[SOLUTION] Hastarin's kernel - Undervolting - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

As I'm sure you realise (considering you've clicked on this thread), hastarin's new kernels do not enable undervolting by default.
After struggling to work out how to undervolt the kernel and asking for unforthcoming help in so many places, eventually a chap called tyween helped me out.
Here is a script which you can run to enable undervolting. Bear in mind that the settings revert to normal every time android restarts, which means you need to do this every time you reset your phone
If you need a faster way of running the scripts than a terminal, there is a program called SL4A which provides a GUI:

init.d script
Assuming the rom you use supports init.d scripts, why wouldn't you just write a init.d script and place it in the \system\etc\init.d\ folder? No need re-run scripts every time you restart.

2000impreza said:
Assuming the rom you use supports init.d scripts, why wouldn't you just write a init.d script and place it in the \system\etc\init.d\ folder? No need re-run scripts every time you restart.
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Maybe because I don't know how to :S lol.
If you do, then I'm sure it would help a lot of people including me if you posted some instructions.
(whenever I wrote a script in notepad and transferred it to my phone it didn't work, I had to write the script from scratch in that SL4A program. This is one factor which made experimentation much more difficult)

I've always used notepad++ to write simple scripts. Never used regular notepad for scripts before.
I copied and pasted your undervolt script into the file. You should be able to use notepad++ to open and edit the voltages.
Copy the script to the following folder:
or, if the rom does not have root folder support

pkchips said:
(whenever I wrote a script in notepad and transferred it to my phone it didn't work, I had to write the script from scratch in that SL4A program. This is one factor which made experimentation much more difficult)
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Notepad sucks (the worst part of Windows 7) - it ends each line with Carriage Return and Line Feed (ASCII 13 + 10). Linux shells are usually thrown off by this, as they expect only line feed (ASCII 10).
I recommend you use Notepad++ always (you'll find it standalone, or in both PortableApps and LiberKey). If the status bar at the bottom shows "DOS", you can convert the line endings to UNIX.

2000impreza said:
I've always used notepad++ to write simple scripts. Never used regular notepad for scripts before.
I copied and pasted your undervolt script into the file. You should be able to use notepad++ to open and edit the voltages.
Copy the script to the following folder:
or, if the rom does not have root folder support
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no root folder on sdcard and trying to paste this file into init.d folder doesn't work, never shows up after tryng to move the file (doesn't move from sdcard where am trying to transfer it over), any ideas?

technocat said:
no root folder on sdcard and trying to paste this file into init.d folder doesn't work, never shows up after tryng to move the file (doesn't move from sdcard where am trying to transfer it over), any ideas?
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You can use ADB (which is part of the Android Developer Kit.
You need root access and then use ADB PUSH <sourceloc/file> </system/etc/init.d/filename>
This move the file to system memory.


[HACK] Run scripts at boot-time on stock rooted 3.2 without reflashing (nfs modules)

When you want to perform some scripts at boot-time, there is two possibilities :
- modify init.rc, but it requires to reflashing the rootfs image (modification in / does not hold after a reboot),
- using an android app like script manager, which will load your scripts at java/dalvik platform boot-time.
I've managed to find a way based on activating tf-daemon, which is a script called by the asus/ventana initrc, but disabled at boot-time. Basically, we're re-enabling this daemon by setting the property tf.enable to yes, and then creating a script called tf-daemon and put it in /system/bin. Since this script is called by init.ventana.rc as root, you can put whatever you want inside this script.
I don't know what is the original purpose of this daemon, but probably it's used by the asus team for internal and debugging purpose.
Be aware that in the next firmware update, this possibility could disappear.Let's hope the asus team does not read this post. Or at least they could allow power users to call custom scripts at boot-time.
As a case study, you will find as attachment a script for loading nfs modules at boot-time.
PS: damn, can't upload. Here is a temporary link : http://dl.free.fr/hwTZ0YBq2
Untar the archive, then su, and sh install.sh
At reboot, you should have nfs modules loaded.
Good find:
I gave this a try just to load a couple of my own modules that work with the kernel I'm using. Works fine -- Thanks, -
Another method is to make a script and just call it in the init.rc. After a firmware update you only have to add the "exec myscript.sh" line to init.rc. I personally prefer this method because it allows me to control when the script is executed, whereas the tf-daemon method is always executed at the same point(AFAIK). Good research though, always nice to know all the boot calls.
Modifying the init.rc was my first shot, but the problem is that init.rc lies in ramdisk. So when trying to modify, the modification does not hold
after reboot. So a real modification involves to reflash rootfs with nvflash, too much hassle for me. The method I'm providing is for lazy ones. ;-)
nice find, but the link is dead, could you please provide a new link for the script?
also, how do I load nfs module for there is none under /lib/modules, compile the kernel myself?

