 using xda app(paid/free doesn't matter)
Good to know that.
Thread Updated! New members, please read this. It will really benefit you.
sgt. meow said:
Hi fellow XDA members,
As you all may have noticed there has been a few changes in the moderation committee. There are new moderators for devices. New people, but that does not mean new rules. eagleeyetom had asked members in his proposal thread, to help out with the moderation. I asked if I could do an updated XDA behaviour thread and he agreed.
The rules of XDA stay the same no matter what, and apply to every member, even to Senior Mods. Heck, it even applies to the Admin himself. And as such, I feel it's only fair that we ourselves abide by them.
Therefore, this thread acts as a guide for new members and old ones alike, on how to behave on XDA. SpyderX has already made a thread on this, and it was even made a sticky, but still some members fail to abide by the rules. They still disregard the rules and, as a result, end up getting infractions or, in the worst cases, bans.
So if you want to avoid bans and infractions, read on.
1. Read through this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81
You must go through the rules, at least once. The above link is the latest set of them. Keep your eyes open for any new announcements. They're usually visible on the upper bit of the website.
2. Do not steal others' work. Or in other words, as SpyderX has explained in his sticky, don't post work, usually ROMs, that:
- Is not your own original work (usually ROMs with your own code, not to be confused with soft-mods, are acceptable)
- Is ported from other devices without the permission of the original creator
- Is just a soft-mod over someone else's hard work
Only stock ROMs are exempt from this rule. And as kernels have to be compiled from source, meaning there is no way to soft-mod them without some work done, they too are considered development.
3. Behave with others. Do not use foul language; it doesn't make you any wiser than you already are. There are members who are just kids, therefore any pornographic content, vulgar comments and other “smart” ways of abusing your freedom on the Internet is strictly prohibited on XDA. Post anything that falls under such categories and you may find yourself banned the next day. No personal insults, trolling (except in the OT) and flaming. Trust me on this, it'll get you nowhere except out of XDA. And always use English in the threads. What language you use in groups doesn't really matter to us.
4. Post in the appropriate sections. More on that later. For now, just remember, both the Development sections are for development-related stuff, like bug-fixes, sharing source codes, bug-reports etc. Don't spam there. It's really annoying for any user to see their favourite threads full of spam and being closed down. Act wisely. Like an XDA-ian. Don't create unnecessary threads. If you wanna talk about anything non-dev, visit the OT. Do not ask for ETAs or for the dev's help in your problems, without a proper bug-report. There's a thread on how to do a bug-report: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1935567 Read it thoroughly.
5. Instead of posting “Thanks for XXX”, click the THANKS button. This is a growing concern among many members. There are at least 1000 posts in every section that just say “Thanks”. These are considered spam and will eventually be deleted by a moderator and the poster may receive a warning. So instead of wasting time and energy to write thanks, click the THANKS button. It was made for that purpose. Use it.
6. When creating threads, be extra careful. Think, search and then discuss, in the words of SpyderX, not the other way round. Threads you create should be based on, or have valid content that can be discussed or used. And like #4, open up threads in the appropriate sections. Also before you create a thread, make sure there are no similar threads in the same device forum based on the same problems. And please don't create useless threads asking stupid questions.
7. Always be super kind to devs. They are not paid to bring you the stuff they do. Therefore if you can't donate, which you should if you can, always hit the thanks button when they are trying to help. If you misbehave with any dev, or any member alike, XDA will look after you.
8. Learn to post in the appropriate section.
- General section is for discussions and the all-famous OT thread
- Q&A section is for questions and answers
- Android Development section is for ROMs that are built from others' source, improved versions of others' ROMs etc.
- Original Android Development section is for original development like building ROMs from your own source, modifying someone's source and using it to build a ROM, self-compiled kernels, AIO toolkits etc.
Keep these guidelines in mind and you'll be able to stay in XDA for a long time. And please read all of it. Don't go TL;DR. Please feel free to drop in suggestions, or advice, here in the thread.
- Skeleton taken largely from SpyderX's "Behaviour guide" (which also you guys fail to follow. Thanks, bro.
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Thanks. Good to know.
It's good to know that you found this guide helpful. But even after reading it, if you post "Thanks for xxx" (this topic has been covered in rule no. 5), it has pretty much rendered my hard work useless. Please keep that in mind. No one's asking for thanks (because the Thanks Meter is not a kind of prestige meter or something), but instead of spamming with "thanks" posts, just click the button that does the job far more elegantly.