[Script] VERY simple application backup script for ROM upgrades [not for newbies]

I'm new to the business and I spent some time to learn the environment trying different applications and different approaches for almos every action I took. Today, I have not much bigger knowledge, but I finally decided to take few things in my own hands because existing software is not fulfilling my wishes.
I started with this simple script which eases the pain of reinstalling all applications after ROM upgrade. There are few such tools already, but I found those quite bloated with unnecessary thing for my own approach.
With this script I assume:
1. There is/was SSHDroid installed (or any tool with busybox and you can access shell command line) both in old and new ROMs and your ROM have bash installed in /system/bin/.
2. Backup/restore operation includes only INTERNALLY installed applications, it completely ignores SYSTEM and SDCARD installed ones.
3. This is TEMPORARY backup so it should be as fast as possible not caring about occupied space (!). Althought I added -zip parameter to enable compression if you are running out of space on your sd.
4. Installed ROM is clean with no additional apps installed (excluding those needed by the script)
5. You have basic knowledge about bash scripting, because I take NO RESPONSIBILITY of the script behavior or data loss it can do.
So, basically it is simple. It runs like this:
1. On old ROM type: sbackup -backup
2. Flash your ROM
3. On new rom type: sbackup -restore
Just like that. The applications data is tar'ed in one file per application so if you want to get rid of any, just delete it from backup directory. The directory name is same as script name on sdcard but you can change it adding a parameter without a '-' sign at runtime (first non-option parameter is treated as backup directory path). The file is zipped because this forum disallows files without an extension so... it is zipped ;D
It was tested on my fresh LeeDroid 3.3.3 GB AFTER i installed some apps. I backed them up and then restored. All seems to be perfect right now, but I will test it more thoroghly very soon because I'm planninig to have CM7 based ROM too just to choose that I need Sense or not (two nandroids for fast switch weekly ;P).
With this script and MyBackup functionality of backing up contacts, sms, history and similar it should be quite complete approach to restore all the data needed on the fresh ROM. In the future maybe I will look at the MyBackup part too. Maybe.
Feel free to comment, use, suggest or anything you like, and have fun ;P.
How do I run this script? Do i run it from sdcard or from system /bin? When i do it from system bin it says cannot create directory. When i run it from sdcard/sbackup it says permissions denied?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
jgrimberg1979 said:
How do I run this script? Do i run it from sdcard or from system /bin? When i do it from system bin it says cannot create directory. When i run it from sdcard/sbackup it says permissions denied?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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And thats why I mentioned in topic about not being a newbie (and I meant not forum newbie but more a linux newbie). The thing is, it's a simple script - without any user-proof capabilities, comments inside or something BUT...
But ok, I will try to help you run it. First of all, you have to set permissions to the script. It has to have executable permission to be run by the system (and I mean filesystem permission). This can be done by chmod instruction of busybox. Most of the times it's done like this:
chmod 755 filename
This is a reason of not running form sdcard if your sdcard is NOT ext filesystem (it is usually windows fat filesystem not to generate problems with reading it under windows).
Second thing to run is to have /system/bin/bash because first line of the script (a comment like this: #!/system/bin/bash) instructs busybox to execute script using bash. This can be simply changed by modifying this line, but you have to remember that changing the shell executing script have consequences. Differens shells have sometimes different syntax, althoght i wrote this script simply so it should run on most of them, especially sh.
Third thing is to have write permissions to the directory in which the backup will be created. In original version of the script it is /sdcard, because backup is made in /sdcard/sbackup. So, you have to check it (second error - problems with creating directory).
And a last tip - it can be run from ANYWHERE. Even if your partition does not alolow executing, you can do it like this:
bash-3.2# /sdcard/test
bash: /sdcard/test: /system/bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied
bash-3.2# . /sdcard/test
First try does not succeded, but second did. The trick is a dot which means to execute file with a shell not caring about why or permissions.
And thats most simple introduction I could write. It applies to ANY script you want to run.
Please anyone - if you want me to help, paste your results here because without a precise error message it can be very hard to deduce what caused for example permission denial or anything usual.
For now, I won't add any more error handling, but if there will be more users caring about, I will add it.

Auto mount or symlink at boot

Hello, is it possible to do that ?
Sure, you have a few options.
The best way (hardest):
-requires root and knowledge of the boot.img and ramdisk partitions of Android
-create the symlink or mountpoint by adding the necessary lines the /init.rc file.
Next best way (not hard if you have init.d support):
-requires root
-requires init.d support
-simply write a script to create your symlink/mountpoint, name it appropriately, and place it in the /system/etc/init.d directory.
-with init.d support, this will automatically run the script at boot and set the parameters you've outlined in said script.
The "other" method (avoid this if possible since it relies on loading an app on boot):
-requires root
-download Script Manager from the play store
-write a script to create your mountpoint or symlink
-configure Script Manager to execute the script on boot.
I found /init.rc, also found init.00.rc and init.01.rc, but i guess we are talking about the first one (init.rc)
I wasn't able to edit it with a text editor on my tf101, do i need something i don't have to edit it ? Or notepadd++ will be enough ?
In case i fail completly with this, is tasker able apply the line for me too ?
Thanks you for your time.
Magissia said:
I found /init.rc, also found init.00.rc and init.01.rc, but i guess we are talking about the first one (init.rc)
I wasn't able to edit it with a text editor on my tf101, do i need something i don't have to edit it ? Or notepadd++ will be enough ?
In case i fail completly with this, is tasker able apply the line for me too ?
Thanks you for your time.
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The /init.rc can't be directly modified that way. Everything in the root filesystem "/", as well as the kernel zImage, are loaded at boot from the boot.img image. Therefore, any changes you make will just be reverted when you reboot because it reloads the original from the boot.img image. In order to modify /init.rc, you must pull your boot.img and then extract the files from it. Now you can add the necessary lines to it. After that, you re-combine everything back into the boot.img, and push it back to your device.
If all that sounds unfamiliar to you, you will have some reading to do. Most of this will need to be done on a linux machine too.
What ROM are you running? If you have init.d support, that would be the most straightforward way to accomplish your goals.
I'm running asus' rom .24 on a tf101
I don't know if it support init.d, didn't found this file on my device.
You can also use an app from here, XDA, called directory bind. It all depends what you're looking to do with those symlinks.
Sent from my Sprint Evo View 4G (PG41200) using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
Hello, i plan to move game data to sdcard and symlink it to the old internal place.
Also plan to symlink some folders to the movie folder
Then directory bind app is designed for just your need. All these solutions require rooting your device.
Sent from my HTCEVOV4G using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
I will look at this, thanks.
Directory bind run during boot or after boot ?(little delay before things get re symlinked ?)

[TOOL][WIN]DroidShell - Windows Shell Integration for Android Development[02/02/16]