***** Tablet Moderation Team*****

First off, allow me to welcome both new and existing members to the Forums. These look to be exciting products, and I am really hoping to see a great community spring up here. As we like to do with a new forum, we like to introduce ourselves. Of course, as noted, the moderating team assigned to the forum include:
Team Leader/Senior Moderator @Moscow Desire
Forum Moderators @Siberian Tiger, @chrisd1a1, @Divine_Madcat @zacthespack
Personally, i am an avid tablet user, and am currently using both an HP Touchpad and Nexus 7 (2013), as well as a Samsung S4. Please make no mistake, while we all may not be owners of this specific device, it is our goal to be a strong part of the community, and i hope you will allow us this opportunity. I, like the other moderators, have an open door policy, and i welcome anyone to contact myself (or other staff members) to contact us if you have any concerns or questions about the forums (but please direct device specific questions to the Q&A forum).
With that said, i would like to take a moment to reiterate the overall guidelines of the forum, in the hope to prevent issues down the line...
1. Posting in the Development Forum. Creating new threads in the Dev Forum is restricted to development work; this may include Kernels, Root tools, ROMS, and other device developments. If you have a question about a ROM or the device, please post in the Q&A forum, so that the question may be answered correctly.
2. Arguments and Flaming.This really speaks for itself, but bears saying again. Be respectful, and be a community; work together and make this a place that is welcoming to everyone, new and old. If an argument starts, DO NOT participate in it. You have a "Report Post" button. Use it. Let the Mod's take care of it. You are not moderators, so please don't act like it. You don't make anything better by participating, and you may find yourself in trouble as well.
3. Please take a moment to search before posting; forums for popular devices can get hectic, and it is only made worse by having 5 different threads on the same topic. While mistakes happen, we need everyone's help to make sure that the boards are readable and usable for everyone. Odds are, if you have a problem, you are not the first person to have had the issue; you may very well find the solution already discussed. If a thread covering your topic is already there, please keep the discussion in that thread.
4. We are all here to help the users, and to mainly help continue the development of the devices. This is a Development site, not Facebook or other social networking sites. While some off topic banter is to be expected, please keep off topic conversations in the appropriate area; this is especially true for development threads. Too much OT makes threads hard to use for people with real issues/suggestions/questions
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Also have a read of our Forum Rules
If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to contact us via PM. You will find the moderator links at the top of each main forum.
Have fun, and lets make a great community!