Greetings, and welcome to the home of a little set of utilities I'm calling "DroidShell".
What it is:
DroidShell is my attempt at bridging the gap between the various android utilities used for ROM modification and the Windows explorer system. It is a series of scripts that are automatically associated with .apk, .jar, and .iso files so that they are automatically decompiled on double-click or enter. Additionally, when a file is decompiled, a corresponding .dcp, dcf, or dci (decompiled package, decompiled framework, decompiled image) file is created, which allows for automatic recompiling, as well as optional cleanup, or resigning.
The goal of this project is pretty simple...to have all the tools needed for ROM work in one place, and have them easily accessible without having to have eighty command windows open or to have to go through a chain of commands to create a usable apk/jarfile.
One-shot setup. Extract the files, run install/installer.bat, and all of the necessary file associations and paths are created.
Batch terminal integration - provides integration for adb, fastboot, apktool, 7zip, zipalign, oat2dex, unpackbootimg, repackbootimg, baksmali and smali in windows command-line interface from path.
Automagic association with common android filetypes for decompilation.
Custom placeholder files - dcp, dcf, and dci - for packages, framework, and image files. Allows for automatic recompiling, and optional signing and cleanup of decompiled files.
Recompiled apks and jars are automatically repacked with modified files while excluding androidmanifest.xml, meaning signatures are unaffected.
For modifications requiring androidmanifest be changed, you can right-click a .dcp file to recompile with signature.
Auto-detection of framework-res file with prompting to install.
Popup dialogue boxes for errors and alerts.
(NEW) Right-click to decompile to java code. This cannot be recompiled, but is great for researching more complex mods. (Can also be invoked by using the command dj filename.apk)
(NEW) Support for sparse image system -> .img conversion.
(NEW) za command for zipaligning apk's.
You need the Java Runtime Environment (RE). Get it here.
Extract to a folder somewhere. Spaces in the path are probably not good. I put it in C:\DroidShell
Browse to the folder. Go into the install folder. Run installer.bat. (Installer needs admin priveleges. It will prompt for them, but in some cases, you may have to automatically run as admin)
You should now have shell integration. APKs, Jars, and .img files will automagically decompile.
It's late, I've been working on this all weekend...but it should be good to go. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.
02.02.16 - v2.0
Update smali, baksmal to v. 2.1.1.
Add shell script for oat2dex (not implemented in context menus, just avaialable for now)
Update APKTool to latest version
Add dx.jar - for converting java classfiles to .dex (just available for now)
Add ext4 and ext2 tools - For manually unpacking images if needed. These are GUI based, not my work.
Add rimg2sdat - For converting .img to sparse (Not implemented yet)
Update sdat2img to latest version by xspirit, added python to installer as required.
Add zipalign function (Not implemented, can be called via "za filename.apk"
Add decompile to pure Java:
This utilizes a few tools to take apk's and jarfiles and decompile them to as close of an android package as we can get without having the actual source code. While we cannot at this time recompile these into apk's, it is very useful for analysis when trying to implement other mods. Like...really helpful. This one can be accessed by right-clicking a decompileable package and picking "decompile to java".
01.31.15 - v1.8
Added windows progress bar for file copies in system.img extraction.
Fixed some script errors.
01.29.15 - v1.7
Cleaned up installer, added more verbosity.
Better error checking in image extractor.
Add support for .list files, allowing double-click extraction of system.transfer.list and cm12-style image files.
Added custom language files for notepad++, allows syntax highlighting of .smali and logcat files.
01.27.15 -v1.6
Added support for system images. Requires installation of included OSFMount.
Added file associations for common plaintext android files to notepad++ if installed.
Converted several .bat files to .exe, allows for icons, inclusion of required files, and UAC prompting when needed.
01.26.15 - v1.5
Fixed fatfinger in APKtool detection causing error.
01.26.15 - v1.4
Added zipaligning
Added check to make sure apktool is present
Updated test-keys to latest AOSP version
Compiled batches to .exe with required files for AIO-packages
Fixed: Installer not always associating with files correctly.
Thanks a million
Version 1.5 uploaded.
Added Zipaligning
Check to make sure apktool.jar is found in %DROIDROOT% directory.
Updated signing keys.
Switch from .bat to .exe, allows modularization of functions, cleaner.
Modifications to installer to try and fix some issues with file associations.
Fixed issue between 1.4 and v 1.5 where I fatfingered a check.
Hell yes!
digitalhigh said:
Greetings, and welcome to the home of a little set of utilities I'm calling "DroidShell".