How to Apply to become Recognized Contributor /Themer on XDA

Just stop around & have a look to this thread. A thread for the devs & themers who contribute a lot to the forum, & can become a Recognized Contributor/ Themer because they are worth the title, as they work so hard to bring the users with something new to xperience & that too free of cost.
Special Thanks to the XDA Member @Zatta for his thread to explain the process to become a Recognized Contributor/ Themer as stated below.
So over on the Recognized Contributors forum, it has become clear that most members of XDA don't know that you can apply for the title of Recognized Contributor (RC). I have also included the same for Recognized themer, as I am assuming that it's not well known that you can apply.
What is a Recognized Contributor?
Recognized Contributor is a role intended for members who produce some of the best original and helpful guides for users, as well as helping other users who have problems, in a friendly manner. Recognized Contributors will get a custom user title and the faster ad-free XDA template, as well as access to developer tools currently being created. Any Senior Moderator on XDA can add Recognized Contributors, should you feel deserving of this title.​What is a Recognized Themer?
Recognized Themers are those users who work (often tirelessly) on designing new theme graphics and user interface overhauls for ROMs. Users who aspire to be Recognized Themers should be creating original graphics work for their themes being released, demonstrate a commitment to crediting other users’ work when applicable, and seek the relevant permission in advance from the original creator. Recognized Themers will receive a custom user title and the faster ad-free XDA template, as well as access to developer tools currently being created. Any Senior Moderator on XDA can add Recognized Themers, should you feel deserving of this title.​Pre-requisites
1. Been a member for at least 1 year (willingly following the XDA rules) with consistent and acceptable activity in the last 3 months.
2. Posted good original threads:
a. Threads that are guides/ index / collective information.
b. OP of ROM threads and have a good support within the ROM thread or via a separate thread in the Q&A section, and some activity in Q&A section or other threads besides their own.
c. Place holder threads (discussions of home screens/ wall papers / Off Topic, etc) are NOT accepted.
Exception: A proper place holder for a new phone with details and other important information and further maintaining the Q&A on the device.
3. In case of no independent threads, the following may be accepted:
a. An FAQ (or support post) within a ROM thread.
b. Generally moving around from thread to thread to help members – the "Post Count Vs Thanks" could be used as a means to measure to this.
4. Good quality general know-how around XDA forums (not necessarily developer standard)
5. Thanks count broadly expected given the forums they are in.
6. Posted regularly enough (complementing point 1) to provide continuous support or less frequently but good high value support
7. Contribute to a good over-all general atmosphere.
8.You have read, understood and already adhere to the Recognized Contributor Code of Conduct.
How can I apply?
You can apply by sending your application via PM to:
A member of the RC-RT Committee:
ApriliaM3, KennyG123, Mr. Clown, PG101, Judge Joseph Dredd, Woody.
Any other Senior Moderator
Any FSM.
Any existing RC, who will pass on your application forward.
Choose whichever route you are more comfortable with, the end result is the same. All list of moderators can be found here.
Best way in which to apply through your PM
When you are writing your application, you will need to include:
A polite hello
Your username with a link to your username, they will want to check your history.
Why you think you would make a good RC/RT, including a little about your time on XDA.
Links to your work including Guides, Ref, Roms, Projects, Apps(Themes for RT) etc
Do not forget to include 7/10 links of threads/posts which would be helpful in assessing your application.
A thank you for their time and good bye (Manners are free)
Please note only apply once to one committee members, do not send 3 applications to 3 different committee members. Also be patient, the committee members are very busy people and have other work on XDA and in personal life. I would recommend a waiting time of upto a week; and if you receive no response within a week, then a reminder PM.
Please do not bombard the committee with PM's.
If you are having a problem with your application or you would like to appeal a decision made on your application, then you can contact the RC-RT Committee through PM.
If you do get accepted as a RC/RT then please come and visit the RC's forum and help contribute to our work and cause to make XDA a better place
If you have any questions then please ask, myself or the other RC's/RT's will help in anyway we can.
Press Thanks :thumbup: If I Helped

Samsung International Moderation Team

Here you will find a list of all Moderators for the Samsung International forums. For a list of all Forum Admins and Moderators, please click HERE.
Please feel free to contact any of us for any assistance you may require but things requiring immediate attention should be reported.
Our Team Leaders are:
The Forum-Specific Moderators assigned to your forum are below (listed in alphabetical order):
mark manning
Wood Man
Should you encounter any issues that require moderation then don't hesitate to use the Report Post feature.
Oh yeah, here's a little reminder of the Forum Rules....... FORUM RULES​
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
2. Member conduct.
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
2.2 Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
2.3 Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
2.5 Courtesy towards other Members: Treat new members the way you would like to have been treated when you were a new member. When dealing with any member, provide them with guidance, advice and instruction when you can and always with respect and courtesy. Never post in a demanding, argumentative, disrespectful or self-righteous manner.
2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
3. Post only using a clear subject and message.
You're most likely to receive a helpful answer to your question if you use a short subject title that describes your problem and a message that explains in detail what your problem is and what you've tried to solve it.
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained. This is a site of developers, i.e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community
7. Do not spam, sell or trade on the forums.
If you wish to advertise a product, contact us we provide ads. But do not post it in the forums, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
From Nov 30 2012 the Marketplace will close. No new Wanting to Buy or Sell threads should be made after 19 Nov 2012. From Nov 30 2012 selling, buying, trading and exchanging devices or any item will no longer be permitted in any forum or via Private Messages.
8. Donations.
We appreciate all donations to xda-developers.com, it keeps our forum online and well maintained. As a user you're allowed to ask for donations in your signature as a thank you for your hard work. However donations up front are not allowed, this forum is about sharing, not about getting paid to do something, that's what your job is for.
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to XDA-Developers.com.
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software, or commercial services. unless you’re posting an exclusive release for XDA-Developers.com.
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
A) The site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership who actively maintains XDA-Developers' support thread(s) / posts, related to the download,
B) The site is a relatively small personal website without commercial advertising/links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of XDA-Developers.com.)
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
As an addition, developers have the right to hold exclusivity over their work for as long as it is deemed necessary by the dev or freely share it. However, if the work is claimed as exclusive, it must remain as such. No selective sharing will be allowed (ie allowing certain people to use it and not others). Should the dev decide to start sharing the work with others, the work automatically becomes fair game for all to use.
In regards to permissions, same rules remain for this but if permission was already given, unless there is a very valid reason, it cannot be revoked (same applies to major updates on the work). Under that same premise, permissions cannot be denied unless the work is exclusive or under severe circumstances.
In plain English: If you want to keep your work exclusive, go for it. However, if you are going to share your work, do it fairly.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA (including but not limited to ROMs, RUUs, apps, games, kernels, themes, icons, etc) unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
13. Advertising and Income Generation
Commercial advertising, advertising referral links, pay per click links and other income generating methods are forbidden. Do not use xda-developers as a means to make money.
14. Create only one User Account
You are allowed one User Account at xda-developers. If you create additional accounts, Moderators will disable them and your original account may also be disabled or infracted.
15. Keep posts/threads on-topic
Whilst a minor amount of off-topic posting may be overlooked, the general rule is your posts / threads must be relevant to the Forum / thread in which you are posting.
General Forums - For news and announcements relating to your device.
Q&A Forums - For all question threads / posts. If there is no Q&A forum use the device General Forum
Accessories subforum - For posts related to accessories relevant to the phone model
Development Forums (ones with the word development in the title) - For developers to post release threads e.g. ROMs and Kernels including modifications to Kernels, Bootloaders, ROMs, etc.
Themes and Apps Forums - For themers to post Themes and App. announcements & discussions including modifications made to Apps and Themes.
16. Bumping Threads (posting simply to force a thread to the top of the thread queue)
Do not "bump" a thread more than once per 24 hours.
In addition to the forum rules, please keep the following points in mind:
-- If you notice a post that is abusive, inappropriate or off-topic, please just report it WITHOUT adding a comment in the thread -- no need to add to the spam.
-- Only work that you created goes in the Development sections. If you did not create it, it goes in Guides, not Development.
-- Reference, tutorials and how-to's belong in the Guide Section.
-- All questions belong in the Q&A Section, not in Guides or Development.
-- Do not create placeholder threads (including placeholder threads for ROMs, radios, guides, updates, tweaks, etc.).​

Welcome & Introduction

To all forum readers and lurkers, welcome to a new and experimental section of the forums! The PC Hardware forums are part of our expansion into a limited discussion of PC hardware for our enthusiasts and developers. So while the normal forum rules apply you may notice that things here will be slightly different and a work in progress.
Here's what you can expect in each of the forums within here:
PC Hardware Portal Article Discussion is where the portal team will be posting a new thread for each article on the category. While Disqus isn't a bad option it's also a very limited one in comparison to our forum membership - and so we'd like to try moving some of that discussion here. It also gives us the ability to give some behind-the-scenes updates and additional content that may not fit the Portal well, such as build logs and photos of projects we're working on for Portal articles.
Forum members are more than welcome to continue the discussion but new threads will only be created by us here. If you want to carry on a discussion of a different topic, we have you covered.
The PC Hardware For Linux Developers section is ideally for continuing the discussion and talking about topics near and dear to our developers' hearts. Whether you're just starting out and want to know how to build your own kernel/ROM, set up a kitchen to theme, or something more advanced... if it's about Linux this is the place to talk about it!
While the name doesn't call it out specifically it's well known that a subset of developers use Mac OS X instead - feel free to post in here too on your topics. To help clarify we ask that the prefix [OSX] be used so readers know this deals with a Mac-specific topic.
Lastly our PC Hardware General is for all other discussions under the sun and related to the topic. We're not looking to replace your go-to sites but rather foster a conversation in addition to that. And while we certainly understand that these discussions can get "heated" we ask that people treat each other with the same civility and respect as you would anywhere else on the XDA forums.
Your moderation team can be found in the upper right hand corner under "Moderators." Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions/concerns. In addition you will likely find me around here quite often - part of my job as PC Hardware Editor is to help foster those discussions. And we'll be watching to see how this develops - if we need to split this up further you may see additional forums being added or moved here to better keep the related discussions together!
Thank you for your continued time and support of XDA!