What it is:...
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So many thanks for this! I'm going to use it like hell!
Excellent Job!
I'm bookmarking this, gona read it thuroughly at breakfas
So I'm curious - has anybody had a chance to give this a try yet?
Testing file association stuff is tricky, because Windows likes to keep track of the "user selected" association too. So, I had to add some extra commands to the installer script to clean up everything appropriately first.
Either way, I've ran it on like three different computers "clean" and had it work like a charm on all of them. I'd like to know how it works with WIndows 7 or XP.
I could be doing something wrong (windows is not my OS of choice, I use kubuntu 14.10 as my daily driver, and as such am mostly illiterate in dos/batch, I'm a sh/bash guy), but the installer bombed out (hung up without confirmation of success) on my windows 7 pro install (on a dell latitude e6400, with a dual core core2 @2.8ghz, quattro 160m graphics, 4gb of ddr2 @800mhz, booting off a 120gb Samsung evo ssd. Wouldn't think its relevant, but just in case).
First I decompressed the .zip in the root of my C:\ drive, with 7zip (did not change file name, kept as "DroidShell_1.5").
Next I ran the installer script.
I then granted it admin privileges.
It killed my desktop, explorer.exe. I assume this is normal due to the terminal output:
SUCCESS: The process "explorer.exe" with PID 3260 has been terminated
Then I got:
file type 'apk_auto_file' not found or no open command associated with it.
Followed by 4 more identical errors, just replace "apk" with dfc, dcp, dci, img.
A bunch of successful operations.
ERROR: Invalid syntax.
Type "REG ADD /?" for usage
A bunch of successful operations.
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
The above output repeats 17 times.
Then 4 more operation success messages and it hangs, with my desktop killed.
Ctrl+alt+del, logout, log in, and I'm back in business. No noticeable increase in disk space, no newly installed programs (as expected).
I read the op, and from my understanding it doesn't require any dependencies? (Apktool, android SDK, android studio, etc). All the necessary dependencies are built in, right? It's a fresh install of windows 7 pro, with all available updates taken.
It worked perfectly regardless of the errors, see my post on page 2.
thisguysayswht said:
I could be doing something wrong (windows is not my OS of choice, I use kubuntu 14.10 as my daily driver, and as such am mostly illiterate in dos/batch, I'm a sh/bash guy), but the installer bombed out on my windows 7 pro install (on a dell latitude e6400, with a dual core core2 @2.8ghz, quattro 160m graphics, 4gb of ddr2 @800mhz, booting off a 120gb Samsung evo ssd. Wouldn't think its relevant, but just in case).
First I decompressed the .zip in the root of my C:\ drive, with 7zip (did not change file name, kept as "DroidShell_1.5").
Next I ran the installer script.
I then granted it admin privileges.
It killed my desktop, explorer.exe. I assume this is normal due to the terminal output:
SUCCESS: The process "explorer.exe" with PID 3260 has been terminated
Then I got:
file type 'apk_auto_file' not found or no open command associated with it.
Followed by 4 more identical errors, just replace "apk" with dfc, dcp, dci, img.
A bunch of successful operations.
ERROR: Invalid syntax.
Type "REG ADD /?" for usage
A bunch of successful operations.
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
The above output repeats 17 times.
Then 4 more operation success messages and it hangs, with my desktop killed.
Ctrl+alt+del, logout, log in, and I'm back in business. No noticeable increase in disk space, no newly installed programs (as expected).
I read the op, and from my understanding it doesn't require any dependencies? (Apktool, android SDK, android studio, etc). All the necessary dependencies are built in, right? It's a fresh install of windows 7 pro, with all available updates taken.
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Bombed out is a rough term. The installer is just writing a bunch of registry keys, and deleting some other ones to make sure other associations don't mess it up. So, some registry operations don't always work - there just there to be sure. I've actually worked on cleaning that up in the next iteration I'm cooking.
And yes, there shouldn't be any more size increase past extracting the original zip. All the files used are enclosed. "Installer" is just telling Windows that "droid shell is at location %CD%" and "use app xxx in %CD% to open file XX". A few extras for the right-click context menus and icons...so forth.
So, to know if it is working is really just a matter of finding an apk or .jar and double-clicking it. You should get a terminal window showing the process and a box confirming success or failure, plus a reason why if failure.
The only dependency is the Java Runtime environment, which is the same common necessity as for any other Apktool environment. You can get it here, and I'll throw that link in the OP in a second.
The next iteration of the installer is going to be a lot cleaner, plus be more verbose so you actually know what it's doing. My first thought in putting it out was just to see how well the decompile/recompile stuff worked.
Bombed out is a rough term. The installer is just writing a bunch of registry keys, and deleting some other ones to make sure other associations don't mess it up. So, some registry operations don't always work - there just there to be sure. I've actually worked on cleaning that up in the next iteration I'm cooking.
And yes, there shouldn't be any more size increase past extracting the original zip. All the files used are enclosed. "Installer" is just telling Windows that "droid shell is at location %CD%" and "use app xxx in %CD% to open file XX". A few extras for the right-click context menus and icons...so forth.
So, to know if it is working is really just a matter of finding an apk or .jar and double-clicking it. You should get a terminal window showing the process and a box confirming success or failure, plus a reason why if failure.
The only dependency is the Java Runtime environment, which is the same common necessity as for any other Apktool environment. You can get it here, and I'll throw that link in the OP in a second.
The next iteration of the installer is going to be a lot cleaner, plus be more verbose so you actually know what it's doing. My first thought in putting it out was just to see how well the decompile/recompile stuff worked.
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I didn't mean to offend with the term "bombed out", it may have been a bit of a rough term. I just meant the script terminated my desktop and hung up.
It actually succeed regardless of the errors, and is working like a charm. I apologize, I should have actually tested it before posting. I shouldn't have assumed that it didn't work based off of the terminal output/behavior.
Also, I would like to say that I greatly appreciate the work that you put into this, and all your other projects here on xda. I'm running your 4.4.4 gpe port for the verizon m8 as my primary rom, and it is by far the most stable port I have ever had the pleasure of flashing.
Attached are screenshots of DroidShell successfully decompiling and recompiling an apk with a simple right click selection on windows 7 pro. Good stuff.
Thanks! tons
Thanks for the work. very useful.
The compiling and decompiling of apk is perfect on Win 7 pro.
From the OP, i also got the impression it would unpack / pack images, so i tried it with a system.img copied to the droidshell directory.
With the command c:\droidshell\unpackimg system.img, I got the error as shown in screenshot
Am I doing something wrong, or is this not supported yet?
arbit12 said:
Thanks for the work. very useful.
The compiling and decompiling of apk is perfect on Win 7 pro.
From the OP, i also got the impression it would unpack / pack images, so i tried it with a system.img copied to the droidshell directory.
With the command c:\droidshell\unpackimg system.img, I got the error as shown in screenshot
Am I doing something wrong, or is this not supported yet?
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It only works for boot images at the moment. System images are a different beast.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
digitalhigh said:
It only works for boot images at the moment. System images are a different beast.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
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Okay. Thanks for the info.
thisguysayswht said:
I didn't mean to offend with the term "bombed out", it may have been a bit of a rough term. I just meant the script terminated my desktop and hung up.
It actually succeed regardless of the errors, and is working like a charm. I apologize, I should have actually tested it before posting. I shouldn't have assumed that it didn't work based off of the terminal output/behavior.
Also, I would like to say that I greatly appreciate the work that you put into this, and all your other projects here on xda. I'm running your 4.4.4 gpe port for the verizon m8 as my primary rom, and it is by far the most stable port I have ever had the pleasure of flashing.
Attached are screenshots of DroidShell successfully decompiling and recompiling an apk with a simple right click selection on windows 7 pro. Good stuff.
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Oh, no offense taken.
I came at this project, as I do with most, with the mindset of "OOOH, SHINY THING. I MUST SHOW EVERYONE." So, first thought was putting out the app, despite some of the install stuff being a bit dirty.
However, the next iteration is shaping up to be quite lovely. See below.
arbit12 said:
Okay. Thanks for the info.
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So, it appears that this question has motivated me to try making that function a reality sooner than later.
However, as far as I can see, the *ONLY* application for windows that currently deals with system images right now is Ext2Explore, which is a bit old and doesn't have command-line support.
Fortunately, there's source code for it, so I'm currently downloading Visual Studio and will see if I can add command line functionality, as well as make it launch with UAC prompting.
If I can make this work, my plan is to make one handler for .img files that works like so:
1. Look at the file passed to it and see if it's a boot image. If it is, extract and exit.
2. If it's not a boot image, try to extract it as a system image. If it is, extract and exit.
3. If it's not a boot or system image - pass it to explorer and mount as usual.
I can do # 1 and #3 already...it's just getting #2 to go.
Also, I've added a check in the installer that looks for the installation of notepad++. If it finds it, it will create additional associations for .xml, .prop, conf, config, .smali, and whatever else I can think of that I could possibly need to edit in a ROM.
Then, lastly, with all these additions, I'd like to make the installer a bit more verbose. Give some options so it's not just an all or nothing install, make it prettier, etc.
digitalhigh said:
Oh, no offense taken.
I came at this project, as I do with most, with the mindset of "OOOH, SHINY THING. I MUST SHOW EVERYONE." So, first thought was putting out the app, despite some of the install stuff being a bit dirty.
However, the next iteration is shaping up to be quite lovely. See below.
So, it appears that this question has motivated me to try making that function a reality sooner than later.
However, as far as I can see, the *ONLY* application for windows that currently deals with system images right now is Ext2Explore, which is a bit old and doesn't have command-line support.
Fortunately, there's source code for it, so I'm currently downloading Visual Studio and will see if I can add command line functionality, as well as make it launch with UAC prompting.
If I can make this work, my plan is to make one handler for .img files that works like so:
1. Look at the file passed to it and see if it's a boot image. If it is, extract and exit.
2. If it's not a boot image, try to extract it as a system image. If it is, extract and exit.
3. If it's not a boot or system image - pass it to explorer and mount as usual.
I can do # 1 and #3 already...it's just getting #2 to go.
Also, I've added a check in the installer that looks for the installation of notepad++. If it finds it, it will create additional associations for .xml, .prop, conf, config, .smali, and whatever else I can think of that I could possibly need to edit in a ROM.
Then, lastly, with all these additions, I'd like to make the installer a bit more verbose. Give some options so it's not just an all or nothing install, make it prettier, etc.
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Captain_Throwback said:
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Don't get too excited. I've never touched C++ before, and ext2Explore was done in VisualStudio.net and a WYSIWYG editor called QT. I found updated source for the program from 2012 and have gotten it to import into QT, however, it needs MingW and some other dependencies. I'll be lucky if I can even get it to compile again, let alone work, let alone work with added command-line stuff.
However, that's still the goal.
Also, I want to add wget (windows equivalent) stuff to auto grab and install java and notepad++ while we're at it.
So, I think Ext2Explore is more work than it's worth.
OSFMount, on the other hand, just let me mount a system.img as a removable disk with read-write access. I'm going to go down this road...
Good to hear that. Extracting system.img on windows can be a real pain at times - this would be great.

[MOD]GNU Nano 2.4.3

Hello there. I hated not having nano available in most of the sense roms, so I finally figured out how to get it running. I have attached the zip file containing everything you need.
Step 1 - Copy all of the files in the zip file to their respective directories. The only thing you might have to change is the su.d script in /su. If you do not have /su/su.d, place the script in /etc/init.d. If you do not have either of these directories, you will have to manually run the script on every boot. (or find a different way to automatically export the 2 environment variables)
Step 2 - Reboot! (unless you manually ran the script)
Step 3 - Run nano by first becoming root in the shell. Then type "nano". Good luck!
Cyanogenmod/Developers - https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_external_nano
And what is "Nano"?
ordeniz said:
And what is "Nano"?
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Nano, shell text editor https://www.nano-editor.org/
Interesting.... Never really had the need for nano on android but I'll be looking at this/installing. :good:
~clumsy~ said:
Interesting.... Never really had the need for nano on android but I'll be looking at this/installing. :good:
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Thanks brother! I usually use it thru adb shell if needing to edit a quick file or something. Without having to pull/push the files back and fourth.
EDIT - It looks like you are a recognized developer here on XDA. Maybe you could help me out with this. I cant figure out how to run nano without being "su" first. Do you have any ideas?

